Friday, 30 January 2015

[370] Seven French multi effects (Bahukārā dhammā):

Here are the seven Saints member (Ariyadhana), property conferred or the property of the Holy steps:
1. your Credit (Saddhādhana), faith is the property conferred, please credit net where three jewels.
2. About your (Sīladhana), an almond is property conferred, the evil of the user password.
3. very good Member (Hiridhana), your very good property is conferred, dishonor with respect to article c real friendly France.
4. you member (Ottappadhana), you are property conferred, horror for evil real friendly France.
5. van Tai (Sutadhana), the most popular property is conferred, namely a broad school listened Dharma.
6. your Lab (Cāgadhana), the discharge of the contender is property conferred, i.e. the end to give popcorn xẻn, fancy alms with hands wide open.
7. financial Rights (Paññādhana), intellectual property is conferred, knowledgeable understand benefits, understanding cause and effect, understand the evil thing, understand the nature of your identity, finances comments.
Seven French property is conferred, the enemy wins over material possessions because not being plundered, which disintegrates; on the other hand this financing Saints make the mind peaceful and also create the material possessions. The seven Saints member was known as the rich.


[371] Seven France should practice (Bhāvetabba-dhammā):

Here are seven more sense, more part of the Enlightenment (Bojjhaṅga, sambojjhaṅga):
1. anniversary of sensory information (Satisambojjhaṅga), noted the sharp sensitivity in headings are in practice.
2. French Scouts sensory information (Dhammavicayasamboj-jhaṅga), position the jurors watching a good, deep awareness, Willow tri authentically French properties are impermanent, suffering, etc.
3. Need sensory information (Vicayasambojjhaṅga), the effort, the commitment, effort and strong the mighty don't slump back enhancing mindfulness in the sense of section titles.
4. sensory Hy chi (Pītisambojjhaṅga), the excitement, the hazelnut Lok, heart rejoice when in the heading.
5. Visual Net information (Passaddhisambojjhaṅga), peace of mind-body weight, calm mind, i.e. without inner disturbance pressing.
6. To sensory information (Samādhisambojjhaṅga), focus on the subject, the mind firmly stay on headings, not disarray, not agitated.
7. discharge of sensory information (Upekkhāsambojjhaṅga), the tolerance of the mind, an impassive nature status for the current state of birth of compounded vi, not restless anxiety.


[372] Seven France needs to make voters (Pariññeyyā dhammā):

This is the seventh mode of stay (Viññāṇaṭhiti):
1. species-bodied hetero fantasy beings (Sattā nānattakāyanānattasaññino), as humanity and some of the celestial world sex lettered. The beings of different general body and mind this property section is also different.
2. is there a species of beings relative Bobby hetero (Sattā nānattakāy ' ekattasaññino), like us t.i beginner meditation. The Brahma realm has different general body but also a center of the property.
3. have the same body horror or fantasy beings species (Sattā ekattakāyanānattasaññino), optical celestial beings like Sonic realms of the second meditation. The Brahma realm has the same general body but mind different joint ownership.
4. have the species being environmentally and Bobby (Sattā ekattakāyekattasaññino), such as celestial beings NET variable. The Brahma realm has the same general body and mind the possession of the same.
5. is there a species of love birth stay not boundless origin (Sattā ākāsānañcāyatanūpagā), i.e., Brahma the infinite boundless good origin.
6. is there a species of love birth stay boundless knowledge of (Sattā viññāṇañcāyatanūpagā), i.e., Brahma the infinite boundless knowledge of identity.
7. is there a species of love beings stay invisible property of (Sattā ākiñcaññāyatanūpagā), i.e. infinite realms invisible Brahma sharp made possession.


[373] Seven France need the exception (Pahātabbā-dhammā):

Here are seven potential French-Cambodian (Anusaya), France negativity dormant:
1. Take out the subconscious mind hypnosis (Kāmarāgānusaya), your craving sex scene, is negativity dormant, when appropriate, the scene develops due to potential already craving from the past. Need to understand that for France lead other hypnosis.
2. outrage leads hypnosis (Paṭighānusaya), your anger, negativity is dormant and. ..
3. Deviant opinions doubling potential (Diṭṭhānusaya), opinion accept the mistakes, is negativity dormant and. ..
4. potential skepticism hypnosis (Vicikicchānusaya), mind puzzled doubt, as troubles dormant and. ..
5. His romantic lead hypnosis (Mānānusaya), your arrogant self, as troubles dormant and. ..
6. Take ownership and lead hypnosis (Bhavarāgānusaya), Centre for AI accept the contentious friendship troubles, is dormant and. ..
7. ignorance stewed hypnosis (Avijjānusaya), as stupid, as troubles dormant and. ..


[374] radičová lower section Seven lists (Hāna-dhammā bhāgiyā).

Here are seven French non-magical (Asaddhamma):

1. no trust (hoti Asaddho)
2. do not have a very good (hoti Ahiriko)
3. without you (Anottappī hoti)
4. Less studied (hoti Appassuto)
5. lazy (Kusīto hoti)
6. Furniture anniversary (hoti Muṭṭhassati)7. Missing place (hoti Duppañño).


[375] Seven France in the enemy WINS (dhammā Visesabhāgiyā):

1. Have faith (hoti Saddho)
2. have a very good (hoti Hirimā)
3. Have you (Ottappī hoti)
4. listen to many school wide (hoti Bahussuto)
5. diligence (hoti Āraddhaviriyo)
6. Recite firmly stay (hoti Upaṭṭhitasati)
7. are intellectual (hoti Paññavā).


[376] Seven France could hardly type (Duppaṭi-vijjhā dhammā):

Here are the seven sages, or the French France human foot steps (Sappurisadhamma):
1. Tri France (Dhammaññutā), is to know people, knows the cause engenders events; Here, voters in France also means Buddha's teachings through spoken is composed of nine parts as economic contract law, civil procedure code of ...
2. Tri meaning (Atthaññutā), is the result of better human beings events; Here, voters sense also means understanding of French, understand the meaning of Buddha's inmost ng n.
3. Zhiji (Attaññutā), learn about themselves, that is to know his strengths, such as the ill-fated facility.
4. Tri levels (Mattaññutā), said the amount of the user's life, when to eat, when to wear Xue known extent.
5. the Tri forecast (Kālaññutā), known to innervate the appropriate time, said working for trendy in time; at any time should work would, from time to time should speak words of ...
6. Tri annual (Parisaññutā), knows her place assemblies, know to behave rationally, knowing this is the Congregation's rights or interest of the knowledge or the assemblies are assemblies of civilians, during the assemblies, we should sit, should say, how should be silent.
7. Tri Belgium (Puggalaparoparaññutā), knows the personalities of each degree exposure, people he knows he tends so how ... need to respond like this how to ...
For its achievement in French seven-stilts Bhikkhu Sage are called Bhikkhu-stilts to eyeglasses, stylishly, value for donation.


[377] Seven France need being kicked (Uppādetabbā dhammā):

Here are seven French thought (Saññā):

1. the idea of impermanence (Aniccasaññā), is considering temporary properties, transformation of identity, birth and then kill.
2. the idea of anatta (Anattasaññā), is an empty status consideration not of good because is made by charm, there is the simple subject.
3. the idea of impure (Asubhasaññā), which is the consideration by this body doesn't like about the weapon could envisage 32 in the fuselage.
4. the idea of the threat (Ādīnavasaññā), is the speculation of the dangers of close identification with suffering due to brain disease, or considers the dangers of death.
5. Thought the minus (Pahānasaññā), the níp-desk status envisage the complete except negativity.
6. the idea of immaculate (Virāgasaññā), the níp State envisage-immaculate tables for negativity.
7. the Idea of killing (Nirodhasaññā), the níp-desk status envisage the complete removal of birth, the cessation of all suffering.


[378] Seven France need to win tri (Abhiññeyyā dhammā):

This is typical German seven (Niddasavatthu), i.e. the characteristics that a Bhikkhu-stilts achievement called "the Bhikkhu-typical stilts" (Niddasabhikkhu). In this method, call the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts typify the achievements of seven virtues in this manner comes as of lower Canada.
1. desire and passionate French maintenance operations (Sikkhāsamādāne tibbacchando avigatapemo), i.e., the threefold world maintenance practices, wisdom.
2. aspiration and passionate appeals for French test (Dhammanisantiyā tibbacchando avigatapemo), i.e. a smart watch, the watch lists and identity.
3. aspiration and fervently subduing education bridge (Icchāvinaye tibbacchando avigatapemo), is the subduing of charity take- taṇhā.

4. aspiration and fervently meditation pure land (Paṭisallāne tibbacchando avigatapemo), is the independent living residences- ekī-bhāva.
5. desire and passionate life dedicated to (Viriyārambhe tibbacchando avigatapemo), is the effort both body and mind- kāyika cetasikaviriya.
6. the desire and really be careful ballooning (Satinepak-ke tibbacchando avigatapemo), i.e. the memory ballooning lucid- sati ca nepakkabhāva ca.
7. aspiration and keen to enter tri Kien (Diṭṭhipaṭivedhe tibbacchando avigatapemo), i.e. opinion leader, tri comments in his direction- maggadassana.


[379] Seven France take evidence (dhammā Sacchikātabbā):

Here are seven power levels for illicit ends (Khīnāsavabala), the spiritual strength of A-la-Han; the A-la-han have such strong, brave inner calf champion by seven achievements thanks to this power; the Bhikkhu-pirated stilts make sure the ends of the contraband, and also thanks to this power.
1. Chu is the thing clearly as the legs by the Chief Justice position, that is impermanent (sabbe Aniccato saṅ sudiṭṭhā sammappaññāya yathābhūtaṃ khārā honti-).

2. The exercise is then seen as the legs by the Chief Justice position, that is dangerous for the coal-like breaking dawn etc. (Aṅgārakāsūpamādayo kāmā yathābhūtaṃ sammap sandiṭṭhā paññāya honti-).

3. the mind of her direction the far glass, favoring the far glass, sexual orientation under the far glass, stay in the far glass, made piece cups, wedding parties, take advantage of the fully legal by the counts of pratītyasamutpāda (Vivekaninnaṃ cittaṃ nekkhammābhirantaṃ vivekaṭṭhaṃ bhāraṃ vivekapab vivekapoṇaṃ hoti-vyanti-bhūtaṃ sabbaso āsavaṭṭhāniyehi dhammehi).
4. Four anniversary of her position was cited by practice development (Cattāro satipaṭṭhānā bhāvitā subhāvitā honti).
5. In the right location has been cited by his practice grow (Pañcindriyāni bhāvitāni subhāvitāni honti).

6. Seven sensations chi was the practice skills he developed (Satta bojjhaṅgā bhāvitā subhāvitā honti).
7. Holy leader eight chi was the practice skills he developed (Ariyo atthaṅgiko maggo bhāvito hoti subhāvito).


[380] the seven spiritual strength (Bala):

1. Credit resources (Saddhābala), the power of belief.
2. tons of resources (Viriyabala), the power of the effort.
3. very good resources (Hiribala), the power of conscience guilt.
4. you power (Ottappabala), the power of the mind in frightful sin.
5. anniversary of the force (Satibala), the power of mindfulness, noted sharp sensitivity.
6. Output Power (Samādhibala), power of concentration, mind firmly stay on the item.
7. intellectual property resources (Paññābala), the power of the mind, the provincial surveys, understanding.


[381] the seven French thought (Saññā):

1. the idea of impure (Asubhasaññā), musings about the weapon's body.
2. the idea of death (Maraṇasaññā), musings about nature and fragility of life.
3. T ởng nhờm deal real animals (Āhārare paṭikkulasaññā), musings about the filthy animals that people make out.
4. the Idea of real life realms Hy (Sabbaloke anabhiratasaññā), musings about the tedious monotony of everyday life.
5. the idea of impermanence (Aniccasaññā), musings about the prospects of good birth, and then kill, it doesn't.
6. the idea of suffering often (Anicce dukkhasaññā), speculation about the State of uncomfortable pressing the phenomenon of impermanence.
7. the idea of egolessness in agony (Dukkhe anattasaññā), speculation of the impotence of the agony, unable to be.
Seven French idea if practice mature fullness will reach great benefit, evidence recognised níp-table.


[382] the seven disciplines section except for contraband or (Āsavakkhayadhamma):

1. The exception attributed to voter opinion (Dassanā pahātabbā), i.e. to know French volitional and non volitional need legal effects, do not take Italy, so that the smuggled or not being not being initiated, the illegally or was being deducted destruction.
2. Section except for the due currency end (Saṃvarā pahātabbā), i.e. over six dues base as the eye, the ear so that the smuggled or not.
3. Paragraph except by using life (Paṭisevanā pahātabbā), i.e. when using the quarter-life chon TAM Chief sensory observation, judgement visualizations so that the pirated or not start up or no longer available.
4. The exception attributed mosaic ring (Adhivāsanā pahā tabbā), i.e. to know the enduring patience with adversity, so that the pirated or not start up or no longer available.
5. Paragraph except by Dodge (Parivajjanā pahātabbā), i.e. to know the cautious, avoiding the threat of possible birth experiences as you bad, animals, possible future inappropriate around ... thanks to the pirated or not start up or no longer available.
6. Paragraph except by eliminating (Vinodanā pahātabbā), i.e. to know abandoned, from abstaining, did not accept the birth anniversary of ties began as education games, golf games and bad games, so that the pirated or not start up or no longer available.
7. The minus due to cultivation (Bhāvanā pahātabbā), i.e. diplomatic practice seven sensory information: anniversary, French teachers needed, net, Hy, and discharge, based on the far glass of immaculate, the kills, released. Thanks to practice so the pirated or not or no longer available.


[383] Seven French sensory party group, the Bodhi (Bodhipakkhiyadhamma), enlightened support disciplines:

1. Satipatthana (Satipaṭṭhāna), see [165]
2. the four Chief needs (Sammappadhāna), see [219]
3. Quartet as a student (Iddhipāda), see [217]
4. the five rights (Indriya), see [487]
5. the five powers (Bala), see [276]
6. Lost sensory information (Bojjhaṅga), see [371]
7. bowl of chi DAO (Ariyamagga), see [400]


[384] the seven French purity (Visuddhi), seven French NET giving to the rescue:

1. About pure land (Sīlavisuddhi), purity on gender, the maintenance Act, know the fear in the little bugs, make about not being the stigma of working laboriously Bhikkhu stain. About this is just for the four gender purity (Parisuddhisīla).
2. Kat (Cittavisuddhi), purity of mind, i.e. the upper mind in meditation testifying; Kat belong to Dai's eight original meditation ranks, including accessibility plan (Upacārasamādhi), when conducting meditation only (Samatha).
3. NET Ant (Diṭṭhivisuddhi), purity of voter opinion, this was the first number-16 in wisdom insight "Wisdom to distinguish your identity". This excludes NET Ant fall craft fair.
4. The net facilities (Kaṅkhāvitaraṇavisuddhi), purity by wisdom the except or, this is the number-two coastal insurance Wisdom of Solomon: "excellent" and "anonymous Ip voter outreach General".
5. Relief runway tri Tinh Kien (Maggāmaggañā-ṇadassanavisuddhi), purity tri opinion at the stage-one wisdom, from "birth Wisdom removal" to "intellectual property practice to discharge". During this period possibly because one should still be emphasized being customizable start negativity myths and exposing leaders freed, difficult to determine the real damage, so called relief runway tri comments.
6. Take Highway tri NET Ant (Paṭipadāñāṇadassa-navisuddhi), purity in the intelligence phase Quan tri has mellowed, as well as from "intellectual property being destroyed" onwards, but add two more wisdom is "positive things" and "Wisdom of Solomon" for national transfers. At this stage clearly identify about revealing the rescue.
7. Tri-NET initiative (Ñāṇadassanavisuddhi), purity tri opinion due to his position, i.e. enlightened wisdom, Wisdom of Solomon, "" leaders "result" of this period is the purity of the Holy steps because his mind arises, and this is the culmination of purity, the culmination of the tam school (about-to-wisdom).
Seven of purity is the France forward practiced Tuesday class to reach níp-tables, as well as seven stations to relay for the passenger sequentially to the goal.
See also sixteen poolside wisdom [484], and nine-one wisdom [438].


[385] the seven human-growth reputation (Yasābhivaḍḍhana):

1. the effort (Uṭṭhānavā), diligent.
2. Memory ballooning (Satimā), which focus in mind.
3. Translational enterprises (Sucikammo), Italian imports were clean, no mistake.
4. be careful travel (Nisammakārī), working with caution.
5. Article complex (Saññato), knows himself carving prepared ourselves.
6. live in France (Dhammajīvī), raising the network honest.
7. Not so sweet beards (Appamatto), don't let go of the lung lecherous.

[386] Seven France real rotten of the Sangha (Aparihāniyadhamma), seven in France led to increasing them flourishing, not weakening:

1. The Bhikkhu-stilts regularly convened numerous meetings, (Abhiṇhaṃ sannipatā sannipātabahutā bha-vissanti).
2. The Bhikkhu-stilts unite together, to unite dispersed, increasing the administrative Unity (Samaggā sannipatis-santi samaggā vuṭṭhahissanti samaggā saṅghaka karissanti raṇīyāni-).
3. The Bhikkhu-stilts doesn't plan to put no rules defined, do not cancel the applicable laws were intended to live, according to the gender of students prepared to (Appaññattaṃ na paññāpessanti paññattaṃ na samādāya sikkhāpadesu paññattesu yathā mucchindissanti sa-vattissanti).
4. The Bhikkhu-stilts know revered, respected, wealthy girl, holiday donation the Presbyterian ancestors, tu seniority, as my master of Sangha (Ye te bhikkhū therā rattaññū cirapabbajitā saṅghapitaro saṅghapa rināyakā pūjessanti māressanti garukarissanti sakkarissanti-te).
5. The Bhikkhu-stilts not dominated by craving, craving to do human beings continued ownership (Uppannāya taṇhāya ponobhāvikāya na vasaṃ gacchanti).
6. The Bhikkhu-stilts like love in the stay of her Outback Chair (Āraññakesu senāsanesu sāpekkhā bhavis-santi).
7. The Bhikkhu-stilts in themselves an stay mindfulness, which made the situation less than happy accomplices wanted to, there was live peacefully (yeva Paccattaṃ satiṃ upaṭṭhāpas-santi sabrahmacarī pesalā anāgatā ti ' kin āgac āgatā cheyyuṃ ca-ca phāsuṃ vihareyyuṃ).


[387] Seven other rot any French Sangha (Apare aparihāniyadhamma):

1. The Bhikkhu-stilts didn't like how the (Na kammārāma bhavissanti).
2. The Bhikkhu-stilts don't like anecdotes (Na bhassārāmā bhavissanti).
3. The Bhikkhu-stilts don't like sleeping (Na niddārāmā bhavissanti)4. The Bhikkhu-stilts doesn't like to congregate (Na saṅgaṇikārāmā bhavissanti).5. The Bhikkhu-stilts no evil desires (Na pāpicchatā bhavissanti).6. The Bhikkhu-stilts not bad friend (Na pāpamittā bhavissanti).7. The Bhikkhu-stilts don't stop halfway between low fruition with the result the enemy WINS (Na oramattakena visesādhigamena antarā vosānaṃ āpajjissanti)


[388] Seven France no other rot of Sangha (Apare aparihāniyadhamma):

1. The Bhikkhu-stilts have faith (Saddhā bhavissanti).
2. The Bhikkhu-stilts have very good (Hirimanā bhavissanti).
3. The Bhikkhu-stilts have crush on you (Ottāpī bhavissanti).
4. The Bhikkhu-stilts have heard many (Bahussutā bha-vissanti).
5. The Bhikkhu-stilts have specialized needs (Āraddhaviriyā bhavissanti).
6. The Bhikkhu-stilts that stay memory (Upaṭṭhitasatī bhavissanti).
7. The Bhikkhu-stilts are intellectual (bhavis Paññāvanto-santi).

The Buddha also taught the real French other rot as they Bhikkhu-stilts practice seven sensory information (Sambojjhaṅga) [381]; they practice French-stilts Bhikkhu seven ideas (Saññā) [387]; they practice on stilts-Bhikkhu six unlawful anniversary (Sāranīyadhamma) [342].
[389] Seven things to the glass of the Bhikkhu-stilts (Bhikkhumanāpadhamma):

1. The Bhikkhu-stilts doesn't want to profit (Bhikkhu na hoti lābhakāmo).
2. The Bhikkhu-stilts doesn't want to be revered (Bhikkhu na hoti sakkārakāmo).
3. The Bhikkhu-stilts don't want are Su n (Bhikkhu na hoti anavaññattikāmo).
4. The Bhikkhu-stilts have very good, know disgrace (Bhikkhu hirīmā hoti).
5. The Bhikkhu-stilts have crush on you, fear mistakes (Bhikkhu ottappī hoti).
6. The Bhikkhu-stilts minimum exercise, low libido (Bhikkhu appiccho hoti).
7. The Bhikkhu-stilts have the Chief Justice opinion, knowing the true (Bhikkhu sammādiṭṭhi hoti).
If a Bhikkhu-stilts have seven France against these things then the Bhikkhu-stilts not respectable of you co-conspirators almond.
One other piece, Buddha's theory of seven glass possible thing Bhikkhu-stilts have slightly different in the two following articles are:
6. The Bhikkhu-stilts not jealousy (Bhikkhu anissukī hoti).
7. The Bhikkhu-stilts not popcorn xẻn (Bhikkhu amaccharī hoti).

[390] Seven French people who approach the (Upāsaka-dhamma), seven good virtues of renunciation disciple in Buddhism. Also known as "the student voice of the person approach the (Upāsakasampadā)"; also known as "France's rot any approach the (Upāsakāparihānadhamma)".

1. do not forget to visit the Bhikkhu-stilts (Bhikkhudassanaṃ na hāpeti).
2. Not so the beards hearing Chief Justice France (Saddhammassavanaṃ nappamajjati).
3. practice increase the upper world (Adhisīle sikkhati)
4. rich in faith to the Bhikkhu-stilts elders, Bhikkhu-stilts on stilts-high front landing type (Bhikkhu,Pasādabahulo hoti bhikkhūsu theresu navesu majjhinesu ca ceva ca)
5. listen to France not to heart problems, did not find faults (Anupārambhacitto dhammaṃ suṇāti na randhagavesī).
6. do not attempt a donation in addition to raise them (Na ito bahiddhā dakkhiṇeyyaṃ gavesati).
7. priority to increase them (idha ca karoti pubbakāraṃ), is alms donation the Bhikkhu-stilts, following new alms Gentile if available (ĀS. attanipāta).


[391] Seven France friendly owners, good friend seven virtues (Kalyānamittadhamma):

1. the lovely Leanne (Piyo)2. The venerable Tanh (Garu)3. Value for collaborations (Bhāvanīyo)4. Is the person or advice (Vattā)5. The words ring mosaic (Vacanakkhamo).
6. the profound Word (Gambhīrañca kathaṃ kattā).7. Not instigated unjustified thing (No ca aṭṭhāne niyojane)


[392] Seven other French friendly (Apare kalyanamittadhamma):

1. For hard material for (Duddadaṃ dadāti).
2. work hard to do (karoti Dukkaraṃ).
3. the hard Ring Ring (khamati Dukkhamaṃ).
4. what her airtight opine (Guyhamassa āvikaroti).
5. cover your sealed (Guyhamassa parigūhati).
6. When the tribulation does not give each other (Āpadāsu na jahati).
7. You take advantage of the cheap contempt not unveiling (Khīṇena n ' scared us timaññati).


[393] the seven characteristics of Buddhist law (Dhammavinayanalakkhana):

1. For directional boring (Ekantanibbidā)2. Immaculate (Virāga)3. The kill (Nirodha)4. NET security (Upasama)5. Winning position (Abhiññā)6. Enlightenment (Sambodha)7. Níp-desk (Nibbāna).

Seven characteristics of the law this is something that the Buddha has taught that false religious Upāli listening, to realize it was France and the law, is the teachings of the Masters degree.

[394] Seven proper conditions (Sappāya) for its supposedly advanced meditative seclusion:
1. Stay the appropriate origin (Āvāsasappāya), as there is room in satisfactory, quiet, harmonic climate.
2. Take the appropriate origin (Gocarasappāya), which is the living easy, find the real treasures are not difficult; It is convenient to qifu gangui real, not too far nor too close to villages.
3. the appropriate conversation (Bhassasappāya), is the story of the far glass, minimum exercise, tri University, stories of about-to-wisdom ... or talk needed, just right, do not lose time.
4. the right (Puggalasappāya), which is near the company have the same tendency to monastic practice, qualified to practice, through France, French onions.
5. an appropriate food (Bhojanasappāya), is eating foods easy to digest, to be Tibetan, not cause disease.
6. appropriate weather (Utusappāya), is at the pleasant weather, not too hot, not too cold.
7. Dread the appropriate facilities (Iriyāpathasappāya), which is the physical activity go, standing, lying, sitting in air-conditioned, comfortable, adaptable.


[395] Seven France destroyed paintings, seven France settled the proceedings (Adhikaraṇasamatha) in the Sangha:

1. sound for substance (Sammukhāvinayo dātabbo).
2. sound veto counts for cases is sufficient level mindfulness-the A-la-Han (Sativinayo dātabbo).
3. sound veto counts for me is not a degree A-la-rebellion-Han (Amūḷhvinayo dātabbo).
4. Process according to the confession of the accused (Patiññāya kāretabbaṃ).
5. Process according to the East (Yebhuyyasikā).
6. Process according to the level of criminal litigant (Tassa pāpiyasikā).
7. the mediation Process mutually, fill not prosecuted (Tiṇavatthāraka).

[396] the seven Holy class (Ariyapuggala):

1. Order the part out (Ubhatobh gavimutta), is A-la-prime Han always both parts, the rescue Center (World Association meditation) and liberating wisdom (Super mind that).
2. release the intelligence Ranks (Paññāvimutta), is A-la-Han that only privileged wisdom transcendence that, rather than a privileged World Association meditation.
3. the certificate body Level (Kāyasakkhī), which is the order Saints learn that authorized strong are meditation and the exception was some contraband or.
4. Detailed Level DAC (Diṭṭhipatta), is no latter-day Saints ranks testifying that agreement ended, except meditation are some contraband or, have strong intellectual property rights.
5. degrees of credit solution (Saddhāvimutta), is no latter-day Saints ranks testifying that agreement ended, except meditation are some contraband or, with strong powers.
6. depending on the Administrative Level (Dhammānusārī), is Expected to save with the Intelligence Chief, said that one Key result will be saved when UG opinion DAC (Diṭṭhipatta).
7. discretionary Tier administrative units (Saddhānusārī), is Projected to save leader with the head, as the privileged trust level result will be Projected up Entertainment (Saddhāvimutta).
In the Paramatthamañjusā (thecoming into Office of the Prize Visuddhimagga) for discretionary relief that preliminary tier administrative or discretionary trusts not testifying himself in the world, a Prime credit, award or Ant if DAC A-la-Han, will release the intelligence level is. For discretionary relief profile level administrative or discretionary credit has proved himself in the world, a user certificate, if the DAC A-la-Han, will be the order The release section.


[397] the seven friendship class (Sekkha):

1. degrees of Tu-da-hườn POOJA (Sotāpattimaggapuggala).
2. Order the Tu-da-hườn result (Sotāpattiphalapuggala).
3. Step four-momentum-function led (Sakadāgāmimaggapuggala).
4. Fourth Step-da-ham result (Sakadāgāmiphalapuggala).
5. Order A-na-management function (Anāgāmimaggapuggala).
6. Order A-na-ham result (Anāgāmiphalapuggala).
7. Order A-la-director Han (Arahattamaggapuggala).
Termed his friendship because have to State to fruition later.


[398] the seven wives (classBhariyā):

1. the killer so (Vadhakā bhariyā), Xiang's wife as killers, evil people can kill, treason.
2. Leader of the pirates, so (Corī bhariyā), wife of class as a thief, woman's spendthriftness and decline of her husband's property.
3. the master so (Ayyā bhariyā), Xiang's wife as hostess, is a woman who is indolence, enjoin her husband, repression and sassy with her husband.
4. Sage model specification (Mātā bhariyā), gentle mother wife class, is the woman whose forbearance tolerance, caring husband and care as I pet her.
5. Sage-I only wish (Bhaginī bhariyā), wife of class as a sister, as her man know respect respected husband, according to her husband, ' see my husband as brother to the glass.
6. useful specification than (Sakhī bhariyā), wife of class as buddy, was a woman who behaves with her husband at a level of equality, there is concern and monogamous as pair of close friends.
7. servant harem concubines (Dāsī bhariyā), as his wife, servant class is a woman who feared her husband, ring the humiliation, submissive and serving her husband as her most of the employer.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.31/1/2015.

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