Sunday, 25 January 2015


The elegant eight-interest is a critical investment in the Meditation, the Sutra speaks of the "emptiness" of France. The Buddhist monk had to open the door to wisdom, profound physical reach of Baghdad to go into sports. Therefore we would like to talk a little bit about the meaning: "weak interest only bowls of Buddhism". All Buddhists we all recite the elegant eight-interest article, but the title heart of Baghdad were not enough features that are in your bowl of Buddhism.
In your bowl of Buddhism mean? We see out on the street who says offended a little bit sad, sad then as soon as that we must remember the emptiness. The voice is not real, we're not sad, not us mainland falls, is the elegant heart of Baghdad. On the contrary, we are to negativity arises, only the harping of the sentence; the mind is still run by hope idea is not yet in your bowl of Buddhism. In the elegant heart of Baghdad that is always secret, France is not, should not stick does not suffer.
According to Baghdad grace, not all of it negative. Bo-slaps Self Consistent In projecting when deep about eight-five aggregates are seen not as elegantly. The five aggregates are: good, tho, thought, action, awareness is not. Six ceiling is: good, sound, aroma, taste, tactile, France nor; Six units: the label, the Atrium, the lost, the body, the mind is also not; six methods: brand awareness, United way, etc. also do not. Eighteen men were not, no being, no kill, no net, no structure etc. not all of the four emperors, twelve human fate, not testifying nor privileged. So people learn to Bowl-features breaking clean, don't let the mind dwell wherever s/he to no longer being run.
Because the mind is being is there's removal, there are beings suffering. So the Buddha is the first break the accept, not for people to it, from worldly French until France exporting world.
France world Buddha taught us to leave but France exported the world nor for us cling, because while there is plaque concerned. Tu but also stick just what are the hindrances, whether it be French world. Because France emerged the world's media, is like the wages for medical treatment for people. We're taking off the disease, they must quit smoking, no one is out of the disease without taking drugs all the time, even if the pill is not the disease.
French French world or worldly as well as France, have set up the break. Like the car that transports people going from here to there, such as from here to Dalat, cars are vehicles carrying us to da LAT, but cars are not Dalat. we sat on the car to go to Dalat, Dalat, but then we just sat on the car all the time, you can't go anywhere, no information of Dalat so to Dalat and we must get off the bus, the vehicle was not the purpose, Dalat's purpose. So Buddha said France but then break all to people not sticking to France. Because the human mind is used to capture, should always be subject to follow charm. As we sit there doing nothing but wouldn't idle roast, sitting alone feel lonely and he opened the TV watching or reading press books. Someone on the toilet and bring the newspaper to read, the mind we never let go of that contrast always capture the search room to charm. If people are to live with the free mind rang, comfort, freedom, then there is no better? But people saw such emptiness, loneliness is not so much that should find it charming that cling.
Therefore, the human mind always went hand in hand with the French (who had then there France), to the heart with France, France is subject to the mind for the coast guard. Heart charm as France called Hunter-birth center. Example: As with eye shades, ear with sound, Italy with France the ceiling etc. The grounds are always subject to follow Charm knows, conversely if there is no charm, just as the mind is no longer known. When you meditate, if we think it is very difficult, because we are always subject to fate.
In the solemn Mausoleum, the Buddha teaches: "there are two fundamental things afflictions: firstly the mortal mind is getting only I could from legions of phan Thiet Leanne self do charm. TAM phan charm always grasp objects to charm under, and then get that character's name itself. It's far from mortal roots, because there is no object the object, does not know anything. This is called the mind born removal, were mortal. The second is the basis "Bodhi Nirvana", i.e., "Knowledge of essential raw intelligence" or engenders the charm that is the coast guard ignored it. " Raw is intact, to be discerning, "Formula of essential raw intelligence" is the formula intact, essential tackle does not suffer or anything. That is the basic form intact lucid or engenders the charm but with the coast guard ignored it. That is, it knows this, knows that, knows everything that's being the charm, but when it know which one and then it just remember that thing that forget itself. For so called the coast guard ignored it.
For example, as when it looked at the vase, then just remember that the vase, which forget itself. The place where people have few austerities reached it., reverse or fall into the animal or dropped into the path of birth death. People see which then themselves with it, forgetting it. Now we may go back, everything but didn't miss it then that is the Bowl Buddhism. That's not for us to know everything but don't overlook it. It's called knowing elegant eight-, were returned to Bodhi Nirvana. We see between birth and Nirvana how far apart? One turn only. Instead know all and then assimilating it with all but forgot about it, then that's being Prince reincarnation. All without forgetting itself, always present itself then it is the root Bodhi Nirvana. Only the slightest nudge, not far away at all. But the volume of airflow life do people wouldn't move, it knows something that assimilate it, just remember that only.
True to my solemn Mausoleum, Buddha his rebuke Thee A-nan. Buddha put the arm up, asked: "can you see?". A-nan dear: "See". Theravada Buddhism to the arms down, asked, "see?". Answer: "No". So clearly, when taken up arms, then see arms, knowing that the arms and then assimilate itself with arms always. It remember forgetting arm itself, so as to hand down then say is not found, because it just remember arms. The truth is, please raise your hand up then it sees the hand, to hand down then it sees no hand, itself always present, always lucid. And then heard, too, to hear a voice then you have heard, when no voice is not heard. That is, the thing itself with assimilation, so forget it, that is the main root of birth Prince reincarnation. Now we order the bowl-back features, when hearing it well knows, there is but not forget itself. Hearing the noise, not, you know it, you know, that's all. From time to time it is also known, is also heard, listen to the sounds, no, don't always lose. It was returned to Baghdad grace is the root Bodhi Nirvana.
Bat-interest features except clean the mind, the mind coastal phan cling accept coastline should say what's not, so it doesn't cling to stick to anything. Don't cling not stick anything that returns the root Bodhi Nirvana. But according to the spirit of the Bat-Susan just break the accept, rather than talking about the origin. To the solemn Mausoleum spirit, France United new Buddhist, pointing out that the true origin. So, the initial Buddhism Bowl is full, not to say anything. Many people understood exactly the Baghdad school Baghdad, speaking the elegant elegant easy to fall into non-observance.
But if the study carefully the bowl of Buddhism, will see the spirit of Buddhism is that all negative to accomplishment of all. Opening the mind is not something negative, but the last paragraph, the determination of the three Buddhist schools of life are Three elegant eight-Lady-la-suite-most of which are direct results of infinite upper Bodhi, Bo-slapped as well as tastefully Baghdad y Ba-la-suite-to which the mind can't be afraid, because the mind can't be afraid that reaching a rescue wings Nirvana. As such, the three lettered life of Buddha are the elegant eight-place lady that the Chief Justice, Associate Chief of the buds. Bo-Lady elegant eight-place also slapped that mentality does not stop concerned, far left wing insanity to save Outlook Nirvana. Finally, it is not all negative, the following is determined to come back.
So before being wrecked to beings no longer delights accept, the following new point out the truth. Someone doesn't understand the Bowl Buddhism, said Baghdad also teaches something elegant, then returned to accept no. A initial interest is out there doing demolition, after the observance is not clean, the elegant eight-that's a meager Three-la-suite.
Zen master Duy Credits say: "leadership At school yet seen mountains mountain river is the river. When learning leader, found the mountain isn't the River, after thirty years saw the mountainRiver mountain river ". People without learning what leaders also fact: I'm real real objects, people, etc. but when the elegant eight-school saw something not: no, not French, nor etc. should see the mountain's River. But to it. clarity of mind, clean breaking off no longer accept anything should see back mount mountain river is the River, don't say yes say not at all.
However, this period saw the mountain as mount another River with at school yet Scouts. As we see in the lucid intelligence, clearly see mountains mountain river is the river but did not crush mistakes, so other than with at school yet. So when the mind breaks clean love accept then looking at it also shines, expressed no Mexican mistakes. Like we wear glasses, black glass double if the view is also black, if pink glass doubles look anything pink. When luck turns out glasses for something as they really are that. When the mind clean off all love is accepted in the true light. So says the elegant eight-foot imaginary truths are the undertones, clearly see the true unspoilt for.
So, we learn to Bowl-NHA KY is not seen to know, just not all that rotten lie to return the real foot is where each person. In the Meditation has the story: Matsu is known in The beginning, teaching people new to: "News Center News Buddha," Buddha right where the mind; Mind the news Buddha for us back who himself shed. But after a time, Lienchiang heard anyone imitate said according to News Center News Buddha, right where the mind is the Buddha should not need overhaul. Many people set up again the News Center News Buddha but only in that no action should the obstacles. To break the human's Scotch, then Matsu said: "isn't that the mind isn't Buddha's character". Meanwhile, a new boost to Mr Tuyen Men asked:
-Matsu who isn't saying no to things isn't Buddha, what is?
Mr Tuyen Men responded:
-Mind not Buddha, not location scouts.
The rose ladies:
I don't know how significant?
Mr. Nam Shwetha says:
-If you do not receive the mind is Buddha, as directed. Now if he raises is the mind then to where?
The rose ladies:
-Have absolutely never, anywhere other than frivolous.
Mr. Nam Tuyen said:
-Has not, how animals than nowhere, saying something is quite another.
The rose ladies:
-No probably not always the mind isn't, not Buddha, not wrestling anymore or what?
Mr. Nam Tuyen said:
-He's so if the Buddha mind.
I.e. as soon as you identify the origin of mind, not of things, not the Buddha Buddhist.
So, before the deny all, no room to learn to clean up human mind but when the plaque is no longer possible sticking it's Buddhist. But we are claiming to have something else, so wanted something else again is momentarily, it offers delights of our sins. Bat-breaking features accept, see all the air and see which is elegantly-Bowl.
The spirit is the elegant eight-pass out traces of inscriptions, the word literally, finally ending with a mantra: "Listing-listed Empire-Roman Empire, three dollars to list-Roman Empire, ba-la-increasing list-Roman Empire, Bodhi slapped-BA-ha".
We read carefully see no contradiction there? Before then, said: "Baghdad is prominent Three-la-suite-Max is the great mantra, major notes, is upper level class is uncle, uncle, etc.". Baghdad is already charming mantra, major I
that is the mantra uy linh, the force wisely to grow, and then loads upper level college radio, not nothing. The mantra as so too Super, but why did you?
If the reader according to the word that didn't see that, but it's deep meaning that the Buddha wanted only. Says Baghdad is prominent as the great mantra, major notes, loads upper level college radio-uncle, uncle, is also used by the writer word meaning to explain it to him. To the same end by saying no one spells out, it's a clean take it off the letter meant for people crossing from inscriptions, taken straight learners directly into the bowl of Buddhism.
Who do people always want to know, should always seek to follow Charm to understand. In accordance with the spirit of the elegant eight-time is no longer possible to understand is going into the bowl of Buddhism. Deep meaning but often we read the word meaning and then per over, rather than see that sense. So there's nothing contradictory, but full of meaning. As the Meditation often yelled a loud, banging a stick is all day putting straight into the bowl of Buddhism, called a knife off the ends. The Spry, sharp sensitivity right there was the elegant eight-wing analysis, it is the finished bowl of Buddhism. The elegant eight-interest article is weak, the system of Nikaya Buddhism Bowl. So, we can study carefully the elegant eight-interest article is sufficient as the Buddha is. Should my said three headless Buddha's life are the Portuguese, known as the Buddha of Medicine-Medical Center that also slapped worthless fuck shy reach rescue wings Nirvana. True Buddha School spirit is immediately the mind rather than just learning Word sense.
When the new Buddha relief, He found it far too deep moral evidence, hard to understand, fear of speaking out is not understood, or understood deviations should You not hesitations to the sermon. Then Brahma has three times right there of the new Buddha Siddharta wish inspired for the following: to learn the Buddha, would like to see the meaning of Buddha, they must pass the language, the word means. The things that Buddha spoke out just as loath new Buddhist saying. Space Buddha is very difficult to say, unable to speak, but because of the trade of the new beings used vehicles comes to what not to say.
Through this, the Buddha want inspired the later is to pass it the Buddha said to be where Buddha never said, that Buddha could not speak, that's the fella with the Emerging Buddha. steering wheel-old record: "Buddha's birth from when originally Zhuan Falun until after entering Nirvana, for about forty-nine years of Buddhist theory but in the end he determined: "Like Lai had never said a word" ". Sermon forty nine years without saying a Word, apparently wants messages Buddhist disciples who was not stuck on the word meaning, while the word meaning by the Buddha said that it wasn't physical but above the definition. Buddha says done is get clean, never said a word yet.

We learn to Bowl-Susan is learning to discharge all for all. Learn to Bowl-Susan is ready to let go, is deteriorating rather than accept the break France. The elegant criticisms of Baghdad says something also not: tetrarchy, twelve human fate to privileged nor, so Buddha wrecked France taking nothing tu? If we understand correctly according to the spirit of Buddhism, breaking the Bowl is cracked on the France which demolished rather than France. France is the Buddha teach the tu: tetrarchy, twelve workers third, Green Coast-la-suite where there is error, the error is one to it.
Example: as to the four emperors for own Prime witness was the fruit of A-na-ham, A-la-Han, etc. Do accept the new DAC that has the bug, if you know that means Buddha to beings except crush mistakes, accept before returning to his true, no error. Unknown result is also not the purpose of rescuing wings, then we are not stuck on the result of that position. Don't see the symptoms A-la-Chinese should not stuck.
Learn the twelve human fate is to accept the terms of the rollover death birth. Mortal human reincarnation is from: Coast Guard Administration, Executive Anwar ignorance awareness etc. should have birth and death, brain gauge, bi domination. Due to the mistake is human beings, so the coast twelve accepted Buddha say human favored twelve to shed the food poisoning them untrue. But we accept the true mortal into twelve coastal people. Bogus mortal, just because s/he mortal human. Due to this there should be one there, if it doesn't then the other one did not. So clearly it's not mortal, that death realizes now is not news is deeply contentious. The Buddha speaks of twelve human fate to us being given c bogus mortal, beings able to escape being killed.
We understand that users can see the meaning of Buddha. Break out the real legs stand presentation, elegant eight-shining. The spirit of Buddhism is anatta: human anatta, anatta France finally has nothing to cling. But what's all this through anatta? And this is not? The bowl of Buddhism being all, wrecked all the clean break, when it is the main bowl of Buddhism. And that's not how the break.
Home Meditation has the story:
Its rise to Mr Cao Sơn Duty Nationality (teacher Duty Nationality in Cao Shan) question:
-What is the sword not the nose?
Mr. Cao Sơn a:
-It is not due to work that into.
The rising question:
So, how is it used?
Mr. Cao Sơn a:
-Who met also must die.
The rising question:
-Also not seen one?
Mr. Cao Sơn a:
-Also have to fall early too.
The rising question:
-The meet must die it's course, so people don't see why dropping also the beginning?
Mr. Cao Shan Bao:
-He does not hear it or clean up all stars!
The rising question:
So, when a clean out too?
Mr. Cao Shan Bao:
-Tree tell this sword.
The ancients borrowed images of the world tree to show Baghdad is prominent. His sword has no general, no nose nor do work out that the. It's right where each person not by casting that make up. Its purpose is to wipe out all, having died without having also died. I.e., "Yes", "no" guillotine also also slash, "crash" was also cut, "not" most clean guillotine, guillotine also for sticking to something. When clean up is no longer accept, no longer clinging to tell "have this sword".
So, in the spirit of the bat-tastefully depict the truth the truth right now where people are, not in distant places. This we can experience this life now, not wait for death to prove. Right where we currently do not accept, does not cling, instant evidence Baghdad is prominent. Important that we dare to let go, not accept the situation and problems of Bowl-Susan shines as truth. So we have to develop our own true light, do torch soi to themselves and can take being home. Expect instead! END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.26/1/2015.

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