Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Eightfold Path with three ways of learning.

altThree ways of learning are three learning to lead to ways of life, to live the life that is not caught in samsara. No Omission is the first study presented in three legal ways of learning and it also makes the background basis for ways of learning and ways of learning wisdom. * ABOUT ways of learning: ie learning and practice the world, to lead to ways of life, the life of liberation. About speak in Sanskrit is sila, it has the ability to hedge the base, not to harass the ceiling structure infections. And it also has the ability to hedge three now, do not let the three industrial action falsely led to the result of suffering. About External sense of protection, it also motivates all three professional practice dhamma. Thus, "sila" or gender expression as moral, ethical, and academic world, is learning moral life, by converting all the good karma karma. For now (Karma) determine the existence of human beings, or, according to Amnesty's stance conclusion sentence: "The difference now born by April working capital facility access the Investment Industry News Marketing Department of Marketing body language work. " That is a difference in the world is due to arise now. It was April and it was influenced by Justice. Ie the investment industry and is influenced by Justice ie body and language. Karma (Karma): determine any differences existence of all beings in the world. And all the difference in the world of beings is determined by the industry. Is now acts intentionally and artifacts have always occurred in the current period. And the behavior of human beings of how it will be confirmed human beings are like that. For example, the act of murder will confirm him as the killer. And so, it is wicked. In contrast, an act to save others escaped death, act to save her, the person is confirmed as a good man good. A good or evil act according to Buddhist must meet four criteria. That action, cause happiness for themselves and others, now and in the future. And evil is the opposite action, that is damaging to ourselves and others not only in the present but also in the future. Action charity, is leading to joy and peace. But, joy and peace have only briefly, and then the feeling of discomfort, distress and suffering, it is not good feet, the feet are not happy, at peace. In contrast, joy and peace do a good deed by giving, while pleasant, quiet much more prolonged, the value of a good deed to be judged by the high level they were. And again, the feeling of happiness and peace continuously extending to infinity, that is never terminated, then the happiness he called happiness of Nirvana, and only Nirvana is what I call good at winning. Action to lead to the supreme bliss of Nirvana, or the supreme good, the action was called Right now. So sila or About capable hedge karma and make three now become pure. And this law was very clear in Part Four summary of economic About the Buddhas, with the following verse: "Compassion language border protection u press the periodic magnetic body work opening evil beings eighth directorial translational energy obtained as marketing executive Thi Tien Humanitarian University. " That is: "Smart Protection words in mind about free will not do the evil Than Three pure directorial this practice is like one who is director Dai Tien ". This is About doing that Buddha Shakyamuni taught them monks in the first twelve years. Three pure industrial practice due to the pure world. If you do not have sex, then three now do not know where to get based on purity. In conclusion sentence Xa, now (Karma) makes a variety of enemies and false beings in the world of good and evil retribution, About the sila or to hedge all karma in place of body, speech and mind. Also the ability to promote all activities of body, speech, the good fit outflows, ie Nirvana. So, About guided actions of body, speech and mind to the right place. Reasonable accommodation that is Nirvana. So, in the Noble Eightfold Path is now designated as Chief Gender and Gender is Right Action. Right Speech and Right Livelihood, too. That is in three ways of learning they belong About ways of learning. As a practicing pure world can not have a life of professional misconduct, wrong and wrong language network. Thus, three of the eight major components factor of the Noble outlined above are considered as ways of learning world. * No. ways of learning: ie learning and practicing meditation leads to liberation life, no longer stuck in the birth and death in. Practicing meditation outflows, ie make the body and mind to suspend all desire, in other words all craving is dried slowly in the hearts of the people are practicing meditation outflows. In the Eightfold Path , the three elements Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration is regarded as the ways of learning. * ways of learning PROPERTY: That is wisdom outflows, intellectual outflow is the path of life and death and suffering the path to enlightenment. Wisdom outflows arise not by reasoning or by learning that the world is pure practice and meditation outflows outflows. In the Eightfold Path, the chief investment Right only and are seen as ways of learning wisdom. eightfold coordination with three ways of learning so we can see in the economic Culavedalla (Huu Minh City State Economics) and Emancipation Act of Advantage Argument Three Recommended Sa. However, such coordination, it is only valid in relative terms. As for the absolute surface, they are not so certain. And in gender and in the world to have, in the limited knowledge and understanding of gender; the world has to have wisdom; in the world to have had knowledge and wisdom with the world there ... On a profound and subtle ways, the final boundaries between Virtue, concentration, wisdom is difficult assignment, because in the religious lives toward liberation and Nirvana table, there are three factors that can not be separated from each other, they are bond cauldron, without one, the other two can not be present. Therefore, the final boundaries delimitation between Virtue, concentration and wisdom only a relative value, then the distribution of the Noble Eightfold Path to Virtue, concentration, coordination knowledge is not absolute. Why? Right effort because not only present in certain specified ways of learning which can also be present in the world as well as ways of learning in more ways of learning wisdom. So, if the Chief Executive morality without fine attack the protective capacity of the world is not determined, protective embankments of the world may be the ceiling Minister erosion and puncture. So there are cases of transgression and destroy the world. And, if the practice or Right Thought without constant effort, it certainly will not be the thorough thinking and understanding can not shop thorough. Therefore, in the field of knowledge and ways of learning can not be absent Right effort. Thus, Right Effort is not only present in Dinh but always present in Gender and knowledge anymore. nutshell , the Eightfold Path for three ways of learning, both are compatible with each other like photography. Three ways of learning are present in the Noble Eightfold Path and the Noble Eightfold Path is present in three ways of learning, or the Eightfold Path is developed form of three ways of learning, and three ways of learning is the core narrow Bat Eightfold. Thus, viewed from the perspective of practice and core, the Eightfold Path is Virtue, concentration, Wisdom and Virtue, concentration, wisdom is the Noble Eightfold Path. So, anyone who is practicing Virtue, concentration, wisdom, then he achieved Eightfold and robustness are also achievements Virtue, concentration and wisdom. Conclusion This section shows us; Eightfold or three ways of learning are general purpose protection of all karmas of body, speech and mind. And every good outflow was begun, it was good Nirvana began there. Good presence of Nirvana is the result of practice Virtue, concentration, wisdom and practice the Noble Eightfold Path. So, on form of the Noble Eightfold Path and Virtue, concentration, Tue viewed as two, but the nature of the content and purpose, both just one. So the Noble Eightfold Path to Virtue, concentration, wisdom is one. And it is the path to the ultimate Nirvana.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.28/1/2015.

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