Tuesday, 20 January 2015


Thus have I heard.

Exalted One time between family residence Sakka (Shakyamuni), in Kapilavatthu (Ca-Pi-la-defense), shopping at Crystal Nigrodha (Ni-question-law Life Member). Then Mahapajapati Gotami (punch Female Ma-ha-ba-bar-she-topic), bring a pair of new medicine, go to Bhagavan; after arrival, pay homage to the Blessed One and sat down on one side. Sitting down on one side, white Gotami Mahapajapati Exalted:

- Buddha, a new pair of y by the cut and woven especially for Bhagavan. White Bhagavan, Bhagavan desire for compassion introspection Receive the child.

When they heard that, Bhagavan told Mahapajapati Gotami:

- Hey Gotami, make offerings to the Sangha. She offerings to the Sangha, while I will be reverent, and the Sangha, too.

Second, transparency Mahapajapati Gotami Exalted:

- Buddha, a new pair of y by the cutting and weaving ... Receive the child.

The second time, Bhagavan told Mahapajapati Gotami:

- Hey Gotami, make offerings to the Sangha ... and the Sangha, too.

Third, transparency Mahapajapati Gotami Exalted:

- Buddha, a new pair of y by the cutting and weaving ... Receive the child.

Third, Bhagavan told Mahapajapati Gotami:

- Hey Gotami, make offerings to the Sangha ... and the Sangha, too.

When they heard that, Venerable Ananda white Exalted:

- Exalted y Receive new pair Mahapajapati Gotami! White Exalted, Mahapajapati Gotami had much help Exalted, the end of the sample, the sample support, nourished Bhagavan, Bhagavan had to breastfeed, so that after the birth mother of Bhagavan common destiny, her own Bhagavan gave breastfeeding. White Bhagavan, Bhagavan and also much help Mahapajapati Gotami. White Bhagavan, Bhagavan thanks, Mahapajapati Gotami have refuge in the Buddha, the French, the Sangha. White Bhagavan, Bhagavan thanks, Mahapajapati Gotami abandon killing, taking what is not given to abandon, abandoned in the sexual misconduct, lie abandoned, abandoned captivated wine offers. White Bhagavan, Bhagavan thanks, Mahapajapati Gotami full heart estate net credit to the Buddha, full hearts estate net credit to France, pure heart full credit for their estate Increase fully precepts as saints rejoice. White Bhagavan, Bhagavan thanks, no doubt Mahapajapati Gotami to suffering, no doubt to Suffering, no doubt for the killing of suffering, there is no doubt on the way to kill pain. White Bhagavan, Bhagavan had much help Mahapajapati Gotami.

- It is thus the Ananda! It is thus the Ananda! Ananda, if so ask someone, that someone is taking refuge in the Buddha, the Dhamma, the Sangha, this time Ananda, I say that this does not have a deserved reward for the other person to pay homage , stand up, palms, about doing things right, and the offering of the offerings such as medical, food alms, is clinical, pharmaceutical treatment. If so ask someone else to abandon a killing, not to abandon the taking, abandoned in sexual misconduct, lie abandoned, abandoned captivated wine yeast, cooking wine, this time Ananda, We say that people do not have a worthy reward for the other ... pharmaceutical treatment. Ananda, if so ask someone else complete an estate for a net credit of Falun Buddha ... ... full of precepts, this time Ananda, I say that this is not a reward worthy of any other person ... pharmaceutical treatment. Ananda, if granted by a person other than a person suspected of suffering, no doubt to Suffering, no doubt for the killing of suffering, there is no doubt as to the way to kill the pain , this time Ananda, I say that this does not have a deserved reward for the other ... pharmaceutical treatment.

Ananda, there are fourteen types of offerings classified according to the class. Giving the Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment, is the first offering, classified according to the class. Giving the status Single Awareness Buddha, is offered Monday, classified according to the class. Giving the Arhat level, practitioners Tathagata, is offered Tuesday, classified according to the class. Giving the position on the road attained Arhat is offered Wednesday, classified according to the class. Giving the position attained Real hybrid, is offered Thursday, classified according to the class. Giving the position on the path is attained Any future offerings Friday, classified according to the class. Giving the Best hybrid position attained is offered Saturday, classified according to the class. Giving the position on the path is attained First hybrid offerings eighth, classified according to the class. Giving the position attained Project is offering up ninth, classified according to the class. Giving the path to your certificate store is offering The results tenth, classified according to the class. Giving your school exchange (bahiraka) have participated in the desire cup is offered eleventh, classified according to the class. Giving the ordinary keeping precepts are offering twelfth, classified according to the class. Giving the mortal world is evil according to the thirteenth offerings, classified according to categories of people are giving. Giving birth is the type of collateral offered fourteenth, classified according to the class.

Here is Ananda, after alms for the type of collateral being, offering the hope of bringing hundred merits. After alms according to the ordinary evil world, offering the hope of bringing the faith of thousands of parts. After alms for the ordinary keeping precepts, offering the hope of bringing hundreds of thousands of times merit. After alms for foreigners to participate in the study was separated desire, donations may hope to bring hundreds of thousands of times memories merit. After you give to the project on the road attained save this offering hope to bring countless immeasurable merit. And say to those who have attained Pre saved? But what say you on the path to the best future proof? And say to those who have attained the First Hybrid? As for what you say on the road attained Any future? And say to those who have attained Any future? As for what you say on the road attained Arhat? And say to those who have attained Arhat disciples Tathagata? As for what you say Single Buddhist Enlightenment? And say to the Tathagata level Arhat, Enlightenment?

Ananda, there are seven kinds of offerings to the Sangha. Giving both the Buddha Sangha is the head of the first offerings to the Sangha. Giving to both the Sangha, after the Buddha's passing away Monday Sangha offerings. Giving them bhikkhu Sangha Boost is offered Tuesday. Giving them Monks and nuns are offering their Increase Wednesday. Giving and said: "I hope they let me increase the rate of Monks and nuns so", is the fifth offering Sangha. Giving and said: "We hope that they assign me some bhikkhu so", is offering their Increase Friday. Giving and said: "We hope that we assign to some Monks and nuns so", is offering their Increase Saturday.

But this Ananda, while the future will be the limit switch emptiness (gotrabhuno), (?) With the robes-sa gold around his neck, according to the World evil, evil law, and the generosity of them up by the evil world. But this Ananda, when I say that we are offering to Increase countless and countless, this time Ananda, I do not want to say any other means, a charity classify individuals according to the results greater for offerings to the Sangha.

Ananda, there are four kinds of purity of the offerings. What are the four? Ananda, there is a pure kind donations by people, but not by the recipient. Ananda, there are kinds of offerings are purified by the recipient, but not by people. Ananda, there is no kind donations are purified by people and also by the recipient. Ananda, there are kinds of offerings are purified by people and also by the recipient.

And this Ananda, how is the kind offered by a person to be pure, but not by the recipient? Here is Ananda, to keep the world, according to the goodness, and the recipients evil world, according to legal evil. Thus, this Ananda, is the kind of offerings are purified by people, but not by the recipient.

And this Ananda, how is the kind of offerings are purified by the recipient, but not by the people? Here is Ananda, who to follow evil world, according to legal evil, and those who received the precepts, according goodness. Thus, this Ananda, is the kind of offerings are purified by the recipient, but not by people.

And this Ananda, how is the kind donations are not pure by people and also by the recipient? Here is Ananda, who to follow evil world, according to the evil law, and the recipient is under the evil world, according to legal evil. Thus, the Ananda, the offerings are not pure by people and also by the recipient.

And this Ananda, how is the kind of offerings are purified by people and also by the recipient? Here is Ananda, to keep the world, according to goodness; and recipients also hold the world, according to the dhamma. Thus, the Ananda, the offerings are purified by people and also by the recipient.

Ananda, such as the purity of the four types of offerings.

Exalted such discourses. Tier celestial after saying so, gurus say more:

Who complete precepts,

Giving the evil world;

Specimens were lawful,

With a happy heart smart,

With a firm belief

In large fruit industry,

Such offerings,

Purified by people.

Who does not keep the commandments,

Giving to charity world;

Such material is not lawful,

With a happy mind,

No firm belief,

In large fruit industry,

Such offerings,

Purified by the recipient.

Who does not keep the commandments,

Giving the evil world;

Such material is not lawful,

With a happy mind,

No firm belief,

In large fruit industry,

Such offerings

Both impure.

Who complete precepts,

Giving to charity world;

Specimens were lawful,

With a happy heart smart,

With a firm belief

In large fruit industry,

I tell her generosity

There are certainly great results.

Who renunciation craving

Giving no craving,

Specimens were lawful.

With a happy heart smart,

With firm faith,

In large fruit industry,

I tell her generosity


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