Monday 26 January 2015

Doctrine of karma.

In this article we present an overview of karmic justice has been taught in the classic, not have high expectations or justify separation sublime philosophy. We specifically mentioned in the career of the Buddha for the purpose of distinguishing the different perspectives on the business of non-Buddhist thinkers even during the Buddha or ever after. Indeed, it was noted a big difference between the career of Buddhist, Hindu, Brahmin teacher, and Zoroastrian religion Ajivaka .
Many people mistakenly business philosophy is common to most Eastern religions, but actually advocates and their interpretations have some differences, or even completely different as well. Some western scholars misperception that now synonymous with the theory of fate . While some industrial undertakings nuances sociology and biology. The reason for such myths because they just read some books about business without research orthodoxy spread through original texts of Buddhism.
First, we must define Which is now, because it is the key to help us differentiate according career and follow the Buddhist teachings. The definition is found in pre-Buddhist literature is now used to refer to the religious ceremony, or the duty of every individual in society. We read the following statement in ISA Upanisads: "Kurvanne veha karmani jijivisecchatam Samah" (let the man desires to live long centennial and enforcement duties in society), this proves that the word karma means used for duty department or business.

In the canonical Pali Theravada Buddhism, the word kamma is also used to mean the business or profession of different people. Words anavajjani kammani be used in economic Buddha Mangala Sutta to remind us of the profession should be ethical, ie implied right effort , not right action . So in terms of this word in the business of Buddhism and Buddhist literature before being considered synonymous.
However, now (kamma) have a special expertise that is only mentioned in Buddhist literature only. Buddha said: "Cetanaham bhikkhave kammam vadami" (This bhikshus, Tathagata says private work is now). This definition is very general, and anyone studying classical Pali are known. So, now here is used to refer to intentional acts or deliberate actions that term Abhidhamma called concomitants investment or working capital (immoral). These actions can be good or evil, when done through body called themselves now, through the gate called verbal, through the called attention now .
Everyone must take responsibility for the consequences of good or evil actions, whether good or bad results, pleasure or pain. This may now appear in this life, lives nearby or any future life according to their potential. Sometimes karma back that serves the disabled, because they are too weak, not qualified, or, technically speaking is not charming enough to start out.
In fact, if we study more deeply, then will find that working capital (immoral) is only a necessary but not sufficient condition to make the industry unless it is purely professional. Because there are so many now need to support themselves and export.
For example, a person can not be grafted murder he intended that new. So in Atthasālini (Note the Dhammasangani) clearly demarcated 5 eligibility to commit murder birth:
1) The informal nature or organisms (alive).
2) Knowing that someone or something that is alive.
3) intent to kill.
4) Try to kill.
5) People or animals that die due to purposeful action police.
Thus merely a third condition, ie new intention, not enough to accuse of killing. However, the third condition is the main condition, no it can not be called now.
For example, an inadvertent action could cause a murder, it is not willful murder, but guilty of poisoning watch it. The expression through the gate now, too, which requires the same conditions the new achievement. To put it briefly, now used in Buddhism to refer to intentional acts through body, speech or mind and is the valuation of good and evil according to their causal.
Many Buddhist Studies as often that the origin of doing business Culakammavibhanga. In this text the Buddha mentioned reasons to do business growth of every four Buddhist faith, but in fact that is not the main texts mention this principle. In the Culakammavibhanga, a young Brahmin visited the Buddha and asked him to explain why the human race has the untimely death, people living longer, sick, healthy people, ugly people , beautiful man, poor man, rich man to that important person of high status, an impoverished miserable ...; What other reasons for the disparities between people like human beings in society. The Buddha replied that: "Beings of the newspaper industry leading life they have created work and because of this karma that inequality between all living beings."

Maurice Maeterlinek, one writer said: "Let's go back to the karma theory of rebirth, because there might be something more noble, more righteous and morally. Nor is there any reason a more credible theory. itself is enough to prove all disagreements physical, intellectual and social injustice, bias the hideous fate. " Professor Allan G.Widgerry Standon, philosophical theology professor at the University of Cambridge Road and later professor of philosophy at Duke University in the US have said , "Certainly people born in the conditions of each of disagreement past lives through the law of karma."

Many users of these methodologies as inductive, deductive, analogies, syllogisms, but the argument so to learn the philosophy of karma, but karma does not matter entirely in the field of rational or philosophical pure learning. Reason can help us from superstition by which we gain access to this doctrine. However, the reason can only understand the rationality (logic) of a generalized problem, but could not put his stock and real depth of it. So Buddha said: "Kammavipako acinteyyo" (industrial and business results of the inconceivable) . Thus, the first step we can use reason to study learning, and thinking, and finally learn to be intuitive and user experience through the enlightened witness to this truth deeply and honest.
Anyway we can witness the truth is obvious that there is a clear bias in particular human society and beings in general. And when Buddhism has proven to be the cause of the disagreement, it can also help us to flatten the disagreement that if people know each other and improve their professional practice. Indeed, the social injustices can flatten or minimized. On the economic side, if skillfully renovated, the social order is stable, people can live longer, healthier, these disparities are reduced material to put towards future social for greater equality. On the spiritual level, the disagreement is caused by the level of greed, hatred and delusion more or less. So want to flatten disagreements must destroy the spirit of greed, hatred and delusion by the virtue of generosity, compassion and wisdom.
Throughout the operational impact of causation that is now attained II intelligence (dutiya vijjā) in three league (Tiso vijjā): Sufficiency intelligent networks, intelligent and vital natural intelligence and illegally take intelligent labels which Buddha attained enlightenment enlightened at night. When his attention was strictly pure, pure, immaculate, escape from the cankers, needs fine, adapt, justice and liberation. He focused on the phenomenon of mortal beings and the third eye he saw pure noble beings who have the vile, ugly people beautiful guys, guys happy people miserable, mortal birth to death, depending on the industry their power.
In the Mahasihanada Buddha said to his realization as an experimental science: "There are five paths called contingent religion is that? Hell, animal, hungry ghost, and the sun . The Tathagata knows what hell or any kind of business into this realm of suffering after death. Behold Sariputta, the Tathagata knows the heart of every being in it, because these beings act like, create the industry's how to be born into hell and how after body septic common destiny. And with a pure mind, wise and super Vietnam, Tathagata seen beings fall into hell was suffering worse . Like a man prostrate, exhausted is crooked toward a tunnel fire the oil Source, another witness the scene, told myself: 'Surely this man stumbled into the pit of fire'. And indeed, then see the other fell into the fire pit and suffering worse. Beings born in the realm of animal, hungry ghost also suffered a similar misfortune. But being born into the human realm comparatively happier life, and being born into heaven enjoy more peace. "

In the Mahakammavibhanga , Buddha said, there are a few hermit due diligence, mindfulness has obtained the force. With superhuman vision, insight, he sees a body damage unwholesome after the public network is reborn in the world more peaceful. Taoist thinks: "There is no dark unwholesome result of unwholesome karma, people whether they act immoral or not the public network has been reborn in communications landscape." Buddha did not agree with that view. Granted, that may act despite being immoral, corrupt public network after the body has been born into the realm of peace. But it is because of the life they have created many ancient karma. Add to that the time of death he kept true mind.
The failure of the Magi This is because they only see a few life of a being that is not smooth comprehensive complex phenomenon complex line of karmic cause and effect. Moreover, the operation of the line is now reported only one case in particular the principle of causality in the law which includes the fields of physiology, physics, psychology and career management.
The law of karma is also called the law of moral or immoral act. In Buddhism, karma is not fate , so the law of karma is not fixed but is often viewed as tendencies. By doing Culakammavibhanga usually a good karma tends to bring good karma, an unwholesome karma tends to lead to an evil karma.
If a more detailed analysis we see now are classified according to four ways:

1. regard WORK c ó four types of business:
a) Students Industry (Janaka-kamma):

Is now the dominant force regeneration. Regeneration formula ( patisandhi viňňāna ) driven by this industry, and aggregates ( nāma khandha ), the aggregate of form ( rupa khandha ) depending on the student's first this now. Students also now extends throughout the life of a being from birth to death. For example, by birth but now a being reborn in a human life, the gods or animals.
b) Tri Industry (upatthambhaka-kamma):

As karma maintain survival or life span of a being from birth to death. For example, maintain good professional help for a happy and enjoy unwholesome maintenance industry makes life miserable person in their lives. Without maintain a living now could die right from birth.
c) distention Industry (upapilaka-kamma):

Unlike industrial maintenance, industrial obstacles impede students are now making normal life suddenly in trouble. For example, a person is healthy and accident suddenly become disabled, or one who is wise so that after a sudden illness became muzzy foolish.
d) The Industry (upaghataka-kamma):

This now has the ability to cut student now. For example, a president is very peaceful happy life suddenly was assassinated a surprise. People often call it sudden death.
sudden death not due to fate or destiny, nor unjust, but because of a business segment that is too strong for life interrupted halfway.

2. ON THE CAPACITY OF THE RESULTS REPORT four types of business:
a) Critically important now (garuka-kamma):

Karma is very strong, if you are now a powerful evil as killing father, mother killed, kill Arahan, split Increase or injury to the Buddha would devolved into endless hell so called Infernal now . If it's good karma as a powerful meditation to attain the level of the heavens was born on the color or colorless organic.
b) Close-karma (asannaka-kamma) :

Is now creating his deathbed. This is now possible actions, words, thoughts or reactions of mind when recalling the birth of money now made right in the dying moments. There are three phenomena appear in deathbed were:

- Industrial (kamma) : who is dying may find a career that has made ​​money during birth, as the villainous can see the murder of his actions, honest people can see act of generosity ...

- Industry Minister (kammanimitta) : time of death one can see a few more prominent in the industry that has, as usual slaughter weapons or gore, whose faith is often found sanctuary or depression incense spiraling ...

- Prime Minister (gatinimitta) : dying foreseeable realm that he will be reborn into. As people often do good deeds will see the realm of gods, whereas ordinary people do evil will see hell. The word fun (gati) here means rebirth direction. Good fun (sugati) is the direction of the heavenly realms as good, people. wickedly fun (duggati) is the direction of the evil realms as realms peta, animal.
Close now very important element in the regeneration, a person can do many good things, but when death recalls a certain evil beings, and suffering. Contrary to a lot of people do evil, but deathbed keep fresh in mind, however, is born in the leisure scene. However good or evil actions there is still work to pay later or stored until enough grace to bear fruit at any time.
c) professional practice (acinna-kamma):

Is now often artifacts in everyday life and it's we've become habits. This can now improve or immoral. Any good as butchers have a habit of killing, evil people have a habit of cussing border. Compassion as religious people have a habit of Buddha, the charitable giving habits. Therefore, if the immoral practice though very slight risk to evolution. Conversely, if it is good practice slightest results also bring benefits.
d) Cumulative Industry (katatta-kamma):

As karma was in possession of the unconscious (bhavanga) no time to bear fruit because not meet the fate or condition convenient. Because of this outstanding business results that many people think that evildoers without retribution. Saying: "Good is rewarded with good, and evil with evil, complete any defects reported, the original god status" (good and evil are retributive, if not retributive not only due to time) can be explained this.

3. REPORT OF THE TIME THE APPLICANT shall be divided into four categories:
a) The time report now (ditthadhammavedaniya-kamma):

As of right now there are consequences in the present life. As a Miserere the devil foreclosed assets, or a murderer was shot dead at the scene. However, it is difficult to say exactly what has now present results because sometimes it is now past performance of similar conditioned that bear fruit rather than fruit of the current industry. This should contemplate carefully to feel intuitively rather than by reasoned judgment.
b) Delivery report now (upapajjavedaniya-kamma):

As of now bring consequences even in the afterlife. As someone who often their lives to donations afterlife was born wealthy honor, whereas a cunning theft miserable afterlife was poor. Built with an old maid had just offered the Buddha a melon flower heart very happy with the butt on the way cattle are dying, as soon as it was born as a nymph in heaven with beautiful colors tasteless solution nymph any match. It is now being reported.
c) Impact Newspaper Industry (Aparapariya vedaniya-kamma):

If unpaid work now in this present life or in the lives nearby, it will result in any life after about eligibility. Sometimes a paid professional results in current or future lives, but it is still a negative balance of consequences in many lives then and now called post-press. In the case of an honest man, but dies as an obstacle began immoral, so near death that right now reborn suffering in the afterlife, so the healing of this man now become the post-press industry. Contrary to a commonly deeds but when death was due to a fortunate start fresh mind can be reborn in the leisure scene of the misdeeds that will bear fruit in the lives uncertain future.
That is why why some religious men when they see a bad student after body septic joint network has been born into the leisure scene and concluded that there is no result of good and bad deeds. In fact, because they only see a few lives but not witnessed the phenomenon comprehensively karmic cause and effect.
e) Disable Industry (ahosikamma):

Are now supposed to result in the present life and the afterlife, but are not eligible to bear fruit should become disabled. For example, a saint A-na-function after birth passed to heaven gender identity and thereby attained Arhat, and that will not pass away at the back plane, so of course are now not promptly pay the effect becomes disabled. Especially the case for the Buddha and the position Arahan, the now feeble remainder of his is not dominant.

4. In terms of the realm of business is divided into 4 categories:
a) Education World unwholesome (akusala-kamma kamavacara):

Are now created in partnership with immoral realms should pay off in four realms: hell, hungry ghost, animal, a-tu-la or in the unfortunate situation. It is now: killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying, divisive talk, say evil, speak no avail, greed, hatred and wrong.
b) Education World wholesome (kusala-kamma-kamavacara):

Are now created in partnership with wholesome mental realms should pay off in six sensuous heaven, there is peace and enjoy life in the form of gods, or return the result as a happy life. These are now being launched, giving, abstinence, honesty, harmony said, speaking kindly, say useful, not greed, not of right field.
c) Lust wholesome (kusala-kamma-rupavacara):

As the level of karma meditation organic colors , such as those obtained from organic jhana meditation to identity, body damage after the public network will be awarded in sixteen realms natural world. In this range we live very peacefully, temporary workers are not the greed, hatred and delusion dominant.
d) Immaterial wholesome (kusala-kamma-arupavacara):

As the level of karma formless meditation , meditation as the prime origin boundless, infinite mode of origin, numerous parish property, non-ideal non-ideal non Origin, after being separated realms birth to four formless realms natural world, where life is very subtle, calm and order, to the devas there lived a long time but when retribution is no longer valid, they must return to the sensuous subject to the suffering they have happy results created previously.
So now is a fair law of causality, in which freedom and responsibility, unlike fatalism that people doomed by the Creator had intended, they do not have freedom to decide their own destiny. And of course, like humans do not need to take responsibility for personal actions, responsibility for which has drifted shoulder.
If you say that Buddhism does not uphold the human person, it's really wrong because now of people are completely free to act and take responsibility for their freedom. In contrast, the new theory of celestial despised human person, for which he must always adhere to God 'or they will be punished, and not have the right to self-determination. If it must be decided upon according to the human disaster never be equal with God Earth. Buddhism does not respect the human person, but also try to improve on the Buddha's position that you completely equal.
We have to define and classify the different aspects of the industry, a real-life event is always present in that each person can live on their own observation, contemplation, directly receive daily. Now to distinguish the co-allergic point, let us compare now the word is used in Buddhism and other religions.
First, let's compare with the policy of the Jain religion, whereby man can not moral and intellectual development of sexual education if not paid off all the evil consequences of money now. So this religion teaches believers to practice asceticism to soon get rid of the influence of the evil they have done in the past life. On the other hand, advocates Jain different from Buddhism that values ​​ethical action depending on the body rather than the mind.
In the Digha Nikaya (School of) c ó recorded case of a hermit, of Jainism that Nigantha that time called, visited the Buddha. Here is a sample dialogue in Digha Nikaya:
"When the hermit Digha greeted and seated Buddha, Buddha asked Magi:
- Behold hermit, in Nigantha religion, religious leaders Nataputta taught how many types Industry?
- Lord Bach Gotama, in our religion, religious leaders Nataputta not speak out now, but only teaches about sin only.
- So how many sins?
- Bach him, there are three types of crimes: crimes by body, speech and due attention due.
- In three such crimes more serious sin of all?
- Bach Him, the more serious offense of the body.
After confirming three times like that, hermit Digha asked the Buddha:
- Lord Bach Gotama, also according to His teachings have little sin?
- Behold hermit, in the teachings of the Tathagata does not speak to the crime, but only talk about business only.
- Bach him, so many things have now ?
- Enterprise also has three categories: professional body, and now the export industry.
- Bach him, his career in three categories, the most important kind?
- Behold Magi, the industry standard is most important. "
Through passage above, we see the industrial undertakings between Buddhism and Jainism are not completely identical. Buddhist view action intentionally created now, on the one hand that whether accidentally or intentionally evil still have the same value. Two such views can not be assimilated.
One other advocates of ascetic sect Ajivika that all actions as well as the current experience entirely driven by money now. While Buddhism does not accept predestination and see now the past is just one of the factors that govern life and fun experience of human suffering alone. According to Buddhism, people not living depends entirely on the past now that is influenced by many different factors:

- Factors external world: such as weather conditions, the influence of the position, orientation, as well as the social status ...

- Physical factors : the physical conditions, the effects of physical phenomena.

- Physiological factors: the structural conditions, transport and evolution of the body, including the genetic law.

- Psychological factors: the structure of the rules and operational nature of the mind as seeing, hearing ..., know, emotional, rational, etc.

- Element Management Industry : ie causal principle of intentional action as we have defined and classified above.
Thus, coordination of human life by many factors and is influenced by many environmental rather entirely due to his past career ( katam Sayam ), not by the arbitrary decisions of a certain foreign workers ( param katam ), which is not random ( adhicca samupanna ). People are friendly and thousands formed by multiple causal ( Paticca samuppanna ). If we understand all the conditions that they can live in harmony with nature, do your own boss in order to reach the place very afraid.
Buddhism aims to cut all ties human condition to take to unconditional (unconditioned) that is Nirvana, is freed.
Finally we compare with determinism (fatalism ) and genetic theory (Heredity) .
As we mentioned earlier, the joint cause and effect of different karma with fatalism, because now is not the only factor, authoritarian governing human life and we can now destroy or transform along with the other conditions to take up.
In classic Brahmin, all human actions are governed by nature ( prakiti ) and nature was the one who arranged Brahma decided. So people had to give up before the fate that nature has intended, or to sacrifice to pray to be blessed, blessed.
Surely people can not stand too dark fate that his wonder do not know who gave the order creation arbitrary power, injustice. Why create the fate of each person is different. If the Almighty Creator is not perfection, because he can create creatures but equality should not have to have a big gap between rich and poor, on man, glad suffering ...
of course people have the right to make such reasonable questions. So no doubt, in a time when people were aware of sovereignty and cloning were subjected to forced to submit to a totalitarian Creator absolutely not authorized by them.
According to Buddhism, the human God is my own and no one else (Attahi attano nātho does, ko hi nātho does parosiya) . For all conditions, including myself can now edit it. Thus, happiness and suffering are created by each individual grab yourself. Be free or slave, depending on site-employed person or the conditions employed.
About Genetic Code , although Buddhism recognizes that genetic laws that affect people's lives, but genetic is a decisive factor only as a thinker and scientist advocates. Genetics and now the various elements in the forming conditions of human life: Genetics under physiological conditions (bija Niyama) in the industry based on the will (immoral). A person can have a certain physical properties of the genetic parents, but karma created by his affinity for such properties, the corresponding relative called causal start.
In the case when the situation seemed origin such is not genetic but karma or social conditions. Two twin children rarely have the same personality and if they are located in different social conditions, it is even more personality change. See how, genetic factors are not the deciding factor.
When analyzing the work of Mc. Taggart, Professor of Philosophy, University of Cambridge, who was warmly defended the karma theory in the few religious dogma (Some Dogmas of Religion), and the book The Nature Of Existing Professor CD Broad wrote: " Mc Taggart showed us that assumptions about future recruitment affinity between this kind of soul and body can be explained other similarity characteristic spirit, between parents and children that people often for the direct influence of heredity. Since genetic offspring to resemble their parents than others. In addition, the same body, and therefore the zygote to develop into a similar body tends to attract a similar sentiment to produce fetal cells. I think, to recognize that this theory is adequate and subtle ".
In short, karma plays a very important role in the doctrine Buddhist. But we should remember that the Buddha notes now not with the aim of encouraging a condition to enjoy in the realm of blissful happiness, paradise, but to help people escape from the constant stream of karma ( kammakkhayya ). Thus, right from the first condition to achieve results first in line to be saints:

- Removal of self (Sakkaya ditthi), which is no longer accept the five aggregates is ego.

- Removal skeptical (vicikicha), ie find the truth, do not believe in fate frivolous.

- Removal precepts players (silabbataparamasa), which is no longer attached to the ritual practices or the rules again. Acceptance forms without understanding the content or meaning of the rule is a prime precepts.
Such a person will not degenerate (avinipata) and will definitely achieve ultimate enlightenment (niyatosambodhiparayano). It is path to the cessation effects of karma, spiritual development selflessness, compassion and wisdom.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.27/1/2015.

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