Tuesday 20 January 2015


Thus have I heard.

Exalted One time stay at Rajagaha (United-amnesty), in Fine Tapoda amnesty. At that time, he came Samiddhi, just waking up at dawn to go to Tapoda to wash hands and feet. Washing the hands and feet in Tapoda finished, after off (water), he wears a medical stand for hands and feet dry. And after last night complacency, an angel, shining with excellent content wins Tapoda region, go to the venerable Samiddhi, after arrival, stood aside. Stand aside, he said, venerable Angel Samiddhi:

- This bhikkhu, he can maintain life and special general theory of Circuit Theory appeared Assuming no?

- Hey Sage, I have no life over general and special theories of Circuit Theory Suppose appeared. But the Sage, Sage has life over general theory of Circuit Theory and differentiation appeared Assuming no?

- This bhikkhu, I have no life over general and special theories of Circuit Theory Da sage. But this bhikkhu, he can maintain life verse appeared in Circuit Assuming no?

- Hey Sage, I do not have the shelf life over all of Circuit appeared assumption. But the Sage, Sage poem about life over there appeared Circuit Assuming no?

- Hey Monks, I do not have the shelf life over all of Circuit appeared assumption. This bhikkhu, learn general and special theories of Circuit Theory Suppose appeared. This bhikkhu, learn to master general and special theories of Circuit Theory Suppose appeared. Monks make this life over general and special theories of Circuit Theory Suppose appeared. Because of that, the Monks, general and special theories of Circuit Theory appeared assumption is related to the purposes and on the basis of happiness.

Angels did say so. After saying this, he disappeared there. Then he came Samiddhi after counting was satisfied, went to the Blessed One, having come, Exalted bowed and sat down on one side. Sitting down one side venerable white Samiddhi Exalted:

- Here, white Bhagavan, I just woke up at dawn to go to Tapoda to wash hands and feet. Washing the hands and feet in Tapoda finished, after off (water), baby wearing a medical stand for hands and feet dry. Then Bhagavan White, who finished the night after an angel ... (as above) ... "... and the fundamental dignity". Angels did say so. After saying this, he disappeared there. You instead, White Exalted, if Bhagavan speaks for general and special theories of Circuit Theory appeared Say!

- So this bhikkhu, listen carefully and I will tell heuristics.

- Ladies and yes, white Exalted.

Venerable Samiddhi Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan says as follows:

The past is not traced

Future aspirations,

Past cessation,

The future has not yet come,

Only current law,

The main insight here.

No work, no shaking,

Knowing so practice

Today zeal to do

Who knows die tomorrow?

No one is negotiated

With Army of Death,

Resident such enthusiasm

Tirelessly day and night,

Value called Circuit appeared,

Tier calm, quiet.

Bhagavan said. After speaking thus, celestial from seat to stand up and go to remote provinces.

Monks And then, after Bhagavan go soon, and he thought: "This current owner, The Sun, after preaching general theory section briefly explain to us not widely, from seat got up and went into the clinic:

The past is not traced

Future aspirations,

... (As above) ...

Value called Circuit appeared,

Tier calm, quiet.

Did not know anyone could interpret broadly the general theory, this section only Bhagavan speaks briefly, not be interpreted broadly. "

Monks Then he thought as follows: "Venerable Mahakaccana (Oscar-fried-dien) has been praised and Exalted be co-located on well with respect; Venerable Mahakaccana can interpret broadly the general theory, this section only Bhagavan speaks briefly, not interpreted broadly. So we go to the venerable Mahakaccana, after arriving we ask venerable Mahakaccana in this sense. "

Monks Then he went to the venerable Mahakaccana, after he came to speak with the Mahakaccana welcome to inquire; after voicing welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sitting down one side, Monks was said to Venerable Mahakaccana:

- Dear Sage Kaccana, Bhagavan after reading this general theory, not interpreted broadly, the seats get up and go to the Vihara:

The past is not traced

Future aspirations,

... (As above) ...

Value called Circuit appeared,

Tier calm, quiet.

Did not know anyone could interpret broadly the general theory, this section only Bhagavan speaks briefly, not be interpreted broadly. Then the sage Kaccana, we thought as follows: "Venerable Exalted Mahakaccana was praised ... (as above) ... we ask venerable Mahakaccana the meaning of this." Venerable Mahakaccana please explain.

- This current owner, such as a need of the tree, looking for the tree, the tree is looking for, standing in front of a large tree with the tree. He removed the roots, stems removed, the tree must think to look in the tree branches, leaves. Similarly, the work of the gods ... The Masters venerable author stood before Bhagavan, venerable monks to pass Exalted, and I think that should be asked about the significance of this. But the current owner, Exalted know what needs to know, see what to see, level with the eyes, wise, France ranks fake degree Brahma, Career Theory fake, fake degree Declaration theory, steps lead to the purpose, Career give immortality, France ranks all grades Tathagata. The current owner has to go to Bhagavan asked about the significance of this. Bhagavan explains how the current owners, so let's current home life over.

- Dear Sage Kaccana, Exalted sure what to know ... (as above) ... Now our time has come to ask Bhagavan in this sense. Bhagavan explained to us how we will thus maintain life. But he came to Bhagavan Mahakaccana be praised, is the well-respected co discounts. Venerable Mahakaccana can interpret broadly the general theory, this section only Bhagavan speaks briefly, not be interpreted broadly. Mong Ton Mahakaccana authors explain if he came not bothered.

- So the current home, listen and think carefully experience, I would say:

- Ladies and yes, Sage.

Monks replied that yes he came Mahakaccana. Venerable Mahakaccana said as follows:

- Hey Sage, the general theory of Bhagavan read up briefly, not interpreted broadly, from seat stood up and went to the monastery:

The past is not traced

Future aspirations,

... (As above) ...

Value called Circuit appeared,

Tier calm, quiet.

On this theory is only part of the total Bhagavan read up briefly, not be interpreted broadly, the current owner, I understand the meaning broadly as follows:

This text comes, how is traced to the past? "My eyes during the past is so". The law is so sharp, and there was food and education charity tied. Because sexual knowledge and love being tied up, he rejoice in it. So rejoice in him, he was tracing the past. "My ears are so in the past. The language is so ... (as above) ... my nose is so in the past, the flavor is so ... (as above) ... my tongue in the past such as, the taste is so ... (as above) ... My body is so in the past, the contact is so ... (as above) ... I mean, in the past as such. The law is so ", and in this form, fitness and love being tied up. Because of that knowledge and love being tied up sex, he rejoice in it. So rejoice in him, he was tracing the past.

And the current owner, how is traced to the past? "My eyes during the past is so. The law is so sharp, "and informal education here and love being tied up. Because the formula is not tied to education and charity, he does not rejoice in him. So do not rejoice in him, he was not traced past. "My ears are so in the past, the language is so ... (as above) ... my nose is so in the past, the flavor is so ... (as above) .. . My tongue was so in the past, so the taste is ... (as above) ... My body is so in the past, the contact is so ... (as above). .. I mean this in the past, such as the legal "form here and not be tied to education and charity. Because the formula is not tied to education and charity, he does not rejoice in him. So do not rejoice in him, he was not traced past. Thus, the current owner, is not traced the past.

And the current owner, how is the desire for the future? "I hope that my eyes in the future will be so, the law is so sharp," and he took to be radial what is not. As such radial coast, he rejoice in it. Therefore rejoice in him, he was the desire for the future. "I hope that my ears in the future will be like that, the sound is so ... (as above) ... I hope that my nose in the future will be the same, the taste is so ... (as above) ... I hope that my tongue in the future will be the same, the taste is so ... (as above) ... Hopefully my body will be in the future as a result, the contact so ... (as above) ... my hope that the future will be so, the law is so ", and he took to be apprehending what is not. As such radial coast, he rejoice in it. Therefore rejoice in him, he was the desire for the future. Thus, the current owner's future aspirations.

And the current owner, how is future aspirations? Hopefully my eye in the future will be so, the law is so sharp. " He does not mind taking direction for what is yet to be. Do not radial coast, he does not rejoice in him, he has no desire for the future. "I hope that my ears in the future will be like that, the sound is so ... (as above) ... I hope that my nose in the future will be the same, the taste is so ... (as above) ... I hope that my tongue in the future will be the same, the taste is so ... (as above) ... Hopefully my body will be in the future as a result, the contact so ... (as above) ... my hope that the future will be the same, so the law is. " He does not mind taking direction for what is yet to be. Do not radial coast, he does not rejoice in him. Do not rejoice in him, he has no desire for the future. Thus, the current owner, is no future aspirations.

And the current owner, how is drawn in the current law? This current owner, if the eye and rupa, both sides in the present, and he's been tied up sex and love is in the present. Since he's been tied up sex and love, he rejoice in it. Therefore rejoice in him, he was drawn in the current law. This current owner, if the ear and the sound ... (as above) ... if the nose and the taste ... (as above) ...; if your tongue and the ... (as above) ...; if the contact body and ... (as above) ... Hey, if the current owner and the law, both of which are present in the present, and he's been tied up sex and love is also present in this . Since he's been tied up sex and love, he rejoice in it. Therefore rejoice in him, he was drawn in the current law. Thus, the current owner, is drawn in the current law.

And the current owner, how is drawn in the current law? This current owner, if the eye and rupa, both sides in the present, and he's not tied to sex and love is in the present. Because he's not tied to sex and love, he does not rejoice in him. Do not rejoice in him, he was not tempted in the current law. This current owner, if the ear and the sound ... (as above) ... This current owner, if the nose and the taste ... (as above) ... This current owner, if your tongue and ... (as above) ... This current owner, if the emotional body and ... (as above) ... This text comes, and if the law, both sides in the present, and official position He is not tied to sexual and loving in the present as well. Because he's not tied to sex and love, he does not rejoice in him. Do not rejoice in him, he was not tempted in the current law. Thus, the current owner is not drawn in the current law.

The current owner, the general theory of Bhagavan read up briefly, not interpreted broadly, the seat up and went to the monastery:

The past is not traced

Future aspirations,

... (As above) ...

Value called Circuit appeared,

Tier calm, quiet.

Part of this general theory, the current owner, is Exalted read up briefly, not be interpreted broadly; This current owner, I understand the meaning broadly the same. And if you want venerable monks, go to Bhagavan and asked the meaning of this. Bhagavan explains how the venerable, so please maintain life.

Monks And then, after the credits happy life Mahakaccana venerable word preached, from the seat got up and went to the Blessed One; after coming to pay homage to the Blessed One and sat down on one side. Sitting down on one side, white Monks was Exalted:

- Buddha, Bhagavan after reading the general theory briefly for us, not interpreted broadly, the seat up, and go to the Vihara:

The past is not traced

Future aspirations,

... (As above) ...

Value called Circuit appeared,

Tier calm, quiet.

White Exalted, after Bhagavan go soon, we thought as follows: "The Sun after reading the general theory briefly for us, not interpreted broadly, and went into the Crystal Amnesty:

The past is not traced

Future aspirations,

... (As above) ...

Value called Circuit appeared,

Tier peace, heavy bass.

Did not know anyone could interpret broadly the general theory, this section only Bhagavan read up briefly, not be interpreted broadly. "

Then Bhagavan transparency, we think as follows: "Venerable Mahakaccana (Oscar-fried-dien) this ... (as above) ... we ask venerable Mahakaccana in this sense. "Then Bhagavan transparency, we went to the venerable Mahakaccana, after he came to us to ask about the meaning of this Mahakaccana. The meaning of the (word) that was venerable Mahakaccana explain to us with this method, with this question, with these words.

- Hey Monks, Mahakaccana level is displayed. This Monks, Mahakaccana is such great wisdom. This Monks if he asked me about the meaning of this, I also explained to Mr. so, as explained Mahakaccana. Actually that is so meaningful, and so he let life over.


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