Wednesday 21 January 2015


Thus have I heard.

Exalted One time residence in Savatthi, at Pubbarama (East Park) Migaramatupasada (dialysis Auditorium). At the time of day the Bodhisattva, the day of the full moon, the full moon night cent, Bhagavan sitting in the sky, around which we Monks joint enclosure. Then Bhagavan looked at them bhikkhu is quiet, very quiet and security Monks:

- Hey Monks, an underhanded (asappurisa) may know a misdeed: "The underhanded as this position", or not?

- Buddha, is not known.

- You instead, the Monks! This Monks can not have sex, not events, an unrighteous person can know a misdeed: "The underhanded as this position." This Monks, but an unrighteous person can a person can know right feet: "The right feet this is the" or not?

- You instead, the Monks! This Monks can not have sex, can not have an underhanded events may know someone right feet: "This person is the right feet." The Unjust, the Monks, who is fully underhanded methods, socializing with the underhanded, devious thoughts as, investment instruments such as the underhanded, speaking as the underhanded, act as the Unjust, there wrong as underhanded, devious as alms.

And the Monks, how full is the underhanded methods underhanded? Here, the Monks, who underhanded disbelief, heartless, recklessness, heard little, laziness, forgetfulness, mental paralysis. Thus, the Monks, who underhanded full underhanded methods. And the Monks, how is the underhanded socializing with people underhanded? Here, the Monks, even the Brahmin any disloyal, heartless, very precious, little heard, laziness, forgetfulness, mental paralysis, he is the friend, the friendship with the estate his chief. Thus, the Monks, who underhanded socializing with people underhanded. And the Monks, how is the underhanded thinking as underhanded? Here, the Monks, who underhanded self-harm thoughts, thoughts of harming others, thinking harm both ... Thus, the Monks, who underhanded reflection as the underhanded. And the Monks, how is the underhanded investment instruments such as the underhanded? Here, the Monks, who underhanded quantum-harm, harm investment instruments, investment instruments harm both. Thus, the Monks are underhanded investment instruments such as the underhanded. And the Monks, how is the underhanded speaking as the underhanded? Here, the Monks, who underhanded tell lies, say two blades, said export evil, say frivolous. Thus the Monks, who underhanded speaking as underhanded. And the Monks, how is the underhanded act as underhanded? Here, the Monks, the underhanded killing, taking what is not given, as the sexual misconduct in. Thus, the Monks are underhanded act as underhanded. And the Monks, how is the underhanded with wrong as underhanded? Here, the Monks, who underhanded wrong view as follows: "There are no handouts, no sacrifice, no international order, no results acclimatization of evil now, without this life, no other life, no father, no mother, no kind of life. In life, there are no Monks, even the Brahmin chief direction, Chief Justice himself attained to the upper position this life and others, and teaches "... Thus, this Monks, who have deviant underhanded as underhanded. And the Monks, how is the underhanded alms as underhanded? Here, the Monks, who underhanded way disrespectful alms, alms are not manually, generosity without careful reflection, alms those things do not need, do not think alms to the future . Thus, the Monks, who underhanded alms as underhanded.

This Monks, who was underhanded, complete such underhanded methods, socializing with people such underhanded, devious thoughts such as, investment instruments such as the underhanded, speaking as the such underhanded, devious act as such, have wrong as such underhanded, devious alms as such, body damage after public network, born in the realm of the misdeed. And the Monks, how is the realm of the underhanded? Hell or porcelain.

This Monks, a person can know right feet is a right feet: "The right feet this is the" or not?

- Ladies know, white Exalted.

- You instead, the Monks! The situation is this happening right feet may know the right feet: "This person is the right feet." But the Monks, the right feet may know the misdeed: "The Unjust This is the" or not?

- Ladies know, white Exalted.

- You instead, the Monks! This Monks, this is the situation right feet may know the misdeed: "The underhanded as this position". This Monks, the Dharma full right feet, hang out with the right feet level, as the level of thinking right feet, investment grade instruments such as the right feet, speaking as rank right feet, act as feet level district, which ranks right view as right feet, as alms rank right feet.

And the Monks, what is the right feet full dharma? Here, the Monks, the right feet with confidence, passable heart, your heart, hear more, have ardent, diligence, mindfulness, wisdom. Thus, the Monks, the right feet is full of Dharma. And the Monks, what is the right feet hang out with the right feet level? Here, the Monks, the monk, Brahmin any faith, heart passable, you hear a lot of heart, ardent, diligence, mindfulness, wisdom, your He is a friend and friendship of his position right feet. Thus, the Monks, who consorted with the right feet ranks right feet. And this, Monks, how are thinking right feet as the right feet? Here, the Monks, the right feet do not think self-harm, not harm others think, do not think to harm both. Thus, the Monks are thinking right feet like the feet of the district. And this, Monks, how are investment instruments such as the right feet right feet? Here, the Monks, the right feet do not hurt yourself quantum, not harming other investment instruments, investment instruments not hurt either. Thus, the Monks are investment instruments such as the right feet right feet? And the Monks, how are people talking right feet as the right feet? Here, the Monks, the right feet do not lie abandoned, abandoned two blades do not say, do not say evil abandoned border, abandoned not say chatter. Thus, the Monks, who is speaking right feet like the feet of the district. And the Monks, what is the right feet act as the right feet? Here, the Monks, the right feet abandon killing, taking what is not given to abandon, renounce do in lewd sexual misconduct. Thus, the Monks are right feet act as the right feet. And the Monks, what is the right feet with the right view as rank right feet? Here, the Monks, who have the primary right feet is as follows: "There alms, with sacrifice, with economic order, with results acclimatization of evil now, there is life, there is another life, have father, mother, type of delivery. In life there are Monks, even the Brahmin chief direction, Chief Justice, has himself attained to the upper position this life and the other, and teach again. Thus, the Monks are right feet have the right view as the right feet. And the Monks, what is the right feet like the feet of main alms? Here, the Monks, the right feet politely alms, alms to the hand, Bell has thought carefully, things need alms, alms may think of the future. Thus, the Monks are right feet alms as the right feet. This Monks, who was right feet, so full dharma, hang out with people like that right feet, thinking such as the right feet, investment instruments such as the right feet, speaking as the feet such district, right feet act as such, have the right view as the same as the right feet, handouts such as the right feet, body damage after public network, born in the realm of the right feet . And the Monks, how is the realm of the right feet? Great gods or nature of contemporary human nature.


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