Wednesday 21 January 2015

Thus have I heard.

Exalted One time stay at Savatthi (Xa-defense), Jetavana (United-did), at his residence Essential Anathapindika (Anathapindaka). In that Bhagavan called Monks: "Hey Monks" - "O yes, white Exalted." Monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan says as follows: "Hey Monks, I will preach to the rebirth He put out by it. Listen carefully and heuristics. I will preach. " - "O yes, white Exalted." Monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan says as follows:

- Here, the Monks, Monks full credit, full instructions, full text (suta), a full trial, full of wisdom. He thought as follows: "We hope that after the body septic joint network, we will stay in modern living stems Sat-imperial clan-town!" He specializes on his mind, his mind dwell, practicing her mind. The issue is that the bhikkhu abides, practice, such as the fullness of life he gave birth in that place. This Monks, this is the direction, this is the route taken to be reborn in that place.

Again, the Monks, Monks full credit, full instructions, full text, full trial, full of wisdom. He thought: "Hopefully, after the body septic joint network, we will be living in the big family residence stems Brahmin! ... Or in layman big family!" He specializes on his mind, an Stay mind that the practice of his mind. The issue is that the bhikkhu abides, practice, such as the fullness of life he gave birth in that place. This Monks, this is the direction, this is the route taken to be reborn in that place.

Again, the Monks, Monks full credit, full instructions, full text, full trial, full of wisdom. He was heard: "Four Great Uranus has long-life, with fine minister, has more optimistic life". He thought: "I hope that after the body septic public network, plus or minus one is born with the gods in heaven charity!" He specializes on his mind, his mind dwell, practicing her mind. The issue is that the bhikkhu abides, practice, ... lead to rebirth in that place.

Again, the Monks, Monks full credit, full instructions, full text, full trial, full of wisdom. He was heard: "Gods Tavatimsa Heaven (Tam tam Cross disaster) ... Yama devas (Da-ma) ... Tusita Devas (Top-interest-momentum) ... Devas Nimmanarati (Hoa Lac). Devas Paramimmitavasavatti .. (Tha of Liberation) with long-life, with fine minister, has more optimistic life. He thought: "I hope that after the body septic joint network, we are born with the gods reside in the stems of Self in natural Tha!" He specialist ... concentration was taken to be reborn in that place.

Again, the Monks, Monks full credit, full instructions, full text, full trial, full of wisdom. He was heard: "Thousand Brahma with long-life, with fine minister, has more optimistic life" ... This Monks, Brahma lives of thousands of satisfied turn instill a thousand world. And he lived Shun elegant, turn chronic beings are born to this world. For example, the Monks, a person holding a left eye amanda (a-ma-Lac) in the left hand and looked at it; also, the Monks, thousands Brahma instill life, making the world a thousand complacent. And he instilled life, variable chronic beings are born to this world. He thought: "I hope that after the body septic public network, plus or minus one will be born with thousands of Brahma!" He specialist ... concentration was taken to be reborn in that place.

Again, the Monks, Monks full credit ... full of wisdom. He was heard: "Two thousand and three thousand Brahma Brahma world ... ... four ... five thousand thousand Brahma Brahma with long-life, with fine minister, has more optimistic life. This Monks, five thousand Brahma with long-life, with fine minister, has more optimistic life. This Monks, five thousand Brahma instill life, making five thousand complacent world. And he instilled life satisfaction variable beings are born to this world. For as the Monks, a bird in the left eye amanda (a-ma-Lac) in the left hand and looked at him. Likewise, the Monks, five thousand Brahma instill life, making five thousand complacent world. And he instilled life satisfaction variable beings are born on the same world. " He thought: "I hope that after the body septic joint network, we will be born with a plus or minus five thousand Brahma!" He specialist ... concentration was taken to be reborn in that place.

Again, the Monks, Monks full credit ... sex ... ... candidates ... Full text of wisdom. He was heard: "Ten thousand Brahma with long-life, with fine minister, has more optimistic life". This Monks, ten thousand Brahma world imbued with chronic turned ten thousand world. He lives imbued with chronic variable beings are born on the same world. For example, the Monks, a stone lapis gem, beautifully throughout, with eight sides, smart sanding, grinding well, put on a light colored curtains, will shine, brilliance; also, the Monks, ten thousand Brahma instill life, making him the world's ten thousand satisfied. He thought: "I hope that after the body septic joint network, we are born with a plus or minus ten thousand Brahma!" He specialist ... concentration was taken to be reborn in that place.

Again, the Monks, Monks full credit ... full of wisdom. He was heard: "Hundred thousand Brahma with long-life, with fine minister, has more optimistic life". This Monks, hundreds of thousands of Brahma, instill life, making hundreds of thousands of satisfied world ... He also instilled, chronic variable beings are born on the same world. For example, a jewelry made of gold (jambonada), is cleverly forged in the furnace of a skilled goldsmith, if placed on a light colored curtains will shine, shining, shining; This also Monks, hundreds of thousands of Brahma dwell instill chronic hundred thousand turn the world ... He thought: "I hope that after the body septic joint network, we are born with hundreds of thousands of resident stem Brahma! "He specializes in concentration that ... leads to rebirth in that place.

Again, the Monks, Monks full credit ... full of wisdom. He was heard: "... Min Chu Quang Quang natural disasters, Boundless Light ... Optical Audio natural disasters have long-life, with fine minister, has more optimistic life". He thought: "I hope that we ..." ... lead to rebirth in that place.

Again, the Monks, Monks full credit ... full of wisdom. He was heard: "Chu Pure Pure natural disasters ... Qualification ... Countless Pure natural disasters ... denatured with long-life, with fine minister, has more optimistic life". He thought: "I hope that we ..." ... lead to rebirth in that place.

Again, the Monks, Monks full credit ... full of wisdom. He was heard: "Square Fruit natural disasters ... Forever ... Forever negativity bias temperature ... natural disasters ... A-ni-ca-sa long-life disasters have had cosmetic minister, has more optimistic life ". He thought: "I hope that after the body septic joint network, we are born with lettered A resident stem-ni-ca-sa-natural". He specializes in the mind that ... leads to rebirth in that place.

Again, the Monks, Monks full credit ... full of wisdom. He was heard: "Gods gained immense Nowhere origin, with long-life, permanent residence, with many feeling optimistic." He thought: "I hope that we ..." ... brought to that place of rebirth.

Again, the Monks, Monks full credit ... full of wisdom. He was heard: "Gods gained boundless Unknown Origin ... was owned African origin ... has achieved great land of non-ideal non life-long, permanent resident, have more optimistic life" He thought: "I hope that we ..." ... lead to rebirth in that place.

Again, the Monks, Monks full credit ... full of wisdom. He thought: "We hope that, with the exception of contraband or, with the winning position, I realized, attained and currently reside right in the heart of liberation, liberating insight outflows!" He with the exception taints, the winning position, realization, attainment and currently reside within the mind liberated, liberating insight outflows. This Monks, Monks are not born somewhere, not born somewhere.


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