Sunday, 25 January 2015

The concept of karma in Buddhism

Karma is a central concept in Buddhist teachings brought many aspects of psychological and metaphysical philosophy deeply and complex, yet often been interpreted too mechanical and simple. The following article will try to present basic concepts under the overarching perspective, science and philosophy more.
General Aspects of Buddhist teachings now
Karma is a Sanskrit karma or Karman , Pali kamma , that is an "action" , a "behavior" . Rhymes kar ( car ) in the word karma means "action" , "impact" , and also spell out the word stem rise creare in Latin, the word creare turned into CreER when translated into French and words create in English, all the words are meant to create , cause ... In summary can imagine karma as a motivation to work to create something.
Western Buddhism does not translate this word is used directly Sanskrit karma or Karman or Pali kamma. Today the word karma has become a buzzword in the Western languages ​​and common dictionaries are raised and explain the word. To say that today against Western culture concept has now become universal.
But for the masses can both Western and Asian, now sometimes known as a destiny, a penalty wear people down "create" it possessed. When they heard now think of something really bad that they have to suffer. For those who have little knowledge of Dharma is now symbolizes a certain operational aspects of a general rule called 'the law of cause - effect ". It is a law of nature, global in nature and does not necessarily represent an imposition. The proper practice not only does not fear the law, but also know how to use it to act in a righteous way to make the determination and desire to bring her most happy for themselves and others.
However, on this understanding of karma has been simplified a lot, because now actually contains many complex aspects related to many other concepts in Buddhist teachings. Indeed for the Buddhist concept of karma is not merely represents a continuation of the chain between the random variables causes brought consequence that people have to suffer passively, nor conception now is the fate arranged things in nature and divine predestination. Indeed, if properly understand the teachings of the Buddha, it is now a guard, a great hope, a sense of responsibility for themselves and others.
Western culture is influenced heavily on a philosophical proposition and oldest religious-based individualism, that man is the only view, distinct and separate from the world around them. Understanding the cause of some Westerners sometimes so simple and machinery. Indeed, we will not be able to understand simple know now if only based on the distinction between "the good" and "evil", "the right" and "wrong". Such reasoning indeed too simple and crude to be able to understand the concept of karma in a satisfactory manner.
The logic (or logical) of non-industrial real news directly direction in a straight line - either positive or negative - but rather it is an extremely complex interactions between numerous phenomena , both animal and non-animal-nature-nature, through space and time, with respect to the inner realm of the individual and the real world outside. So really now what?
First career means a deliberate , an intention (intention) , a mental impact idealistic in nature known as volition (volition), Sanskrit is cetana . volition or intention ( cetana ) is one of six basic ability of the mind called mental knowledge ( manovijnana ), in the knowledge that in other sensory knowledge . Knowledge of mental always vivid in the mind of an individual and contains the ability to perceive an object or an event of the external environment, or an image arises in the mind. The subject matter has to be felt by the knowledge will give rise to emotions. Emotions can manifest as a form of mental behavior, ie, an idealistic or volition, and it was now. In other words, if the sense of pentagons and knowledge through contact with objects but do not generate the set, only the volition or will not generate business, such as the digestive, excretory, including sensory and perception alone.
In short attention, intention or volition role towards the mind on an object or outside the context of an image in the mind, so that one can define a career move or a movements . The movement of industrial continuous impact on the flow of consciousness. So if you are not actively influence the flow of an individual that is continually creating for themselves now. Meditation is a way lessen or completely stop the flow and continuity of business formation in the mind. In the book ( L'Enseignement du Bouddha , Seuil, 1961, page 42) Walpora Rahula has cited a teaching of Buddha in The Business Boost She is as follows:
"Monks, I assure you that volition (cetana) it is now (kamma). With the intent (purpose in mind) they act in the body, in words and in their mental health agency ",
Design thinking to be able to understand what it is now perhaps this is one of the important teachings of the Buddha. The meaning of the above makes clear intention was that now, from now born to act on physical, verbal or in the immediate inner mental health agency . Signature mental health agency is translated from the word mental organe in the French language, Sanskrit manas , Pali is mano , the original Chinese texts translated grit-na formula . Mat-na's official Friday called informal knowledge (consciousness), or if understood in the schools of Consciousness-Only (Yogacara), then it is Saturday method (also known as heart infection - klistamanas ), issues related to these terms will be presented in detail in the sections below.
Intention or volition occur in each moment one, ie a temporary nature that is not continuous, but when the moment is terminated or the residual imprint continues to stay in the moment happen then the next, this is the explanation of memory from the perspective of Buddhism.
Imprint of volition save a trace on the flow of consciousness called the germ, karma, seeds, etc ... (Sanskrit vasana ), represents a pulse power or a power boost . At a time when some condition or fate meets create favorable circumstances, the imprint of the industry will bring consequences arising out essentially the same positive or negative to trace him. The following quote in economic Di-Da-lan ( Milandapanha , also known as Na-first economic monks ) can summarize what has just presented above. In doing this the king Di-lan-momentum (Milanda, king of Penjab, second century BC) has asked monks Na-first (Nagasena) as follows:
"So now it is?" . Na-first monks replied as follows: "Sire, not sure now is" stored "somewhere [fixed] in the knowledge is always in motion can not grasp, or somewhere in the body. But it depends on the mental and physical (body) and will be detected at a time to adapt. Also can not say that the mangoes are "stored" somewhere the mango tree, but it depends on the mango tree and out (bear fruit) when the crops adapted " (based on the French translation of Louis Finot, Les QUESTIONS de Milanda , Ed. Dharmas, 1983)
When an imprint saved on the line knowledge of an individual, it will associate with countless other traces ie the intention or volition other pre-existing or will arise later to create a "combination" brings a "general trend", promoting individuals revealed that in future the intention of bringing a certain trend that fish can not resist him. The effect will induce the individual was "committed" to the nature of the act spontaneously mean immediate implementation automatically.
In short career consists of two components and both belong to the field of mental health: the first component is the intention of the same category ie non-animal-nature for the mind, the second component is an imprint record lines engraved on an individual's knowledge. Imprint can be converted into visible and effective at any time, so can call it the seeds persist in knowledge. The seeds that will influence and govern the formation of an instance in the future, which affects the appearance and structure of individual consciousness that.
The major characteristics of the industry based on books
Above are some of the industry and outline below is a presentation of the main characteristics based on books.
I. The four basic characteristics of the industry (catvari karmasvabhava) .
Can now consists of four qualities or characteristics are as follows:
1. Physical nature of career decision : now bring personality decision means instant results always bring along a nature to rise to it now.
2. Growth of the Industry : Industrial always lively , in case if not now be purified, it will continue to grow until it meets the conditions of adaptation makes it generates results.
3. Professional executable (not complete) : if there is no intention , and no action is of course also will not have an effect occurs.
4. Industrial completed : now when completed will not vanish away and given it will generate results in a point, of course, except where he has now been dissolved and purified by the practice.
II- identity and intensity of career
Depending on the nature of intention and action, now will bring nuances and different intensities:
- Action virtue or chastity ( kusalakarma ): consequences will bring good and convenient .
- Action negative or dark ( akusalakarma ): consequences will bring suffering .
- Action neutral ( avyakrtakarma ): consequences brought no happiness and no pain .
The characteristics such as favorable or unfavorable benefit not necessarily related or correlated with the principles defined by conventional morality and human arbitrary set, which depends on the true nature of the actions executed. The quality is determined based on the purpose of motivating a subject of action for the purpose of creating good or suffering to other beings, such as help destitute of compassion or killing because of wickedness .... So if you want to determine the true nature of the industry, they must distinguish clearly the nature of the intention or the intention is and the nature of the enforcement action is what . For example:
- Intent in white and act in white : for example intention in white comes from compassion and action in white to help others avoid suffering.
- Intent in white but act dark : Intent innermost nature positively, but actions reveal outside the stern and angry aims to alert and awaken others.
- Intent dark but act in white : for someone something dangerous, such as donations to the intoxicating liquor, or pretend gentle and cute for the purpose of deception or perform a standard somehow selfish.
- Intent dark and act dark : for example someone is the negative impulses promote wrongdoing to others, such as cursing or injury to others.

Here is a list of actions to create professional career in the white and black:

- Industrial in white or favorable includes ten unethical behavior and to avoid the ten virtuous should do:
Three things of the body:
1. Do not deprive of life - a living being rescued from death.
2. Do not steal - giving.
3. Do not commit sexual acts lack of virtue - known preserving continence.

Four of the words:
4. Do not lie - saying it's right.
5. Do not denigrate - Say healing and reconciliation.
6. Do not curse - say softly.
7. Do not eat aimless ramble - often recited.
Three things of the mind:
8. Do not envy - joy to see other people happy.
9. No malice - reveal mercy.
10. Removing the misconceptions - choosing the right perspective.
- Professional dark or disadvantages stemming from:
Friday basic desires , the original Chinese texts called continent afflictions, including: attachment, hatred, ignorance, pride, doubt, misconceptions .
Twenty secondary passions include: hostility, hatred, malice, envy, deceit, etc ..
Committing to ten actions lack of piety, including:
- Three actions of the body: killing, stealing, sexual acts lack of piety .
- Four action of words: lies, slander, curse, talk non-stop eating junk .
- Four of mental action: envy, malice, nurturing perspective distortions.
Enterprise and Industry III-promoting agitated
There are two different types of business:
- Industry promotion: also known as the Industrial (Sanskrit cetanakarma ) area that is now bringing a proactive role and induce agitation (volition, intentional action, karma producing impulses). Promote professional career as arising from the intentions of the mind.
- Industrial agitated: (Sanskrit cetayitvakarma ) that is now implemented by promoting consciousness, ie induced by willpower. Now driven or agitated include bodily ( kayakarma ), verbal ( vakkhakarma ) and the industry ( manaskarma ) arises in the mind.
Example: hate someone (now promoted ) and stick hit this person ( bodily ), or cursing the person ( verbal ), or they could not swear to this, but the plot in mind This man murdered formula ( the industrial, business center ), please note that in this case the now become an act of consciousness and can be seen as a kind of career promotion.
In short news first class of business promotion ( cetanakarma ) active nature is more important than the type of business because of the role of agitation, promoting rise to bodily, verbal and industrial center (the industry) .
IV- The Way of Industry (Karmamarga)

The path of industrial materials that Sanskrit is karmamarga ( marga means road) represents the conduct or of career progression. The path of career progression when full news means complete, will consist of four stages or four essential conditions as follows:
1. Basic or base ( vastu ): Instant required object-oriented professional help to complete it. Basic premises that is a sensual beings. For example slaughtering industry can only form when there is a being killed, by the hunting industry can only occur when an animal has been killed.
2. Thinking ( asaya ): ie, there must be an intention or desire . Thinking (intention, desire) consists of three components:
a) the determination or the identity or direction on a fundamental basis that, (for example: identify a beast).
b) agitation : News intention or desire to implement a fully conscious action, (eg deliberate want to kill animals).
c) the nature of the agitation : the nature of agitation or desire may be more positive or negative (eg, agitation negative nature: the desire to eat meat or animal animal pelts envy).
3. Action ( prayoga ): ie the period when the intention or desire to be executed in a specific way (eg, holding a gun aimed at the animal and pulled the trigger).
4. The completed ( nisthagamana ): ie the purposes of intent has been done and completed, which means that effective action in accordance with the will, (eg, the animal was killed).
When these four factors or conditions referred to above, it is now complete.
V. Consequences of Industry (karmaphala)
If four phases occur on the full career path will bring three types of consequences in the order as follows:
1. The results fully ripe ( vipakaphala ): eg in the case of negative consequences because it brings wholeness will be reborn in the lower realms, such as industrial by anger will cause re born in hell, and now due to ignorance causes cretinism reborn in ghosts or animals ...
2. Results matching causes ( nisyandaphala ): consequences brought along a category or nature to act, that is always a result consistent with the trend or momentum to promote an individual may prefer a certain actions. For example, industrial action by police personnel will promote an individual after regeneration by nature aggressive like the killing, or suffer the consequences receiving the same category for his own actions that were implemented earlier, such as will be killed or to be regenerated, or will be stillborn in many successive lives.
3. Results matching interests ( adhipatihala ): the result is propelled by an individual regeneration in a suitable living environment and correlates with that individual's career. For example, some negative karma leads to rebirth in a favorable environment, such as a place of poverty, war, delayed, or in a poor family, unfortunate ... There are three types Industrial relation to the nature of the results is as follows:
a) Industry worthy ( punyakarma ): ie make positive career rebirth in favorable circumstances under realms.
b) Industrial unworthy ( apunyakarma ): ie negative karma that regeneration in circumstances disadvantages of realms.
c) Industrial quiet ( aninjyakarma ): now that is brought from the silence and stillness of the mind, there is something positive that now reborn in gender identity (the realm of pure form - rupadathu ) or plane formless world (invisible realm minister or non-animal-nature - arupadathu ).
But we should also understand that students in all three realms above - sexuality, gender identity and formless world - remains trapped within reborn as living beings that are still obstacles in the ignorance that is still also identified an ego and also do not see the true nature of all phenomena.
VI- The accumulation of industrial and complete
When an individual begins in the mind reveals an intention or determination to perform a certain action, then it is called now accumulate and accumulate, which means no findings into action on the body or verbal. Now called complete when the action was fully implemented. Industrial classification as above shows that when both have an intention , a determination, which means volition evident in mind, the industry immediately began to form. When volition moved into action when it actually creates new verbal , bodily or the industry. In this case, should understand the industry or interest now is an "action" occurs in the mind, such as curse in the first or plotting to harm a person you hate.
Four cases may occur in the progression from now accumulated to now complete:
a) Industry accumulation is complete : for example we have the intention of killing and bring him to perform (killing an animal, for example).
b) Industry has been accumulated but not complete : for example we have the killing but did not kill the animal.
c) do not accumulate karma yet been completed : implementation example does not intend to kill but unintentionally violate action.
d) does not accumulate karma is not complete : for example we have no intention of killing but accidentally commit such actions, but I know right and immediately regretted using four power (remorse, no recidivism, ethics, practice) to purified action.
VII- The power of now
The strength or intensity of the impact depends on the following factors:
a) Time : potential career or contained as long as become stronger, which means that the gap between the time when the industry is inscribed and time incurred as a result, increasing the added factor intensity of business.
b) The path of the industry : the impact of industrial strength stronger if the career progression that is the way of business is conducted entirely (including: basic - thinking - action - completion ).
c) The object of the industry : if the object of the act creating negative karma is a holy man, a moral person, a person familiar (such as parents), a Bodhisattva or a living is falling in complete misery and despair (created to take advantage of the occasion), the impact strength of the industry becoming more intense.
d) As regular basis : if a row enforcement action the same category and carry the same purpose, the repetition will make the karma of each action stronger increase.
e) The intensity of intent : karma have very different effects between the transient and frustrating deep hatred between pity and compassion temporary durable.
f) Industrial antagonists or opposite : an antagonistic nature now or in opposition to one another will now have the ability to reduce, stop or resolve his career, (for example: although greedy but often frequently involved in charity work, or know of repentance).
VIII The purity of industrial goods
According to Mahayana Buddhism as a deliberate or intentional Industry News idealistic though the line was inscribed on the continuum of knowledge, can still pure chemical or resolve it. So if purified as soon as the more easier, because then the industry has not grown too strong and not eat too deep into the continuity of knowledge, which means that when individuals are operating remember karma their work and be aware of its impact to purified it. The purified require a combination of four power as follows:
a) The power of remorse.
b) The power of determination not relapse.
c) The power due to the preservation of morality.
d) The power due to the practice: for example repent before the Buddha, the enlightened launched, chanting man-tra, purified by allowing Vajrasattva practice ( Vajrasattava ), ....
In contrast to the positive business and virtues accumulated from previous operations may be negatively happen then make dissipate. Business often wary of the practice as follows: "a moment of anger can also dissipate good karma accumulated from thousands of lives" . Also keep in mind that when fate has helped meet now become ripe, when it will no longer be the way to resolve it, and the discovery of the effect becomes a matter of course.
IX mental nature of business:
Industrial always mental in nature. What non-idealistic way or deliberately did not create even now feel on the body (sensory) and the perception alone (without expression) in mind. Please quote the following verse in the book of Walpola Rahula ( L'Enseignement du Bouddha , op. cit., page 42):
"The sense of feeling and perception is not only the action. They do not impact arising out now. Only a deliberate action to create new business, such as: attention (manasikara), trust (saddha), concentration (samadhi), wisdom (panna), energy (viriya), lust (raga), disgust or hatred (patigha), ignorance (avijja), the arrogance (mana), thinking about what I (Sakkaya-ditthi), etc .. "
This sentence shows that only the intention in mind to save a new imprint on the flow of knowledge, everything that happens under the external senses including touch on body awareness and mental ( not accompanied by the expression) does not create karma. Please return to examples of hunters, who raise animals and guns aimed at squeezing there, and it was a deliberate move into action. So what happens then?
Where the animal was hit and deadening, who enjoyed hunting and joy. Excitement and joy (actually just the nature of the reactions of ignorance) is what directly create a career and leave imprints in the line of hunting knowledge. The suffering of animals deadening, wound spray of blood ... on the external context should not directly generate business, pleasure (negative nature) in the mind of the new hunting leave imprint in the mind of the person.
Where the wounded beast, a lame leg and escaped. The regret hunting, chasing and hope to find it and shoot it. Regret and hope to create professional, wounded animal not generate now only indirect object (base or basic) for the creation of the hunting industry. Although the death of an animal does not leave imprints in the minds of people hunting, but to facilitate direct impact on the environment. The impact that (though meaningless go again) will also affect the change of environment and all life including hunters. The consequences of actions will kill more noticeable if there is not an animal was shot by a man killed. Death would cause hatred and pain ..., grief and hatred will multiply and spread wide.
If there is not a man that was killed was a war going on, the pain and resentment will be engraved on the line when the knowledge of millions of defeat, "joy" and "happiness", the expression of ignorance will be flooded with millions of lines of knowledge of the winner. Karma is like, began as a deliberate ( cetana ) in the mind of each individual, resulting in our world-grandmother.
Please raise an opposite example, such as a person meditating still recognize the sensory arising out of the body, the cognitive functions are still living in mind, but no expression (emotional ) or unintentional ( cetana ) occurs, the karma so no. But if wisdom (the focus) flashed evident though on a certain level, then it is a factor in karma, but it is something that brings salvation now.
Czech Industry and dedication
In addition to the features listed above now, probably also need to raise two concepts are more or less related to the characteristics of the industry, there is karma and dedication.
So What is karma? Actually the concept of karma is not seen discussed (?) In the texts and commentaries old files, or can not, or not found (?) Because the number is too large books. Moreover did not see the Buddhist scholars today is the western scholars refer to this issue extensively. So can understand now necessarily be more personality.
Usually people "imagine" or "inferred" karma when looking at the consequences of the same, common to many people, including a nation. Whether an executable file or expressing a certain common actions, such as living in the same profession, many people protesting a law or a political system, execute a goal or ideal General, or rushing in a movement or a particular sect ..., the impact caused by the actions that are probably not the same in the mind of each individual, because the action also combine and interact with the trend, pulse energy and individual rights arising from the others available in each instance.
Let's take a specific example, when looking at an aircraft accident occurs, for example, one might think that it is because of karma where the passengers and crew were ripe and consequence general weakness happened to everyone. However, the passengers of all ages, with many different nationalities, cultures inherited, education and different thresholds, bring different personalities, a summary is inherited very different now distinct. Aircraft accidents are only one event (karma) in collaboration with industrial maturity of each person to create a second identical results for all.
The second concept less contact with the industry may also need to raise, it is a good or vocational rehabilitation merit they have done in the other direction. Dedication is a special permit practice of Mahayana Buddhism, but today we see Theravada (Therevada) sometimes allow enforcement practices, especially in Thailand and Burma. So in the direction of effective or not, has made a career change to other fish or not?
First dedication will bring the practice of deep emotion and a boundless power because it is an expression of compassion, the only condition is to be determined, honest and practitioners have made currently acts or reveal the deep thinking to bring things worthy, that is ever created by the good karma. For the object of which is in the direction of others, they have received the virtue that people dedicate their practice or not? For Tibetan Buddhists, the answer is definitely yes. If you look at the correlation rules, interoperability of all phenomena, including the phenomenon of non-animal-nature directly related to the operation of the mind, it can also be understood that certain actions must be brought in the direction a certain impact. Although the applause of a hand does not cause resonance, but if there is a supine hand to charity or a hand put forward to protect a being having no means of misery self-defense, they know where the clap of a hand can also rang out eight ten Buddhist sky.
On a completely rational thought can set infer the effectiveness of dedication. Industry does not represent an absolute fate that always interactive and volatility under the domination of correlation rules. Thus in principle a business interactions between the subject's dedication and professional dedication of the object can happen is, of course, the conditions that must be met by the industry to adapt to future fate work together.
There is also a detailed needs to be raised, according to the scriptures and the trust is an individual after death will be reborn within 49 days. So for example we VR good to his parents long dead, then what will happen? Although his parents had been born and brought other form below to form the category of other beings, then we dedicate themselves to their own students as their parents did. It is a way of extending compassion to all sentient beings of the six realms. In his six realms, each beings can be a parent of one point in the past.
Evolution of the concept of career
The above is a summary of the basic characteristics of a professional nature "pragmatic" help in practice, so that we may also need to expand the vision to find a deeper understanding of this concept in Buddhist. Indeed on the line if biological evolution of human ancestors were formed millions of years ago in the eastern continent and then spread around the globe, the valley of the Ganges River is where religion and spiritual movements as well as the oldest philosophy of humanity has been molded and arises.
The concept of karma embryo or karma actually incurred long before Buddhism in the river valley through HHang Vedas (between XVI and XVIII century BC), Rig-Veda business (mid eighteenth century and IX BC), economic Bramana (between X and VIII century BC), and then the economic Upanisads Vedas ie ​​the "improvements" (mid-seventh century and the sixth BC).
The word karma mentioned in the above mentioned books simply means a sacrificial act or a form of worship to pray for the purpose of every human life is improved and better social order. In other words karma in the scriptures does not bring a significant moral or philosophical at all, otherwise it is just a collective duty of man in society and the position of the Brahmin, ie the cleric guide and represent the collective, because you only have to master this new rite of worship to be hosts of economic sacrifices.
During more than ten centuries the whole valley of the Ganges influenced by the general belief that direct call Brahmin above, except that a vast territory and is quite isolated origin Ma-out-momentum (Magadha), today's Bihar state of India. Still caught in this context but the origin of Ma-out-momentum barely heavily influenced by religion above. At this territory around the sixth century BC and V three theistic religions are Buddhism formed, director Ja-in (Jainism) and director Ajivika and all three concepts advocated karma, yet meaning of this word is completely different between the three religions. In some religions, Buddhism has only become a major religions developed from the Ganges valley borders and today is expanding worldwide. Meanwhile director Ja-in only about 12 million followers across the country to India and it was directed Ajivika oblivion.
Directed Ja-in believe any action that became a cause and any cause were also taken to the rebirth and suffering, without any exception. So Ja-in policy direction must stop all actions arising from the body, speech and mind, it is the only way to stop is not stemmed, because if not, it creates causes consequently rebirth and suffering will not arise. Hence the practice of religion Ja-in is to keep the body motionless, such as standing on one foot, hands clasped together and goes straight up into the sky, the absolute world to be quiet estate in which the until exhausted. Practice allows the body to keep the estate will not generate new business, but the pre-existing causes, there is still so determined to be pure act of residual traces of the past now. It is a fundamental principle of allowing the practice of religion Ja-in order to help an individual liberation from the cycle of existence.
In contrast to direct Ja-in, policy director Ajivika not have a way to get rid of rebirth because it is a natural phenomenon, inevitably, bring personality "machinery" means a transport natural and inevitable life. Although preserve or enforce moral virtue, the poor things are also equally futile because such action does not cause an impact on regeneration cycle of an individual. Directed Ajivika fateful policy ( niyati ) absolute in nature, there is a motivation operational in nature "mechanical" and its function is to promote the rebirth or reincarnation of a possible form of vivid call the soul (Sanskrit jiva - the life-pinciple) of "life" is temporary. The soul ( jiva ) of an individual depends on the fate ( niyati - destiny) of individuals was, therefore can not be changed or improved. However Ajivika also directed that flows in non-endless ways that only lasts 84 000 lives, reincarnation line, an individual can be automatically purified in each life gradually until reaching a the ultimate liberation in life. Evolution ( parinama ) and sequential nature of existence to another existence represents a pure chemical process in order to "cleanse" karma , because now is a factor "physical" carries " colors "( Lesya ) makes pollution. For reasons of pollution by "color", so all five individual categories (beings), each individual brings a different color: black, blue, red, yellow and white, relative to year chemical purity levels: from hell realms of darkness to the light to form liberation. These values ​​are simply the "signs" outside demonstrates evolutionary level of an individual on-line regeneration, but absolutely no participation or unrelated to the evolution of life through . The view that the action is not brought a certain effect and fate absolute nature of religion Ajivika completely different and opposed to the teachings of Buddhism and the director Ja-in.
But both religious and Ja-in Ajivika advocate the practice of allowing that's pretty much the same way asceticism and mortification. Austerity for Ja-directed in order to cleanse industrial purposes in the past, to demonstrate how religion is Ajivika stages of the life that the practice eventually going to achieve, that is going to be the time escape the long chain of birth and death. How to live naked and directed Ajivika alms is to demonstrate the practice did not care what the value to society of secular life. The second similarity both religious Ja-in and Ajivika advocate the existence of an ego ( atman ) or soul ( jiva ). The ego or soul is an entity or a material ( dravya ) is real, permanent in nature and insight, help preserve an individual through the challenges of change is death. Although not part of the physical world, but the self or soul is capable of sustaining life for the body. Just a reminder to add the following two beliefs on self or soul brings absolute personality, different views of Hinduism appear later, because Hindus believe that the self or soul ( atman ) of an individual is only a small part of a unit or a soul can form "collective" from a broad universe ( paratman ). Above is a brief presentation of business in view of religion and religion Ajivika Ja-in, two beliefs formed almost simultaneously and had "compete" with Buddhism in the territory Ma-out rock. Here is the Buddhist perspective on business.
The concept of karma in Buddhism is different from the view of the above two beliefs. Buddha stated that the concept of karma in the framework of a global principle, there is correlation and similar laws create, govern all phenomena in the universe ( pratityasamutpada ). Han scriptures call this rule is dependent origination , Western languages ​​is called interdependence or coproduction conditionnee , or conditioned co-production (also recommends scholars translated coproduction conditionnelle - conditioning co-production is rather , but the previous translation has become familiar in Western books) . The following well-known teachings of the Buddha summarized it very clear rules:
" Imasmim sati, idam hoti [bhavati];
imassuppada, idam uppajjati.
Imasmim asati, idam na hoti;
imassa nirodha, idam nirujjhati. "

"This one has, the other form;
This is evident, the other born.
This does not, the other is not visible;
This suspension (disappeared), the other one is not born. "
This sentence is one of the most simple and profound at the same time most of the teachings of the Buddha, but very simple question was fully explain the nature of the universe. Scientists and philosophers of the West were extremely impressed by the deep meaning contained in the statement above was simple.
Indeed rule interoperability and interconnectivity to see all the phenomena of structural in nature, linked and dependent on each other for existence and volatility, although there is the phenomenon of material-physical realm or Non-animal-nature, of life or just a simple matter. In the general context of the law of correlation cosmic in nature, karma and now only a particular aspect, a unique case is closely related to the living beings ( sattwa ) contains a possible format or a certain level of consciousness , that is the sensual beings on the six realms of samsara ( six paths ). Han scriptures call it the sentient beings, although the word is not exactly charming and very easy to cause misunderstandings. So a specific way to understand how the industry?
What is karma?
Again, now is an action but must understand that it is not a gesture action can be observed or a word could be heard, but rather an effect or emotion happens in the mind. Some texts divided into three categories are now bodily, verbal and the industry, however, this classification should be explained so easily cause confusion. Now primarily a volition ( cetana ) that is a deliberate, an intention, a desire in mind, then from now volition birth action (on the body), speech and mind (under the mental health agency, eg plot, estimate ... arises in the mind). In summary only act on the body and the language is the expression of now "observer" because on the outside world. Hence the term as volition ( cetana ), the industry ( cetanakarma ) or business center ( manakarma ) are designated industrial areas of mental and meaning quite close together. Mental nature of business is very important because it helps to learn the prop and its operation in mind. Here cite parallels the first four in the Dhammapada shows that the role of early and proactive mind that is the career or career center:
"All phenomena are caused by the mind that out,
All were born from the mind.
One person speaks and acts with bad mind,
Suffering will roll under him as the wheel follows in the footsteps of animals sled.

All phenomena are caused by the mind that,
All were born from the mind.
One person speaks and acts with pure mind (good),
Happiness will follow him rolling wheel as follows in the footsteps of animals sled " .
The mind (knowledge), was the birth-place is now also has centers of industrial emissions. Words and actions on the body is just a means of revealing or manifestation of the mind. Business Abhidharma ( Abhidharma - Luan organ ) classification is now clear: "the now" is the kind of business startup (promote) the proactive nature, "verbal" and "bodily" is the news is now being promoted induced by the mind, the nature of this industry dependent manner and "passive". volition ( cetana ), the industry ( cetanakarma ) and industrial center ( manakarma ) are proactive in nature , so the distinction of three "can form" mental become quite delicate, but with the aim to simplify we can see the difference was temporarily attached to the term field. In short career as a behavioral agitation of the mind towards the qualities or defects of a certain object.
Design thinking is a need to remind the mind or mental acts are not entirely dependent on the will or a power outside the sacred in nature but it is just a mental phenomenon dependent on past experience and the trends and habits of an individual, represents a reaction in nature or less devout piety. In summary volition or mind (volition) is a reaction of an individual exposure to an object and this object reboot experiences that individuals feel that existed before in the past for an object of the same type.
In any case, the mind or mental acts of volition or industry that is always connected to the sense of ego or self standing behind every thought and action. In other words now defined as an act fraught with the rear of a self-employed for this act . Below a certain angle can now see a way of indirectly expressing ego and determine the strength of its existence. The ones I feel that is an expression of ignorance and ignorance is the essential motivation leads to rebirth.
The karma
The presentation shows the impact on the operation of the business and how, so we try to learn more or see any basis function has generated the impact created on here? To answer this question need to resort to the concept of the five aggregates ( panca skandha ), ie the structure in order to create human individual. Of the five aggregates are aggregates Wednesday called out ( samskara ) is summarized aggregates hold function and expression of the sensual. The word samskara consists of two syllables: the first syllable is sam means the combination (Greek syn- , Latin is Cum- , French and British Con- ), second spell kra and also creating rhyming word karma. Therefore the text language translation Western samskara is karmique formation, formation volitionnelle, facteurs de composition, concretisantes Forces du karma, mental impulses formation, etc .., briefly the phrase that means is the karma . Liberty lengthy as above for word out of Vietnamese texts are not fully express the meaning of the word samskara . So samskara or the karma really is?
Samskara or Wednesday aggregates composed of 49 mental factors, such as lust, envy, understanding, attachment, anger, distracted, unfocused, remorse, reasoning, etc. and etc. Class A- -ma-reaching collective spleen Comments ( Abhidharma-Samuccaya ) of Asanga (Asanga) have listed the full range of factors. Particularly Tibetan Buddhism is given a list of 51 factors. That is the factor or factors linked mental knowledge (consciousness) with the object it felt, in other words it is the expression of knowledge when exposed to a certain object. This expression creates a trend or momentum to promote a form of volition (volition) arises in the mind. The effect was related to the habits and responses are available in the "subconscious" of an individual to induce agitation or individuals that execute a certain action brought positive personality, negative or neutral . Capacity promoting or inciting above closely associated with the industry in the past, also necessarily suit individual volition of it. Capacity taken to promote volition and action are subject to a general news category has the same nature as the other: either positive, negative or neutral.
To concretize extensive presentation and abstract above please send a single one example as follows. People often say to a phenomenon of ignorance or passion called "love at first sight" occurs abruptly to an individual or common to two individuals, or opposite sex or gay when they met. The impact caused thunderbolt "love" on functional expression of samskara , or configure the fourth in five aggregates. He is lightning impulses of karma inscribed on knowledge of individual lines that fit the object is an instance of another. If a certain individual was "punch" that's the result of pre-mature now and having been predestined. Lightning strike may be "fuse stature" and in this case, the individual may be suffering, grief, longing ... na is "heartbroken", or may be "satisfactory" in the following temporary that they have children, happy "durable", or perhaps behind the thunderbolt that suffering is the quarrel, including severe conflicts ... Professional can "huge" and "spread", but only when starting a "lightning" means an intention ( cetana ) arising from an imprint in the mind (now) when it is an external object (karma ) "spark".
In a nutshell what has just presented above shows now carry two different shades and can be seen as opposed to one another: now both a dependent behavior , or suffer the domination of volition ( cetana ), represents both a mental act proactively in nature ( samskara ), ie the act of clinging - negative or positive - object-oriented feel the pulse through the power generated from operating past behavior.
In an article by Philippe Cornu ( Une petite histoire du Karman en Inde , Les Cahiers bouddhiques N ° 6, Université Bouddhique européenne, 2011, page 46), an eminent Buddhist scholar has explained very clearly on the two properties now it's using the word bound or conditioned (conditionne - conditioned) to explain how dependence of volition , and letters provisions or facilitating (conditionnant - conditioning) to explain the way home activities of business. In summary can now be expressed in two different forms: the first can be a form of volition ( cetana ) in nature dependent (conditioned) arising from the habits and trends in the past by now arouse, can The second form is the impact ( samskara ) implies the ability to create , design and implement something (conditioning).
Buddha explained very thoroughly the difference between the initial action role promoting the cause (proactive) and the later discovery of the consequences ( phala ) when the cause has become "ripe" (passive). The consequences may occur in the immediate or deferred for a while longer, anyway maturity that is not a reward nor punishment is a sacred nature. Can form "ripe" was just the final stage (result) of a natural progression of a residual capacity arising from a previous action (human).
Here is a short quote from an article by Narada Mahathera (1898-1993) in a book by scholar René de Berval as Editor, collected articles in French or translated into French by some scholars and Buddhist philosophers most famous of the sale of the twentieth century worldwide. The book was published in Saigon in 1959 to celebrate Wesak th 2500, the first edition in France in 1987, and the second in 2008. Narada Mahathera written as follows:
"Jubilant or suffering is common fate of humanity, it is inevitable consequence of a particular cause or causes. For the Buddhist point of view, it is not a reward or a punishment dominated by a supernatural power and omnipotence distributed to a soul has done a good or bad job. Those who follow the theistic religion seeks to explain everything in the present life and future life, but the dark things of the past. They believe in a kind of justice after death (post mortem) and see the minutes of joy or pain in the present is rewarded or punished by a supreme God, the supernatural and the Almighty bestowed to them, after they are created [human]. Buddhism does not accept a creation of God like, and just believe in natural law and a natural justice, progress steadily and operate a natural way. The gods, Buddhas or people, no one can stop even temporarily the operation of this rule. [...] But the Buddhist doctrine of karma does not give a look comical in nature fate like, "You're born poor, nothing bad for your career. You born rich yes, it is by now your good. So you go to the police department's part of you go and try to do better next life to be rich. " Extremely compassionate Buddha did not preach the law of karma as an excuse for the rich and comforting the poor by promising a fleeting happiness in the afterlife " .
(Narada Mahathera - Kamma La doctrine du , du Bouddhisme presence, René de Berval editor, Gallimard, second edition 2008, page 139).
What have presented above shows the effects arising from the imprint of how industry and then action arising out how volition. So we try to go back further than the process to learn imprint of business was inscribed how and were transferred before it can become volition and action. If you want to explore this issue must first master the knowledge (consciousness) is what?
Flow of knowledge is what?
In view of Buddhist knowledge that impact mental bring understanding (ACTE de connaissance - act of knowledge). The activities include knowledge of many successive impacts, impacts each represents a "unit" felt really short, occurs quickly, similar as the picture of a movie projector screen. The appearance and disappearance of the images continuously generate discrete movement, to a movie, the speed is 24 images per second sequential, or it can be compared with a camera Digital which people can use to take each photo or record a continuous multiple images in a row to create a video. In conclusion knowledge is a continuous flow recorded several successive images.
So can define knowledge as a line of succession (continuum) moments of understanding. The moment a continuation of knowledge is often considered as the unit of knowledge , so it is a structure of knowledge, so it is impermanent in nature and dependent as all phenomena or things constituents other. Each unit knows whether homogeneous go again, it still depends on the unit before it and at the same time causes a condition necessary to generate knowledge unit after it happened. Is a structure where the line should be followed continuously self-outs when it meets a number of conditions necessary.
Buddhaghosa (Buddhagosa, fourth century), a master at the school Theravada sect (of Theravada Therevada) wrote the following in the file Purity ( Magga ) (French translation: Le chemin de la Purete , Fayard, 2002, page 668) to explain the causes giving rise to the flow of knowledge: "There is no god or a Brahma (Hindu god) that produce a seamless transition line keep it; it was just simple factors evident when meets a number of conditions [required]. " In a nutshell knowledge is one of impermanent structure, such as a circulating flow to meet a number of conditions certain. So knowledge is not necessarily a permanent soul by a divine creative power. Knowledge can be very good expression of intelligence or less normally give rise to disorders that we call mental illness.
Also knowledge ( vijnana ) was defined as the fifth structure of the five aggregates ( vijnana-skandha ). Also reiterate that an individual can be formed from the combination of first-year composition of aggregates called: Aggregates The first is the physical structure (body) and the remaining four aggregates represents four functional activities mental knowledge creation. News aggregates the knowledge structure is the fifth sign of the highest recognition that is the moment awareness transparent object based on the whole feel of the other four aggregates. Most of the schools of the past such as Ti-she-sa Comments (Vaibhasika), Beijing amount of (Sautrantika), cardboard particular affinity (Prasangika) ... and some of the Mahayana notion that the structure of knowledge ( vijnana ) includes six categories of knowledge as follows:
1. visual knowledge ( caksurvijnana )
2. Knowledge of hearing ( srotravijnana )
3. Knowledge taste ( ghranavijnana )
4. Knowledge of smell ( jihvavijnana )
5. Knowledge tactile ( kayavijnana )
6. Knowledge of mental ( manovijnana )
In the first knowledge is the knowledge sensual role of perceived objects of the external world (external). The nature of this type of feel superficial and fragmentary, similarly as in the case of blind men touching an elephant. Friday knowledge is knowledge of mental ( manovijnana ) role receipt, verify and summarize the comments discrete above to create an overall understanding taking more coherent way (the entire form a elephant), an individual can help expand your awareness to the outside world should be. This knowledge is also known as grit-na knowledge or knowledge (consciousness) as defined by the West. In summary the world that an individual may perceive or imagine the mind into six categories depending on this knowledge. At the same time, the "world" out with individual purely subjective. Thanks to education (learning) and the conventional way of words that people imagine the world "the same", but in fact each one to see the world "completely different" because of his vision affected by education, mental acuity of sensory organs and now the dominant force of each individual consciousness.
Imprint of business
Every moment evident in the correlation and knowledge associated with the object as it felt, and also depend on past experience persistent in knowledge. The past experience bowl add "color" to the object perceived, that means inserting into the perceived knowledge of some "emotional" somehow. "Color" or "emotional" and inserting into the bowl add the sense of knowledge directly related to the imprint ( cetana ) of the past. Please return example of "love at first sight", "thunder" is the result arising from the expression of knowledge when it collected and summarized the feeling of sensual (shape, hair, face nose, gesture, voice, etc .. of the object perceived) and then append to the perception that the emotional and colorful arising from past now. Therefore, the feel and express that nature clearly subjective, in other words, an individual can "see" objects through the ego and the ego of his, similar as we "see" the world world through the lens of a telescope, the lens of the binoculars represents the trend or mental impulses ie factors arising from the imprint of business.
In short business stay on the line traces continuum of knowledge. But every moment generated serial stream of knowledge is seen as a "unit", but the nature of each "unit" is a composition of (dependent on previous units and create the event giving rise to the unit after the next, and simultaneously stored numerous imprints of business), so each unit and knowledge are all impermanent nature ie fluctuate. Shall be inscribed or residues in each unit of knowledge as to the form of the imprint ( cetana ) and itself is moving in the flow of knowledge, which developed in each moment to be able to form a ripe time somehow. However, the process of maturation that can temporarily progress "slow down" or "stop" for a while, or it can be completely dissolved, all depending on the impact of the Other available now or will arise later on, unrelenting flow of knowledge.
The different views on the industry
Above is how to explain the impact of the operation of the business and knowledge in view of the Theravada school (ie the ancient schools of thought) and some Mahayana school. But two schools of Consciousness-Only ( Yogakara-Cittamatra ) and Madhyamaka - Yogacara ( Yogakara-madhyamika ) are two schools of Mahayana philosophy more inclined especially psychology, and even go as far more detailed. In Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra ( Lankavatarasutra ) and in the episode's conclusion Asanga (Asanga, was born in the fourth century) and his brother Vasubandhu (Vasubandhu), one sees knowledge (consciousness) is divided into eight category, which means that in addition to the six categories of knowledge to create an overall general knowledge ( vijnana ) in the way described in the Abhidharma ( Abhidharma ), there are two other categories of knowledge are: knowledge pollution ( klistamanas ), technically called Han heart infection, and tri-knowledge-base-version-of-all-all ( alayavinana ) audio service is a form-to-skin. scriptures Chinese language text translation alayavinana is stealth mode, means of knowledge stored all. Actually two dividing knowledge into six and eight categories above does not cause a conflict, the reason there is a difference is due to different interpretations of the operation of knowledge, interpretation of the eight categories is somewhat detailed and sophisticated than the interpretation in six categories.
So Saturday and knowledge in economic eighth -old Lang and schools of Duy's Asanga and Vasubandhu is what? Knowledge Saturday or heart infections ( klistamanas ) sometimes called degenerate-na knowledge is kind of knowledge can do to detect the sense of ego or self always "hide" behind every perception with As a cognitive subject stand out. But the ego and the ego is really just an illusion and does not exist, therefore the perception of knowledge Saturday was a mistake, and that is the reason why the call Saturday knowledge the knowledge of pollution .
Knowledge eighth-called re-skin a natural formula that Sanskrit is a tri-mode-the-root-of-all-all and also the most important knowledge. With the aim of simplifying the straightforward comparison can advance a knowledge-to-skin with the subconscious (subconscious) in Modern Psychology. A-to-skin form the cornerstone prop and stored the imprint of Industry, similar as the basement of a house to store all that not even need to. However, a re-skin-form not only keep the existing functional storage area from the feel of an individual but also inculcate trends and impulses arising from the integration that exists in the form of graffiti. The imprint continue living, promotion and interact with each other in a discreetly-to-skin formula and suddenly jumped on and off a re-skin-mode at any time to become the strain e ( vasana ) give rise to volition ( cetana ). Intention to participate in the activities of common knowledge ( vijnana ) to give to a cause of action ( karma ).
Come back to the first six knowledge. In the first knowledge of the sensitive dependence of the five sensory organs. The agency noted the "feeling" when in contact with the external object, next Friday knowledge ie knowledge of mental ( manovijnana ) will verify, combine and express feelings. The activities of all six types of knowledge on this can depend on the object's surroundings so that the nature of their activities from "crude" and "phase" that is not regular and continuous. For example, for the case of a blind person is visually broken and visual knowledge of inactivity. Contrary to the intellectual life of the eighth Saturday and always lively. During sleep, the sensory organs, including knowledge inactive Friday, but Saturday knowledge and eighth still operating normally restless, so what appears in dreams merely to immediate mental image does not contact the objects of the external context. Even in deep sleep or coma at (coma) knowledge and eighth Saturday continued to operate, so that the body does not become a dead body and when I woke up still remember anything before sleep. Saturday summary knowledge is a form of knowledge can make the intermediate bridge links the activities of knowledge Friday temporary in nature and nature eighth regular basis.
Saturday Knowledge is a form of knowledge to panic as manifest self . The ignorance of its activities directly associated with a form-to-skin so it can also cause pollution to a knowledge-to-skin by leaving a trace of ego as revealed by itself and the imprint of business arising from the expression of the intellectual Friday. The activity of a-da-mode hybrid nature regularly and continuously and thereby a re-skin-form has a role to convey the imprint of self and of others from this life into another life. In other words a-hybrid-skin formula is a form of knowledge can always performance, potential and deep linking death and rebirth, and carrying with it all the traces of the industry. In short positions power of knowledge is made ​​manifest Saturday ego that is a manifestation of ignorance, an ignorance but dark things, but the most powerful bind an instance of the cycle. So now and reincarnation related to each other?
Karma and Reincarnation
Among the messages coincide rolling bond and fasten all phenomena in the universe through correlation rules and interoperability ( pratityasamutpada ) Buddha chose twelve bond connected together ( dvadasanga pratityasamutpada ) directly to the sensual beings, which means all of us have. Our existence is a long-chain continuity between cause and effect: it causes birth to other consequences, the other born consequences other reasons, (the theory of origin of Chinese language books used in This case is very appropriate, but if only one can be used to form a broader ie the correlation between all phenomena - pratityasamutpada - are not very adaptable). String expression that followed the action (now) our past and present, and at the same time create new causes leading to the existence of our future. Chain length continuation of twelve "knot" or bond cause-effect ( nidana ) is called decimal binary causal and often symbolized by a wheel called the wheel of samsara, the wheel of life, bread of the existing car, the wheel of karma spell rotation, etc .., Sanskrit is bhavacakra .
The outer ring of the wheel of reincarnation ( bhavacakra ) were 12 subjects in the image (see figure). However, in the framework of understanding the operation of the business leads to rebirth, we only need to consider the bond's three-affinity ( nidana ) first well enough to explain why we are present in the scene situations like this. Three bond was as follows:

Wheel of existence bound
(Symbolizing our world-grandmother)
1. Ignorance (avidya) : the first bond, each characterized by a blind man with a cane is (image lower left). That was the start of everything now, symbolizes the lack of understanding of the Four Noble Truths and do not comprehend the nature of existence is. Technically known lack of understanding and insight that is not free from ignorance ( sahajavidya ), the Dalai Lama, then call it primitive ignorance. It can be a form of confusion and mental distractions caused I do not see the true nature of ourselves. Under the dominant form of ignorance that we can not recognize the psychedelic nature of all phenomena and given them the truth, and the confusion and ignorance that we imagine a "me" master able to capture the phenomenon that illusion. The "fantasy" that arise from the activities of knowledge Saturday ( klistamanas ) and the eighth cause of knowledge is a knowledge-da-term pollution. The pollution caused by the "I" in a psychedelic-to-skin formula is the original cause leads to rebirth.
2. The karma (samskara) : the bond of the second decimal binary causal called out Sanskrit samskara , which means that the karma , and it is also functional expression profiles of Wednesday or aggregates Wednesday (also called samskara ) in the five aggregates for the feel of a pentagon. Bonds of karma is represented by a worker ceramics (second image after the blind, watched clockwise) are fashioned a clay pot on a turntable. Photo molded or represents impulses arising from industrial trends in the past, promoting workers forced a pottery vase suit your impulses. Action fashioned a pot symbolizes the will or intention ie intention in mind. That action has now dependent on it bring active (two aspects of the industry has also been presented in the previous section).
3. Knowledge (vijnana) : Tuesday bond is represented by a monkey climbs the tree (Figure Tuesday, after workers pottery), jumping from branch to branch, just let the results come back with results other. It is the symbol for the demands, desires lead to the "identification" of this world under the domination of industry and grip. This form of knowledge can be associated with renewable energy implies the pulse of the industry in a previous life. Therefore knowledge is the bond of connection between the existence of each other, from this life to another life, and represents a line of succession (continuum).
In summary ignorance ( avidya ) leads to a cause ( samskara ), karma generated knowledge ( vijnana ). Knowledge is also a function of the fourth of the five aggregates aggregates role express any sense to create the state of mental or consciousness in our current situation.
Dhammapada begins with two questions:
All phenomena are caused by the mind that,
All were born from the mind ... "
So the proceedings of the first three bonds in decimal binary causal occur as follows: ignorance (1) birth karma (2) , karma (2) student knowledge (3) , and knowledge ( 3) (consciousness) is a psychiatric (mental) or the mind (spirit) that we are in this moment, in other words it has to be caused just as the foundation of the existence of ourselves in the present . Economic policy was referred to the three bond is the element perception or creation (projective Factors - Sanskrit: aksepakanga ) creates situations where current regulations life of each of us and at the same time preparing to create a new situation for the next life. In conclusion now is not necessarily what is past, but actually there is action going on in every moment of the present in order to contribute to the creation of the future.
The continuation of the business over the life
After all aspects of application raises a very "tough" if not the "paradox" related to the concept of karma. It is the "feel" of an individual in this life to deserve the consequences arising out of an act by an "other individuals" were executed in a previous life. So the problem must look like?
Please raises two hypotheses as follows:
1. If an individual ( pugala ) any enforcement action and then also the individual was "reborn" to bear the consequences arising from its previous actions in this case it would not have What change or changes between two lives: the "I" or "ego" of course become eternal and immutable nature and completely individual.
2. If an individual enforcement action and have another instance, totally alien unrelated to individual enforcement actions must stand before the consequences of his actions, the in this case happens a paradoxical or absurd rules for correlation and interaction of all phenomena ( pratityasamutpada , interdependence or dependent origination), because individual actions and the consequences of individual unrelated to each other, each individual represents a complete cessation. It is a way to break the structure of reality, that does not respect the laws of connection between all phenomena. That is not to say to a contradiction in the way the argument between two individuals because there is no correlation but the action is to create consequences.
The first case represents the neo-lasting (eternalism) and the second case represents nihilism (nihilism), while Buddhism has always advocated a middle path between two extremes stood on here. So Buddhists "who" stood out to receive the burden arising from an act by an individual "other" execution?
First quote a Buddha's teachings in Beijing who bear the burden ( Bhara-sutta ) as follows:
"This monks, so the burden is what? What is that expression (explained) by the name called tenure (attachment) of secondary structure in the (five aggregates) [...]. It called burden. So who is carrying the burden that? What does (individual subjects) are expressed in the name of an individual form in nature. [For example,] the person or the other, named like this or like that, coming from family or particular family, etc .. That is the burden of people. So the burden porters what? This is craving (tanha), it will bring-out-friendly re-shaped and re-into [...]. So throw away the burden is what? This is the end (suspension) totally craving it, drop it, since give it up, freed from it, remove it ... "
When the first year of occupying a structure, the physical objects that carry a title called burden (now) and also in order to become a structure where individual (identity) to carry the burden of that. In order structure with no porters at all, only an individual can form a new identity carry the burden alone. So what are the burden? It was now or is bound existence in samsara-grandmother.
Subliminal much rather a one teaching. Thinking about teaching him to expand the vision, we will no longer wonder how individual is the author of an individual act and receive any impact caused by his actions. Action and Impact intimate contact with each other, individual actions and the impact of individual received just one, because fish can only form when the action happens. The formation of an individual is never a break, it continually arising from a cause of action, the formation constant is that our existence in this world.
Here's another quote the statement of a prominent philosopher specializing in Indian philosophy is Paul Masson-Ourel (1882-1956). The speech but can not compare to keep up with the Buddha's teachings in all aspects, but also shows that individuals bear the consequences of one's actions and individual actions that have been implemented:
"The fate lies within every human being, fate was created by themselves for themselves. Currently reflect his own past, the present and the past to create the future for yourself. Laws coordination sphere both moral and physical was so tight, do not let anyone escape the consequences arising from their own actions, there is no luck or by chance that could help beyond that principle, no forgiveness or a spiritual gift that can alleviate the burden of his own past. It's destiny is self generated by each person for himself, because in every moment one, everybody has driven the fate of her in a certain direction to create a future for themselves, consequences arising from the actions of his previous (now) also attended to him at the helm. "
(P. Masson-Ourel, La notion de Liberté indienne , Revue d'histoire de la Philosophie, avril-juin 1930, page 3).
Indeed, a practitioner should never look at myself as a fixed entity. "Beings" (être - being) just a name, a name convention in nature because the word   "sentient" only means that the first year consisting of body composition and physical activity four categories of knowledge referred to as mental (mental- spirit) . Figure Minister or the identity that we are nothing but expressions of temporary of business. And now we cling together to jointly continuous form, so can not be specified for the "identity of this" karma and "other identities" awarded. It's just a way of looking too simple and crude. A current identity is the result of a combination consisting of a multitude of industrial arise from so many identities were continuously regenerated earlier. Creating a business identity - whether positive or negative - in later life can not be met immediately destined to receive favorable results, because there is the impact of a multitude of different inserts for chemical industry the result or postpone the creation of this business.
Above are two quotations: one is the teachings of the Buddha and the words of a Western philosopher. But throughout the history of the development of Dharma had countless great master you represent so many schools of thought gave the explanation on this issue. So what did he explain how?
In Di-lan-momentum trading (also known as Na-first economic monks - Milandapanha ) records that the king Di-lan-momentum (Milanda second century BC) asked the monk Na-first (Nagasena) as follows:
"- If they burn a torch, it has been burning all night or not?
- Certainly there.
- The fire in the last watch of the night there is fire on the second watch, or not, and the fire to watch two things to have a fire in a soup or not?
- No.
- So in three watches, each aligned with a different torch, does not it?
- No. Only a single torch was burning all night.
- Also, Sire, a continuation of the phenomena (dhamma) restless: this phenomenon, the phenomenon disappears born there; similar between the two phenomena like none before, which follows. So not the same person, nor is it someone else has received the final result of the impact of knowledge ".

"- Hey Na-first monks, so what reborn?
- List-confess-and-picture-General.
- There must be a list-confess-and-image-current regeneration minister or not?
- No. List-confess-and-image-current Minister execute an action good or bad; and the consequences of the action are a list-confess-and-picture-other generals reborn.
- If not the list-proclaimed-and-picture-General before regeneration, the list-confess-and-picture-General where problems arise later on charges of violating earlier.
- If not [true] the List-confess-and-appearance before regeneration [back], the actual list-confess-and-picture-General was still regeneration; because it is recycled, so it is no longer justified-and-List-image-Minister of itself [before].
- Please give an example to the station.
- In the winter there is a group of a fire in their fields to heat, when he forgot to turn away again. Fire spread to other fields. This person would like the Great King who burned his field trial. If a defendant who defended himself like this: "Do I have the burning of fields where the person: it is not fire back because I forgot to turn off, not [the ones] that fire seared his field, So I have not innocent at all.
- He is guilty.
- Why is that?
- Because even though he can say whatever the last fire (burning fields of others) have contact with the flame at the beginning (which he forgot to extinguish).
- Sire, for List-confess-and-picture-General is also similar like that. "
If we look at this issue from another perspective, we see the Buddhist logician that knowledge (consciousness) generally has a role continuum between existence. In general there are two ways to explain the continuity that: the first way to visualize an uninterrupted flow of knowledge (continuum) consists of successive moments, the second is to describe something deep knowledge ( a-to-skin formula ) continuous operation and as a basis for continuous life. This issue has been discussed in the past and just summarize a few key points by the various schools of thought advocates.
As schools of Ti-she-sa-argument (Vaibhasika), the continuous flow of knowledge supporting role for continuation unstoppable chain, the link between action and consequence, every one life to another . This school of thought that the activity of other psychiatric knowledge with the operation of the five sensory knowledge, because knowledge of mental continuous operation even in deep sleep, while in a coma and in times the stillness of meditation that is the suspension of consciousness, including the death phase occurs, while in sensory knowledge only works when there is contact with external objects. The other schools of the past, of which there are schools of Business amount of (Sautrantika) said that now formed under a form of mental well not really not really matter, this role can form the link between executive and consequences, which is a factor "residual" or "existing area" role in knowledge creation results in the future and connecting existence.
According Dharmakirti (Dharmakirti, seventh century) form of sectarianism Duy (Cittamatra), the flow continuum of psychiatric knowledge prop role and conveys the imprint of the existence of this industry to the others exist. Asanga (Asanga) founding schools of Consciousness-Only (Yogacara) and his brother Vasubandhu (Vasubhandu) both explained that the traces or residues are now stored in a tri-knowledge-base-of-of- All-all that is a re-skin-mode ( alayavijnana ). The traces or residues that turns the seed as generating results. The ongoing activities of a re-skin-awareness of the link between the role of the existence. Interpretation of the First and Forever-The body is widely accepted in the Mahayana school of Tibetan Buddhism least.
But we can also think that only the Buddha to understand what and now is the rebirth of an individual is. Intelligence convention we just enough to think back to his roots from his parents' generation to try grandmother, his parents tried grandmother ..., and if so also is much. Meanwhile, in the night of enlightenment, the Buddha bar on the second watch all of his predecessor in the past and of every sentient beings as well as the context in which they will be reborn ... The following is a summary paragraph quoted resulting from economic Central A function :
... "Sang second watch, All-reaching integration of multi-turn on all six realms of beings in our world-grandmother, shop see detail of her own life in the past and also look foresee circumstances will regenerate each sentient beings in the future, whether it is the ordinary beings or famous, beautiful or ugly, though the beings he will be reborn in a favorable or difficult life constraints " .
Only supernatural wisdom of Buddha and direct a new shop to see the full operation of the business, the "smart" conventional, narrow and rough lot of us are just enough to infer a indirectly, to try to understand what the operation was. Anyway, we are just trying to use the language convention that we learn to talk to each other but wish to learn to be part of the teachings of the Buddha so help each other in practice . A practical application is the practice whenever there is an evident intention in mind, the right to consider this view because it is a work of the imprint nature as positive or negative volition discovered that . If the intention was expressed to a negative pulse and dark energy, it must immediately stop it, not for its findings into action on the body, speech, or of the mind. If the intention was expressed for a positive impulses compassionate nature, it should launch the joy and happiness in my heart to immediately transfer it into concrete actions.
Now arise in knowledge, imprinted in the knowledge stored in knowledge is conveyed through the line and continuum of knowledge. Then now rediscovered in knowledge, impact and reveal the intent and purpose of the transfer of knowledge and the intent or purpose that the words or actions directed toward external objects. Knowledge to receive feedback from those actions to record a new imprint on the endless flow of it.
On-line continuous flow of knowledge that, thinking ( samskara ) promote each other like ripples on the surface of a river, and volition ( cetana ), it can also be washed to smoothly integrate and follow. The result is that now ( karma ) are constantly formed, similar as the ripples on the water line.
If understood in the schools of the knowledge Duy sixth form continuous combined, codify and express everything feel so bring understanding conventional and behind the understanding that knowledge is often triggered Saturday frequently a "me" longevity. The existence of the "I" out discreetly or openly behind all conventional expression symbolizes ignorance. "Ego" and that its expression can form under volition ( cetana ) can save traces in the form of knowledge-eighth is a wake-to-skin . If the "I" does not exist and no one expression does a re-skin-mode ( alaiyavijnana ) will be similar throughout the country as pure truth in a silent river, not a ripple waves, does not convey the stems, leaves a dry or silt particles do.
Dalai Lama is often interpreted as knowledge of each individual line may include successive moments continuously from this life to another life, through the intermediate stage is death, even after forms can achieve enlightenment. So think can temporarily borrow a specific image of a simple and quiet above the river to symbolize the purpose of practice. Indeed on the practice may sometimes happen that the confusion between means and end . Buddhism has 84,000 skillful means ( upaya ), this number brings symbolically in traditional Indian culture, therefore we can think every student should need a skillful means for their own because in fact no two beings exactly alike. While there is only one cure that is the Liberation. Buddha said: "The only one salty sea, Dharma of the Tathagata has only a single, it was the Liberation" . So let's singling out a specific example, the Western Paradise is a skillful means , but many people thought it was the end . So bliss in the realm of the West mean?
Ecstasy is the culmination happy, very happy, happy maximum. Then who praises or something happy? Visual pleasure, hearing praises, praises smell, taste buds happy, tactile pleasure or joy structure of knowledge? Chang is an expression of the function of the aggregates Wednesday ( samskara ) in the aggregate the aggregates and the expression of that Wednesday is the karma . Behind the praises that have a "me" it's great to cling to hide. Saturday was the main knowledge creation to the "I" was to tie an individual into the cycle of reincarnation.
In short end of Buddhism is not actually suffering nor pleasure, not in the West nor in the East. Simply because:
Behind the practice has no practice;
Behind meditation allows no meditation;
Behind compassion without the Bodhisattva;
Behind the Enlightenment no enlightenment.
But still flowing river but on the inside surface of the river and stream water, upstream or downstream, the water quality is only one, not a shred of difference, similar as water does not flow like a river quiet. That's a picture of the "rest," or "suspend" ( nirodha ) of a mind not karma . While suspended but the mind was still flows like a river. Industry arising from a mental outlook will create real world, now arise from a calm mind will manifest into nirvana.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.25/1/2015.

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