Saturday, 31 January 2015

[424] nine French multi effects (dhammā Bahukārā):

Here are nine French radical politically volitional or France being run by skilled Italian partners principals (Yonisomanasikāramūlakā dhammā):

1. due to the manual work of Italy, the jubilant birth (Yonisomanasikaroto pāmojjaṃ jāyati).

2. Do rejoice, sanh Hy (pīti Pamuditassa jāyati).
3. due to the mind body an of contempt should Hy (Pītimanassa kāyo passambhati)

4. Close the security balloon life c m lost (sukhaṃ dhakāyo-Passad vedeti)

5. thanks to peace who should plan the (Sukhino cittaṃ samādhiyati).

6. Thanks to mind the should know seen as truth (Samahitena citena yathārūpaṃ passati pajānāti).

7. when the notice as everyone took cover glass (Yathābhūtaṃ jānaṃ passaṃ nibbindati).

8. when the cover glasses of the Immaculate (Nibbindaṃ virajjati).
9. due to the Immaculate are freed (Virāgā vimuccati).


[425] nine of France should practice (dhammā Bhāvetabbā):

Here are nine more purity needed (Pārisuddhipadhāniyaṅgā):

1. NET World (Sīlavisuddhi)
2. Kat (Cittavisuddhi)
3. NET Ant (Diṭṭhivisuddhi)
4. The net facilities (Kaṅkhāvitaraṇavisuddhi)
5. Relief runway tri-NET (AntMaggāmaggañāṇadassanavisuddhi)
6. Take Highway tri NET Ant (Paṭipadāñāṇadassa-navisuddhi)
7. Tri Tinh Kien (Ñāṇadassanavisuddhi)
8. NET Wisdom (Paññāvisuddhi)
9. NET free (Vimuttivisuddhi).


[426] nine of France should go tri (Pariññeyyā dammā):

This is the love spread out nine, nine State stay beings (Sattāvāsa):
1. There is a horror-fantasy-body beings (Sattā nānattakāyanānattasaññino)

2. There are beings Dear Bobby hetero (Sattā nānattakāyekattasaññino)

3. have the same body horror or fantasy beings (Sattā ekattakāyanānattasaññino)

4. have the same Bobby Hull beings (Sattā ekattakāyekattasaññino)

5. There being no ideas, no Shou (Sattā asaññino appaṭisaṃvedino), also known as invisible beings thought (asaññasatta)
6. has the boundless reach beings made (Sattā ākāsānañcāyatanūpagā)

7. There are beings reach boundless Knowledge of (Sattā viññāṇañcāyatanūpagā)

8. There are beings reached Loads of possession (Sattā ākiñcaññāyatanūpagā)

9. There are beings reach Africa thought phi phi thought of (Sattā nevasaññānāsaññāyatanūpagā).
Nine love this habitation, there are seven more like seven formula stay (Viññāṇaṭṭhiti)- see [372], just add two more genera are invisible beings idea (article 5) and non beings concept phi phi idea of origin (article 9).


[427] nine of France takes the subtraction (dhammā Pahātabbā):

Here are nine French charity based, nine in France due to the AI take part as root (Taṇhāmūlakā dhammā):
1. Do charity charm, there are the views of the bridges (Taṇhaṃ paṭicca pariyesanā)

2. due to the charming views of the bridge, to benefit a privileged (Pariyesanaṃ paṭicca lābho)

3. due to coast guard prime advantage, differentiate (Lābhaṃ paṭicca vinicchayo)

4. due to the distinct charm, which took part in the exercise (Viniccayaṃ paṭicca chandarāgo)

5. due to the coast guard took part in the exercise, with incidence (Chandarāgaṃ paṭicca ajjhosānaṃ)

6. due to the charm stick stuck, have agreed to hold the (Ajjhosānaṃ paṭicca pariggaho)

7. Do keep xẻn popcorn has accepted coast (Pariggahaṃ paṭicca macchariyaṃ)

8. By conservative popcorn had xẻn affinities (Macchariyaṃ paṭicca ārakkho)

9. due to the extreme conservative charm which happen to use thy sticks, swords, conflicts, arguments, fighting, fight, drink cockroach, disappointed, and language engenders more evil real friendly France (Ārakkhādhikaraṇaṃ paṭicca daṇḍādāna satthādāna kalahaviggaha vivādatuvaṃtuvape suññamusāvādā akusalā pāpakā sambhavanti dhammā aneke).


[428] nine of France in the lower list (dhammā Hānabhāgiyā):

This is the ripe seed of conflict (Āghātavatthu):
1. problems that "it has done for me" (Anatthaṃ acarī bandhati āghātaṃ ti ' me)
2. problems that "It is detrimental to us" (Anatthaṃ caratī bandhati āghātaṃ ti ' me)
3. problems that "it would be detrimental to me" (Anatthaṃ carissatī bandhati āghātaṃ ti ' me)
4. problems that "it was detrimental to my loved one" (Piyassa āghātaṃ acarī anatthaṃ manāpassa ' ti me bandhati)
5. problems that "It is detrimental to my loved one" (Piyassa āghātaṃ caratī anatthaṃ manāpassa ' ti me bandhati)
6. problems that "it would be detrimental to my loved one" (Piyassa āghātaṃ carissatī anatthaṃ manāpassa ' ti me bandhati)
7. problems that "It did benefit for the fun of it" (Appiyassa āghātaṃ acarī atthaṃ amanāpassa ' ti me bandhati)
8. problems that "It is beneficial for the fun of it" (Appiyassa āghātaṃ caratī atthaṃ amanāpassa ' ti me bandhati)
9. problems that "it would be beneficial for the fun of it" (Appiyassa āghātaṃ carissatī atthaṃ amanāpassa ' ti me bandhati).


[429] nine of France in the enemy WINS (Visesabhāgiyadhamma):

Here are nine disarmament conflict (Āghātapaṭivinayā):

1. think "Where was that the resentment it has done for me" (Anatthaṃ me taṃ labbhatī ettha acari ' kut ' ti)

2. think "Where was that NB it is detrimental to us" (Anatthaṃ me taṃ labbhatī ettha carati ' kut ' ti)

3. think "Where was that NB it will do for me" (Anatthaṃ labbhatī ettha taṃ carissati me the ' ti ' kut)

4. think "Where was that NB it was detrimental to my loved one" (Piyassa anatthaṃ manāpassa taṃ me ettha labbhatī ' kut acari ' ti)

5. think "Where was that NB it is detrimental to my loved one" (Piyassa anatthaṃ taṃ manā carati me passa-kut ' ettha labbhatī ' ti)

6. think "Where was that NB it will do for my body" (Piyassa taṃ carissati anatthaṃ nāpassa me ma-kut ' tī labbha ettha ' ti)

7. think "Where was that the resentment it did benefit for the fun of it" (Apiyassa atthaṃ nāpassa ama-me taṃ ' tī labbha ettha kut acari ' ti)

8. think "Where was that NB it's doing benefits for the fun of it" (Apiyassa atthaṃ nāpassa ama-me taṃ labbhatī ettha carati ' kut ' ti)

9. think "Where was that NB it will benefit for the fun of it" (Apiyassa taṃ carissati atthaṃ nāpassa ama-me kut ' ettha labbhatī ' ti).


[430] nine France could hardly type (Duppaṭivij-jhā dhammā):

Here are nine distinct wrong Leanne (Nānattā):
1. The wrong unit (Dhātunānattaṃ)

2. due to the coast guard about false distinction so engenders the wrong exposure unit (Dhātunānattaṃ paṭicca uppajjati phassanānat-taṃ)

3. due to the wrong contact coast nickname should bring forth false life unit (Phassanānattaṃ paṭicca uppajjati vedanānattaṃ)

4. due to the particular wrong yanshou engenders thought wrong unit (Vedanānānattaṃ paṭicca uppajjati saññānānānattaṃ)

5. due to the particular wrong idea coast engenders the wrong thinking of distinction (Saññānānattaṃ paṭicca uppajjati saṅkappanānattaṃ)

6. due to the particular wrong thinking coast engenders the wrong unit (bridge sexSaṅkappanānattaṃ paṭicca uppajjati chandanānattaṃ)

7. sex Tutty the wrong bridge by the nickname engenders enthusiasm wrong unit (Chandanānattaṃ paṭicca uppajjati pariḷāhanānattaṃ)

8. due to the false enthusiasm engenders distinctive coast range false bridge unit (Pariḷāhanānattaṃ paṭicca uppajjati pariyesanānānattaṃ)

9. due to the wrong bridge range difference engenders favor privileged wrong unit (Pariyesanānānattaṃ paṭicca uppajjati labhanānattaṃ).


[431] nine France need being run (Uppāde-tabbā dhammā):

Here are nine French thought (Saññā):

1. the idea of impure (Asubhasaññā).
2. the idea of death (Maraṇasaññā).
3. Think critically nhờm real Wrestling (Āhāre paṭikūlasaññā).
4. any Idea how realms Hy (Sabbaloke anabhiratisaññā).
5. the idea of impermanence (Aniccasaññā).6. the idea of impermanence (Anicce dukkhasaññā).7. the idea of egolessness in agony (Dukkhe anattasaññā).
8. Ideas para except (Pahānasaññā).9. the idea of immaculate (Virāgasaññā).


[432] nine of France to win the tri (Abhiññeyyadhamma):

Here are nine hierarchical stay (Anupubbavihāra), the sequential meditation certification:
1. Certified meditation records residence (Paṭhamajjhānaṃ upa-sampajja viharati).
2. Certified stay second meditation (Dutiyajjhānaṃ upa-sampajja viharati).
3. shown to stay three meditation (Tatiyajjhānaṃ upa-sampajja viharati).
4. Certified stay fourth meditation (Catutthajjhānaṃ upa-sampajja viharati).
5. Witness stay not boundless ofupasampajja viharati yatanaṃ Ākāsānañcā ().
6. Evidence of boundless knowledge stay (Viññānañcā yatanaṃ upasampajja viharati).
7. Certified stay invisible property of (Ākiñcaññāyatanaṃ upasampajja viharati).
8. Certificate of origin non-resident non-African idea ideas (Nevasaññānāsaññāyatanaṃ upasampajja viharati).
9. Witness stay kill Shou ideas (upasampajja viharati yitanirodhaṃ-Saññāveda).
In this meditation, meditation to stay nine ninth to stay (stay-life removal idea) only ranks St. A-na-jaw and A-la-new Han get. The meditation and other chums class stay Holy fruit profile, the second result has been.


[433] nine France take evidence (dhammā Sacchikātabbā):

Here are nine hierarchies of killing (Anupubbanirodha). The sequential removal segment when tu the meditation:
1. Dac site practitioners education thought of killing (Paṭhamajjhānaṃ samāpannassa kāmasaññā niruddhā hoti).
2. Dac of the second meditation offered four kills (Dutiyajjhānaṃ samāpannassa vitakkavicārā niruddhā honti).
3. Dac Lucy practitioners Hy removal (Tatiyajjhānaṃ samāpannassa niruddhā hoti pīti).
4. Prime the four practitioners of breath removal (Catutthajjhā naṃ samāpannassa assāsapassāsā niruddhā honti).
5. Dac is not boundless, of good idea kill (Ākāsānañcāyatanaṃ samāpannassa niruddhā rūpasaññā hoti).
6. Dac boundless knowledge of the boundless idea of extermination (Viññāṇañcāyatanaṃ samāpannassa ākāsānañcāyatanasaññā niruddhā hoti).
7. Dac infinity possessed of the idea of boundless knowledge of killing (Ākiñcaññāyatanaṃ samāpannassa viññānañcāyatanasaññā niruddhā hoti).
8. Dac phi phi, the origin thought idea idea of infinity property of extermination (Nevasaññānāsaññāyatanaṃ samāpannassa ākiñcaññāyatanasaññā niruddhā honti).
9. Dac-life removal ideas, idea and its removal (saññā ca vedanā ca samāpannassa Saññāvedayitanirodhaṃ niruddhā honti).


[434] nine Tran Nhon (structurePurisamala):

The French real friendly France as dirt do UE human infection:
1. outrage (Kodha)
2. Gospel Reflection (Makkha)
3. jealousy (Issā)
4. Popcorn xẻn (Macchariya)
5. cheating (Māyā)
6. crafty (Sātheyya)
7. Hope quotations (Musāvāda)
8. physical Evil (Pāpicchā)
9. Deviant opinions (Micchādiṭṭhi).


[435] nine ways his romantic (Māna):

1. more than one tree Hill over (Seyyassa māno ti ' hamasmī ' seyyo).
2. more than one tree Hill by (Seyyassa s-hamasmī māno ti ' ' diso).
3. more than one tree Hill lost (Seyyassa hīno ' hamasmī ' ti māno).
4. using the fast five more (Sadisassa māno ti ' hamasmī ' seyyo).
5. using the previously made (Sadisassa sadiso ' hamasmī ' ti māno).
6. With the series lost (Sadisassa hīno ' hamasmī ' ti māno).
7. Lost more one tree Hill (Hīnassa māno ti ' hamasmī ' seyyo).
8. Lost the series by (Hīnassa sadiso ' hamasmī ' ti māno).
9. Lost series lost (Hīnassa hīno ' hamasmī ' ti māno).


[436] nine things fault of renunciation (Gihidosa), a mistake that doesn't rewarding to monks to come home:

1. no fun stand up reception (Manāpena paccuṭṭhenti).
2. no fun, wealthy girl clothes (Na manāpena abhi-vādenti).
3. no fun to sit (Na manāpena āsanaṃ denti).
4. any of the tucked away (Santamassa parigūhanti)
5. There are many for less (Bahukamhi thokaṃ denti)
6. has the appetite for bad (Paṇītamhi lūkhaṃ denti)
7. For the irreverent (Asakkaccaṃ denti)
8. Don't sit down to listen to France (Na upanisīdanti dhammassavanāya).
9. Not talking wedding Festival (Bhāsitamassa na ramissanti).


[437] nine health practice (Bhāvanūpanisā):

1. Do you good (hoti Kalyāṇamitto).
2. Have an almond (Sīlavā hoti).
3. conversation serious story (Abhisalle-khikakathāya nikāmalābhī hoti).
4. live diligence (viharati Āraddhaviriyo).
5. are intellectual (hoti Paññavā)
6. practice consistently impure (Asubhā bhāvetabbā) to the subtract join.
7. practicing metta (Mettā bhāvetabbā) to the minus yards.
8. practice reciting the breath (Ānāpānassati bhāvetabbā) to cut games (vitakka).
9. practice idea of impermanence (Aniccasaññā bhāvetabbā) to eliminate minus fell on her starboard side.


[438]-nine-one IP (Vipassanāñāṇa), also called the insight, i.e. position smoothly carried computer a good:

1. the intelligent removal of birth (Udayabbayañāṇa), a position clearly the birth and destruction of the property of all have had contentious removal.
2. Removal of a wisdom (Bhaṅgañāṇa), but the good news for sensitive positions only noticed the names of your identity only, this place consistently shone a good mature over contentious removal of Solomon.
3. My lt wisdom (Bhayañāṇa), which is the third phase of the intellectual property bar, its practitioners due to clearly see the destruction of lust, aware his life was so contentious sympathetic interest.
4. Charge the wisdom (Ādīnavañāṇa), the next phase, after starting the list of destructive feelings interest the best position before the perception the reality of danger of identity.
5. Solomon's Cup Overalls (Nibbidāñāṇa), the wisdom of boring when clearly the dangers of lust, the practitioners of boring, not really with something else.
6. Exercise get rid of Solomon (Muñcitukamyatāñāṇa), when it was boring for practitioners who start mailing, the desire to escape from the reality category colors.
7. Making cups of wisdom (Paṭisaṅkhārañāṇa), when it was expecting to get rid of a good, the more honorable judge practitioners colors according to three General to determine the real situation.
8. Run discharge of wisdom (Saṅkhārupekkhāñāṇa), when the mind practitioners judge three new generals know that compounded micro-reality is such, that progress is that, when the capital's pundits subside impatient, status very serene to any complications.
9. Pros Wednesday wisdom (Anulomañāṇa), i.e. the positive wisdom towards níp-table, retrieved níp-desk objects.
In the Abhidhammatthasaṅgaha it comes to 10-one wisdom, is more universal wisdom (Sammasanañāṇa) and lined up rows first, then to nine this number-wisdom-see [438].
If counting according to the Visuddhimagga , there to 16 intellectual property a clever observation-See [484].


[439] nine of France's Super world (Lokuttaradham-ma), including:

1-4. the four Scouts (Magga). See [176].
5-8. the four Result (Phala). See [176].
9. Níp-table (Nibbāna). See [40].
Four and four is the Super mind, belong to compounded vi (Saṅkhatadhamma), níp-French table is wuwei (Asaṅkhatadhamma), also known as wuwei world (Asaṅkhatadhātu).


[440] nine of the Buddha's teachings (Navaṅgasatthusāsana):

1. economic contract law (Sutta) included with prose, content analysis (Vibhaṅga) and interpretation (Niddesa). This is the doctrine of the Vinaya, consisting of The Minister and the Minister.
2. Application of praise (Geyya) included with two rhymes and prose categories (language shelf); or is the business owner of shelving (Sagāthā) of the Samyutta Nikaya.
3. Speaker (Veyyākaraṇa), is the Catechism also under the category of prose but there's logic system content. It is composed of the entire organ Of Magic, and also add some Buddhist quotations that do not belong to the other eight.
4. Shelf quotations (Gāthā), consisting of the theory under the category of rhymes, news hit the shelves, as the elders increasing shelf (Theragāthā), elders ni shelf (Therīgāthā), the Dhammapada (Dhammapada), and some shelves in the language file (Suttanipāta) which does not belong to the economic contract law (Sutta) was talking to.
5. inspired expressions (Udāna), comprising 82 articles shelf that Buddha uttered naturally with no decor Samyutta Hy by anyone visiting bridge theory.
6. Like persuasive marketing (Itivuttaka), which included the French collection by a disciple has ever heard; each menstruation starts and concludes with the sentence: "Vuttaṃ h'etaṃ bhagavatā (this was Germany That Honor comes to)". A total of 110 business post, the u.s. Minister.
7. to learn more about birth (Jātaka), comprising 550 predecessor stories related to Buddha. to learn more about birth stories included in the Scriptures.
8. A Useful Formation (Abbhūtadhamma), is the strange thing, the United owners, unlikely. The Buddha in special cases, such as the French number four artifacts that comes to the possession of the King of the French, four in the United Kingdom London Transfer that possession of false Religious Ānanda...
9. The Display (Vedalla), including the investment categories providing answers, such as my Cūlavedalla, Mahāvedalla, Sammādiṭṭhi, Sakkapañhā, Saṅkhārabhāja-nīya, Mahāpuṇṇama and. ..


[441] nine Yin Buddha (Buddhaguṇa):

Also known as the Red of the Buddha:
1. choice of Worship (Arahaṃ), the Buddha is worthy of heaven the donation because he has to close export sanctity Italy.
2. the Chief Justice Turned Tri (Sammāsambuddho), the Buddha's enlightenment on his own ranks in a primary leg, not just the teacher teaches.
3. Proving Hanh University (Vijjācaranasampanno), the Buddha is there enough smart Bowl (see [414]) and the active voice (see [483]).
4. Friendly Testimony (Sugato), the Buddha had a nice cruise; He went to the rescue, Mr chu the Buddha, He has left the mirror for life.
5. the World Tournament (Lokavidū), which is smooth, worldly Buddha grips the compounded vi, basic understanding of being, understanding your path to reincarnation and liberation.
6. Invisible upper Things Dwell Thy Wife (Anuttaro purisadammasārathi), the Buddha is hitting the car subtly conferred subduing beings, as far from the domesticated elephant wife of cows, or horses despite the very plain difficult children, domestication.
7. Celestial Master QUY Nhon (Satthā devamanussānaṃ), the Buddha is the master of heavenly divine and humankind.
8. False Sense (Buddho), the Buddha is already awakening from the sleep of ignorance, has awakened the four truths.
9. Voice of fake German Stuff (Bhagavā), the Buddha is high enough the lucky escape all perils; also means the ownership ranks, ranks split parts.
About Buddha's grace, there is room to ten is because of the red list loads of upper Things Dwell Thy Wife (Anuttaro purisadammasārathi) is told in two red lists: Anuttaro (Infinity Sergeant) and Purisadammasārathi (To Dwell Thy Wife).


[442] nine favour Germany rose (Saṅghaguṇa), Germany's towering raises them:

1. happy (Supaṭipanno), a disciple of world Religion is having good practices.
2. Users (lastUjupaṭipanno), increase the level of world disciples soon appear as straight.
3. the Chief Justice (lastÑāyapaṭipanno), Increase The disciples as the primary leg action having ranks.
4. N (lastSāmīcipaṭipanno), increase the level of world disciples practice facility that was dignified.
5. value for bow serve (Āhuneyyo), a disciple of world Religion, the Bible as worthy of sacrifice.
6. value for welcome (Pāhuneyyo), Chu Saint Rose student of world Religion is the State to be more considerate procession.
7. value for donation (Dakkhineyyo), Chu Saint Rose student of world Religion is the tier to be presented with pure heart.
8. value for 24-Bai (Añjalikaraneyyo), Chu Saint Rose student of world Religion is hand pieced together wealthy girl deserves celebration.
9. Blessed fill myriad of life (Anuttaraṃ puññakkhettaṃ lokassa), Chu Saint Rose student of world Religion that combined the blessed noble for being.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.1/2/2015.

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