Friday, 30 January 2015

[338] the six to France to work (Bahukārā dhammā):

Here are six possible concepts of France (Sāraṇīyadhamma) , also known as the glass business, French Republic the French idea, creating harmony:
1. Stem from (Mettākāyakamma), live action for you, Mrs Associates, an anger not with the non-resident from the yard, whether in front or behind his back.
2. Password from (Mettāvacīkamma), has the words for you, Mrs Associates, an anger not with the non-resident from the yard, whether in front or behind his back.
3. Italy from (Mettāmanokamma), has thought for you, Mrs Associates, an anger not with the non-resident from the yard, whether in front or behind his back.
4. good resonance (Sādhāraṇabhogī), when the profit arises more or less legally, also divided into sớt for you happy associates and enjoy.
5. Have an Sa-Mon in (Sīlasāmaññatā), living with their partner's achievement was high-pitched as Sa-happy subjects, have not suffered the stigma of working laboriously hot chips.
6. tri comments Sa-Mon in (Diṭṭhisāmaññatā), living with fellow tu be achievements detailed in accordance with noble Prophet Sa happy subjects, the type of voter opinion ranks Saint, capable of bringing to kill make the suffering.
This concept accommodates six, also known as France created cordially (Piyakaraṇa), France created sculptural glass (Garukaraṇa), France brought to unity, infinity war, harmony, unified position (Saṅgah ' āvivādāsamaggī ekabhava--saṃvattanadhamma).


[339] the six French to practice (Bhāvetabbā dhammā):

Here are six options of mantras (Anussatiṭṭhānāni):

1. Worship (Buddhānussati), contemplating the Red Buddha's ten titles, such as "But, sweet almond, Minh Chanh tri variables, University of ... ".
2. anniversary of France (Dhammānussati), contemplating the six German grace of the Dhamma, as "theoretical skills to honor that France, practically there..."
3. Recite Rising (Saṅghānussati), contemplating the nine Yin Germany Increased, as "Rising Religious World disciple is happy, happy person..."
4. the Celebrated World (Sīlānussati), contemplating the world's benefit calculation and almond and then a review to its purity is not your stain Bhikkhu.
5. anniversary of the Pilot (Cāgānussati), contemplating the nature of the alms which you have done countless virtues, i.e. to take part, not popcorn xẻn ... and a happy comment alms was useful for me, I don't mind making pollution etc.
6. Celebration (Devānussati), contemplating the virtues created beings made of Tin, Thien Chu Kin, such as gender, the contender, writer, intellectual property and customs review features which place to hoan Hy.


[340] the six French to turn voter (Pariññeyyā dhammā):

Here are six civil parishes (Ajjhatikāyatana), six senses to perceive objects:
1. the label of origin (Cakkhvāyatana), which is the eye or nerve, senses label views.
2. Turkish origin (Sotāyatana), which is the ear or nerves of the Atrium, hear the senses.
3. exchange rate of (Ghānayatana), which is the nose or neurotic male, smell senses.
4. total loss of (Jivhāyatana), is the tongue or nerve, taste senses.
5. of (Kāyāyatana), is nervous, senses body contact object.
6. made in Italy (Mānāyatana), is a sensory consciousness, thinking, awareness.
Six civil parishes, there is room to translate the contents entered or green house (Saḷāyatana); also known as the right (indriya) as registered rights, Turkish rights, female rights, victims rights, family rights, your rights. Because the six senses has a special function.


[341] six of France should be the exception (Pahātabbā dhammā):

Here are six of Ireland itself (Taṇhākāya), the Cabinet or the outer body through six scenes:
1. Craving lust (Rūpataṇhā), took part in the relationship for good in themselves or foreign-body identity.
2. Ai thinh (Saddataṇhā), who fall for the self or foreign body.
3. Ai divisions (Gandhataṇhā), the relationship to the self-odour or foreign body.
4. Ai number (Rasataṇhā), who fall over themselves or foreign body.
5. Ai exposed (Phoṭṭhabbataṇhā), the relationship to the self promotion or foreign body.
6. Ai France (Dhammataṇhā), the relationship to nature or temper themselves or foreign body.


[342] the six French part hạ listed (Hānabhāgiyā dhammā):

Here are six French irreverent (Agāravatā):

1. irreverent Masters (Satthari agāravatā), do not respect Buddha.
2. irreverent Dhamma (agāravatā Dhamme), does not respect the teachings of the Buddha.
3. irreverent increase them (Saṅghe agāravatā), do not respect divine Bhikkhu-stilts disciple of Buddha.
4. irreverent is learning about (Sikkhāya agāravatā), does not respect academic disciplines and maintained.
5. almond irreverent Pro (Appamāde agāravatā) are not valued the assiduous effort.
6. irreverent salute (Paṭisanthāre agāravatā), did not appreciate the social entertaining.


[343] the six French the enemy WINS (Visesabhāgiyā dhammā):

Here are six France respect (Gāravatā):
1. respect for Masters (Satthugāravatā), as regards the Buddha.
2. respect the Dhamma (Dhammagāravatā), as regards the teachings of the Buddha.
3. respect Sangha (Saṅghagāravatā), as regards lettered Bhikkhu-stilts disciple of Buddha.
4. respect gender studies (Sikkhāgāravatā), is a French academic subjects are respected and maintained.
5. respect Hanh Professional (Appamādagāravatā), is valued their beards, practically no effort.
6. respect for hospitality (Paṭisanthāragāravatā), as regards the social entertaining.


[344] six France could hardly type (Duppaṭivij-jhā dhammā):

Here are six World Cup appearances (Nissāraṇīyā dhātuyo):
1. export the separatist anger is from the rescue Center (yadidaṃ vyāpādassa raṇaṃ cetovimutti mettā-Nissa).
2. export the glasses the brain damage is the bi Center of liberation (Nis-saraṇaṃ vihesāya yadidaṃ cetovimutti karuṇā).

3. export the cups is iconoclastic Hy heart freed (aratiyā cetovimutti muditā yadidaṃ saraṇaṃ-Nis),
4. export the Cup took part in the rescue Center discharge is infection (Nissaraṇaṃ rāgassa yadidaṃ cetovimutti upekkhā).
5. export the cups is general enough for general release (Nissaraṇaṃ sabbanimittānaṃ yadidaṃ animittā cetovimutti).
6. Export glass arrow or minus the side crumpled fan (Nissaraṇaṃ vicikicchākathaṅkathāsallassa yadidaṃ asmītimāna-samugghāto).

Six export glass world is six hard facts and hard evidence holds tu so called six of France's hard to enter.


[345] the six French to being kicked (Uppādetabbā dhammā):

Here are six constant stay in France (Satatavihārā):

1. When you see the SAC, an enlightened province mindfulness flushing resident (Rūpaṃ disvā upekkhako viharati sato sampajāno).
2. When you hear, an enlightened province mindfulness discharge boarder (Saddaṃ sutvā upekkhako sampajāno sato viharati).

3. when the smell, discharge the mindfulness to stay an enlightened (Gandhaṃ ghāyitvā upekkhako viharati sato sampajāno).

4. When taste, an stay discharged mindfulness the buds (Rasaṃ sāyitvā upekkhako viharati sato sampajāno).
5. when the contact, an stay discharged mindfulness the buds (Phoṭṭhabbaṃ phusitvā upekkhako viharati sato sampajāno).

6. When an official French scene tri stay discharged mindfulness the buds (Dhammaṃ viññāya upekkhako viharati sato sampajāno).


[346] the six to France need to win tri (Abhiññeyyā-dhammā):

Here are six tall (Anuttariya):
1. see the noble (Dassanānuttariya), i.e. the saw the encounter how make friendly France yet contentious are being run, make friendly beings have been growth, as against the Buddha or meet the disciples of Buddha's foot.
2. Hear high-pitched (Savanānuttariya), i.e. the hear what makes donation to France being kicked and growth, as heard of the Buddha and His disciples dogma.
3. Privileged nobility (Lābhānuttariya), i.e. There is something that makes the French charity being run and grow, as there are seven Holy assets (credit, sex, very good, you, the writer, pilot and wisdom).
4. High School upper (Sikkhānuttariya), is learning something that makes good France being kicked and growth; as is learning about the increase of the upper world, increasing the upper center and upper increases wisdom.
5. Serve the noble (Pāricariyānuttariya), the world would make friendly beings French start-up and growth, such as the three jewels, ideal to serve, bring the benefits themselves and humanity.
6. notion of nobility (Anussatānuttariya), is usually contemplate anything that makes charity France being kicked and growth, such as worship, reciting mantras, French rose, anniversary, anniversary celebration, the pilot.
Six things called nobility because when done properly will result in net security, lost, and great benefits achievement as accomplishments, achievements continue to blessed liberation of ...


[347] six France take evidence (dhammā Sacchikātabb):

Here are six deities or green pine pine (Chaḷabhiññā):
1. Turn Digest (Iddhividhi), spirit communion do phenomenally as Ascension padded Turks, take on water, goes through the cliffs, showing off the animals etc.
2. Natural ventilation Atrium (Dibbasota), the God through listening to the sound voice as Chu Tian, the voice in the far ...
3. Tha support (Cetopariyañāṇa), spirit communion knows understands another person when they just kicked ideas have yet to speak out.
4. Student Network (Pubbenivāsānussati), spirit communion knows of his past life, know your.
5. Celestial shipping label (Dibbacakkhu), spirit through visible living beings, see the excellent general body of chemical species being, see Karma pimp mortal love species. Heavenly label also called birth Prince pine (Cutūpapātaññāṇa).
6. take advantage of pirated informational (Āsavakkhayañāṇa), won the place except to be smuggled or negativity shown to result A-la-Han.
Five types of the World Association is announcing spirit, spirit announced Friday's Super world.


[348] six door decline (Apāyamukha), the carpool lane leads to disastrous and expendable property:

1. drunk alcohol tea (Surāmerayamajjapamā daṭṭhānānuyogo). Queer has six things at risk is the property of attrition, caused controversy, arises illness, honourable, accomplice through the baggage, intellectual deterioration.
2. Street travel Africa time (Vikālavisikhācariyānuyogo).There are six nights that compromise is not holding himself, does not keep his wife, do not hold the property, prone to suspicion, fell victim to rumors, himself sorrow.
3. La cà nowhere du savages (Samajjhābhicaraṇaṃ). To the amphitheatre there years are at risk is the work against corruption very laborious, time-consuming, waste of money, busy mind find dance singing.
4. a passion for gambling. (Jūtappamādaṭṭhānānuyogo). Gambling had six serious thing is WINS grudge, odds were suffering, lost property, say in effect, friends scorn, his life did not dare marry marry.
5. evil network owner (Pāpamittānuyogo). Play bad you have six things at risk is the influence of gambling habits, routines affect decent alcohol habits influence, taking tea, shifty habits influence, influence pattern of deception, influence thug lifestyle.
6. Acquaint indolence (Ālassānuyogo). Lazy properties make property or harvesting of non-expendable property as six working falls rot reason was thought too cold, too hot, too soon, too late, too hungry, no too.

[349] the six serious crimes (Abhiṭhāna):

1. Kill the father (Pitughāta)
2. kill the Moms (Mātughāta)3. Kill the Saints A-la-Han (Arahantaghāta)4. Do the bleeding body of Buddha (Lohituppāda)5. Split Up (Saṅghabheda).6. foreign exchange trend Scouts (Aññasatthuddesa)

Six serious crimes in this Holy ranks from Tu-da-huờn absolutely no offense, so it is impossible of the Holy steps (Abhabbaṭhāna).


[350] the six original comment file (Vivādamūla) the cause engenders debate:

1. anger (Kodha)
2. detractors (Makkha)
3. jealousy (Issā)
4. lies (Sātheyya)
5. sexual Wickedness, evil desires (Pāpicchatā)
6. private bigotry comments (Sandiṭṭhiparāmāsitā).


[351] six-one historic barrier Satipatthana (Anupassanābhabbā):

1. preferred work (Kammārāmataṃ)
2. speak (preferenceBhassārāmataṃ)
3. preferred sleeping (Middārāmataṃ)
4. preferred meetings (Saṅgaṇikārāmataṃ)
5. hedge Not serviced (Indriyesu agutta-dvārataṃ), is not currency over six units such as the eyes, ears and. ..
6. Xue Not cuisine (Bhojane amattaññu-taṃ).

[352] six France stinks (Parihāniyā):

1. Love your work (Kammārāmatā)
2. love to talk (Bhassārāmatā)
3. Enjoy sleeping (Middārāmatā)
4. Love meetings (Saṅgaṇikārāmatā)
5. Like the Wal (GeneralSaṃsaggārāmatā)
6. Like delay (Papañcārāmatā).


[353] French others (Six stinksParihāniyā):

1. Love your work (Kammārāmatā)
2. love to talk (Bhassārāmatā)
3. Enjoy sleeping (Middārāmatā)
4. Love meetings (Saṅgaṇikārāmatā)
5. before you go hard teach (Dovacassatā)
6. Have you bad (Pāpamittatā).


[354] six printing Germany France, virtues of the Dhamma (Dhammaguṇa):

1. the Dhamma was Germany That cited by Religious dogma (Svākkhāto dhammo bhagavatā), means the Dhamma that the Buddha has had particular meaning text theory of sufficiency, not perfect.
2. current practical (Sandiṭṭhiko), is the Buddha Dharma has always been clearly benefits the practitioner according to Dharma, when are people going to practice effective immediately in the present, not wait for the future.
3. beyond time (Akāliko), means the Dhamma does not depend on time, not limited by time, not the outdated, i.e. when the correct practices shown to Lead a privileged instant results.
4. come see (Ehipassiko), Dhamma is truth, have come to see and come to the Dhamma is to see the truth, not come to believe waiting for salvation.
5. the upper Direction (Opanayiko), Dhamma has the purpose of rescue, led the practice reached its purpose, this Dhamma is not such philosophy.
6. should be the position of self certificates (Paccattaṃ viññūhi veditabbo), Dhamma is who has proven his intellectual manner, one tree Hill back on tha power.
Of the six German French, German grace grace is said to France, where, in favour of Germany after the French are said to run; There is room to explain that in the following virtues refers to characteristics of the French Super world.


[355] six directions (Disā), six, referring to the six directions themselves are treated well by the duty:

1. East (Puratthimā disā) refers to a parent.
2. Heading South (Dakkhiṇā disā) refers to the teacher.
3. the West (Pacchimā disā) refers to the couple.
4. North Direction (Uttarā disā) renders just friends.
5. on (Uparimā disā) refers to The Sports Minister.
6. under (Heṭṭhimā disā) renders only a housekeeper.
The ceremony upasaka cult six not by live round practice the duty for everyone. Here the Buddha teaches the renunciation as a duty to six method as follows:
1. East-for parents, do you have the five duties:

a) foster parents
b) work instead of my parents
c) maintained the family tradition
d) preservation of assets succeeded
e) When my parents died, helpfulness largesse.
Do your parents must also treat the following five things:
a) prevents the doing of evil
b) encourages you to do good
c) For the learning profession
d) get furniture for the worthy
e) just the intersection of legacy for children.
2. the South-for teachers, the pupils do have five things:

a) To allow the communion
b) served respectfully
c) docile obedience
d) self-servitude
e) studying man
Do you also have to treat the pupils under five things:
a Training Manual)
b) Cited teach
c) Teaches all professions
d) Praise students ahead of you at the same red tape
e) protect and wrap in all aspects.
3. the West-part stacked against the wife of five things:

a) respectful wife
b) do not disrespect your wife cheaply
c) No adultery
d) over the homemaker
e) Gifts of jewelry.
Diocese of the wife for the husband also had five things:
a) make even home manual
b) are best with her children two they
c) No adultery
d) preserve the property of the husband
e) competent diligent in everything.
4. North-Part master part for your friends there are five things:

a) provided
b) Ai language
c) Benefit administration
d) equality
e) honestly.
Diocese of friends dealing with owners also have five things:
a) defend at home owner negligence
b) preserving assets for at Cavalier
c) Do it come up when there is fear
d) When the tribulation does not leave each other
e) respect the bereaved relatives of the owners.
5. Towards renunciation is Desk-top class Sa-Mon monks should practice five things:

a) behavior by from the mind
b) words by heart
c) thinking with the word heart
d) welcoming more
e) surrender of material.
The monks also suggest ideological renunciation under six article
a) stop doing evil
b) Guide to good
c) Trade ideas with good ideas
d) tell of things not yet heard
e) award clearly they heard
f) Just down the road the Sun.
6. under-do the employer must treat the maid, a servant under five things:

a) Cut the power medium
b) distribution of food and wages.
c) at sick-care
d) share of strange delights
e) have a chance for a break.
The Department should treat the employer as of five things:
a) wake up in front of home
b) sleeping back home
c) just took things for
d) working strenuously to skillfully
e) Offers aromatherapy for the home.
This is what the Buddha taught in Siṅgālovadasutta, teaches the renunciation. If someone in the home runs the way properly such a cult ceremony hexagonal constants are sheltered, was an OK and get rid of all the anxiety with sorrow.


[356] six personality (Carita, cariyā), the sexual orientation of each inner beings:

1. Computer AI (Rāgacarita), tend to take a good relationship, AI infection. The computer AI should practice under appropriate headings to fix is a corpse (asubha- real Americans) and could recite the weapon (kāyagatāsati- bulbous anniversary).
2. Computer yard (Dosacarita), tends to turn very angry, very rare. Headings of adaptation to work to overcome the four criminals stay (brahmavihāra) and color transforms made (vaṇṇakasiṇa).

3. Computer si (Mohacarita), tend to be dark, stupid Yes, stupid me. Headings of adaptation to work to overcome the memory of breathing (ānāpānasati) and should fill by learning French, French conversation, listen to, and lived with the master.
4. Computer units (Saddhācarita), tend to be Chameleon, cult favorite, easy to accept. For people with this personality should practice six French customized anniversary (anussati) and need a place to consider belief to Nice.
5. Calculated position (Buddhacarita, ñāṇacarita), tend to be discerning, considerations acumen, love to learn. For people with this personality should practice heading adaptation to promote the Intelligence Chief's foot, is a universal General tam (sammasanānupassanā), the anniversary of his death (maraṇānus-sati), the anniversary of the President of the pure land (upasamānus-sati), delineate the four substances (catudhātuvavatthāna) and the idea of nhờm the real deal (saññā-paṭikkūla āhāre).
6. Computer Games (Vitakkacārita), tend to think, agitated, brooding. For people with this personality should fix this by limiting the practice is strongly export entry news notion (ānāpānānussati- meditate on the breath), or variable headings of (kasiṇa).
The items mentioned here see [493] forty career made.


[357] the six root causes generate karma (Kammanidāna):

1. accessibility (Lobha), trends in AI infection, in any good faith.
2. Pitch (Dosa), opposing trends in real good.
3. Si (Moha), sexual orientation error in real good.

4. Ill take part (Alobha), immaculate tendencies, in good faith.
5. Comb yard (Adosa), sexual orientation is not pressing, in good faith.
6. Invisible si (Amoha), intellectual orientation, perception wise, in good faith.
Career made from native took part, pitch, si will enjoy the life result show birth, Shu-Allergy Alert and reportedly never ceases.
Specifically about the industry made from deeply involved, and despite endless endless life feel the si results show birth, Shu hetero and late notice but will have at the end by taking glass, glass roof and glass of si.


[358] Sex heaven (Sagga), 6 the Sun education world, the realm of the divine celestial entitled Irene:

1. Four Heavenly Realms (Cātumahārājikā), which is the realm of four Sun households maintained the world: Germany, Dhataraṭṭha, King of Qian Thát BA (Ganthabba), reigned to the East; Germany Virulhaka, King of Jiujiang KumbhaṇḍaTea Table, reigns the South; Germany Virūpakkha, Dragon King Snake (Nāga), reigns the West; Germany Kuvera or Vessa-vana, found the massage Felt King Yakkha, reigned northward.
2. The Donation benefit (Tāvatiṃsa), realms of the three muơi three Sun God like, took turns in the Lord God Jesus.
3. The Da ma (Yāmā), realms of Chu Thien ly gauge, where Germany Suyāma reigned.
4. where did The productivity (Tusita), realms of divine genius well off the property; where Germany Santusita reigned. This was the birth of the bodhisattvas before Christmas ceiling as the Buddha; is also place of Buddha's reborn nursery (mother of Buddha) after death life at birth have bodhisattva fuck two.
5. The LAC Thien Hoa (Nimmāmarati), the God of self culture education lost enjoyment; where Germany Sunimmita reigned.
6. The Tha turns himself in (Paranimmitavasavattī), the realm of the Sun affect other objects by Lok lettered for culture; a German Vasavattī, also known as Ma King, reigned.
The meaning of the above explanations derived from the set of references such as Abhidhammatthavibhāvinī. See also [489] thirty-one realms.


[359] the six States the classic episode (Dhammasaṅgīti):

1. the first episode (Paṭhamasaṅgāyanā) takes place after the Buddha Park Chairman Sattapanni cave jelly at 3 months, near Rājagaha of Māgadha, 500 are A-la-Han by elders Mahākassapa chaired a t p; While the episode is 7 months and just the episode by transmission. States this aggregation is King Ajātasattu support.
2. the second episode (Dutiyasaṅgāyanā) at the time of 100 years after the Buddha Park Chairman, at the Temple of Vālikārama near to Vesāli of Vajjī, there are 700 A-la-Han by the elders Yasakākaṇḍakaputta presided over the rally, while the volume is 8 months and also just the episode by transmission. States this aggregation is King Kālāsoka support.
3. the third episode (Tatiyasaṅgāyanā) at the time of the Buddhist calendar 235, at the Temple of the Asokārāma of Pāṭali-putta, has 1000 units A-la-Han Chinese by the master Moggalliputta-tissa chaired the file; While the episode is 9 months and also just the episode by transmission. The episode was King Asoka in favour.
4. the fourth episode (Catutthasaṅgāyanā) at the time of the Buddhist calendar 450, at Ālokaleṇa cave Matulajanapada zone fossils of Srilaṅkā, there are 1000 units A-la-Han by the elders Mahādhammarakkhita chaired the file; the timer is set for a year and this is the first episode recorded in words written on the leaves to let go. States this aggregation is King Vaṭṭagāminī Abhaya supporter.
5. the fifth episode (Pañcamasaṅgāyanā) at the time of the Buddhist calendar 2404, in Mandalay of Myanmar, there are 2400 a Bhikkhu-stilts philastraena tripiṭaka erudite information due to elders Bhaddanta Jagara presided over the episode. This aggregation States spent 11 years to complete because of the tripiṭaka 719 carved on stone. States this Thursday by King Mindon of Burma, supported.
6. the sixth episode (Chaṭṭhasaṅgāyanā) at the time of the Buddhist calendar 2498 in artificial cave jelly Lokasāma, the capital of Myanmar, Yangoon has 2500 a Bhikkhu-stilts understanding tripiṭaka and annotations, because the elder Revata presided, this aggregation period lasted 2 years, do the work of comparison of the Pali tripiṭaka and annotations available for tuning into the tripiṭaka and standard annotation Buddhist countries denominational system ink Theravāda. The episode is the sponsor of the Myanmar Government, led by Prime Minister U Nu.


[360] six of foreign origin (Bāhirāyatana):

1. Identity of origin (Rūpāyatana), the scenery, the audience's eyes.
2. Noble origin (Saddāyatana), the scene of disasters, Gerald.
3. Gas origin (Gandhāyatana), the scene of gas, the subject of the tip.
4. The parishes (Rasāyatana), scene number, the subject of tongues.
5. Promotion of (Phoṭṭhabbāyatana), the object of the body, feelings.
6. made in France (Dhammāyatana), French landscape, the subject of Italy.


[361] six of the nature, the six men (Dhātu):

1. boundaries (Paṭhavīdhātu), nature of soil, characteristic of hard rough or flexible.
2. Marine World (Āpodhātu), the nature of water, its wet or sticky.
3. the fire world (Tejodhātu), the nature of fire, with hot or cold.
4. Promoted gender (Vāyodhātu), the nature of wind, features and expansion.
5. unreal world (Ākāsadhātu), the nature of space, free space, is the boundary between the bodies.
6. Gender Awareness (Viññāṇadhātu), the nature of mind, i.e. the energy landscape of tri, including gender awareness gender awareness courses, labels, male gender awareness, gender consciousness, body, loss of consciousness, the mind and the sense of the world.


[362] in Six's career of (Dhātukammaṭṭhāna), the heading of six nature, six factors to wisdom pubs, noted:

1. the boundaries of industry (Paṭhavīdhātukammaṭṭhāna). What are the characteristics of the raw content in the hard nut fitting parts or foreign parts, it is prime land, should be consistent with the wisdom that "this is not mine, not mine, not my ego". After a suicide so that in being boring for boundaries and abandon the mind accept its boundaries.
2. Aquatic world of industry (Āpodhātukammaṭṭhāna). What is the characteristic wet, the fluid in the inner or outer part, it's the element of water, which should be consistent with the wisdom that "this is not me ...
3. the fire world of industry (Tejodhātukammaṭṭhāna). What is heat characteristics, in the Cabinet or foreign parts, it is the element of fire, it should be consistent with the wisdom that "this is not me ...
4. Style about karma of (Vāyodhātukammaṭ-ṭhāna). What are the characteristics of the motion in the Cabinet or foreign parts, it's the element of wind, should be consistent with the wisdom that "this is not me ...
5. unreal world (Ākāsadhātukammaṭṭhāna). What is the empty properties in the internal or external parts, such as the ears, nostrils, mouth and the loophole on the trunk, it's unreal element, which should be consistent with the wisdom that "this is not me ...
6. Gender Awareness (Viññānadhātukammaṭṭhāna), which is the nature of the functions to the tri scene, i.e. the mind. Thanks to mind should know the facts; When the life gauge or lost life expectancy or discharge are being being destroyed are unknown. Retained life discharge NET NET, last to not boundless, endless, boundless knowledge possessed, the idea of Africa Africa idea, reached up won the intelligent discharge, pass again, the purification of the mind and his níp-table.


[363] six (Dvāra) six gateway exposed (six of foreign origin):

1. label the subject (Cakkhudvāra), door eyes.
2. Turkish subject (Sotadvāra), the ear gate.
3. Female subject (Ghānadvāra), the nose doors.
4. total loss Mon (Jivhādvāra), the mouth of the tongue.
5. Body subject (Kāyadvāra), the door itself.
6. your subject (Manodvāra), the Italian doors, i.e. the mind of shit end line (Bhavaṅgupacchedacitta).
The six main subject of six civil parishes (Ajjhattikāyatana).


[364] six contact (Phassa, samphassa), the touching scene, the engineer, the meet between-scene-awake:

1. tactile Label (Cakkhusamphassa), between the eyes with the landscape and with consciousness.
2. Turkish exposure (Sotasamphassa), between the ears with a noble and United way.
3. Male hot (Ghānasamphassa), between the nose and the national scene with the formula.
4. total loss exposure (Jivhāsamphassa), between the blades with the scene and lost consciousness.
5. Body contact (Kāyasamphassa), between body and feelings with body consciousness.
6. Italy exposed (Manosamphassa), between Italy and the French scene with subjects of consciousness.


[365] the six Shou (Vedanā), contentious feelings from the exposed:

1. birth Life from life, label promotion label (vedanā Cakkhusamphassajā).
2. the life of birth from contact Atrium the Atrium Shou (Sotasamphassajā vedanā).3. contact the National Life expectancy from birth and national (Ghānasamphassajā vedanā).4. real-life expectancy from birth, feelings (vedanā Jivhāsamphassajā).5. the life of birth from the fuselage on impact, long-bodied (Kāyasamphassajā vedanā).
6. the life of birth from my life, my feelings (vedanā Manosamphassajā).


[366] the six ideas (Saññā), the mind knows the landscape, the realized object:

1. Good idea (Rūpasaññā)2. Noble ideas (Saddasaññā)
3. ideal Gas (Gandhasaññā)
4. Your ideas (Rasasaññā)
5. scoop the idea (Phoṭṭhabbasaññā)
6. France thought (Dhammasaññā)


[367] six private (Sañcetanā, cetanā) the scene thinking, reflecting on the object:

1. Good capitalism (Rūpasañcetanā)
2. Gerald investments (Saddasañcetanā)
3. private Gas (Gandhasañcetanā)
4. the (Rasasañcetanā)
5. Investment Promotion (Phoṭṭhabbasañcetanā)
6. France (privateDhammasañcetanā).
There are six French verb as Sañcetanākāya or cetanākāya (as himself), literally inner aggregates reflecting foreign scenes.


[368] six formula (Viññāṇa), six types of consciousness:

1. label the formula (Cakkhuviññāṇa), the mind knows the landscape, the birth of label fields.
2. United way (Sotaviññāṇa), knowing the scene of birth of Turkish Lady, Gerald.
3. Female formula (Ghānaviññāṇa), knowing the scene turns to gas, being female characters.
4. Dead wake (Jivhāviññāṇa), the mind knows the scene, Lady being dead animals.
5. Environmentally consciousness (Kāyaviññāṇa), the mind knows itself baby Princess, feelings of things.
6. the consciousness (Manoviññāṇa), including the gender and gender awareness; the world knows our situation; gender awareness with this type of aware of six scenes, there kinds only knew the French scene. Lady aware of birth places of Italy.


[369] the six cells (Vatthu), six seats stay awake:

1. label the cells (Cakkhuvatthu), neurotic label, the label formula.
2. animals United (Sotavatthu), Neurology, United, the United way.
3. Male animal (Ghānavatthu), neurotic female, the male form.
4. Dead animals (Jivhāvatthu), nerve, the resulting formula.
5. Stem cells (Kāyavatthu), nerve trunk, the trunk formula.
6. the animal (Hadayavatthu), a good animal shelter for your gender and gender consciousness except 4 the mind myriad fruit colors.
About the colors of Italy are not clear, there is the theory that hadayavatthu is the heart of modern scientists, then for the brain. The Buddha did not say anything about the matter, He only says Yaṃ rūpaṃ nissāya manodhātu manoviññānadhātu upajjatīti hadayavatthu, the gender and gender conscious lady being in lust would then call it is my thing.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER-=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.31/1/2015.

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