Friday, 30 January 2015

Homage to the Triple Gem


[1] A multi-effects approach ( Bahukaradhammo ): "Any slights of goodness" ( Appamado kusalesu dhammesu).

Any slights, and the service is not to chase, that is not let loose, do not forget her, mindful of every movement behavior; doing or saying the memo are cautious, aware of what to do and what not to do.
In the dhamma, no reckless approach is essential, as is general, is the first sign. Like the warning light pink sunrise. So-called multi-effect approach.


[2] One approach to practice (Bhavetabbadhammo) :
"Executive Body noting the joy" (
Kayagatasati satasahagata).

Body noting, as such means and bar concepts related parts, such as the 32 anniversary of the sliding body can include hair, hair etc ..
Question ie meditation practice corresponds joy communication ( Sukha-sampayutta ). Body noting the subject of meditation practice leads to bliss.


[3] A method to turn tri (Parinneyyadhammo):

"Promotion craft scene scene contraband" (Phasso sasavo upadaniyo).

Ie six contact contact as manual exposure etc ..
Scene illegal charming feature of the law that is long ( Asavanam paccayabhuto ).
Landscape is a legal procedure charming feature of the quarter-prime ( Upadananam paccayabhuto ).
Promotion mundane as manual exposure ... the exposure, the scene of the prime contraband, were smuggled legal, manually learned so called illegal emotional landscape scene manually.


[4] A method should be eradicated (Pahatabbadhammo):

" conceit "( Asmimano).

Conceit is the ego, "I am" ... ego for five aggregates, such as Lust is me, I am the color, Life is one, etc .. I am feeling itself is also called, in the wrong.

[5] A method of inferior part ( Hanabhagiyadhammo ):

"Not smart volition" (Ayoniso manasikaro).

Not smart volition, not as reasonable called volition, ie misconceptions, false judgment, awareness of legal wrong, not that corresponds to the wisdom of right. As for compounded is impermanent is often thought ( anicce niccasanni ) etc .. Or for no consideration to the situation with wisdom should afflictions arise.


[6] A method of Section wins (Visesabhagiyadhammo ):

"Smart volition" ( Yonisomanasikaro)

Ingenious volition, also called as the physical effects, ie the legal considerations in mind, awareness of right view. As compounded things are impermanent, the notice is impermanent ( anicce aniccasanni ), or when experiencing situation, consider using location right in the way that growth-friendly measures to prevent evil arises.


[7] A method is difficult to enter (Duppativijjhadhammo) :

"Infernal concentration"
(Anantariko Ceto samādhi).

According Atthakatha ( number Award ), Centre super fruit that (phala), direct serial mind, he called attention to numerous cockroaches.


[8] A method need arises ( Uppadetabbadhammo):

"Real Hotel (Akuppam Nanam).

Real is located here should know that wisdom of super fruits ( phala Panna ). By doing commentaries Dasut-tarasutta .
Supramundane location can not be effective capability for motion processing other damage, whether as grade school property was reborn in another world when born, the world's super position he did not turn state.


[9] A method to win tri (Abhinneyyadhammo):

"All beings exist only thanks to Flora" ( Sabbe satta aharatthitika).

There are four methods as the food is real union, real contact, nourishment and practices. Through his four real grace, born and raised support for this color should have identity and continuity is maintained.


According D.III Sangitisutta , has added a method to win voters is: "All beings exist only compounded by" ( Sabbe satta Sankharatthitika).

Compounded or practice ( sankhàra ) mentioned here in the sense of grace ( Paccaya) [paccayo eva kathito 'ti sambandho] . According commentaries Tika .
[10] A method to effect securities
( Sacchikatabadhammo):

"Real freedom of mind" (
Akuppa cetovimutti).

Real freedom of mind, here are the fruits of liberation by Arhat ( Arahattaphalavimutti) . This release is known as your estate Arhat has the mental defilements section, and therefore the freedom of mind against the law do not perturbed. According Atthakatha and Tika .END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.31/1/2015.

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