Friday, 30 January 2015


[399] The eight multi-effects approach ( Bahukara dhammā ): This is the eighth leading to fundamental intellectual virtues ( Hetu adibrahmacariyakaya pannaya SAM-vattanti ): 1. An up your mind sharp hearts ( Tibbam hiri- ottappam paccutthitam hoti).

2. Depending on the legal question ( Kalena dhammam paripucchati ).
3. Live renunciation body and mind ( Kayacittavupakasena sampadeti).

4. morality ( Silava hoti).

5. Multiculturalism ( Bahussuto hoti ).
6. Resident diligence ( Araddhaviriyo viharati ).
7. Mindfulness ( Satima hoti )
8. Live bar to kill the five aggregates ( Pancasu upadanakkhandesu udayavyayanupassi micro-Harati).


[400] Eight to practice law ( Bhavetabba dhammā ):

It is a noble bowl chi ( Ariyo atthangiko maggo ):
1. Right view ( Sammaditthi ), which is clearly visible from the sole intellectual, or see the three generals of the five aggregates, good or evil understand the factors of exorcism is prevented.
2. Thought ( Sammasankappo ), ie the right thought, such as sexual thoughts ly, no courts, no harm. As members of exorcism stop thinking part.
3. Right Speech ( Sammavaca ), is rightly said, that is honest, say harmony, sweet talk, talk benefits. As detailed section to prevent exorcism language.
4. Right Action ( Sammakammanto ), is acting rightly, no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct. As part stop spending now exorcism.
5. Right Livelihood ( Samma-ajivo ), the network culture rightly live, do not use the office to create livelihoods wrong livelihood. As detailed section to prevent network exorcism.
6. Effort ( Sammavayamo ), is the true diligence, ie exertion rid of bad law and cultivate goodness. As detailed section to prevent exorcism effort.
7. Mindfulness ( Sammasati ), the concept of true memory, attention recorded sharp fluctuations in the list. Is spending part exorcism prevent conception.
8. Right Concentration ( Sammasamadhi ), the mind is true, that focuses on meditation subject. As members of the section prevents exorcism.
Bat spending this noble religion called chi bowl ( Atthangikamagga ). This is the middle path ( Majjhima patipada ) away from the two extremes of asceticism and avaricious, the path to liberation.
This noble Bat chi tam school ranked in the right understanding, right thought Tue part of learning, right speech, right action, right livelihood under section About learning, Effort, Mindfulness, The concentration of component studies.


[401] The eight measures to turn tri ( Parinneya dhammā ):

This is the eighth world law ( Lokadhamma ), eight life measures, temporary:
1. Benefit ( Labha )
2. Loss of interest ( Alabha)

3. Name ( Yasa )
4. Losing ( Ayasa )
5. Decry ( Ninda )
6. Compliments ( Pasamsa )
7. Happiness ( Sukha )
8. Suffering ( dukkha ).
Eight legal life (being, loss, honor, shame, compliments, criticism, pleasure, pain) is always turning of oneself. There are two sides upon the scene and adversity.
However, there is a difference between saints and scoundrels disciples ordinary text in the face of eight wind generation.
Ke very ordinary office when not profit, gain, be commended, is happy he does not realize the nature of impermanence - size, should have a craving happy with that gain, and the loss of profit, loss of identity, being criticized, he or she is suffering arises melancholy. Due attention is driven to the scene and upon such adversity, it does not get rid of birth, aging, sickness and death.
In contrast, a saint understand legal practitioners, to meet upon the scene (gain, fame, was commended , be happy), or adversity (loss of profit, loss of identity, being criticized, suffering), he cleverly volition, perception impermanence - the scope of the event should not greedy nor sorrow. Thus he annihilation greed, hatred and delusion, and get rid of birth, aging, illness, death,


[402] The eight measures to rid ( Pahatabba dhammā ):

This is the nature of our mind, or bowl pagan ( Micchatta ):
1. Wrong ( Micchaditthi ), knowledge mistake, misunderstanding the truth, as is often the section is etc ..
2. Ta thinking ( Micchasankappo ), the unwholesome thoughts, ideas such as lust, anger idea ideas brain damage.
3. Ta language ( Micchavaca ), nefarious words, such as lying, speak indirect ly, speaking evil, speak no avail.
4. Ta Industry ( Micchakammanto ), illegal actions, such as killing, stealing, sexual misconduct.
5. Ta network (micchà-ajivo ), raising illicit networks, such as job killing, professional thieves, scam job ...
6. Ta effort ( Micchavayamo ), illicit diligence, as diligently as for immoral law arises.
7. Evil thoughts ( Micchasati ), the wandering, remember what makes evil evil arises law.
8. Ta for ( Micchasamadhi ), the distractions, the mind is not permanent office, making evil arises.


[403] The eight measures of inferior part ( Hana-bhagiya dhammā ):

This is the lazy eight ( Kusitavatthuni), eight events make lazy :

1. Is there going to be doing, thinking, "I have work to do, while we work, the body will be tired, so let's lying." ( Kammam me kattabbam bhavis warehouse warehouse-sati kammam pana me karontassa Kayo kilamis-sati Handa 'tunnel nippajjami' ti).

2. Just finished work, think: "I just finished work, my body was tired because of work, so let's lie" ( Aham kammam akasim kam-germ storage warehouse karontassa me Kayo kilanto Handa 'tunnel nippajjami' ti ).
3. Sort long way to go, thinking, "I'll have to go the long way, at the road itself would get tired, so let's lying." ( maggo me gantabbo BHA warehouse warehouse-vissati maggam pana me gacchantassa Kayo Kila-missati Handa 'tunnel nippajjami' ti ).
4. Having just traveled a long distance, think: "I just traveled a long distance, my body was tired of traveling, so let's lying." ( Aham warehouse warehouse maggam agamasim maggam pana me gacchantassa Kayo kilanto Handa 'tunnel nippajjami' ti ).
5. When food shortages, think: "I do not have enough alms food, our body is tired weakness, so let's lying." ( Aham warehouse Pindaya caranto n 'alattham bhojanassa paripurim tassa me Kayo kilanto akammanno Handa' tunnel nippajjami 'ti ).
6. When enough to eat, think: "I fully alms food, our body heavy, inflexible feeling like sacks, so let's lying." ( Aham warehouse Pindaya caranto alattham bhojanassa paripurim tassa me Kayo garuko akammanno masacitam Handa Manne 'tunnel nippajjami' ti ).
7. Ill, think: "I was ill then, need a break, so let's lie" ( Uppanno warehouse appamattako me abadho atthi Kappo nippajjitum Handa 'tunnel nippajjami' ti ).
8. Recently recovered, think: "I just cured, my body was weak not comfortable, so let's lying." ( Aham warehouse gilana vutthito acira-vutthito gelanna tassa me Kayo dubbalo akammanno Handa 'tunnel nippajjami' ti ).


[404] method of Section Eight wins ( Visesabhagiya dhammā ):

This is the eighth event diligent, respectable bowl needs ( Arabbhavatthu):

1. Is there going to do, think: "When we work, not easy to think about the teachings of the Buddha, so let's be diligent ( Kammam warehouse warehouse kammam bhavissati kattabbam me pana pana me Karon-na tena sukaram buddhanam sasanam mana-sikatum handaham viriyam arabhami ).
2. Just finished work, think: "When we work, we can not think about the teachings of the Buddha, so let's be diligent ( Aham warehouse warehouse kammam akasim kammam pan 'Aham karonto nasakkhim bud-dhanam sasanam manasikatum Handa' tunnel viriyam arabhami ).
3. Sort long way to go, thinking, "I'll have to go the long way when we go is not easy to think of the Buddha's teachings are, so let's be diligent" ( maggo warehouse warehouse maggam me gantabbo bhavissati pana me gacchantena sukaram buddhanam sasanam manasikatum Handa na 'tunnel viriyam arabhami )
4. Having just traveled a long distance, think: "I just traveled a long distance, while the road can not be thought to the teachings of the Buddha, so let's be diligent" ( Aham warehouse warehouse maggam agamasim maggam Pana 'tunnel gac- Chanto n 'asakkhim buddhanam sasanam mana-sikatum Handa' tunnel viriyam arabhami ).
5. When food shortages, think: "I beg do not receive adequate food, so my body is gently adapted, so let's be diligent" ( Aham warehouse Pindaya caranto n 'alattham bhojanassa paripurim tassa me Kayo lahuko kammanno Handa 'tunnel viriyam arabhami).

6. When you have enough to eat, think, "I beg received no adequate food, our body healthy adaptation, so let's be diligent" ( Aham warehouse Pindaya caranto alattham bhojanassa paripurim tassa me Kayo balava kammanno Handa 'jaw-ara viriyam bhami).

7. New ill, think: "I am new ill, it may happen that our patients will increase, so let's be diligent" ( Uppanno warehouse warehouse thanam me Ayam appamattako abadho pan 'Etam vijjati Yam me abadho vaddheyya Handa 'tunnel viriyam arabhami).

8. As soon recovered, think: "I just cured soon, it may happen that our patients will relapse, so let's be diligent" ( Aham warehouse warehouse gilana vutthito aciravutthito gelanna thanam pan 'Etam vijjati Yam me abadho paccudavatteyya Handa 'tunnel viriyam arabhami).


[405] The eight measures difficult to enter ( Duppatijjha dhammā ):

This is the dignity of eight non-resident ( Akkhana asamaya brahmacariyavasaya ):
1. When the world has Tathagata level drought Ala Enlightenment appeared, preaching and teaching is brought to peace, passed away, enlightened by celestial open market level, this category was living in hell. ( ca Loke Tathagato uppanno hoti araham sammasambuddho, dhammo ca desiyati opasamiko parinibbaniko sambodhagami sugatappavedito. Ayanca puggalo nirayam uppanno hoti).

2. Where in the world have Tathagata ... class people born as animals. ( Tathagato Loke ca ... Ayanca puggalo tiracchanayonim uppanno hoti).

3. Where in the world have Tathagata ... This category was born to do peta species. ( Tathagato ca ... Ayanca puggato Loke pettivisayam uppanno hoti) .
4. When the world has Tathagata ... This category was born as gods long life span. ( Tathagato ca ... Ayanca puggato Loke dighayukam devanikayam uppanno hoti ).
5. When the world has Tathagata ... class people living in the local parish boundary between species savages no mind, where there are no monks, monks-ni, near the south, near the Women's access to. ( Tathagato Loke ca ... Ayanca puggato paccantimesu janapadesu paccajato hoti milakkhusu avinnataresu yattha natthi gati bhikkhunam bhikkhuninam upasakanam upasi-Kanam) .
6. When the world has Tathagata ... This category was reborn in China but have the wrong view, is of the opinion crazy. ( Tathagato Loke ca ... Ayanca puggato majjhimesu janapadesu paccajato hoti, compared ca micchaditthiko viparitadassano hoti) .
7. When the world has Tathagata ... This category was reborn in China, but the minority position, cretinism, deaf and dumb, incapable of understanding the meaning friendly language, evil speech. ( Tathagato ca ... Ayanca puggato Loke majjhimesu janapadesu paccajato hoti, compared ca na hoti duppanno Jalo elamugo patibalo subhasitadubbhasitanam attham annatum) .
8. When in the world did not have the Tathagata Arhat Enlightenment appeared, and teaching peace, passed away, leading to astronomical levels of enlightenment that is not declared open market theory, people born in the class China degrees, wisdom, wise, not deaf, have the ability to understand language meaning good, bad language. ( Tathagato Loke anuppanno ca ca na hoti araham sammasambuddho dhammo desiyati opasamiko parinibbaniko sambodhagami sugatappa-vedito, ayanca puggato majjhimesu janapadesu paccajato than ca hoti hoti pannava ajalo anelamugo subhasitadubbhasitanam attham annatum patiba-lo) .


[406] The eight measures need arises ( Uppadetabba dhammā ):

It's great being eight ideas, modern human thinking ( Mahapurisavitakka):

1. Thinking: "This is the law of sexual minorities, this is not the majority of sex" ( Appicchassa Ayam dhammo n 'Ayam dhammo mahicchassa).

2. Thinking: "This is the motto of the law, this is not the property of contentment" ( Santutthassa Ayam dhammo n 'Ayam dhammo asantutthassa).

3. Think: "This is the law of renunciation, this is not the favorite of gathering" ( Pavivi-tassa Ayam dhammo n 'Ayam dhammo sanganikaramassa) .
4. Think: "This is the law of ardent, this is not the lazy people" ( Araddhaviriyassa Ayam dhammo n 'Ayam dhammo kusitassa).

5. Think: "This is a legal resident of the concept, this is not of forgetfulness" ( Upatthitasatissa Ayam dhammo n 'Ayam dhammo jam-thassatissa).

6. Thinking: "This is the law of the province, this is not of the heedless" ( Samahitassa Ayam dhammo n 'Ayam dhammo asamahi-tassa).

7. Thinking: "This is the law of wisdom, this is not the lack of place" ( Pannavato Ayam dhammo n 'Ayam dhammo duppannassa).

8. Thinking: "This is not the realm of legal implications, this is not the king of the consequences" ( Nippapancaramassa Ayam dhammo n 'Ayam dhammo papancaramassa).


[407] The eight measures need to win tri ( Abhinneyya dhammā ):

This is the land of eight wins ( Abhibhayatanani ):
1. An internal tri color ideas, see the excellent foreign limited amount of good and evil after winning photographer them, he realized, "I know, I see." ( Ajjhattam rupasanni eko bahiddha rupani passati parittani suvannadubbannani Tani abhibhuyya janami pas-Sami 'ti evam Sanni hoti) .
2. An internal tri color ideas, see the excellent foreign immeasurable good and bad, after winning photographer them, he realized, "I know, I see." ( rupa-Sanni Ajjhattam eko bahiddha rupani passati appamanani suvannadubbannani Tani abhibhuyya janami passami 'ti evam Sanni hoti) .
3. An internal tri formless thought, that limit the amount of foreign good and bad color, photographers after winning them, he realized, "I know, I see." ( Ajjhattam arupa-eko Sanni bahiddha rupani passati parittani suvan-nadubbannani, Tani abhibhuyya janami passami 'ti evam Sanni hoti) .
4. An internal tri formless thought that the foreign identity immeasurable good and bad, after winning photographer them, he realized, "I know, I see." ( Ajjhattam arupasanni eko bahiddha rupani passati appamanani suvannadubbannani Tani abhibhuyya janami pas-Sami 'ti evam Sanni hoti) .
5. An internal tri formless thought, that foreign green, blue, light blue, light green, after winning photographer them, he realized, "I know, I see." ( Ajjhattam arupasanni eko bahiddha rupani passati nilani nilavannani nilanidassanani nilanibhasani Tani abhibhuyya janami passami 'ti evam Sanni hoti) .
6. An internal tri formless thought, that foreign golden, yellow, light yellow, light yellow, after winning photographer them, he realized, "I know, I see." ( Ajjhattam arupasanni eko bahiddha rupani passati pitani pitavannani pitanidassanani pitani-bhasani, Tani abhibhuyya janami passami 'ti evam Sanni hoti) .
7. An internal tri formless idea, that the foreign red, red, red light, red light; after winning photographer them, he realized, "I know, I see." ( Ajjhattam arupasanni eko bahiddha rupani passati lohitakani lohitakavannani lohitakanidassanani lohi-takanibhasani, Tani abhibhuyya janami passami 'ti evam Sanni hoti) .
8. An internal tri formless thought, that foreign white, white, white light, white light, after winning photographer them, he realized, "I know, I see." ( Ajjhattam arupasanni eko bahiddha rupani passati odatani odatavannani odatanidassanani ODA-tanibhasani Tani abhibhuyya janami passami 'ti evam Sanni hoti) .


[408] The eight measures to effect control ( Sacchika-tabba dhammā ):

This is the eighth liberation ( Vimokkha ):
1. Yourself with excellence, see the excellent ( Rupee rupani passati ). That is four Distinguished Career Zen enlightenment property by conducting headings kasina identified as the color of the hair color etc .. from where the body internally.
2. Internal tri formless idea itself, see the external identity ( Ajjhattam arupasanni eko bahiddha rupani passati ). That is four Distinguished Career Zen enlightenment property by conducting headings kasina identify colors outside.
3. Bias "Pure Excellence" ( Subhan 't' eva adhimutto hoti ). That is four Distinguished Career Zen enlightenment property by conducting headings kasina define "pure color", or conduct violating residence title.
4. Residence certificate "not infinite origin" ( Akasanan-cayatanam upasampajja viharati ). That is beyond excellent idea completely, ending the idea of stumbling, no intention to heresy, thinking that: "Nowhere is boundless."
5. Residence certificate "boundless" ( Vinnanancaya-tanam upasampajja viharati ). That is totally beyond the infinite origin, religious thinking that "Consciousness is boundless."
6. Residence certificate "Unknown Origin ownership" ( Akincannaya-tanam upasampajja viharati ). That is totally beyond the infinite mode of origin, thinking that: "No, that whole".
7. Residence certificate "non-ideal heresies African origin" ( Nevasannanasannayatanam upasampajja viharati ). Ie after utterly beyond ownership origin, residing with non-ideal item non-ideal non origin.
8. Residence certificate "Kill the great life" ( Sanna-vedayitanirodham upasampajja viharati ). That is, after going from completely non-ideal non-originating non-ideal, he entered the great anti-life.


[409] Eight ignorance ( avijjā ), the not knowing that is worth knowing, is not true in another tri legality:

1. Real tri suffering ( Dukkhe annanam ), not understanding the suffering five aggregates.
2. Real tri file format ( Dukkhasamudaye annanam ), does not understand the initial set of suffering.
3. Real tri suffering Removal ( Dukkhanirodhe annanam ), not understanding the cessation of suffering.
4. Real tri path of suffering Removal ( Dukkhanirodhagaminiya patipadaya annanam ), not understanding the way to end suffering.
5. Real tri past ( Pubbante annanam ), not knowing that I have ever existed in the past, a past life.
6. Any future tri (A parante annanam ), not knowing that I would be in the future, there is life after.
7. Real tri past, present and future ( Pubbantaparante Anna-year ), do not know life past and future, happy life of suffering that is currently dominated by the past, and the base current and future impact.
8 . Any idea origination tri law students ( Idappaccayatapaticcasamuppannesu dhammesu annanam ), do not know the law of dependent origination, being related by cause and effect, as by ignorance out, so act with knowledge etc ..


[410] Eight reasons are facing lay bowl ( Pattanikkujjana ), eight faults lay the Sangha may refuse donations:

1. Intentionally causing damage to the monks ( Bhikkhunam alabhaya parisakkati ).
2. Deliberately disadvantage for the monks ( Bhikkhunam anatthaya parisakkati ).
3. Deliberately making monks homeless ( Bhikkhunam anavasaya parisakkati ).
4. Upbraided criticized the monks ( Bhikkhu akkosati parisakkati ).
5. Divided monks with monks ( Bhikkhu Bhikkhuhi vibhedeti ).
6. Defamation Buddha ( Buddhassa avannam bhasati ).
7. Defamation France ( Dhamassa avannam bhasati ).
8. Defamation Increase ( Sanghassa avannam bhasati ).


[411] Eight men ( Atthasila ), or call the boy gender bowl ( Uposathasila ):

1. Diets to avoid killing ( Panatipata veramani ); not harm living beings network.
2. Diets to avoid thefts ( Adinnadana vera-Mani ); not taking things not given.
3. Diets to avoid fornication ( Abrahmacariya vera-Mani ); no onion dignity.
4. Diets to avoid lying ( Musavada veramani ).
5. Diets to avoid alcohol and intoxicants ( Surame-rayamajjapamadatthana veramani ).
6. Diets to avoid eating at the same time ( Vikalabhojana veramani ); do not eat too noon.
7. Diets to avoid watching dance, music, theater, jewelry wreath, aromatic, topical material and fashion ( Naccagitavaditavisukadassanamalagandhavilepana-dharanamandavibhusanatthana veramani ).
8. Diets high is prepared to avoid large luxury ( Uccasayanamahasayana veramani ).
Eight of this world is the world of lay life over in the day announced slap ( Uposatha ). Date announced slap in the specified month is the 8th, 15, 23, 30 with username; annotations according to eight days is the 5th, 8th, 14th, the day of the full moon, day 20, day 23, day 29 and day 30 with username.


[412] Eight Eighth World Network World Huot ( Ajivatthamakasila ) eight precepts which is the eighth international network chief:

1-3. Three bodily improvement ( Kayakamma ).
4-7. Four good verbal ( Vacikamma ).
8. Right Livelihood ( Samma-ajiva ), network culture rightly.
Eight of primary virtues of this world ( Adibrahmacariya) .
Said the core measures ( SARA ), the world's eight groups of three spent in the path, that is, right speech, right view now, right livelihood.


[413] Eight natural source of labor merit ( Punnabhisanda ):

1. Buddhist Refuge ( Buddham Saranam gato hoti )
2. Refuge France ( Dhammam Saranam gato hoti )
3. Refuge Increase ( Sangham Saranam gato hoti )
4. Abandoning killing ( Panatipata pativirato hoti )
5. Abandoning Heist ( Adinnadana pativirato hoti )
6. Abandoning the sexual misconduct ( Kamesu micchacara pativirato hoti )
7. Abandoning lie ( Musavada pativirato hoti )
8. Abandoning alcoholism ( Suramerayamaj-japamadatthana pativirato hoti ).
Eight tam provisions and this is contingent, merit resources, resource-friendly benefits and peace in the heavenly realms.


[414] Eight intelligence ( vijjà ):

1. Insight ( Vipassananana ), insight and matter under three general.
2. The Harmonized System ( Manomayiddhi) , psychic illusions, a body turns out many relatives.
3. Transformed data ( Iddhividhi, iddhividha), ability ascension burrowed.
4. God atrial communication ( Dibbasota ), ability to hear sounds of the gods, or voices in the distance.
5. Tha clearinghouse ( Cetopariyanana), the ability to center the mind of other people I know.
6. Additional network ( Pubbenivasanussati), the ability to know their past lives.
7. Thien label (Dibbacakkhu), the ability to see every form of gods; also can see how the birth and death of beings depending karma.
8. Gonorrhea make informed ( Asavakkhayanana ), cessation of illegal or location.


[415] Eight ways charity's level of vacuum ( Sappurisadana ):

1. For pure materials ( Sucim DETI)
2. For premium materials ( Panitam DETI) 3. For time ( Kalena DETI) 4. For suitable materials ( Kappiyam DETI) 5. For there thinking ( Viceyya DETI) 6. For regular ( Abhinham DETI) 7. Bell Centre net credit ( Dadam cittam pasadeti) 8. After the Bell with joy ( Datva attamano hoti).


[416] Eight reasons to give alms ( Danavatthuni ):

1. Due to injuries alms ( Chanda danam DETI )
2. Due to the generosity hate ( dosa danam DETI )
3. Due to ignorance alms ( Moha danam DETI )
4. Due to fear of alms ( Bhaya danam DETI )
5. Think: "I should not take a long tradition of family life", so alms ( N 'arahasim poranam kulavamsam hapetun' ti danam DETI )
6. Think: "When you give alms, body septic joint network will improve animal birth heaven", so alms ( Im 'Aham danam datva kayassa bheda parammarana sugatim saggam lokam upapajjissami'ti danam DETI ).
7. Think: "When you give alms, the mind is pure, joy because joy arises should" so alms ( Imam me danam dadato cittam pasidati attamanata somanassam upajayati 'ti danam DETI )
8. For jewelry to mind, equip the mind, should give alms ( Cittalankaracittaparikkharattham danam DETI ).

[417] The eight steps of meditation ( jhana )

1. Meditation ( Pathamajhana )
2. Second Meditation ( Dutiyajhana )
3. Three meditation ( Tatiyajhana )
4. Four meditation ( Catutthajhana )
5. Meditation is not boundless origin ( Akasamancayatanajhana )
6. Meditation Made infinite mode ( Vinnanancayatanajhana )
7. Meditation Made possesses boundless wealth origin ( Akincannayatanajhana )
8. Meditation non-ideal non-ideal non Origin ( Nevasannanasannayatanajhana ).


See meditation four colors [177], and four formless meditation [178]. [418] The eight characteristics for very law ( Dhammavinayajananalakkhana ): 1. Dispassion ( Viraga ), the law of Buddha features immaculate, making the practice of non-attachment bare landscape. 2. Separated knots ( Visamyoga ) of the Buddha had departed the binding characteristics, making the practice is not bound by negativity. 3. Any accumulation ( Apacaya ) of the Buddha has no physical properties contaminated birth and death, that the practice would end reincarnation. 4. Academic Qualification ( Appicchata ) of the Buddha is characterized give desires, that the practice does not take fame. 5. Sufficiency ( Santutthi ), the Buddha's teaching is characterized know enough to make people live. 6. Renunciation ( Paviveka ), the Buddha's teaching is characterized by making the renunciation life, like quiet solitude. 7. Essential to ( Viriyarambha ), characteristic of the Buddha has made ​​diligent efforts to live, not passive laziness. 8. Heterotrophic ( Subharata ) of the Buddha have characteristics make living easy to raise, not uptight picky animals live. France does have eight characteristics such as law, the right of the Master, the opposite is not. This Buddha Eight theory Presbyterian ni Mahapajapatigotami .

[419] The eight measures of human foot level, district level measures of gentleman's ( Sappurisadhamma ):

1. Meet the seven Abhidharma ( Saddhammasamannagato), ie credit, there are eight, with you, multicultural, diligence, mindfulness and wisdom.
2. Close the righteous ( Sappurisabhatti) , ie socializing with gentle grades have good qualities.
3. There's ideological level of vacuum ( Sappurisacinti ), ie there is a good uplifting thoughts, thinking that no harm no harm.
4. There's workshop foot level ( Sappurisamanti ), ie discussions are wise to discuss the way, do not overwhelm people, just presenting the truth, openness.
5. There's foot level languages ​​( Sappurisavaco) , which is to say the cam rhetorical language, say true, harmony, sweet and helpful.
6. There's behavior foot level (Sappurisakammanto), there is an issue that is good about themselves, no killing, no time to participate, not misconduct, not drunk.
7. There's knowledge level of vacuum ( Sappurisaditthi) , ie, the right view, right see the truth, the cause and effect.
8. Giving way to the level of human foot ( Sappurisadanam DETI) , ie in eight ways to donate alms, see [441].


[420] Eight prime obstacle Nip-table ( Nibbanasacchikatanivaraniya ):

1. Stick with six internal origin ( Channetam ajjhattikanam ayatananam adhivacanam )
2. Stick with six foreign origin ( Channetam bahiranam ayatananam adhivacanam )
3. Live happy to participate ( Nindiragassetam adhivacanam ).
4. Live conceit ( Asmimanassetam adhivacanam ).
5. Live relations with lay ( Gihihi samsattho viharati ).
6. Acts of dignity, with aspirations to do the gods themselves ( Annataram devanikayam panidhaya brahmacariyam carati ).
7. Being charismatic world of sense ( Pancannetam kamagunanam adhivacanam ).
8. Legal evil evil world ( Dussilo papadhammo hoti ).
Eight hurdles theory such as logs are eight obstacles will not be passed down to the sea, as was whipped through this coast, through the other side pull over, sinking between the lines , stranded on the mound, was the pick, non-multiplication is picked, swept into the vortex, rot decay inside.


[421] The eight wonders of law ( Dhammavinayacchariya ):

1. In this legal doctrine first class, second class practice, first class path, no cut compensation ( Imasmim dhammavinaye anupubbasikkha anupubbakiriya anupubbapatipada nayatakeneva annapativedho ).
2. Academic institutions and gender, the disciple's life, but not because of violation ( Sikkhapadam pannattam eight jivitahetupi n'atikkamanti ).
3. The legal basis does wicked evil world out impurities, we increase public not stay with him ( Yo than puggalo dussilo papadhammo asucisankassarasamacaro na tena Sangho samvasati ).
4. The four social classes after all ordained monk just like element called ( Cattaro 'Vanna me anagari-Yam pabbajitva samano sakyaputtiyo tv'eva sankhayam gacchanti ).
5. Although there are many monks nirvana no residual y Nip-table, nor Nip-table so that the world is seen with either full ( CEPI Bahu Bhikkhu anupadisesaya nibbanadhatuya parinibbayanti na tena nibbanadhatuya unnattam And the purattam And the pannayati).
6. The law is only a liberated ( Ayam dhammavinayo ekaraso vimuttiraso ).
7. This law has many treasures, many treasures, such as mindfulness quad, quad primary needs, such as the quarter-sufficiency, contingent right, contingent resources, interior enlightenment, the Noble Eightfold Path. ( ayam dhammavinayo bahuratano anekaratano tatr 'Imani ratanani seyyathidam cattaro satipatthāna cattaro sammappadhana cattaro iddhipada pancin-driyani Panca Balani satta bojjhanga ariyo atthangiko maggo ).
8. This law is the abode of the great beings, such as Save The steps, steps on the path to cooperation attained Save Project; Reload level, level is attained journey to work Nhat Lai, Lai Real Career, Career journeys to work are attained Real Lai; Career Arhat, steps underway to work attained A-la-Hann ( Ayam dhammavinayo mahatam bhutanam akaso tatrime Bhuta sotapanno sotapattiphalasacchi-kiriyaya patipanno sakadagami sakadagamiphalasacchikiriyaya patipanno anagami anagamiphalasac-chikiriyaya patipanno araha arahattaya patipanno ).
This law eight wonders, as well as eight sea wonders. The sea has eight wonders should make the atula enjoy that place, and this law should have the magic eight monks led the righteous are happy to enjoy.


[422] Eight strength ( Bala ):

1. Children have the strength to cry ( Ronnabala daraka ).
2. Powerful woman is angry ( Kodhabala matugama)
3. Bandits powerful weapons ( Avudhabala Cora ).
4. The king had the power is power ( Issariyabala rajano ).
5. A fool is defiantly strength ( bala Ujjhatti ).
6. Wise has the power to persuade ( Nijjhattibala Pandita ).
7. Tier strength is multicultural examination ( Patisankhanabala bahussuta ).
8. Monk, Brahmin strength is patience ( Khantibala samanabrahmana ).


[423] Eight benefit from religious center ( Mettanisamsa ):

1. Sleep peacefully ( Sukham supati ).
2. Waking peace ( Sukham patibujjhati ).
3. No nightmares ( Na papakam supinam passati ).
4. A place loved by everyone ( Manussanam piyo hoti ).
5. As the seat of the non-affection ( Amanussanam piyo hoti ).
6. The gods holder ( Devata rakkhanti ).
7. Fire weapons or poisons or not he is infringing ( N'assa Aggi And the visam And the sattham And the kamati ).
8. Has not attained the status of noble birth and gender bias range ( Uttarim appati vijjhanto brahmalokupago hoti ).


In another passage ( AV342 ), benefits from the heart is said to have 11 things, eight things like here, just add three more thing: The mind is quick, bright appearance, common destiny without coma.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.31/1/2015.

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