Tuesday, 20 January 2015


Thus have I heard.

Exalted One time stay at Savatthi (Xa-defense), Jetavana (United-did), at his residence Essential Anathapindika (Anathapindaka). At that time, he came to stay in the middle Lomasakangiya Sakya clan (Shakyamuni), in Kapilavatthu (Ca-Pi-la-defense), shopping at Crystal Nigrodha (Ni Fishing Law). Then God after death Candana who finished the night with wins dazzling color space region Nigrodha Vihara, go to the venerable Lomasakangiya, then stood to one side. Stand aside, God said to the venerable Prince Candana Lomasakangiya:

- This bhikkhu, he can maintain life and special general theory of Circuit Theory appeared Assuming no?

- Hey Sage, do not maintain life and special general theory of Circuit Theory appeared assumption. Hey Sage, Sage has life over general theory of Circuit Theory and differentiation appeared Assuming no?

- Monks Hey, I did not maintain life and special general theory of Circuit Theory appeared assumed. But this bhikkhu, he can maintain life verse appeared in Circuit Assuming no?

- Hey Sage, do not maintain life verse appeared in Circuit assumed. Hey Sage, Sage poem about life over there appeared Circuit Assuming no?

- This bhikkhu, I maintain life verse appeared in Circuit assumed.

- Hey Sage, Sage life over how the poem appeared in Circuit Say?

- A bhikkhu this time, between the gods reside Exalted Tam tam natural gathering, under trees Paricchattaka (Resident of life), on the rocks Pandukambala (Unknown white plaster structure). In total there Bhagavan read special theory of Circuit Theory and appeared Suppose the gods in heaven Tam tam decade:

The past is not traced

Future aspirations,

Past cessation,

The future has not yet come,

Only current law,

The main insight here.

No work, no shaking,

Knowing so practice

Today zeal to do

Who knows die tomorrow?

No one is negotiated

With Army of Death,

Resident such enthusiasm

Tirelessly day and night,

Value called Circuit appeared,

Tier calm, quiet.

This bhikkhu, my life over the poem appeared Circuit Suppose so. This bhikkhu, learn general and special theories of Circuit Theory Suppose appeared. This bhikkhu, learn to master general and special theories of Circuit Theory Suppose appeared. This bhikkhu, make life over general theory of Circuit Theory and special Suppose appeared. Since the Monks, general and special theories of Circuit Theory appeared Suppose related purposes on the basis of happiness.

Then he came Lomasakangiya, after the night was over, cleanup is ready, take the robe and on the way to Savatthi. Sequential travel, (venerable) go to Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika Essential his residence, went to the Blessed One, having to pay homage to the Blessed One and sat down on one side. Sitting down on one side, white Lomasakangiya Venerable Exalted:

- Buddha, the residence time between the Sakya clan, in Kapilavatthu, Crystal Anathapindika his residence. Then Bhagavan transparency, a genius, who finished after night, with excellent content wins all the crystals sparkle Nigrodha amnesty, and stood to the side. Stand on one side, white Exalted, God was saying to the Prince: "This bhikkhu, he can maintain life and special general theory of Circuit Theory appeared Assuming no?" To say, white Bhagavan, I told God his death: "Hey Sage, I do not maintain life and special general theory of Circuit Theory appeared Say". Hey Sage, Sage can maintain life ... (as above) ... the fundamental virtues.

White Exalted, God did say that death. Having said that done, he disappeared there. Instead of white Protestant Bhagavan, if Bhagavan spoke to the general theory and the theory of special poem appeared Suppose Circuit.

- This bhikkhu, he does not know God-mail? White Exalted, the Prince did not know God.

- Hey Monks, God called him to death Candana. This bhikkhu, Candana death is God, after concentration, after volition, after focusing inner earphone legal jargon. So this bhikkhu, listen carefully and I will tell heuristics.

- Ladies and yes, white Exalted, venerable Lomasakangiya Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan says as follows:

The past is not traced

Future aspirations,

... (As above) ...

Value called Circuit appeared,

Tier calm, quiet.

This bhikkhu, tracing how the past?

He thought: "That is my identity in the past, and it traced the joy of it. Such is life ... (as above) ...; Such is the idea ... (as above) ...; Such an act ... so my knowledge of the past. And he traced the joy of it. Thus, this bhikkhu is tracing the past.

This bhikkhu, how is traced to the past? "So my identity ... (as above) ... So as not to hunt the past.

And this bhikkhu, how is the desire for the future? ... (Like Business 131, page 338 line 21, line 6 to 339) ... So, this bhikkhu, is not drawn in the current law.

The past is not traced

Future aspirations,

... (As above) ...

Value called Circuit appeared,

Tier calm, quiet.


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