Wednesday, 21 January 2015


Thus have I heard.

Exalted One time stay at Savatthi (Xa-defense), at Jetavana (United-did), he Anathapindika Vihara (Anathapindaka). There, Bhagavan called Monks: "Hey Monks" - "O yes, white Exalted." The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan says as follows:

- Hey Monks, Sariputta is wise position; This Monks, Sariputta is such great wisdom; This Monks, Sariputta Square Property is level; This Monks, Sariputta level Hy Property (Hasupanna); This Monks, Sariputta the Czech intellectual level (javanapanna); This Monks, Sariputta's profit levels Property (tikkhapanna); This Monks, Sariputta was scouting Career Decision Property (nibbedhikapanna). This Monks, until half months, Sariputta bar any legal bar section. This Monks, this is due to any segment of Sariputta customary law.

Here, the Monks, Sariputta sexual ly, ly immoral law, and police headquarters attained Zen, a state of blissful isolation education by birth, is of that quartet. And the first law of Zen as range, quad, joy, optimism, the most attention, and emotional, feeling, perception, investment, care, education, winner, diligence, mindfulness, discharge, volition; He abides by the law regardless of segment. The measures that were Sariputta known as they arise, are known to reside Sariputta, was Sariputta known as annihilation. Sariputta know the following: "So the law was not there before where we now exist, after being, we annihilated." Sariputta for his approach, felt attachment, no opposition, independent, unattached, deliverance, no consequences, no mind to dwell with restrictions. Sariputta said: "There is more liberating. For Sariputta, there is much more work to do. "

Again, the Monks, Sariputta and destroy reach the quarterfinals, and dwell attained Meditation Monday, a state of bliss by the birth, did not reach the quarterfinals not, the most provincial center. And the method of Zen Monday as provincial, joy, optimism, the most attention, and emotional, feeling, perception, investment, interest, education, winner, diligence, mindfulness, discharge, volition, the security measures that are residential property segment. The measures that were Sariputta known as they arise, are Sariputta know until they dwell, is Sariputta know until they annihilated. Sariputta know the following: "So the law was not there before where we now exist, after being, we annihilated." Sariputta for his approach, no attachment, no opposition, independent, unattached, deliverance, no consequences, no mind to dwell with restrictions. Sariputta said: "There is more liberating. For Sariputta, there is much more work to do. "

Again, the Monks, Sariputta glass wedding discharge residence, mindful awareness, life itself felt optimistic that the saint called permanent discharge communication concept, evidence and dwell third Meditation. And the Zen approach of Tuesday, as the discharge, communication, concept, awakening, the most attention, and emotional, feeling, perception, investment, interest, education, winner, diligent, discharge, volition; the measures that were Sariputta dwell estate segment, the approach is that Sariputta known as they arise, are Sariputta know until they dwell, is Sariputta know until they annihilated. Sariputta for his approach, no attachment, no opposition, independent, unattached, liberation implications, dwell with no restrictions mind. Sariputta said: "There is more liberating. For Sariputta, there is much more work to do. "

Again this Monks, Sariputta optimistic discharge, discharge size, kill before the wedding pros have feelings, residence certificate Wednesday Meditation, no suffering, no communication, discharge concept, pure. And the law of the Fourth Meditation, such as discharge, no pain no life lost, life (passivedana?), No contemplation Center (Cetaso anabhogo), due to pure concept, the most attention, and emotional, feeling, perception, investment, care, education, winner, diligence, mindfulness, discharge, volition; the measures that were Sariputta dwell estate segment, the approach is that Sariputta known as they arise, are Sariputta know until they dwell, is Sariputta know until they annihilated. Sariputta for his approach, no attachment, no opposition, independent, unattached, deliverance, no consequences, no mind to dwell with restrictions. Sariputta said: "There is more liberating. For Sariputta, there is much more work to do. "

Again this Monks, Sariputta took absolutely excellent idea, eliminate all obstacles idea, no volition for simple idea, think: "Nowhere is boundless," No infinite residence certificate of origin. And the law of the land of boundless not as vain, boundless land of ideas, the most attention, and emotional, feeling, perception, capital, center, fitness, winner, diligence, mindfulness, discharge, volition; the measures that were Sariputta dwell estate segment, the approach is that Sariputta known as they arise, are Sariputta know until they dwell, is Sariputta know until they annihilated. Sariputta for his approach, no attachment, no opposition, independent, unattached, deliverance, no consequences, no mind to dwell with restrictions. Sariputta said: "There is more liberating. For Sariputta, there is much more work to do. "

Again this Monks, Sariputta took absolutely no infinite origin, thought: "Consciousness is infinite" boundless residence certificate of origin. And the law of the land of boundless as the land of boundless thought, one heart, and contact, feeling, perception, capital, center, fitness, winner, diligence, mindfulness, discharge, volition; the measures that were Sariputta dwell any segment; the measures that were Sariputta known as they arise, as they are known Sariputta cessation. Sariputta was not legal for attachment, no opposition, independent, unattached, deliverance, no consequences, no mind to dwell with restrictions. Sariputta said: "There is more liberating. For Sariputta, there is much more work to do. "

Again this Monks, Sariputta took absolutely boundless origin, thought: "No object" Forever owned residence certificate of origin. And the Supreme law of the land of ownership, such as The Origin of ownership concept, the most attention, and emotional, feeling, perception, capital, center, fitness, winner, diligence, mindfulness, discharge, volition; the measures that were Sariputta dwell any segment; the measures that were Sariputta known as they arise, are Sariputta know until they dwell, is Sariputta know until they annihilated. Sariputta was not legal for attachment, no opposition, independent, unattached, deliverance, no consequences, no mind to dwell with restrictions. Sariputta said: "There is more liberating. For Sariputta, there is much more work to do. "

Again this Monks, Sariputta took complete ownership Unknown Origin, certified and non-resident non-ideal African origin idea. With mindfulness, Sariputta out to him. After mindfulness out to him, that the law was Sariputta of the past, been annihilated, damaged transformed: "So the law was not there before where we now exist, after our existing cessation ". Sariputta for law feels no attachment, no opposition, independent, unattached, deliverance, no consequences, dwell with unlimited mind. Sariputta said: "There is more liberating. For Sariputta, there is much more work to do. "

Again this Monks, Sariputta beyond completely non-ideal non-African origin idea, control and eradication of an ideal life (to). After seeing the wisdom, the illegal or cessation. With mindfulness, Sariputta out to him. After mindfulness out to him, that the law was Sariputta of the past, been annihilated, damaged transformed: "So the law that, where before no one, then there exists, after being We annihilated ". Sariputta for law feels no attachment, no opposition, independent, unattached, deliverance, no consequences, dwell with unlimited mind. Sariputta said: "There is no supreme liberation more. For Sariputta, without having to do much more. "

This Monks, if the words right feet, one can speak of him as follows: "This person is in order, to be the ultimate in St. world, is in order, to be finality in the Bible, is in order, to be the ultimate in St. wisdom, is in order, to be the ultimate in St. liberation. Words of Sariputta right feet, one can say the following: "Sariputta was in order, to be the ultimate in St. world, is in order, to be the end of the Holy, is in order, to be the ultimate in St. Property , is in order, to be the ultimate in St. liberation ".

This Monks, if the words right feet, one can speak of him as follows: "This person is the main tone of Bhagavan, born from the mouth, born from France, French-into, Dharma heirs, heirs do not matter. " Words of Sariputta right feet, one can say the following: "(Sariputta) is the main tone of the Exalted, born from the mouth, born from the French, by the French cultural center, dharma heir, challenged physical self. "

Sariputta, the Monks, turn right feet Falun supreme was Tathagata transport.


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