Sunday, 25 January 2015

The birth anniversary of Buddha's Birthday economic spectrum through Noble.

Popular Business magic is a massive economic content, description of Buddha with psychic transformation, is one of the most important business of the Mahayana sutras, belonging to The College.
However, this economic opening description of Buddha with many similarities with that of Sarvastivada (Sarvastivada); This school of Theravada.
Buddha bathing ceremony
Popular Business magic by S. Lefmann published, he was the first to experience this first translation program in Berlin in 1875. The great scholar Bengali Bajendralal Mitra has prepared an English translation for the collection Bibliotheca Indica three novels were born. (Calcutta, 1881 to 1886). He also made a unfinished. A French translation of Foucaux appear in Annals du Musee Guimet in Paris, vol. VI, XIX, (Paris, 1887-1892). Chinese translation of this economic life of the Buddha describes similarities with the description of the property is necessary. Romantic Legend Beal's work is a shortened version of the Chinese economic Kramana Abhinish-Sutra, the Sanskrit of this business no longer, but it was translated into Chinese as early as AD 587 years. Text, which describes the historical Buddha similarities with that of the French secret / Dam-no-merit (Dharmaguptas).
However, the Mahayana ideas expressed at the topic "Lalitavistara" (narrative of divine power of the Buddha) of this text. Thus the Buddha's life on earth is described as magic of a world made ​​of super humans. 
In the opening chapter, the Buddha appears as a dark angel wins, though opened with image classical form as in Pàëi with the words "So I hear, a Buddha in the Xa-defense, his residence in the United Finish, Anathapindaka his garden."
Images of transition
But then, in Pàëi, Buddha was introduced to the stereotyped way of opening similar expressions and have some disciples around, or at least have sufficient mass '500 monks' and news then the conference officially began teaching experience. In the Prussian magic, as well as in business class method is a solemn scene, covered with sacred aura. He is surrounded by a mass consisting of 12,000 monk and more than 32,000 Bodhisattva, 'all the best delivery system Bodhisattva head, emerged with all the fullness of a Bodhisattva, all have been the wisdom of a Bodhisattva, all these miracles have been wonderful ... "In meditation at midnight, the protuberance of the Buddha, the aura throughout the heavens and trauma moving the gods. Moments later, immediately coming to sing songs of praise supreme Buddha, and even then, Isvara (God all) the gods to appear before the Buddha, knelt at the foot of the Buddha and his teaching needs time to talk business advertising method wins Popular Noble called to salvation and happiness to the world. The highlight of this experience was the evening praises of natural religion and the gods of all psychic magic of Buddha; Buddhas of the past and praised it, Thich Ton endorsed by silence. After the introduction of this detail, business start describing the Buddha's life, and this is the main content of this work throughout. Economics describes his life parallels with economic content of Nidanakath Part II, The birth of the series.
The idea was born of the Buddha
Bodhisattva dwells in heaven Top-interest in a magnificent palace. Bodhisattva is more than a hundred bestow honors, and dozens of offers to his heavenly dwelling. Under the sound of the orchestra consists of 8 sun-four thousand drums for his appeal to the world market at the beginning wishes to save sentient beings. After a long time to learn the majority of elite families, the poor, ethnic kingdom are carefully considered, and ultimately decided Bodhisattva born into the family life of the King, the Queen Maya fetus . The queen is the mother have the qualities of a Buddha. Her perfect beauty is described in every detail, it is virtue and chastity. Besides, in all Indian women, she is the only person who has chosen to enter the Buddha future pregnancy, because she has the strength harmony of ten thousand elephants. This idea was developed with the holder of the gods after the Bodhisattva has decided to enter the pregnant mother in the form of an elephant. The gods do not prepare the seat as a paradise for Queen Maya occupants during pregnancy, but also an architectural jewel in the palace right in her belly to the Bodhisattva can not be stained in Pregnant office for 10 months. Inside the phone, the Bodhisattva seated need a gentle puree. But his body glowing brilliance, and the light that spread to every mile from his mother's womb. A pain to Queen Maya and is available immediately after she put a hand on his head. And whenever she looked at her right side, she saw all the Bodhisattva in her fetus as a person sees his own face in the mirror. Then Bodhisattva in pregnant mothers make gods delight in the lectures and Brahma are subject to all of his suggestions.
The idea of ​​the birth of the Bodhisattva same. It is happening with miracles and auspicious. In the garden-ni Lam-rested, the Bodhisattva give birth in such a way that we know through countless forms of architectural form, not like a normal human being but one of the Most Wins (Being exalted), a Mahapurusha, " The Great Spirit ". Lotus support under each foot of newborn prince tells everyone know greatness when he walked seven steps towards the six main directions.
Guilty of no confidence
Here the story is interrupted by dialogue between the Buddha and Ananda, which refers to people who do not believe the mystery when the Bodhisattva was born (chapter vii, p. 87-9). Faith in the Buddha taught is an essential component of faith:
"For all those who believe in the Tathagata, the Tathagata are bringing good things to them. As friends, they come to the Tathagata to seek shelter. And there are many of you that the Tathagata has done so. And for those of you that Tathagata just tell the truth, not falsehoods ... To believe, Ananda to his best, this is what the Tathagata entrusted to him. "
Why is this dialogue must occur right here is not by accident, but it is based on real stories related to the concept of the birth of the Buddha that were separated outstanding economic spectrum, very good attention from other Buddhist schools in transitional As with magical properties that are not too long in the future direction of the story. Indeed, there are often very high harmony with the description of the oldest in Pàëi, that is, in Mahavagga of Vinaya (Vinayapitaka), though perhaps it was noted incidentally that the celebrated in the Universal shelf magic appear older part racks in Pàëi (Reconciling economic spectrum in traditional magic Pali by Oldenberg made in OC, V, 1882, vol. 2, p. 117 to 122 and Windisch in works Mara and Buddha 'and Buddha's Birth as well as by Kern in SBE, vol. 21, p. xi ff.)
Pali and Sanskrit
to come back a more ancient origin
Two texts in the two organs in each case are not interdependent; but they both come back the same ancient traditions more. But even here there are many wonderful experience spectrum is not in the ancient. Two particular circumstances is not noteworthy. A plot of this place (chapter 8) meticulously recounted the Bodhisattva was young, he was raised by a stepmother, told of the temples and idols of gods worshiped, put him up on trays, bowed beneath him how. Another chapter (Chapter 10) for the first time since the Buddha to school.
Buddha to school
With an entourage of 10 thousand boys to exhibit a very goodness, with the participation of the gods-goddesses 8000 at the same time laying flowers before him-Bodhisattva teenagers celebrate admitted to school . The headmaster did not bear the glory of an angel of birth and he immediately fell to the ground unconscious. An angel help him get up and revive him with the explanation that the Bodhisattva are grade I win and do not need to learn more, but the school only because he depends upon earth processes. Then Bodhisattva stunned headmaster with questions about the 64 letters that he would teach him. And he told all turn 64 characters, which includes the definition of the Chinese and the Huns-alphabet teacher did not even know the name. Finally, with a thousand little boy, he started lessons with the alphabet. Along with a letter, he would say that every intelligent maxim.
According Gurupuja Kaumudi (p. 116 f.) Of E. Kuhn, two legends of the youth of this Buddha is probably consistent with business to create Wei (Apocrypha Gospels), similar narrative of Jesus teens . Chapter 12 and 13, there are no details in the Buddha's biography.
The virtues of the Buddha
On the other hand, in the further progress of the economic spectrum amazing stories (chapters 14-26), not only deviated slightly from the legend that we know from other sources; major events in the life of the Buddha's four exposure, through which the Bodhisattva learned about birth, aging, sickness and death; gone beyond the palace, met with King Bimbisara. The years of sa-learn subjects Gautama (Gautama) and the ascetic practices in vain; battle with Lucifer; and the final enlightenment and taught the Dharma for all beings on earth at the request of Brahma (Brahma).
The economic component of Prussia magic
Much of this section is the verse of the classic hymn magnificent capital has the same origin as the ancient biblical episode shelves proceedings (Suttanipàta) Pàëi as mentioned above. The legends such as birth and details about hermit A-investment-momentum (ASITA) in Chapter VII, the historical King Bimbisara (Bimbisara) in Chapter XVI, dialogue with Lucifer in Chapter XVIII. They belong to the religious poetry of the first century after the Buddha. But there are few economic paragraphs, like lectures in the Ba-la-complaint (Benares) in Chapter XXVI, can be called the level of the most ancient traditions of Buddhism. On the other hand, the composition of new content to be found not only in prose but also in the shelf (gatha), in which many passages of poetry compiled by highly artistic. It is Vasantatilaka and Shardulavikridita capital is usually pretty good.
Translated into Chinese and Tibetan
We do not know the final redaction of the economic spectrum when magic was born. Earlier, a false assertion that this work was translated into Chinese in the early first century TL. So the real problem is that we do not know anything about the history of the Buddha-king named Phuyau published circa 300 AD., Which was cited as the 'second version Popular Business magic,' carried out by the translation of texts that we are using (Winternitz, WZKM 1912, p. 241 f.). An exact translation from the Sanskrit is of Tibetan Tripitaka, the 5th century to the newly born. This version has been edited and translated into French by Foucaux. It can certainly happen to have a slightly different version of the economic spectrum magic we know is famous for about 850-900 paintings are decorative artists at the renowned temple in Boro-Budur Java. For these texts present this magnificent views of the legend of the Buddha style as creative artists are doing with the Prussian magic hands.
Contact Buddhist art
But artists have decorated the Buddhist monuments Greek style (Greco-Buddhistic) in northern India with the animation of the life of the Buddha is also familiar with the Buddha legend is told in the economic spectrum magic. They have created the phenomenon that is certainly not in the texts, which fit mouth vivid way. However, the harmony between sculpture and Sanskrit texts are not uncommon as a characteristic that we must assume that the literary tradition that time influenced by art. Art and literature are often mutually influential.
No image in the Theravada
In ancient Buddhist art in the era Ashoka (Asoka) embossed art of Bharhut, Sanchi, etc .. not carved Buddha statues, but only symbols (ie wheel wheel) the personality of the founder of religion. Images of Buddha appear in Gandhara art. Could not have contact with things in the century when the Buddha became an object of worship (Bhakti) and worship Buddha constitute the central point of religion? So has the endorsement of the current era of Gandhara art, since he was born average (floruit) which decay in the second century AD., Was also a period of great Mahayana tradition refers to the Buddha . 
"On the basis of the style from the first case of Greco-Roman art can only be the period from the first century to the fourth century." (Grunwendel Buddhist Art, in India, p. 31 ). According Foucher works in Greco-Bouddhique L'art du Gandhara, part 1. p. 40 ff., Flourishing period of Gandhara art coincides with the second half of the second century AD.
General assessment of the economic spectrum magic
Therefore, we can say that the economic spectrum contains wonderful description of Buddha recorded several centuries underwent two phases of Buddhism and Buddhist sects developed. A very important source of ancient Buddhism is here, where the coincidence with the Pali scriptures and other texts in Sanskrit as the Great (Mahàvastu). But from the standpoint of literary history, experience the magic Universal is one of the most important works of Buddhist literature. Indeed so, not the Buddha's life is epic, but typically the only gem. It is from the hymn and the details have been maintained in every detail of the economic spectrum oldest magic, do not say maybe the magic from the economic spectrum, the Buddhist poet is his Ma Ming (Asvaghosa) has created magnificent epic is spreading Buddhist practice facility (Buddha-caritakavya), praised the virtues Buddha.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.25/1/2015.

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