Tuesday, 20 January 2015


Thus have I heard.

Exalted One time travel in the land of Magadha (Ma-out-momentum), went to Rajagaha (United-amnesty), Bhaggava to the potter's house; after to say to the potter Bhaggava:

- Bhaggava Hey, if nothing troublesome for him, I wanted to stay a night at this place.

White Exalted no hassle for you. Here the monks had come in before then. If he agreed, transparent Exalted, stay preference.

At the time, compassion son Pukkusati part, by faith, he was ordained on The Sun, abandoned the family, no family life. He came in front in the abode of the potter. Then the Blessed One went to the venerable Pukkusati; after to speak with Pukkusati:

- Hey Monks, if nothing troublesome for him, I want to stay in this country one night stay.

- Spacious, said Sage, is the abode of the potter. Venerable can stay, depending on preference.

Then Bhagavan after entering the abode of the potter, carpet grass on one side, sit-old fetters, back straight and reside before conception. Exalted and spent much of the night, sitting (so). Venerable Pukkusati spent much of the night and sit (so). Then the Blessed One thought: "Good Family gesture son seems devout, I ask you that." Then Bhagavan told venerable Pukkusati:

- This bhikkhu, he left home, he on whom? Who is the master of He? He accepted the legal one?

- Dear Sage, can He let Gotama is Like death, they joined the line-ca. The word good is transmitted following the Exalted Gotama was: "He is the Exalted level, level Arhat, Enlightenment, Additional Minh Hanh, celestial, the World League, The fisheries Phu Thien Master Nhon, Buddha, Bhagavan ". I was ordained, he kept his grades Exalted. He is my masters. And I agree that measures the level Exalted.

- Hey Monks, now Exalted, level Arhat, where his Enlightenment?

- Dear Sage, a city named Savatthi between the northern states. There, Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment is currently in.

- Hey Monks, before he saw her Exalted level yet? And if He had not realized?

- Dear Sage, previously I had never seen that level Exalted. And if I do not recognize.

Then the Blessed One thought: "Good son home this medicine just where I left home. So Let's sermon (Good Family son) did. " Then Bhagavan told venerable Pukkusati:

- Listen carefully and heuristics, and I will preach.

- Dear Sage yes.

Venerable Pukkusati Bhagavan replied yes.

Bhagavan says as follows:

- Hey Monks, who had six men, six emotional origin, eighteen volitional, four wins origin, to dwell upon, no motion illusion. When that idea did not move, he called a hermit calm. Do not let loose with wisdom, let the maintenance base, let growth favored candidates (Caga), be studied calm. This is a total of six boundary theory.

- Hey Monks, when it comes to "The world has six", conditioned by what is referred to as such? Boundaries, hydrosphere, fire men, style sex, not gender, gender. This bhikkhu, when it comes to "The world has six" key is conditioned by saying so.

This Monks, when it comes to "The parish has six contact", conditioned by what is referred to as such? Labels Made contact, contact atrial origin, origin billion exposure, emotional damage Origin, Origin close contact, contact the parish. When it comes to "The parish has six contact", the coast is mentioned as such.

This bhikkhu, when it comes to "this person eighteen volitional" conditioned by what is referred to as such? When the eyes see color, he runs excellent, place the abode of joy, runs excellent place of abode advantages, runs excellent abode place of discharge, the ears hear ... nose smell ... tongue ... taste the emotions themselves, ... the legal awareness, he ran under the law, to the abode of joy, he ran under the law, place of abode priority, he ran under the law, shelter Origin of discharge. Such joy out of six, six priority issue, six exhaust out. When it comes to "this person eighteen volitional" This is the conditioned saying so.

- Hey Monks, when it comes to "The parish has four wins," conditioned by what is referred to as such? Tue Origin wins, wins origin, favored candidates won origin, citizenship net win of origin. When it comes to "The parish has four wins," the coast is mentioned as such.

When it comes to "Do not let loose with wisdom, let stand holder, please growth favored candidates, be studied calm," What are conditioned to say so? What is not wisdom let loose? There are six of this world: boundary, hydrosphere, fire men, style sex, not gender, gender.

This bhikkhu, how are the boundaries? There are internal and external boundaries boundaries. And this bhikkhu, how is the internal boundaries? What interior of the body, of the individual, firm hard, rough line, was clinging, such as hair, feathers, nails, teeth, skin, flesh, tendons, bones, marrow, kidney, heart, liver, diaphragm, leaf spleen, lungs, intestines, intestinal membrane, stomach, distribution and anything else, under cabinet itself, of individuals, consistent hard, rough line, was clinging. Thus, this bhikkhu, called internal boundaries. What the world of domestic and external boundaries of what belongs to the boundary. Boundaries had to be as true to the original observation wisdom as follows: "This is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self. ' After observing realistic boundaries with such intelligence chief, he being cynical cup of boundaries, boundaries interest waiver.

And the Monks, how hydrosphere? There inland world, with foreign hydrosphere. And this bhikkhu, how is presented inland? What interior of the body, of the individual, of water, of liquid, was clinging, such as bile, phlegm (mucus), pus, blood, sweat, fat, tears, grease skin, saliva, nasal secretions water in the joints, urine, and anything else, under cabinet itself, of individuals, of water, of liquid, was clinging. Thus, this bhikkhu, called hydrosphere. What the world of inland waterway and what is external world belongs to the aquatic world. Cards that have been observing the world as chief intellectual truth as follows: "This is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self. ' After observing realistic aquatic world with such intelligence chief, he being cynical world cup for aquatic, aquatic center renounce the world.

And this bhikkhu, how is fire world? There is the inner world, exchange fire with the world. And this bhikkhu, how is the inner world? What belongs to the inner body, belong to individuals, under fire, under the hot substance, was clinging. Like what causes warming, causing destruction, causing burning, what makes these things to eat, drink, chew, taste, can be well digested, and all those other things, of the internal body , of individuals, of fire, of the hot substance, was clinging. This bhikkhu, so-called inner world. What of the inner world and the things of the world are in the fire exchange of fire world. Fire observe that world to be as honest with intelligence chief as follows: "This is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self. ' After observing fire-like world with such intelligence chief, he being cynical world cup against fire, fire heart renounce the world.

And this bhikkhu, how is customary gender? There are internal style sex, sex with foreign customs. And this bhikkhu, how is internal style world? What belongs to the inner body, of individuals, of wind, of the nature of work, was clinging, like the wind up, wind down, wind in the intestines, abdominal wind, wind blowing across the burning, joints, slightly inhalation, exhalation, and anything else under the cabinet itself, of individuals, of wind, of the nature of work, was clinging. This bhikkhu, so-called internal style world. What style of interior world and the things of the world are in the foreign style style world. Feng observe that world must be realistic with intelligence chief as follows: "This is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self. ' After observing realistic style world with such intelligence chief, he being cynical style for world cup, world mind abandon style.

And the Monks, what is unreal world? There is nowhere inner world, there is nowhere international exchange. And this bhikkhu, how is the internal world of nowhere? What belongs to the inner body, of individuals, of nothingness, emptiness of nowhere, was clinging, such as ear, nose, mouth, swallowed by what people, what is chewed, drink, be food, taste, and in the place where what is chewed, drink, eat, taste, retain, and cross-site but what is chewed, drink, eat, taste and expelled down below to go out, and anything else under the body internally, personal belonging, of nothingness, emptiness of nowhere, was clinging. This bhikkhu, so-called inner world of nowhere. What the world of internal and external nowhere nowhere nowhere world belongs world. Nowhere has to be as true to the original observation wisdom as follows: "This is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self. ' After observing nowhere as real world with such intelligence chief, he being cynical world cup to nowhere, nowhere mind to abandon the world.

Again, the rest is in the form of clean, pure, he learned some things by his knowledge. He was optimistic mode tri, tri mode is suffering, suffering form any intellectual property is located. This bhikkhu, charming touch optimistic, optimistic life arises. When he is feeling optimistic life, knowledge the "I feel optimistic life". Do contact Destroy optimistic, optimistic life is touched by optimistic start to be felt, he said: "Lost her life was away, that was terminated". This bhikkhu, suffering emotional affinity, unpleasant arises. He is feeling the unpleasant feeling, knowledge the saying, "I feel unpleasant". Due to her emotional pain go away, shortness of breath due to emotional suffering is started up, the feeling, he said: "Suffering is her life away, that was terminated". This bhikkhu, charming property located suffering any contact, any size any life lost arises. He was feeling no pain when touch feeling, knowledge the saying, "I feel no pain no life lost". Do any size any contact was lost life away, that no suffering any life lost due to any suffering any emotional communication is started up, the feeling, he knowledge the "Real suffering is real optimism that life away, that was terminated" .

This Monks, such as by touching two sticks rubbing, heat is born, the fire was starting out. When he was two rods apart, asunder, that heat is being run, the heat did get away, that was terminated. Also, this bhikkhu, charming touch contact, touch the life arises. When he is feeling optimistic that knowledge the life: "I'm feeling optimistic life". Because he lost touch away, that life lost due to emotional communication is started up, the feeling he knowledge the "Lac life he was away, that was terminated". This bhikkhu, charming unpleasant emotional suffering arises. He is feeling the unpleasant knowledge the "I'm feeling unpleasant". Because emotional suffering ... "... be terminated." This charming property Monks lost contact any size, any size any life lost starting up ... "... no pain no life was lost away, that was terminated".

Again, the remaining discharge is clean, pure, needs fine, malleable, dazzling. For example, this bhikkhu, a skilled goldsmith or disciple preparing foundry; after preparing foundry finished, he fires mouth foundry; after burning mouth foundry, he used grip yellow gold and set in oven mouth; and sometimes he blows on them, sometimes he sprinkled water on him, sometimes he observes carefully ... gold had become bright, calm, cleanse, get rid of impure, unless the defect is clean, needs fine, malleable and shining ... and if he wants to make jewelry, or ring, or earrings, or necklace, or a wreath of gold, the gold was can be used for this purpose. Also, this bhikkhu, again discharge remaining clean, pure, needs fine, malleable, dazzling. She knowledge the following: "If we focus this discharge so pure, so innocent on the boundless land of Nowhere, and the practice was legal according to our mind, this time medical discharge on it, clinging where it is to dwell in us in a long time. If we focus this discharge so pure, so innocent boundless in origin and practice my mind that according to law, the medical discharge time on it, there are grasping at where we reside in a long time. If we focus this discharge so pure, so innocent in Unknown Origin property, and the practice was legal according to our mind, this time medical discharge on it, grasping at it, is where I dwell in a long time. If we focus this discharge so pure, so innocent in non-ideal non-African origin idea, and practice my mind that according to law, the medical discharge time on it, grasping at it, is to dwell where one in a long time. "

She knowledge the following: "If we focus this discharge so pure, so innocent in Nowhere infinite boundless land of origin ... ... Forever ... African origin owns non heresies Made ideas, and cultivate our mind that according to law, the (discharge) that become compounded. " He does not work as, not thinking to organic or non-organic. Do not work into, not thinking to existence or non-existence, he did not grasping an object in life; clinging he does not harass; by clinging he does not harass, he Nirvana insight, knowledge and wisdom he "took advantage Sanh Pham was a happy, things should have been done, no longer returns to like this anymore ". If he feels optimistic life, he knowledge the "Life was very often"; he knowledge the "Do not immerse before"; knowledge the position that: "It is not the object to be happy." If he feels unpleasant, of his knowledge the "Life was very often"; he knowledge the "Do not immerse before"; knowledge the position that: "It is not the object to be happy." If he felt any pain any life lost, he knowledge the "Life was very often"; he knowledge the "Do not immerse before"; knowledge the position that: "It is not the object to be happy." If you feel optimistic life, no knots, he felt his life. If he feels unpleasant, no knots, he felt his life. If he feels no pain no life lost, no knots, he felt his life. When he felt a sensation with the body's ultimatum, he tri wisdom: "I feel a sensation with the ultimate body. When he felt a sensation with the ultimate life, he tri wisdom: "I feel a sensation with the ultimate life"; knowledge the position that: "After the body septic public network, every feeling happy here become bar food".

For example, the Monks, such as oil lamp was burning through oil and heart. When oil and cessation of heart, and no other materials are brought, oil lamp was killed off ... Also, this bhikkhu, while feeling a sensation as the ultimate trunk, he Property prophet: "I feel a sensation taken as the ultimate body". When feeling a sensation taken as the ultimate life, he tri wisdom: "I feel a sensation of lives taken as the ultimate"; knowledge the position that: "After the body septic public network, every feeling happy here become bar food". Therefore, Monks achievements such as the supreme intellectual achievement to win this country. Because of that, this bhikkhu, such as St. supreme wisdom, that is located, said the cessation of all suffering. The freed him of this position, to dwell on the stand, not shaken. This Monks, what can lead to illusory, while belong falsehoods. What can not be put to falsehoods, while under the heel, Nirvana. Thus, monks achievements such as the supreme achievement to win this country. Because of that, this bhikkhu, such as supreme noble truth, that is Nirvana, can not lead to illusory. And y being no prior knowledge of it was complete, has been accomplished. We are annihilation, cut the roots, stems make as Ta-la, can not exist in the future, not likely arise again. Thus, a bhikkhu achievements such as the supreme achievement of this country favored candidates won. Since this bhikkhu, such as St. supreme wisdom candidates, ie detachment all care delivery. And craving no prior knowledge of it, of greed, taking contaminated; He is cessation methods, cut the roots, stems make as Ta-la, can not exist in the future, not likely arise again. And indignation no prior knowledge of it, of anger, of sins; He is cessation methods, cut the roots, stems make as Ta-la, can not exist in the future, not likely arise again. And ignorance before its intellectual wealth, of ignorance, of sins; cessation methods that are cut at the root, stem made as Ta-la, can not exist in the future, not likely arise again. Therefore, Monks achievements such as achievement supreme tranquility prevail origin. This Monks, such as net supreme achievement, ie the pure greed president.

When it comes to "Do not let loose with wisdom, let stand holder, please make prolific favored candidates, be studied calm," the coast is mentioned as such.

When it comes to "When dwell, no motion illusion. When that idea did not move, he called a hermit calm ", conditioned by what is referred to as such? This bhikkhu, "I am", such as delusions. "I am this", such as delusions. "I will be", such as delusions. "I will not be", such as delusions. "I will have excellent", such as delusions. "I would not have identity" such as delusions. "I would have thought", such as delusions. "I would not have thought", such as delusions. "I would not have thought, not without ideas", such as delusions. Delusions, the Monks, the disease, the tumor delusions, delusions as arrows. This bhikkhu, as beyond the reach of delusion, hermit called translational president. But this bhikkhu, hermit President translational no birth, no aging, no oscillations, there is no hope for. Because nothing can thus born, this bhikkhu, not how old were born? Not old, how to die? Not how oscillations die? Do not oscillate, how can hope for? When it comes to "When reside, delusions without motion; While that idea did not move, he called a hermit by the President of pure grace is saying so. This bhikkhu, please distinction life over my summary after sex.

Then he came Pukkusati thought as follows: "It is the masters have come to me! It's a celestial level has come to us! Actually Career Enlightenment has come to us! "Then he came up from his seat, robes on one shoulder, foot bow before Bhagavan, Bhagavan and said:

- I've fallen into a mistake, White Exalted, because that stupid, ignorant and not as human ingenuity, you may have thought with Bhagavan vocative noun Sage. White Bhagavan, Bhagavan wish to accept the faults is a mistake to children can be prevented in the future.

- Hey Monks, indeed, he had fallen into a mistake, because that stupid, ignorant and unskilful because he thought he could vocative to me with a list of Sage. But this bhikkhu, if you see a mistake is a mistake, and as revealed law, while we accept (faults) that for him. Since this bhikkhu, this is the gain in the rule of the saints, when someone found a mistake mistakes, as revealed law, to prevent future.

- Buddha, Bhagavan let me be ordained in front of Bhagavan.

- This bhikkhu, he did not have enough medicine bowl?

- Buddha, you do not have enough medicine bowl.

- Hey Monks, the Tathagata has no Bhikshus awarded for one do not care enough bowl.

Then he came Pukkusati credit joyful life after word Bhagavan taught, from the seat up, bowed Exalted, the property itself towards Him and to seek medical bowl. While he came to seek medical Pukkusati bowl, a wild bull run, win lose their lives (the Venerable).

Then a large number bhikkhu went to the Blessed One, having to pay homage to the Blessed One and sat down on one side. Sitting down on one side, the monks was white Exalted:

- Buddha, Compassion Family Pukkusati son is Exalted lecture briefly had shared destiny. Sanh he's interesting how life might look like?

This bhikkhu, who is the true sage, Compassion Family Pukkusati son, was executive director of legal and legal options. And no annoying me with the litigation of the Dharma. This Monks, Compassion Family Pukkusati son, after paragraph except in the lower part of fetters, is from that place of birth and enter Nirvana, life does not have to come back again.


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