Tuesday, 20 January 2015


Thus have I heard.

Exalted One time in Savatthi (Xa-defense), Jetavana (United-did), at his residence Essential Anathapindika (Anathapindaka). Here, Bhagavan called Monks: "Hey Monks". - "White Exalted". The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan says as follows:

- Hey Monks, I will preach to the theory and the Special Theory Mr. President. Listen carefully and heuristics, and I will preach.

- Ladies and yes, white Exalted.

The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan says as follows:

- Hey Monks, the bhikkhu should observe an understanding of how to position him for exchange (ceiling) is not scattered, not wide spread, mind before local resident (ceiling), who clinging harassment. This Monks, if the form of exchange (ceiling) is not scattered, not wide spread, the mind does not stay before the internal ceiling, not clinging harassment, no set start, arising of suffering of birth, old age , die, in the future.

Bhagavan said. Having said that done, celestial from his seat and walked up to the Vihara.

After Bhagavan go soon, Monks was thinking as follows: "Chu Hien, after reading the review on the theory briefly, no widely interpreted, Bhagavan from his seat get up and go to Crystal amnesty: "Hey Monks, Monks need to contemplate a way as to how he's against foreign (ceiling) is not scattered, not wide spread, mind before local resident (ceiling), not clinging harassment. This Monks, if the form of exchange (ceiling) is not scattered, not wide spread, the mind does not stay before the internal ceiling, not clinging harassment, no set start, arising of suffering of birth, old age , die in the future. " Did not know anyone could interpret broadly share this general theory, this section only Bhagavan speaks briefly, not be interpreted broadly. "

Monks Then he thought as follows: "Venerable Mahakaccana (Oscar-fried-dien) has been praised and Exalted is the co-location on well with respect, venerable Mahakaccana can explain a This theory is widely total, this section only Bhagavan speaks briefly, not interpreted broadly. So we go to the venerable Mahakaccana; after arrival, we ask venerable Mahakaccana the meaning of this. " Monks Then he went to the venerable Mahakaccana; after arrival, said he came up with Mahakaccana words of welcome to inquire, after talking to the welcome to ask friends, and sat down on one side. Sitting down on one side, the monks he said to Venerable Mahakaccana:

- Dear Sage Kaccana, after reading this general theory, not interpreted broadly, Bhagavan got up from the seat to the Vihara: "Hey Monks, the bhikkhu should observe a How ... (as above) ... no attachment, no fear. Did not know anyone could interpret broadly the general theory, this section only Bhagavan speaks briefly, not interpreted broadly. " Then the sage Kaccana, we thought as follows: "Venerable Exalted Mahakaccana was praised ... (as above) ... we ask the venerable Mahakaccana this sense, let's venerable Mahakaccana explain ".

- This current owner, such as a need of the tree, looking for the tree, the tree is looking for, standing in front of a large tree with the tree. He removed the roots, stems removed, the tree must think to look in the tree branches, leaves ... Also lettered Religion is the work of the Masters false false ... standing in front of Bhagavan, venerable monks Exalted to pass, and I think that should be asked about the significance of this. But the current owner, Exalted know what needs to know, see what to see, level with the eyes, wise, France ranks fake degree Brahma, Career Theory fake, fake degree Declaration theory, steps lead to the purpose, Career give immortality, France ranks all grades Tathagata. The current owner has to go to Bhagavan asked about this idea. Bhagavan explains how the current owners, so let's current home life over.

- Dear Sage Kaccana, Exalted sure what to know ... Now our time has come to ask Bhagavan in this sense. Bhagavan explained to us how we will thus maintain life. But he came to Bhagavan Mahakaccana be praised, is the well-respected co discounts. Venerable Mahakaccana may explain the widespread general theory, this section only Bhagavan speaks briefly, not interpreted broadly. Mong Ton Mahakaccana authors explain, if he came not bothered.

- So the current home, listen and think carefully experience, I would say.

- Ladies and yes, Sage.

The monks replied that yes he came Mahakaccana. Venerable Mahakaccana said as follows:

- This current owner, the general theory of Bhagavan read up briefly, not interpreted broadly, from seat stood up and went to the monastery: "Hey Monks, monks need to contemplate how a ... (as above) ... no attachment, no fear. This current owner, said general theory is Exalted read up briefly, not interpreted broadly, "I understand the meaning broadly as follows:

Chu Hien, so-called Challenges for (foreign) ceiling, were scattered, are wide spread? Here, the current owner, the monks saw with the eye color, the pursuit of knowledge appearances, is bound by the position of appearances, tied by the position of appearances, is your bondage by fetters of appearances, so called for informal exchange (ceilings) were scattered, large sink. When the monks heard with the ear ... nose ... smell the taste with the tongue ... feeling ... perception itself with the law, the legal pursuit of general knowledge, is bound by the position of dharma, tied by the legal status of minister, was bondage by fetters of legal status minister; so-called knowledge of foreign (ceilings) were scattered, large sink. Thus, the current owner, called consciousness is scattered, large sink.

Chu Hien, so-called Challenges for (foreign) ceiling, not scattered, not wide spread? Here, the current owner, the monks saw with the eye color, not the pursuit of knowledge appearances, is not bound by the position of appearances, not tied by the position of appearances; not your bondage by fetters of appearances; so-called knowledge of foreign (ceiling) is not scattered, not wide spread. When the monks heard with the ear ... nose ... smell the taste with the tongue ... feeling ... perception itself with the law, not the pursuit of knowledge dharma, unfettered by legal status of minister, not tied by the legal status of minister, not your bondage by fetters of dharma; so-called knowledge of foreign (ceiling) is not scattered, not wide spread. Thus, the current owner, called consciousness is not scattered, not wide spread.

And the current owner, how call center before local resident (ceiling)? Here, the current owner, monks sexual ly, ly immoral law, and dwell attained first meditation, a state of blissful isolation by birth sex, there can reach the quarterfinals. Waking he traced ly sexual bliss by birth, are bound by your sexual bliss ly by birth, has been tied by your blissful isolation by birth sex, bondage by fetters were blissful isolation education by birth; so-called inner mind prior residence (ceiling). Again, the current owner, monks and suspended reach the quarterfinals, and dwell attained Meditation Monday, a state of bliss because of the birth, did not reach the quarterfinals not, the most provincial center. He's quest for bliss by birth, are bound by your joy by the birth, tied by your joy by the birth; bondage by fetters were blissful due to birth; so-called inner mind prior residence (ceiling). Again, the current owner, monks glass discharge residence joy, mindfulness, awareness, life itself felt optimistic that the saint called discharge anniversary stay optimistic, and dwell attained Meditation Tuesday. He's quest for discharge, discharge is bound by the position and lost, tied by taste and touch the exhaust, the exhaust is bondage by location and communication; so-called inner mind prior residence (ceiling). Again, the current owner, monks exhaust discharge communication context, priority has feelings kill before the wedding, and dwell attained fourth Meditation, neutral, exhaust concept, pure. He's tracing neutral, is bound by the neutral position, tied by a neutral position, is bondage by fetters are not neutral; so-called inner mind prior residence (ceiling). So-called permanent center front cabinet (ceiling).

And the current owner, how to not be called before the local resident (ceiling)? Here, the current owner, monks sexual ly, ly immoral law, and dwell attained first meditation, a state of blissful isolation by birth sex, no not reach the quarterfinals. He's not so blissful isolation tracing sexual being, unfettered by your sexual bliss ly by birth, not tied by your sexual bliss ly by birth, not by fetters bondage bliss by ly sexual being, so-called non-resident interest before internal (ceiling). Again, the current owner, monks and suspended reach the quarterfinals, and dwell attained Meditation Monday, a state of bliss because of the birth, did not reach the quarterfinals not, most provincial center. He's not so blissful tracing the birth, not bound by your joy by the birth, not tied by your joy by the birth, not bondage by fetters of blissful due to birth; so-called non-resident interest before internal (ceiling). Again, the current owner, monks glass discharge residence joy, mindfulness, awareness, life itself felt optimistic that the saint called discharge anniversary stay optimistic, and dwell attained third Meditation. He's not tracing discharge, unfettered by your discharge and optimism, not tied by discharge status and communication, not bondage by discharge status and communication, so called inner mind prior residence ( ceiling). Again, the current owner, monks exhaust discharge communication context, priority has feelings kill before the wedding, and dwell attained Wednesday Meditation, neutral, exhaust purification concept. He's not tracing neutral, unfettered by the neutral position, not tied by the neutral position, not bondage by fetters are not neutral; so-called non-resident interest before internal (ceiling). So-called non-resident interest before internal (ceiling).

And how the current owners, the attachment being harassed? Here, the current owner, who no ordinary text does not clearly see the saint, not the legal maturity of the saint, not the saint legal practice, not Chan's audience levels, not legal maturity levels Legs private, non-legal practice of Chan's degree, see identity as self, or self as hue, or color as seen in the self, or the self as in color. Its material qualities that turn septic, another change. With the turn septic and other changes in the color of it was legal, he's been moved by the processing depending on the damage he's rupa. Because knowledge is transferred by the processing depending havoc in rupa, should start up legal harassment, invading the mind and existence. Because the heart is compromised, he scared, angry and full of yearning troubles. And he was clinging harassment. He considered the feeling ... perception ... ... understood as acts of self or ego as with food, or as a form of self, or the self as in form. He's awake he turned septic and other changes. With the turn septic and other changes in form that he's, he's been moved by the variable option in the wake of the damage he. Because knowledge is transferred by the processing depending havoc in law, the law should arise harassment, invading the mind and existence. Because the heart is compromised, he scared, angry and full of yearning troubles. And he was clinging, harassment. Thus, the current owner, is being grasping, harassment.

And how the current owner, is not clinging harassment? Here, the current owner, has Multicultural student audience with the Holy Saints, legal maturity of the saint, the saint legal practice; Chan's audience levels, maturity levels Chan's legal, legal practice of Chan's degree; do not see colors as self, or self as hue, or color as seen in the self, or the self as in color. Rupa of damage he turned, another change. With the turn septic and other changes in the legal identity of his position, he's not being moved by a variable depending on the damage he's rupa. Do not be customized knowledge transfer by destructive changes in the legal identity, legal harassment should arise, do not penetrate the mind and existence. Because the mind is not compromised, he is not afraid, not angry and less troublesome desires. And he is not clinging harassment. He does not see ... feeling ... perception ... acts as a form of self or ego is awake, or not seen as a form of self or the self as in form. He's turned septic and other changes. With the turn septic and other changes in the wake of his position, knowledge transfer by not depending on the damage variable in the formula he. Do not be customized knowledge transfer by destructive changes in the formula, so the law does not arise harassment, invading the mind and existence. Because the mind is not compromised, he is not afraid, not angry and less troublesome desires. And he is not clinging harassment. Thus, the current owner, is not clinging harassment.

The current owner, the general theory of Bhagavan read up briefly, not interpreted broadly, the seat up and went to the monastery: "Hey Monks, Monks need to shop How closely a ... (as above) ... no set departure, the arising of suffering of birth, old die in the future. " Part of this general theory, the current owner, is Exalted read up briefly, not be interpreted broadly; This current owner, I understand the meaning broadly the same. And if the venerable want, go to Bhagavan and asked the meaning of this. Bhagavan explains how the venerable, so please maintain life.

Monks And then, after the credits happy life Mahakaccana venerable word preached, from the seat got up and went to the Blessed One, having to pay homage to the Blessed One and sat down on one side. Sitting down side, the white monks that Bhagavan: - Buddha, after reading the general theory briefly for us, that does not explain broadly, Bhagavan got up from the seat , and went on Vihara: "Hey Monks, monks need to contemplate how a ... (as above) ... there is no set start, the arising of suffering of birth , old age, death in the future. "

White Exalted, after Bhagavan go soon, we thought as follows: "The Sun after reading the general theory briefly for us, not interpreted broadly, and went into the Crystal Student: "The Monks need to contemplate how a ... (as above) ... no warm up, the arising of suffering of birth, old age, death in the future." Did not know anyone could interpret broadly the general theory, this section only Bhagavan read up briefly, not be interpreted broadly. "

Then Bhagavan transparency, we think as follows: "Venerable Mahakaccana (Oscar-fried-dien) ... (as above) ... now we ask venerable Mahakaccana in this sense." Then Bhagavan transparency, we went to the venerable Mahakaccana, after he came to us to ask about the meaning of this Mahakaccana. The meaning of the (word) that was venerable Mahakaccana explain to us with the method (AKARA) this, with this question, with these words.

- Hey Monks, who is the Sage Mahakaccana. This Monks, undergraduate Mahakaccana is wisdom. This Monks, if he asked me about the meaning of this, I also explained to Mr. so, as explained Mahakaccana. Actually that is so meaningful, and so he let life over.


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