Sunday, 25 January 2015


To become a member of an organization, association or a political party, we should perform initiation and oath. As for religion, as Muslims, we have to go through their religious ceremonies as prescribed. Cleistocalyx operculatus Hinduism, like to become faithful have fully studied Vedas, we must undergo Upanayana ceremony (ceremony to mark the moment his son was formally educated in Vedic thought line). With Christianity, would like to become an official sheep, we are son through Baptism ceremony (baptism). Also, want to become a Buddhist official Buddhists, we must forward its three jewels refuge ceremony.
Transport is back, Y is the refuge. Three jewels as precious Trinity: Buddha, Dharma and rise. refuge three jewels are the Buddha refuge to return to France and Increased security.
Buddha was enlightened all ranks, was the two-part self-fullness was beneficial and beneficial tha. Buddha is not intended just for the Buddha Like Ca, has lived more than 25 centuries in Indian country, but the General was totally the ends of any craving, anger and delusion; have any achievments Hanh, finishing about compassion and wisdom. The soul is pure translational, pure, unpolluted by any notion of the evil bad mind would.
France has many meanings, sometimes just cause and effect rule industry report, the human condition, Coast Guard created the things and the phenomenon of gender, including psychological and physical phenomena. But the basic meaning and tradition is just the Dhamma, the teachings of the Buddha. meaning of France sometimes be generalized as the path, the path of peace, liberation, or describe the nature of the word Buddha is deeply involved, deeply accept, let go, flush cups, at peace, free of ...
Rose also has many meanings, sometimes only the whole Buddhist community, including monks and nuns and Buddhists; only for those who have food poisoning live emptiness of the great wall of France, whether monks or Buddhists upasaka. But the basic meaning and tradition is the only community who made his monastic study according to the Dhamma of the Buddha. this community is the embodiment of harmony and purity.
In life money is precious, but not the most noble, the most precious is the Buddha, and the Increase. we live is to go in search of happiness, but do not know what is real happiness for long, it is just feeling happy for the weather. Many believe the fame, wealth, marriage, travel, a new car, beauty shop, clothes brand ... will make them happy. But these things just bring happiness temporary, rather than the primary thing for lasting happiness. In fact, money and material things only the desire and never happy. Over the eighteen years of scientific research on happiness, Professor doctor of Psychology Sonja Lyubomirsky concluded happy not to have more money, material, beauty or fame. She emphasized that happiness could not be found in any place other than in ourselves. This has been shown to Buddha enlightenment over twenty-five centuries before. He said that there is no happiness in peace of mind. All his teachings are only intended to lead us to reach an internal way. That is why the Buddha, and the Increase is considered the most precious.
Refuge is a refuge. Refuge concept sometimes made many people understanding deviance, negative. Refuge does not mean her refuge, dramatic someone passively. Like when we were young, we hid behind her mother to avoid the bully that does that. That is not the sense of refuge. Meaning refuge can be illustrated with images like this: "the Sun pours the rain, if we don't find one that stays on a dip in the rain will catch a cold". Find a on to of colds that's the sense of refuge.
The truth in our lives are suffering from the greed, anger, passion, jealousy and hate ghanh wet sũng mind. We need to find a shelter to escape the rain there. Where is the Buddha, and Rising.
According to the venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi, refuge or refuge is a term that is shifting from the Pali language sarana. Sarana in a Pali legend is explained to mean "destroy". Accordingly, refuge or refuge is destroyed, the take, remove, and accept the end of fear, suffering, the risk of regeneration in afflictions and suffering.
Suffering or happiness is the result of those actions, words and thoughts of us. Once we have the evil deeds, evil thoughts, evil words spoken then reap the inevitable result of suffering. We're not hiding behind his Buddhist followers and monks to evade such suffering results or thanks to the resolve of the consequences we created it. Thus, the meaning is true refuge we return to take responsibility for the actions, speech and thoughts of himself; efforts to work out your mind's metabolism.
In the sense that such refuge, when the Buddha refuge, we should not view him as a Savior of his life or the sense of being sheltered him, and bestow blessings to themselves. We just see him as the example to follow, as the inspiration for us to go to the heights of peace and liberation.
The Buddha, during his 45 years preached the Dhamma, do not clown himself is the revelation of God or be receiving revelation from a deity has somehow blessed Merry Christmas Graphics. By contrast, admitted that he is human, with the implications genetic lace and suffering by the siege and by the efforts to work out the conscious mind does not know tired, he has broken every worry, fear, suffering, and bring in the human wear has become completely human freedom and liberation.
As people experienced ahead, in the 45 years of the sermon, the Buddha taught only practice experience again how do we achieve enlightenment credentials and freed him only. Because he admits: "I am the Buddha did, beings are Buddhas will become" and "Hybrid Like the directions, each person must go to, no one goes for one" or "the do it yourself to the island for yourself, and self cry yourself. Let's take France to the island, as a refuge, no other place as a refuge, as the island, don't cry elsewhere ". The teachings that have drawings carved up the German image Masters and also the ideals of Buddhism. As a result, Buddhist refuge is that we chose according to the Buddha, the Buddha is happy to follow.
However, when it comes to Buddhism, most of us lack the finances it. We think refuge is to have legal title, to every time to the temple to pray for Buddhist Scriptures recently knows, the Board yourself. Done when close to the ground far from the Sun, we think of refuge with hope when your eyes sweep the hands be holy spirit according to the guardians, not the devil lead take the road on the information because there was the scallops refuge in hand. With the lack of awareness of such credits Chief Justice, the scallops refuge which is the only piece of paper confirming the status of official Buddhists become as broken amulet.
With the primary leg look for refuge Buddhist that way, then the French refuge, we too must be nine feet look similar. Refuge in France is that we commit to living in the spirit of the word Buddha. The spirit's words, bi, Hy, discharge, egolessness, selfless, deeply involved, deeply accept. All the classics have transformed our conscious mind. They are not the objects we come up on to bridge the money and fame. We cannot bring the classics of Buddha out litigation reading to look forward to gain profit, the position of the right and everything.
According to Trungpa Chogyam Rinpoche, refuge of France is that we applied everything in your life into his practice. We should not claim that it is the divine procedure, this is divine, this is bad, this is nice. Everything is the truth. That's a definition of France. Us refuge in France is choosing a direction, an element, meaning that everything in my life are helpful for learning and practice. Regardless what happens, misery or happiness, good or bad, fair or unfair, all of which are part of the practice. Consequently, there is nothing to complain, because all of France.
If the Buddha refuge as role model to follow rules of safe roads such as the medical course to take in life, the refuge Increased as friendships to the delivery company. This means we have a lot of friends, the friends refuge are practiced under his guidance the same teachings as we. At the same time everyone's effort to comply with the precepts of their own. When members of the Buddhist community to experience life's worth of foot and draw out meaning refuge of Buddha, refuge and the refuge Grew, their frantic ng as a reminder and to provide feedback to each other. Those of you in the Dharma of bringing out the rescue doctrine to create continuous learning process. They act as a mirror to remind or warn us in life situations. This is a kind of friendship carries the meaning of Buddhist associations. All of us at the same meeting, the Committee boat, share a faith and feel a great friendship Union in great monks and nuns and Buddhists.
Refuge Increased mean we ready to work harmoniously with the friend, English, sister, brother in mass Buddhist, while retaining the independence of their own. No one imposes heavy perspective to the rest of the Union. Each Member of the Union is a personal take on the road in a way different from all the others. That is why we continually get feedback of: positive and negative, encouragement and discouragement. This rich sources of value to us as refuge to increase. increase community who have ethical perfected with us, nurtured us with their wisdom. Friendship in the old tank is a kind of friendship in the morning, without the mutual expectations and demands; no more orders, but very satisfied and satisfied.
With the meaning attributed to such health care, then we must necessarily go 24-life refuge in Buddhist tradition or just understand and practice as such is to be? The problem was more the Buddhist studies when writing about the meaning of refuge have posed and solved thoroughly. All are agreed that we must necessarily refuge if they wish to become Buddhists of Buddhists. According to the Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi, the Dharma can be seen as a education building, nails, ladders and roof of it. Like other buildings, Dharma also has doors and nuốn go on it, we have to step into that door. The door go into the homes of the Dharma are the three jewels refuge. Under great progress Prize-Germans Buddhist Sage, also has a rank of minor groups outside the education system, there are primary, secondary, University of ...So, want to learn tu Dharma we must start primary education, that are three jewels refuge. If none of the three jewels refuge initially then we can't step up to the higher level Buddhist studies are. Follow chon TAM, if we do not conduct basic maintenance rules so there is no basis to prove "I understand and practice good is to be" as when we justify themselves not necessarily refuge. According to this author, the refuge always aggressive and getting more support than non-refugebecause in any field of society, the Government always trumps the irregular, statewide outdoor spiritual life which is very close to the master heals, you can.
Also on the issue, according to h.e. Khentin Tai Situpa, spiritual circuit source of Buddhist lineage is very important, it determines the inner abilities who are Buddhists. Source m ch which origin from the Buddha to increase generation map today. After the food poisoning syndrome, the Buddha has transmitted the legal life of medicine for five fellow ascetic seclusion at first is in his brother Qiao Chen As his first disciple in the Buddha's began creating lineage; they passed health care law to their disciples, in turn their disciple lineage for their disciples, so continuing to this day, over centuries from the master transmits to the game do not interrupt and when one refuge I also partaking in the same early sacredand feel my peace and my prayer was that the Buddha was awarded to five of his first disciples. Therefore, if no refuge, we fail to get source of the spiritual mission of myths circuit flow in lineage does not paste in more than twenty-five centuries.
Also according to Akong Tulku Rinpoche, refuge helps me have more power to act in good faith, because during the ceremony, before the formal medical term lettered Buddha, the bodhisattva and spiritual masters in Germany, the US played the words becomes the vow of love to help others and keep the five ethical principles. Otherwise the refuge prayer becomes the playback, in favorable circumstances or the psychology of fun, we can love helping others and keep five ethical guidelines, but encountered difficulties, psychological frustrating, we just stress yourself and loose keeping in ethical guidelinesbecause for that we've never refuge should not attempt to pass that, psychological circumstances to preserve them. Consequently, the refuge is to either psychological circumstances, would we still practice the loving mind development and keep five ethical principles.
There is a distinction between voluntary release refuge preserves, ethical guidelines and the inoffensive simple. Suppose we vow never to kill the Dragon, but in fact the dragons do not exist, then why do we have to play a vow not to kill the Dragon. If we don't kill the Dragon, we don't create career suicide, but at the same time we also do not make merit. From when the vow not to kill the Dragon and maintain that cooperating, we are accumulating merit. In France the refuge, we accumulate merit every minute through the holding the prayer itself.
In summary, the refuge is a positive decision, opens gentle friendly direction, at peace in his life. Refuge does not mean we throw ourselves out of society, on the contrary it helps us learn to live life more useful and create a more positive society. Our refuge is to develop his spiritual path in order to be able to help better for humanity. We enter the Buddhist path to just grow themselves, just learning how to help people. Refuge rather decided to learn, learn everything exist like through the principles of Buddhism.
Refuge essentially play the words voluntary testimony, including testimony will hold five world are the basic precepts for Buddhists to a minimum in the home are not close to being, not stealing, not deviant sex, do not lie and do not take intoxicating and addictive substances.
The Pali Word is Sila, there are three levels of meaning. The first is moral only inside, IE in each we always present the product as the inherent morality as the kind, hospitable true crush calculator, perseverance, love etc. The second is the virtuous actions of the user and password represent the computer ethics it externally. The third is the moral laws are set up to manage the behavior of the user and the password conforms to the ethical ideal. Actually three levels this sense always blend into each other, not always differentiate each level separately. But if we separate them, such as ethics inside can be viewed as moral training; such as the virtuous actions of the user and the password is considered the manifestation of that purpose; also about as moral laws are viewed as systems of implementation modalities that purpose. Thus, such as ethics inside to be strengthened thanks to the actions of the user and password with moral ideals and this is done through the system of moral laws.
Sex, according to the Scriptures explain, there are characteristics that make harmonious action of body and voice, means of action and password match the true interests and happiness of humanity. Thus the energy of the world is to create harmony between us and others. According to the happy world will lead to harmony between people together, creating peace, cooperation and mutual respect, while happy to act despite the ethical guidelines will lead to competition, exploitative, abuse and violence. The harmony is achieved through maintaining world or moral discipline not only stop at the social level, but also bring our action comedy in harmony with the law, the law on higher principles, principles of the universe — the law of causation newspaper industry dominated the entire invisible world existence of beings.
Five precepts in Buddhism is established based on the principle of taking as the standard for deciding how actions in relationship to humanity. This principle is described by the phrase: "see themselves as other people and other people like themselves". Apply this principle is exchanged with imagining between self and others. To decide which should or should not perform a certain action, we take your standard reviews, see what is happy and what is suffering for himself. Then a projection on the basis of others are more like yourselves, what happy and suffering with the well of happiness and suffering to others. We do not want others to cause suffering for yourself, then we should not cause suffering to others. As in the Samyutta the Buddha, explains:
"The homeowners, the disciples thought as follows: ' I want to live, not to die, like peanuts, notorious gauge. If anyone is to win my life, someone who would like to live, do not want to die, like peanuts, hate the agony, so is a failure to stylishly, Italian is not available for me. But if we win one life to live, not to die, like peanuts, hate the agony, so is a failure to stylishly, not to Italy for him. A not stylishly, not available for us, the French could not stylishly, Italian is not available to others. And a not stylishly, not available for us, the stars brought the French columns to another person? '. Due to such thinking, the then give birth survey, encourage others to give birth, police said his interjection dropped close to being. So the bulb, the thing was absolutely pure "
"The owner, the disciples thought as follows: ' if anyone took my no's, called a thief, so is a failure to stylishly, not available for me. But if we take the property of others, not called thieves, so is a failure to stylishly, not available for him. A not stylishly, not available for us, the French could not stylishly, Italian is not available to others. And a not stylishly, not available for us, the stars took the French column was then for someone else? ' Due to such thinking, the he gave up taking of not giving, encourage others to give up taking of not giving, says his interjection quit taking of not giving. As such, the stems, the thing was absolutely pure "
"The homeowners, the disciples thought as follows: ' If one is happy, my wife with flaps, so is a failure to stylishly, not available for me. But if we are happy with your wife the other pagan family, so is a failure to stylishly, not available for him. A not stylishly, not available for us, the French could not stylishly, Italian is not available to others. And this one is not available in Italy, does not give me the star, stylishly brought the French column was then for someone else? ' Due to such reflections, its love rejected sexual deviant in almond, encourage others to give up the almond, a pagan says his interjection quit happy to commit in the exercise. As such, the stems, the thing was absolutely pure "
"The homeowners, the disciples thought as follows: ' if anyone hurts our interests lie with such a failure to stylishly, not available for me. But if we also damage the interests of others to lie, so a failure to stylishly, not to make him, One not stylishly, not available for us, the French could not stylishly, Italian is not available to others. And a not stylishly, not available for us, the stars brought the French column was then for someone else? ' As such, the thought he quit lying, encourage others to quit lying, telling his interjection quit lying. So does the administration password to be completely pure "
Method of reasoning which the Buddha uses this draws from four world leaders in contact with humanity. About Wednesday, "do not use intoxicating and addictive substances" seemed to just solve my relationship with themselves, with what's included in your body. However if the offense into the world this Thursday could lead to infringement on all the other gender and the degree of harm to others is more brutal. Teens story when alcohol into the master minds stole chickens slaughtered meat, rare brake neighbour is a demonstration. The tremendous adverse impact in terms of society it is very clear that this should also be put in the same type of reasoning method on.
Most of the things in Buddhism all begin with the word "no", of which there are five precepts, created a negative feeling forced or forbidden loss of freedom. So, instead of saying "not being, not stealing, not deviant porn does not lie, do not take intoxicating substances causing addiction", according to the word of the Buddha explains, we can borrow the style of Zen master Nhat Hanh interprets the year about this:
World first: non being.
"Aware of the suffering caused by the murder caused the child, Hanh dhāranī to protect the life of every person and every species. I vow not kill lives, do not endorse the killing and not to other guys killed, either in the mind or in the way of life of the child ".
The second sex: don't steal.
"Aware of the suffering caused by deception, robbery and causing social injustice, to the voice from the living to bring joy and peace to everyone and every species, to share their time, energies and their material with the guys who are really needy. You may not take any other proprietary wealth would not by themselves create. I will respect the proprietary rights of others, but also will prevent others not them hoarding and enriched dishonesty on the suffering of the people and the King ".
Third world: not deviant sex.
"The sense of the suffering caused by the harmful habit of abusers, child the responsibility to help protect properties and the safety of every person and every family in society. I will not eat lies with the person who is not your husband or wife. The sense was that the misdeed will cause the misery for others and for the children. You want to protect the happiness of oneself and of others to know respecting its commitment and that of others. I will do everything I can to protect children, not to fall victim to sexual deviant continue to cause the breakdown of the family and of life couples ".
Fourth World: do not lie.
"Aware of the suffering caused by the speech lacking mindfulness, to cause the voice of charity and listen to tribute to the fun and make people less suffering of people. Know that words can bring happiness or misery to the people, I will speak only the words can be more confident conviction, happily and hopefully, my true worth to build understanding and reconciliation. I vow not to spread the news that I'm not sure is real, not criticize and condemn the things I don't know. The vows don't say things could create discord in families and unions, things can break families and unions ".
About Thursday: do not take intoxicating substances and tests.
"Aware of the suffering caused by the use of drugs and toxins that cause, I'm learning how to transform the mind, build body and soul health by practicing mindfulness in eating and consumption. You may only consume what may bring about peace for the mind and for the mind of families and society. I vow not to drink, don't use drugs, don't eat or consume the products with toxins including some products radio, television, books, movies and chat. I know that the remnants of the ruined themselves with alcohol and toxins then betrayed their ancestors, parents and also betraying the future generations. I pray the metabolism of violence, hate and fear and anger saddened by unauthorized practice abstinence for me, for my family and for society. I know this mix permits essential to transform themselves, the community and social consciousness ".
Derived from the perception by her self experience, we automatically pray not being, not stealing, not deviant sex, not to say dói, do not take intoxicating substances that addictive. From this years world no longer myths such as the binding, prohibition takes liberties that are the neighbours clues of morality, of fine live peacefully liberation. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONATERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.25/1/2015.

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