Wednesday, 21 January 2015


Thus have I heard.

Exalted One time residence in Savatthi, (Xa-defense) Jetavana (United-did), at his residence Essential Anathapindika (Anathapindaka). Then a large number of Monks, after meals, after begging back, sitting gathered in the hall, the story is starting to increase between them:

- It's rather wonderful, lettered Sage! It's rather rare, monks Sage! Body noting, as is the practice and make fullness, get great results, there is great merit, as Bhagavan, wise, Say Knowledge, Career Arhat, Enlightenment claims . And this story between Monks was interrupted.

The Sun in the afternoon, from solitude divinity stood up, went to the hall, sitting on the seat after coming prepared. After sitting, Bhagavan said Monks:

- Here, the Monks, and he now sat matter? What's the story he interrupted?

- Here, white Exalted, after eating, after begging back, we sat gathered in the hall, and after this story was started up: "It's rather wonderful, lettered Sage! It's rather rare, monks Sage! This concept was personally practiced, is making vigorous, with great results, great merit, was Bhagavan, wise, Architecture Suppose, level Arhat, Enlightenment statement ". White Exalted, our story has not finished the Exalted to the table.

- And the Monks, noting the practice itself how to make how prolific, with great results, have great merit?

Here, the Monks, Monks go to the forest, or go to the tree, or go to the house sat vacant and dysentery-old, straight back and dwell in front of mindfulness. Mindfulness, he breathe. Mindful, he breathes out. Or a long inhalation, he said: "I long inhalation". Or breathing out long he said: "I am breathing out long." Or breathe in short, he said: "I am very short of breath." Or breathing out short, he said: "I am breathing out short". "The feeling of the whole body, I shall breathe in," he set. "The feeling of the whole body, I shall breathe out he set". An spiritual practice, I will breathe in, "he set vi. "An act spirit, I will breathe out," he set. While he lived not spontaneous, enthusiastic, ardent, and the concept of the secular mindset is the exception. Thanks to rid her of legal, permanent inner peace, seated, specializing in the most calm. Thus, the Monks, Monks practicing personally concept.

Again, the Monks, Monks go, said: "I go". Or stand, said that: "I stand". Or sitting, said that: "I am sitting". Or is located, said that: "I am lying". The body is used, how could he know how his body. While he lived not spontaneous, enthusiastic, ardent, and the concept of the secular mindset is the exception. Thanks to rid her of legal, permanent inner peace, seated, specializing in the most calm. Thus, the Monks, Monks practicing personally concept.

Again, the Monks, Monks when it comes to step back knew what he was doing; when looking to look back to know what he was doing; to bend, stretch when, knew what he was doing; While wore rose-old Chile (sanghati), bearing a bowl, bring health, knew what he was doing; eating, drinking, chewing, tasting, knew what he was doing; standing, sitting, sleeping, awake, talking, silent knew what he was doing.

While he lived not spontaneous, enthusiastic, ardent, and the concept of the secular mindset is the exception. Thanks to rid her of legal, permanent inner peace, seated, specializing in the most calm. Thus, the Monks, Monks practicing personally concept.

Again, the Monks, Monks observe this body, under the feet upwards, on to pay their hair, surrounded by leather and filled with impurities difference: "In itself, this hair, hair, nails, teeth, skin, flesh, tendons, bone, kidney, bone marrow, heart, liver, diaphragm, spleen, lungs, intestines, intestinal membrane, feces, bile, phlegm (mucus), latex blood, sweat, fat, tears, grease skin, saliva, pus, water in the joints, urine ". This Monks, as well as a bag of toys, two-headed drum filled with granules such as rice, rice, chickpeas, large, sesame, rice and milled. One who has eyes, he poured out the seeds and observe: "This is a rice grain, the grain is, this is the green beans, peas this is great, this is sesame, rice grain is milled and then". Likewise, the Monks, a bhikkhu under close observation from the feet upwards, on to the initiation of hair, covered by skin and full of impurities difference: 'In this body, this hair, hair, nails, teeth, skin, flesh, tendons, bones, marrow, kidney, heart, liver, diaphragm, spleen, lungs, intestines, intestinal membrane, feces, bile, phlegm, pus, blood, sweat sweat, fat, tears, grease skin, saliva, pus, water in the joints, urine ".

While he lived not spontaneous, enthusiastic, ardent, and the concept of the secular mindset is the exception. Thanks to rid her of legal, permanent inner peace, seated, specializing in the most calm. Thus, the Monks, Monks practicing personally concept.

Again, the Monks, Monks observe the body of the location of the installation instructions and the world: "In the body of this great place, great waterway, the fire, and great style." This Monks, as a skilled butcher, or a disciple of a butcher killed a cow, sitting dismembering each body part at a crossroads; also, the Monks, monks observe the relative position of the world and of ordering the world: "In the body of this great place, great waterway, the fire and great style."

While he lived not spontaneous, enthusiastic, ardent, and the concept of the secular mindset is the exception. Thanks to rid her of legal, permanent inner peace, seated, specializing in the most calm. Thus, the Monks, Monks practicing personally concept.

Again, the Monks, Monks see a body like throwing them away in the cemetery one day, two days, three days, the body was swelling up, dark blue, the ragged rot out; Monks was contemplating the body as follows: "This body such as the nature, nature is thus not beyond his nature."

While he lived not spontaneous, enthusiastic, ardent, and the concept of the secular mindset is the exception. Thanks to rid her of legal, permanent inner peace, seated, specializing in the most calm. Thus, the Monks, Monks practicing personally concept.

Again, the Monks, Monks see a body like throwing them away in the cemetery were the crows eat, or eat the hawk species, or the vulture feeding birds, or dogs eat, or fake species can eat, or eat insects; Monks was contemplating the body as follows: "This body such as the nature, nature is thus not beyond his nature."

While he lived not spontaneous, enthusiastic, ardent, and the concept of the secular mindset is the exception. Thanks to rid her of legal, permanent inner peace, seated, specializing in the most calm. Thus, the Monks, Monks practicing personally concept.

Again, the Monks, Monks as a body found discarded in the cemetery, with the skeleton linked together, and sticky flesh and blood, and the veins tied ... with the skeleton linked together, no longer sticky, but still bloodied flesh, also tied the veins ... just can not stick together bones, scattered here and there. Here is the arm bones, leg bones here, here is the tibia, here is the thigh bone, here is the sacrum, here is the backbone, here is the first bone; Monks was contemplating the body as follows: "This body such as the nature, nature is thus not beyond his nature." While he lived no distractions ... (as above) ... Monks practicing personally concept.

Again, the Monks, Monks as a contest that saw throwing them away in the graveyard, only whole bone white shells ... only a pile of bones longer than a year ... just a bone become rotten flour; Monks was contemplating the body as follows: "This body such as the nature, nature is thus not beyond his nature." While he lived no distractions ... (as above) ... Monks practicing personally concept.

Again, the Monks, Monks sexual ly, ly bad law, the first Zen residence certificate, a state of blissful isolation by being sexual, and to reach the quarterfinals. Monks instilled, soaked wet, making his prolific body filled with joy by being sexual isolation, not somewhere on the body is not bliss by being sexual isolation was instilled.

This Monks, as a maid adept bath or shower maid disciples; after bath powder in copper brass, he immediately dough with water, Department of bath powder that is imbued with wet water, mixed with water movement wet, wet both inside and outside the country, but does not flow into droplets. Likewise, the Monks, Monks instilled, soaked wet, making fullness, filled himself with joy by being sexual isolation, not somewhere on the body is not bliss by being sexual ly He instilled. While he lived no distractions ... (as above) ... Monks practicing personally concept.

Again, the Monks, Monks was killed and reach the quarterfinals, residence certificate Meditation Monday, a state of bliss by the birth, did not reach the quarterfinals not, most provincial center. Monks was instilled, soaked wet, make vigorous, full of himself with joy by the birth, not a place on the blissful body is not due to her being penetrated.

This Monks, such as a lake, water in order to rise, oriental no water loss, the West did not have running water hole, the hole of the North no water came out, the South has no holes water flow and occasional large raining. Cool water from lakes and streams that permeate flux, soaked wet, making prolific lake was filled with cool water, not a place of lake water cooling does not instill. Likewise, the Monks, Monks instill soaked wet, making his prolific body filled with joy because of the birth, no one anywhere on the body, not because of the joy that permeates birth . While he lived no distractions ... (as above) ... Monks practicing personally concept.

Again, the Monks, Monks glass wedding discharge residence, mindful awareness, life itself felt optimistic that the saint called "Resident Discharge communication concept," and abides evidence Meditation Tuesday. Monks, instill, soaked wet, making his prolific body filled with optimism that life no joy, no one anywhere on the body, is not optimistic life without joy that permeates. Thus, the bhikkhu abides no distractions ... (as above) ... Monks practicing personally concept.

This Monks, such as the blue lotus pond, lake, pink lotus, white lotus pond, with the blue lotus, lotus pink or white lotus. The lotus was born in water, grows in water, not water beyond, feed water from the roots to the tips are immersed in, soaked wet, filled with cool water penetrated by him, not a place of whole blue lotus, lotus pink or white lotus water is not cool that permeates. Likewise, the Monks, Monks instilled, soaked wet, making fullness, full body with no joy life was lost, no one anywhere on the body are not optimistic that life without joy instilled. Thus bhikkhu abides no distractions ... (as above) ... Monks, noting the practice itself.

Again, the Monks, Monks, touch the exhaust discharge line, kill wedding favor has feelings before, certification and dwell Wednesday Meditation, no suffering, no communication, concept exhaust purification. Monks was sitting, his body imbued with pure mind in the morning, no one anywhere on the body is not pure in mind that permeates light.

This Monks, such as a man, using hooded white cloth, not a place on the body that are not white cloth cover lens; also, the Monks, Monks sit immersed myself with the mind pure, innocent, no one anywhere on the body is not pure in mind that permeates light. While he did not live to dwell distractions ... (as above) ... Monks practicing personally concept.

This Monks, for what you practice, practice makes prolific body concept, the goodness of he goes into the inner (antogadha?) Belong to the intelligent part (vijjabhagiya). For example, the Monks, huge sea of ​​whom are imbued with the mind, the rivers of he goes into the sea, the sea belongs to the largest; also, the Monks, for any practice makes you mature personally thought, good behavior he enters the inner part invention belongs. This Monks, for bhikkhu does not personally cultivate mindfulness, not making fullness, while Ma (King) had the opportunity to taste it, Ma (king) he predestined to. This example Monks, someone threw a rock into a pile of heavy wet clay paste, the Monks, and how do you think? Are heavy rocks had opportunities (deep) into the pile of wet clay that krill?

- Ladies and yes, white Exalted.

- Also, the Monks, who did not practice for the idea personally, do not give fullness, Ma (King) had the opportunity to taste it, Ma (king) he predestined to. For example, the Monks, a dry tree can not plastic, have to hold the upper part of the map turned the fire and said, "I will make the fire is born, I will make heat up". This Monks, and how do you think? He brings the upper part of the map turns fire, turning with no plastic dry twigs that, he can make a living flame, heat may make up no?

- Ladies and yes, white Exalted.

- Also, the Monks, who did not practice for the idea personally, do not give fullness, Ma (King) had a chance with him, Ma (King) have an affinity with him. For example, the Monks, a water bottle, empty, empty, placed on a price, have a go, bring full of water. This Monks, and how do you think? He can pour the water (on average) do not?

- Ladies and yes, white Exalted.

- Also, the Monks, the practice does not personally concept, not making fullness, Ma (King) had the opportunity to taste it, Ma (king) he predestined to.

This Monks, you can practice any personally anniversary, making vigorous, Ma (King) did not have a chance to taste it. Ma (King) did not have an affinity with that position. For example, the Monks, who threw a ball with light wire on a door made entirely of the tree. This Monks, and how do you think? Light wire ball had the opportunity to door made entirely of non-core tree?

- No, the Exalted transparency.

- Also, the Monks, for what you have personally practicing mindfulness, making fullness, Ma (King) did not have a chance to taste it, Ma (King) does not have the grace to taste them. For example, the Monks, a wet tree sap, and then went to take a part in turning the fire map and said: "I will make the fire born, I will make heat up". This Monks, and how do you think? He brought fire spinning top toys, wet and turned to the tree sap, can make fire born, making heat up okay?

- No, the Exalted transparency.

- Also, the Monks, for what you have personally practicing mindfulness, making fullness, Ma (King) did not have a chance to taste it, Ma (King) does not have the grace to taste them. For example, the Monks, a water bottle filled with water that is drinkable crow, placed on a price, and then someone comes along, carrying full of water. This Monks, and how do you think? He can pour water into (his average) does not?

- No, the Exalted transparency.

- Also, the Monks, to practice what you personally anniversary, making vigorous, Ma (King) had no chance against him, Ma (King) is not destined for him .

This Monks, to practice what you personally anniversary, making vigorous, he was enlightened radial position to win by any method should be realized by winning position, he faced achieve sophisticated, (that's legal) world oil on their origin (sati sati ayatane). For example, the Monks, a jar filled with water so that crows can drink, be placed on the price and have the athletes to and shaking her jar, so the water can overflow the outside?

- Ladies and yes, white Exalted.

- Also, the Monks, to practice what you personally anniversary, making vigorous, he was enlightened radial position to win by any method should be realized by winning position, for he the delicate surface (that's legal) world oil under their origin. For example, there is a lake on a piece of land with four sides have to meet to make solid, and filled with water so raven drinkable. Then there are the athletes come and break a piece of the dam, the water can not spill out?

- Ladies and yes, white Exalted.

- Also, the Monks, to practice what you personally anniversary, making vigorous, he was enlightened radial position to win by any method should be realized by winning position, for he the delicate surface (that's legal) world oil under their origin. For example, the Monks, on the ground by local intersection with a parked car, winning with mature horses with whips ready equated with the code skilled technical engineers, who drove it manage the horse should be seated, he climbed into the car, left hand holding the reins, took the whip-hand, can coachman went back and forth, at any place and how the way you want. Likewise, the Monks, for you do personally to practice mindfulness, making prolific, he was enlightened radial position to win by any method should be realized by winning position, he faced the sophistication (that's legal), oil of any origin world.

This Monks, personally concept practiced, practiced, made for fullness, made like a chariot, made as a base, made for perseverance, made for accumulation, be clever at doing, the ten merit can be expected. What are the ten?

Lac is located convince any, and any communication does not convince you that, and he lived always convince any communication is started up; dreadful fear is convince, and terrifying fear not convince you that, and he always convince dreadful fear is starting up. He patience cold, heat, hunger, thirst, the touch of flies, mosquitoes, wind, sun, snakes species, the saying unpleasant, difficult to accept. He has the ability to withstand the physical sensations arise, pain, throbbing pain, rough, harsh pain, inability reviews, impossible love, brought to petrified. Discretion, without difficulty, no fatigue, no energy cost, he attained four Meditation, pure mind, the current communication status. He attained the kind of miracles, a close relative out many, many relatives of a body; Figure out sideways through the wall, through the wall, through the mountain passes as nothing; burrowed emerged across the land as in the water; walking on water does not sink like walking on land; fetters-old sat out of nowhere like a bird; hand, touch and touch the moon and the sun, the power plants have great dread, dread god so great; can, clairvoyance body aircraft to Brahma; with pure natural atrial superheroes can hear two kinds of languages, gods and men, far or near. With his mind, he knows the heart of all beings, all kinds of people; Join mind, know the mind is engaged; Join mind, the mind knows not to participate; A golf center, said center courtyard; golf mind, the mind does not know the field; mind si, si know the mind; interested not si, si not know the mind; focused attention, focused attention know; scattered mind, knowing scattered mind; higher operating center, said center executive agency; not great heart out, knew no higher operating center; not a supreme mind, the mind knows not supreme; supreme mind, knowing supreme interest; Meditation Center, said Meditation Center; Meditation mind, the mind does not know meditation; rescue center, said rescue center; liberated mind, the mind knows not freed. He remembered the past life as a life, two lives ... he remembered the life of the past with the outline and detail. With pure natural label, superheroes, he sees the life and death of beings. He knew that the inferior beings, noble men, beautiful people, who crude bad luck, misfortune guys are so happy their careers. With the eradication of defilements, after knowledge for themselves with the upper position, he attained and currently reside within the mind liberated, liberating insight or no contraband.

This Monks, personally concept practiced, practiced, is making vigorous, as the carriage is made, is made as a base, made for perseverance, made for accumulation, is skilled at doing, the ten merit can expect.


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