Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Like I hear.


1. One time, So Sun CE in Sàvatthi, jungle Prince Jeta, the garden he Anathapindika (Anathapindika). At the time, The Crown called the Male-stilts: "Hey Bill-on stilts".

-"White World Religion", the Male-stilts responded That Religion. The Religious ceremony are as follows:

-The Male-stilts, who has the full thirty-two General this macho, who will choose this path only, there is no other way. If living at home will do the move French Public use rotating, Seong-procedures, pacified the four directions, provide security for the full seven-course, degree of treasure. Seven regional treasures become possessions of this taste, i.e. the car underwater treasures, elephants, horses, treasure treasure, the jewel in it, American treasure, the treasure home and Saturday as General treasure. This unit has up to over a thousand Prince, the ranks of heroes, the mighty body, victory conditions, stock photography available on it. The conquest of the Earth until the sea border and govern with the French Public, do not use the staff, do not take the donation. If this position, abandoning the family, non-family life spice, it would be a A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory class, about to come back and display ignorance che's life.

2. the Male-stilts, thirty-two General this macho is something that those who complete the General macho will choose to go two roads, there is no other way? If you live in the home, which would move the Holy King rotation. If its her renunciation, abandoning his family lived without family, the will to order A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory class, about to come back and display ignorance che's life?

The Male-stilts, the soles flat. This is a good General General of the University staff.

The Male-stilts, beneath two feet of it is showing off your wheels, with thousand of toothpick vehicle with axle rims, with parts totally full. This General is considered to be the General of University workers.

The Male-stilts, the long slender heel and. ..

The long fingers, toes.

It has soft hands.

It has mesh skin of limbs.

The circular fish eye like oysters.

The tubes as a goat jungle.

It stood straight, walang backs down could touch his knees with hands.

The General sound code Museum.

This unit has the same skin color, colors such as gold.

It has a dusky smooth skin, causing the dust adhesion to the impossible.

The hair grows from a leather coat, each pore has a feather.

The bristles are swirling round straight up, each of the hairs are dark blue, like eye ointments, swirling up each swirling circles, and Eddy toward the face.

It has a high body straight.

It has a marvelous voice like Ca-Tomb-Qin-elderly.

It has dark blue eyes.

The Cilia cow.

The area between the brows, there are white hairs sprouting, smooth as cotton lightweight.

The humiliation of the design on the top. The Male-stilts, the humiliation of the design on the top. This is a good General General of the University staff.

The forward fuselage as half lion.

It has no dimples physically down between the two shoulders.

The balance of the body like an eagle. The high surface area of the body evenly wide span of length, length of span r ng par high surface area relative to ...

The busts on the square circle.

The jaw as the lion.

Forty of the tooth.

It has regular teeth.

The teeth are not physically openings.

The incisors slippery.

The long wide tongue General.

3. the Male-stilts, who has the full thirty-two General this macho, who will choose this path only, there is no other way. If you live in the home, which would move rotating Seong, taking the Chief Justice ruled France, French was the United Kingdom, to pacify the four directions, provide security for the full seven-course, degree of treasure. Seven regional treasures become possessions of this taste, i.e. the car underwater treasures, elephants, horses, treasure treasure, the jewel in it, American treasure, the treasure home and Saturday as General treasure. This unit has up to a thousand of the Crown Prince, the ranks of heroes, the mighty body, victory conditions, stock photography available on it. The conquest of the Earth until the sea border and govern with the French Public, do not use the staff, do not take the donation. If it abandons the family spice, live without families, it would be a A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory class, about to come back and display ignorance che's life. The Male-stilts, the hermit life pagan maintained thirty-two General this macho but is creating career which is the General area.

4. the Male-stilts, in any previous life would, as the present time, stay made would, like the previous Hybrid as his persistence and does not fluctuate for the French charity, donation to charity, operating on the mouth, friendly travel on Italy, delineate the alms, the constables Act, keep the glass with fondness, slapped by my motherwith his glasses, fondness, donation Sa-keeper, She donation-la-Mon, revered the employees say in my family, and all the other night. With impact, containing, buildup and increase the apogee of his career, after his body ruined the overall network is being the friendly beasts, the Sun or planet. Here, You have ten points wins over other Objects, natural life during the gender network, Natural colors, Lok, nicknamed heaven, heaven, heaven powerful good general, heaven sounds, Celestial perfume, bias, Natural exposure. He died from the birth to this place general this macho, meaning that the soles flat, set foot on the land of m t is flat, the feet touch the ground with the whole feet once.

5. complete this General Sir, if in a home will do the move French Public use, rotating Seong-procedures, is a United Kingdom, pacified the four directions, provide security for the full seven-course, degree of treasure. Seven homemade treasure became possessions of the car's underwater treasures, elephants, horses, treasure treasure, the jewel in it, American treasure, the treasure home and Saturday as General treasure. This unit has up to a thousand of the Crown Prince, the ranks of heroes, the mighty body, victory conditions, stock photography available on it. It conquered and ruled with the French Public, do not use the staff, not using the knife, who ruled this land until the sea border, a deserted no earth, no general danger, not gritty, prosperity, abundance, an OK, luckily, there was no danger. King was what? King is not the enemy or enemy served as obstacles. King was so beneficial. If Mr spice, give families living without family, He stepped A-La-Han, the Chief Sensory class, about to come back and display ignorance che's life. Vexed benefit what? He does not suffer the enemy or the enemy in as well as outside, don't get involved, stadia, si, no Sa-keeper, She-la-Mon, Celestial, Ma, Brahma or anybody in real life as obstacles. Vexed benefit as such.

The theory of Religious meaning as such.

6. here this speech be spoke up:

Living authentically French properly,

Subduing and specifications,

Living with pure almond,

Day son about, slapped.

Alms, not violence,

Do not harm anyone,

The fortified Center runs the maintenance,

Life is truly comprehensive.

With such industry happy,

He was being the Sun,

Living in hoan Hy,

Peace ad infinitum.

From there the common network,

Reborn again this place,

With flat feet,

The ground truth steadily.

The Vedic astrology, the General

Assembly and declared,

No one obstacle,

The flat foot.

Home oil, spice.

General meaning clearly,

If living at home,

No obstacles whatsoever,

Winning all the enemy.

Into the great enemy,

No one stopped,

The career of such a report,

If the renunciation, the glass

Living minimum education wise,

That means Holy ranks

No longer have to conceive being,

Endless ranks of upper Primary, sensory,

France is the same.

7. the Male-stilts, in any previous life would, as the present time, stay made would, like the previous Hybrid as, live for happiness to beings, except kill any AWE, set cover, households maintained, protected the right of France, alms to the Manchu. With impact, containing, buildup and increase the height of her career, after birth, are environmentally destructive common networking pet friendly, heaven or the life of this ... He died from the birth to the place to be this General macho: Under the foot, wheel-shaped POPs, with a thousand of the toothpick airport, with wheels, the axle, the parts are completely full.

8. complete this General Sir, if in the home move Seong rotation of ... King was what? There are many servants. The servants very crowded, with renunciation, Ba-la-Mon, urban, rural inhabitants, financial concerns, justice officials, guards, goalie quan, the great spirit, the vassals, the proud Phu, the Prince. King was the same. If You export countries, abandoning the family, the family lived, He stepped A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory class, about to come back and display ignorance che's life. Do what is Buddha?

He has the most popular accessibility, the mass number is East, including Male-stilts, Female-stilts ni, Male Female, renunciation renunciation, Chu Heaven, humanity, A-tu-la, the God of snakes, Qian-thát-Mrs. Vexed is unlikely.

World Religion preach the same.

9. here this speech be spoke up:

In the years that have passed,

In the past life,

When He was done,

Made many people happy.

Mr except kill AWE,

Households maintained and protected,

Thanks to his career, being Natural,

Enjoy peace and happiness.

From there the common network,

Reborn again this place,

Under His feet,

Roll out,

With full wheel,

Enough of a thousand dark car.

The Vedic astrology, the General

Assembly and declared,

When I saw this German hundred:

Are the masses of enclosure,

Enemy was NIE recovery

As the wheel spins,

With adequate rims.

If He doesn't, the

Living the life like that,

He transported the wheel

Ruled the Earth.

In this Survey-the-seat,

Are obedient unto him,

Most down around him,

The University title.

If the renunciation, the glass

Live escape exercise, discerning,

Chu Heaven and humankind,

God loves and evening massage,

Qianlong emperor-thát-BA, Long beams,

Africa birds, species of four-legged,

All đoanh laid him,

The University title,

Endless ranks of upper Primary, sensory,

Be Natural, Nhon features glass.

10. the Male-stilts, in any previous life would, as the present time, stay made would, like the previous Hybrid as, give birth, police overpower the police being, UN staff, quit making, know very good you have, from, live mercy to the happiness of all beings and species of love. With impact, containing, buildup and increase the apogee of his career, after his body ruined the General network was being friendly animal, heaven or the life of this ... He died from over there, being here, are the three General this macho: long slender heel, finger, toes and soft hands.

11. Mr. full three generals, if living at home will move into London King Cross. King was what? Network life long term, are perennial, its network is not long lasting, maintenance household person would form the enemy or the reverse could harm His life. King was so. .. Do what is Buddha? Network life long term, are perennial, its network is not long lasting, maintenance household an enemy, the inverse would probably hurt was His life, in the form of Sa-keeper, She-la-Mon, Chu Heaven, Devil, Brahma or anyone in my life. Vexed is unlikely.

World Religion preach the same.

12. here, this speech be spoke up:

Order to know fear,

Fear of death against fear,

He gave up killing,

All species of beings.

Thanks to living in good French,

Was being on the Sun,

Self-entitled result hetero Shu,

Because annual giving.

From there the common network,

Reborn again this place,

Enjoy in this place,

Three macho Chess:

The heel is full and long,

Body straight as Brahma.

Stylishly, looks in pretty

Smart balance, politically contentious,

The fingers, toes,

All beautiful young soft.

With three General Thy wife,

Living long is always young.

If living at home,

Long-life network.

If living life spice,

Life expectancy is longer, more

So this great General,

The general age of longevity.

13. the Male-stilts, in any previous life would, as the present time, stay made would, As did previous Hybrid, the alms of the soft hard type dishes, the taste, the kind of licking, oral type, high-wage Americans do. With impact, containing, buildup and increase the apogee of his career, after his body ruined the General network was being friendly animal, heaven or the life of this ... He died from over there, being here, is this macho General as seven circular seats filled. Seven circular spot is filled full circles two hands, two legs, two full round shoulders and rounded body is full.

14. Mr. full General, if living in the home, making the London Transfer of St. King. King was what? Are the dishes, the kind of hard, soft, kind of taste, kind of licking, oral type, high-wage Americans do. King was so. .. Do what is Buddha? Was the food kind of hard, soft type, the type of sample, the type of drink, American wages are high. Vexed is unlikely.

World Religion preach the same.

15. here, this speech be spoke up:

Alms dishes,

Epigastric hobby cases

Types of hard and soft types,

Kind of licking both kinds tasted.

Thanks for the nice friendly practices,

Life long loving God.

Is being in this place,

With seven circular seats filled.

With his soft,

Enjoy a fine friendly General homes,

His statement in full,

The dish face,

Types of hard and soft types.

Does in the home,

Be excellent generals like that,

If spice is happy to live,

Also be of good general operations.

Real food epigastric

Types of hard and soft types,

Off the bondage

All rows upasaka.

16. the Male-stilts, in any previous life would, as the present time, stay made would, like the previous Hybrid as, which is full of four French Photographers: alms, AI languages, benefit administration, partner. With impact, containing, buildup and increase the apogee of his career, after his body ruined the General network was being friendly animal, heaven, or this life. He died from over there, being here with the two General macho: soft limbs, and skin mesh between fingers, toes.

17. Mr. full two generals, if living in the home, making the London Transfer of St. King. King was what? Le photography the Royal family Entourage. Le gain stock photography the renunciation, She-la-Mon, urban, rural inhabitants, financial concerns, the judiciary authority, the State Agency, goalkeeper, vassals, the proud Phu, the Prince. King was the same. Do what is Buddha? Le photography the Royal family Entourage, are cleverly produced the National aerial photography-stilts, Female-stilts-ni, the Male of female, renunciation renunciation, Chu Heaven, humanity, A-tu-la, Long spirit, Qian-thát-Mrs. Vexed is unlikely.

World Religion preach the same.

18. here, this speech be spoke up:

Alms and benefit administration

Rea terms & partners,

NIE offers a lot of Entourage.

Because of this French goodness,

Thanks to the immeasurable in Germany,

Was being on the Sun.

Give the other premises,

Reborn in this place,

By Hanh's limbs,

Soft and has a mesh.

Are good for General strict decency,

Chairwoman stylishly

The oil also is adolescence,

So milk shoots early,

The masses are positive options,

Aerial photography available on this earth.

Always use strong language,

Globe happy pants being.

Such a pure life,

With merit enemies win.

If You live up,

Every exercise lost property,

Marvelous micro theory claim France,

The winning men's being,

They hear the wedding Festival Center,

Well take his word teaches.

They live in good maintenance practices

According to the French Public, According to France.

19. the Male-stilts, in any previous life would, as the present time, stay made would, like the previous person, as do Hybrid Hybrid was a say contact the benefit for beings, involving France, explain to the masses, bringing peace and happiness for being, praised the Chief Justice everyday. With impact, the substance containing the accumulation and increase of industry's ... He died from over there and reborn here with two General macho: ankle circular like oysters and feathers sprouting spinning straight up.

20. Mr. with the General so, if living at home, a move the Holy King London What was the King. Lac education material are WINS, optimal, high stress, first. King was so. .. Do what is Buddha? He became the top ranks WINS, optimal, high stress, first for all beings. Vexed is unlikely.

World Religion preach the same.

21. here, this speech be spoke up:

Oldtimer his word says,

Preaching to the masses,

Related to the purpose,

Related to the French Public.

He is the person who brings,

Happiness to beings,

No San or regret,

The French herd desk and chon TAM.

Thanks to improved industrial maintenance operations,

Live wedding Festival the Sun.

Reborn in this place,

He was the perfect General II

Enjoy the ultimate happiness.

Hair grows straight up, swivel

Compact, clever circular fish eye

Below are the meat, have the skin

On a beautiful shape.

If You live in the home,

Member education are paramount.

Nobody wins over Him.

Conquer the Match-fitness-deals.

If Mr almond spice,

Effort than people,

He is a winner,

In all beings.

So please do not find,

Dark guys win than Him.

He lives and reigns,

The same all over the world.

22. the Male-stilts, in any previous life would, as the present time, stay of previous Hybrid, as do People, He diligently learning, occupation, any technical, academic, dread or action: "How do I quickly learned, how do I get to know, how do I quickly made plans to be, not tired long day? ". With impact, containing, buildup and the rise of career he ... He died from over there and reborn here, with General macho, it tube legs like a goat jungle.

23. Mr. full with this General, if living in London formed the Holy King move. King was what? All things worthy of the King, the King's general characteristics, the King's property, possession of the King, He has been fastly. King was the same. Do what is Buddha? All things nothing worthy of its Sa-Sa-General and special subjects, electives, property ownership, subject of Sa-Sa-Division, He has been fastly. Vexed is unlikely.

World Religion preach the same.

24. here, this speech be spoke up:

In the trades, engineering

In the gesture, action,

He wants how,

To learn to know soon.

No one was hurt bad,

Learn to move, tirelessly,

Because this industry friendly,

Be nice in good results.

Balance rotate gently,

On the soft, smooth skin

Bristles are sprouting up.

Such people are called,

The gantry is forest.

This General, rumor,

Making learning fast.

If the renunciation, the glass

Living minimum education wisely.

All things are lawful,

He sequentially Prime witness,

Live noble effort,

Results show real soon.

25. the Male-stilts, in real life, the previous c available yet, stay made would, like the previous Hybrid do, going to the Sa-keeper or Mrs.-la-keeper, after the hosts asked: "How's the false Religion of the White is good? What is any good? What is a crime? What is not guilty? What should do? Things not to do? Things to do that will take us to unhappiness and suffering long term? It would if done takes to represents happiness and peace for long? With impact, containing, buildup, the rise of this industry... " He once died from there was reborn with the General macho: his Skin smooth render became unable to adhesion to the body.

26. Mr. with the generals, if living at home do move Seong rotation of ... As King, was what? Great wisdom, no one equals Him in terms of intelligence. Or no one more than Him about the secular property. King was the same.

Do what is Buddha? A major intellectual, creative intelligence, Hy heart wisdom, intellectual elite, through punctual wisdom, cover glass of wisdom, no one equals Him in terms of intelligence or beings would more than Him. Vexed Him so.

World Religion preach the same.

27. here, this speech be spoke up:

In the days of the past,

He earnestly wants to know,

He earnestly wants to ask,

Audience the renunciation,

Subtly, listening and learning.

The almond industry's through,

He is shown to be intellectual.

And being on the human race,

You skin smooth.

You see, the General

Assembly and declared,

It knows and sees,

Every sense delicately.

If not almond spice,

Living runs such maintenance,

He was a London Transfer,

This earth reign.

The grasp the meaning,

Nobody than by Him.

If the renunciation, the glass

Live escape continue discerning;

Testimony by Bodhi,

Dark wisdom of good loads of upper.

28. the Male-stilts, in any previous life would, as the present time, stay of previous Hybrid, as do people, not anger, not virtual brain, oil has been talking much nor angry, no outrage, no problems, no calm, no expression of outrage, not anger sorrow. By contrast, Mr. Bell the map cover up, wear a soft dress, gently; the fabric is soft, raised cotton, soft, soft silk, soft wool fabric. With the impact of ... He died from the operation, being in this place, is this macho General: Golden shades, skin colours, shiny.

29. Mr. full with this General, if living in the home, the move alternate Seong. King was what? Is the map cover up, wear a soft dress, gently; the fabric is soft, raised cotton, soft, soft silk, soft wool fabric. Do what is Buddha? Is the map cover up, wear a soft dress, gently; the fabric is soft, raised cotton, soft, soft and silk drapery couple soft. Vexed, He was like that.

World Religion preach the same.

30. here, this speech be spoke up:

Determined not to anger,

Mr. ready Bell,

Soft fabrics,

The map up soft.

In the earlier life,

He adamantly delivered,

As the God of rain unleashed fabrics,

Rattan hook on the Mainland.

Thanks to such industry happy,

She died in there,

Was being on the Sun,

Enjoy the happy thing coming.

Enjoy good faith report is completed,

Him being in this place,

With golden color,

Brilliance as gold, net

The spectacular ratio than the United States,

What God-like.

If not renunciation,

He ruled this land,

Thanks to strength in the past,

He was really full,

Soft and delicate,

Map cover up bearing wear.

If You live life,

Renunciation, non-family,

Persistence He enjoys,

Result report of past karma,

The things he did,

Never disabled.

31. the Male-stilts, in any previous life would, as the present time, stay made would, like the previous Hybrid as he makes the reunion with close friends don't come together on long, being miserable on long, making the reunion with his mother, his mother, made with his father again reunion, son to father, making the reunion between the brothers together, making the reunion between he and she, between you and me, making harmony again, living happily together. With the impact of ... He died in there, the falls being in this spot with this macho General as General audio code Museum.

32. Mr. full General, if living at home, do move rotating Seong. King was what? Many children, over a thousand children are heroic tier, tier victory, mighty event, aerial photography available on it. As King, his taste was so. .. Do what is Buddha? Many children, there will be thousands of children (Spice and at home) are all of degree of hero, the incomparable, the mighty event, stock photography offers the enemy. Vexed, He was like that.

World Religion preach the same.

33. here, this speech be spoke up:

Vintage motorcycles in the past,

For many years the precursor,

He makes the reunion,

Her children, friends, close.

Was miserable on long,

Has awning on long adventure,

He made them in harmony,

Live wedding Festival together.

This almond Heavenly beings, Sir,

Enjoy a happy, loving

The other death, birth place,

He is sound code Museum.

He had several children,

Than the number of thousands of units,

As the ranks of heroes,

Winning stock photography against

Welcoming words Welcoming glass,

Cause in my wedding party.

If the renunciation of tu DAO,

Powerful win over more.

I have some more,

Know obedience lesson.

Home oil, spice,

Good general truth clearly.


1. the Male-stilts, in any previous life would, as the present time, stay made would, like the previous one as a Hybrid and a clear understanding of the mass as a whole, to know themselves, know who, said discrepancies between people: "this man deserves something like this, this person deserves something like this," and he acted according to the wrong people know him. Due to the impact of ... He died from the reborn here with two generals loved: the macho circles as Nigrodha tree (the tree Terminalia catappa) and do not bend your back, You can touch my knee and DAB with two Palms.

2. You complete the General so, if living in London formed the Holy King move. King was what? Do the millionaire, the millionaire, with treasure filled with gold and silver, full of material, full of rice, warehouse full of. King was so. .. Do what is Buddha? Do the millionaire, the millionaire. His material is Tin, your gender, your, very good talent, talent, talent, multicultural quarter of pilot Member, your intellect. Vexed is unlikely.

World Religion preach the same.

3. here, this speech be spoke up:

Considerations, search, reflecting,

He is a mass murder,

Here and there,

This person deserves this.

His actions were adequate,

Discrepancies in the human species.

Upright does not bend his back,

Two-hand touch my knees,

Body as high round tree

The special goodness.

Fine friendly tier superheroes,

Are declared as follows:

The child was all,

What commensurate renunciation,

Is the renunciation, He shall,

Every exercise lost property,

Rich and appropriate,

With the King of this earth.

If the Center from left,

Every exercise lost property,

He will be material,

Loads and good evening.

4. the Male-stilts, in any previous life would, as the present time, stay made would, like the previous Hybrid as his, earnestly with the interests of the masses, earnestly with happiness, earnestly with comfort, earnestly with the solace of mass: "how to increase your faith, growing about, a multicultural, a Bell, a French intellectual growth, increase material and rice, a rice paddy land, an increase of two legs and four legs, growth, his wife, a servant and labor, a relative, a friend, a schoolgirl in. With impact, containing, buildup, and increase the apogee of his career, after his body ruined the General network, was being the friendly animal, heaven or God. You give it from over there, being in this place, are the three General macho: torso like the Lions, two as no alternates concave down, round body and all.

5. Mr. with the General like this, if living at home would move rotating Seong. King was what? He does not suffer setbacks and losses. He does not take the property of rice, their land, the species of four-legged legs, his wife, servant labor, attached friends table belongs. You all, no achievement fail a what's ... Vexed, He was what? He does not suffer setbacks and losses. He does not take credit, world, writer, pilot-discharge and wisdom. His achievements all, not fail a what.

World Religion preach the same.

6. here, this speech be spoke up:

Generic, gender, cultural, intellectual,

Countries, France, many charity events.

Rice, property, land,

His wife, four-legged species.

Bereaved of you, her children,

Rice, good and happy.

Do you wish to pray,

No one hurt.

Upper body like a lion,

Rounded square shoulder at regular intervals.

As the old almond, unspoilt,

In the home is growing,

Rice, fortune, his wife,

Along with the four-legged species.

Renunciation does not object,

Certified Bodhi infinitely superior,

Never destroy,

France is the same.

7. the Male-stilts, in any previous life would, as the present time, stay of previous Hybrid, as do People, do not do anything harmful to the other sex, or manually, using rocks, bats, or by donation. With the impact the substance containing, buildup and increase the apogee of his career, after his body ruined the General network, is being up the friendly animal, heaven, the life of this ... You give it from over there, being in this place is this: General macho feel its downright dull, when anything touches your tongue, the feeling of being kicked up in the throat and circulated.

He is full with this General, if living at home then do send LUN Seong. King was what? Minimum of digestive diseases, brain, nice minimum, heat balance, not too cold, not too hot. King was the same. Do what is Buddha? Minimum of digestive diseases, brain, nice minimum, heat balance, not too cold, not too hot, medium, can mosaic ring, diligently. Vexed is unlikely.

World Religion preach the same.

9. here, the words are said on:

He didn't harm anyone,

With hands, sticks, stones, a sword,

No tie, no threats made,

Not close to being hurt the network.

Thus You living being Natural,

Enjoy the thing coming at peace,

Reborn in this place,

Thanks its very good

An affidavit throat stay,

Epigastric responsive transmissions.

Fine country General Zhan Shan,

Statement about Him that:

This person will be entitled,

Much peace and happiness

Home oil exporting countries,

Good general truth clearly.

10. the Male-stilts, As Lai ... at old People, have a habit of not looking good bat, does not look awry, not looking good thief, but who live with the primary extension, nobility, He looked with compassion Center. With impact, containing, buildup, the rise of his career, after his body ruined the General network, is being up the friendly animal, heaven, the life of this ... After you give birth, you over there from back in place with the two General macho: very blue eyes and eyelashes like cow.

11. Mr. with this General, if living at home do move rotating Seong. King was what? Our lovingly to him. The homeless musician, She-la-Mon, urban, rural inhabitants, financial concerns, justice officials, guards, the officials, the Lord, vassal, Phu My, Prince are both welcome, as him. King was the same. Do what is Buddha? Your favorite popular Mr. The Male-stilts, Female-stilts-ni, South of renunciation, the renunciation, Chu Heaven, humanity, A-tu-la, Long beams, Qian-thát-she welcomes and injured him. Vexed is unlikely.

World Religion preach the same.

12. here, this speech be spoke up:

Not looking good bat, looking awry,

And also do not want identity theft,

But with the Chief Justice in person,

Open wide and tall,

He looked around the venue,

With his heart.

Here You enjoy,

An Lac Thien Chu, Manager

Here, his eyelashes

As mi cow,

Eyes green best,

Real beautiful lovingly.

See the General his adept,

Essential info about perfect chess,

He stepped in human Goodness.

With delicate eyes,

Everyone welcome,

Preferred watching Him.

He lovingly renunciation,

Dear everyone.

In the home or Sa-Division,

You are dear people,

As people were treated,

Melancholy gauge for mass.

13. the Male-stilts, As Lai ... at old people's popular leader of the French charity, was the pioneer of friendly mass travel in the trunk, export, Italy, distributing alms, the constables Act, attending I-slaps, curious parent glass, glass desk Sa-Division, Chief of the upper tier respect within the family and about the special goodness. With the impact, containing, buildup, the rise of his career, after his body ruined the General network, is being up the friendly animal, heaven, the life of this ... He once give it from over there, being in this place with the macho General as that humiliation on top of.

14. Mr. full with this General, if living at home, going into the Turn wheel Seong. As King, He was what? He was the loyalty of the masses, the Homeless musician, She-la-Mon, urban, rural inhabitants, the Chief Financial Officer, investment officer, bodyguard, the goalkeeper, the great spirit, the viceroy, Phu My, the Prince are both loyal to Him. As King, He was the same. Vexed Him was what? He was the loyalty of the masses. The Male-stilts, Female-stilts-ni, South of renunciation, the renunciation, Chu Heaven, humanity, rows A-tu-la, the Long beams, Qian-thát-you are faithful to Him. Vexed, He was like that.

World Religion preach the same.

15. here, this speech be spoke up:

Leaders of the almond,

Wedding Festival in France to heal,

Be faithful to mass,

Enjoy the Heavenly divine merit.

Enjoy complete the good result,

Being here is the humiliation of succession.

See General jiashan craftsmanship,

The statement about Him:

He led the mass,

The funds of the devoted,

The past, present, too,

People to serve him.

If is close to-the-seat,

He ruled the Kingdom of,

The majority of the masses,

Sincerely serve him.

If You, the living

The Upper position this multiplication,

Fine and good expertise,

For the good of France.

Be loyal masses,

Are people to serve,

For the wedding, parties,

German public teachings.

16. the Male-stilts, As Lai ... at old People quit lying, lying, stay away from the true Word, y only chon TAM real, reliable, definitely not a promise. With impact, containing, buildup, the rise of career he ... He once give it from over there, being in this place with two General macho: every pore each a s i ingrown and between the eyebrows are white, white being proud General, soft like cotton.

17. Mr. full General, if living at home would move rotating Seong. King was what? The masses follow the will of the Lord. The homeless musician, She-la-Mon, urban, rural inhabitants, the Agency finances, the Chief Investment Officer, the guards, the goalkeeper, the great spirit, the viceroy, Phu gia, Prince are both subject to the will of the Lord. As King, He was the same. Vexed, He was what? The masses are subject to the will of the Lord. The Male-stilts, Female-stilts-ni, South of renunciation, the renunciation, Natural, human, Tu-la, Long beams, Qian-thát-she obeys the will of the Lord. Vexed Him so.

World Religion preach the same.

18. here, the words are said on:

In the past life,

He kept the true happiness,

Not to say the two tongues,

Avoid bad words hope.

Generic for all,

Not multiples one wish,

He lives in hoan Hy,

Chơn thành District Chief and as truth.

Do you have general Bai Hao,

Grows between the two eyebrows,

White, bright and smooth,

Like Where cotton-la-hypnosis.

His hairs grow,

No two feathers in one location.

When multiple enjoy chess,

Meetings together.

The situation of this expertise,

The statement about Him:

Ten white Hao hao, General

And eyebrows subtly grows,

Should You be everyone,

Well as you wish, Sir.

Is the mass, renunciation,

Adhere to him,

Because of past actions,

Too obvious nobility.

Remove all, renunciation,

He was both a mass,

Subject to degrees of enlightenment,

A multitude of upper, President of the pure land.

19. the Male-stilts, As in any previous life yet ... life before making people, abandon said blade, blade says to stay away from anything that isn't said there to being divisive in these people, listen to what there not to go talk to these people for being divisive in the others. He lived in harmony the incoming glass of cockroaches, a man of harmony, the wedding Festival in harmony, said the word brought to harmony. Due to the impact, containing, buildup, the rise of his career, after his body ruined the General network, is being up the friendly animal, heaven, the life of this ... He once give it from there being back in place with the two General macho: there are forty teeth, and between teeth without the openings.

20. Mr. full generals, if living at home would be a Turning wheel Seong. As King, was what? They're his entourage there is no split. The homeless musician, She-la-Mon, urban, rural inhabitants, financial concerns, the Chief Investment Officer, bodyguard, the goalkeeper, the great spirit, the viceroy, Phu My, the Prince is not divisive. As King, He is like so. .. Vexed, is what? The Manchu no split. The Male-stilts, Female-stilts-ni, South of renunciation, the renunciation, Chu Heaven, humanity, the A-tu-la, the Long beams, the Qianlong emperor-thát-she is divisive. Vexed is unlikely.

World Religion preach the same.

21. here, this speech be spoke up:

Not to say the two tongues,

Led split in harmony,

Make arises struggle,

Led grow apart.

Don't say nothing,

As the controversy grew,

Words born split

Among the people of harmony.

You just say the words,

Increase the peace craving gamer,

The word arises links,

Between those divisions.

The words are capable,

Except for disputes of people,

Mr. hoan Hy comfort,

In the unite in harmony.

By career journalist hetero Shu,

Is being the friendly beasts

Mr. hoan Hy-life entitled,

Phuoc Thien Chu realms report.

Here his teeth,

Steadily, not the crack,

There are forty all,

Grow in the mouth manual presenter.

If being Close-the-seat,

He ruled the Kingdom of,

The people He ruled,

The population of net wages.

Life as a Sa-level subjects,

Purity is not structured UE,

The people joined him,

Discipline, do not fluctuate.

22. the Male-stilts, World Religion ... in the previous life as his, he quit saying evil words, avoid evil Word, say the Word no mistake, beautiful disaster, cute, sympathetic to the mind, elegant, pleasing to many, many people happy. He said such words. With impact, containing, buildup, the rise of his career, after his body ruined the General network, is being up the Sun friendly animal, heaven, the lifetime of this ... after giving it from over there, being back in this spot, You get two macho General: the tongue is long and moderating voice sweet as Karavika birds (Ca-lang-older-band).

23. Mr. full of general time, if living at home do move rotating Seong. King was what? The speech is acceptable. The homeless musician, She-la-Mon, urban, rural inhabitants, financial concerns, the Chief Investment Officer, martial artist, the goalkeeper, the great spirit, the viceroy, Phu gia, the Prince has accepted his words. As King He is like so. .. Do what is Buddha? His speech is accepted. The Male-stilts, Female-stilts-ni, South of renunciation, the renunciation, Chu Heaven, humanity, A-tu-la, Long beams, Qian-thát-she accepted his word. Vexed is unlikely.

World Religion preach the same.

24. here, this speech be spoke up:

Do not say evil lyrics,

Debate is bad,

His dismissive knock due to last,

Brain damage, mass rape.

You say sweet words,

Even subdued along cordially,

Italian heart, beautiful words

Going into the inside.

Words make, headset

Feel free to peace,

The life you enjoy results report,

Due to good administration password,

Enjoy the German bitten,

In Heavenly divine realm.

After enjoying the fresh fruit,

Because onions bring out,

He is reborn here,

With Sonic enemy WINS,

General good blades,

Just wide again just long.

Say He played out,

Was generally accepted.

If the renunciation,

The speech was successful.

If You, the living

Words are acceptable,

Talk to him as much,

As many people believe.

25. the Male-stilts, in any previous life would, as the present time, stay made would, As Lai's life before making The speech, abandoning the series speakers, stay away from verbal language y, right time, say the words true, say the words make sense, say the words of the Chief Justice of France, say the words of the law, said the testimony should be maintainedfashionable words, pros controllers, are coherent, system, beneficial. With impact, containing, buildup, the rise of his career, after his body ruined the overall network is being up the friendly animal, heaven, the life of this ... He once give it from over there, being back in place is this macho General as a function as a function of Lions.

26. Mr. full with this General, if living at home then do send LUN Seong. King was what? He never got one, while the enemy or the adversary, of type person. As King, He was the same. Vexed, is what? He is not someone who conquered by the enemy, foreign or domestic, foreign or domestic resentment resentment, by the courts, or si, because Sa-keeper, She-la-Mon, Chu Heaven, Devil, Brahma or anybody in my life. Vexed, He was like that.

World Religion preach the same.

27. here, this speech be spoke up:

Not to say the series, speaker,

Cretins and vibrations,

Abandoning harmful words,

Just say the word benefit.

The words bring peace,

For all masses.

Do You give it,

Given birth to heaven,

And outlawed results report,

By happy given.

After You give it,

Are contentious here,

He made a winning,

Type of the Lord King beast.

As King, the God-like,

Conquest of all mankind,

Head of systems throughout time, human

There are many great powers,

Is God-love reigns,

Heavenly divine realms stronghold,

Order super sharp up WINS,

On the Chu Tian.

NIE provides many Z-thát-BA,

A-tu-la, God-like,

Yaksha and other astronomical objects,

Nobody photography won Him.

If living with family,

He will be so,

The same across all four directions,

Only four upper and lower.

28. the Male-stilts, in any previous life would, as the present time, stay made would, like the previous Hybrid as, abandon the TA network, want to live under the Chief Justice there, stay away from the fraud by weight measuring money, bribery, fraudulent, deceptive, not hurt, murder, the sentence ends, the winner, theft, sacked. With impact, containing, buildup, the rise of career he ... After giving birth, the other from the back spot, two General this macho is the teeth regularly and brilliance.

 29. Mr. full General, if living at home to send French rotating Primary use, Seong-procedures, is a United Kingdom to pacify the four directions, provide security for the full seven-course, degree of treasure. Seven homemade treasure became possessions of the time, i.e. the car underwater treasures, elephants, horses, treasure treasure, the jewel in it, American treasure, the treasure home, and Saturday is the Chief treasure. It has more than a thousand of the Crown Prince, the ranks of heroes, the mighty body, victory conditions, stock photography available on it. The conquest of the Earth until the sea border, and govern with the French Public, do not use the staff, do not take the donation. King was what? His entourage is pure mind. The financial position, investment agency chief officials, guards, goalie quan, the great spirit, the viceroy, Phu My, the Prince has a pure heart. As King He was the same.

30. If Mr spice, abandoning the family, He was the A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory class, about to come back and display ignorance che's life. Do what is Buddha? The servants of him was pure mind. The Male-stilts, Female-stilts-ni, South of renunciation, the renunciation, Chu Heaven, humanity, the A-tu-la, the Long beams, Excellent-she was pure mind-thát. Vexed, He was like that.

World Religion preach the same.

31. here, this speech be spoke up:

Give up living space network,

Living true purity of France,

Abandoning harmful almond,

Just as happy to benefit.

The happy to bring peace,

For all beings,

Do You enjoy the results,

At peace in heaven.

Thus, his life

Enjoy the festivity, loving,

As the Dark Lord Sun,

In the city schools of astronomical objects.

From there down to the person,

Thanks for the happy results,

His teeth regularly,

Purity and clarity.

Various General Zhan,

To gather claims:

Mr President, head of the human race,

A respected winner,

The Entourage map them,

Is the pure taste.

Pure teeth in the morning,

White white were like birds.

King, whose masses,

Entourage are pure,

For all levels.

The masses will not be,

Oppressed by the power.

They live the life expectation,

Happiness for everyone.

If You, the living

Give up the evil French,

AI infection was cleaned from clean,

Ignorance is about to come up,

Anxiety and fatigue,

In them are excluding removal,

See this life, the hereafter,

Many artists, renunciation,

Run maintenance according to teaches,

Stay away from the life of impure,

Faults and cruel.

Entourage map them to him,

All degrees of purity,

Excluding all the temperamental D08,


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