Monday 5 January 2015


     Want to practice according to Buddhism, Buddhists want to become yourself time to have even wanted to become a Buddha and the Buddha will be voluntary, knowing yourself available Buddhahood so confident that he will become a Buddha. Who was the practice, though rich or poor, whether intelligent or ignorant, young and old. Tu as soon as possible. Tu simply means "modify" a pretty bad fix, fix a bad beat, edit ignorance into enlightenment ... Monastery at home, religious society, religious temple, where also.     
     Want to practice Buddhism, the first step in the path is " Refuge ". Regulation is returned. Y is the refuge. Refuge is returned to the refuge. Having all three return so called " Three Rules ". It is a refuge in the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha.
     Buddha, Dharma and Sangha are the three things most precious Buddhist, so-called " Jewels ". Privacy is precious. The work of the first steps in Buddhism is " Three Refuges ", ie to the temple, please do get in celebration of Buddha's disciples, and would like to ordain monks.
     Cardinal one other specialized ascetic religion, taught his disciples to find refuge in the mountains, forests etc .. to escape suffering. Buddha advised that fear that god mountain refuge, refuge in the forest gods and temples at the same time it is not the ultimate refuge place, not a safe refuge. Refuge like suffering intact. In contrast to seek refuge in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, open mind to understand the "Four mysterious truth" (Four Noble Truths), understanding "Eight true path to follow" (eightfold) to get rid of all that suffering. Refuge so new attempt to be freed:
 (Dhammapada 188-192)
Humans fear of terror
So many places to find refuge in a hurry
The other mountain gods, the other forest
Or where trees, beer towers, temples and shrines
Where does rely peace
Refuge so annoying lingering brain,
If refuge in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha
Particularly promoted intellectual mystery
Understanding the Four profound:
Knowing that earthly suffering is,
Understanding the origin of suffering another,
Know the way to go is then cut off suffering
Know a great Eightfold
Eight human right path to follow
Refuge place that subliminal
Safety, freeing hundreds of agonizing.
     1. We need to return students to rely on the Buddha. People before hearing the Dhamma, live in ignorance, as people get lost in the dark. Want to light and go to the right path, need to change direction, turning under the guidance of the Buddha, which is considered the guru. Buddha is the highest teacher pointed out the path to liberation. This is the " Refuge Buddha ", also called" Namo Buddha ". Namo Buddha is often spoken off the " Buddha bless you . " Namo Buddha is speaking Sanskrit, means "At the heart worship the Buddha".  
     I officially became a Buddhist after-life refuge ceremony. A Buddhist refuge, or find refuge in the Buddha, not to pray or hope to extricate himself out of hand their behalf. Buddhist belief that the full set on Buddha-like faith placed in the patient's physician, or placed where the teacher's role. We must constantly reflect on Buddhism, meditation on the virtues of the Buddha:
(Dhammapada 296)
The disciples of the Buddha
On the night awakening to that thinking
Think of the Buddha of compassion
A memorial early heart late attendance.
     2. Having returned to the light of the Buddha, they must follow the teachings of Buddha, listening to the teachings of Buddha. Dharma is the only way. This is the " Refuge France ". Regular meditation on the Dharma, meditation on the characteristics of the Dharma, ie the teachings of the Buddha:
(Dhammapada 297)
The disciples of the Buddha
On the night awakening to that thinking
Think about Dharma compassion
A memorial early heart late attendance.
     3. When the Buddha was alive when he heard the Buddha's teachings. When the Buddha had passed away when he heard the preaching of monks. Increasing the monk, who was ordained practice, sacrifice private life mission to preserve the teachings and doctrines taught commend to others. "Sangha" is the Buddhist monastic community, representing Sravaka you have followed the correct path and become a living example. When " The Y Tang , "we need to constantly reflect on the Sangha, reflect on the virtues of the Sangha, the noble church Disciples of the Buddha:
(Dhammapada 298)
The disciples of the Buddha
On the night awakening to that thinking
Think about the Church of compassion
Monks and religious harmony early night.
     The second step after the ceremony refuge is the precept, that is to follow the words of the Buddha prohibition, which the monks had preached after the ceremony refuge. There are five commandments, called in gender or " Five Precepts ". People found refuge center has stepped up the ladder of liberation, but otherwise kept the army gi ới is just the first step a step and stopped. In the world not taken the strong progress on the path of liberation, but also bring order, joy, peace to the family, nation, society. The five precepts are precepts'm really happy to create individual and mass.
     For people at home, Buddha advised to keep the five precepts. In the world there is " no killing, no lying, no stealing, no sexual misconduct and not drinking drunk ". Those who committed this year's World dig miss his virtue, leaving lose the fresh root, then dug graves, their roots deep into the ring misfortune, cling, cling to life samsara , never get out of this world full of suffering. Buddha taught that we should try to avoid actions deeds above. Many devotees who have complained that it was difficult to keep them in the world, because every person has one or two world does not hold. Listen to the story, the Buddha taught that the world is not any less important than gender. All instructions are hard to keep, but to hold it fully before being freed:
 (Dhammapada 246-247)
Who can practice killing
Speaking cheating, adultery character
Drunkenness, theft, damage the body
Live life like endless misfortune
As soon as the human realm
Dig miss his virtue.
     1. Do not kill t inhibition is not killing, not harming the lives of people and animals . Must have compassion injured every species.
     A group of "six monks' dependence should direct their elderly housing dispute win, attack another group consists of" seven eleven ", Buddha or the story, the promulgation of the rule relating to the prohibition assault or kill others because everyone is afraid of punishment and are valued life:
 (Dhammapada 129)
Fear rather sticks, swords
Fear of death hand how bad life
Think your heart hearts
Do not be killed or kill bad people.
(Dhammapada 130)
Fear rather sticks, swords
Childhood love life, longing life
Think your heart hearts
Do not be killed or kill bad people.
     First, do not kill the respect of fairness. We, who also considered his life is precious. All animals are precious body of our network as we know suffering and also as people. Th stasis two, do not kill the Buddha nature is respected equally. We each species but different shape, which is a co-Buddhahood. Murder is murder creature Buddhahood. Tuesday killing is not nurturing compassion. Compassion is totally selfless love. This is one of the core elements of Buddhism.
      Buddha was walking I saw a bunch of kids with sticks beating a snake. He asked why, they said fear of snake bites. He advised:
 (Dhammapada 131)
Who needs for his happiness
Which knife sticks harm perfidious
Makes the shattered lives,
His afterlife is no such joy.
     The evil is not living the life of anxiety that also killed in the mood of fear and ignorance. Relive all the evil done in life, with the mood of fear and anxiety, he died in the realm of evil reborn as animals, hungry ghosts and hell. The good life after death will be reborn into the realm of healing because when near death often relive the good things we do in life, think about the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha always guided his life gentle and friendly guide Upper:
(Dhammapada 132)
Who needs for his happiness
Do not stick a knife harm perfidious
No harm to life,
In my next life I will happily immensely.
     Not killing and e In order to avoid causal retributive hatred. If we have sown daily hatred for humans and animals accumulated a long time, the block was home to more power unfairly us, that we were about to kill it. The more closely now, as his work to suffer.     
     A young man carrying a name that means "consecrated". He fishermen. The Buddha taught that it is not by hurting other beings, for the life of organisms, have feelings like humans, animals, which can become sages, was noble:
 (Dhammapada 270)
Beings murdered constant
Sages where its value is the name,
No more killing creature
New sages really worthy extremely
     Buddha'd recommend beings destroy hatred and spread kindness to all beings to be harmonious life together was always prohibited disciples harm to others:
(Dhammapada 300)
The disciples of the Buddha
On the night awakening to that thinking
After spending about great joy:
Do not harm little something for everyone.
     Some monks were attained, from the forest back almost Buddha. A young woman, has ever quarreled with her husband left home, and also to the cloud forest that parents want to return. He saw her husband took his wife into the forest to find, find his wife followed the Arahat. He envy, beating monks dust bag, although his wife wholeheartedly defend insistent. Monks do not anger, not rage. When the next temple, the other monks saw the wound went to inquire and disbelief upon hearing the story. Buddha or compliment that went well:
 (Dhammapada 405)
Who does not stick knife violence
While exposure beings in life
Despite the strong, weak as that
No injury or claim killing
Brahmins really worthy.
     Do not kill the big two counts of violation from the following: M OT is killing the future Buddha frustrating, because the Buddha said: "All beings are Buddhas future." Two people are killed many lives upside down, eat the wrong people many lives, because in doing Bodhisattva Vow said: "All beings are six paths of our relatives, our parents, and students have died in more lives many lives. "                                                                                                                                                                    
     The killing is not in this life will extend compassion, is a major factor to cultivate the Buddha and is nowhere choice but to heal the economic approach "Cross Kamma Act" has k In order : "All beings Dear all; Except for routine cleaning anger; The body is generally healthy; Life expectancy is long; Often angel h to hard support; Sleep and no evil m cancellable ; Unless all the animosity; From fall into the three evil paths; After his death, was born in the heavens ".
     2. No stealing ie not taking the material resources owned by others without their consent. Buddha forbid theft due respect for justice, respect for equality, respect for private property rights, eradicate greed, nurturing compassion and avoid karmic revenge. While trying to flee from the action of theft Buddhists also develop ethical integrity, honesty and integrity.
     An Arhat on the street begging for a piece of fabric is wind falls below ground, just pick up the owner noticed the fabric piece, tri shouted that he stole. He explained that he had no intention of stealing cloth and handed back to the owner. But other techniques to bring your story heard, and he laughed at him. The Buddha explained that you Arhat is not as long as the theft of:
 (Dhammapada 409)
So whenever any one time
Not that people do not take things for
Long or short, small or large
Whether good or bad, whether damaged or healthy
Brahmins really worthy.
     Do not take the people, do not take what is not given, but instead took her longer to bring alms to the needy. If space involved theft, but giving it back to the classics, "Cross Kamma Act" is the fresh approach as follows: "Money can not balance wars robbing victims or confiscated by the authorities, who flooding drift, fire and children squander; To be more people trust; Do not be deceived, deception; Near and far have praised his upright heart; The heart is peace, not fear anything because of the damage; When the dead are born to heaven. "
     3. No sexual misconduct are not married or married to someone else's . lifestyle indiscriminate sexual promiscuity of humans will destroy the family institution. Although the official marriage, but if not timely communication, not in place and not insofar as it was considered adultery.
          I lay Anathapindaka of a handsome young man, often act adultery, or pursue a wife. Many times he was arrested, but the king forgave because of family reputation. Finally the family led him to ask the Buddha counsel. The Buddha taught that adultery is bad karma. He also spoke to him about the disastrous consequences of bad habits, adultery, stating disasters waiting who distractions adultery, stating four misfortune will come to those who let loose under the other spouse:
 (Dhammapada 309)
Let loose under the spouse who
Prone to four accidents causing death insecurity:
King brought sin itself,
Sleepless night, disheveled heart
Relatives contemptuous ridicule
Death to hell where damnation.
     A memory Buddha: "The heart hug craving as well as torchbearers who go against the wind, decided arms fire victims". Buddha forbid adultery is mu watch it sure v ệ happy family, revenge and retribution avoid evil, avoid doing evil vicious animals, avoid being punished:
(Dhammapada 310)
Take unfortunate for himself,
Fall as the Beast. The sexual pleasure spending
So is fear on every side,
Add severely punished the king himself,
So to keep the body and mind
Spouses who do not commit adultery Prodigal
     Particularly for ordained, the Buddha should definitely quite lewd. Since fornication is going to the oppressed people communicate, rebirth in samsara. Ai heavier the more tightly bound, the pain so that growth. The motivation is love si, original title in ignorance, selfishness to love. So, just make yourself craving and suffering. If the love is blocked or denied the love turned into hatred. If love is satisfied, the more passionate, blind. Buddhist teachings in order to escape the pain, but the main cause of suffering is craving. Thus, Buddhism teaches so away from craving and praising people away from craving. Director Ph ailings recommend only enjoy the pleasures so noble spirit, moral.
     When she nuns Arhat The other was a man before her injury, rape, bhikshus started wondering Arahat you can be sensual temptation, feel the sensual pleasures not anymore. The Buddha explained the status of this position is "no attachment Brahmin sensual":
 (Dhammapada 401)
The person craving escapism
No longer responsible for anything long term
Like drops of water elapse
There was sticky lotus leaf on board
Or put a needle mustard
No more sticking above is no,
Brahmins worthy star!
     Home people want to see results, as directed, to thoroughly rid of sensuous body as well as mind. Shurangama said: "The heart sex without exception, they can not work out of the ceiling." As for the house, Buddha prevent sexual misconduct, prevent s tension promiscuity, adultery.
     No sexual misconduct and will be happy to keep the net profit as Kinh "Cross Kamma Act," said: "Six units (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind) are integrity; Then subtract all of the negativity, harassment; No one dared to infringe couple children; Being well-known, who lives praise ".
     4. Do not say untruthful is not a lie , avoid language expectations. Just right for what has been done, the right to the truth have seen, heard only. Lie, just to relieve suffering in cases of danger to people and new things do not sin, because such a practice is "compassion".
     One time the pagan priests are jealous of the Buddha should concoct stigmatize him. They asked a female student posing as loyal as they used to come back and sleep in the temple Member States where he resides. Shortly after this she said was pregnant with him. She padded belly and then come to the temple to publicly defame him. But the cunning been discovered. People drove her away. Just out of the temple land her smoking crack falling into hell. Buddha said: "One who has trampled the fact that there is evil not dare to do, did not think of evil in the afterlife". He read the verses after referring to slander the woman:
 (Dhammapada 176)
Who violate the teachings and,
Who popular words uttered long fraud,
Who believe there is life after,
How evil, evil where they fear
Ready made, there is a reluctance to spend.
     To discredit the Buddha, a sect hire a woman pretending to say "frequents Member States where Buddha temple residence and spent the night here with you." Shortly after they hired thugs drunk and lie in wait to kill this woman buried under piles of garbage near the Buddha Net loss for creating the petitioners suspected bad for him. Later, he was hired to kill the king ordered screening, caught, they confessed everything. Kudos Buddha did not hurt. When preaching about the evils of fraud, Buddha "The language or prospects who deny wrongdoing but will fall into misery, death will fall into hell":
 (Dhammapada 306)
Say cunning lie,
How then do not deny, or not
Who creates this business
Dead to avoid the damnation of hell where
How long the villainy. .    
     The laypeople have studied Buddhism should say right time, the right time, say useful, ethically, to avoid talking nonsense, nonsense talk. He does not lie, it was the following benefits under the Business "Cross Kamma Act": "Mouth often clean aroma; The world and human, are natural beloved; Do not mistake the words and fun; Wisdom wins, none more; To be entitled to the will and pleasure as three are now clean. "
     5. Do not drink alcohol and other intoxicants. Buddha ban alcohol because mu the stationary preserve the intellectual seeds and prevent the causes birth to sin. RU ou do people lose control, lose wise and could not keep the four presented above.
     For those laypeople, good practice, is the precept. Keep enough in the world. " Five Precepts "is fundamental, is the minimum for a moral man, a life worthy of human beings, with dignity, dignity. Five Precepts of Buddhism is the moral standards for mankind in general. That is a lesson that ordinary citizens of any society, a country that wants prosperity, the mighty can not be overlooked. If the Three Refuges is the foundation, the Five Precepts is the year of the ladder laypeople to step down to Sainthood. In the first step, if possible Buddhist vows to keep the five precepts, the better, if not as much bound to keep the world in the world should try to keep a few that I found practicable. But did vow to keep the world does keep loyal.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.5/1/2015.

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