Monday 19 January 2015


Thus have I heard.

Exalted One time in Savatthi (Xa-defense), Jetavana (United-did), at his residence Essential Anathapindika (Anathapindaka). Then the venerable Punna (Phu-long-na), in the afternoon, from divinity solitude stand up, go to Bhagavan; after arrival, pay homage to the Blessed One and sat down on one side. Sitting down on one side, white venerable Punna Exalted:

- Buddha, good replacement if World Religions teacher sex sex with a brief word to me, so that I may, after hearing the Exalted, living alone, humanity, not spontaneous, enthusiastic, ardent.

- So this Punna, listen and think carefully tested, I will preach.

- Ladies and yes, white Exalted.

Venerable Punna Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan says as follows:

- Hey Punna, there are so eye color perception, the love, the joy, the touch, the attention, relate to sexual and attractive. If Monks joyful applause, grasping and dwell in it, the so joyful praise, and dwell attachment, sexual rapture born; and this Punna, I say, from the initial set of sexual rapture, is the initial set of suffering. This Punna, there are sound perception by ear; with the flavor perception by the nose; You have the perception by the tongue; emotions from body awareness; with the law by the perception; the love, the joy, the communication, the ability to sexual contact, attractive. If Monks joy, praise, grasping and dwell in it, so the joy, praise, dwell clinging and attachment, sexual rapture born; and this Punna. It is said that, from the start of sexual rapture file, the initial set of suffering.

This Punna, there are so eye color perception, the love, the touch, the joy, the mind, in relation to sexual and attractive. If Monks are not happy, no applause, no attachments and dwell, the anti-sex wedding. Punna this, I say, from the cessation of sexual joy is the cessation of suffering. This Punna, there are sound perception by ear; with the flavor perception by the nose; You have the perception by the tongue; emotions from body awareness; There are legal because the perception, the love, the joy, the touch, the attention, relate to sexual and attractive. If Monks are not happy, no applause, no attachments and dwell, the anti-sex wedding. Punna this, I say, from the cessation of sexual joy is the cessation of suffering.

This Punna, he will live in the country yet, now he has been teaching me sex with teacher presented a brief word?

- Buddha, now the World Religions was presented with a brief word Catholic world, there is a country called the Sunaparanta (Western National Du-na), you will live in it.

- Hey Punna, the country's violent Sunaparanta. This Punna, the water is rough Sunaparanta. This Punna, if the water Sunaparanta He taunted, insulted him, this time Punna, in that he would like?

- Buddha, if the water Sunaparanta upbraided me, humiliate me, at that time, I would think as follows: "It is good sage, who Sunaparanta this country! It is good press, this Sunaparanta the water! Because they did not beat us hands. " White Exalted, here I would think so. White celestial body, in that I would think so.

- But this Punna, if the water Sunaparanta hand beating him, this time Punna, at the thought that he would like?

- Buddha, if the water Sunaparanta hand battered child; at that time, I would think as follows: "It is good sage, who Sunaparanta this country! It is good press, this Sunaparanta the water! Because they do not take the throw clods beat us. " White Exalted, in that I would think so! White celestial body, in that I would think so.

- But this Punna, if the person taking the local ground water Sunaparanta throw beat him, this time Punna, in that he will think?

- Buddha, if the person throwing clods water Sunaparanta get hit me; at that time, I would think as follows: "It is good sage, the national Sunaparanta! It is good press, the national Sunaparanta! So that they do not hit me throw a stick. " White Exalted, in that I would think so. White celestial body, in that I would think so.

- But ... this Punna a stick to beat Mr ... What do you think?

- Buddha, if the water Sunaparanta a stick to beat me ... "... So that they do not get beaten executioner" ... White celestial, in that I would think so.

- But this Punna, ... executioner beating he took ... What do you think?

- Buddha, if the water Sunaparanta the knife to beat me ... "... So that they do not get sharp blade winning network harm us" ... White celestial body, in that, I would think so .

- But this Punna, if the water Sunaparanta sharp knife network harmful He won ... What do you think?

- Buddha, if the water Sunaparanta sharp knife winner will harm the network; I would think at that time as follows: "There are a disciple of Bhagavan, sorrow and boredom body and life to find the knife (to suicide). Now we need to find out was that knife. " White Exalted, in that I would think so. White celestial body, in that, I would think so.

- You instead, rather benign, this Punna! This Punna, he can live in water Sunaparanta, when he had been fully overcome and peace of this. This Punna, he did do what he thinks is right time.

Then the venerable Punna, credit life happy after word Bhagavan taught, from the seat up, bowed Exalted, right hand toward his body, cleanup is ready, take the medicine bowl, and then went away, go to the water Sunaparanta. Continue traveling, (Venerable Punna) go to Sunaparanta water. Here, he came to live in the country Sunaparanta Punna. Then the venerable Punna within that Lent season, photography is about five hundred men lay; Lent is the season that, regent of about five hundred laymen; Lent is the season that, evidence is Sanming. After a while, he came Punna common destiny.

Then a large number bhikkhu went to the Blessed One, having to pay homage to the Blessed One and sat down on one side. Sitting down on one side, white Monks was Exalted:

- Buddha, compassion son Punna that, after being presented with all World Religions teachers were presented briefly shared destiny. Sanh's interesting what he is? Progeny of how he is?

- Hey Monks, Compassion Punna son is wise position. He practiced law and legal options. He is not annoying me with questions about the law. This Monks, Compassion Punna son has entered Nirvana.


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