Friday 21 March 2014

25 Germany's Vow Bodhisattva Manjushri
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01. Merit donation Buddha Sangha and the pure happiness now my practice that this direct repatriation to the Supreme Bodhi, undergoing constant prayer life lay bodhisattva austerities, Creator of beings, do not I did my sake, but for a quick stroll through the evidence. 02. chemistry I pray every species of all living beings in the world are found in the ten leading center for supreme supreme Buddha, Bodhi preserve for durable goods by subject area and recommends that moment. 03.   edification I pray innumerable beings in the world are the Buddha preached before me, and while preaching, for I will see how all . 04.   pray while I practice the Bodhisattva, the Buddha's infinite coquetry, and also engenders way that all religious practice. 05.   How much of my teaching beings are pure, like the people be allowed to practice meditation in Brahma realm, the mind was not insanity. If you're the same guys being born in my realm, when I was a director. 06.   bring dishes I vow vow that he was dignified and natural buddhafields all the Buddha realms are united into one common my world. boundary around the world that are using these substances: gold, silver, pearl save li, crystal, mother of pearl, onyx and European chains, which build up to the higher realms of Brahma, also the whole earth is all lapis gem. custodian does not have the item sandy, dusty, rocky, dirty, and not have these feelings, harsh, and evil, nor has the woman and the woman's nickname.

07. All sentient beings are cultural, not a fetus in the womb as the other realms, and constant practice of meditation, natural beauty fun, do not need physical food and drinks. 08. During the realms I do not have the Theravada, Thanh Van and Pratyekabuddha. Are all the angry bodhisattva, base noble nature, our minds, who have separated from all the greed, anger, ignorance, and from being the subject of morals at all. 09.   Whilst we being born in my realm, naturally enough, the monks physiognomy, deeu have shaved hair and robes regulate a whole. 10.   beings in the world I want to eat, then there is a natural bowl in the hand picked furniture protection and all the beautiful dishes filled with delicious food bowl. When he thinks that we should not use these things, pray give alms, first offer them to the Buddha, Bodhisattvas, Thanh Van, and Pratyekabuddha later, the poor beings and species Peta demons are hungry enough to use it. As part of our beautiful, ie dishes. 11.   Everybody thought so, eighty coalition approach, called "Happiness is inconceivable." There are very psychic, a walk in order, no nothing to prevent all problems. The moment, people are walking around the world that the Buddha offerings, alms and the French speakers being heard and then returned to the water, the meal just right. 12.   I pray in my world there is no eight dishes obstacles and the suffering victim, who did not have broken our precepts. 13th.   prayer in the world that I have so many strange dishes jewels and no need to use the light of the sun and the moon. The Bodhisattva body around natural aura brilliance, shine all over the place, usually without reference always day and night, just look at how they blossom for the day is always folded bubble for the night which only. And normally regulate climate, not too hot and not too cold. 14.   If any Bodhisattva Buddha processor as the other realms, realms, first in my place, and then to the sky Where supply rate, new Christmas after birth to that realm. 15th.   prayer of beings I have become Buddhas of all, I make nowhere but up passing away. 16th.   Meanwhile I pass away, there are many natural foods musical chime enough mystery and legal Bodhisattvas hear all the automakers are probably magical. 17th.   Dear Blessed! I do the same when the Bodhisattva Buddha walking in the world, saw the solemn form of jewels, the formation of state, the country, and the virtues of the Buddha, then I have accomplished all he was. 18th .   the Enlightenment I pray the Bodhisattvas in the world that I would wait until the period of the processor as Buddhist, living life and not the other realms as well. If there are others who want to become a Buddha realms of beings which, depending on the will. 19th.   Dear Blessed! While I bodhisattva of spiritual, whole buddhafields very nice mysterious. The Bodhisattva development bodhicitta, bodhisattvas cultivate happiness, which is a big processor of Buddha, were both born in my realm. 20th.   Dear Blessed! I pray unto such, I become a Buddha, sitting cross-legged on prayer and Kim is increasingly under the Bodhi tree, in a moment of enlightenment evidence. 21.   As a Buddhist, I transformed Buddhas and Bodhisattvas , much like some sand Ganges, to walk the world of beings, teaching and making a miracle for all to hear and methods are found bodhicitta, until enlightenment is unchanging mind . 22.   then when I become a Buddha, sentient beings in the world if good minister unto me in every memory in mind always, until the director did not forget. 23.   beings I pray in my realm, everyone is careful enough integrity, not lack of food whatsoever. If the bodhisattva minister I want to see that, or lie, or sit, or stand, or go, they are seen unto all. When you see it, immediately release the Bodhi mind, and in that time I, the French director skepticism about giving our natural understanding, I do not need to wait anymore solve. 24. I pray when I become a Buddha, then, I am the infinite life span, unspeakable. And bodhisattvas in my realms are also living longer so. 25.   During my time of Buddha, Bodhisattvas countless physiognomy enough Bhikkhu, who also shaved head, robes, enter Nirvana until then when the hair does not grow long, and when he is not busy as map changes laymen.


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