Tuesday 25 March 2014

Buddha Speaks Sutra cessation. Han Translation: Made from an extract of the Increase Organic, translator's name was missing, this is listed as the Song Dynasty records
I hear something like this: A childhood and that, in the Buddha Master Mao. Tathagata in three months would enter Nirvana University. Then the monks, monks Bodhisattva, with innumerable beings came to Buddha and they bow before the ground. Blessed silence. He did not say a word, does not glory. Then Sage Ananda bowed and asked the Buddha said: "O Bhagavan! Historically, any time the Blessed One preached also have halo majestic natural appearance., but this in public , halo was not visible anymore. Surely this is nothing predestined? We look forward to hearing that attention. " Buddha kept silence and did not answer. So until the request three times, then a new Buddha told Ananda him: "After I enter Nirvana, when consumed in France began to AC's contingent in life, leading to a manic ghost prevalent. devil will make recluse author to sabotage my way. they dressed secular, fancy dresses in color, wearing colorful robes. they drink alcohol eat meat, killing all beings , craving the taste, no compassion, jealousy and hatred. would then have the level Bodhisattva, Single Awareness, and A-la-drought, they diligently spirituality and reverence all . compassionate They do take concrete direction, equally instructive, loving the poor, the elderly worry, help the destitute. they always advise people to uphold Economics object. With gentle heart, they make merit, not harming others, sacrifice always help, not self-interest, patience and gentleness. If there are, they are so evil monks are being jealous heart, defamatory libel , chased deported. then, not because of this evil set of spiritual faith should quit deserted temples, not the remodel, it will perish. We just greed area containing money, not subject to distribution, and not to use on merit. We will purchase serfs to till, burning, killing all beings, a little compassion would not have. then the male slave to the monks, the handmaid of the monks would-ni. They have no morals, sexual immorality defiled, men and women are not separated. It's the director who will do weaken and fade away. fugitive Or the law, we will rely on my word and please do recluse but not religious precept. Between January and the end of the month but there recite but only nominally. Because lazy so disgusted and no longer want to hear anymore. they do not want to recite the entire text that summarizes only the beginning and the end. Soon, the School of Business with recitation will also cease. Despite still being recited, but they do not understand the meaning of the sentence and it is reluctant to correct. Did not ask the masters level, high drain down the network, the name for profit, and made ​​it appear elegant to look forward to the glorious offerings. Gainers When this common network, the consciousness of those who fall into that immediately Infernal Hell. Crimes committed by turbulent year, so we will go through countless lifetimes to student ghosts and porcelain. As I've reported before, the birth place periphery - where no Jewels. When France was about to be killed, the woman will become diligent. They always do the merits. In contrast, the lazy man and not to lecture again. The monks will be considered as land distribution and nobody believed in them. When France is about to be lost, the gods weep, floods and droughts erratic, five grains will not be cooked. Disease spread and kill countless lives. People misery, while attempting to calculate the benefit. Everyone agree not ethical, fancy disturbance. Evil bad guy as much as increased sand in the sea. The charity is very rare, almost only one or two people. Due life is about to end, the rotation of the sun and moon became shorter. The human life span decreases, the first silver age 40. The transition lewd male, sperm depletion should die soon, or just live to 60 years old. While the life expectancy of men is reduced female life expectancy increased to 70, 80, 90, or 100 years old. At that time, large water would suddenly start up and extended to infinite period, but the life not believe that it is considered normal. The mixed type beings, regardless funds on man, drowning, sinking floating, fish and turtles were swallowing food. As the Bodhisattva's levels, Single Awareness, and A-la-han will they ma banishment, expulsion and no longer participate in them more opportunity. Teachings of succession will flee into the mountains where merit. In quiet, they will find eternal happiness, long life more. Then the guardian gods will Nguyet Quang Dong element of that. They meet again and revive my way along. But 52 years later, Kinh Thu Lang Nghiem Buddhist Lap and Right Concentration will be first modified and then passes away. Twelve ministry also slowly disappear and never appear again, and no longer see the deed again. Robe of the monk will naturally turn into white. When France's going to kill me, it looks like an oil lamp lit up for a moment and took off. France's anti When I did, it took off and lights. From then on, it's hard to say for sure what will happen. And so for ten million years later, at Ironman Germany From birth to the Buddha in the world to do, heaven will be peaceful, eliminate toxic gas , rain permeated air, in grains lush, big trees. Human beings will live and high diastolic to 84,000 years old. They bear the session can not count much since. " By that time, Sage Ananda bowed and asked the Buddha said. "revered sir! What is the name of this business, and we lead worship like? " Buddha said: "Ananda Hey! Doing this eradicates the name is French. Be widely circulated, there is merit will not be much counted immeasurable. " When four disciples heard this Business finished, sadness and pity in distress. Development Center All Supreme supreme Buddha . Later, they worship the Buddha and report back. Buddha Speaks Sutra cessation. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.25/3/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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