Saturday 29 March 2014

Chapter 42
Explanation: Charity Donation Basis
Menstruation. Want to give the charity donation basis, respect, respect, concur the exclamation lettered Buddha, be as achievements, should learn to Bowl-elegant three-la-suite.
Comment: Dude-slapped was not absent from the headless Buddha, so donation. If you meet the Buddha without the donation, it's no fun! As Bo-slapped Tu-ma-(Magic Italy) experiencing Nature Buddha--sign that no donation, looking around, seeing the girl, took five hundred gold coins, acquired in the Lotus blue to donation Buddha. Bo Back-slaps-ba-da-Slapped, because donation Master, which sells blood meat myself. The Bo-slaps, has seen the Buddha, mind want donation. If nothing, then had heart donation obstacles, such as common people met the Chief Military without offering ceremony to donate, as well as irreverent. That's why the United-slapped search of donation to donation lettered Buddha. Buddha while not needing that Bo-slaps are full, shallower as Lady met paddy fields without seed, but would like to work, without getting anything to hit, very melancholy pros! Bo-slapped as well, to meet Jesus, without material donation, other animal oils, not I; mind and he embarrassed.
The friendly units: Result of friendly units like the United townships, he strayed, raiment, colorectal phan, said, the Pearl ... because why? Because speaking when retrieving results or, as saying fed thousand of gold, gold can't eat, multiply the gold is eat, so say eat gold. Or when it comes getting results say seeing the beautiful painting, like people say is Deft. Good one thing coming as well. Due to the multiplication of good karma units which are called friendly donation scheme was based.
Question: If so, why not say now the United townships of which said it?
A: the sweat the donation there are two things: 1. Your donation. 2. France donation. If only say donation United townships were not included during the donation. Now say good donation basis, should know already including Member and France.
Donation: either see or hear the German schools of Buddha, who being respect respect, shuttle serve, noise around, Bai, standing bow themselves accept the hand, avoid sitting, right, offers dining, aroma, cherish ... claiming the Crown of Germany maintained world, meditation, wisdom, Buddha has a theory then the credits tho commandments; the fuselage. Italian language such wholesome karma, she donation.
Respect: to know all beings no one in Germany too, said Suen; fear of mind over fear of parents, Master Chief, the United Kingdom, because of the great interest, should say is important.
Respect: modesty, fears should say, worship the Buddha's mind should say.
Concur the exclamation: praise of Germany's approval, approval was not enough, while the chorus up again called the exclamation.
Arbitrary Awards: If there are flowers to donation, tubular flowers in Italy, or bridge, or bridge that is. There are natural things out, or changes of birth, until the 50th American donation, are the same.
Question: Bo-what is slapped, donation, why search for discretion?
A: Sirisha in Germany according to the mind of major floods, used to provide donation shall be blessed more. As Ashoka at small children use the land that he loved giving surges Buddha. thing coming was King of the Match-fitness-deals, one day up eight great wall towers, if adults while taking more ground up on bowls of donation that does nothing, as the land was valued. There are people who appreciate, to bring her flowers flowers first private donation, be blessed more and more, until such treasures as well.
Then again, adapted from time, if cold, you should give to the cửi fire, clothes, shoes, blankets, mattresses, warm homes and formal dining; You should bring hot ice, fans, calm, cool, thin coat, good food, at wind rain get donation. So depending on the time of the donation.
Again adapted according to localities, according to the head of the Shou to be used are giving donation.
Then again, the arbitrary donation is is Bo-what is not needed, the Buddha said to slap back knowing the damage lies like going, just for General news is ridiculous, because Roman Catholic culture being so depending on your level of beings and that appreciation, led them to donation.
Get the Bo-slaps are profound meditation, arises the Bo-slapped me, because your spirit communion should fly to the first ten Buddhist methods, or Buddhist countries where, if it should rain, the flowers all around the flower farms throughout the three thousand of heavenly world, offering donation of Buddha; precipitation or Fried flavor-forums, or bright turquoise Pearl rain; precipitation or seven treasures; Emerald rain or As big as a mountain-Tu-di; or rain music, sound-free period; or take the body as large as mountains of Tu-di-light heart, donation lettered Buddha. so ... call your donation.
The Portuguese-run six-Three slaps, grabs French donation Chu Bo have Buddha-slapping practice a French donation in China, until the onions are ten French donation. Or maybe Bo-slaps are invisible beings France rings, except for negativity for self and for being, as France's donation. Or maybe Bo-slapped in ten sites use force to end hell, cause the devil reclining is no enough, animal birth is absent from the fear, which was being on the Sun is the person who, in any recession, overall great merit as such, called France donation.
So should say wanted to be friendly based achievements, learn to Bowl-elegant three-la-suite.
Economy: wants to make all beings happy meal, clothes, perfume, is applying, horse property, bed room, only, lights torch ... Please learn the elegant eight-ba-la-suite.
Conclusion. Q: what class of things, when want to do satisfied for all beings?
A: Acting career of Bo-slapped two: 1. donation lettered Buddha. 2. Max escape beings. By donation during the Buddha should be immeasurable joy in Germany, bringing joy to Germany's benefit beings, that's how happy beings. As the root wholesale to the sea to find the treasure, which was an OK return, do the benefits to relatives and acquaintances. So, Bo-slapped in the sea of other Buddhas, are immeasurable treasure of Germany, as a benefit for beings. As well as United donation, make wedding Festival, the airline ban for all departments, Office, Member of the old country, to bring benefits to the people, except resentment gauge. Bo-slapped donation lettered Dharma United Kingdom, life should be signed, get immeasurable cherish the friendly units, be endlessly decorating, back in being, donation people, provide things needed for the poor, the ghosts, ties are likewise pagan Ant, then Buddha, lettered donation make beings happy.
Question: Dude-slapped it can make satisfied all beings? If making happy all over all beings, so Chu Bo and Buddha-other benefits also slapped If not satisfied at all, then in here why say wanted to make happy all beings, try elegant eight-ba-la-suite?
A: there are two things the will: 1. Pray into it. 2. Pray not to be. Pray not to be is someone wants to weigh the amount of nowhere and take advantage of the international border, and wants to find the minutes of time, directions, just like a child looking for Moon water bottoms, in the mirror. The vow so then can't the hearing aids. .. Prayer is like sawing the tree search, dig the soil to find water, tu Phuoc to be contentious realm of the Sun and into A-la-Han, pratyekabuddha result, so was lettered Dharma. These so-called voluntary prayer.
The prayer is two things: 1. world. 2. export the world. In here the world prayer should make happy beings, why? As for Rob, beds, lights the torches to use are provided.
Q: why Bo-slap happy beings makes things easy, but not for those things be?
A: the will have lower, middle, upper. Lower Chapel is as charming to be a happy life today. The Chapel is made of human fate to be that happy. Upper chapel is made of human fate for the fun Nirvana. So, for the lower Chapel, Friday to pray, so after the upper chapel.
Then again, most beings immersed the happy life now, at least for the next fun, amusing ones Nirvana less demand even further. If said many have include the least.
Then again, this experience before much of it comes to the happy posthumous Nirvana, at least comes to the present life.
Bo's French-slapped for all the beings everything of interest, should not leave one, why? Because the mind is initially only wanted to teach beings the tu An overpaid, but because being not tho, which should teach The Dharma van, pratyekabuddha. If not mosaic, it will teach the ten, four criminals, prompting the German tu Phuoc. If the beings still loathe, should not be neglected, the beings that should give them the benefit of this life is eating ...
Then again, the divine Lady but can give someone else eating..., how satisfied the other, both have personalities charm, or whether this life, or the life after. Thanh Van, pratyekabuddha, no coast guard personnel do satisfied being, so the benefits are very useful, while the great Bo-so practical coast slaps Bell ba-la-suite should be made of the monarch, the Grand, immeasurable wealth, beings, if to beg are full. As the neo-renunciation, do the forums-free, large bed sitting seven treasure, diamonds do legs, mattress coverings, curtains John foot leash; who served on both sides, each side has 84,000, full of magical jewels, large four-door open, freedom for people to please. Day six the drummers, the zoom light. Ten of the immeasurable beings hear the drums, light touch, let it all go to, like to be eating stuff. Fake Chief sees him grouped, mainland silent gaze of nowhere, then in vain the rain down formula percentage, is in my self if not beings obtains, then the two sides take to the new, full Division. Who needs to eat, dress, Crouching, treasures are also like that. For the free beings want done, then later said France, which depart four eating (the real group, real emotions, real, recipe Shu-N. D.) are in any position to rot. So Bo-slapped by the spirit communion should or make beings happy.
Q: At the Buddhas in the life beings still starving, it didn't rain, being a currency band in which the Buddha is also not possible for all beings happy, what slapped the Portuguese case for being satisfied?
A: Bo-slapped in the area; the Shurangama strictly T-I, was at three thousand of heavenly world, or when we make new six-seat Three-la-suite, or does make people in real change, or we do have for being complementary, in the Sun-you see, the sermon for Chu. Or do you see from heaven-made lower birth Weight in court-Sanskrit. Or does spice up Buddha. or does Zhuan Falun in the Middle, the immeasurable being. Or does on Nirvana, Tower seven, across the country, to being Property donation-favor, when Dharma of killing. While Bo-slaps that such benefit more when the dear Buddha Buddha. There are two things: 1. chon TAM. 2. reincarnations. Buddha visible beings foot stems, not what prayer does not meet.
Buddha body foot fills of nowhere, light shining across the ten directions, sound the sermon well throughout the ten directions, full mass in constant immeasurable HA sa world, peoples are heard, the sermon did not end, for a period of time, each customised each heard that Deng's funny prize. As well, take advantage of the next life because the beings there should be heavy rains pouring down, repeatedly did not stop, the other three could not stop, only the wind of life make the ten directions emerge, opposite emotions that sustain rain water.
As such, France dear Leanne Buddha sermon, except now the cross cylinder United-slaps, tam could not be maintained; only the Portuguese head-slapping media competence place do is hear head tho. Beings would see France Buddhist incarnation there is three, and the negativity, the hot, wet weather gauge at the same time kills off, not what prayer does not satisfy. As the jewel as Italy also for beings to be customized, what Buddha jewel case, for all are satisfied, satisfied the world export. If say the Buddhas cannot make beings happy, her reply is incorrect.
Then again, Germany Buddha life, relatives in court, currently held by the human principles, cold, heat, hunger, thirst, sleeping, suffered libel, elderly, sick, dead ... that intellectual inner spirit in Germany does not differ from the foot of the Buddha, the Chief Justice wanted to satisfy the Department of beings, are satisfied, without the complacency is due from the countless lifetimes generally make beings happy dress that not out of misery, so far only retrieved Nirvana wuwei is often lost as it benefits, as injured relatives for good food, and toxic. So the will of the world just how contentious the unlawful use, back when the history of urban planner who depart the contentious greater agony, so don't take it so promising.
Then again, some say Germany's renewed Buddha-ni made being satisfied that the beings themselves do not receive, as in the Bhikkhu-ma-la-kidney-says: press down the toe grab Buddha land, instantaneous rate of being dignified seven treasures of Buddhism, He's also human, so much resentment hurt then we see more of the Buddha.
As the King who rained, equal, but in humans it is the water that the body hungry daemons, demons are.
Q: if possible make all being satisfied, while useful, is no longer marginal beings who is suffering starving anymore, because why? Because all beings were satisfied to be absent from the gauge to be happy?
A: satisfied all, is the whole self, not the whole truth, as shelves Dhammapada says:
"All are afraid to die,
All afraid of competing,
Abdominal distress me,
Shalt not kill shalt not hit the sticks ".
While saying all competing fear pain, but as beings in the Myriad colors, no stems, no sticks hitting hurts. Beings in the realm, but can have no competing hurt. Beings in realms has not been competing pain, but says "all" means only those who deserve to be competing that said, isn't it all. So Bo-slapped make all beings happy. But the Portuguese Center-slapped with no limit, bitten blessed in Germany as well, just because the immeasurable beings cut thick deep grievance from countless immeasurable life, should not be, as the disciple of Residences-benefits-the ECHO is Bhikkhu-stilts La-Qin-Zhou (Lasoka) to qifu mumo carried six days that has not been spent, until Saturday, the network is about to endThere was a real relief to qifu gangui, associated with dựt birds get tha. Time Residences-benefits-the echo comes with Items-hopea-Jian: the master has great force, hold the food she brought for La-Qin-Zhou eat. Items-hopea-sailings offering food to food, are about to put to the mouth, the associated turn into mud. The next echo benefits-Real-Property loan to qifu gangui, the mouth shut itself down. Lastly Buddha goes to take food to the German's immeasurable joy, thanks to the Buddha should do for La-Tan-CHOW. Bhikkhu-stilts he ate, the more contentious mentality, believing the wedding Festival.
Buddha said Bhikkhu-stilts La-Tan-CHOW: compounded vi are all suffering, and said the four emperors to hear, as soon as he was off, illicit stilts Bhikkhu-Italy, Prime witness led outcomes A-la-Han.
There are beings blessed thin, Sin worse here, Buddha did not survive.
Because knowing beings is unable to get clear, spherical, Leanne French Buddhist schools of thought have no distinct memories who may or may not have a common mind, calm, not editing. So whatever Dude-slapped like to make all being satisfied, but because heavy charges beings, and cannot be, Bo-slapped with no errors.
Drink, eat: eat comb has two things are rough and real. Bread, rice, feed the hundred. While doing said by four eating that beings are in existence, but it is only the real group words (eat map of grasping hold-ND) and three other eating no good substance, could not bring. If say for real Union, while the other three were eating, why? Because real Union workers should increase interest three ways do. As Jing says: laboratory-free Terms, food for life head in the benefits.
In General, there are two things: 1. Wine plants, it's the wine grape, sugarcane, rice, ... 2. Water plants that the cane, grape juice, water, sugar, PEAR juice, pomegranate jelly, juice, fruit juice, backpackers-sa ... and water the rice stuff, so eat drink make harmony in the human species. And the drinks eating of heaven was the Tu-Orange fruit, huge momentum ... the ghost-water-ma-da-BA ... each type being eaten or eat rice, or meat-eating, or eating a clean, soft soil, were taken to no enough.
There are two things: clothes, or taken from the fuselage being made, such as silk, fur, leather ... Or taken from plants making out like bones, cotton, grass tree, have your health, there is no vertical horizontal lines, naturally from the tree was born in bright colors, soft light.
Crouching instruments: chỏng Beds, mattresses, blankets, curtains, pillow, Golden ...
Aroma massage: there are two things: 1. Wood Chips-forums, massage. 2. the issue of fake trees, Incense crushed into powder and body embalmed massage to get blanket coat, or on the ground, on the precipice.
Overcapacity is the elephant.
As far as the airport.
Property room is covered with trees, treasures form the floor, hanging up, electricity, housing, supply, ... to prevent malaria, heat, wind, rain,.
Ðèn màu torch oil and fat as wax, bright Turquoise ...
The characters are all animals need of beings can not say enough, combs said, "these things".
Question: In this talk excuse incense burning, pretty flowers?
A: Says "any material" that are already included in it.
Q: If so, just so history says three things: food, raiment and dignified?
Answer: this is the material necessities, if trade of anniversary being the first for food, raiment, and incense body peel, removing the stigma of except for crouching, Hunter need property room, dark to light the torches.
Q: aroma can also subtract asshole, because why not?
Answer: the United States isn't there, also quickly withered little benefit, so do not say. Incense burned hot when the need, when new. Incense powder is commonly used at all when cold when hot. When cold mix it with hot water, when the bass is mixed with Sheep-flock to humiliate themselves, so just say massage aroma.
Question: If the practice of alms-la-suite, are immeasurable thing coming, can make the whole being satisfied, why say want makes all being satisfied, please learn to Bowl-elegant three-la-suite?
A: Before have said, because of the elegant eight-ba-la-suite harmony so called Terms-ba-la-suite. Today will talk back: beings can be satisfied, not just in one country, a Match-fitness-deals, which all want to do happy beings in six lines all over the world the ten, should not just alms which can do this, is because of the elegant three-Bowl-la-suite, breaking, breaking the near and far General General all beingsGeneral, Africa all beings, except the concerned, in the moment of breaking the nail, turns out to infinity, across to ten, can do satisfied for all beings.
Spirit communion should benefit from elegant eight-export being, so, Bo-slapped wanted to make happy all beings, try elegant eight-ba-la-suite.
Longitude: again, the echo: Bo-benefit-Residence-slapped ma-ha-slapped to make beings in constant HA sa world, an establishment where alms-la-suite, an establishment where the Citadel's ring, humiliation, effort, meditation, an elegant eight-ba-la-suite, please learn to Bowl-elegant three-la-suite.
Conclusion. Q: did That Saturday, as coast guard personnel?
A: there are three Benefits: benefit this lifetime, taking advantage of the hereafter, taking advantage of it.. Have fun with three things: fun life, fun fun, posterity very well. Previously pleasurable favor today, life speaking here say benefit the following life and fun. So should render an beings stay six Three-la-suite. Bo-slapped remember being too than parents remember. Compassionate minds thoroughly to the bone marrow, before taking meals do no suffice itself, except as part of hunger and thirst, dignified dress grab design itself, make funny life. But the mind Bo-slapped not complacency, at thinking that being happy one moment, life was still thought to be the happy future. If offers six Three-la-suite world teach as the happy realms of the underworld, was soon back in reincarnation birth, should bring six Three-la-suite manufacturing world teach, make the fun wuwei often constant.
Then again, before taking up stately perfume flowers alone took a stately German mind it. If there are three things dignified full time no longer spend more than: 1. dress seven treasures. 2. approval of Germany. 3. French Administrators. Bo-slapped like a full three dignified beings, should first say bitten merit, now says the coast guard personnel in Germany.
Then again, before saying he has, however, that because of heavy charges beings can not hưởbg is all. As in hungry daemons demon said: while giving it sustenance that it doesn't eat, turns into things impure, coal fire.
Back to Bo-slapped not quit being, should create means to cause beings to benefit Austrian rice, should teach tu Phuoc, DIY self entitled, Bo-slapped diplomatic staff know maricel, unable to forcibly get, should teach makes convent to enjoy. So should teach safe beings stay six Three-la-suite.
Q: Somasundaram of Bo-slapping is giving all beings ten mass media an stay six Three-la-suite, just say how beings in the world like the Ganges River sand?
A: Because French listeners have heard the sand the Ganges. Back to Bo-slapped new mind is boundless is immeasurable, then bipolar disorder. If the United-slapped the cat number regardless of the Ganges.
Then again, say like the Ganges River sand is boundless, immeasurable number, say as in supplies comes later.
Then again, as the sand of the Ganges is mentioned ten mass media of the world, in this also doesn't say a cat, should not be problem. So says the world like the Ganges River sand, no errors. Sense the world as the Ganges River sand as before said.
Beings is for the 5 aggregates, 18, 12, 12, 6 Coast Guard ... lot, pretending being: is, are, is water buffalo, is the horse. There are two things: beings and pure land. Ðộng, arises close password NET, time cannot. There are beings, beings not good, being no legs, two legs, four legs, more legs, worldly beings, made in the world, big, small, gentle, Holy, divine, deviant, the Chief Justice, are uncertain, have fun, gauge, non-miserable, unhappy, being happy, middle, lower; beings, benighted, benighted African Studies. Beings have thought, utopian, the owners thought the non-ridiculous idea. Beings, the realms realms, the Infinitely good.
Being the Exercise has three grades: good one there, Central, lower. Upper middle, Green heaven's wealth class in the human species, is vile in the human species. Because the face is not kind to each other should have four different world continent (thiệm the North, cu-Luzhou, Ne Win Shenzhou, West calf huazhou-N. D.).
Real charity has three levels: th heart is hell, the cattle being, is hungry daemons.
Then again, being the exercise ten: three evil, people, Sun Records.
Places of hell has three things: hot hell, hell, hell evil.
Animal birth has three grades: go on, go on, go in the water, go on, go on, go night night.
The devil comes in two grades: bad devil, Devil's hungry. The devil is worse affected was glad, in common with the devil hungry, master it. The devil is hungry stomach as small, ancient mountain caves as kim, the body has only three things: use your tendons, bone black, hundred years of not listening to the verb to eat, more are found. Get the species Devil fire from his mouth, flush the Russian pilot flame leaps into species as food. Or eating tendons, eating blood, phlegm, retiring the excess washed off. Or received, or birth eat impure.
Sun Records is the four heavenly ... in the middle of Sun Records of sex, private back the Sun Brings you, Sun, heaven, Mind Hý Sun birds your favorite outdoor shows. The heavens are all stock photography to six.
Someone said: being the first eleven exercise: before saying, today's leader, added A-tu-la.
Q: A-tu-la news photography in DAO, A-tu-la isn't, not people, many suffering in hell, in the cattle being pictured. The NIE on hungry daemons devil is over?
Answer: not true! Resources A-tu-la par Sun thirty three, why? Because the client or natural break, or break the divine Emperor, as in the saying: Love-theme-complete Nhon was A-tu-la destruction. Four minor troop of A-tu-la climb into decorative shower to seal herself, enjoyment, sex, tribe like data mining, such as Sun, as his disciple Had such power dread Buddha., don't be deceived by hungry daemons on aerial photography. So to six.
Then again, such as A-tu-la, leg-da-la, Qian-thát-BA, Jiujiang-desk-tea, yaksha, La-da-Line, the great spirit is A-tu-la in the Sun. A-tu-la entitled glad less than Chu, there are German arbitrary transformation dread. Hence the doubt that it's A-tu-la-la, isn't it? Tu-la (China room is large, which means Sun), someone mentioned A-tu-la not Tu-la. A-tu-la is the name that was originally there were a relief.
Q: My says there are five Scouts, why say six Scouts?
A: How far long Buddha, France handed down five hundred years later, there are many differences, the same, or not say, leader, or say six. If someone comes in, the rotate text in the Buddhist scriptures. say, if people said six Scouts of the rotated text in Buddhist scriptures say six.
Back in the French capital as excess Australian flowers said there are six things being, see the meaning should be six.
Again, the distinction of evil should have six relief: charity has upper, middle, lower, should have three lines, is, the, A-tu-la. Evil has the upper, middle, lower should have three way evil is hell, animal beings, hungry daemons devil. If not so evil as there are three thing coming class that only has a two-class thing coming, her conflict. If there are six Scouts, no meaning left.
Question: the French Charity also has three results: making people, do, upper is Nirvana?
A: In here not talking about Nirvana, should only differentiate result of stay made of beings. Nirvana is not bitten.
Friendly France there are two things: 1. thirty-seven relief supplies can lead to Nirvana. 2. can delivery what fun life. Now just say life is better, speak no French charity taken to Nirvana.
The world has three levels: because upper part should be bitten realms, because middle part should be bitten the person, because of lower part should be bitten the A-tu-la.
Q: you say A-tu-la dread power on par with the other excited enjoyment of heaven, Sun, stars now say good lower parts bitten A-tu-la?
A: in humankind, life spice may be about to reach, in the A-tu-la unlawful use masking, a prime leader is difficult. Chu Tian as Fang Shi who believe that straight, while A-tu-la Ta isn't interested, not usually close. So should A-tu-la but just like that because of the tough leader should come under. As the Dragon Lord, the bird, huge yet sí Needles, or changes that remain in the animals being directed, A-tu-la leadership as well.
Question: If the Dragon God, kim, but sí big that still belong to the animal being directed, so A-tu-la also belongs to the hungry daemons, deceived, why do the six Scouts?
A: the Dragon Lord, bird life although sí needles, but because the body passes like cattle being so photographic equipment in the animal being. Its hell, hungry daemons Devil body but like that because it's too hard, therefore no NIE on humanity. A-tu-la force was growing, that the body is the same person,, should be up six moral; This is a brief history of said beings realms.
Being the identity, the Infinitely good, as the latter would say.
An established three-Bell-la-suite: Bo-slapped told beings be happy seclusion alms. Poverty is broad gauge, should not because of poverty that must do three-way leaders are evil. Do the everyday evil fallen three data lines, time cannot be saved. Being heard off the mind San took part in practice, Bell ba-la-suite, as the latter said.
Then again, Dude-slapped in front of beings, using the charm, the example that the sermon pleasing, archrival San took part, the San took part, just the need for ourselves and unfortunately did not dare user, see who to ask for the mind sharp chisels, environmentally sound identity appears ready to be vicious, ugly sow evil karma for posterity, should bear the ugly body. Before sowing should no human life itself-life charm he this poor white trash, immerse your character, player wide open, don't stop crime, work evil, fallen in the evil way.
Then again, career benefits within the birth death more carriage for alms, lifetime now posterity is often followed by Italy, the convenience of the user, both from the Bell that was. He is in good direction, or open three fun: fun fun realms, the who, Nirvana, because why? Because people like alms, notoriety spread, eight news media, no one not of charity glass; in between, no fear, no regrets when he died. He thought to myself: We provide material sown on paddy fields, we definitely blessed be the happy realms of the heavenly realms and the opening of Nirvana, because why? Because he broke the history of unlawful taking, traders think the head tho; eradicate brain field, ending the mind puzzle challenged; respect life the head; the weather except his starboard side; the mind determines grid order facilities, Bell broke; know another thing coming alms, exorcism, ignorance. The negativity was thus the mouth of nirvana is opened.
Then again, don't just open up three funny but also open up immeasurable Buddha, the seat of The religious affiliation, because why? Because the six Three-la-suite is the Buddhist leader, that he is the door, the other is happy to go along. As such he is immeasurable. Because people's coast should make being an establishment where Bell ba-la-suite, as he has said before.
An established Maintenance about three-la-suite: Bo-slapped before being approved for the evening of the Citadel about that: beings you should learn maintenance. Merit of perpetuating gender legates from the three evil sugar and shit down in the human species, which are species of the species of flea you respect to be Buddha. About the basics of all the fun, such as the big treasure, these Pearl said. Is great protection, or removal of all fears, such as army broke the aggressors. About as dignified as you wear contacts. World's big boat, big sea transport or delivery. World's big car, or carry treasure appreciation goes to Nirvana. Is smoking or, or break the disease fang. Sex is good, eternal knowledge track not far left, who led an all right; such wells saw the wet mud, happy happy, no longer fear. About happy outcomes or benefits, such as those raised by parents. About the ladder, or put on loads smuggled. About the unlawful use AWE, such as lions, or make the pack animal photography. Is the root of all the German yoke of renunciation. The convent chapel, office complexes are in Italy; such as Pearl Like, everything was in.
So many ways to scatter the exclamation of merit, making the wedding Festival, broadcast beings Center stay Maintained the three-dollar suite.
An stay Patient humiliation of three-dollar Suite: Bo-slapped in front of beings, riveted the exclamation rings: rings that humiliation is the power of the renunciation, or suppress evil, can show the weird between them. Patient humiliation constables make laboratory experiments, about not making ruined. The ring is a large armor, the troops did not harm her. Patient is smoking or, or the evil minus. The ring is more subtly, between birth insurance, an okay lo. The ring is great treasure, a great treasure for the poor charity. The ring is a large boat or put through from birth to death this coast Nirvana on the other coast. The rings are bright glass or clear in Germany, if people come to his eventual gold mountain climbing as evil, as making light of it. Benefits of gas to pray for Buddhist leader, of beings; the ring is dark magic. Practitioners should think: If we take the anger in response to hurt the other. Thought I was born before the guilty but aren't sure, should claim back. If the bearing fails, the others were also hurt, were not avoided, why get angry?
Then again, beings suffer afflictions entice, induce the evil, not in; for such people being haunted guys hurt, but yelled at nhiếc Liang y, Liang y only at the lo except demons, without yelling at guys problems. Practitioners also, being evil puts to themselves, not just anger, it organised by excluding unlawful use.
Then again, the tu rings, see guys demeaning to humiliation as parents see children, if it's more merciful than the humiliation of plating, love it more deeply.
Again think: the other brought evil to did by the industry was creating lifetime ago, now have to bear; If taking the angry response, again creating more suffering on, got get! If present, the humiliation of the rings permanently absent from the gauge. So don't get angry. The coast guard so damn angry pitch, being compassionate, on "being patient" (referred to as being patient-N. D.).
On being patient, think ten client means no speak the sermon Buddha's fall, nor falls facility, just due to the peaceful agreement pretending being, as the movement of people, while movements inside unattended; This body also, only flesh hold each other, moved by wind, reciting mantras of birth kill impermanent, not the President, not people who do, don't people yelled at, nor the head of Siva; because the original it. No, just crazy bad island lies, voracious mind wife accept the former. Such thinking, while not General beings. Not general French's beings don't belong anywhere, just by charm in harmony, no self Tanh. As beings in harmony, sexual called beings; France also, news is on "legal". Enacted by being patient, patient and so could also be Loads of upper Primary Education Office, more of other benefits.
Being heard is so right, in three Rings-la-suite.
An established effort-la-suite: Bo-slapped teaches that beings: thou shalt not WINS. If the forecast of fresh German effort is easy; If, during the seen tree has fire, did not raise up more jobs, so the advice is essential. If the vehicles do not forecast what the prayer effort fail. Vela was France, not what WINS vengeful personality charm, which are all due effort arises.
Effort to have two: 1. Or containing group, arises the French charity, 2. Or to eliminate the evil.
There are three General: 1. like to do, 2. the effort made, 3. Non stop.
There are four General: evil has contentious effort eradicate; evil yet contentious effort not to give birth; friendly yet contentious effort makes arises, charities contentious effort to make growth, so called general effort.
Effort also could help the whole friendly France; for as fire is wind helps new tops burning. As the courageous event in the world, can pass through the mountains to the sea. French administrators, so the Buddhist leader is more jobs. All right, so hearing beings are an established effort-la-suite.
Then again, Dude-slapped the no Bodhi mind, riveted the French upper class English slang Invisible Primary Principals is a French first of all France, so is you, or the interests of all, makes the food poisoning was true general unspoilt lies of France, the great compassionate enough for set decoration, General kim, the first micro-magic, 32, 80 the beauty depending on the shape, lighting, immeasurable, immeasurable, wisdom, liberation, freeing tri, three won the intelligent infinity concerned, deeply concerned the rescue for all of France. Such investors can, then so is paramount between all beings, most notably as head of the life the donation of the whole world. If the only dedicated worship, also endless immeasurable joy in Germany more effort alms, maintenance, donation, most down, Bai ...
Bo-slapped told the Buddha that beings like that, you should play the mind Infinity Primary Primary class, upper diligence tu, the practice was legal as such, is not difficult. Being heard, who plays the Chief of upper class and Loads of instant Chief Justice. But you can't just play the Centre such that, should the practice of alms-la-suite, practice Maintenance about three-la-suite, ring the humiliation of three-dollar suite, Three Meditation-la-suite, elegant eight-ba-la-suite. Three-year practice-la-suite is the Essential three-ton-la-suite. If not, then the Australian mentality teaches tu DAO pratyekabuddha, if not tu pratyekabuddha, then taught tu DAO Thanh Van. If not, the text Bar tu DAO teaches left, tu to infinitely good, President of killing peace. If not specified, then the endless seclusion taught makes left, toward the Friday fun meditation in Infinite realms. If not, then meditation taught makes tu ten good karma, enjoyment fun stuff the people, the Sun, OK what do flower beds, no award, poverty, need enough resistant Galaxy gauge, it is very disturbing!
All evil is bad incentives Awards, undermining the moral benefit of healthy life years later. Being heard, a group of French charity, diligence tu PC tons.
An established three-Meditation-la-suite: Bo-slapped before being approved for the evening the fun meditation purity; is the fun, fun, fun at self off sin, this fun fun, posterity the Holy, happy fun tho, It's all over the body, penetrating micro climate. Beings you back just as our fun education remains impure, along the same structural sin fun life with cattle being, that put this fun magic acts. If you remove the small funny ones are fun. Don't you see the farm wife quit small, seed after harvesting the fruit growing, as donor for fun small things, which are the big prizes, like little small bait fish that hook head. Leaving very little that a lot. The position also, or drop the worldly pleasure, pleasure of profound meditation. Enacted by the happy, back to something our very fun, is impure, such as from hell out, as the disease is healed, no longer find medicine.
Then again, meditation is the real's original position, making the intellect stands silent, can scan the France; as the lights in the House, it was light. If tu meditation, while the four immeasurable Center exhaust bumper, eight, eight wins, in spirit, the four preventive measures ... the Germans didn't even Brown are full, can make the stone tile turns into pearls as more of the other. Optionally want to do, things not to do. Into the soil as water, walk on water as the Earth, moon, Sun handles itself does not burn, cold, chemicals do the beasts, that shall not be talking beasts. Or there when turn the body fills nowhere, or when relatives as Mote, or light as feathers, pink, or heavy as mount Tai. Or maybe get the toe hitting the ground, strong vibrations such as shaking the grass leaves. Mental capacity through such changes, all from meditation that has been. Being heard, an establishment where the third Meditation-la-suite.
An elegant three-Bowl set-la-suite: Bo-slapped teach beings should learn wisdom. Wisdom is wise, one called the intelligent eye. If not the eye, while the eye of meat remains the lamp holders. But there are other birth of animals without eyes. If there is wisdom, the characters are good bad, not in the words of others; If not wisdom, according to pimp pimp East West; like buffaloes, camels were set up according to the who. Wisdom on all compounded vi, finish his kindness, because or break compounded vi. As in say: in the treasure, treasure wisdom above all. In all, the intellectual conscience will sharp stuff sharper than before. In the mountain-intellectual, wealthy girl no longer fear, looking at the brain gauge beings, all saw it all. The knife severed or wisdom chain negativity being shepherds only I could. Intelligence also makes a full six Three-la-suite, are immeasurable Buddhist leader do, necessarily, more Bars, pratyekabuddha, and the good earth. Does intelligence increase purity cannot be be ruined, he called the three-dollar suite. Being heard, in the elegant eight-ba-la-suite.
Then again, Dude-slapped or when not using her mouth to teach; or does God, light, make beings in six Three-la-suite; or does the other Coast scene, so in midsummer, as enlightened beings that led coast in six Three-la-suite.
That's why Beijing says: want to make beings in six Three-la-suite, please learn to Bowl-elegant three-la-suite.
Longitude: like to sow a friendly basis where the Buddha blessed filling, until the upper Primary level DAC Primary evidence Invisible buds that don't take advantage of, should learn to Bowl-elegant three-la-suite.
Conclusion. Friendly units: Three friendly units are in good units out, friendly self-catering apartment, not friendly not foolish. All three are from friendly units heal French arises and growth; as medicinal plants, vegetation, thanks to roots that are being formed, growth, so called friendly units.
Now say good faith basis is, as charity donation for Coast Guard base is United townships, bright lights, and the French donation was held, chanting ... This is speaking of results, why? Because the United divisions are not certain, when retrieved in good flower based perfume donation, call-hardened units. He ain't no news is blessed, he only broke the San took part in the French open, friendly. Thien Phuoc is based; as kim leads yarn shirt, is sewing needles.
One is or flowers, or incense, or bright lights, or the feasts, or chanting, or maintenance, or meditation, or wisdom ... per each donation, and the French donation, sow into Buddha blessed.
Buddha blessed fill: Mư i the three lettered life Buddha, Buddha or, or, or symbolism, or just worship.
Sow was charming heart tag.
Q: My tell the blessed filling, why just say sowed the Buddha blessed fill?
A: while the blessed Buddha, Fuk Tin above all, because of the immeasurable full Dharma as ten, four infinity Lt, French General not eighteen. So just say sowed the Buddha blessed. France said despite being the teacher of Theravada Buddhism, but if the Buddha is not novel, the French into useless; as yet there are drugs or, if there is no salary, while the drugs useless. Therefore, France said, however, that before the Buddha does tell more Steady.
Then again, the Buddha blessed filling, can gain immeasurable thing coming, there is the blessed, but said poor that immeasurable odds, so the Buddha blessed fill is superlative.
Do not capitalize: Buddhist merit achievement during the endless, so sowing the Buddha blessed, blessed also.
Then again, merit the Buddha's boundless, immeasurable, innumerable, myriad, so the sow Phuoc, Phuoc is also not the same.
Then again, at Buddha do Bo-slapped, all beings, as being boundless, immeasurable joy nor end.
Then again, the Buddha blessed filled, spit clean grass UE defilements craving ... Here, the world is covered by, great compassion is lush, but the evil salt land, thirty-seven Scouts made Stinger, ten, four infinity Lt, four infinity shy ... make walls, commonly being bitten Nirvana's legacy. Finger on their ridiculous irrational upper, be blessed.
Q: all compounded vi is General impermanence, returned eradicated, Phuoc Duyen from birth how is endless?
A: Well not often. Self said: until the Prime witness, in endless intermediaries.
Then again, all compounded, while reciting mantras of birth, but also don't paragraph, result should not miss, report says is endless, such as burning lamps while the flame is being destroyed without called, when the oil runs out, tim lụn, 's removal. Fuk Tin also, due to deep sowing in paddy field well, until France take that joy Fill also did not take advantage.
Then again, Dude-really the General displeasure as Nirvana. Blessed Germany take on what the French General, should also not take advantage.
Q: If so, Nirvana, blessed in Germany also probably are generally endless, how said, until the Buddha, in some endless intermediaries?
A: Sirisha left by intelligence make her merit as Nirvana it. No, no immortal beings; so be like Nirvana, rather than not Nirvana. If the Nirvana cannot as an example. If that is why Nirvana thing coming into the Buddha blessed to no avail. For as the rescue is not infinite, endless, general partner; as general it. not liberation, is not freed, while a world also is it. no; as the General multitude General freed, is General freed, one time the Earth is also the General multitude General; working as General freed, is working out, the restaurant world is also the General working.
So should say: like to sow a friendly basis where the Buddha blessed fill Myriad evidence until the upper Primary level DAC Primary buds that blessed him to no avail, to learn the elegant eight-ba-la-suite.
Longitude: again, this Dormitory-benefits-the ECHO, Bo-slapped ma-ha-slaps to ten local Buddhist followers claiming his name approval, should learn to Bowl-elegant three-la-suite.
Conclusion. Question: Bo-slapped if the France it. No, inside there is me, me, broke his starboard side, why want to be lettered Buddha himself riveted his name? Again, according to the French-lettered donation slapped the Buddha, why pray lettered Buddhist donation yourself?
A: the Dharma has two disciplines: 1. disciple for meaning. 2. secular Subjects. According to secular subjects should be lettered Buddhist evening canopy. But there are Buddhist followers to scatter the exclamation that can't see I, I, don't accept the Prime Minister being, because by pretending the world's should say. He asked why Buddhist bridge back donation himself, as the latter says Buddha riveted the exclamation: Bo-slaps are real rot switch for Loads of upper Primary Education Office. Now Bo-him to ascertain themselves were real rotten moved, so demand for Buddhist riveted the exclamation, but not for donation.
Then again, these people, these beings were taking part in exercise, ruicheng County, dense cover of mind, unable as it spreads the exclamation; because if there are natural craving never genuinely sorry, just saw the other merit; If there is anger will only see the error object not found on the other merit; If the foolish many times could not as they really see good bad. Chu Tian and his life but has the intelligence, the three poisons have thin, also failed as it spreads the exclamation as misleading, because there is no world, and unlawful use and yet. Thanh Van, pratyekabuddha, three poison while off, also failed as it spreads the exclamation, as did the excess gas and yet, besides because of inadequate intelligence. The Buddha himself all three toxic and extremely permanent, most achievements, should be able to genuinely non-proper noun or not more talk. So, want to be followers of Buddha to scatter the exclamation, to know the real Germany, should not request shared the exclamation.
Q. Chu Buddha out of the three realms, not contaminated before the Earth, no ego and ego; see the layman, evil, Bo-slaps, A-la-Han, equality is not wrong; why only concur the exclamation Bo-slaps?
A: the Buddha but no I, I, don't hate, for all previous infection does not mind the French, merciful being, because taking the center graciously led all, should distinguish the wholesome that has riveted the exclamation. And also wanted to sabotage the evil's headquarters, because Buddha riveted the exclamation should fancy beings immeasurable Bo-slaps, which respect donation, the following were achievements of Buddha; so Chu Bo n divides Buddha-slapped.
Q: How does the evening Spreads?
A: as the Buddha sermon in the Middle, You want to make beings in France didn't even deep, should vote the evening of Bo-Bo-English slang, such as approval to slap slap Slap-da-ba-Luan (Sadàpralàpa-Usually-Bo-slapped).
Then again, the Buddhist Portuguese evening of canopy-slaps that: United-him or the France it. No, also has Center of compassion for beings, or practice being patient, should also not seen beings; While the practice of France, without being approved in advance for all of France, but considering the shit before without falling into space, but see see beings in Myriad residual Nirvana without falling into marginal comments; but know nirvana is Infinitely superior truth, nor does it run good karma on oneself, export, Italy; but go in being happy that digital nirvana; but the three-pillar door release, views of Nirvana nor end to a prayer and charity. The United States is so very hard.
Then again, if Bo-slaps are invisible beings, not yet in spirit, right where the humiliation stems from the mind, living being, or for being, and so may countries for all the stuff in the beyond value for you unfortunately. In addition to his wife and son's beloved, in exercise of upper jade, Like Italy, the magic said paramount, an altitude of control; in the body, flesh, bone, head, eyes, spinal cord, brain, ears, nose, legs, arms ... He is so very hard, so the Buddhist followers to scatter the German exclamation. If Bo-slapped in France, was the God, which practice asceticism is not that hard. But because he slapped the Portuguese birth relatives, eye meat, that vast, Somasundaram has a center ball, your happy Buddha, such work, so is hope.
Then again, if United--slapped full purity about maintenance, irrespective of gender, breaking maintenance; for all France it. real being, often rings "not France"; effort does not rot, do not immerse not bored, effort and not a general offer, boundless immeasurable countless lifetimes, industrious tu effort; all want to lead the life practice of meditation even deep, not relying upon, and no other, do not leave plan that can turn immeasurable incarnations, with around ten method, theory of people; practice of deep wisdom, all non-living being does not kill, there are no such beings must not kill, will not bring forth will not kill, don't, don't, don't don't contentious removal; pass the language, where the mind goes, could not complete the end sabotage could not, could not, could not receive life accept advance, Chu Saint come clean as Nirvana, nor accept the previous survey; Italy also did not take, or take the DIY intellectual interests. The Bo-slapped as such are lettered Buddhist evening canopy.
Then again, Dude-slapped not yet tho, not yet deeply contentious France rings, engenders not Buddha, not seen the Holy Sage, by the Chief Justice should thinking or a general truth of France. But a real General, also did not stick. Bo-slapped like that, are the ten local Buddhist followers are riveted the exclamation.
Then again, Dude-slaps to hear the Dharma even penetrating boundless immeasurable do, but self has not shown to be intellectual, yet promptly, that would be good news, do not mind being doubted, if ma Jia vexed go to Wei told Italy it, also not add, such client was slapped-Buddha to scatter the exclamation.
Then again, with the Portuguese who played well in a slap at, which is now known as the Buddha, the Buddha approved Cyrillic letters, because there is a crystal of attack. As Germany Buddha, along the Bo-slapped Maitreya ... who played at the same time, that the Buddha Love-Romanian houses due to physical effort should pass nine.
Then again, or have the Bo-Bo-complete the slap slap, is ten, six Three-la-suite, ten, four infinity lt facility, four loads concerned, eighteen non-French General, immeasurable and the Dharma, but because of the expansion of beings should stay long in being, not its visual evidence of upper Primary education Primary Unconscious, Bo-Chu, slapped the Buddhas to scatter the exclamation, who is it? Is Written as-enemy-mastermind-Loi, Bhikkhu-ma-la-kidneys (kidney-Only), Avalokiteśvara, The Australian Releases, turning the sand Dude-slapped ... is the upper of the Bo-slaps, were out of the three realms, transformation of oneself, to the birth, Pope turned beings. The Greek owners, are both from elegant eight-ba-la-suite didn't even penetrating engenders.
So should say: want to be followers of Buddha, his name is English slang talk to learn the elegant eight-ba-la-suite.
Longitude: again, this Dormitory-benefits-the ECHO, Bo-slapped ma-ha-slapped like a start-up is to be world number ten HA Thu Phuong, an elegant eight-to study ba-la-suite.
Comment: Dude-slaps are pine trunk capacity changes as a constant means of ten HA sa body at one go to ten local constants HA sa.
Question: As Investment in said finger flicking has sixty, if in an anniversary to hang HA sa world in a way, did not believe, what case goes to hang HA sa world in ten directions, less time that it goes to much?
A: Doing says: In the do, it's being much less, karma, the capacity, the capacity of the Dragon the Zazen, Buddhist schools of capacity. in the year of the do, the capacity of Buddha is very do, Bo-slapped into meditation arises through God do, so in a book to be Buddhist schools of the world in ten directions. As stated in the four categories of the God, only Buddhist and Bo-slapped me by quickly going around as you like, such as the bird's Kim si, new from egg shells, which come from a mountain of Tu-di to a mountain of Tu-di; the Bo-slapped as well, thanks to the power of birth ring, break the egg shell ignorance negativity, an instant in a celebration turns out to infinity, all over up to ten.
Then again, Dude-slaps, destroyed all his life, immeasurable in temperamental offense thanks to intelligence should transfer the whole of France; young moved to do big, big move as small; get thousand of van KIEP made a day, get a day of thousand of van KIEP. Bo-slapped him, are the world, your want to order in, there may not be anything. As menstruation Bhikkhu-ma-la-kidney-says: take a seven-night lifetimes. So does Lanie Bo-slapped, powers Lady may soon surpass ten mass media world.
Q: In the year do said earlier no Bo-slaps, stars now say Bo-slapped do?
A: or when speaking of results, as saying fed hundreds of gold. Gold can not eat, multiply the gold is eat, so eat, Gold says in speaking. Or when the result comes, like a beautiful painting that says is skilled, he is seen in the results said. The Bo-Bo-thus also slapped the slaps are multiplied, the Buddha is the result; If say the Buddhist forces do know, said Bo-slapped.
So should say: want a run, got to be the ten world's constant method should HA sa, an elegant eight-ba-la-suite.
Longitude: again, this Dormitory-benefits-the echo! United States-ma-ha-slap slap to emit a tone makes the ten directions doesn't always hear the HA sa, should learn to Bowl-elegant three-la-suite.
Comment: Dude-slaps are six spirits, increase general phạm, pass three thousand of heavenly world, the constant method to ten HA sa.
Question: If so, what with the sound of the Buddha?
A: the sound of the constant in the term of slapped-HA sa World Buddhist sound goes away without the class. As in the Buddhist area of said Items-wanted to try sound of Buddha, go to the West, still hear sounds, such as for front.
Q: If so, Buddha often in Nations in the villages, educational theory, but that people in the Match-fitness-deals, not to the Buddhist party can't hear, know that? Because there are many people from far away to hear the sermon Buddha?
A: the Buddha sound there are two things: 1. the audio suite. 2. no sound. Sound suite before said, sounds are not new to the Buddhist party, listen. There are also two Sami class: 1. Made it holy. 2. attach himself to the world. Export the world Holy as Items-hopea-contact ... sound vi suite; also human wife according to place it closer to listen.
Then again, Chu Bo-slapped into the Chief Justice, the leaves themselves being French hull's foot, Tanh, saw gain immeasurable Buddha torso and ten light shining all around, also hear extreme sound sixty legions of headless Buddha. the United States-though slapping sounds so full, but for the sound of the Buddha were also a part.
The sound of Buddhist Portuguese slapped three things: 1. Do life before sowing fresh sounds in the throat should get four great micro magic, emanating the sound the magic of good near and far a mile, two miles, three miles, ten miles away, hundreds of thousands of miles, until the sound spread across three thousand of heavenly world. 2. due to powers through which the four great in the throat the spread all over three thousand of heavenly world, and ten the constant HA sa. 3. is the sound the Buddha often spreads ten means nowhere.
Q: If the Buddha sound usually spreads, so far being not often hear?
A: immeasurable beings shit over here, because the industry was not being heard, hidden, such as Thunder squall said, that the deaf don't hear, the Thunder is not reduced. Buddha as well, usually because the beings, such as big Thunder rocked the Dragon, which beings because, not themselves heard. As far the effort about maintenance, while the worship tam-I, expertise, not be guilty of obstruction, the Mainland is seen listening to the sermon Buddha, Buddha, clear sound. Bo-slaps for three audio stuff wants to be two things, the latter does sound very hard, owner, and as the sound of karma then naturally get.
So should say: Bo-slaps-ha-slapped like a sound method for constant world ten HA, the listener, the sa school Bowl-elegant three-la-suite.
Longitude: again, this Dormitory-benefits-the ECHO, Bo-slapped ma-ha-slapped to make lettered world Buddha does not end, the elegant eight-to study ba-la-suite.
Conclusion. Buddha in the world does not end as Bo-slapped to make each successive water are causing beings who play vexed.
Q: Say successive is each country before following the next, or the next world ten? If each successive countries, then Center bi man throughout the whole being, why not a man to another country? If ten mass media world k concatenate, the Buddhist Portuguese slapped with what benefits?
A: Bo cooperating-slaps to render world wide mind, the great Buddhist master, not restricted, taking the mind contains a group of intellectual, and immeasurable joy in Germany, announcing God again as human beings do, Buddha charm sown-slaps are meant to do. If the world were planted at the time of the Buddha do coast human Buddha, Bo-other useful isn't slapping. But it is not true.
Again, ten world means boundless, immeasurable, maybe not a Bo-slaps are variable throughout the world, causing the Buddha Air ceased, that the United-coast guard personnel upon slaps are part of that. Because of the extensive bi Center should pray also immeasurable, there is limited benefit in mind. Category of immeasurable beings, should not a Buddha a Bo-slapping may be full.
Question: if not, what excuse again?
A: Because want to make vast cooperating, as tu From tam-I, however, cannot be absent from the beings, who only want to make a large order, voluntary achievement gains, as the force of the great Buddha-Bo Chu slaps, were able to escape, but all the beings blessed fate yet no group wisdom, the Coast Guard has not yet convened, should not be, as the waters of the sea, all being retrieved, the water does not dry out, just because of being not able to be used; like being hungry daemons, due to his guilt, should not find water, assuming the water dried sailings seen, worn out, or turn into copper water boiling, blood or pus. Also, Buddha has great compassion boundless, immeasurable intellect can do full for beings, but beings because, should not meet Buddha, suppose to meet Buddha, just as others, or being ruicheng county courts, or emerge defamation. Because people's coast should not see the oai General force of Buddha; but to come along and meet the Buddha without the benefits.
Then again, two people two Coast Guard arises, Chief Justice it is foreign workers Interior charm. Buddha's fate outside the full 32 General good, 80 the beauty depending on the amount of light, solemn Buddha, the second force, the sound, the arbitrary, all delude. Just because human beings are incomplete, inner coast before not sow good self-catering see the Buddha, not believing, not effort maintained a deep base, thick padded, immersed in worldly pleasure, so should have no benefits, rather than an error in Buddha. Buddha plat beings, the spirit taking advantage of them, are in full; for as the sun rises, the eye does not see blind eyes see, forecast, assuming that the eye without the Sun, the weather does not show that the genus, so the Sun is not at fault; Buddha as well.
Q: what was the coast guard makes the world Buddha does not end?
A: Bo-slapped for being, taking the evening of celebration for Buddha, who play beings making Loads of upper Primary Education Office, eventually ran to six Three-la-suite, so after each each vexed in the world. If where each country next to Buddha, or in another country every DIY Buddha, he called no end of Buddha.
Then again, Dude-slapped full intelligence group soars, vexed the immeasurable beings, when coming into Nirvana, signed Bo-slaps that: after the removal, the next you're vexed, so all transfers, which results in an excellent piece. If the Buddhas life not to sign Portuguese International Buddhist period were slapped snippets, such as the King created Prince, developer of such transfers, the national level.
Question: why is the world's appreciation has a degree of contempt, which the Buddha does not have the Buddha?
A: it should not be questioned. Buddha was a stately home ten world means more to a national level. If you actually have degrees of Buddhist but enjoy happy realms of the realms, that is thanks to the Buddhist cause, as does what no other animal beings. If the Buddha is not established, there is no way to tam admit Nirvana, is often locked up in prison and the three realms, never out of date. If life has a Buddha, the beings are out of prison break three realms; such as those between degrees, one where there is no sun, which beings from obscurity engenders, from dark to die away. If the Buddha at birth, which has the light gradually shed, each each see each other, so that the beings are the Sun, the Moon shining through that knows there is great joy, and we are innocent. As such, or that Theravada Buddhism take the light shining all over the Buddhist Kingdom, the beings in that country there is no Buddha, Buddha's light show projector to, then a wedding Festival, we think: this dark, while the other place.
Then again, had rate of Buddha, the beings know guilty joy, someone tho Tam attributed five precepts, eight precepts and Spice in them, are the stuff of good such as meditation, deep wisdom, has four Sa-keeper, organic residue Nirvana ... because the people's coast should is of Buddha. If being at the level of Buddha, but does not see the Buddhas, which met the French Economy, tu Thien Tri, alms, dear ... planted human fate Nirvana, until cattle birth can also sow Phuoc coast workers in Germany. If there is no level of Buddha, until Sun, also failed to do.
So, should United-wanted to make vows of Mahayana Buddhism developed slap.

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