Tuesday 25 March 2014

The Long except ministry in all the world when all destroyed Texts?
The Long except ministry in all the world when all destroyed Texts?
At degenerate, dharma nearing destruction, all scriptures disappearing. Why? Because beings lack merit, deeply sorry, no causal scriptures to see, no need to tell the future, there is now some people do not have eyes, hands and other illnesses, so a word in Economics and not found, it is karma making obstacles, this is kind of dark, the eyes that do not see and understand the Dhamma clear.
degenerate At times the destruction of all scriptures, the first Shurangama, then to the other scriptures, finally Amitabha Sutra. Ministry of Amitabha Sutra will head over one hundred years in the life of all human beings to. By the end of that time, the Amitabha Sutra and annihilation, lists only six sentences pink letters "Namo Amitabha Buddha" office in a hundred years' life to all the living beings. Over a period rose only remaining question lists four words "Amitabha Buddha" back office a hundred years in the life drain innumerable beings. Finally the four words "Amitabha Buddha" is always consumed. Dharma talk time can be completely destroyed.
Amitabha Sutra, nobody is talking spontaneously said that, because of this very important Business. We are students of Buddhism having been predestined this method, do not watch often overlooked. The meditation, taking questions "Who is Reciting the Buddha", enough that in the past we have nianfo past knows meditation "chanting one". Without taking Buddhist concept through which the phrase "Who is Reciting the Buddha?", Basically you have not, then who recite the Buddha Buddhist concept here? You are not a Buddhist concept, how each can say, "Who is Reciting the Buddha?". From the first line of dialogue "Who Nianfo" enough said in the past that each of us in here they were all chanting Buddhist past. Concept is nothing more or less alone, have a concept in mind or at times not alone. Everyone we diligently recite "Namo Amitabha Buddha", will be reborn in the Western Paradise world, this world has infinite beings enjoy the full pleasures.
Bliss World how the world Saha over ten thousand memories buddhafields, who in the world are from Bliss lotus, delivery, should say: "May the birth central Western Pure Land, permanent floral products related parental behavior". All beings of "Amitabha Buddha" would generate about Ecstasy Western world. Amitabha each vow: "When I become a Buddha, ten being, if I confess the title, were born in my country, biochemistry in lotus fruition supreme supreme Buddha". Therefore, any person in the world she confess I recite Amitabha, dies, Amitabha to lead people to the Western Pure Land rebirth.
Bliss World men only, because the there are biochemistry from the shower. The birth of the Pure, first conceived falls into lotus birth. We added the lotus mind the Buddha Bliss will grow slowly, recite a verse effects Buddha, lotus flower slowly blooming, the Buddhist concept of multiple verses, the greater the effect, the transfer time by rotating wheels. When dying, Amitabha Buddha incarnation to lead us to the Western world of Ultimate Bliss. Our spiritual nature in lotus pistil, the blooming lotus instantaneous current law presents itself, so to say "blooming flower that Buddha". When the lotus bloom, you will be a future Buddha.
Why we must recite Amitabha Buddha? Because I am living beings in the world she was very charming with the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara. Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara out the thirty-two relatives to save them. As the Buddha Amitabha more causal wins, because Amitabha Buddha is the teacher of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, the cardinals in the world of Ultimate Bliss. When old, yet at the Amitabha Buddha, His name is French Tibetan bhikkhus, emits 48 each prayer, each volunteer to lead all beings to the Western world of Ultimate Bliss, a new Buddhist prayer.
Having recipient deviation of that: "The lady chanting for elders, not of knowledge." This is understood in the wrong way. Reciting "Amitabha Buddha" this method, the intellectuals and the religious, the religious and foolish. In summary, this method for three categories of people who are religious and that is unfortunate upper, middling and lower units.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.25/3/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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