Friday 28 March 2014

BUDDHIST SCHOOL INFORMATION: COURSE 1 - Lesson 6 - Penance (Thich Thien Hoa)
BUDDHIST SCHOOL INFORMATION: COURSE 1 - Lesson 6 - Penance (Thich Thien Hoa) BUDDHIST SCHOOL INFORMATION: COURSE 1 - Lesson 6 - Penance (Thich Thien Hoa)
A. - Open Thread

We live in this world no one is completely clean. Buddha often taught: "All was down to three realms, six roads rolling in, the species is not a totally clean, not a sin like any end to end."
 Indeed, this world was called mundane, how clean is? People often say "the sky is round, in the long tube", so it must be covered in the dust of dust. Bui Doi has a long body covered with long lifetimes, on our heads, into the chamber of our lungs liver. It makes us not blinded to see the right way, it makes us feel opaque, not see the true mind. If we want to live forever in the bushes scene, want to wallow in sin, then do not say anything. But when
we want to be clean disengaged, want to let go of guilt for being gentle heart, try blowing, then of course we have to find the best method to get rid of dirt, eliminating all sin. In Buddhism, removal method that is called repentance.
B. - lemon I. - Definition:

The word "Repentance", Sanskrit called Samma; Chinese translation is "a little too". Kinh said: "Sam Sam shield pre, post exchange asking price too". That is, repent Repentance is the error before, I ask, is denying the following error. If you use a word for Uncle Sam or a meaning not enough, so the transplant team two old letters into the word "Repentance", translated in Vietnamese as "repent fix". So the word has connotations Penitential repent, regret mistakes in the past, regardless of the long fast, and now until later, his prayer is not repeated again. If you know the old error is nonsense, now I would like to redeem himself, but later still doing it, it is not true Repentance in Buddhism.
II. - The Way of Penance. 1. - Repentance wrong.

Rather Repentance is the word of Buddhism proper nouns. When called Penitential that mistake, it is not Penitential anymore. But for convenience of expression, let's just use two words to say how common the sin in the world or in the outer direction (pagan). Worldly people, when he sins with her, the water village, Betel used alcohol, pork or chicken, weightlifting guilty to money, sorry. Sometimes they form the "prevailing sin", but when the criminal court or in the army, for example. Forms can also grab the seat or atonement, but not perfect and quite coarse. It applies only to deal with the outside, but inside the case of the sin occurs in our inner, subtle sins, so profound, that it is difficult to apply the said form above. Among the heathen, we also use many forms of sin: religion used as animal blood to get baptized with the divine; religion advocates to bath in the rivers and streams that people give is flexible the sacred sins; religion to bring items to please

Holy Spirit from me; religion advocates asceticism, mortification as beating themselves, starve and thirst, heat and cold resistant, honey tasting hemp is to be freed from sin. The way such redemption are mistaken. Sin belongs to psychology, formless. So how can retrieve material such as water, blood, or body supplies to clean a crime. 2. - True Repentance. Buddha taught that sin from the mind of the creator, no one has rewards and penalties. Sower bad bad fruit, growers like you are enjoying tasty fruit. Sin was created from the mind, it must also repent from that center. Speech is clear, even rational to experiment. So we want all the crime, he must follow the law Repentance true that true Buddhist practice. In Buddhism, there are four measures following repentance, which belongs to the law, there are legal reasons belong to: a) the legal effect of repentance: France belongs to the repentance, to establish pure sex appeal above and prove Increase so-called legal work. As presented in the colon, I must honestly expresses a sincere sin, repentance and prayer center even after repeated no more. One such devotion, penance, when the world can be pure, ie sins. b) Prime Minister of penance: this belongs to the French, and difficult than previous methods. This Buddhist institutions, is to repent of visualization, for those who cultivate highly qualified, or no increase in engine, or there, but not pure. Want to practice this method, one must come first or Botat Buddha, a worship center, presents have committed sins, repent and pray denying. Doing so 1 day, 3 days, 7 days, 49 days, and always good to see when the minister: as seen aura, golden showers, that Buddha, Bodhisattvas started to rub etc. ... then determined. c) Red list repentance: repentance France also belong to the so his estate Mage the Chinese Song Dynasty compiled. He took the name of Buddha in Business 53 "Three Five Ten Buddha" ie from Buddha to Buddha Pho Quang Nhut Vuong The French man pages, and draw 35 Buddha in Business "shall be United, are rewarded" with France A Buddha body-Di-Da, after adding shelves Prayer modern city, the penitential rite, the total of 108 O, 108 except to imply negativity. This penitential rite, even if one of the feast, it will eliminate the negativity and guilt were created, in the present life as well as many past lives. Pi-Ba-Buddha said, "If living beings hear this Buddha title 53, then hundreds of thousands of lives not fall into depression three evil paths." Shakyamuni Buddha said: "In ancient times, Dieu Quang Buddhist life, we come to face legal practice, thanks to the Buddha heard this 53 title, and a worship center, but away from the suffering of birth and death road in many lives. " 35 And after the Buddha's name, from Shakyamuni Buddha to Buddha-Lien-Hoa Buu Thien-Head-Ta-La-Tho United, then in Economics of Post-Built said: "If all human beings, or criminal contingent or cross against evil, life can not want to repent, confess only 35 titles, and worshiping the Buddha, then how many obstacles are eliminated crime. " Red list of Buddhas merit such inconceivable , so his new estate Shamans designed to make the penitential rite. French red list repent now, most chuadeu practice. He later associate legal counsel for the

weak or not used much bowing, should have composed a penitential rite, very clear, easy and full of meaning, also known as primary legal repentance, to give daily Buddhists can repent of his sins . d) Infinite-born repentance: France belongs to the repentance of very high and difficult, frustrating upper house can be practical - the unborn interest: self-observation means that money does not mind being alone. As in Kinh Kim Cang said: "Mind can not get past, present no heart, no mind the future." Consistent in all three time no heart, not from where the wandering thoughts that, if no wandering thoughts, then the sin is not. Kinh said: "I told your mind but also from the mind vanishes. If the mind is not born, I do not have any, that are the true repentance. " - French troops unborn: That is very general observations (identity feet) cuacac not being legal. The "true form", meaning that the minister did not kill unborn, not frivolous, from past to present it so often, not changing time, or space transformation, throughout this old lens, so called is very general (Gen. honest). It is also called as feet or feet getting really interested ... As minister then, they are no longer the fantasy. At the time of the sin (fictional) other, not even grilled chicken on where that exists. Samantabhadra in the sutra is written: "For penance, to contemplate the true form of the law, the new offense is annihilated. III. - Development Corridor invited to eradicate old sins repented over ceremony finished, have development of the corridor for many, to eliminate old sins. 1. - Reviews of sin through time. The old toiloi our lot, we can say that countless. The continuation of life we communicate with each other from generation to generation, as a string of infinite series. And just in every life, from birth to death, from death to birth, we keep creating more crime forever. From the start of this currency over the other bad, then go to small errors from the major crimes, such a momentum incremental sales on forming a power called karma, the road led us to the anguish, confusion, ie birth and death so that we are feeling. In the Flower Adornment Sutra, Samantabhadra Botat said: "If sin formless beings, they do not all contain nowhere at all." Indeed, our sins being piled from untold lives, and descends over time, by genetics, customs, habits quenv.v ... Such as greed, our birth, how can anyone teach Where we are, so that we know! No one told us to anger, so that what left the meeting, we scowling, yelling ringing immediately. The bad qualities that once the body and very deep, but difficult to stop. In Beijing we call it "question being affliction" or "organic seed responsibility", meaning the seeds have long. The bad seed this grace also engenders other sins, but in texts called "discrimination affliction" or "the seed of the volume", ie new seed infection due time, practice , the dominant tradition. "Distinguishing negativity unless it can be easy, but" sentences birth negativity "very difficult unless. We like tuber, roots penetrate very far, if gardeners despise it is not easy to clean earth-moving grass. therefore we should not take the practice of penance, have been taken! We have to do that: a) The other bad qualities gradually less weak, due to the power of sincerity and press firmly, b) then great end to our bad qualities not born again. Want great end to them, but if no appropriate method, it is like taking ice to try: it lay temporarily, but when the team has to go, it will grow stronger than before. Appropriate method of repentance is: Development Corridor, to eliminate old sins. 2. - Development Corridor. Inside each of us contains not all bad qualities. If nature has eternal bad, then good nature also has a wealth of marketing. We each have the Buddha nature is the neighborhood of fresh sprouts, the germ that had been buried under layers including desire, delusion. Now they want to eliminate our desire to create conditions for the Buddha nature as sprouts, on flowers, fruit Bodhi. Bode conditions make development sprouts are good as well: Tubi, Hyxa, Bothi, Trigioi, patience, Tinhtan etc. ... If we develop good character was, of course, the bad nature has no more land to grow . C. - Conclusion: As we have seen in the preceding paragraph, or the people of the world religions have ways of preventing repent the error. However, the only legal currency of Buddhism sam1 new end except sin, by taking the place of evil, do good spare key. In four

Legal repentance of Buddhism, there is a law about that law of justice, which measures high, low approach. So depending on the radical right and the circumstances of each application. The upper house, the customary law of repentance unborn. The sight is not convenient, not having a man, not having high increase, the prime minister taking legal repentance. The scene was convenient having a pure man, the Venerable monk has used legal measures to repent work. And find yourself stumbling heavy offense, and that the practice is legal on hard, then every night, or in vegetarian meals and day care expectations, arbitrary or temple worship center in the Red List even penitence, or Primary repentance and good. During the Buddha's way of penance, although bowing, kneeling there, worship there, but do not have to beg for the forgiveness of sins beside it. In the bow, the bow's, containing countless meaningful and useful. Still bowing and kneeling said, and especially in Hong legal name of repentance, it is determined depreciation tired, but tired in the body, have a happy spirit, in which the Minister may function outside the inner meaning. Indeed, although there are many bows, long idea, but still not out of the following purposes: 1. - Find practical ways to make human character is clean, all the faults in the present, but also eliminate crimes in past lives. 2. - Find ways to develop these great virtues, to follow the example of the wise sages. summary, the Buddhist law of repentance, if carried out properly, will bring valuable results the following: - How to develop honesty. - Cultivate qualities firmly in the eradication of bad character. - an end to sin, being blessed. - Mau to win happily liberated place. Through repentance law of Buddhism, people can improve their heart turns better. Through repentance law, people can make personal life to be happy, and social life is peace, peace. So who wants all sin who want liberation rebirth , who is the love of truth, let's study and practice of Buddhism legal penance for thorough, to advance is to improve the lives of individuals, following the lives of sentient beings are suffering less , and more happily. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMRESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY =AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.28/3/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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