Saturday 29 March 2014

Prajna intellectual basis of the practice of liberation.
In the Dharma treasure, Bat-Nha location is an important part and a lot of decisions to the achievement of self-propelled liberation. For heavy, thick block is often difficult because the truth ultimately believe that Buddha mentioned here often contrary to what the world is thinking, doing, how can they believe to be right? Buddhist scriptures also had a picture yet, before the Act, the Buddha's alms bowls when placed immediately drifted down the river upstream portion also speak for him. However, whether we believe it or not, the truth is still the truth forever. Experience teaches: "Tathagata say truth, true words, words like, say no lies, no more words ...". Bat-Nha If you believe, the Buddha said: "The truth is this rare, little had been sown and where not only a good basis Buddha, two or three Buddha Buddha that were planted in very good base Some Buddha ". Buddhism is the most difficult school here! Who crossed this threshold will overcome all obstacles. Practice not know anything at all just falls insight. Want to see into the mind indispensable Bat Nha-so! 
So, what is the Bat-Nha? It's very difficult to take all the presents! Because it is our nature. However, to use texts that tell a small part, which may be easier to see through and falls, first-Bat Nha is true wisdom penetrate the body, mind and things as truth it is temporary, unreal conditions, no subject, so illusory contract. Bat-Nha is also chief prophet, right view most supreme Buddha was born to help us break away misconceptions about the "Self". Inception Exalted has said: "People are heavenly, unique solipsistic. All the world, elderly patients living dead ". What was not so easy to comprehend Buddhas all! We often think the message here is only Buddha was the most precious, over all the earth as mortal has departed. But we all know, Anatta doctrine is also crucial that early Buddhism was referring to. It was sounding a bell to awaken the heroic insubstantiality I'm also a free man in Germany after sleep drunk in the ceiling, greed, hatred and delusion, romance, comfort, evil comments. Heaven and on earth will sink all suffering is due to this that the ego. Breaking the Cross is the original break, break everything. Experience teaches: "Understanding the immediate thousand under, want to make an instant crush" Maybe this is also the same!  Buddha, this body is: Impermanence, suffering and non-self and ordinary impurities that delusion is true for me, is usually, fun, clean and beautiful. Beyond the ordinary four crazy, back row from the higher mortgage: impermanence, suffering and non-self, without realizing impure besides: impermanence, suffering and non-self, was impure, in each of us always exists a legal body: Often, communication, self, pure nothingness bosses across the French border, which is not co-equal birth and death and Buddhas. This is the new 'Self' true. He is a legal body so!

At the center, the mundane delusions should receive the charming center with six bare his heart that was missing leg pure heart, enlightened, which is being immortal "boss" himself really. As a Buddhist center so we did!
In The Mausoleum ceremonies, after decanting seven times to ask about the mind, Ananda did not respond properly. Even he said Ananda, kindness so long that he wholeheartedly served the Buddha is his mind. All times are Buddha and Buddha rejected the call is: "You are taking that forward into gravel cooked rice, can not be fulfilled. Still have gone through countless lifetimes is also the hot sand, hot stone only. " We have to be very mindful with this precious testimony of the Buddha, the sophisticated new practice not be wasted. Want to cook the rice, it must first make out and then start cooking the rice. Likewise, the practice of liberation, we need to realize the true mind before starting his legal practice such as meditation, etc. ... the Buddhist concept as ancient virtues once said: "One day as thousands of miles away!" that. Buddha taught: "The local practice of all Buddhas refuge Minister pure sensory projection member, every new piece of Buddhist ignorance". Now, we will rely on the scriptures, texts Bat Nha used to reflect the true form of Bat Nha-in we can be open play and will identify this body is ultimately dependent case, temporary, I was not. The center-lucky charm: happiness, sadness, love, hate, etc. ... that I'm living here is illusory, not the real me. That the true mind, body purification methods and enlightened around ten other new is forgotten is the "I" real.
Opening Bat Nha Tam Kinh also said: "Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara in intensive practice Bat-Nha Ba-la-bile-stone, gravel aggregates seen in the past are not all suffering yoke" ... Five Aggregates are: Lust , Feeling, Perception, Action, Consciousness. Lust Lust is the Body, the colors ... Feeling, Perception, Action, temporarily called the Center but is only interested illusion. Life is feeling, there are three: difficulty breathing, feeling optimistic and neutral (no pain no peanuts). The idea is to think; Action is behavior; Consciousness is distinguished official position ... If you find yourself Lust is "No", the feeling, perception, and knowledge are "No". Because misperceptions approved by this body is really I, leading to mistaken for the other four aggregates as well as me. You should learn to understand Consciousness learn more. Buddha Consciousness is also mentioned in Surangama Sutra. Some of Duy Thuc Luan also quoted in the Buddha School, Book 3 by Thich Thien Hoa. If you know of Aggregates process takes place in this body, we will easily master approaching her and will not be attached, he will put an end to suffering. Additionally, if full, you karmic Business should learn carefully all Six Six (Economics 148) in central Beijing. Although very short, but this is a very important Economic and practical for our spiritual practice in daily life. Trading Post has pointed out the collective body is starting and cessation (look for yourself). In particular, in this post Six Six Business, Shakyamuni Buddha taught us the set start and cessation of greed, anger, ignorance (ignorance) is clear. When exposed bare root, born feeling like (pain, happy, neutral), then we have to look at them quietly know how to greed, hatred and delusion no longer start up. Even then, the body and mind is extremely quiet, peaceful and pure. Liberation and freedom will surely cash out.  

Business Arising says: "Want to dependent arising from legal and well away from the coast." Indeed, when contemplating the teapot will see that it contains clay, fire, water, the divers back ... grace of a temporary character named without pot holders. From the warm reflection, we can also contemplate things and your body. He says: "Four disbanded, and the combination of elements". The four substances: Earth, water, wind, fire called Four. Structure corresponding to the four bodily functions are meat near the bone, humoral, respiration, body temperature. The breath is the wind. The warmth is fire. Blood ... is water. The hard substances such as meat, bone ... is land. Body by birth parents, and by four synthetic compound that meets causal. When the body dies, the breath (wind) before going off, 8 h after heat (fire) would end. If you look styled bird corpses buried in some tribes to be seen next few Longevity broken body into the water to evaporate into the ground or fly. Finally, the bone will come a time down into powder item, see the wind blowing in vain. Thus, the body has returned to the big four big four and nowhere. Sense Business Park, Buddha taught very specific: "... What is ignorance? All sentient beings from the very crazy, but now do the same university is getting himself accepted the mind hanging on to the ball behind their own mind. This body ultimately insubstantial, so that there are four great general harmony, agreement with the illusory truth. Four temporary author of six bases (eye, ear ...) affinity with six temporary ceiling should be interested. Mind falsehoods if not he would not have had six ceiling. Knowing the body and mind are illusory filthy, filthy, that every minister is pure killing around ten "... Thus, the Buddha taught very clearly: Body, I was not interested. If you say this is the body of elements, then I would have if we want it not aging, illness, death ... it must be like that right? But because it is not that we should never listen to me. But if you say it is fake, you said that, it bloodstained sure why there is a fake? So Bat Nha Tam Kinh-said: "Lust is like No, No Lust no more. Identity that is not, that is not Lust ". Buddha taught: "Soon this body will lie on the ground, unconscious discarded as useless stick". And if he said, 'such foam body, body treatment is as illusory. Boring name of ghost flowers, death beyond sight "... If you understand so he will know the truth, hope. Since then, the prospect will leave the truth will out money. In fact, although the two legs and hope that one, but one that two. Like the waves and water. Waves from countries that have, hope is born from the leg. If you know which wave is the sea, the waves will be returned to the water and the sea. We do too! Hope dear, this is eight feet from the center that smoky. If you stop the greed, hatred and delusion, and not attached before the wind Bowl performer will be added back to the Buddhas as copper. From this can live with themselves pure legal sense reigns constant. Body of elements can go, stand, lie ... if the pain sensation, optimistic, happy, sad etc. ... Just quietly clear, observing them and do not recognize that we as people still mistakenly received: My Body and I am pleased I'm sad ... But the sight said quietly, listening to nature, nature does not have to go that big or small, white red green yellow, being elderly patient dies, so too does the new hybrid is what's being immortal us.

In the Diamond Sutra (Thich Thanh Tu translation), says: "All appearances are what falsehoods". And Buddha for us: "Like a dream, illusion, foam, shadow. Like drops of dew, like lightning spark ... ". The truth of our life and everything that it is! It was all a dream, not reality. When the dreams that are full of all things, the world, wealth, career ... is true. But when they woke up and all gone! This world is just illusion of true mind, the inn is just a very short-lived in the cycle of birth and death of our infinite birth only. If you stand on the realm that their self-view is hard to know f. Seeing 80 year, 90 year or more so-called 100-year-old that there is life-long. But look for species such as chickens, ducks, ants, mosquitoes, insects, plankton, etc. ... no longer exist? From the realm of the Buddha, the life he saw we were short more than ten thousand times and just want to quickly pass quickly as the water bubbles, morning dew, as only a dream! If consistency can not quite see myself , others will know yourself so well. Human, Russia will not. We say greed or ignorance but is actually a delusion, greed, hatred. Since all starting new entrants due to ignorance. That courts should not be involved. In fact, the five Education and Luc ceilings are not at fault. Error is in place so ignorant! If ignorance goes away, greed, anger, sorrow, delusion like flowers spotted the middle of nowhere, which is not true. Truth will out money pure heart. Every day, if we learn to live with it, then permanent peace, in order to know a few. Compassion, wisdom and immense love from here will save a naturally so!      addition Bat Nha Tam Kinh, intellectual Bat Nha and the four generals: Self (I), HR (human) beings ( animals and nature), Tujia (vital life-or continuation) is the four generals that Buddha taught very clearly in the Diamond Sutra Bat Nha Ba-la-bile. This is the biggest delusion four of us now. Speaking of four, but the most difficult is the Russian generals. If you find that Nga "No", then the minister will also turn the other can not exist. Rings for the three realms, six ceiling are also illusory. Thus, there is nothing to accept any more? All of them can be let down easily. Leave the four generals, being a Buddha. contrast is difficult to escape samsara, with the exception of the Bodhisattva levels reborn, according to market forces but instead upon voluntary body or inversely to the level of grace happy being alone. Bodhisattva rebirth or manifested, they still live with us normal. However, their colleagues without co-infection, but not at the same mesmerizing companion. The Mausoleum Business and Economics also said some, this degenerate time not less word Bodhisattva be reborn, manifested in this realm depending but that saving sentient beings. The Lotus Sutra, Mon Popular products say, be careful what to level, and immediately he was the embodiment, not necessarily the body part or body of laymen, upon which may be reversible behavior. All are made ​​in the spirit of Him formless, and never speak to me as the Bodhisattva. Depending manifested grace, but of all human beings really do not see the living beings. Because he used the Bat-Nha intellectual consistency as all beings are illusory, is just fantasy and the ultimate fate of all beings, the Buddha of the future.

Over here, saying how well the Bodhisattva entered is being said on the compassion, the Bodhisattva benefit of others to benefit all beings. Diamond Sutra, the Buddha is the focus for Buddhist Bodhisattva Development Center beings life after redundancy and want to remain subdued mind and the mind is to all beings within it are the true foot level. Experience teaches: "Bodhisattva should give rise to all the sentient beings or ovum, pregnancy birth, low birth, have ideas, thoughts etc. ... not very balance in Nirvana. Removal of countless beings but do not see them being out of ". Countless balance Nirvana Nirvana is the ultimate consummation of ten Tathagata, there's no iota habits. What is the inner beings? As in the section speak to the Ten Dharma realms. In each of us have in mind countless beings was born. As is often the center courtyard of hell beings, hungry ghosts are involved, the animal is so deluded ... until the center ring of delusion, harassment, false views, attachment, jealousy and so on. Beings and are used to sense the nature center from which to all. But it does not see them as just being out of the mind of delusion. When the center being left out, bathed out of money. This is where the Sixth Patriarch said to the Platform Sutra of the Four preacher vows: "Self-interested beings vows infinite degree. Self interest vows endless negativity paragraph "... Moreover, if the Bodhisattva also true that there are other beings Minister, not the Bodhisattva and the Bodhisattva is to release large center of all human beings, including self-interest and profit, the new neighbor called true Bodhisattva. Additionally, Buddhist Diamond Sutra teaches practitioners alms without buttresses. That is giving without getting stuck where six ceiling: Lust, sound, smell, taste, touch and legal. What color is giving head? When that show their generosity is generosity (see down), distinguished recipient charity (that's), see handout material (see Gen.) ... is giving excellent head. Giving that heaven's blessings for or want in return is outstanding generosity office. Furthermore, when you give alms, but see others getting no thanks, and then they'd just throw away objects that generosity is often seen that people of the world (based color) interconnected field. Or to them, they insulted me the other morning, listening to the (cylindrical rod) so that the field also. In contrast, generosity without head. This very practical that we need to learn when to go to charity, alms out. For it is the power of people. We should not be based (stuck) anything to interest students love, hate ... Giving is let go, so let go of greed! Tolerance to the distinction in mind whirring attachment, sorrow, momentary delusion must renounce all. He called the true generosity of religious enlightenment! Again, the fact that the eyes, the ears hear ... but a thought of attachment to distinguish good, bad, dynamic, static ... they are cylindrical bar, excellent ... born center. Why? Because if people, animals or the tranquil beauty will surely prone love interest, attachment. Conversely, if bad, real (noisy) surely born hatred, disgust ... are cylindrical rods, born two color reversible heart love, hate karma reincarnation. Rings for the flavor, taste, touch, and measures like this! So, right there, teaches: "Children born Ung very basis of any office center". (There is no center seat antibiotics). This is also the place where the Sixth Patriarch old when listening to Hoang Duc Ngu Rings Diamond Sutra lecture here and there was a great awakening and his thoroughly modern exclaimed: "No doubt nature pure equity. No doubt such capital nature being destroyed. No doubt self sufficient capital nature. No doubt nature which do not fluctuate. No doubt the essence or being of all phenomena. "                                          ***

The Truc Lam Zen Profile - His Royal Articles sleep (King Tran Nhan Tong) have stanza on a dark spring of Prajna (Thich Thanh Tu translation) as follows: "Sac childhood never clearly not spring for flowers neurons in the heart, the Lord is our discovery of this spring, bed mats meditation, watching the roses. " , "childhood" here is not only the king's childhood that is just not enlightened youth-Bat Nha (Sac not). So every time: "Spring flowers bloom" mentality often chasing scene (Ron in the heart). But after treatment, the Bat-Nha "Spring was our Lord discovery". Because there is only one impermanence, interdependent nature of things, can not make his mind fluctuated. At the same time, he also has to realize this is the nature of mind itself in nature so. So "mats, meditation bed" but "Enjoy the roses". Also with "flapping wings do not ask meditation center" which he once said, because this time all such measures are. Over here, once again showing the "Seeing" completely different before, during and after treatment of the religious Bat Nha. 

The following words of Zen master Duy Tin will also help us better Bat-Nha: "Before meeting Compassion knowledge, I saw mountains as mountains and rivers river. Good knowledge after having taught, I saw mountains as mountains and rivers are not rivers. After thirty years I saw mountains as mountains and rivers river ". The show before, is not enlightened age when people should accept Bat Nha-clicked. The show later, is when you realize Bat Nha. Know the river is charming mountain where Minister, and the illusory. From that seeing him gain Tuesday. That is something that as such, the true location of Bat Nha was really open-found in nature. So that smoothly, but obviously did not start discrimination attachment. Should no longer get stuck where mountain river, until six rings are not attached to the ceiling. All of a Buddhist! Similarly, we can say: "Before tu-Bat Nha well, I see I'm me, people are people. Bat-Nha While training, I found I was not me, who are not people. Bat-Nha After enlightenment, I found I was me, people are people. " If you find yourself out of this place, the intellectual skills Bat Nha-declaration can be found more easily. The realm of instant we can be raised and will see just as the Buddha taught: "It's not being born, he called beings." Because just being general conditions and assumptions, there is no truth, agreement with the illusory and ultimately, all sentient beings have Buddha nature, Buddha dharma body equally and will become a Buddha as the Buddha. Economic Security Forum has also said: "There is Buddha's enlightened beings, when a Buddhist concept is being realized."

All beings who can contract an equal Buddhas. This is the view of the Buddha, the realm of the legal world best foot. All beings are a part of his body. Kinh Duy-Ma said: "Since being sick, so sick Bodhisattva". If so he will realize easy achievement petal compassion and all legal achievements. There will be no ego's, no longer stuck where six ceiling and found the body of elements that are part of the organ Tathagata exists in this realm. So, if time remained on the launch day itself ungainly author borrowed temporarily from the coast depending on student interest preaching, worship the Three Jewels, the Buddha ate reported. University thesis has also said: "Suppose the first team through many lifetimes, making the bed itself sitting across the World observatories, if not the transmission of the students, full and can not thank Buddha Temple". And when all the grace and joy associated discharge yourself giving up the big four this as an old shirt to exchange for legal body Bodhisattva or Buddha being immortal. Organizing data of the verse also passed, which was well up Bat-Nha, satisfaction with career practitioners of self-awareness, forgiveness and self-awareness in his:
"More than seventy years in this world,
no not that liquid Identity information.
chronic Today chapel of the old town.
Which three issues have four fathers. " Understanding and doing all the above, see the religious world is not cynical. Buddha also taught that knowledge is truly love each other. The love of the world other than the practitioner. The world then this is one distinction, the other is mine ... sometimes selfish love becomes hate, kill each other if they are no longer with the self. Tu love is love compassion equality not prevented her vast and unconditional for all beings. From man to the cowardly, the wise fool, the wicked friendly, considerate man who loved resentment etc. ... All are equal because "everyone's blood red and salty tears of everyone" ... All of them are human. Old people also once said: "Human nature is basically good indicator." Everyone from primitive are so deluded accept charity but should have committed itself. More of encountering the "Coast" bad new circumstances governing this leads to superficiality! From here, the age will not mind resentment or hatred for the person to harm himself, or with his good not only to find ways of teaching so that they can soon return to the right path and to understand the moral self they will give up evil, do good and to cultivate the pure mind, they will become good, a sage, Bodhisattva and Buddha. In fact, says "Human nature is basically good indicator" just look relative to distinguish treatment of the world, there are still three realms in place not to mention the ultimate truth. So there's that evil distinction with compassion, but once the evil is gone, all is good, the pure concept of charity is not set. All are equal non-discrimination. Trading Security Forum says: "Seeing all the bad along with the good people will not accept full, not left, not before the infection." This is the moral: "Do not think evil, think no evil" that all people should cultivate the liberating insight, clear and try to reach that! And perhaps more important in the Diamond Sutra is helping us France broke Accept. Experience teaches: "Say Bat Nha-ba-la-not-Bat Nha three-la-bile, he called the Bat Nha-ba-la-bile". Near the end of Scripture, the Buddha also talked about maybe not certified, not elected. Why? As if that was certified, there is also a prime power, basis. Dharma-Bat Nha Buddhist or just temporary results using the texts means that emulates being deluded self-Bat Nha open play in his position to the Supreme Director. Capital is nature, "treasure", "old country", "the old" forgotten my return date is nothing but evidence to attain? Buddhism has a compassionate heart boundless that said: "I said measures such as a raft. France also to be let go, let alone illegal. " As Buddha fear, though the Tanh mature but still can not let go of law enforcement, the well will not be fulfilled Bodhi Path. Buddha taught: "France says no truth, no damage" because only legal Research means but glass is usually Nirvana, optimism, self, pure magic sa constant use should say is not damaged. French example "raft". So, if it deems itself over the other shore, they must give him a new raft ashore can be, if not leave friends or continue to carry the raft was away, so probably not! Also, as long as we have not fallen all that day also can not revert to enter bars and balance with the unconditioned Nibbana. Hoan Nguyen Quan had three words say it all. Talking shop not completely revert origin, native finished her call. Say no to Nirvana Nirvana, he called Nirvana. Merit life over the Diamond Sutra is inconceivable. Kinh said: "All Buddhas and impermanent supreme Buddha is from this that the Business". Buddha, if there are good men, who use the credit trap filled with treasures such as the Ganges sands brought to the merit of giving a lot, but not with this person for life over in Beijing for four reciting verses ring because the performer said. More merit than the other person. Why? Because many assets to use to how much to give alms are only useful so long blessed time only. In your next life will be reborn as the rich, or to heaven, there is no escape from samsara. As for the ring just to maintain life in Beijing four verses will realize this is the true form of the legal falsehoods, not facts, so can immediately falls the right foot center that will lead to liberation Currencies from the fullness of life and death and become a Buddha. Forbearance is because people take to say, that the Minister declare true intellectual development to attain Supreme also like this! Exit the reincarnation of Buddha and then the other worldly possessions did not mean anything anymore? Business also teaches that: "The reading life over this litigation, if the contempt, because people would pity her previous life DOA in the road to evil, so this life was the life before the crime contempt should surely be destroyed, will be effective Supreme supreme Buddha ". This is due to merit Economic life over serious crime should be a light switch. Indeed, because thanks to this enlightened life over Kinh true form of law are illusory. Since there's no ego, and he accomplished three-la-patient confidentiality, so that the pitch will not curse his people. If lead poisoning Economics is formless, not only accomplished three-la-patient confidentiality that can achieve all the measures for all the information. So "I was certainly born before destruction, will be effective Supreme Bodhi." Samantabhadra shop said: "Sitting upright bars true form, known as the First penance, sins like the morning dew, the sun was no longer soluble intellectual reference trace." Thus, we see over here for of great significance to maintain life. If not true, then e will maintain life be so difficult! Or oral recitation only, not interested, or still life over which people fall, when people despised, cursed at the same instant that the field is not e old crimes that target not guilty to block even more severe, the how is it possible to be objective at Chapter? Therefore, how sincere is called life over? Life is getting taken, maintenance is kept, that is to understand the meanings of Economics. Maintenance is to bring Buddhist teachings was in Beijing to immediately apply in real life, and how practice can give is living with her ​​teachings. In this Sutra, which means to see clearly for the body and mind together all the measures are temporary, unreal conditions, also with bogus. The center such as happiness, sadness, love, hate, anger, fear, anxiety etc. ... are all interested prospects, not the real me. Maintenance so that there will be no ego, human, beings, fake life. Since it will no longer accept any more. If leave is four generals, a sentient being is Buddha. Experience teaches: "All forms what is false hope. If you see the minister not minister, that sees me. "


In relatively, if we want to know the true life over the Diamond Sutra or no exposure to the scene of six new ceiling can also see the launch center concept, distinguishing attachment, hatred and delusion again or not? Because of ignorance created by industrial rebirth through countless lives and habits are very deep so thick. When you wake, we were not sure that the new boot clear. In addition, faced with "Bat Room" is also a way to test the degree of selflessness. Eight winds that are: income (be), failure (died), Cancel (shame), Project (honor), Anak (Merit), The (patented), dukkha (suffering), Info (please). Before any changes are not fluctuate very often. Was also not happy, nor sad loss. Praise, criticism etc. ... They all know the feeling but not the mind. As this mirror! Materials to expect nothing, to not be attached to objects. Freed will present the money. The nature of our natural virtues as compassion, wisdom ... that would naturally flow from the output!                                                        Furthermore, Business Security Forum, the Sixth Patriarch also taught "dharma in the world" and " Buddhist self-identity, there are other obstacles. " If evading the world that seek to teach the Dharma, the property is just like looking for "HAIR turtle, rabbit horns" can not be fulfilled. Should Bat-face and taking Nha reflect the true form to see: "All measures are dharma". Finally'll notice that all measures are "As". Economic Security Forum also cited the Fifth Patriarch says: "Want to view themselves as such, as it means the mind as true. If this means that the nature of Supreme Bodhi. " Vien Giac Kinh also mentioned that realm: "Being sexual, inadvertently are a Buddhist." This is the realm of Tathagata sense depending upon the nature Members. At this point all attachments are differentiated from end to end, the most such measures are equal. Buddha, all beings co-presented a method. Beings, are counted accidentally leg as mysterious organ Tathagata. Therefore, not the place where we can make you are. Since her realm is the realm of tranquility, not kill, non-spatial, timeless, not predestined, nor natural, all officers and Coliseum leave a comment. We hope that the birth and death that the unborn rotation scene also become birth and death. Buddha also likened ever seen "Planes, moon run. Boats go, the duo ". Dharma to place the glass will save beyond language. Any explanation would not understand that why forensic medicine practice that must be visited before. however, if the application means the Buddha's teachings: "Friends are the accidental Buddhist Circuit" and "All methods are dharma "in daily practice for people on the scene when it is useful. For example, the clock is "accidentally". See it boots without discrimination attachment, greed. Meet the (charming), sight, animals (accidentally) are consistent Bat Nha true form, not more beautiful concept to distinguish the bad attachment, or unloading, love to hate ... So right that Act. Flavor, taste, touch, and such measures. Not only charming, but also have accidentally sermon! Earth Store Sutra says: "Hell-Beings Consistent Starters centromere-nothing concept created not guilty". As for people on the scene, a thought suddenly arises, the concept will entail numerous large wind waves as movement, as clouds covered the sun cover off leg of our nature center. From this view, action authors will gradually improve its realm called up to place: Members byproducts, depending upon the nature feeling. Experience teaches, means that every piece has thoughtfully employees should realize the purity of the legal world, but still "The observance pure" nature Members make sense obstacles. And from here, if efforts to improve gradually to the higher realms, such as the bodhisattva not depending upon the nature Members enter enlightenment, the Bodhisattva entered, depending upon local character and sense Members may proceed to enter the realm of the Tathagata depending upon the nature Vien Giac will surely true that the so-called "sexual, are a Buddhist accidentally"; "Hell, Pure Heaven offers are" ... That is why we are at where birth and death, not out should specify on realm after all for listening in prayer, many people often ask is: Accidentally or not there is a Buddha? Then we can fall into one of the questions of the type of questions that are not needed once said Beijing or Not? As questions about the universe, and of divine things no practical benefit to practice, practice can make people crashed into the sea Coliseum constant arguments controversy of the world, will increasingly remote with the Tao and the obstacle can be sidetracked practice of liberation. With such questions, the Buddha is usually quiet. And silence is another way to answer the mystery of infinity Buddha. So when Buddha Buddhist learning, especially this ceremony, we should avoid these questions have little benefit. Instead, just ask what's practical. As asked, I have become a Buddha or not? And how to quickly become a Buddha? So new is the legitimate question. Doing well in each instance the story of a man shot by name alone. Physicians for drugs but had yet to learn to drink but the arrow is from? The poison was manufactured like? ... Then f is difficult to preserve life. University of Medicine Buddha was king, king Dafa can heal all sick beings. So we should urgently truth and taking refuge in the Buddha to cure cure all diseases and afflictions and suffering, birth, aging, illness, death was in each moment. Experience teaches: "Network of breath. Third World is not alone as the fire. " Route, destination ahead can still thick dark blur. So we should not waste time on things that have little practical benefit for religious enlightenment. Tolerance to some questions as: Tam Thien Dai Thien World, Great Lives, etc. ... It is not necessary to argue reasonable?  Besides, today we should spend more time reading the scriptures to make listening the teachings of the Buddha from Chrysostom. And while studying the scriptures, you should not place caught many forms and texts they receive profound things to say to the Buddha. Almost all of what Buddha taught is aimed towards our mind that says, through which people can get their foot pure heart. Use sentiments observe everything around them, from the poetic to unintentionally, will see all the pure, wise and mysterious. By this time, other questions need not ask, do not need to learn they will also automatically clear, thorough. That is so true wisdom! Thus, all measures are dharma are six ceiling ... Directed and have their own path. If you do not know, but mandatory depending but they must comply with what they want, then he will suffer. Use the Bat-executives know the truth and the true form of the falsehoods they will not be attached anymore, he will be liberated. Besides, this body but it is impermanent, suffering and non-self and impure but still a legal permanent body covered nowhere throughout the legal world, full equity: Common, Us, Falling, Pure. And do not accept this to be able to overcome all these crazy, deluded. if not the ultimate realization that, as well as e habits have not fully eliminated. You try not to think to try an idea, do not think harassment and put himself on the throne of enlightenment observing stars? Every mood to go as happiness, sadness, hate, anger, etc. ... Just quietly said they are looking at and feeling the author is not damaged, do not follow. And they do not recognize themselves as people are often confused: I'm happy, I'm sad or emptiness I received it so so ... If we are one, nothing more: "Get the enemy to do." Gia told them his house will be cleaned out. Let's see if they are free to just walk, do not expect nor need we will repel the divers themselves lost. If not received, the uninvited guests would not be able to get into the house and I am the boss is on the throne as a king enlightenment and imbibe peace, peace, purity and liberation. Say not enlightened enlightenment, he called enlightenment. Speaking of liberation not freed, she called liberation.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER =VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.30/3/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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