Wednesday 26 March 2014

The University Tri Comment
(Mahaprajnaparamitasatra) - Author: Nagarjuna (Nagarjuna) translation of the Chinese: Kumarajiva - Translation Chinese to Vietnam: Thich Thien Sieu.                                

Episode 5
Book 84  
Explain Tue 70th Three Products
Business: Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, if there is no basis of law, no head work, no distinction should be three redundant bar text, and Buddha-Buddha Cliff excess.
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: In the law there is no basis because, without the fear of no distinction, in departments of France, which facility has the distinction of working time. Why? Because ordinary people do not hear the Holy legal, attachment of feeling is in form, feeling, perception, consciousness; attachment to Paramitayana For Supreme supreme Buddha. He thought there was sharp, he was sharp until the Supreme think there's supreme Buddha, the supreme Buddha Supreme him. Bodhisattva thinks, would be supreme Buddha Supreme, we will sentient beings. Bodhi this, I consider taking in eye color was not visible until the Supreme supreme Buddha, not wild-eyed fool that wants the Supreme supreme Buddha, born of their escape it?
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, the Buddha used in the eye if not consider that there may be degrees beings, this star is the Supreme Exalted supreme Buddha, sentient beings can distinguish three groups: Group chief specified, the deviant groups, and group uncertainty.
Buddha taught: Bodhi Monastery, I was Supreme supreme Buddha, at first we did not see three groups of students or district, or the wrong concentration, or uncertainty, because sentient beings have the idea that there are legal, not legal, but I want her delusions attachment should follow secular law that says there is, but not under the highest sense.
Blessed, not based in its highest sense is supreme Buddha Supreme U? Buddha replied: no.
Exalted Bach, resident in the Supreme crazy supreme Buddha it? Buddha replied: no.
Blessed, if not resident in the highest sense, does not reside in this crazy endeavor is no Supreme Exalted is not supreme sense of it?
Buddha: None. I really was supreme Buddha Supreme, no shelter or place of general usefulness, or where the Minister ridiculous. For as the Buddha transformed the residence where the minister is not compounded, no permanent place unconditioned Minister that the transformation has to go, sit and stand well. This dyke, or executive who transformed her secret until she is Prajna Paramita, or meditation practice four, four immeasurable mind, the formless four, five spiritual powers, the four foundations of mindfulness for up to eight parts Saints direction, or not eighty, eighty mindless, harmless, eighty, or not to issue internal to infinity compounded not legal, or multiple discharge, the first class of nine, ten power of the Buddha, not afraid of four things, four position not afraid, compassionate, be supreme Buddha Supreme, Zhuan Falun. The cultural transformation that made countless beings have three groups. This Bodhi Monastery, the he think? The transformation was committing For Paramitayana in three groups to reasonable beings? Tu Bo said: no. This Bodhi Monastery, Buddha too, know the law as evolution, evolution as the evolution of living beings, not beings can actually have degrees. Thus, the Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita Buddhist transformation like the action.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, if all measures as chemical changes that transform the Buddha along with others what's wrong?
Bodhi Monastery Buddha: Buddha along with the evolution no difference, why? As a Buddhist artifacts, people can also be transformed artifacts.
Blessed Without Buddha, who own evolution possible artifacts reasonable? He says: There may be artifacts.
Tu Bo said: How not Buddha that can transform artifacts?
This Bodhi, Buddhist past contestants such as Tu is most effective, because they want the goods as Buddhist Bodhisattva should, then immediately passing itself. Buddha head half life was transformed as the Buddha, Bodhisattvas prediction for passing a new practitioner finished. All beings in this world knows the real Buddha's passing. From Bo, who was not born transform not kill. Thus, the Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita should know the legal information as illusory.
O Buddha, if Buddha and Buddhism have transformed the no difference, how that pure alms, as offerings to the Buddha who, until he was parinibbana, not merit the same end, if cultural offerings to the Buddha, who was until parinibbana, merit and can not take it?
Bodhi Monastery Buddha: Buddha as the true form of farming methods should bless the heavenly beings and, because it's turned Buddhist minister should do the legal field and heavenly beings blessed people. This Bodhi Monastery, hung over merit planted where the Buddha and the Buddha's chemistry, if good men and women who only give charity reverently recite the Buddha's mind, by virtue until her suffering, and no other merit take. This Bodhi Monastery, hung over the center of reverence Buddhist concept that, if good men and women who just use a good cut flowers and sprinkled nowhere Buddha, until the end of suffering, and not take the other blessings. This Bodhi Monastery, hung over the center of reverence Buddha, scattered flower Buddhist concept that, if the once-proclaimed "Namo Buddha", until the end of suffering, and not take the other blessings. Thus, in the field of Buddhist cultivation blessed, blessed and take no other. So should know the Buddha and the Buddha is no chemical difference, because it's the law minister no difference. This Bodhi, Bodhisattva should thus practice Prajna Paramita, in fact the law minister, the law minister did not actually decay, which is the Prajna Paramita minister until impermanence supreme Buddha not decay.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, if not the true form of the decay law, reason why the Buddha called the law minister, said that the colors, the feeling, perception, consciousness;'s internal law, foreign law; the bad ones, the bad ones, are organic contraband, outflows, the world, of the world: there is avoiding legal, legal unavoidable; are compounded, that nothing of ...? Blessed, not so corrupt law minister attempted it?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: No, why? As the Minister himself should name the method I just described to understand beings, the Buddha does not undermine the true form of law.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, if by the minister himself should list Buddha preached for beings understand, venerable sir, if all legal no name, no generals, generals how to use Students are taught to understand them?
Bodhi Monastery Buddha: According to secular law may be general name, it has no place attachment. For as heard the mortal suffering, attachment name, according to the minister, no longer Buddha and his disciples attachment name, not according to the minister. If accepted name for the list, for general acceptance minister, should not accept for not, for formless should also accept formless, infinite should also accept ineffective, it should also accept the fact in fact, also calculated The calculation should accept, should also accept unconditioned unconditioned? This Bodhi Monastery, all legal and general name only, not in the way that generals. Thus, only in the name of Bodhisattva general practice Prajna Paramita, in the Minister's name would not be attached.
Blessed, all compounded if only generals, such as the bodhisattva who should play center Supreme supreme Buddha, bear all the hard work: When the Bodhisattva practice of generosity, morality, patience , effort, meditation, practice wisdom, meditation act four, four immeasurable mind, the formless four, four to eight parts mindfulness Noble, executive unhappily, formless happy, harmless, well, ten power Buddha's compassionate to?
He tells us: as the Bodhi Monastery said, if all compounded generals only, because the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva who should act? This Bodhi Monastery, if only compounded generals, generals did, not generals generals, so should the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva practice, the race location Necessarily, the race location Necessarily then, Zhuan Falun; Zhuan Falun, then, take the exit legal succession beings. He was not born generals, not killing, not subtract.
Now from that white Buddha Bodhi: Blessed, the Exalted says Necessarily race location?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: We say Necessarily strain position.
Tu Bo said: Buddha says omniscience, said race director position, said position Necessarily race, third place was nothing else wrong?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: omniscience is the location bar text, Pratyekabuddhas; race director position is location of Bodhisattvas; Necessarily place strain of Buddha is located.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, because of conditions Necessarily What should be the location bar text, Pratyekabuddhas?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: It is necessary is only legal in legal documents outside the bar, Pratyekabuddhas know, but can not Necessarily director position, Necessary strain.
Tu Bo said: So what direct causal strain is location location of the bodhisattva?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Necessarily director, said customers should bodhisattva, or is directed Sravakas, Bich-Buddha, Bodhisattvas director must know full well that the director must know their birth certificates without real economic effects.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, as the Buddha said to Bodhisattva fully directed, not by direct evidence that in fact u work? 
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Bodhisattva was not strictly pure Buddha realm, not achievements wisdom to living beings, then evidence should not in fact work.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, Bodhisattva should stay in direct economic impact real proof it?
Buddha replied: no.
Exalted Bach, resident in securities not in fact direct effect it?
Buddha replied: no.
Exalted Bach, resident director and director general rule was not in fact it?
Buddha replied: no.
Blessed, not residing in such direction shall not direct evidence in fact u work?
Buddha replied: no.
O Buddha, Bodhisattvas office where documents in fact work?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Italian What do you think? He was residing in directing, because no territory should clean out the illegal or legal, affordable liberated mind?
Tu Bo said: no.
He illegally residing in either direction was not clear before, the mind is freed reasonable?
Ladies do not, venerable sir.
He directed not stay in direct, cankers, free from all, whether the mind is freed?
Ladies do not, venerable sir.
He's not living in a direction not not direct, cankers, free from all, whether the mind is freed?
Ladies do not, venerable sir. I do not have a shelter, no legal territory, contraband or clean out the mind is freed.
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Bodhisattvas such, there is no proof shelter should in fact work.
Tu Bo said: What is your general location Necessarily race?
He tells us: As a Minister should call a race Necessarily, it is the law minister passed away. Again, for the act, kind, physiognomy, the legal title will show presentation, lecture, it's known as the Buddha, so strain called Necessarily location. 
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, omniscience, race director position, race position Necessarily, three fetters location was wrong other end, there is the advantage that surplus budget?
Buddha: Termination of defilements difference. Buddhas end all afflictions and habits, also Sravakas not end all afflictions and habits.
O Buddha, the person is not legal unconditioned, there is an end to sorrow it?
Buddha: None.
Blessed, in that nothing is wrong because there may be other reasonable?
Buddha: None.
Blessed, if nothing is wrong because there is no other reason why he says habitual afflictions end, he did not stop habitual negativity?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: The air's not negativity, body and mouth of every bar text, Pratyekabuddhas have the general factors such as lust, anger, ignorance, which is habitual, the ordinary person to do it with crime. Episode three poisonous gas that has no Buddhas.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, if there is no direction, no nirvana, she said this is how to distinguish Completed Tu, Tu momentum function, anagami, Arhat, Pratyekabuddhas, Bodhisattva, the Buddha?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: It is all so ridiculous that legal distinction is that Tu has completed, freezer function, anagami, Arhat, Bich-Buddha, the Bodhisattva, the Buddha.
Venerable sir, it's so ridiculous law should be distinguished Buddhist Monastery to have completed it?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Exalted says two things, it does not have to follow its highest sense, in the highest sense not to say there are two things, why? Because in its highest sense without discourse. As Noble says there should be an end to fetter the afterlife.
Tu Bo said: In the law minister himself, could not get past lives, let alone say there is life after (monetary and economic climate)
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: So, so, in the not-thinking approach, there is no life after death before what circumstances. Bodhi from, because we do not know the self-born minister should not lie before the next life, in the life of self minister before the next life are not possible. Thus, Bodhisattvas should not because that act of self-Minister Prajna Paramita. If Bodhisattva executive Thought not, what the problems are not, or internal law, or foreign law, or compounded, or unconditioned law, or legal bar text, or legal Pratyekabuddhas, or Buddha dharma.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, said Often Prajna Paramita because what it means is called Prajna Paramita?
Buddha: Be the First to shore all the way, because that's the so-called Prajna Paramita. Again, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, Pratyekabuddhas, Sutra Arhat's been used over the other side, because that was the so-called Prajna Paramita. Again, regardless, reserves, undermining all the way to the mote, which can not at all sure it's because he means so-called Prajna Paramita.
* Again, the law as such, calculation, are in fact in the Perfection of Wisdom, because that was the so-called Prajna Paramita.
* Again, Prajna Paramita no law or contract or spread, or color or colorless, or can see, or not see, or to, or for, or organic contraband, or outflows, or compounded, or inaction, why? So Prajna Paramita was formless, invisible, unmatched, as a minister, that is formless.  
* Again, Tu Bodhi Prajna Paramita's or all law students, all heresies eloquence, all lighting; Prajna Paramita's ghost or phantom sky bar text, Pratyekabuddhas, people, and even discounts on goods, heathen, the hatred, brutality can not undermine the bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, why? So there are those kinds of people can not get in Prajna Paramita. Bodhisattva he should so act within the meaning Prajna Paramita.
* Again, Tu Bodhi, Bodhisattva want to practice Prajna Paramita means deeper meaning should act impermanence, suffering means, means no, means no-self, that suffering should also practice location, location collectivism, ie kill location , that director position, meaning the rule of law, that kind of position, meaning that location, which means tha mind, that take place, ie infertility location, location means as true. Thus, as the Bodhisattva of Wisdom mean density should act Paramita Sutra.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, The Prajna Paramita profound, unjust means can not be, because mean how Bodhisattva Paramita Sutra should operator profound Prajna cool is that?
Bodhi Monastery Buddha: Wisdom Bodhisattva because paramita means to think like this: Greed is not mean, that he should not act, hatred, ignorance is not mean, that he should not act, all is changing diapers is not meant, that he should not act, why? As minister three toxic "as" no means, no not that, for all the wrong minister "as" no means no means no right. Again, the Bodhisattva should think: Lust not mean, not unjust, not meaning to form, not unjust; For Paramitayana to Supreme supreme Buddha not mean, not non- mean, why? Since the Supreme Buddha supreme Buddha, no law can be or mean or not mean. Buddha, Buddhism, all phenomena can not remain permanent nature, does not mean, no not that. Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita so far apart that and not mean.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, what excuse Prajna Paramita not mean, not unjust?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: For all compounded generals do not have, so should Prajna Paramita not mean, nor unjust.
O Buddha, or Buddha's holy sages all Buddhists or inaction taken as meaning, reason why the Buddha said Prajna Paramita not mean, nor mean?
He says: While all Buddhist sage or saint or Buddhists take unconditioned duty, but also not so increased, so did not lessen. For as nowhere "as" can not increase beings, sentient beings do not diminish. Thus, Prajna Paramita of Bodhisattvas no more no less.
O Buddha, the Bodhisattva of Wisdom School security is unconditioned Necessarily they do not mind?
The Buddha: Thus, as a result, the Bodhisattva of Wisdom School security would be unconditioned mind Necessarily race, not because of the two methods.
Blessed One, two methods may not be legal no two reasonable?
Buddha: None.
Tu Bo said: France two can be no two reasonable approach?
Buddha: None.
Tu Bo said, if not by law Bodhisattva two, not by law not two, how is location Necessarily race?
He says: Nothing is immediate, so be, nothing is.
Comments: Tu Bo asked: Blessed, if not all measures have artifacts Minister, Minister arises, how to distinguish between three redundant? Buddha and said he accepted the karmic: no ordinary man in aggregate enlightened attachment, the attachment is not legal, no artifacts, no suspicions arise so, how to distinguish between three redundant? And he was enlightened, not in aggregate attachment, the attachment is not no way, no artifacts, no arises, therefore why suspicions? In this causal Buddhists say: I also do not use in the eyes that see the best way ..., what the crazy situations that do not have eyes want to see?
Bodhi Monastery question: If there is no law, no living beings, why we say there are three groups of students?
Buddha said: I see a group of beings still can not get, how can three? Just to shatter them crazy student should distinguish three. Ranks are crazy people out called the primary group, the class is certainly not out dozens of insanity; class who have been predestined time can break, not crazy and they can not break the uncertain group , are said according to secular law, not feet in its highest sense.
Q: in the real Buddha means enlightened First, why would meet with Bodhi Monastery that is not?
A: He says: Bodhi Monastery for every new Bodhisattva mind to ask, so Buddha replied no, why? As crazy street legal compliance can not stay still, let alone stay in the highest sense nothing! That should give Suggestions: If not reside both places, time will not be Exalted, the chief was not feeling it? So Buddha said: It was directed Supreme supreme Buddha, not only reside anywhere. Usefulness of frivolous claims are not true, as not unconditioned, nothing by itself, so it can not stay. In Buddhist want to make clear here that should be mentioned for example the chemical Buddha: Buddha emulsified in the usefulness of non-resident, non-resident in unconditioned properties that can travel sermon.
Q: The metamorphosis travel time can be preached, how can Paramitayana be enforced?
A: Do not say the practice is evolving, sentient eyes only see this kind of stuff as real action. The economic transformation in him as saying, for the multi-religious rebel. The information under the Bodhi Monastery, each person every karmic evolution and real Buddha is no different, but there was still some room so asked the Buddha: If there is no merit to distinguish the real Buddha offerings until the balance is Infinite Nirvana not the end goal, that merit is not offering the same merchandise Buddha take it? Buddha said: Buddha Offering merchandise, real Buddha, blessed him not different, why? because Buddha is the true form of legal evidence should not merit the same offerings to take, turned Buddhist minister should also not leave real Buddhist cultural offerings, no other center, the other blessings too.
Q: SCPI without merit ... the ten, how in the real Buddha?
A: The ten virtues are in power ... in true form, if separated from the ten generals is not true Dhamma, crashed into crazy wrong.
Q: If so, the real Buddha, Buddha certainly true cultural minister, saying, Why do Buddha brought malice bleeding against sin?
A: In the just say bring Buddha malice as bleeding, not truth or chemical Buddha Buddha said. If the offering is fully turned Buddhist blessing, if you take the malice of any cancellation must be guilty now, because evil people called the Buddha is the real Buddha goods should bring malice bleeding as Buddhist, he sinned against.
Q: If so, why would the chemical Vinaya's not saying kill police precept?
A: In the Vinaya are for the world, our regents institutions should increase fetters world, but not really general conclusion, why? So according to Vinaya someone, have them pretend that fetters of birth in the world, for upholding dharma should not see a lot less guilty after birth. Again, life after serious crime in the law lightly, as buffalo killed the goat's director, presented serious crime that light, also praised the woman who directed it to the world is heavy but lighter sins after death. Kill the buffalo goat transformed dislike people do not have to stay but did not sin in the heart itself, if it's goat and buffalo buffalo kill goats for evolution that is different not mind the guilty alike. But the mechanism of the Buddhist world is because people are rare, heavy body, doing so in the industry say very seriously, not bodily, verbal. As the largest charity working with people that are not from eighty, eighty see because from birth they should not have been possessed immeasurable blessing, the wrong end of virtue, but brain not harm beings that are Avici hell. So Buddhist cultural offerings, the real Buddha blessed with equality and equal time.
* Again, in this Buddha says Buddha hung across the full cultural initiatives, if people see that rock phenomenon from the Buddha's mind until he is suffering, there is not the same blessed end. Again, hung over the rock audience, if people have the mentality of respect, but do not see that because I thought the Buddha Buddha, used blossoming middle of nowhere to make offerings, he blessed also be an end of all suffering. Back upstairs through the spraying of flowers, only once proclaimed "male models Buddha", he also said to be all suffering, and not take the other blessings.
Q: Why the name just mere self-proclaimed "Namo Buddha" came to fully dry, but not the other blessings take?
A: Because he heard the merits of the Buddha or the elderly from suffering, sickness and death to living beings, so offering more or less, and proclaimed the name of Buddha, are immeasurable blessing; well until the end of suffering, not blessed with take. So, for countless blessings fill up but needs attention puree alms, nor blessed with another take. There are examples of conditions and so should the real Buddha, Buddha is no different chemicals. Offering complete blessings of Buddhist places, countless other blessings, because it's all legal minister did not differ.
Tu Bo asked: Blessed, if the true form of law should not undermine the other two not Buddha, Buddhism distinguishes this sermon, said he is sharp, he is feeling, perception, knowledge that is useful to behavior, he is invisible because he not the true form of legal sabotage it?
Buddha replied from Bodhi, Buddhist distinction but each and every sermon, discourse only want to be liberated beings, that Buddha did not mind what obstacles. If the Buddha and said to each other should not say by themselves, because they could not understand the Buddha's birth should want to lead them to say good student knows that evil speaking, as in the Lotus Sutra house fire for example, used three vehicles for example lead the children out of the house. Only generals sermon without undermining its highest sense.
Tu Bo asked: But generals because they use birth sermon, not really, I not so frivolous it?
Buddha replied secular saint speaking, there is no room in the attachment generals. In this causal Buddhists say: If ordinary hard time saying the prime minister approved list, Buddhas and disciples mouth not mind suffering that attachment, if the attachment is not called the Noble Truths of suffering. Dukkha ie generals, no certain truth, ordinary attachment is also famous general, certain no truth, how the generals "no" to the attachment generals "no"? If the generals are not that attached to the generals did not also be attached not; formless formless also be attached, no attachments should also uncreated, unconditioned to calculate multiplicity also be attached behavior. France's Minister of difficulty are as ordinary, only generals, generals do not stay in generals. Bodhisattva in general practice lists that reside in Wisdom's generals should observe all legal bogus.
Tu Bo asked: If all the generals only legal, Bodhisattva how economic development in the center as saying?
Buddha replied: If only all generals measures, in generals, generals do not; measures that ultimately are not, in As, legal nature, in fact, so can play center Bodhisattva Supreme supreme sense, for the three methods can be used to admit people. If certain measures real generals, not generals ie no birth and death, because there is no birth and death there is no suffering, Tap, Kill, director, how to bring legal successor Second sentient beings? If the mere legal title will not only be real, not birth and death, because no birth and death should not be suffering, Tap, Kill, how could the director of? Bodhisattva knows this all general legal name "not" time away from the crazy world, well known generals "no", well away from the famous general "no". Thus, the left can not leave, can be in the middle sentient beings. The Buddha would say: Bodhisattva Sutra middle position that is Necessary strain.
Now from Bodhi wants victims should ask before fixing the Buddha, asked: Necessarily location Exalted said evidence?
Buddha said: I said Necessarily strain position.
Asked the Buddha would say three position, three position nothing else wrong?
Buddha: the position of omniscience bar text, Pratyekabuddhas, why? Since necessarily in six apartments, in addition to six bare twelve accession; Sravakas location, Pratyekabuddhas know that all measures of general minister and impermanence, suffering, not, not self. General direction of the Bodhisattva mind is location. Dao have four things are: Act blessed life in the human realm optimistic bias, meaning that merit planting retribution blessed life lost in the sky, people, plus three of the four direct successor. France is leading the way of the bodhisattva beings, brought into the modern direction. If you can not then put into the direct successor Second, if people can not enter Nirvana, the time put into the blessed heavenly realms optimistic, as predestined for Nirvana. Directed blessed touch of the world's ten goodness and generosity merit; thirty-seven articles of the Second assistant director bequest thirty-seven articles and six assistant director Paramitayana of Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas should know clear the direction. Buddhist Bodhisattva used to benefit their interests and use the other three because they are born director, he called the race director of the Bodhisattva mind.
Bodhi Monastery Q: What is the general direction of the Bodhisattva mind.
Buddha answered Bodhisattva should complete all the directors, and he teaches directing beings, but he directed that all sentient beings without education, strictly pure Buddha realm, not the prime witness, when full employment was, so after new prime evidence seated ashrams. So location is the race director of the Bodhisattva.
Bodhi Monastery asked Bodhisattva residing anywhere in fact try them? The Bodhi Monastery would like to ask: If at the time directed the defense evidence was not true, because there are two problems: One is the fetter there are no ultimate right knowledge can be pure, if there is no other time to do with Buddhism, if other afflictions, but should have dangerously wrong. Two is all compounded things are frivolous, so there should be harmony, posing no certain truth, so Buddha replied no. Now from Bodhi or thought that Buddha attained Dao very deep, unknowable depths, so asked Bodhisattva residing anywhere in fact try them? Buddhist Bodhi Monastery asked back.
Q: What Buddha did not respond directly but asked back Bodhi Monastery?
A: From Bodhi to possess a clear direction not in error because you legal documents a Buddhist bell, with four arguments as there are questions Coliseum attachments, do not know ask. So taking place Buddha Bodhi Monastery basis of the evidence asked back: When he is enlightened in four sentences attain it? A: No, the child did not have a shelter that is clean of all defilements. Buddha: He had no shelter but the mind is liberated, the Bodhisattva should know so well, not in four sentences that in fact witness, so He asked back.
Then there are the questions: In the four-way meeting, this is by asking the opposite response.
Q: Tu Vajra Bodhi in eighty-eight were freed, say excuse not reside in direction?
A: Immigration law is the prime minister has certain truth, that person wins the unconditioned measures should not be called permanent place compounded because not needed should not stay in it. Then there are people who say: List of law that the ordinary minister also increasingly differentiated as Kim, was freed, while the evidence is formless law regardless what time. Buddha to ask for legal formless Bodhi Monastery opposite: He should not take the name of the minister asked, he should not get generals that problem.
Necessarily Tri strain of Buddha is located. Necessarily location intelligence throughout the race is not afraid to approach all three lives, know, large and small, rough crystals, no reason not to know. Buddha himself said that the race location Necessarily, there are two generals: One is real smooth minister of Justice, the Minister passed away, like water in a large ocean, the wind can not shake, because deep down, not starting up new life , as well as race position Necessarily So opinion Coliseum wind can not shake, two is to use all possible measures generals, texts, speech language clearly very afraid smoothly, including two photographers work have not, so Necessarily call a race. Someone said: Ten mentality, four things not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen measures are not living in harmony intelligence minister, he called the place Necessarily strain. Then there are people who say: From Vajra Samadhi, first class or your wife should liberate large and small, near and far, run deep, intimidating not knowing what not. There are innumerable causes and conditions as so-called location Necessarily strain. 
Vaporization Bodhi Monastery Buddha: Buddhist wisdom can differentiate high, medium, low, so by intellectual afflictions have different segments except reasonable?
Buddha replied: There is no difference. While there except the time difference, except the time done no wrong other contestants as sharp blades, flood, should be slow quickly when cut, the cut is complete without the other wrong. As a hybrid of afflictions and habits were cured of all, there Sravakas, Pratyekabuddhas just stop habitual afflictions that are also.
Tu Bo asked: Three Ways damaged section negativity Buddha is said to be compounded or inaction? Buddha replied: Both are ridiculous.
Another question: In nothing is wrong because there may be other reasonable?
Buddha replied: France's formless, infinite, how wrong can have another?
Another question: If there is no difference in the time to say how he planned stage residual or leftover?
Buddha replied: The gas is not known true sorrow, but there is an end to all the negativity that body and mouth where negativity also appears minister, minister byproducts found that the start listen impure mind. For as Arhat took three hundred years away from investigating the monkey in the middle, but this should be the Arhat that gas were still climbing trees, see the associated student stupid arrogance to say that monks like monkey; arahant does not have such mental but also old habits. All Arhat back as she lay in the old mausoleum hundred lives born in a Brahmin home, get familiar contempt mind, so when the Arhat but also told that god Ganges: State spleen to stop flowing to us go through. Divine Ganges angry, to report to the Buddhist elements. He tells us he repented, he also called the primary defect. Habits of bodily afflictions such industrial and export goods had finished cleaning Theravada, Buddhism also does not have it. As an evil Brahmin border, in a hundred years to get yelled at Buddha, Buddhism has no sharp anger. Tam Brahmin went joy, immediately get in a year when hundreds or praising the Buddha, the Buddha did not have good color. Be aware, habitual negativity Buddha was clear, good and evil is no different.
Again, when enlightened Buddha, from the real merit was radiating good reputation, said to be a Buddhist, and Brahmin girl killed Pham Chi Chun li (Sondari), identified left to bring the Crystal amnesty to slander the Buddha, known remote station data, for both the Buddha was not changed mind, and not worry celebrate. Again, in the village of Brahmin Buddhist alms, carrying bowls did not return, or the sun was donated goods, or in the three months to eat rice with horses, or prefer the sun to the sky dish to make offerings, or A Buddha in the forest of thorns was la old woman, windy, or joy in the garden, in the great treasures of the white rock gods soft, smooth, or lying on cushions of gods ... for good or bad things, such good data, not worry celebrate Buddha mind. Come as Devadatta rolling stones brought golf to the Buddha mind, or mind to Rahula Buddha hands in reverence, for those two, equally beloved Buddhist center as his lover's eyes. There are things that cause such chaos, Buddhism has no other relative order. For as real gold, burning, grinding, sanding, it does not change color. Buddha experienced these things, no more off center, should be able to know the habits and afflictions of love and hate, the Buddha are clean finish.
Tu Bo said: If in fact the law minister or director, or Nirvana, nothing by itself, if it's nothing of the reason why the distinction here is completely Tu momentum, this is not an end Pratyekabuddhas all habits, even Buddha has stopped all gas collection?
Buddha: The three are so saintly legacy of the innumerable other acts that are wrong. But that's where the difference unconditioned, but to say that nothing can be. Bodhi Monastery Buddha want to assign to ask: It's so wrong that nothing should be different because it?
Buddha replied: As a famous general of the secular language language should be able to distinguish differences, even in its highest sense there is no distinction, why? Because in its highest sense, all roads end language, place all mental stop just because the Saints have to say there is an end to fetter the afterlife, life after the parinibbana.
Tu Bo asked: The Legal Thought not, so can not get past lives, let alone the next life? Why? Because human life before birth should be after?
Buddha's words promising possibility: Because they do not know the law minister himself, so He said life after life before, but not in the self-generals, past life after death can not be, why? As before there born after the old one died! If you leave the old dead have not died and born alive? The student does not have an affinity? If you have old died following before birth, not how old one is born dead? Before and after were not able to get the same time could not have been? So say in legal ideology, no life after death before. Buddha: So, so, Tu Bodhi, Bodhisattva should not ideology but by legal action Sutra, Buddha paternal approach to legal problems are not.
Q: Since before the minister said here often Sutra, this excuse was asked?
A: Do not just ask general questions but generally speaking Buddhist Prajna Paramita, taken mean the so-called Prajna Paramita?
He says: For the First law of all the pass to the other side, called Prajna Paramita. First is the restaurant bar text through the use of low position; goods Pratyekabuddhas central location through use, even for the upper row where the Bodhisattva used by, so called easiest.
* Again, there are nine afflictions: Upper, middle and lower levels each have three; intellect has nine levels: Wisdom ha ha, is located between momentum padded need from complete, the upper to the lower position is the position of first lady Sariputta bar text, location wise is upper middle Pratyekabuddhas; rooftop terrace is wise Bodhisattva. Use the upper drainage of the upper position is the easiest to call. For bar text, Pratyekabuddhas just get the general idea, which is somewhat less particular minister. Bodhisattvas also for all common law minister, minister knows clearly separate, so-called easiest.
* Again, the Bodhisattva of escape, known throughout the legal wisdom may know, stocking Second, for legal successor may know, is located not turn around, so the easiest call.
* Again, the easiest Mahayana merit goods, intellectual, Paramitayana six, thirty-seven full legal assistant so peaceful passing.
* Again, Buddhas and great Bodhisattvas and gods are to help, peace be high, as the seven golden boat ride, road repairing tools fully, certainly, on all sorts of delicious food boat, have good navigation, easy to see the wind, time can pass well. If the raft ride through the grass to the creepy place called not pass well.
* Again, the Buddha said the three redundant by Prajna Paramita which pass to the other side of Nirvana, favor an end to all suffering, because that was the so-called Prajna Paramita.
* Again, the Prajna Paramita, all the way outside, large and small, thinking, reserves, discrimination, traced to small dust cloud, not something durable. When the Minister of the undivided ceiling; heart center in a number of legal concepts can not divide; Prajna Paramita in her mind and matter are destroyed, tracing can not be sure really, because that's so-called Prajna Paramita.
* Again, Prajna is wisdom, is Paramitayana to the other shore. Take the other side is the edge of all wisdom. Wisdom is not undermining minister, minister can not sabotage ie As, in fact, calculated, because it really should not be destroyed, three of which photography into so-called Prajna Paramita Sutra.
* Again, Prajna Paramita no law or case law with, or spread, because ultimately no. Prajna Paramita was no color, no shape, no respect, it is not only a minister can minister. This means that as previously stated. There is such an affinity for so-called Prajna means.
Would say that this Sutra. Prajna means can produce all wisdom, meditation, heresies eloquence. Due force Uncivil discourse should make a solemn statement each and every life not all the same. Property sun moon, stars can not reference to, Prajna Paramita reference. Uncivil darkness of ignorance out wrong. People ghost or ghost writer or constitutes, Pratyekabuddhas, pagan, destructive evil people can not, why? As the Bodhisattva Sutra, the person can not get in Prajna.
* Again, if the practitioner least credit life center, while reciting the evil people can not find a convenient place, let alone practitioners remember thinking right, doing the right thing as saying. Thus, the Bodhisattva Sutra means he should act. Wisdom is meaning meaning of impermanence, suffering means, no, no-self, place four soles, take location, location infertility, treatments, type of place, that place, eager minds, so as to act Sutra position. Prajna's like the ocean or large or small treasures, like the pearl is unique. Wisdom also treasures of wisdom, it was: Four holy virtues impermanence, suffering, not, selflessness, ten position, as it's the only place like the jewel.
Q: As before said product, often or very often under not called Prajna Paramita practice, this star says that impermanence Action ... should act Prajna Paramita?
A: I have answered as before: Impermanence of two things: If the attachment Coliseum Coliseum reasoning and conclusion impermanence time not calling it Prajna, without attachment, impermanence argument is not broke Coliseum crazy approved often. Not spontaneous attachments, Wisdom was called out.
Q: In only ten position Tripitaka, stars in this more realistic position?
A: So-called Mahayana. General legal or sub-legal life functions, sub-functions approach life is not the legal age.
Q: Ten general location may own, as it's also what position can minister?
A: Some people say: Knowing the law is as real as minister, calculated, in fact, as it's called general position. In this position, the Buddha said is just as true for Buddha mind is, why? For anyone who is not clean, there is ignorance as they can not know truth. Every Bodhisattva II legacy and sets uncleaned gas should not be known throughout all the way, all of us, not as it's called mind, only imposed on all the clean end to ignorance, can not Surplus should know as truth.
Q: If there is no external Buddha who has realistic position, the redundant second class how nirvana, bodhisattva how customers are infertile ring?
A: As it's location has two: One is to turn around, full, two are incomplete. Full Buddha, II legacy is incomplete and great bodhisattvas. For as in the dark, because the light needs to be burned; work done after the burning light, more light more clear. My house has two parts, the first part except the lamp, the lamp after the second out. The second shadow with light head lamp, if the lamp is not so useless Monday. Thus, the wisdom of every Bodhisattva II legacy and modern but broke ignorance, but ignorance part, except that the Buddha wisdom is impossible unless the people on, do not be talking head lamp not illuminated. Thus, not to speak of second-class intellectual legacy, the Bodhisattva is known around as truth. Position as it is known throughout the Buddhist position, and location as it is redundant and general location of the Bodhisattva II.
Tu Bo asked: Blessed, if in profound Prajna, meaning and non-meaning is not able to get, how to say because that Bodhisattvas should practice the profound Prajna Sutra?
Buddha replied: The defilement greed is not so unjust act. The method has three parts: The negativity is unjust greed; these six Paramitayana goodness ... that means; neutral phenomena should not mean not unjust. If any of sorrow and affliction caused birth center hatred, for goodness Paramitayana six people out of bad living and loving heart, but for legal excellence and the executive neutral numerous parasites time asinine as interested in business say: when life happy byproduct taking birth center, birth center unpleasantness when angry, when life unpleasant born delusion. So says Bodhisattva should think greed ... is unjust, should not think it's for Africa, as business at large. In the Buddha himself said this karmic; fresh approach, legal information, legal neutral As only a minister, and that no non-sense, because almost no two, no discrimination.
* Again, the Buddha found enlightenment not a legal or non-sense or meaning. It's the law minister whether or not Buddha Buddha is permanent, not starting up mean and not mean. If you know that is so mean, just because shatter discrimination should say should not act within the meaning and non-meaning. Thus, should the Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita left and unjust means.
Tu Bo asked what she Prajna Paramita not mean not unjust?
Buddha: All the interactive method no start, no general work skills, preferences, effects, how to start up Prajna means and not the means?
Tu Bo asked: If all the Buddhas and disciples are taking legal duty unconditioned, therefore why Buddha said Prajna Paramita means work can not be started and not mean.
Buddha said: All the saints take legal but that does not mean unconditioned do more not less. In this prayer said for example: As vain as, not more sentient, living beings can not be relieved, because nowhere, there should be no legal means and not the means, let alone Like nowhere! Nowhere, though not legal, but there's all the time that there's nowhere where the artifacts; Prajna Paramita is the same, but formless unconditioned, that person can distinguish the practice of Buddhist Circuit, in Paramitayana. Because the attachment should not distinguish the meaning and not the meaning; attachment should not be telling the truth that the First. Because according to secular empire should say that, even in its highest sense does not mean to.
* Again, Wisdom has two: One is compounded, two and unconditioned. Learning can be compounded Sutra full Paramitayana six, ten local residents, school unconditioned Sutra, clean end all afflictions and habits, Buddhist Circuit. Buddhist Bodhi this question: Bodhisattva Wisdom is learning unconditioned omniscience, how to say no mean?
Buddha replied: Necessary But the location, such as the two measures should be. Distinguishing prime minister called the two measures.
Asked France not two measures can not be two U?
Buddha replied: No, why? Because no two methods ie unconditioned. Invisible because no prime minister and not elected, because inaction can not practice law.
Another question: If the two do not is not legal, the two measures may be legal because no two reasonable?
Buddha replied: No, why? Because the two measures frivolous, not really, how law enforcement is not really true?
Another question: If not by the two methods, not by law not two, how the race location Necessary?
Buddha replied: No news is possessed favorable. In this two and not two ie no discrimination, there are not possessed. No he is not possessed by that act have acquired. But law enforcement compounded, possessed him no, because the mind is not the prime minister should not have possessed, why? So with no action, no minister, no such effect.

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