Thursday 6 March 2014

Buddhist ethical life can not be done with those who live alone in the forest, away from society and people. Despite that, there are many who do not understand Buddhism, that Buddhism advocates a separation of social life and the real world.

If research is not biased attitude of the Buddha precepts for every house regulatory and ordained, in the light of Theravada Buddhist scriptures as well as Mahayana Buddhism, we see very clearly etiquette Assembly humanity fully reflect the precepts that. killing Take sex for example. About killing living creatures is not meant respecting and protecting the life of sentient beings, and above all respect for the protection of human life. If you put it in modern terms, would not respect the protection of life, but also improve the quality of life, both physically and mentally, truly respect human dignity and human rights. That is the meaning of the human and social world of Buddhism is not killing.

 Center from which the Buddha felt drunk elephant wins Nalagiri
Currently, the issue of preventing catastrophic nuclear war is the protection of life of this planet. It's not killing world, understood the enormity of the whole planet, the whole human race. If you understood more broadly, the issue is not only to protect life, but also improve the quality of human life on both material and moral, spiritual, ensure conditions for a life happiness and creativity, a life worthy of human emotional and rational. That is the social nature of the world in not killing Buddhism, properly understood in its broad sense. regard the world not steal too. Hand deterrence of this world is not stealing, not taking what is not given under all forms, overt or subtle, rich. Corruption, bribery, half-trafficking scam etc. .. are within the scope of deterrence of this world. Anyone can understand if a society where corruption, bribery, scams, fraud merchant selling space becomes available, it is that society can not survive long been. sutras, whether belonging to the Theravada Mahayana or promote the practice of giving are under various forms of it. The first is financial giving, ie help the needy of material goods such as clothing, food and drink, housing, medication, money, etc. ... appeared in the value of not in place for more or less that are mostly in place for use of the center, because compassion, true compassion, the compassion that is deeply sympathize with all the misery of fellow human beings of that commitment divide said. Besides love, empathy with the suffering and misfortune of all beings, of all people, Buddhists also hone petal heart attitude that is willing to share the joy with everyone they birth, people, and most do not mind letting go of clinging, no problems whatever. So even though the form of alms is how wealth is generosity, or legal alms (experimental approach), Buddhists only motive that inspires compassion that is, as said petal. Another factor promoting the Buddhist practice of giving not perform the mental fatigue. With the eyes of wisdom, Buddhists do not see the difference between her and the people, all living beings. That is the view of selflessness, is the essence of ethics and philosophy of Buddhism. The doctrine of selflessness guide the behavior of all Buddhists, monastic or at home. Buddhist bodhisattva austerities, ie Development Center practicing the Bodhisattva vow, to achieve results for Saints ie the highest Buddha. A Buddhist bodhisattva austerities is the embodiment of selflessness theory. All thoughts, words and actions of the Buddhist bodhisattva austerities to indoctrination selfless, totally selfish plaque. Existence to other Buddhist bodhisattva austerities must work tirelessly to reduce the suffering of living beings, help the poor to the poor, even to sacrifice their own happiness to life itself themselves. Shakyamuni Buddha, in a previous life, as a bodhisattva austerities up the example of a life totally selfless way. economic Buddha said in Nipata Sutta (The Business): "Be striving for peace and happiness of others. " For practicing Buddhist Bodhisattva well "is happy to serve and are happy to serve." A service life of active, positive, tireless, does not require anyone to give something, do not ask anyone to praise, praise. A Buddhist Bodhisattva must cultivate well as father, mother, teacher, brother, friend to all living beings. Whether ordained or in part, the Buddhist bodhisattva austerities will maintain that stance. Buddhist ideal of self-propelled Bodhisattva ideal society is a most beautiful, beyond all requirements social doctrine of the most progressive of all time. It is wrong, too wrong to criticize Buddhism advocates a passive lifestyle, personal and selfish. And so, the Buddhist virtue of social institutions mean huge. possible to mention here the moral precepts of Buddhism, has great social significance, and has been said to the Buddha during his lifetime in that, as is typical of the virtues of the Buddhists: A. Four photographers Strategy: A four practice law if they gather photographic effects, attraction, being held on the spiritual path. That is: a) Giving: Help beings of material wealth, the moral preaching, protecting beings from fear. b) Ai language: say cordially gentle beings c) operating profit : do all Buddhas al that the beneficial for all beings. d) At the: work with all living beings on the job and the Buddha's favor. Quite obviously the four measures that can only practice in the middle of society, for society, for everyone, in order to attract a broad audience appeal in the true spiritual path. B. Four immeasurable: The Buddhists are encouraged to practice the four immeasurable mind. That is: a) From: Have compassion for all beings as a mother's compassion for his son a. Do not confuse kindness with Buddhist ordinary love, always mixed desires selfish, narrow-minded and appropriating ideas of their own. From the unlimited compassion, not discrimination, not to Reclaim. A Buddhist compassion and practice, theory and implementation that is selfless in real life, because there is no distinction between his body and the person or case or more beings. Buddha taught that the power of kindness very large. The Buddhist monks live peacefully trim in deep forest, is justified by compassion emanating from human predators they made ​​closer they became domesticated, not harm them. Buddha " I live on the slopes. By the power of kindness, I pulled back near our lions and tigers, living in the jungle around Ta Ta's tigers, wild boars, deer and pythons. No animals do fear Me, and I is not afraid of any animal at all. The power of kindness is the only shelter of Me. And I live on such slopes ". b) Compassion: Compassion is sympathy with all Buddhists suffering of other people and beings. With that understanding, voluntarily engaged Buddhists do their best to reduce the suffering of living beings, even though both had to sacrifice his life. c) Hy: heart rejoice means sharing fun people are lucky, be happy. In contrast to the heart is rejoicing heart jealous, just happy to see other people grief, and not bear to see others be happy. Hate leads to heart gestures and cruel behavior, lost humanity. d) Discharge: calm attitude, not before all praise fluctuations, as well as upon the scene adversity is equanimity, an attitude very difficult to practice but also essential between world filled hatred, jealousy, slander and false this. With equanimity, Buddhists do not have greedy thoughts, there is no ideological hatred, not looking away from adversity, nor seek to find agreement for the scene, for whatever circumstances are also keep calm demeanor, impartiality, neutrality, no oscillation. above is the typical characteristic of Buddhist ethics, human worth, human, hoping that the moral foundation has always been can enter and spread in real life, so each of us can establish a life of inner peace, happiness always smiling.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.6/3/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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