Sunday 30 March 2014

Episode 3
Explanation: REDUNDANT sixteenth LEGACY PRODUCTS
(An uncivil burn: part 2, the Excess food waste Out of the 14th)
Longitude: now the intelligence network and symbolism develop asked long Phu na: Stars called bodhisattva ma ha slapped big rides (out of sight)?
Phú long na a symbolism that the echo: bodhisattva ma ha slapped when austerities uncivil three la suite Pilot riding three la suite, there are countries which three la suite, there is no bodhisattva, are the Prime facility receives wireless use (as-ND); He called bodhisattva ma ha slaps riding Countries three la suite. Bodhisattva ma ha slapped when austerities uncivil three la suite la suite, three riding Rings humiliation of three la suite, effort three la suite, three Meditation la suite, riding three uncivil la suite, there are three uncivil la suite, there are myriad uses, due to the bodhisattva Prime facility; He called bodhisattva ma ha slapped three uncivil riding la suite.
Thus, the symbolism the echo! He called bodhisattva ma ha slapped big rides.
Then again, bodhisattva ma ha slapped big rides are for the mind Samyutta Position necessarily, because four of the French tu Memorial vandalized (impenetrable French Prime-ND), so for the mind Samyutta with eighteen strains necessarily non-tu, chung, because France does not have also vandalized. Thus, the symbolism the echo! He called bodhisattva ma ha slapped big rides.
Then again, the echo symbolism! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped think: bodhisattva is only partial, since they can't get in, then called bodhisattva ma ha slapped big rides.
Then again, the echo symbolism! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped think: good only partial, since the colors might not be; tho, thought, action, only partial, since the formula can not be. The eye is only partial, since the eye can't get; to Italy as well. The four anniversary of only partial, since the four anniversary of can't get; up to eight Th title only section leaders ardently because eight Saints Scouts section could not have been. Cabinet not only your self, because no Cabinet could not obtain; so ill compounded France not only has infinite, since the non-compounded impossible to get; until eighteen France not only common name, since the eighteen non-French General cannot get. The France as only the title, because such as could not have been. France, France, France, France, Leanne, reality, only partial, since it's not possible. Loads of upper Primary Education Office and the Buddha only partial, since the Buddha may not have been.
Symbolism the echo! The so called bodhisattva ma ha slapped big rides.
Then again, the echo symbolism! If the bodhisattva ma ha slaps from the broadcast Center to present full bodhisattva spirit, achievement, from a Buddhist country to another country for Buddhist respect, donation, respect, concur the exclamation of the Buddha, according to the Buddha, Dhamma, life leader called bodhisattva riding big cars. Bodhisattva riding big cars, from a Buddhist country to a pure Buddha Buddha water levels, achievements, initially had no idea of Buddha, also no idea of sentient beings, this person based in France without the second, because the life beings, beings of customised applications that embody cultural education to own them; until Position necessarily, never left the car bodhisattva (bodhisattva). Bodhisattva's Mind was necessarily typical, Zhuan Falun that price, Bich chi Buddhas, Dragon, the devil, God, A tu la, the people of the world could not be moved. Now, as the number of Buddhist followers Ganges River sand in the ten directions are identifying the exclamation that rivets the wedding Festival: Method, the water, the bodhisattva ma ha large rides him, is Position necessarily, Zhuan Falun.
Symbolism the echo! He called bodhisattva ma ha slapped big rides.
Conclusion. Phú long na taken presentation three things that Ma ha slaps: up there said two things, now asks the Tuesday's huge car rides (redundant).
Phú long na answer: someone says, he only bodhisattva material in there, which doesn't break my General; He is dignified. If my General screws, into beings not yet entered France, then known as dignified. Human beings are not that into France, austerities Pilot three la suite, do not see three things that person, the recipient, and material, are the so called big car rides; the Three la suite as well as such. Bo does not use socks, blister, left the negativity and second, because for a set of four strains of tu tu, the anniversary also can't get it. because purity; He called big car rides; until eighteen France not so common.
Then again, if the bodhisattva knows the whole of France is just pretending, for the whole world, or the world is pretending, then known as the big car rides.
Then again, the great bodhisattva who played dignified, adequate spirit of Bodhisattva. Because there are enough God of Bodhisattva should sentient achievement, from a Buddhist country to a Buddhist countries. The country experiencing precipitation, Lotus seven, donation followers of Buddha, put them out of the three evil road, turns out loads of stems, each each client prior to Buddha, listening to French leaders turned Out. From the first Buddhist schools of veterinary general direction out of scraps, great rides, from a Buddhist country to a Buddhist country, achievements, purity, not Buddha, not General Buddhist General degrees, stay in any position of the second type, the beings worthy of the plat. Because they are so loved life, often riding big cars, never stop, then great bodhisattva rode, was known as the Buddha, Zhuan Falun that price, Bich chi Buddhist teachings could not be moved, what scenarios the voracious Lady little guys. Lettered Buddhist as the Ganges River sand in the ten directions approved exclamation bodhisattva that: he, he, water rides, the bodhisattva great achievements they born, Zhuan Falun. General status of the so called big car rides.
Then again, a large car called the six Three la suite it., bodhisattva ma ha slapped when riding big cars, get in the spirit for the solemn communion. Bodhisattva in that car in awhile turns out numerous relatives, go to the ten world's means of donation of the Buddha, the escape, he is often absent from the Buddhist bodhisattva not lettered, to be known as the Buddha, often riding big cars.
Explanation: the 17th DIGNIFIED PRODUCTS
(An uncivil burn: part 2, Wireless Products Be the 15th Prize)
Longitude: Bodhi Buddhist Monastery ever Bach that Bach: in Germany The Ton! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped the dignified (An uncivil Note: armor out of superfluous), what is the great dignified? What is the bodhisattva can great dignified?
Buddha Monk Bodhi: bodhisattva ma ha stately great Mahayana slapped the three la suite so uncivil three la suite severely page; the four anniversary of dignified until the eight Saints Scouts; No Cabinet strictly until infinity compounded France; ten to eighteen and not to the French Position necessarily dignified strain. Turning oneself as the Buddha dignified, light shining around three thousand of heavenly world, also broadcast around the world as the constant HA sa in the East, West, South, North, four corners on the bottom as well. Three thousand of heavenly world six ways shaken, shake the whole world as the constant HA sa in the East, West, South, North, four corners on the bottom as well. Bodhisattva ma ha him stay Pilot three la suite Mahayana dignified, three thousand of heavenly world turned into Yuri, turned to the rotating Switch, depending on your preferred Seong will of sentient beings, the need for food, drink, clothing, catering needs, map lies, floral perfume, perfume, retired English marinated, property room, lights the torches, clear the grant, for enough, and the sermon is should say six Three la suite. They play France, never left six Three la suite, until being Detached upper Primary Education Office.
Thus the Bodhi Monastery! He called the Mahayana bodhisattva Lama vast acres of stately slapped.
Bodhi monastery! Laboratory experiments as the teacher or the pupil going to going to art, in the middle of the crossroads, turned to mass in front of foods for eating, drinking, catering to the need both to grant visas.
Bodhi monastery! What do you think? I was going to get there, magic is for?
Bodhi monastery ladies: Dear World, no Respect!
Bodhi monastery! Bodhisattva ma ha slaps also, commodities do Move, full of rotating Seong Sunday, need to eat to eat, to drink, to catering to the need to use are granted to all, but there's nothing that he does not give, because why? Bodhi monastery! Because going to the General as well.
Then again, Bodhi! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped stay among three la suite, now resident in the Transferred LUN Seong, taking ten friendly Taoism culture, again taking four, four, four immeasurable mind to infinity, the four anniversary of, until the French General, eighteen non-chemical beings. New people hear France until shown to be Loads of upper Primary education complete Primary sensory not left France, countries which, like going to the teacher or the pupil going to art, in the middle of the crossroads, do, get ten in good Taoist culture to do; get four meditation, four immeasurable heart, four to infinity, the four anniversary of, until the French turned eighteen general education not to do.
Bodhi monastery! What do you think? He's going to have real educational tactics they turned to do ten charity, until the French General not eighteen?
Bodhi monastery ladies: Dear World, no Respect!
Bodhi monastery! Bodhisattva as well. Get ten in good Taoist culture they are told to do, until the French public not eighteen truth no sentient beings do ten friendly, until eighteen non-French General, because why? Because the France going as well.
Bodhi monastery! He called bodhisattva ma ha slapped three-Ring in la suite, the chemical they engagement rings.
Bodhi monastery! What is Bodhisattva ma ha slapped three-Ring in la suite Catholic culture they stay within three Rings at la suite?
Bodhi monastery! Bodhisattva ma ha slaps from the broadcast centre here, dignified expression: If all sentient beings to yelled at nhiếc, waxy sticks and damaging, bodhisattva ma ha slapped not starting a celebration for her, also taught all beings as modesty rings such humiliation, such as going to the teacher, or student going to art in the middle of the crossroadsthe chemistry, tu, led rings, also as above stated.
Bodhi monastery! He called bodhisattva ma ha slapped the dignified.
Then again, Bodhi! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped in effort of three la suite, taught all beings made tu effort three la suite.
Bodhi monastery! What is Bodhisattva ma ha slapped in effort of three la suite, taught all beings made tu effort three la suite?
Bodhi monastery! Bodhisattva ma ha who slapped the Samyutta with Position necessarily, mind, religion, chemistry laboratory experiments as the teacher or the pupil going to going to art in the middle of the intersection turns do, teach makes tu mind, additionally as ob said. He called bodhisattva ma ha slapped the dignified.
Then again, Bodhi! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped stay Meditation three la suite, taught all beings made meditation three la suite.
Bodhi monastery! What is Bodhisattva ma ha slapped stay in Meditation three la suite, taught all beings made meditation three la suite?
Bodhi monastery! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped stay in France, or France or not found. Thus, Bodhi! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped stay in Meditation three la suite, taught all beings made meditation three la suite, until shown to be Loads of upper Primary education Primary, full-time is not absent from the third Meditation la suite; laboratory experiments as the teacher or the pupil going to going to art in the middle of the crossroads, do, teach meditation led three la suite, also as above stated.
Bodhi monastery! He called bodhisattva ma ha slapped the dignified.
Then again, Bodhi! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped in uncivil three la suite, taught all beings made tu uncivil three la suite.
Bodhi monastery! What is Bodhisattva ma ha slapped in uncivil three la suite, taught all beings made tu uncivil three la suite?
Bodhi monastery! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped three uncivil tu la suite, there are other banks, this Bank, so is the bodhisattva ma ha slapped in uncivil three la suite, taught all beings made tu uncivil three la suite, such as going to the teacher, or going to school, in the middle of the crossroads, do, teach makes uncivil tu ba la suite.
Bodhi monastery! He called bodhisattva ma ha slapped the dignified.
Then again, Bodhi! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped the dignified is in mư i the world Thu HA sa, customised applications, proven themselves stay in the three la suite, to uncivil three la suite, also taught them born makes three-Pilot tu la suite so uncivil three la suite. They then overhaul France until shown to the upper Primary level, Primary Unconscious the whole not left France. Bodhi monastery! Laboratory experiments as the teacher going to art, or going to school, in the middle of the crossroads, do, teach makes tu six Three la suite, also as above stated.
Thus, Bodhi! He called bodhisattva ma ha slapped the dignified.
Then again, Bodhi! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped the dignified heart Samyutta with Position necessarily, not meditate on that: We taught these people stay in the three la suite, do not teach all these people stay in the three la suite, to uncivil three la suite as well as such; not that: I taught those who stay in the memory of four parishes, not to teach these people stay in the memory of four parishes, to the French General not eighteen; also not recite that: I taught those who handle result complete momentum, momentum Investors Tu ham, the fruit A fruit A la jaws, na Han, Bich chi Buddhist leader, for a necessary vaccine, do not teach all these people making are result of Tu da, until the Position required. I will cause boundless immeasurable countless beings stay in ba la suite, to uncivil three la suite, building created beings where four anniversary of, until eighteen non-common, causing immeasurable immeasurable countless beings are perfect momentum to Overhaul ball Position necessarily strains; laboratory experiments as the teacher or the pupil going to going to art, in the middle of the intersection turns do, teach makes tu six Three la suite, to be evidence for a set. Also as above stated.
Bodhi monastery! He called bodhisattva ma ha slapped the dignified.
Comment: above Phu long na said the dignified and General play great stately, now becomes the Bodhi Monastery began reciting that Phu long na not yet for a contest, but said Australian dignified, or mistake, should ask Buddha to its decision-making. Buddha as Bodhi Monastery said countries which three la suite great dignified, so Position necessarily result of friendly France should be your major God of Bodhisattva; because we love the choreography students in class so harsh as large light Launcher, Buddha-body, the ten world's method of vibration, causing them to release the French tu Center improve fertility, as thoroughly appropriate that theory for, making three redundant, since they are at the ham, making Turning wheel Seong, three thousand of heavenly world into Yuribecause no hindrances, rode seven treasures, a body launched the aura, the rain the treasures, they are to be used, are made in full, so after talking to France. Bodhisattva in Mahayana, retrieved two alms to benefit sentient beings, that Member countries and France, countries which, they heard six tu-three la suite for up to eighteen non-French General, to be disabled when the upper Primary education Primary, full-time is not absent from France. Bodhisattva but stay in the transformation would not accept the advance French against General nor naïve. Bodhi monastery initiates recited that: bodhisattva is great. Back yet cleanly off, illicit, or, how not to lose against France, nor who was himself born? In this example, said Buddha himself as master going to art in the middle of the crossroads, do the things we need, can be customised for gone. Bodhi monastery! What do you think? I was there for art going? Someone receives, someone needs to use?
Bodhi monastery dear: That is just rotten lied, it's nothing.
Buddha: the bodhisattva as well, although we do stems, stems Turning wheel Seong, taken by the French and the contender for sentient beings, as well as going to real art teacher there for nothing, why? Because the French are not going to like it.. In the other Three, also from la confidential depending on the meaning which distinguish.
Then again, due to the human World, three Laboratory coast la ba la suite, London, United Kingdom Mass Transfer should make riches in the human species, caused by the Three other security or United States dollars, or Date of France itself.
Q: in addition to six Three la suite is also what the French can be dignified?
A: the German currency stock photography for six Three la suite. Speakers are also three la suite and Three la suite etc. in the ten directions the digital world as the constant HA sa, customised value for degrees, display the personality charm theory makes them stay in six three-la suite.
Then again, the decision becomes the chapel known as dignified, means bodhisattva not start reciting that: I the all these people making stay in ba la suite, which could not be the other person. Until eighteen France is not so common, well not start reciting that: we're making all these people are complete without da Tu result makes all these people are complete Tu da results; until the Buddhist leader as well. We're going to make off of immeasurable beings stay in Germany, three la suite to Position necessarily strains, such as going to the teacher, as before mentioned; He called the play becomes the stately college chapel.
Longitude: Bodhi Buddhist Monastery ever Bach that Bach: in Germany The Ton! As meaning the Buddhist followers hear bodhisattva ma ha slapped no great dignified is dignified, because the French President himself, literally, the good general; tho, thought, action, formal, formal chess; the eye, the eye is not General for Italy, Italian General; good, good general does, to France, the French General; the label, the label is not general knowledge to consciousness, consciousness in General; labels, label President contact until the contact, the contact General; tho with exposure to human life, not generals, coast to coast guard personnel by making contact-life Italian-born life, not chess.
White Germany World Religion! Pilot three la suite, three la suite-General; so uncivil three la suite, three uncivil la suite General. No Cabinet, no Cabinet Minister; until infinity, infinite non-compounded compounded France not chess; the four anniversary, four anniversary of President, until eighteen non-French General, the French President General not eighteen; Bodhisattva, bodhisattva General. White Germany World Religion! Due to human's coast should know bodhisattva ma ha him no great dignified is dignified.
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: so, so! As he said. Bodhi monastery! For a set, not the French artifacts, they don't have to create the great bodhisattva, dignified work for sentient beings.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The Ton! So what coast Position necessarily vaccine isn't France artifacts, they did not create the great bodhisattva, dignified as sentient beings?
The Buddhist Bodhi Monastery said: Because people do not have, should not strain necessarily Place France artifact born run. The beings he wasn't starting birth star, artifact? Bodhi monastery! Because the colors weren't such artifacts are not created; tho, thought, action, awareness doesn't create work, there are no artifacts. The eye isn't artifact, something are not artifacts to Italy not artifact, something are not artifacts. Good until France, labels for to consciousness, with exposure to Italy exposed, tho with exposure to human fate to Italian charm as contact tho born weren't such artifacts are not artifacts.
Bodhi monastery! Ego isn't such artifacts are not artifacts, so who knows, the guys that have to create work, there are no artifacts, why? Because the France it. he may not get.
Bodhi monastery! Dreams weren't such artifacts are not artifacts, why? Because of it. can not get. Going, echoes, shadows, waves, transformation not artifacts weren't not artifacts, why? Because of it. can not get. Bodhi monastery! Cabinet not not not not artifact artifact, because not have it., so ill compounded France does not create such works are not artifacts, because it. can not get.
Bodhi monastery! The four anniversary of ain't no artifacts, no artifacts, because not have it., so the French General not eighteen, artifact, something are not artifacts, why? Because France it. he may not get. Bodhi monastery! The French like the French, the French General, as Leanne, France, France, fact, artifact, something are not artifacts, because it. can not get.
Bodhi monastery! Bodhisattva not artifacts weren't not artifact, because it. can not get. Slaps her and Position necessarily strains weren't such artifacts are not artifacts, because it. can not get.
So does Altaf, Bodhi! Elegant French, isn't she slapped the artifacts, they start living boys will French artifacts, born boots. Bodhisattva great dignified as they are born. Now, Bodhi Buddhist Monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The Ton! As you consider the meaning of the Buddha: Good not bind does not open; tho, thought, action, nor does it bind does not open.
Phú long time na Di to la ni Zi told Bodhi Monastery that is not tied up not open; tho, thought, consciousness is not tied does not open.
Bodhi monastery says: so, so! SAC is not tied up doesn't open, tho, thought, consciousness is not tied does not open.
Phú long na Di to la ni Zi asked Bodhi Monastery that: what is good not bind does not open; tho, thought, action, without tie does not open?
Bodhi monastery says: Good as dream does not tie does not open; tho, thought, action, such as dream does not tie does not open. Good, tho, thought, action, such as ECHO, like the shadow, such as going, as waves of sunshine, as the changes do not tie does not open.
This Funky long na Di to la ni! Past performance does not tie does not open; tho, thought, consciousness, the past does not tie does not open. Colors do not tie does not open; tho, thought, action, do not tie does not open. Colors in no tie is not open; tho, thought, action, the current Protocol does not bind does not open, why not tie does not open? Because of the good he does, so don't tied does not open; tho, thought, action, nothing, so don't tied not to open, because the leaves, because the President's removal, because should not tie does not open.
This Funky long na! Good, tho, thought, onions, fresh way truss does not open; good, tho, thought, action, no heal no tie is not open. Colors invisible sign does not tie does not open; tho, thought, action, disabled registration does not bind does not open. Worldly lust, world, bootleg, bootleg does not tie does not open; tho, thought, action, nor tie is not open, why? Because nothing was difficult because, as President, because it is not born, so don't tied does not open.
This Funky long na! All non-French tie does not open, because nothing was difficult because, as the President, because no birth.
This Funky long na! Pilot three la suite without tie does not open; Three la suite, three-Ring la suite, effort three la suite, three Meditation la suite, three uncivil la suite does not tie does not open, because nothing was difficult because, as President, because should not tie does not open.
This Funky long na! Cabinet not detained don't open until infinity compounded France does not tie does not open. The four anniversary of no tie is not open, so the French General not eighteen nor tie is not open, because nothing was difficult because, as President, because should not tie does not open. Loads of upper Primary education Chief won't tie does not open; For a set, for a necessary vaccine does not tie does not open. Bodhi don't tie does not open, nor Buddha tied does not open, because nothing was difficult because, as President, because should not tie does not open.
This Funky long na! The French like the French, the French General, as Leanne, France, France, French, so don't tied wuwei does not open, because nothing was difficult because, as President, because should not tie does not open.
This Funky long na! He called bodhisattva ma ha slapped Participants three dollars so uncivil three la suite, no tie is not open; the four anniversary made so don't tied race for Position does not open. Bodhisattva's head in three la suite to the head office in uncivil three la suite, no tie is not open; stay in the four anniversary of no tie is not open, so stay out of Position necessarily does not open, tied the race themselves born does not tie does not open, non-Buddhist levels of net tied does not open, will not bind non-Buddhist schools of donation open, will play France does not open, do not bind all Buddhist schools not tied does not opennon-stop, left the media do not tie does not open completely, not left in the eye does not open, do not bind all Da subjects la ni does not tie does not open completely, do not be absent from the Tam I don't tie does not open, will not open not bound the race Administrators, will be essential for a vaccine does not tie does not open; Zhuan Falun is not tied up not opening, an established beings where tam could not tie does not open.
As such, Phu long na! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped tu six Three la suite without tie does not open, will know all remedies doesn't tie does not open, because nothing was difficult because, as the President, because no birth.
Phú long na, he called bodhisattva ma ha slapped the dignified not tied does not open.
Comment: Tu Bodhi says: Like that you are hearing the Buddha does not have the dignified is dignified, why? Because the President himself.
Q: why Bodhi Monastery says so?
A: the Buddha literally played the dignified very deep, difficult to be confusing. They are born in the us to hear it, the mind or rot away.Dignified it. No, so also God of health information should be in a possible world at around ten modes of Thu HA sa, they love your saying this is the Holy God, we know, that's why Bodhi Monastery said played the dignified deep isn't really hard, not only played the dignified, non-General himself, very easy to order. Good, excellent in General can not get, until eighteen General French as well. If the bodhisattva knows the President's removal Not General French as such, which does not leave the duty to pray, for so called play great dignified isn't difficult. Indian Buddhist Bodhi Monastery reply evidence says, should say: "so". France artifacts were damaged lies, should say she is the elegant French slapped the artifacts because they are French, too, is not it. no artifacts. Buddha taught people to do is not have, should not all General artifacts. Because they can not get, so people do not have, because people do not have, so grace isn't she Slapped General artifact born run.
Then again, Excel also cannot do, because France did not, until the Buddha Dharma is also the same. Bodhi monastery known in France has no general plan to do, such as going, but there is no truth that has Chancellor, so Buddha said as going, as waves of sunlight, there is no general artifact, because it. can not get.
Then the listener thinking that: eighteen may not break the whole of France, world's work, that is true, which means that artifact? So Buddha said: Civil not not created endless tàc, until non-compounded, eighteen France does not share nor artifacts.
Or say: eight is no Huu vi frivolous lies not truth, and so may not create works, and the like, French, French as Leanne chon TAM truth, should have to have artifacts, why? Because all compounded the General staff has every micro, France wuwei also do to France have artifacts? So Buddha said: As such, France, French, Leanne, France, nor does it artifact.
Or say: bodhisattva, Buddha, necessarily, is France really have, can have artifacts? So did French speaking: Buddha because of it. No, should also not created, because the Chancellor favored by artifact entertainment.
Practitioners thought: Phậy France is difficult, so is hy, the French are not artifacts, not tied up doesn't open, we'll be suffering from escaping? That's why Bach Bodhi Monastery for Buddhist thought: As you know the meaning of the Buddha said the five aggregates do not tie does not open? France human wife naughty lies can't get so don't tied France Holy it. No, can't get should not have to open. The five aggregates as midsummer, and the five aggregates for three years, the five aggregates of good real good, all of France as well as such, so it 's, also, because nothing, because the leaves, because, so don't tied does not open; He called Scouts of Bodhisattva not tied does not open by bodhisattva Lama ha slaps. Stay in faith, the negativity doesn't last fall in the divine Lady, should say no, don't take the Radio France smuggled out negativity should not open.
Roman Catholic turned Buddhist levels of net, beings, until in God, in his eyes, the Tam I, Da la ni, full-time is not absent from the Buddha, and an established beings in three admit nor tie is not open, because why? Because France does, because the leaves. as President, because, as does it..
Coast Guard personnel, he called Gen. stately great bodhisattva, meaning no tie is not open.
Explanation: the 18th AUSTRALIAN FOOD SCRAPS
(Ma ha uncivil three la suite recorded: Redundant Matter Products) (An uncivil burn: part 2, 16th Mostra ma Freemasons Products)
Longitude: Bodhi Buddhist Monastery ever Bach that Bach: in Germany The Ton! What is the General Out of Bodhisattva ma ha slaps? How do you know who plays bodhisattva Lama driven Australian animal ha redundant slapped? His legacy emanates from somewhere? Admitting he went to? Admitting he stay? Anyone riding An admit he come out?
The Buddhist Bodhi Monastery said: He asks what are the nearest Australian General of Bodhisattva ma ha slaps? Bodhi monastery! Six Three la suite is An excess of Bodhisattva ma ha slaps. What is sex? Pilot three la suite, three la suite, three-Ring la suite, effort three la suite, three Meditation la suite and uncivil three la suite.
How to call the three la suite? Bodhi monastery! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped with Samyutta mind offering necessarily race, alms material in addition to sentient full-heartedly and helpfulness to Loads of upper Primary Education Office, because the user loads a prime facility. Bodhi monastery! He called bodhisattva ma ha slapped the contender three la suite.
Stars known as The three la suite? Bodhi monastery! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped with Samyutta mind offering necessarily ten DIY friendly, strain relief, also taught others to do ten charity, because the user loads a prime facility. He called Bo ma ha slaps don't accept before three la suite.
Stars known as the three-Ring la suite? Bodhi monastery! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped bring mind Samyutta with Maintenance of full self, necessarily, the ring also teach other people, endless use rings tu fan, he was called bodhisattva ma ha slapped three-Ring la suite.
So called effort three la suite? Bodhi monastery! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped with Samyutta mind offering necessarily Three year seclusion, la suite, industrious tu, also an established all sentient beings where Three years la suite, because the user loads a prime facility; He called bodhisattva ma ha slapped effort three la suite.
Stars called Meditation three la suite? Bodhi monastery! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped with Samyutta mind offering necessarily means own strains on the meditation, not born as meditation also teach other people on the meditation, as the user loads a prime facility; He called bodhisattva ma ha slapped three Meditation la suite.
Stars called uncivil three la suite? Bodhi monastery! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped with Samyutta mind offering necessarily strains, do not soak up all of France, also a French all the names, because the user loads a prime facility; also teach others not to soak up all of France, also a French all the names, because the Prime facility, myriad uses called Bo tàt ma ha slapped three uncivil la suite. Bodhi monastery!
He was the Australian General of Bodhisattva ma ha slaps.
Then again, Bodhi! An excess of Bodhisattva ma ha slapped as not, not, not, not exterior does not, not, not sensu workingmen, owner of no, no, no scene of wuwei, only I could not concur, emptiness, non-lettered, not General, Prime, not the impossible is not French, not French, not compounded.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that: what is intra? Buddha said: Civil not the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, not the eye doesn't. often, there are paragraphs, why? Because of it's name. The ear, the ear does not; no nose; Blade, blade; stem, stem; Italy, Italy does not usually isn't, why? Because the names it himself so; He called non-contents.
Why is foreign? France also called colors, flavor, taste, tactile, France. Colors, colors don't really usually isn't, why? Because of it's name. The bar, the; incense, incense; situation, do not; contact, contact kh ng; France, France does not usually isn't, why? Because the names it himself so; He called for foreign.
Stars called exterior? France in addition called for six, in addition to six. France in France in a regular paragraph, isn't, isn't, why? Because of it. France, France also does not usually isn't, why? Because the names it as such; He called the exterior.
Why is not it? All France does not, not, not usually isn't, why? Because the names it as such; He called not.
Stars called? The Orient, the Orient does not usually isn't, why? Because the names it as such. The South, West, North, and the four corners on the bottom does not usually isn't, why? Because the names it as such; He is not.
Stars called the first meaning? Ðệ for meaning that is Nirvana; Nirvana, Nirvana does not usually isn't, why? Because the names it as such; He called the first definition does not.
Stars called possession vi? Compounded vi is the Best Invisible realms, realms, Education; the Exercise, the Exercise; the Colors, the Colors do not; Infinite realms, the Infinitely good; isn't that usually isn't, why? As such it does, Lee called the owners behavior.
Stars known as wuwei? France wuwei called General not born, not generals, generals don't kill; France French, wuwei wuwei does not usually isn't, why? Because the names it himself so; He called the infinity behavior.
Stars called it.? It. i.e. it. the French could not have been, isn't usually isn't, why? Because the names it as such; He called it. don't.
Stars called loads only I could? Or it starts to get, isn't usually isn't, why? Because the names it as such; She called the myriad only I could not.
Stars called concur? Concur is the French don't kill, don't usually isn't, why? Because the names it as such; He called the thumbs don't.
Why is emptiness? All France's name, or the names of compounded micro-or family identity France wuwei, Leanne not The writer, Bich chi Buddhist Buddhist, making do, not the other people do. Leanne's emptiness, there is usually no need to fragment, why? As such it does, Lee called the emptiness.
Stars called himself General? General self identity is disintegrates, as the generals tho, chess is chess is chess, try taking General art, consciousness is general knowledge. Such compounded behaviour, wuwei, once per order, no general usually doesn't, why? Because the names it as such; He called himself Gen.
Stars called the France? The French is good, tho, thought, consciousness; eyes, ears, tongue, body, muĩ, Italy; good, sound, aroma, taste, tactile, France; with sex, gender identity, gender conscious label until the consciousness, consciousness. The French, not French, not usually isn't, why? As such it does, Lee called the French No.
Stars called possible DAC? Search the French could not have been, he is real, not a privileged usually isn't, why? Because the names it as such; ầy called real DAC.
Why call is France? Or France there's not, there is usually no need to fragment, why? Because the names it as such; She called the myriad non-French.
Stars called French property? The French are the French in harmony with himself, not with French names, usually isn't, why? Because the names it himself so; He called the non-organic.
Stars called infinity compounded France? In France there is France, in the France harmony, with General Lee self (An uncivil Note: how is Leanne Leanne self? Leanne Leanne self invisible is the French cannot have the names of harmony and Leanne have harmony-ND) compounded France 's, isn't usually isn't, why? Because the names it himself so; She called the myriad non-compounded.
Then again, Bodhi! France, French General; loads France French General; Leanne self, self owned non-General; tha tha France French General.
Stars known as France, French generals? France is the five aggregates, aggregates; He called on France, French General.
Stars called infinity Radio-France, the French General? Loads France is France wuwei; She called the myriad, myriad French General.
Stars known as French, French generals? The French, whose emptiness itself does not mind doing that, see do; He called himself French, French General.
Stars known as tha, tha France General? Or birth, or Buddha comes, France, France, France, France, General Lee, as reality, too, as the French do not; He called the French President French excuse excuse (An uncivil Note: all or Buddha's birth or birth, France, France, France, France, France, owned equally by Leanne, France glass born Leanne, chon TAM as real naughty Leanne Leanne variation, no pretensions, really, because he shouldn't call Leanne tha tha tha by Leanne Leanne should not, then called the General An overcapacity of Bodhisattva ma ha slapped-ND).
CONCLUSION. Q: My name is uncivil three la suite, the Buddha makes the Bodhi Monastery because the bodhisattva says three uncivil la suite, Bodhi Monastery should ask three uncivil la suite, Buddha also should answer three uncivil la suite, stars Bodhi Monastery now ask Prime Minister out of scraps, Buddha also An overpaid? A: three uncivil la suite and admit the same meaning, just a different character, or say three uncivil la suite, or say no, An error. An excess is the Buddha's Dharma practice, leaders are to Buddha, that's six three la suite. Three of the six largest la suite is uncivil three la suite, as in the latter Buddha said the coast guard, if said three uncivil la suite, the NIE out six Three la suite. If said six Three la suite era saying enough bodhisattva. That is included from the play of mind until the Buddha; Examples include the King arrives, be sure to have your Entourage; While not saying the Entourage, which should know for sure. An excess as well.
Bodhisattva who developed original austerities for Buddhist practice, friendly sphere in France, they can say that the French, that is, the end to started Bibles all born, flowered, Flower Remedies, economic Clouds, light rain, Cloudy economy France, Maitreya, my Six Three la la suite, An uncivil three la suite. Immeasurable so boundless multitude, or Buddha speaks Mahayana Buddhist, say, or great bodhisattva, or the writer says, or does the Director-elect heaven harmony are called Out. In the Capital, three huge uncivil, la suite is An overpaid, said said three uncivil la suite. The other relief aid France no uncivil three la suite era harmony cannot come to the Buddha. so all legal Assistant Director are all uncivil three la suite. As to the latter, the Buddhist Bodhi Monastery said: he said out of sight, not uncivil to another three la suite.
Question: If so, why isn't initially said An overpaid before?
A: the above I mentioned three huge uncivil ought la suite first. Again, the Buddha wanted to say An overpaid uncivil three la suite should eject the light grew, the ten bodhisattva are wondering, now stars have sight? Schools of Buddhism are the answer: in the world we have brand Buddha Sakyamuni to say uncivil three la suite, the other bodhisattva and the Sun the harmony goes to.
Symbolism the echo asking Buddha: Bach in Germany That Sun! Why bodhisattva ma ha slapped wants to know all the French are uncivil action should ba la suite? Again, in the beginning, the Buddhas each each evening three uncivil merit Crown la suite that, if one wants to be so let's learn three uncivil la suite. The coast guard, should initially said three uncivil la suite. The Buddhist Bodhi Monastery said: just because the bodhisattva says three uncivil la suite. Bodhi monastery humbly say: Bodhisattva "not" only the name; following that knew to understand general bodhisattva as such, i.e. acting uncivil three la suite. Done so, and then ask the OWL that bodhisattva, followed by asking that Ma ha slaps. In that vast overcapacity slapped Australian Ma ha dignified; for as champion while a knife sticks dignified without riding or fashion, can not do anything.
An overpaid, Tianzhu called Ma ha (Mahayana). Chu Buddha because end France, and for stating that three other uncivil not Buddha, la suite do not rebuke. Therefore, other names used Bodhi Monastery asked Ma ha.
Question: as in the foreword Ma ha Performed since who played said, until the Buddha, because Buddha should improve all group leaders France, are called Ma ha. So far only six Three la suite is Ma ha take place?
A: as before said, Saying three uncivil la suite, said six Three la suite, said six Three la suite was all friendly photographers. So don't ask the French charity had more stars only six Three la suite.
Again, Ma ha, original mind created, so the next six Three la suite means etc. The French then while not called Three la suite, but in the sense that in Three of the six la suite. Like the original mind created him because the center ball etc. There is great power so called effort three la suite; the small, its taken out of scraps, called uncivil three la suite.
The media i.e. wisdom, intellectual purity should change as the media.
Roman Catholic turned Buddhist levels of net, etc. in Three of the six la suite, that collecting photographic equipment.
Question: If so, why say non-108, eighteen T-I, etc. called Ma ha take place?
A: Six Three la suite is able to Ma ha, later just the broad distinction means it. As eighteen, forty-two letters etc. is that uncivil three la suite 108, Tam I was meaning Meditation three la suite. So should initially said six Three la suite.
Question: why just stating the three la suite, no more no less?
A: the Buddha as France United Kingdom, as they can, or when Combs said one, two, three, four, or maybe talk, as my Buddy Fuck said 84,000 three la suite.
Then again, the six moral beings who themselves are suffering brain, as they hell were suffering torture, in animal suffering agony against each other, in the fall the demons were suffering hunger and thirst, of species who are suffering to exercise, in the realms of heaven is your favorite thing to depart gauge, A tu la get suffering struggle; Bodhisattva birth center bi want to end suffering for six Scouts of sentient beings ought to arise six Three la suite. So should say six Three la suite, no more no less.
Question: the contender three la suite are more general, stars in this Buddha only say in General is taking the mind with Samyutta necessarily discharge of financial strains, in addition, offers blessed her with such beings, helpfulness to the upper Primary level, Primary Loads because use infinite Prime property, why not speak to the compassion Center, donation headless Buddhaand, God, alms etc. ?
A: In general including all photographers and alms. Mind the Samyutta with Position necessarily strains that alms are favored by Buddha, Buddha Lady.
Discharge of material in addition to the discharge of all defilements; in common with the beings who are great.
Helpfulness is offering the alms are only requested Buddha; not for what other thing coming.
Used infinity Prime facility is also part of la's uncivil regarding the three French General.
Pilot three la suite isn't damage lies, not mad, nor end.
Q: If so no need in General, just said minds Samyutta with Position necessarily vaccine is enough?
A: it may be the same. Just because they don't know how the mind Samyutta with Position necessarily strains that alms, should get four the distinction meant there.
Mind the Samyutta with who are necessarily bodhisattva Buddha's race for Position requirements do charm, making memory ballooning to force the mind; take care that alms should be result Position necessarily strains, rather than human life, Coast bridge, charged that grace, nor for the hereafter as a Turning wheel Seong, King, a wealthy place. Because the beings, not for Nirvana, just full of Buddhism necessarily position etc. because the end to misery for all sentient beings, so called mind Samyutta with Position necessarily strains.
Material in addition to that, in the brain, bone marrow, blood, meat etc. because it's hard to discharge off first; external object is the national level, his wife, seven treasures, food intake, etc.
Together with all beings as dāna, the German approval of treasure for all beings share; for as the rich grow rice for everyone to eat together. Result of German treasure Phuoc bodhisattva, all beings are facing bankruptcy due to; such plants have good fruit, birds are inbound.
Helpfulness is, next to the blessed Germans, not other thing coming bridge, the only bridge the Invisibly upper Primary Education Office.
Question: first comes the mind Samyutta with Position necessarily strains, said, there are other incorrect?
A: the mind Samyutta with Coast Guard personnel was necessarily born kicked the blessed in Germany, while Islamic direction is not required, only other thing coming for Buddha.
Then again, the mind Samyutta with Position necessarily, because together with loads of upper Primary education Primary buds so alms, like that in front of said Position necessarily vaccine master, all the Germans are due for a set.
Evening of Buddhist wisdom canopy there are two things: 1. the Chief Justice position loads, called upper Primary class Public Radio. 2. Position necessarily vaccine, called Slapped her.
Use the comb property đác is, who used three uncivil la suite to alms, with it's general legal without frivolous lies.
So, is talking about that countries which three la suite.
Q: About three la suite era of photography all about France; such large sea of photography series. I.e. don't drink, don't eat midday not beating them etc. It does not stock photography on the ten, why only ten friendly?
A: the Buddha speaks of General Ba la suite, ten friendly is of general precepts, especially General have immeasurable. Don't drink, don't eat too ... enter into the thing out; not the harm they enter in good mind; the other options mean that stock photography.
About Regency on seven friendly, family business, export industry has four.
Ten friendly and, as the originator of mind to kill, then start means the mouth speaks evil, beaten, bound, cutters for the dying, are all in early stages. After the dead skin, eating, swallowing, cutting lumber, excited are called last stages. Rob lives is the basics; the three tasks the General harmony called real good direction. So should know say ten charity leader briefly NIE full-heartedly.
Then again, the bodhisattva of compassion, mind-born Center Loads upper level Office Chief, alms benefit sentient beings, they need to offer customised, maintenance not brain damage, not the suffering, often unconscious pilot and Captain, took ten good career management as the basis. In addition, the human brain is not far from the coast is killing them. Act as its witness this life in Nirvana, brain damage while not lustful beings, but because the mind is bound to the great sins. So lewd should head in the Act, then the white guys in the real world. Because the bridge no bodhisattva German approval for Nirvana, in this life, to death in immeasurable life to overhaul the German public. Ten friendly is the former, the law is in doubt.
Then again, if the Buddha's birth in Nice, the weather there is no act. As Buddha Like ca, while the evil in life, which after its leader, nor has the world should know that it is.
Then again, there are two things About: about time there are Buddhas or Yes or no and ten, though there is no Buddha Buddha used to be.
Then again, the precepts, but are subtle repentance time, also breaking the ten charities, while repentance that indicted the three evil leader could not subtract. As Bhikkhu on stilts to kill animals, but there is repentance, but crime report still not excluded. Due to the multiplication of such charm, saying only ten good karma, as well, also taught others to do, called About three la suite.
Ten friendly, seven is about, three things are constables. Collectively, the three la suite. The Three la suite such as well, depending on the meaning which distinguish. The conclusion that broadly in the beginning.
This is called uncivil three la suite. Uncivil three la suite called General left off, so for the whole of France are infinite Prime facility.
Q: If a prime office property to the charity France forecast was also difficult, what scenarios using the DAC facility disabled? If the DAC facility at the time unconscious mind could obstacle philanthropist, or deviant cast; If there are infinite Prime office locations at the time did not drawback philanthropist nor born Ta Yi?
A: the Buddha also did not merit the mind accept the Minister do the work, why? Because the damage lies in the world, finally spent. If you accept the first mind tu Thien, was very easy, if Not previously agreed, while b. regretting, return loss; such as fire in the grass, having water, turn off the flame, if born in water, then does anything shut down. Bodhisattva originally training which accept the previous Prime Minister, tu Phuoc mind like grass born fire, flammable shortcuts. If United are to be turned off so the French General, who took the ball hard to the convent, may be; as the fire was born in the country, cannot be destroyed. So who should use the disabled property, DAC, won't mind the tu effeminate, not foreign facilities.
This is a brief history of say six Three la suite, also broadly as in the beginning, each every three la suite are all full.
Sixteen is not within the meaning of the security six-three la uncivil three la suite is not infected before the French, why? Since eighteen. Comment on eighteen does not, as in the Buddha told the ECHO and symbolism that bodhisattva ma ha slapped like an eighteen cylinder does not learn three uncivil la suite. Think he should have said in that.
Question: eighteen, after the civil not etc. speak not usually doesn't kill, how's that?
A: If the person does not practice does not two, that fall into either side or often or the kill, why?For if the French really have no meaning, being commonly accepted; as someone out of the House goes to a different home, eyes but do not see that as no. The French also, from its hybrid goes into current spouse, from current spouse comes into the life of the past, so not in the Mekong Delta.
Practitioners because of fear, that user does not mind to accept that, but did you not that immersed into, crashed into the destroyer. So does not have to break the austerities, also not immersed. Depart on either side of her, taking the middle to take eighteen not using center ball that the beings, therefore after eighteen failed, speak not usually doesn't kill; He called Ma ha. In contrast to this is the Savages of the whirl, in flower beds, Dhamma as an in between piles of cherish the gatherers took the jewel eye glass, but found that there is no value whatsoever.
Q: If the photographers did not eighteen, why did say four?
A: In eighteen, we do not stock photography, Lettered the Buddhas have two ways, or early the following strategies broadly speaking, or early the following broadly speaking. The following is a brief history of broad new interpretation; the following broad strategies are as easy to maintain life. Or because they should come after the brief says weak sense, or talking with shelves, eulogy. Now the Buddha said no, eighteen wide after Combs said the four generals.
France, the French President is in whole France, French General there are, as in the good, good general can't get.
Then again, in France not born in France, called the French No.
Loads France France is France wuwei, called infinity, why? For it can not be.
Question: Buddha used three French-speaking generals wuwei, why speak ill.
A: not so, break the b. should say infertility, broke cylinder head removal, breaking countless should say should speak loads removal; both from the sides, head, kill that called it, not a private infertility remedies, invisible killer called infinity Radio-France, France. This usage as stated in wuwei products do not.
French, French, French is not the names of France. Leanne self there are two: 1. As the French gianđất has a hard name etc. 2. As such, France, Leanne whose Holy well aware of France 's, why? For not by the location notice. There are two emptiness, as before said.
Q: As as France 's, Leanne has featured photographer in French in wuwei, why say it again?
A: while a laboratory to distinguish serious General in aggregates, is France's name, as such, the truth. Didn't have to close by-one doesn't make it not, that the names it self is not the same.
Question: As good as the French themselves, as the excuse for why France, which comes as France, Leanne, there is no Buddha Buddha used to stay, too, was called tha France?
A: because have yet to craft a stop to unlawful use deviant comments should each each born mind accept before, he heard as as, France, Leanne, is that there is also another method beyond, so should say excess as such, France nor fact, Leanne.

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