Wednesday 26 March 2014

The University Tri Comment .
(Mahaprajnaparamitasatra) - Author: Nagarjuna (Nagarjuna) translation of the Chinese: Kumarajiva - Translation Chinese to Vietnam: Thich Thien Sieu.                               

Episode 5
Book 83
Business: Blessed, professional photography Prajna strategies that benefit grounds every enlightened bodhisattva can enter.
Buddha: The application must also be enlightened bodhisattva enter, middling, Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva dedicated poisoning can also enter; subjects was very afraid, if Bodhisattvas are most interested in the school. The lack of diligent lazy, wandering thoughts, psychosis not accessible, diligent people, not lazy, mindfulness may be interested in photography. People want to stay status quickly to any location regressive want Necessarily race can go. Bodhisattva should learn as Prajna Paramita taught to learn as Candidates should have taught Paramitayana; Bodhisattva would be omniscience. Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, the ghost wanted to immediately start over. So Bodhisattva should want or private health facilities Prajna Paramita. If such bodhisattva practice, such learning, such practice Prajna Paramita, then the Buddhas present in numerous national countless bodhisattvas think of Prajna Paramita practice it, why? So Uncivil arising from the Buddhas past, future, present. So should Bodhisattva should think thus: France Buddhas of past, future, present evidence, I will be. Thus, the Bodhisattva should practice Prajna Paramita, if set Prajna Paramita is so quick Supreme supreme Buddha. So often Bodhisattva should not be separated from omniscience. If the bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita such moments strumming until the nails, the Bodhisattva of merit so much. If someone teaches them three thousand university students in the natural world, voluntary charity, morality, meditation, wisdom, teaches that to be liberated, liberating knowledge, taught that the results for the effect has completed Arhat, director Pratyekabuddhas, not by the bodhisattva's practice Prajna nail strumming moment, why? Because of the Perfection of Wisdom born of generosity, morality, meditation, wisdom, gifts from director has postponed until Pratyekabuddhas. Ten Buddhas also present from birth in Sutra, the Buddhas of the past, present, and future of Wisdom from birth.
* Again, Tu Bodhi, Bodhisattva should think omniscience Prajna Paramita practice, or half a day or a moment, or a day, or a month, or a hundred days, or a year, or a hundred years , or a lifetime, hundreds of lives so boundless countless lives, religious merit of Bodhisattva Sutra's so much more to teach sentient beings in the ten directions countless world charity, morality, meditation the wisdom, liberation, liberation knowledge; than teaching that is done for the momentum resulting from direct Pratyekabuddhas, why? Because of Wisdom Buddhas from birth, taught charity, morality, meditation, wisdom, deliverance, deliverance knowledge, Bodhi Monastery until direct result Pratyekabuddhas.
If there Bodhisattva Wisdom dwells as taught, so that is the Bodhisattva know any regressive, Buddha deceased. Achievement means such power, should know that the Bodhisattva close immeasurable offerings to Buddha thousand thousand memories, good planting base, improve knowledge go a long six Paramitayana tu, tu eighteen days not long, four mindfulness Noble to eight parts, the ten of Buddha to place Necessarily strain. Be aware that the bodhisattva status as the king of France who, fully volunteer, often leave no Buddha, no healing left the house, from one realm to another realm of Buddha Buddha. Bodhisattva should know that there is eloquence endless, ni la Da full, full body color, full of life signing up for the life of living beings themselves. Bodhisattva should know that smart to know literacy itself, literacy skill not know himself; clever to say, say nothing clever, clever to say one word, two words left to say, say many words cleverly, cleverly knowing man said, smart people know Women say; know best left to form; cleverly calculated knowing the world; cleverly known properties Nirvana; clever minister said measures; cleverly compounded minister said, cleverly knowing unconditioned minister, said France had cleverly, cleverly knows no law; smart Know calculated and cleverly knowing otherness; smart to know the law, know the legal cleverly scattered; smart to know the appropriate way, cleverly knowing no corresponding law, known as smart, not as smart know; smart to know calculus, cleverly knowing the law , cleverly knowing charming, cleverly knowing ungainly; cleverly said warm, cleverly known world, cleverly said entry; cleverly said four base; clever twelve known causal; cleverly known meditation; said six Paramitayana smart, clever know four foundations of mindfulness position to know the Necessarily smart race; know the usefulness of smart, clever features unconditioned know, know that there are smart, clever features not know; know consistency smart colors, cleverly knowing contemplates feeling, perception, consciousness, so clever know the Necessarily administrator strain; cleverly knows best, not appearances, cleverly knowing life, thought out way, not general knowledge, skill known to Bodhi, Bodhi minister, said offshore islands clever, cleverly knowing no direct discharge left; smart student knows, cleverly knowing killing, cleverly knowing minus; know sex smart, clever know the field, know si smart, knows no sex smart, smart not know the field, know si clever, cleverly knowing that, knowing not that smart , cleverly knowing wrong, cleverly knowing the right view, cleverly knowing all reviews, cleverly reveal his identity, said smart colors, cleverly knowing mentality, cleverly known causal, cleverly knowing predominance; clever minister said action; cleverly known suffering, said smart set, cleverly knowing killing, smart director knows; cleverly said hell, hungry ghosts know smart, smart animals know, smart people know, smart know heaven knows hell clever, cleverly knowing the hungry ghost realm, cleverly known realms animals, human beings know smart, clever heaven knows; cleverly said Tu has completed, said results have finished clever, cleverly directed Tu Completed know, know word has completely left, left over from the momentum completely known, skillful director said Wednesday Completed, cleverly knowing anagami, cleverly knowing anagami results, cleverly directed anagami know, cleverly known Arhat, cleverly knowing arahatship, cleverly directed Arhat know, smart Pratyekabuddhas know, smart know Pratyekabuddhas results, cleverly directed Pratyekabuddhas know, cleverly knowing Buddha, cleverly knowing Necessarily strain location, location Necessarily smart race director said; smart to know the house, left the house knowing full; know wisdom clever, cleverly knowing intellectual disabilities, have mental capacity to know smart, agile, skillful wisdom said, cleverly knowing wisdom of glass, cleverly knowing communicating, cleverly knowing vast knowledge, skill know deep insight, wisdom to know the great skill, knowledge knows no class clever, clever Property known as truth; smart to know past lives, future lives cleverly said, cleverly present life know; smart means knowing, clever beings waiting to know, clever mind knowing, knowing deeply clever, cleverly knowing that, cleverly knowing words; cleverly tell the difference between three redundant.
This Bodhi, Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita Prajna Paramita born, Prajna Paramita practice the same benefits.
Comments: The Bodhi Monastery think: Due to the four doors but peace, but as a profound new apartment, only to be predators.  
Buddha replied: No one not to be. Bodhi Monastery understand the benefit based only on the intellectual, and the Buddha is the only learning their mind may want to be. For having such a hot time in the cool water pond, whose eyes have legs which are accessible, but also people that do not want to go near the target. Four-door into pond Prajna Paramita is the same, the four living beings have prevented problems. People are not lazy Effort, people do not expect is the mindfulness concept, not the person with psychosis is right concentration. The four-door is so right view, right view ... dwell, is virtue; eight noble path that can be Prajna Paramita. Bodhi Monastery is a Theravada thin position, said the benefit should only be based on the new, larger location Mahayana Buddhism also should say though Reserve units, eight padded base that legal practice can also visit her four-door. In here, because Buddhist compassion should say every medium base, padded base are accessible. If school six Bodhisattva Sutra Paramitayana as said time will soon be omniscience. As the Qing legal documents, not only because of right but also enlightened by all eight of the noble path; legal Mahayana as such, not only is learning Sutra omniscience, but also with the other five Paramitayana are new. So strictly speaking as Wisdom Bodhisattva said school should be located Necessarily strain.
Q: On the Perfection of Wisdom or just say Necessarily strain brought to mind, why say this year together with the newly Paramitayana to?
A: Often said of the six Paramitayana should come, or even in a pure Buddha realm, so just listen to the minister's omniscience, no need to order from Paramitayana class. In this talk, Bodhisattvas are just so omniscience time of Prajna enough, this should only praise the religious forces of Wisdom. As in this business said the Bodhisattva Sutra ghost out of there immediately arose over.
From there on, the deceased buddhas are here to praise the Bodhisattva Sutra practice to distinguish three redundant cleverly said. Smart that literacy itself is as stated in the Letter from Da la ni. Subjects such as literature itself: As such, calculated, in fact, in order that no documents. Speaking strategies are bodhisattvas immeasurable merit should force said two legal skill, and the world is nirvana, nirvana if you want to take the time to think back to earth. Should practice the skill of literacy merit, crazy break for merit should not have the skill to know. Words, words not so well. A word is a word because there is much less distinguishable, pure speech, speech is not clear. One word, two words, more words, boys talk, girls talk, sound different. Bodhisattva's smart to know the surrender of the pagan and the aggressive guys. Smart that excellent minister to form two or often or very often, as before said. Smart that direct the exhaust away from a local Bodhisattva, to a place, not letting go lower priority sites, are on not taking place; directors are not resident in the local detachment was not removed. Wrong to right view of the world, all the reviews, the school is, uneducated. Administrative action is sixteen. Tu Smart that is cleverly know who has completed; Tu director has completed the requirements for directors; gifts from the heart center has completed several measures sixteenth and outflows for the Buddhist world ... and so on. Smart that the apartment is cleverly distinguished twenty two apartments. Someone said beings can see the benefit base, padded, people can complete the base, the base can not be incomplete degrees. Back Bodhisattvas fully heal himself knows based, not full; chicks themselves as full-fledged know can fly. Wisdom is the minister general of all wisdom. Intellectual disabilities are quickly know the law. There are people that fast but not strong willpower; need horses that gallop but very weak. There are people that intellectually strong but not linen; candidates like hammers but powerful thighs that can not cut down trees. Wisdom is out of the problem can get out, can also stay in the affliction itself out, can also stay in the affliction itself out into three realms that nirvana. Property information is ultimately achieve dharma smooth, clean finish to cankers, nirvana, breaking the law to go into the calculation. Wisdom is large texts, arguments between life and religion is not recommended in that p can know exactly legal. Profound insight is consistent all the way formless is not afraid, not be thought incredible. Deep wisdom of the world can know that is a long distance, in favor of failure, the failure is beneficial. Wisdom is great wisdom in the general called big; leave in all beings, the Buddha is big, in all way. Prajna is large; know Buddha and legal information with great harmony so-called legal high. Tue wife is in Prajna Sutra without attachments, to be so deep, I could not even approach such so called wife. Again, the Bodhisattva gradually reach a practice can not think of the incredible, unmatched by so called wife. Wisdom is as real as the pearl as no certain color, depending on the material before it that turn color; Sutra likewise, there is no certain minister, only depending on the practice. Again, like the pearl, depending aspirations are achieved, likewise Wisdom, Wisdom practitioners can achieve aspired to become Buddha, let alone what the other wishes. The past is dead, the unborn future, not saying yes, not saying no, which shall be true minister, said he was a fine call. French concept of birth and death anniversary present, can not be said that communicated, said he called the present life skill. Vehicles that want to achieve work full karmic much less suitable, no new false. As set out Bodhisattva but not, in fact without evidence, but did not set out to immerse merit before. Wait is like living beings trafficking, general, but fast rider can quickly arrive, but try waiting for everyone; such Bodhisattvas, Equestrian intellectual resources, but can quickly into Nirvana, and wait beings should not on. Smart that evil mind of sentient beings, deeply evil is present though, but it is good capital. As parents hit me, outside the inner evil that good, as the guy Buddha Angulimala, said it appeared outside center but inwardly evil but very friendly. Bodhisattva introspection beings in virtue enough credit,, mindfulness, concentration and wisdom from the heart to go deeper, when he could of been. This means there are two: It measures only, name only. Language is speech, nouns used to call animals. Be very afraid that, should approach his wife called smart know that. From very afraid, very afraid pleased to say the so-called smart know that. Bodhisattva know two things left that can bring legal succession sentient beings, he called the three legacy left to tell the difference. Thus, since it is difficult to understand should say, was understandably not say.
Q: Why do smart to know before speaking to the official colors, cleverly known later say warm, sex, type? Why smart to know before saying grace after new smart causal know, things to grace, charm charming, predominance?
A: First, by extension, after talking strategy. Then there are people who say: First of five aggregates have three things to say: positive, negative and neutral. About aggregates, aggregates ... also known as the five aggregates. Coast before talking strategy, then by extension.
Explain Tue 70th Three Products  
Business: Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, how bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita? Born Prajna Paramita? Tu Prajna Paramita?
He tells us: As excellent passed away, because no identity, because identity frivolous, because true identity should not make Prajna Paramita practice, for sensation, perception, knowledge and so on. As he asked: How Prajna Paramita born? Because nowhere born alive as Prajna Paramita. As he asked: How Prajna Paramita practice? From destructive method should cultivate Prajna Paramita.
Tu Bo said: Blessed, executive Prajna Paramita, born Prajna Paramita, tu Prajna Paramita experienced how much time?
Buddha: From the new center until ashrams should sit out, so students should cultivate Prajna Paramita.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, first class center can Prajna Paramita practice?
Buddha: Often not Necessarily left center position, does not interfere with the other concept, is executive Prajna Paramita, was born Prajna Paramita, the Prajna Paramita practice. If the center does not mind some current methods are well Prajna Paramita, was born Prajna Paramita, the Prajna Paramita practice.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, if Bodhisattvas cultivate Prajna Paramita omniscience would be reasonable?
He says: It is.
O Buddha, Confucius Prajna Paramita omniscience is reasonable?
Buddha: Khong.
O Buddha, religious and non-religious omniscience is reasonable?
Buddha: None.
Blessed, not religious practice is not Necessarily not reasonable?
Buddha: Khong.
Blessed, if no such time will be how omniscience?
Buddha: Necessarily Bodhisattva is like a great place.
Blessed One, how as a great? As in fact.
How true as fact? As calculated.
How to Calculate like? Selfhood as they are accrued, calculated life span.
O Buddha, selfhood is how they are accrued, calculated life span?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Italian What do you think? Self, beings, their lifespan may be reasonable?
Tu Bo said: Can not get.
Buddha: If you fall, beings, life can not get online, how to say yes selfhood, they are accrued, calculated life span? If the Sutra says not all the way there will be place Necessarily strain.
Tu Bo said: Only Prajna Meditation is not able to speak or to Paramitayana For Paramitayana can not say?
Bodhi Monastery Buddha: Wisdom can not say, give alms to all legal or compounded, or inaction, or bar text, or Pratyekabuddhas, or Bodhisattva, or Buddha can not say.
Venerable sir, if all the measures can not say, how to say it is hell, the animals, the hungry ghosts, the people, the sun, the Monastery has completed, the word has a function, is anagami, is Arhat, is Pratyeka Buddha, Buddhas?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Italian What do you think? List of beings that can actually be affordable? Blessed, could not have been.
Buddha: If we can not get born, how to say hell, hungry ghosts, animals, people, sun, has postponed until Buddhist Monastery? Thus, from Bodhi, Bodhisattva of Wisdom as executive should learn all security measures can not say.
Tu Bo said: Blessed, the Bodhisattva of Wisdom School security should learn form, feeling, perception, knowledge should learn to mind Necessarily race?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Bodhisattva of Wisdom learning school identity secret so no more no less for the school should not place additional strains not Necessarily down.
Tu Bo said: Blessed, best not to learn how to learn more not less strain position Necessarily not more not less?
Buddha: Because no student should learn not kill.
Blessed One, how do not call school students should not kill?
He tells us: No do not start now, or whether or not operating.
Blessed One, how do not initiate or conduct business with or not?
Buddha: Shop no legal ideology.
Blessed One, how should the self-consistency minister?
Buddha: Be consistent excellence, not appearances; should contemplate feelings, perception, knowledge, knowledge is not general; should be consistent eye, eye minister, to the, to the legal identity, gender awareness to the conscious world Gen. not conscious world, should not bar cabinet, cabinet minister not not, so should not consistent ideology, no not analog, so shop four meditation, meditation four generals, for ideas to life to kill, kill Minister idea to life; should reflect the four foundations of mindfulness, the four foundations of mindfulness minister not until the Supreme supreme Buddha, impermanence no supreme Buddha. Thus, the Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita minister should not issue self.
Blessed, if sharp, not appearances, until the Supreme supreme Buddha, impermanence no supreme Buddha, Bodhisattvas should practice how Prajna Paramita?
He tells us: No action is Prajna Paramita practice.
Blessed, no issue is how Prajna Paramita practice?
Buddhism teaches Prajna Paramita can not get Bodhisattvas can not be, can not get out, the practice, practice, practice space and can not be, then this is not the Bodhisattva practice Bat Elegant three perfections, because all arguments Coliseum can not afford it.
Blessed, if no action is Prajna Paramita practice, so when the new Bodhisattva mind, how Prajna Paramita practice?
Buddha: Bodhisattva since the last new center, school should not, can not possess. He used Bodhisattva should not have possessed layout, morality, patience, effort, meditation, because there is no practice should possess intellectual Necessary to mind is the same strain.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, called How can possess? What can not be grasped called?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: There are two that have possessed, no two are not have possessed.
Blessed One, two what is possessed, not two is not there something called possessed?
Buddha: Eyes and excellence is second to Italy and France are the two, until the Supreme supreme Buddha and Buddhism are the two, he called the two.
Blessed, no be acquired from within or without acquired acquired acquired from the no.
He tells us: No such word in there possessed possessed, possessed no such word in no possessed. This Bodhi Monastery, has acquired, possessed no;'s called equality can not be grasped. Thus, for bodhisattvas have acquired, possessed not be equal to that school. This Bodhi, Bodhisattva Sutra study so-called women who do not have possessed no mistake.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, if Bodhisattvas practice Prajna Paramita practice can not be grasped, no action had not acquired, how from one location to another location address Necessarily the race?
Bodhi Monastery Buddha: Wisdom Bodhisattva when operating perfections can not reside in care facilities, from one place to another place, why? So stay in there and they can not be grasped from a place to another place, why? For without the minister possessed Prajna Paramita, wealth is acquired impermanence supreme Buddha, possessed no minister who is also executive Prajna Paramita. This Bodhi, Bodhisattva should practice Prajna Paramita so.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, if Wisdom could not have been, nor can there be v, the act Sutra could not get, how to distinguish the Bodhisattva minister's legal identity, is feeling, perception, knowledge until the Supreme supreme Buddha?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Bodhisattva of Wisdom when bile out not acquire identity, not to acquire sensation, perception, action, knowledge is not acquired until the Supreme supreme Buddha.
O Buddha, if the Bodhisattvas practice Prajna Paramita, excellence can not get to the Supreme supreme Buddha could not have been, how full she is confidential until fully Wisdom password to enter the law, to do serious and pure Buddha realm, achievements wisdom to living beings, is located Necessarily strain, the strain position Necessarily then to teach, as the Buddha sentient beings from samsara?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: not as sharp Bodhisattva should practice Prajna Paramita, until not so Supreme supreme Buddha should act Prajna Paramita.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, because what Bodhisattva should practice Prajna Paramita?
Buddha: What should the issue not because of Prajna Paramita, why? For all measures do not have, Prajna Paramita not do anything, the Supreme supreme Buddha nor do Bodhisattvas do not have. Thus, should the Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita not do anything.
Comments: The listener hear the merits praise Prajna know everything that skillful beloved Sutra, used vehicles want to be. Bodhi Monastery people should know the Buddha asked: How Uncivil action? How birth? How tu? Someone said: Action is in need IP addresses; Born in the status Infertility ring, from the ring after Infertility status, due to religious orders Paramitayana Meditation Sutra. Buddha replied: Male aggregates is where the current center of the world, bondage, Nibbana is the cessation minister. Bodhisattva Sutra due to intellectual interests should be able to break through the aggregates, making not communicate, ie Nirvana minister passed away. From the start of permanent cessation of the six senses, thinking back to the minister passed away, said the measures are not, not sure it's frivolous; was called Prajna. Uncivil Action not have to speak or minister should not be whether or not, because the road ceases speaking, "not" like nowhere, so say students nowhere. Again, as vain, in vain no law student, nowhere What can not be born, why? Because there is no legal nowhere, no shape, no touching, no minister artifacts; Sutra likewise.
Then there are people who say: There is nowhere, just as it is usually legal, no artifacts should not born, he was the Minister of nowhere. In Mahayana, nowhere is no real law, not say it often, say it is not very often, can not be said, not saying no, not saying there is not no such right; theater end all arguments, no no previous infection nor deed; Sutra likewise, shop nowhere as big as the world, he called Prajna Paramita born. Wisdom Bodhisattva was then, in deep meditation, due to consistent power and grace Sutra of meditation are destructive, why? So Uncivil renounce all legal, no previous minister, he called Prajna Paramita practice. The listener thinks: All the measures are weather, so Tu Bo asked: Uncivil Action undergoes how much time? Buddha replied, emerging from the retreat center until sitting ashrams.
Q: Since Bodhisattvas should cultivate ten new local center, six Paramitayana, three assistant directors of seven products, all the bad ones, therefore why practice Prajna just say?
A: From Bodhi Prajna should just ask Buddha practice Prajna only response. Again, all measures are in harmony with Prajna, Prajna larger than the other should not say.
Q: infinite infinite Wisdom, what excuse do get to sit ashrams limit?
A: Before responded: Wisdom in the mind when the Buddha passed again called omniscience, but a reason that the word has changed, so hard to say until seated religious ashrams. Bodhisattva to ashrams, when the mind has the last word, the practice was discharged cow, should be very afraid smoothly liberated all three died.
Q: In the moment includes 60 nail strumming conception, birth and death anniversary concept, how a mind can often Necessarily concept for concept location does not interfere with the other?
A: The mind has two things: One is our birth and death anniversary, first two classes are connected together student center, known as a common interest. Since the first class each student should say that although there are many called a center. Then do not let greed, indirectly interfering in, why? Because of greed, anger long-time head obstructions can Sutra; concept at the same time not harmful. This is because every new Bodhisattva mind speaking.
Then there are the great bodhisattvas practice charity while other measures are in harmony Sutra should be able to make the concept of mind in every other interjected. Bodhisattva Sutra much for starting up the theater and the wrong conclusion, so often thought of Buddha's omniscience, not to interfere with the other center. Often thought of as the heart not head to the other, assuming the dead to not forget his omniscience. General practice Prajna is not legal under some heart center.
Q: mindless mundane into the heavens or the birth mindless. Saint residing in Nirvana Organic residues, on Destroying regulations; saints in all Nirvana Organic residues are not legal mind some attention to current legal center number not mind the time when the current operating Bodhisattva Sutra, how center not mind some current legal?
A: It's in the Abhidharma says that's not the Mahayana. Theravada, Mahayana difference as said before. So should not be asked Abhidharma Mahayana victims.
* Again, in formless samadhi, the Minister identity ... kill so-called formless, formless because students should not mind some legal mind. This is not the mindless, the cessation.
Q: That formless as the Buddha said or called each and every opportunity to direct, or issue credit, the practice is formless, who is quick to, or talk to Immaterial, because the concept is difficult to know so subtle formless also called , or in three coastal liberation nirvana so called formless. So do not talk just for the so-called formless mind not mind some current methods, so as Nirvana formless coast, some legal center center no kill, let alone compounded minister grace?
A: The requirements for directors, in the formless formless can say is, if you say Nirvana formless grace period not true. Nirvana Buddha often praised formless, infinite, can not think agnostic, ie legal formless, graceless, how can he say grace nirvana?
Q: Kill minister male, female form so-called formless, not Nirvana minister says no? Meditators Nirvana's premier student interest law center number is called grace.
A: The Buddha said all students are compounded ghost nets, it's not frivolous, if interest law center number is so charming Nirvana, the minister took ownership of falsehoods, if they can not find true nirvana. So he said Nirvana may minister grace there, that's not true.
Q: Nirvana Buddha himself says three generals, saying how this formless?
A: Three generals was pretending, not really, why? Since breaking three generals should say non-compounded, not killing, not subtract, unconditioned, no particular minister. Again, not every minister born before each break right, could not have been born minister, how infertility? Lia compounded Minister, Minister unconditioned can not get? So ridiculous name only, no ideology.
* Again, the true Dhamma, passed away, there is no argument Coliseum, if there Prajna Paramita General ie prime minister can make real, he is a theater conclusion; Coliseum argument should generate controversy, if controversy anger controversy was not born into the heavenly realms, let alone Nirvana! So Buddha said Nirvana formless, infinite, can not be thought incredible, destroy the theater said. Nirvana's General ie Paramita Sutra. So there should be some interest legal center. As before said product, Bodhisattva Sutra leave out the heart and not the mind minister. If there is not a temporary minister to victims that no general interest, how practice Prajna? Now he should leave both parties should not problems.
* Again, because of ignorance before the advent crazy wrong this should be the body, mind body mind in that although some measures of good living, but because of conditions should not be calculated and frivolous claims are not true. Retribution of good will that effect the human world blessed heavenly pleasure are impermanent living large, is also not so frivolous, let alone immoral neutral! 's Too frivolous and frivolous, for Prajna Paramita truth should center not mind some current methods.
Bodhi Monastery heard some heart center current law should not ask Buddhism: Prajna Paramita Tu omniscience is reasonable? Buddha replied: no, why? Because religious groups often act rather, are some legal force of the heart center, should say not religious. Tu also not be, let alone not religious! Religious and not religious is because Wisdom is ridiculous legal practitioner should not, because it's consistent Uncivil or religious minister should say, both are at fault, so He answered no.
Q: If the third way tu tu no error, but in no way Wednesday not to practice religious not to blame that the Buddha did not respond?
A: Because Bodhi Monastery mind to accept that the prime minister should ask the Buddha replied no. Since receiving tu tu no new work should not not not tu tu, so Buddha replied no, if not mind to say no to religious observance minister did not have time tu no errors. Four questions of Buddha Bodhi Monastery are not approved to fascinate center Bhagavan asked: How can this be omniscience? Buddha replied: As Minister as. Bodhi Monastery he does not know, so He replied as very realistic.
Q: As products, Tu Bo himself says As clever, why is there room?
Answer: As the minister does not have specific, so can not help but ask. If there are certain general time understood, as did countless deep to give up to have for understanding, a place not understand. For such a large water spot, some deep, some on land, on water are called, not to tell people on the land is not on water.
Q: Why not take the truth as to such fact that it's taken as fact for example? In fact there is nothing so easy to understand example?
A: As truth and reality but is a but different observing. As is possible to calculate the measures; really mind for the fact that capital controls. Buddha giving up to try them in fact in fact should take as an example.
Q: As usually said after calculation, in fact after calculation, how to say this in the following calculation?
A: Now, because I want to get selfhood, we ultimately accrued to say no, to change things in the next class. Again, from the sole director after the show, while directing school can bar the way like; longer in direct uneducated, because of all my sorrow, all seemed transparent, relatively private, called calculus. The birth place of the calculation method is called, so get in fact such calculation. Buddhism teaches that there are parts Sravakas France, have the Mahayana. Bodhi Monastery part Sravakas not for comfort, for part Mahayana think to ask. Buddha wanted to get a human being can understand the witnesses, so as selfhood said, we accrued, calculated life span. Bodhi Monastery not ask anything else. Buddha would say sentences should ask the opposite end of the Bodhi Monastery: Italian What do you think? Falling Truly affordable? Bodhi Monastery should be directed not respond. North from the falls that have completed not longer, let alone anagami! Buddha: He is Theravada padded base line that was not down, let alone what the Buddha! Buddha used to find intellectual ego can not be, how can you tell the time? As ego can not say yes, while all this is legal. Bodhisattva practice is not to say that law should be omniscience. Can not say as indistinguishable or yes or no.
Tu Bo said: Blessed, the method can not distinguish if, say how to distinguish hell, hungry ghosts ... that the momentum completely noble Tu ...?
Buddha replied: We do not have the legal birth. Hell just called fake, how to distinguish between saying there is not? And holy beings, which distinguish them from birth should have the noble name, but we just can not get born. Thus, the Bodhisattva should study "Prajna Paramita can not say" so.
Tu Bo asked: Blessed, Bodhisattvas should study phenomena, what this says all legal practitioners can not say?
Buddha answered Bodhisattva phenomena ... but school is not only to learn more not less. Meaning no more no less as before said. In the Buddha himself said it was not predestined to learn more not less: If the bodhisattva law school education that is not more not less.
Bodhi Monastery question: How do students learn not legal not kill?
Buddha replied: Do not start now or not do well or not. There are three useful (three worlds): Sexual identity, ownership and Immaterial Organic Excellence. Do not be eradicated, reluctantly departed Qingdao eight wanted for cessation. So two things that ordinary people create karma or good or evil. Bodhisattvas know the true form of the law is not born should not create not kill three, do not start now corresponds to the law, he is called liberated subjects uncreated, not born Removal is not formless liberating goal.
Blessed, using what means can not do the action does not start now?
Buddha replied: If Quan is not the self-generals; meaning sharp, sharp Thought not, until the Supreme supreme Buddha, impermanence no supreme Buddha, Bodhisattvas can then do two things : One is not doing the action does not start now, two is possible to set out all measures Thought not.
Another question: If rupa ... Thought not, how should the Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita practice?
Buddha replied: No action is Prajna Paramita practice. In this causal Buddhists say: Can of Prajna Paramita can not be: the collective action, collective legal practice, the dog is unable to get out. Because the law does not, should not have been Sutra, the dog is unable to get out as well, because we are not born, so the file can not get out. For all theater conclusion can not get no collective action should Bodhisattva, called Prajna Paramita practice.
Tu Bo asked: If no action is action Sutra, the Bodhisattva new center how to act Sutra? The Bodhi Monastery would like to say: If the operator is not operating the new line Bodhisattva temporarily deluded, if the Executive is the executive's crazy, so ask. Buddha answered Bodhisattva new learning center should not have possessed legal, can not possess legal ie no action. Learning is a means of taking power gradually returning to practice, the legal alms by no alms should possess. In the general approach ultimately not true, no way can be either yes or no; Bodhisattva should stay in that precarious alms or more or less. So if a charity, the giving, the recipient charity, equality means that both can not be, until such omniscience as well. Bodhi Monastery think: Because time is possessed crazy world, no nirvana that is possessed, so asked the Buddha: What is acquired, how acquired is not there? Buddha replied Strategy: There are two generals have possessed, no two generals have not possessed. Two officers are the eyes and sharp, two harmony called two. Due to excellent eye should know, should know that by eye color, eye color and other treats.
Q: If the eye does not see color also, therefore why not leave eye color?
A: Because that so-called eye colors ever, but did not see colors now, so before you see the so-called eye. So are all compounded of karmic;'s of results; fruit of grace, not at the same fixed; through Italy and France, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and so on. Ordinary man to dominate each and every distinction, and evil deeds, who said two legal position that are frivolous, under karmic, not for two is two. Tu Bo asked: Two measures that have acquired ie, no two methods ie no acquired, so there is no word in there possessed possessed possessed or not possessed since in no? As prime minister hangs on the legal practice should be the ultimate, no possess? Or because no grace, no prime minister should be the ultimate practice, no possess? Without possess acquired from in there, have acquired the crazy that is? Operating according to how crazy are true? If there had not possessed since the possessed, can not possess something that is not there? Nothing time how nothing arise?
Buddha for both errors should not consent, have acquired and may not possess equal observe. Equality is the ultimate no news, no possess, have possessed that's not out there possessed, completing and giving up, not have possessed. Thus, where there Bodhisattvas possess and can not possess equality in education should Sutra. If Bodhisattva so called learned people possess true no, no mistakes. From one place to another place, the meaning is the same.
Bodhi Monastery question: If Wisdom can not be, can not get Bodhi, Bodhisattva can not get the time to learn how Bodhisattva Sutra, the legal distinction Minister? Minister means the brain damage is sharp, dry wall fun is life ...? If the bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, phenomena can not be, how full is the goodness of generosity ...? How to get the Bodhisattva, as in business at large?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Bodhisattva not as sharp Minister should learn to acquire Wisdom.
Another question: So what should the executive Prajna?
Buddha replied: Since no action should possess Wisdom, why? So not all legal, formless, uncreated, infinite boot, Sutra, Bodhisattva, Bodhi also formless, uncreated, infinite boot, because all true Bodhisattva minister should legal action Sutra, not because crazy mind. This Bodhi, Bodhisattva should practice such uncreated Wisdom, because no effects, no start.

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