Wednesday 26 March 2014

The University Tri thesis .
(Mahaprajnaparamitasatra) - Author: Nagarjuna (Nagarjuna) translation of the Chinese: Kumarajiva - Translation Chinese to Vietnam: Thich Thien Sieu.                                 

Episode 5
Book 85
Explanation: Products Act ACT 71
(Beijing University Uncivil Society 2 record: 69 poems interesting enough)
 Business: Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, Prajna Paramita was so deep, the Bodhisattva found no living beings, but as beings should demand Supreme supreme Buddha, it's very difficult. For people who want to plant trees like the middle of nowhere, O Buddha, Bodhisattvas such. Because they should demand Supreme supreme Buddha, which they could not have been born.
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: So, as a result, the work of the Bodhisattva very difficult. Because they demand that the Supreme supreme Buddha, sentient beings crazy ego. For such persons do not know the original trees, twigs, branches, leaves, flowers and fruit will be, but preferred care, watered, progressively larger trees, flowers, leaves, fruits achievements were used. Thus, the Bodhisattva was born as they should for Supreme supreme Buddha, gradually Paramitayana out six, is located Necessarily strain, the Buddha tree, using leaves, flowers and fruits for the benefit of sentient beings.
Bodhi from, how they benefit students use tobacco? Bodhisattva is the place that was left three evil paths, that is the benefit sentient beings.
What is the benefit sentient flowers? Bodhisattva is the place to be born iron line benefits, born Brahmin line, giants lay, place four heavenly king, thought to Phi Phi organic origin mindless, mindless flower's benefits beings.
How is the performance benefit sentient beings? He is the Bodhisattva's mind Necessarily strain, causing them to be born completing momentum results, results hoam momentum, anagami results, arahatship, religion and Buddhist Pratyekabuddhas; beings that gradually taking legal succession certificate parinibbana player, he is effective benefits beings. Bodhisattva did not see any real beings that sentient beings, that shuns egotism crazy, thinking that there is no law in all beings. We as living beings, for race position Necessarily, that's true beings can not be.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, should know that as Buddhist bodhisattva, why? Because that's the end Bodhisattvas like all hell, animals, hungry ghosts stop, stop all the accidents, the lower end poor road facilities; terminate all realms Sac, formless realm.
Buddha: So, so, Bodhi Monastery, should know that as Buddhist Bodhisattva. If not give rise to demand Bodhisattva Supreme supreme Buddha, the Buddhist world no past, future, present, nor Pratyekabuddhas, Arhat, anagami freezer function, Tu has completed , three lines and three evil realms when there is no end. This Bodhi Monastery, he said that as Buddhist Bodhisattva? Rightly so. Be aware that it's as Buddhist bodhisattva, why? So as to say that the Tathagata; Because As Pratyekabuddhas should say, Arhat, and all the holy sage; should say so sharp As for the food, because like all law should say, for the usefulness of, calculated unconditioned. As such it's not that the other, so-called As. As the Bodhisattva's school is located Necessarily strain, called Tathagata. Because of conditions that should say as Buddhist bodhisattva, because Minister "Like" it. Thus, the Bodhisattva should learn as Prajna Paramita. As the Bodhisattva of Wisdom School, the school security measures are all As, all legal practitioners as it is fully legal all As, As full all legal right, for all legal self As in, for As with all legal and liberation, radical left knows their birth, inborn skill beings know it, we know students have a full house, now known causal beings, beings known causal now location and be fully voluntary, volunteer your mind is full of intellectual purity three generations, three generations of pure wisdom and benefit of all sentient beings; benefit all beings and strictly pure Buddha realm; strictly pure Buddha realm Necessarily then the race location, the location Necessarily then strain Zhuan Falun, Zhuan Falun and, where police set up three redundant beings, made in parinibbana. Thus, the Bodhisattva want all their merit interests, interests, should give rise to supreme Buddha Supreme.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, the Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita is profoundly true economic speaking, all the earth, sun, asura should let the feast.
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: So, so. Bodhisattva Sutra was operating as business speaking, all the earth, sun, asura should let the feast.
O Buddha, Bodhisattvas new student center as they should for Supreme supreme Buddha, is how much merit? 
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: If a thousand beings in the world are found for Sravakas center, Pratyekabuddhas, what do you think, was more reasonable blessing?
Tu Bo said: Very much, immeasurable.
Bodhi Monastery Buddha Blessed is he not interested in new Bodhisattva hundred times, a thousand times, a thousand times ten thousand memories to numerical examples unmatched, why? Since the development center for bar text, Pratyekabuddhas all that's where the Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva's no place full bar text, Pratyekabuddhas that out. They are born in the world two thousand, three thousand calamities modern world so well. Leaving aside bar text through the rows, Pratyekabuddhas disasters in modern world three thousand, if they are born in the world's three great disasters are thousands of local residents need wisdom, blessing him more reasonable?
Tu Bo said: Very much, immeasurable.
He tells us: There is a new development in the heart Bodhisattva hundred times, thousand times ten thousand thousand times the memory to numerical examples unmatched. Leaving aside by local residents living beings need wisdom, if they are living in the modern world three thousand calamities are resident in The Local, inhuman place, geomatics, Local Directory, Local Education Ly, seafaring location, location Pratyekabuddhas, He wants all merit comparison with new Bodhisattva mind than a hundred thousand times; thousand times ten thousand memories to numerical examples also unmatched. This Bodhi, Bodhisattva if new college center in the world three thousand celestial bodhisattva not equal in legal status hundred, thousand, thousand, thousand times ten thousand memories to numerical examples unmatched. If Bodhisattva in France in the modern world is not in favor of three thousand Buddhist Bodhisattva towards a hundred, thousand, thousand, thousand times ten thousand memories to numerical examples unmatched. If the direction of the Buddhist bodhisattva of great natural world three thousand of Buddhist merit not by a hundred, thousand, thousand, thousand times ten thousand memories to numerical examples unmatched.
White Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Blessed, Bodhisattvas should give rise to the legal concept does?
Buddha: Be Necessary anniversary race position.
Tu Bo said: What is Necessary race location? Tri Necessarily how charming strain, increased upper how, how well, how generals?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Necessary States position itself nothing, no conception, not birth, not only present, as the Bodhi Monastery asked: Tri Necessarily how dependent species, increasing how often, how well Gen How? This Bodhi Monastery, located Necessarily no way dependent species; anniversary is awarded, the executive passed away, formless as minister, he called the coast, increased terrace, onions, Minister of location Necessarily strain.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, just place strain no legal Necessarily, or form, feeling, perception, there is no legal way; law in no way apart, four meditation, four very center volume, four of the formless, the four foundations of mindfulness, the four primary needs, such as the sufficiency of four, five senses, five forces, seven Spoiler, noble eightfold, not eighty, eighty mindless, harmless, eighty eight by far, the second grade nine, ten power of Buddha, four things not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen measures not common, compassionate, Hy amnesty, top psychic, psychic Monday, Tuesday , Wednesday, Thursday, Friday; compounded Minister, Minister unconditioned etc. .. also there is no reasonable way?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Lust is no law, so compounded Minister, Minister invisible because there is no law.
Tu Bo said: Blessed, because the appropriate location Necessarily what they do not have the law, had no legal identity, compounded to the Minister, Minister invisible because there is no law?
Buddha: Evidence from Tri Necessary no, if there is no calculation of self, then this is no law. Lust for the general usefulness of, such generals as well as unconditioned.
Blessed, because what causal properties of self can not? 
Buddha: In the law harmony born of conditions, not magnetic. If not magnetic, he is no law. So Bodhisattva should know all non-legal, why? Because not all legitimacy. So there is no way to know all the features.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, if not taking into account all legal, the Bodhisattva new media center use what power can perfections corpse, strictly pure Buddha realm, wisdom for our achievements born; clergy can Paramitayana to Prajna Paramita, tu Zen meditation to the quarterfinals; practice kindness to equanimity, self-adhesive No African origin for the useful ideas against the wall to African origin, from outside not legal to own no outlawry; mindfulness practice four to eight sections for the Noble, not eighty, eighty mindless, harmless, eighty, eight multiple discharge, the second grade nine, ten power of Buddha, four that is not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen measures not common, compassionate, location Necessarily strain, strictly pure Buddha realm, achievements wisdom for living beings?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Bodhisattva of law school can not be calculated and can also severely pure Buddha realm, achievements wisdom to living beings. Beings know the world and nonmagnetic, ie power facilities. This Bodhi, Bodhisattva Paramitayana corpse, he is practicing Buddhist; Paramitayana clergy, he is practicing Buddhist, autonomous Necessary to race, he is practicing Buddhist, also known Buddhist nonmagnetic. Bodhisattva's practice Paramitayana six, he is practicing Buddhist until the ten achievements not of Buddha, four things not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen measures not common, compassionate, location Necessary race, he is practicing Buddhist. Is full of Buddhist karmic then, using a concept corresponds to the Property is located Necessarily strain. Then all the negativity set off air permanently clean, not born again. When he saw the Buddha uses modern eyes three thousand natural world that nothing was impossible to get, let alone legal ownership, as such, should the Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita themselves are not numerous. This Bodhi Monastery, was known as the Bodhisattva of health facilities. Countless other measures can not be, let alone the legal ownership, while Bodhisattva's alms, alms outlawry still do not know what case law is useful. The life contestants and Bodhisattva mind, outlawry did not know, what is the situation of Falun, location Necessary to race, people are giving, are legal, the place is no longer legal not know what case law is useful, because why? Because of all the legal nature is such, do not Buddha, not bar text, Pratyekabuddhas do, and others do not, because all people do not have method.
O Buddha, the law, as the law shuns reasonable?
Buddha: So, so. The law, as the law shuns.
Blessed, if the law, as the legal separation from, how can law shuns away from knowing or having legal or not, why? Because outlawry outlawry can not know, can not know the legal property ownership law, no law can not know organic methods, organic methods can not know outlawry? Thus, there is no general law all by itself what, how Bodhisattva's start by discrimination or legal, or not?
Buddha: Bodhisattva secularism because according to our base just born or presentation, or not, but not according to the highest sense.
O Buddha, the most secular empire and imperialism have filed various reasonable?
This Bodhi Monastery, the most secular empire and imperialism filed no different, why? So that is fashioned as imperialism As first lady. Do they not know that birth does not count as that, should the Bodhisattva used to indicate a secular empire or presentation, or not.
* Again, we born for years because of sensations attachments minister should not have said it does not own. Bodhisattva was born because we should only present or whether or not that the aggregates known purity, nothing by itself. Thus, should the Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita so.
Comments: Tu Buddhist Bodhi have not heard anything ie, holds unprecedented praise, white Buddha that was so deep Prajna, as the business has expanded. If the tree as an example: leaves, flowers and fruits to deep fretboard, like the shade of green, while hot, very funny shade. Human beings shade tree Bodhisattva, is separated from the suffering of the three evil paths hot, why? Because prevent crime. As the beauty of flowers, basil puree, human beings take the Bodhisattva generosity, morality, reformed, should be directed blessed human beings communicate, heaven. As fruit color, aroma, taste, where human beings should be the result bodhisattva noble Tu Tu has completed etc. .. listen closely Bodhi joy, saying: Buddhist Bodhisattva's like no other. In this causal Buddhists say: Bodhisattva's where the line should end the evil of hell, animals, etc. .. the Buddha's approval, said of conditions: the mind has no need Bodhisattva Supreme supreme Buddha, the does not have to end when the three worlds.
* Again, as was the "calculated as" so-called Tathagata, so called from the momentum completely, because of the sharp As for the computer should say inaction, the law that are counted as one, the other not. As the Bodhisattva's school computer, be sure Necessarily, the Buddha said that as no other, not because we prefer you bodhisattva mind that as Buddha said, but because it is calculated as the Buddha said so. Was calculated as where Buddha, Bodhisattvas also in place, as is a minister, so called as Buddhist Bodhisattva; leave calculation As, there is no way not to count as nothing.
Q: If so gay like that as Buddhist Bodhisattva said, until then there is the love of animals as he, as the Buddha said okay?
A: animals but also features such as, but not because of conditions arising, not able to benefit sentient beings should not be counted as operating, to omniscience. Thus, should the Bodhisattva of Wisdom School as he calculated. Calculated as the Bodhisattva of Wisdom learned that the full benefits of all legal like. Fully ie the true form of law, may be used per each student practice making them understood. As should be sufficient for all legal As liberated. Be liberated then, smart students know their identity, to know the identity of beings full. The house is in good house: Tin, mindfulness, concentration and wisdom; every three are redundant, can be distinguished him, he does not have, he is green, he is not human. Is full of virtue: Tin, mindfulness, concentration and wisdom fully, so people can get out of this world. Tin base is the decision to maintain life force, no doubt, for the diligent and although he has not seen the best method for directing attention, do not regret my life, without a break, for very often the memory should remember the teachings of the Buddha, measures to improve on, do not give in to evil methods, such as shops, because of the attention to photography a place, not shaken, help for mental problem, because intellectual power can be very consistent as the law minister . Are two classes of units: A relative who is interested in a house big time Bodhisattva, two relatives who are in the thin center of Theravada base. Full time basis that can level. Or find people Bodhisattva but that can not be the base year, since before birth due to poor evil seriously know how to say predestined career of all beings. For now predestined in countless lives have been sufficient network; already know, because we say to poor students that past karmic; beings so that past crimes should not be afraid to. So pray for wisdom to know three generations. Already know, because they indicate poor birth predestined future life will be hell. We hear it time student fear, fear and subdue ease of mind. We want to know if these blessings predestined future life time because they said, they rejoice, maybe degrees. So says an affinity know now then, volunteer position should be sufficient wisdom to know three generations of pure, smooth very afraid; know karma, bad past, knowing good and evil future retribution, said the current beings the benefit base, which said legal extenders instructive, are many benefits, not frivolous. Because of great benefit to living beings should have experience feelings buddhafields; strictly pure Buddha realm and is located Necessarily strain, strain should be located Necessarily Zhuan Falun, Zhuan Falun, then, and bring up their security measures succession of birth on parinibbana. The benefits are the same as brought to school by. So says the Buddha Bodhisattva want all their merit interests, interests, should give rise to supreme Buddha Supreme.
Bodhi Monastery merit of Bodhisattva hear that a lot, white Buddha that bodhisattvas can act as Prajna Paramita business say, let all the world to pay homage, as in business at large, distinguishing merit Bodhisattva's new center.
Know now from Bodhi Prajna Paramita very deep, thought no memory, he learned to new customers, so ask Buddha Bodhisattva new legal concept of mind should anything? Buddha replied: Necessarily So place strain concept. Necessarily Tri ie strain Supreme supreme Buddha; omniscience, Buddha dharma, Buddhist name for the place are Necessary strain.
Q: What should meet Buddhist concept of race position Necessary?
A: Because the Bodhisattva new intellectual center is not profound, not quit five desires of worldly pleasure. So should force the Buddha mind, thoughts omniscience, consider that: If you leave the little ones happy impure purity will be a great pleasure; skip the crazy fun frivolous claims will be a true pleasure, give up the fun in the tie will be the happy deliverance; away the fun of their own good will is the good pleasure of the whole people. Because of such benefits, the new Buddha often give rise to the concept of omniscience.
Tu Bo asked: Intellectual Property Necessarily strain was legal or outlawry? How charming, how rooftop, how out, how generals?
Buddha replied: Tri Necessarily strain nothing by itself; nothing by itself was not legal, no birth, no death. As true fate of the law, there is nothing by itself; anniversary is awarded; cessation is operating, the general formlessness.
Q: are ultimately not therefore why speak only as rooftop concept?
A: The law has power, wisdom Buddha is ultimately not, as such, calculated, in fact, formless, meaning that minister passed away. Buddhist wisdom Necessarily strain, no longer thinking, no longer intimidating, near and far, and what concepts are, to say the rooftop concept. 
Tu Bo asked: Just place no legal Necessarily race, or color, etc. .. there is no legal way?
Buddha replied: etc. .. All the phenomena nor legal. Buddha himself said of conditions: If the karmic law of harmony nonmagnetic lifetime, if not law that is not magnetic, no way. So he should know the causes and conditions of all of the law itself does.
Bodhi Monastery asked Bodhisattva new center means taking something out Candidates for the position Paramitayana Necessarily strain, strictly pure Buddha realm, teaches beings?
Buddha replied: Studies in calculus nothing of itself to the observation, but also can group merit, education for all sentient beings, strictly pure Buddha realm, which means that is power, and not because there are two methods, can act in a moment. That is ultimately no merit and contains groups. He Paramitayana the following order, also practicing Buddhist, as Buddha mind because ultimately no law, there is nothing by itself, but from six Paramitayana It is necessary to place strain. Bodhisattva practice that can complete the ten of Buddha, four things not afraid, very afraid position four, eighteen general not legal, compassionate. When the Bodhisattva practice, was fully legal, to sit at ashrams, using a concept that corresponds to the location Property Necessarily strain. As the night lost treasures, temporary electrical light up, and he was back, afflictions and habits permanently clean finish, not born again. Buddha was right, ten Buddhist world view, and all other materials not see, let alone seen! France ultimately not, except for the crazy out, making Buddhist Bodhisattva was, he was not able to get, let alone ordinary legal insanity can accept? So, should know all there is no general law itself what is that means the Bodhisattva. No, there can not be, let alone what may.
Bodhisattva should practice Prajna Paramita not have ownership. Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita did not own, or while supplies alms alms not immediately know nothing of itself, the Bodhisattva mind experimenting and there is nothing by itself, until Necessarily race position, the person, the law, the place, no other method can not know, what case law is useful. The Bodhisattva is, the law is supreme Buddha Supreme; approach is used to direct the Bodhisattva, he knows nothing of the law itself, why? For all such legal nature, not because of intellect should change other byproducts do not, do not sages; do not all legal, people do not. Did Bodhi Monastery is, if the method is completely general nothing by itself, the time who knew nothing of itself? So asked the Buddha: The law, as the law shuns, calculate how far apart are these measures shuns know or have, or do not, why? Because outlawry outlawry can not know, can not know the legal property ownership law, no law can not know organic methods, organic methods can not know outlawry. Blessed, as such, does not have all the minister what measures itself, how does the bodhisattva or legal discrimination, or not?
Buddha answered Bodhisattva secular sense, but because they speak or student, or not, did not follow its highest sense. If there is real, the truth should not be there, if it's not there, how the time does not have to be true?
Tu Bo asked: First Secular and other means have equal? If another time is calculated sabotage should say not another? Secular ie calculated as mean counts as first lady. As sentient beings features that do not know, should follow secular or say yes, or no.
Again, we have the birth place attachment to life in a warm, because I want them living away from her owner, is very own, so no property Bodhisattva said, according to the legal distinction secular, wants to make beings know no owner's personality. Thus, the Bodhisattva should study Prajna Paramita very own.
Explanation: Friday 72 Bodhisattva Products 
Business: Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, the Exalted said the Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva how well?
Buddha: Bodhisattva is operating Supreme supreme Buddha.
O Buddha, Bodhisattvas out how the Supreme supreme Buddha is a Bodhisattva?
Buddha: If no color Bodhisattva practice, practice feeling, perception, not knowledge, not until the almonds, not identity to legal action; operating perspective not to sense the world; For Paramitayana out for the Prajna Paramita, not for internal, not external, not internal to external legal outlawry not useful; practice meditation, subtle meditation, meditation tam charity; act of love, compassion, joy, discharge, operating Boundless Made nowhere, Boundless practices, Myriad owns the land, Phi Phi useful idea mindless origin; operating four foundations of mindfulness, the four primary needs, such as the sufficiency of four, five senses, five forces, Spoiler seven, eight sections Noble ; practice samadhi No, formless samadhi, samadhi uncreated; operating eight swims, the first class of nine, ten power of Buddha, four things not afraid, very afraid position four, eighteen general not legal, since modern era Ball, strictly pure Buddha realm, achievements wisdom to living beings, very afraid of eloquence, the writing itself in countless texts, ni la left out, the usefulness of action, as the unconditioned; like Supreme primary College enlightenment, not that the two methods. Thus, the Bodhisattva of Wisdom, called the Supreme Executive supreme Buddha, the Bodhisattva's virtues.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, the Exalted says Buddha, Buddha mean?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Know the real meaning of the so-called Buddhist approach. Again, the true form of legal documents, so-called Buddha; smooth real meaning of the law, be called a Buddha. Again, as it's known all legal, so-called Buddha.
Tu Bo said: Bodhi mean?
He says: That is not meant Bodhi, meaning, definition calculation, that in fact, is that Bodhi. Again, the famous general discourse, is that Bodhi. It may not havoc Bodhi means, can not be distinguished, the Bodhi means. Again, the true form of the law is not a lie, the other not, is that Bodhi. So the so-called Bodhi. Again, that Bodhi, Buddhist monks have been called Bodhi. Again, the place known around the right feet of the Buddhas, called Bodhi.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, if Bodhi Bodhisattva's because that issue until six Paramitayana Necessarily practice race, for what is legal, nothing missing, nothing more, nothing less, nothing born, something away, what structure, what net?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: If the bodhisattva practice until six Paramitayana Necessarily practice race, for not being legal, no loss, no more, no less, no structure, no net, why? As the Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita is not because of the loss of, more, less, living, kill, structure, net.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, if Bodhisattvas practice Prajna Paramita, not because of it, lost, not due to the structure, purity, how Bodhisattva Sutra, photography can be manually For Paramitayana to Prajna Paramita? How not to act internally compounded numerous legal? How to meditate, four immeasurable mind, the four formless, the four foundations of mindfulness eightfold noble path to? How None, mindless, harmless, technical rescue? How Buddhism out of the ten, four things not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen measures not common, compassionate? How out of place ten Bodhisattva? How exceeded Sravakas, Pratyekabuddhas that on the Bodhisattva?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Bodhisattva of Wisdom when bile out not by two Paramitayana For practice, until the Prajna Paramita, not by two internal practice not until Necessarily strain position.
Tu Bo said: Blessed, if not by two bodhisattvas practice until Paramitayana For Prajna Paramita, not by two internal practice not to place strain Necessarily, this Bodhisattva from the new development center to center after all, how good root growth?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: If two legal issue is not the moral roots growth, why? For all ordinary grill are two methods, balanced growth should not be friendly. Bodhisattva executive not two, so new since the last center to center, in the intermediate range of growth that is based charity. So for Bodhisattvas, all heavenly world, who, asura can not extract recovery, can not destroy her virtue, making fall into the status bar text, Pratyekabuddhas evil and not good law Bodhisattva institutions not stop, do not be enforced for Paramitayana growth based charity, for the Prajna Paramita out so well. This Bodhi, Bodhisattva should practice Prajna Paramita so.
O Buddha, Bodhisattvas should act as moral roots Prajna Paramita reasonable?
Buddha replied: no. Bodhisattvas should not act as moral roots Prajna Paramita, why? Because according to the law without offering Bodhisattva Buddha, incomplete moral roots, not selected can not be located Knowledge Necessary strain.
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Bodhisattva from the new center, offering Buddhas, twelve sutras, the Buddha said to the conclusion contractual business conference, Bodhisattva and hear life over, reciting common interests, contemplation lens throughout. Lenses should be transparent and Da la ni, ni la momentum should be able start up position very afraid, very afraid position should arise from the birth place until full omniscience not forget, also for planting spot Buddhas good base, the base heal guardian, complete and not fall into the evil paths victims. Predestined moral roots should be pure body and mind, the body and mind should be strictly pure pure Buddha realm, achievements wisdom to living beings. Be guardian of virtue should not leave their feet often knowledge, is not leaving the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, the bar text and praised the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. Thus, should the Bodhisattva Buddha offerings, sowing good base, close spiritual friend.
Comments: The above products, Tu Buddhist Bodhi ask: Kinh said Paramita Sutra, so-called Prajna Paramita? Buddha used per each meeting of conditions. Personnel in this job should he asked the Buddha: The Bodhisattva practice is often said, is how well this Bodhisattva? So Tu Bodhi Bodhisattva asked.
Q: If the photography collection Prajna all legal, ie the Bodhisattva Sutra available, why do you ask?
A: All of the Bodhisattva called the Bodhisattva. Wisdom to know the way around so-called minister Prajna Paramita, he is the wrong place to another. If Bodhisattva Sutra and photography together well other times not.
* Also, someone said the Bodhisattva's body, now. Industrial gate, now the Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva of the work known as the Bodhisattva. Because he wanted to Bodhi Monastery chief distinction of Bodhisattva, so ask. So Buddha said to the Bodhisattva as well as the good, because for Supreme supreme Buddha, he was chief of Bodhisattva. If Bodhisattva evil work, and work very good sign that the attachment is not the Bodhisattva; just bring compassion and wisdom about not calculated, because the Supreme supreme Buddha that do, he called Bodhisattvas are happy. What is pure happiness? That is not sharp practice, practice feeling, perception, not knowledge, usefulness to the practice range, as not unconditioned. For the law does not distinguish is not, is true, is compounded, is ridiculous. Like Supreme supreme Buddha, kill all theater conclusion that no two generals, was well known as Bodhisattva, no one can destroy, no mistakes. Tu Bodhi Bodhisattva heard right, rejoicing asked: Retribution is the Bodhisattva of inflation. Kinh said Buddha, Buddha is so mean?
Buddha replied: Know the true meaning of the law should be called the Buddha. Q: If so, Arhat, Pratyekabuddhas great bodhisattvas and also know it means the law, known as the Buddha therefore why not? Buddha replied: Above mentioned examples Buddha lamp, for ordinary is real, it's not for the Buddha. As disturbing byproducts, gas mask set should not be true, can not be located Necessarily race, not an end to all foreign facilities for all legal, so it's not called the right knowledge means, such as on discrimination.
Q: Know the true meaning of the law, the law is very general, very smooth and lifelike know that all legal, what four things different?
A: Some people say no other means other nouns. Someone said: That is the true form of birth did not destroy the law or legal permanent resident minister as Nirvana, because he understood that the so-called Buddha, in the sense that, usually no mistake enlightenment, using the name says minister to understand the true meaning beings first lady. So, in that particular four very afraid very afraid and very afraid legal, should be different. There are real people but that does not mean the law be smooth, because two causal: One is not all negativity. Second place is not Necessary. As Tu has completed, freezer function, not an end anagami negativity should not be smooth. Arhat, Pratyekabuddhas, go Bodhisattvas end all afflictions, because race is not Necessarily site should not be smooth. So to say that it's smooth called Buddha. Question "as it's known all approach" is short on all three things well means well and all legal or legal, or not, each and every understanding as stated in that position Necessarily strain, also known minister passed away, compounded minister also said.
* Again, the location Bodhisattva, the Buddha is the location, because the place was so called intellectuals.
Tu Bo asked: Blessed, star called Bodhi?
Buddha replied: No, as such, calculated, in fact called Bodhi. General intellectual truth corresponds to No eighty; dependent as, calculated, in fact, so-called intellectual Bodhi true form. Rank the remaining directors in three school (Architecture director, director of spiritual and uneducated. ND), not an end afflictions, but without wisdom called Bodhi. Three class uneducated ignorance is no longer an end to all intellectual redundant called Bodhi. Two class uneducated, not knowing omniscience feet around the lemon law, should not be called Supreme supreme Buddha, Buddha wisdom only new single called Supreme supreme Buddha.
* Again, generals, language, texts called Bodhi. It means the Bodhi indistinguishable, vandalism.
* Again, Bodhi is like no other wrong, usually not frivolous, why? As intellectual beings to roll higher than Buddha, no one more, the law also moved higher growth, before the falsehoods, the following is true, no way to do so than Bodhi, so Bodhi called truth.
* Again, as for the so-called Buddhist Bodhi, this is so-called because Buddha Bodhi.
Again, there are people who say: Take position to know the students took advantage, he called Bodhi. Someone said: Take position, sterile place called Bodhi. Someone said his wife called Bodhi liberation, why? Since being freed him for all methods are transparent. Someone said: Four Bodhi mind is very afraid, why? Because the Buddha knew the true form of law, \ he is very afraid that, knowing distinguished generals of the law, he is very afraid legal, distinguished each and every night, causing them to be born out, he is very afraid of; theory teachers of the law did not take, he is very afraid heresy. As a full four very afraid, should benefit beings called Bodhi. Someone said: Ten power of Buddha, four no fear, no general legal eighteen, compassionate, race position Necessarily, such immeasurable Buddha dharma are called Bodhi, why? Because of larger intellectual measures are called Bodhi. Someone said: Chon is Buddhist Bodhi, because all ten outflow location, sensation, perception, knowledge, professional bodies, industry and export incompatibility center back position corresponding to ten, are called Bodhi. Along the coast of birth, and help each other should have called Bodhi. Then there are people who say: That Bodhi is boundless, can only be known throughout the Buddhist, others know little part. For such treasures cakkavatti one can not distinguish between knowing the value of it; Holy King of the dainty treasure, others can know. In this Bodhi Monastery Buddha asked the Minister Bodhi finished, ask: If the Minister is ultimately not Bodhi, not undermine, the Bodhisattva six Paramitayana, what good root growth?
Buddha replied: If it's practice Bodhisattva Bodhi general, for all the growth measures do not have, let alone what virtue, why? So Uncivil not, because it is clear that memory loss to appear, because ultimately pure. Buddha promises the possibility that Tu Bo asked: If not add up, how the Bodhisattva Sutra Bodhisattva photography with the other?
Buddha said to the Bodhisattva's when law enforcement should not practice law for two, but the ultimate issue is not in harmony with, that should not be the problem.
Tu Bo asked: If no action Bodhisattva two measures, how new release from the center to the center after the growth of virtue? Buddha replied: If the two legal issue that is crazy, can not increase the moral roots. For as a dream, but is of great, do not get anything in the end, while the new method is much less really is. Buddha Bodhi Monastery: all flesh are immersed into the two growth measures should not be based charity. Bodhisattva true minister under the law, it is legal not two, so when asked to center, until finally the mind, improve root growth, no mistake. So for that Bodhisattvas, all weather, people, asura can not destroy other virtue, that must fall into Second bequest other evil could not destroy. The other is the evil affliction xan, lust, etc. .. For Paramitayana destructive ...
Asked Bodhisattva should practice good basis for reasonable Sutra?
Buddha replied: Not so good, not for evil that acts Sutra.
Q: No basis for that action unwholesome Wisdom can be, therefore why should not act in good faith based?
Buddha replied: Because you Supreme supreme Buddha should however act of virtue, but because the evidence achievements Supreme supreme Buddha, not because of your virtue. As examples of doing raft say: Good law should also give up, let alone immoral law! Compassion is the basis for Buddhist help, as people should not have to because the raft across the river, but due to the other shore. In saying this because karmic Buddha: Lord Buddha Bodhisattva, not feet while improving knowledge can not be located Necessarily race, but that should not cultivate moral roots for the quarter, but only because the Supreme righteousness quarter enlightenment.
Tu Bo said: How Bodhisattva but not because of virtue that can offer to the Buddhas, to be located Necessarily race?
Buddha answered Bodhisattva mind since the last new offerings in business Buddhas as saying. As big as large Buddhist offerings, so just say the Buddha, but should know Pratyekabuddhas donate to local resident Bodhisattva need wisdom. The ordinary method for listening to lectures Bodhisattva twelve sutras, because he can not often be always with you, so should maintain life. So forgetful should make informed benefit recitation. Visibility is often forced into the heart sutra, remember to think first class, first by language, preached sense, after being fully articulate, that is Da la ni. Da la ni have two: One is Da ni la Van maintenance, meaning that remember first hearing, two Da la ni Knowing the true form of law. Recitation, practice, often thought to be remembered Van Da ni la maintenance; smoothly should be very general sense Da la ni. In the two Da ni la place that can produce a multitude of obstacles to, because they are born to four full sermon located very afraid.
Bodhi Monastery question: If Bodhisattva multitude of obstacles to location, other times what the Buddha?
Buddha replied: Unknown compartment has two problems: 1. Is really very afraid. 2. Being a multitude of obstacles to the noun. In here, except a multitude of obstacles to Buddha, Bodhisattvas and other people are very unobstructed. Due to the Bodhisattva chanting born from place to place until Necessarily, not forgetting full, why? So deep, chanting read the legal afflictions should be split thin, upholding the moral roots should not fall into the evil paths and the victims. For such people who are blind sighted help, full basement SIA pits not been laid. Through good fortune house should be pure at heart. Body pure heart to love all beings, but also for those who are not part evil for evil enemy, that is not to rob life. Again,
intellectual merit and grapes negativity at large, can not hide Bodhisattva's kindness. Again, care deeply for their students that there is compassion, not mind letting go, redemption center and center for legal know impermanence, suffering, not, selflessness, ultimately did not, so to Buddha was not born Buddhist thought, idea Nirvana, he called the pure heart. As a pure heart can be instructive beings, why? Because thin afflictions should not start high center drain, center ego, anger mind, so we born liking, credit life teachings. As teachers of beings should seriously as pure Buddha realm of experience in international food company that Buddha is hard to say: Because they should calm realms of pure water. So is upholding moral roots should not leave good full knowledge. Compassion knowledge Buddhas, Bodhisattvas University, Arhat. Combs said that general knowledge improved, meaning people may praise the Three Jewels. Thus, should the Bodhisattva Buddha offerings, sowing good base, close spiritual friend, why? Because such patients or physicians should find and herbs. Physician or Buddha, is the virtue herbs, see the patient is improving knowledge, all three patients have been healed of her illness. Bodhisattvas such, he should have enough to finish the three afflictions, for the benefit of sentient beings.
Explanation: Products planting 73rd shortsighted
(Doing Great Wisdom, Social 2 record: 71 Products close second)
Business: Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One. If the bodhisattva Buddha offerings, not full moral roots, not buried knowledge, there are reasonable omniscience?
Bodhi Monastery Buddha: Buddha Bodhisattva offerings, cultivation of virtue, knowledge that is buried omniscience is difficult, let alone offered no Buddha, no moral roots planted, not buried knowledge!
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, the Buddha Bodhisattva offerings, improved planting base, the feet of knowledge, why Necessarily difficult to place them?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Bodhisattva away from health facilities, according to the Buddha heard no health facilities, improved planting base is incomplete, often not according to knowledge of good teaching.
-Blessed One, how is health facilities, which means Bodhisattva's practice is located very Necessarily race?
Buddha: Bodhisattva from the new administrative center For Paramitayana, corresponds to the notion that omniscience alms to Buddhist, or Pratyekabuddhas, or bar text, or who, or who's not, when he was not born alms ideas, the idea of ​​experimenting, why? Because no consistent view of all legal ideology, not born, it's sure no minister, no conversion, in fact the law minister, minister does not mean that all of these measures, no start. Bodhisattva means that due to the platform that virtue, virtue should grow out Paramitayana For, strictly pure Buddha realm, achievements wisdom for living beings alms territory without retribution world, just because want to save sentient beings should give alms.
* Again, Tu Bodhi, Bodhisattva from the new world religious center, corresponds to the concept of omniscience while not falling into sexual morality, anger and delusion, and not fall into the bondage and affliction break the law not directed charity, avarice or break the precepts, yard space, lazy, attention disorders, ignorance, arrogance, contemporary romance, romantic conceit conceit, rooftop romance, regardless as chronic, chronic misconduct, or not fall into the heart of the text, Pratyekabuddhas, why? As the Bodhisattva was consistent ideology that not all legal, no birth, no minister'm really, no conversion, in the true form of law, all legal means generals do not, do not start. Bodhisattva's accomplishment means so very growth-friendly apartments, apartments growth should improve Paramitayana clergy, strictly pure Buddha realm, achievements wisdom for living beings morality without retribution worldly life, just because he wanted to save sentient beings should cultivate morality. 
* Again, Tu Bodhi, Bodhisattva from the new religious center Paramitayana patience, note position corresponds Necessarily, health achievements should media practitioners is to train, thinking religion nor attained player Tu has completed, freezer function, anagami, Arhat, why? As the Bodhisattva knows no legal ideology, not born, it's sure no minister, no conversion, as assistant practitioners that exceed the status bar text, Pratyekabuddhas. Bodhi Monastery, he called the ring measures infertility.
* Again, Tu Bodhi, Bodhisattva from the new center Paramitayana practice patience, to give to the Fourth Jhana meditation, into four infinite mind, the four formless, but a meditation on life without retribution, why? Bodhisattva means of achieving this capacity he should know himself Minister of meditation, not born, it's sure no minister, no conversion, strictly pure Buddha realm, achievements wisdom to living beings. Diligent life without worldly retribution, just to save sentient beings should cultivate diligently. 
* Again, Tu Bodhi, Bodhisattva from the new meditation center Paramitayana, corresponds to the concept of omniscience, in multiples of eight discharge, the first nine classes, players will not have completed the certified results to A Drought is, why? As the Bodhisattva knows no legal ideology, not born, it's sure no minister, no conversion.
* Again, Tu Bodhi, Bodhisattva religious center since its release Prajna Paramita, the ten school of Buddhism, four things not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen measures not common, compassionate for the omniscience is not a place, not strictly pure Buddha realm, not achievements wisdom to living beings, in about middleman he should practice so, why? As the Bodhisattva of legal ideology not know, not born, it's sure no minister, no conversion. This Bodhi, Bodhisattva should practice Prajna Paramita life so without retribution.
Comments: Question: What is the Bodhi Monastery crude question that offered no Buddhas, no sufficient grounds charity, not selected intellectuals, there are reasonable omniscience?
A: Some people say: As all properties ultimately not legal, there is nothing by itself, not in the ultimate, cultivated and not cultivated moral roots based charity no different. If such offerings may not Buddha, not cultivated virtue, knowledge is not selected, omniscience is also affordable? Then there are people who think that there are many ways omniscience, can not be cultivated virtue, so that should be asked Buddha. Buddha replied: If the Buddha offerings, good planting base, the feet are difficult knowledge, let alone offered no!
Bodhi Monastery question: Since the ultimate no no no not blessed and fortunate, so why would speak only merit should be? Buddha replied: At the base of the world, should be blessed. Bodhi Monastery so that they immerse students in advance of the main things it does, ask. Buddha did not take the approach that wrecked previous meeting. That is also blessed diligent practice can not be, let alone not religious blessing! As the executive director alms to a village, from a house to a real thirst not, find a hungry dog ​​confined, for clubs it says: Supplies the irrational animals, we used all the way to each house was not begging, that Huon is what you look forward to? Tu Bo asked: There's offerings to the Buddha's grace, therefore why not be retribution? Buddha replied: Because the media away from power. Health facilities are Prajna Paramita. But that does not take sharp eyes Buddha which shows the legal position itself, but little cultivation of virtue, but not fully, but knowledge is good but not close questioning territory. Buddha himself said back predestined: Bodhisattva from the new center, center for organic and so heartless corpse Paramitayana. Being the center corresponds to the center which omniscience alms, to the concept of merit of the Buddhas, sentient beings should be merciful generosity. Heartless if alms to the Buddha, to which no ordinary man thought the idea was born three candidates, candidates who receive alms and objects, why? Because not all self-generals from the past often did not born here, no minister or a set, or another, or often, or very often, etc. .. As law minister herself, should not be converted, to dwell in As. Such observations on real income Minister of Justice, the Minister does not make sense, do not start. All measures having no impact, head work, not born of lofty mind, there is no hope. Because of such vehicles should be able to grow good root, root shuns evil, teaches pure Buddha realm beings seriously. Giving or more, or less, not retribution worldly life, only wants to save sentient beings. Bodhisattva alms for finite beings, have energy, thinking that his previous life I do not merits of thick deep this life can not give alms widely beings, we should act now so much generosity, profound truth , and retribution that can do full benefits, extensive handouts for countless sentient beings, or benefit in this life or the next benefit, benefit of ethics. There were no such facilities, but offering Buddhist Bodhisattva, healthy planting base, the feet are intellectuals still not Necessarily place, let alone offered no! In other Paramitayana same. 

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