Friday 21 March 2014


In worldly dharma, dharma haunting activity, with the Dharma beam FAQ Topics "Applied practice" will help Buddhists answer questions arising in the course of cultivation practice.

Question 1: Buddhist understanding and practice in their daily lives like four verses later in Agamas:
"The more, the more resentment
Losers restless sleep
over losing two were discharged
Yet sleep in peace "
Answer: In person, the person being hated, hatred. Losing people, the sorrow, suffering. People do not cling to things than losing an on.Hon will always be lost causes suffering and sorrow. Buddhists must practice equanimity to always be happy to live happily. Question 2: You are what bring people after death? So Buddhists prepare yourself for life after what? Answer: - After death people can not bring themselves anything beyond good and evil, but now he has made ​​during his life work. - To prepare for life after Buddhists do not all evil, yes do good works. - Do all the good work without attachment to what I was doing. Going beyond the dualistic good and evil. Question 3: Based on the teachings of Buddhism, Buddhist practice how to mind wavered before the pros, against life? Answer: To center not wavered in front of reversible life, Buddhists need to: - Message Causation deep (three generations of causality) - enlightenment impermanence. - Import Management Certificate Egolessness Question 4: Buddhist Within Meditation acquired by the errors he makes are not mindful awareness? Within themselves Buddhists practice meditation method to be mindful awareness?

- Due in food obscured Buddhists should not be as mindful awareness meditation, which is the five hindrances are: greed, sloth, exchange currencies and recommendations. But more common is due to three items: sloth, thought disorder and neutral.
- Buddhists in the application of a method of meditation taught by the Venerable: Book News, Custom News, Tri expectations or "Know legs center " Question 5: Buddhists understand the poem "Dream" by Venerable Master Yin like?

"Fitting dream body, dream walking scene
and Joinery tan, laugh disillusioned.
Recording romantic words, romantic private guest
Knowing dream, provincial gadfly "
Answer: Venerable is awakened, realized the eternal true mind. Seeing themselves as falsehoods, fake temporary, illusory phenomena are to achieve true happiness. Venerable remind everyone to be like his disillusionment. And his teachings also means "course of illusory illusory" (to use the words of salvation offered to students illusory as illusory) only. Question 6: Over the last 4 threads extensive verse "Residential ceiling heretics" of Supreme Emperor Tran Nhan Tong, understand and apply Buddhist practice like?

"At the direction lifetimes depending but please
wait until the tired sleep eat instant
treasure in the house alone looking
For a mind not ask meditation scene " Answer: Between life is impermanent, falsehoods, to achieve true bliss the Buddhist practitioners should know:
- Depending upon the law minister but always lived with nature.
- believing in yourself available right leg where pure heart (treasure house), no need to find external demand.
- For to the scene just not attached to the center need not be asked to Zen. Question 7: The joy of true meditation is what? Buddhists application method to cultivate joy in all circumstances? Answer: - Check out the leg to the foot of the living heart and pure mind of his own. - The practice of the methods of teaching Professor of Religious HT: 1. Know Hope not follow. 2. Not stuck on either side. 3. For context insensitive. 4. Living with the truth available. Question 8: "part of the duty of autism, any acquisition of spare excuse" to understand and practice the Buddhist teachings on how to practice in life? Reply: - Soi Light yourself as the original parts. There are other ways ie: the main duty of the Buddhists is not required to seek distraction enlightenment from outside but must return to live with a pure heart of yourself. - Methods enlighten yourself at the heart of Zen, the essence of Buddhism. All of the practice of Buddhism are caught we must shed his back. From Theravada Buddhism are developing counter measures related applications. Depending on the base of each of which a different application: 1. Four Foundations of Mindfulness wraps to prevent the attachment in the body, feelings, consciousness approach. 2. Use Wisdom position to slide down the attachment in the body, the mind and the external environment. 3. French traditions of Zen meditation is taking place to look at his heart, that delusion knows no follow up from the mainland, quietly self-delusion. When delusions silence, then kill the body and mind right place, we realize what does not kill. Then clear all kill General of the body, mind, scenes of frivolous claims are not true, just can not kill the new is true. Life should be straight with no sense of attachment to the legal falsehoods. Question 9: Buddhist understanding and practice in everyday life how four following verses:

"The evil look carefully,
karma contempt.
crinkled fake flowers,
real stargazing Forget ".
Answer: - For the good things they see are often easy to forget the good, but for evil evil intent back a long memory.
- United authors are all formless world, there are countless Minister often temporary, have already lost, not durable, but we infatuation and fantasy run should forget watching the moon really. Losses are only available to be true in man as well as in the external environment. If all phenomena are evident coast, there's no way we do not really follow the scene infatuation mistaken that is not artificial flowers that recognizes the true nature of ourselves and the true nature of the external environment. Question 10: Buddhist understanding and practice in daily life such as how the last four following verses:

"Hate to hear the Dharma, like listen to my words.
Mekong rootlessness foot, chased outside. "
Reply: - Listen to the Buddha's sutras to eradicate childhood suffering is to fall asleep, boring not want to hear, but if anyone singing or playing a joke is centered listen bored and do not know if you remember another century. Just wanted to hear the words sex infection increases, according to industry pros evil, suffering.
- So like we should forget the original words leg. Me forget what this is really proud of himself. Chasing the chase outside the crazy delusions and external legal bogus. Question 11: Buddhist understanding and practice in everyday life like the last four following verses:

"Often taking a strange odor, hundreds of subtle things.
leg not like the taste, in part pure. "
Answer: - Just like smelling the scent of fragrant flowers that fly outside sometimes forget the true fragrance, the fragrance of virtue is: Perfume world, the taste, flavor wise, incense freed, liberated intellectual flavor comments. The aroma of smell by virtue not hear with your ears, nose. Morality or the wisdom of the sages are people you know and glasses are called aromatic smell. Perfume of moral damage variables that were not forever be known as foot odor.
- Two verses speak of human delusion, always chasing what are temporary and do not know what precious, pure long durable. Question 12: Buddhist understanding and practice in everyday life how four following verses:

"One of the supreme vow fed,
two-factor off the ceiling blades.
eloquence except pray three or
four being vows to say the pants. "
- Listen to business school is fully directed the Supreme eat.
- Bookstore foul taste of the mundane, such as: lying, said two blade, said weave, say evil, despised father mother, defame Tam said ....
- May be very afraid eloquence to except the deluded beings.
- May the Dhamma like to commend the wide beings. Question 13: Buddhist understanding and practice of such in everyday life through the four following verses:

"Crystal mom dad blood, so the general picture.
comedy Five hundred organ, combined together.
Accept the truth is, forget yourself approach.
Sanh iron fist theft, three went into business. " Answer: - Body shape our is due to the mother's blood into a fine father, in which five hundred satisfied the visceral organs is the same nhau.Nam: Heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys. Hundred comedy is just the bones.
- Body combines the author only temporarily so, but we accept the fact that forgetting is pure dharma body. So accept the truth itself should generate forming three sins now as killing, stealing, sexual misconduct. Question 14: Buddhist understanding and practice of how everyday life in the last four following verses:

"We aquatic life from very far.
center of the face, forgetting path ". . .
"irrational not always stop what comes duped the finals attachments minister " Answer: - no beginning or the wife see that she is not there initially. We are born predestined same message same message combined together have no clue should have said is without beginning.
- Omission of his honest mind should not know the true religion. Everyone has the true center but forget not know which way to run a new evil delusion, karma reincarnation.
- We can use the phrase "Member Center, Italy code" to explain this question. The mind we always chaotic, constantly thinking about all this and that. Where there when things did not bother us thinking.
- Has sticky stuck with six more to cling to the ceiling. Accept minister is stuck on the external form, just stick to form without getting deep inner meaning. Just based on the form to praise, Trade Minister should hate are accepted are suffering. If the Minister does not accept all the praise, hate and all suffering injuries. Question 15: Trieu Chau: "What is Religion." South Tuyen: "Mind is the leading normal" understanding and practice of Buddhist teachings on How is life in practice? (TS China Episode 1)

- ordinary mind is not attached two center parties, not stuck on the treated: In defeat, harassment, love and hate, sadness fun ...
- To practice the Buddhist teachings on meditation needs to know for, in every situation awareness. Also attached is not the law, are not interested in keeping agitation. And always follow the motto: "For non-interest situation." Question 16: Buddha has three bodies so we mental? If yes, please Buddhists raised specifically for them and their organizations knows? Answer: (According to the Security Forum - Penance products) Each of us who also have the three Buddha: Dharmakaya Purity, Perfection sambhogakaya, Thien promote breast incarnation. - Pure Dharmakaya Buddha only for each of us is available pure nature. From nature thickness healing concept is good, evil is as evil faithful. When raised anniversary, we always run concept forgetting nature as clouds obscured the moon. When the tan haze of delusion Pure Dharmakaya nature does. - Report Perfection Buddha in the true nature of good and evil are not infected. When two concepts of good and evil, only a quiet sense of pure nature to the full, which is Perfection Buddha Report. Even where everyone has Buddha Report, because we are silent no concept of good and evil, so do not get, if silence is the concept of good and evil right where his heart was full newspaper Buddha. - God incarnate Buddha marketing memory If you do not start the emptiness of all phenomena connected with her ​​as quietly nowhere, no physiognomy. Think closely faithful evolution. Evil faithful were led away in the evil way, good idea to go in the realm of good leads. Although there are hundreds of thousands that want their memory evil concept revolves know immediately return good news is returned to its nature, turning thousands of memories back to nature concept, ie the transition back to the real evolution. That is a reincarnation of the Buddha. Question 17: "Bodhisattva's fear, being scared result." understand and practice the Buddhist teachings on how to practice in life?

- Bodhisattva consider when we do things should never cause evil's creation. They are the opposite of birth. When bad retribution to fear but anxiety is not interested in the job that they are evil artifacts.
- The Buddhists who believe deeply distorted to create the good cause is always present for retribution good future. If you have created evil person will certainly receive retribution data can not evade. Question 18: "Armies do not win a victory in itself minh.Thang yourself is the most resounding" . Understand and practice the Buddhist teachings on how to practice in life? (PC. 103 - short pieces)

What conquer, till the outside is relative, not giving winners rim true peace and happiness. Only when overcome bad habits, those habits and master of your heart, then that is the true victory and bring new wheels winner peace and eternal happiness. Question 19 : Bat style is what? Buddhists practice how to in real life always stand up bowls?

- Eight rooms are eight winds: Benefits (benefits), failure (damage and loss), Cancel (despised), Project (the compliment), Anak (praised), Mechanical Engineering (ridicule), Suffering (suffering), Lac (happy).
- To always stand up to "eight winds" This Buddhists: Tin deep causal understanding of dependent arising and realization of impermanence. Question 20:

"Wisdom is the wise approach in the wild
wild Wild practice of wisdom to "
understand and practice the Buddhist teachings on how to practice in life?
- Wisdom was alert to the way the world makes people wallow in lust, not the wise people.
- No attachment to worldly, superficially seem naive wild leaking but it is the foundation of peace and true happiness, of enlightenment, liberation. Question 21: Buddhist understanding and practice in life through the practice of how the following verse:

"There is hardly chi chi fun?
Fun in craving pleasure is pain,
suffering to his practices of fun.
know if fun is there suffering,
I would rather do that do not suffer well pleased. "

- Please suffering are impermanent falsehoods. All passes.
- The world is watching contingent sensual pleasure, happiness always wanted to achieve but do not know that it was implicit in childhood suffering.
- No attachment sensual pleasures, living at want to know enough to cultivate the joy of lasting peace and happiness.
- So glad to know that all is impermanent suffering should kill themselves at the convent before suffering is always fun. Question 22: Buddhist understanding and practice in everyday life how through the following verse:

"The wise say much less hear
the words Smart repartee ask for it
before the sage wisdom open
wide the matched step is worth it,
is it someone you know spent?
their story so they know the new wisdom "
(HT. Thien Hoa) Reply:
- Listen more, talk less. Listening is an art of communication and also as a method of practice.
- practicing loving speech. Compromise, humble people.
- Always look at yourself, do not accept the error. Question 23: Buddhist understanding and practice of meditation while teaching how through the following:

" Province to Province Lang Lang,
Lang Lang unselfish wrong;
quietly province to province,
province provinces Disorders wrong idea.
(Yongjia Zen practice - Xa Ma Tha Last litigation) Reply:
- Province Province Lang Lang Lang Lang or province provinces are: Mind always quiet but still see hear, or know everything. See hear or know, but not clinging to hear that ...
- Cheers Up is drowsy state, uncertain, unable to distinguish tin evil, lies between two deep trance and thought disorder. In the meditation cave called the Devil entered.
- Conscious mind was always whirring, ie chaotic wandering mind leads.
Province - the province is the knowledge, the Dinh Lang Lang. Always have The Knowledge parallel, or in other words have the knowledge and the wisdom Dinh fixed. Question 24: Buddhist understanding and practice in their daily lives through teaching how following:

"For people born before,
should see the current results.
Want to know the future results,
Let's see now. "
Answer: - What we consulate in current life is a result of work that we have done in the past created.
- What we are creating the karmic effects will result in future.
- We I can decide to be a better future for themselves by trying to practice, do good and avoid evil right now. Question 25: Buddhist understanding and practice in life through practice how His interjection verses:

"My body is the Bodhi Tree
Center station is shining
every day to clean
Do not stick to dust. "
- His interjection say "Body is the Bodhi tree, the heart is shining stations", referring Tanh available to every one but the expectation was obscured. If you want to be enlightened awareness manifest need to use the practice to clear cling expectations except love. It is self-administered injectable methods.
- The Buddhists have believed in our body and mind Tanh available, always mindful not to remind myself to live this confusion delusions arise and fall away. Question 26: Buddhist concept of how past The verse of Hui Neng:

"Bodhi tree which does not
mirror light nor radio
Historically, not a character
Somewhere sticky dust "
Answer: By this verse we are team taught:
- Nature formless awareness which should not be taking any legal or what to compare examples. - Since there is no place form should be attached, what needs to be cleaned. This is the true nature, where no shortage of flesh, which is not that only right that living nature, difficult to clean concept (Amendment) immediately wrong.  

Question 27:
Buddhist understanding and practice in life how to practice Buddha's teachings through the following: "The leading legal
intentionally Italy do
with the polluted If
Speak or act
to follow brain size after
pulling objects like cars leg. "
(Dhammapada 01 - Mind)
- In three career body, speech and mind, the mind is more important. All the bad karma that our actions are not derived from the pure mind. - The Buddhists have always controlled his mind. Buddhists meditate always see his mind as wild buffalo herd should be careful not to violate the plating rice. Always thoughtful, carefully before you speak or take action to avoid suffering retribution.   Question 28: Buddhist understanding and practice in life how to practice Buddha's teachings through the following: "The leading law intentionally Italy do with the purity If Speak or act to follow after Joy As no ball outs. " (Dhammapada 02 - Mind)

- In three career body, speech and mind, the mind is more important. All the good karma that we are all created in the mind the gentle charity, chastity. - A Buddhist should diligently practice meditation, mindful living, said keeping the mind is always pure. With a pure mind, then peace will come soon with each of us in every word or employment.   Question 29:

Buddhist understanding and practice of how life practice through the following verses: "I am born to sorrow to sorrow chief end
chief Ta are not used
completely new Pure "
(Dharma Forum - abductor elegant)
Answer: This section cited in all of the mindless chant Neng, Sutra products: even describe negativity, negativity hybrid except the chief, Ta district regardless of the sentence,
his wife residual purification.
- An evil concept has arises immediately is how much negativity to drag us. In the usually say "First the three accounts, three thousand custom" means a newly emerging wavy wavy then want another drag. Another misconception is how much start-up and another bad idea, so just have a misconception as to get rid of the negativity and immediately follow that end. So which one is taking the chief.
- In relative to such place but to the whole team and research director of glasses are not used, totally new purity, not anything else left over. Currently we are in the application stage in the cultivation treatment, and time to place all treatment times. To sum ​​up his rhetoric shows us the deep treatment then proceed gradually, first using the legal means for political chief Ta, then discharge is always the antidote to reach a calm mind completely. Question 30: Buddhist understanding and practice of how life practice through the following verses: "The religious right feet found no fault earth fault If that others have come to his error. " (Dharma Forum - Products Perfection of Wisdom)

- The practice righteousness is not of this world find fault, if fault of someone else, sorry I have to side then. If any error that the other person, to where the news is telling his error was at fault.
- So sorry that people have lost everyone should see them, and then hide his error should feel greater galaxy, which is conceit. In contrast, we see what could be his fault pride, not daring to call themselves one more person, who does not see the error where people dare look low, do not know someone that dared to contempt, arrogance by which that end. Thus the practice. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.21/3/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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