Friday 21 March 2014

Unfortunately cooled.
 Buddha has great compassion for sentient beings sunk in the sea of suffering mortal should state "hard body is" to remind people to appreciate our own life and we must wield fortunate events made him dear to sublimate their own lives, and contribute to benefits for life 1 . Word of the Buddha is true, derived from enlightened wisdom and compassion of the enlightened desired level for all sentient beings be happy and peaceful, away from suffering, should anyone take the time to listen and effort to live according to his advice, the benefits are received permanent peace.
During samsara world of sentient creatures, human beings know is good discrimination, evil. This is huge and features the world's luckiest man, a human trait that is known as a high-level creatures, and completely different from the other species in the pursuit of happiness problem, kill except suffering. All beings, and all living things are psychological desire to live, fear of death, want peace, hate suffering. But the creatures are not always aware of the meaning and how to satisfy their legitimate desire. Only human beings with full human or accumulations and conditions to realize the dream and ambition was nice. Specifically, only humans have the accumulations and conditions to make the dream good dreams for her. Specifically, only humans have the ability (intelligence) and conditions (favorable environment) to convert their destiny from misery to happiness, from prison to freedom. Most other creatures living purely on instinct or tied up in the endless cycle of birth and death by heavy karma, very rare chance to transform the fate of suffering. That is why the Buddha said, "is rather difficult to do people."
Made accumulations who is a huge Buddha advised of this, people need to be reminded appreciate and apply the accumulations was lucky to practice, promotes itself, do not let my life (that fortunate) goes a waste. We need to know the athletes luck as to realize the dream of happiness, but in the language of the Buddha is said to how to live the "evil mitigation measures increasingly, the more growth-friendly measures" makes "legal impossibility of love, optimism impossible, the impossible (ie, suffering afflictions) are destroyed, the endearing way, communication ability, the ability (ie, happiness, peace) is growing." In other words, the Buddha preaches about living should abandon evil, to do good to the happiness and suffering deductions growth happiness for oneself and benefit for life, because only humans are capable power and favorable conditions to do it. Made relatives who do not know, the fact that wholesome goodness go to waste, more waste and worse, fall into evil ways. So, the Buddha reminded us of the advantage of the event as a human being and recommend prompt like this:
" As from a heap of flowers
Many garlands are made
Also the body of birth and death
How much good the " 2
 Buddha's gentle but profound practical how! Buddha as a human being that is a big advantage because humans are capable of doing a lot of good, good things to themselves live peacefully and bring peace to your life. Body birth and death human life is impermanent, but if you know how to properly use birth and death, then the body's cells also typically do useful things. Like an ephemeral flower, but if it is cleverly applied, it can become a beautiful flower garlands dedicated to life. Clearly suggest a hint coyly referred to the very existence of fragile but precious each one of us in the human world. Here, listen to the Buddha's teachings are also listening to his heart. In the depths of the soul, who clearly knows his life and to have at the end and death can occur at any time. On the other hand, everyone agrees that the value of human life is not long or short existence lies in the fact that humans have done something good for yourself and your life. A human life is fragile but also a valuable opportunity to do so, why not ramp right mind do something better, even small tasks? Buddha clearly worth fragile existence of human life should remind us advise urgently need to do more good deeds to good direction for yourself and make life adds value peace. He advised prompted us to appreciate the good and accumulation of good, should not lightly ignore the good that small task though, because according to him the wisdom of the sage trim live peacefully and be able to help for other people's happiness by him and appreciate the good accumulation of goodness until full:
As dripping water,
it is also filled with comments
place filled with good people
by gradual contained " 3
Cumulative wholesome goodness is something that every person can do through lifestyle and your daily activities. In our daily lives, each of us is capable of doing good things for good, just as the Buddha advised day.Chang term, choose a vegetarian meals instead of eating salty ie we accumulated a good job, because it helps us cultivate compassion and contribute to restricting the killing of living beings. Correct behavior from the mind of people is also a philanthropist, for it is manifest good will, contribute to human life and peaceful society becomes good. Every day spend 15 minutes to chant or meditate instead of sitting watching music or chatting with friends ie we are set yourself a healthy lifestyle wise, just have a healthy body has relaxed diligently to mind. Try doing a few simple tasks, we would like to recognize the meaning and value of life lies right in every good work is gentle simplicity that we carry out every day. It also says that the Buddha's teaching is very simple but practical benefit absolutely useful for our daily life, if we learn to listen and follow the advice of his life. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT=WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.21/3/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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