Saturday 29 March 2014

-Part 2-
Chapter II
Business Contents Catholic Mobile
A. Foreword Starter Of My Catholic Mobile
A few pithy but introduction was essential to the life of the Buddha from the sermon for the first time in Deer for 5 brother Qiao Chen As, until the sermon afterwards for Tu bi da la. And then teach the words di coaching for pupils under tree Sha La in the last breath. Image via preamble speaks French loi Hong career born of a Masters degree.
The fourth verse is:
1. General introduction the life the sermon of the Buddha's birth from the beginning until the end. Attach importance to the speed of delivery that is to emphasize the positive side, the benefits that the Buddha has devoted his life.Often when introducing Buddha, people often start when He was born, raised renunciation tu learn ... to enter. But here like to emphasize the life of students.
2. the life of his resurrection, his voluntary arrive fullness as usually say: self-awareness, sensory, Sensory fullness and almond. But what needs doing done, who can have an all level. It also tells the finishing, micro-magic of Dhamma, thus achieving great results.
3. the response to Di Church is about to say this is the essence of Dhamma.Buddha Dhamma taught extensively throughout his life vastly harder to comprehend. Finally, at about to enter Nirvana he has summarized the most essential core to give Sami nuơng in that order, from being helpless astray.
B. Gender-Studies
I. Determine The Correct Precepts As Dao.
From "the most helpless stilts Bhikkhu class heterosexual mock trial": articles says very clearly that after removal of the Buddha should respect you NET glass boundary, such as the blind are bright eyes they must preserve the eyes, like the poor that are golden, they must protect it. NET to know that is there any other German noble teacher, the Buddha left at that.
Among my duties as Bhikkhu on stilts as well say the same about the value of sex:
"As the sea
There is the opposite
as jade treasure
not bored all the time bridge "
"As Lai has cleverly
speak out about menstruation
As Lai back to manual
Speak out about France
The oil that the Tathāgata
Enter Nirvana
Jesus be regarded
Fiction as the "Buddha (Bhikkhu stilts, Optical Entertainment room 1994)
Respect for the precepts which means respect your path to liberation, because sex is the Foundation for wisdom. Also means respect for keeping the good things good, who embodies the Buddhist's ultimate direction because the characteristics of the Dhamma is capable of operating.
After all, respect for the precepts. Consider precepts as Buddha's responsibility with regard to the Dharma, as the world economy has taught:
"The World economy existance
long lifetime
then the Buddha's Dharma
will be flourishing "(Bhikkhu Stilts, Optical Entertainment room)
II. What About The Typical Procedure
From "net Hold ... should not hoarding"
1-this Ðoạn raised a number of gender-specific yet very typical thing-What about this is in line with some of the things in the world to learn more about and some of the classics.
In the discharge of the fallen world 30, stilts 19th World Bhikkhu says, ' if the Bhikkhu stilts that chopped the money and treasures of the offense ample three slaps nuns ". About 20 says: "If a Bhikkhu stilts that buy cheap sell expensive things then it sheltered three slaps ni" (Bhikkhu stilts about fiber optic Decorated room). The world that is equivalent to the word of Buddha in this piece: "the master is not trade, barter, repair shop đấùt home, pets and animals, servants who worry about cultivation, your business.
In the 90 's Three world titles, secluded 10 says: "If a Bhikkhu stilts manually digging or excavating the ground, breaking the Three sheltered strongly". The 11th World says: "If a Bhikkhu stilts chopping trees, breaking Three Yi". My Di lesson more telling: "including cutting vegetation and digging hoe land
Things like: "thuốùc, consider astronomy, guess the weather, calendar of ... not the attendance, lãûnh, liaison mission, Elixir, greeted the..." are there in the world my duty as 18 out of 24 natural dread, about 29 of the bodhisattva precepts.
2. Ðoạn this presents some about it, though not enough as about his duty, but very clearly as set under the formula in bowl of legitimacy: Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice network.
a) speech: language is the primary leg, meaning no ties, according to HT, the Optical Spot: "Ta ta TA and French language by language as deviant. Ta ta TA's in French art like reading art. TA in TA is greeted with precious rights, should speak with them in a degrading way, dear to them and then talk to someone in an arrogant way (Optical Spot prizes).
b) the Chief Justice: on the contrary, Chief of the foot behaviour is deviant careers, including more prepared the body, eat right, now, to live by living clean, did not compete in the world, the Mission of contact ...
c) Chief Justice Network: subsistence traí, Chief of the legs are ties there, including: "trafficking trade, shop fix the soil, feed the servant and sú2c, lo cultivation, trading gold, preparations, regarded general astronomy, crested Kingfisher, guess the weather, calendars are not appropriate.
So the world is presented as the conditions warrant for ethical behavior including behavior language, means of living, preventing user password go into mistakes and sins. On the other hand preventing the secularization the ranks. Such is the duty of spiritual expression and manifestation of the general practice renunciation as the Buddha teaches: "tame tame, with the Life of the world to learn more about the full and dread, the Chief Justice, see fear in those little errors." (Central capital III).
III The Effect Of Gender
From: "that's Like Hybrid said summary ... stay hidden for all of Germany". Demonstration effect of world 3:
1). Sex bring to the rescue: "it should get on with the rescue base As Futuristic as the Ba-La-Threads-Moc-Massage. Thanks to the world that arises to meditation and wisdom has the power to destroy the suffering ".
Three-dollar-MOC-massage: a noun to call the precepts, the room is special. The effect of gender is freed, the real body of the Italian imports. the origin of suffering is the bondage of suffering. World's evil career suspension should be taken to effect the rescue. On the other hand about arise meditation and wisdom should have the capacity to destroy the suffering. So when a person's maintenance service life that feel afloat, students much negativity, no serene relaxation, they must review the content and methods of travel. Sex always brought to mind the serenity.
2.) About maintaining friendly France: "who hold the world, that person in good faith", there is a definition of gender is working in good faith. Doing good is a form of keep. Moreover when the suspension of evil, prevents evil then imply that work. While psychological mind does not do evil means the focal are driven, driven, the charity has not yet born will b. good, France gave birth to be growth. The French charity included navigation concept and behavior, language directed to benefit happily.
3) About the German achievement: "no translation shall everything the Germans could not arise". The Germans here means the achievements by the practice. The accomplishments of the day including the levels of meditation as a meditation for up to life, or to destroy the ideas shown to sanming
From the basis is about the way the airline practice set, but the world is not just compliance with the boundary conditions that also includes the practice of infection control, psychology, German achievement is made fulfilling the next steps. My math Maudgalyayana (A-144) and Ganaka Moggallana (Central longitude 107) given sequential route leaders practice as follows:
a) Teacher Bhikkhu stilts preserves about everyday life, tame the taming of his duty, has primary facilities, dread seeing the dangers of the little bugs, and academic study.
b) Teacher Bhikkhu stilts households maintained the grounds, when the eye sees colors without a general, without a general book, the causes for craving, starting over, bi domination overpower the subtraction causes, Gerald, ... too.
c) Teacher Bhikkhu Xue on stilts in eating, not visible to public foot play, passion, body jewelry for which environmentally harmful to only, to preserve it.
d) Teacher Bhikkhu stilts trained attention vigilance during the day as well as night, in the action paint clean the minds of the obstacle course.
e) Teacher Bhikkhu stilts trained mindfulness the buds in all movements of the body when walking is sitting ... are consciously work.
g) Teacher Bhikkhu trained on stilts sitting meditation in a place where the old urban planner, back straight, stay ahead of anniversary, clean paint off the slopes of 5 mind ... testifying beginner meditation until the fourth meditation ...
In the second step in the tradition known as sequential route 4 practice leaders initially considered step precepts, from precepts that the Germans were incurred i.e., meditation and wisdom.
IV. confining the senses
From "the teacher Bhikkhu stilts were in pure land ... evil kill all": this is the second step in a sequential route leaders practice that Germany Phâït taught, called households maintained the grounds. Households maintained and protected to preserve the grounds are the senses, that is, don't let the 5 senses are the objects of it taking the lead. Articles taught: "in the pure land shall have to overpower the 5 things gíac". So keeping with overpower the senses. For the 5 senses 5: beauty, or, the aroma, taste and soothing emotions. This is the fascinating objects called 5 exercise, these subjects do meet the lost life of the senses, that is what they are looking for. When it was wrecked off sex, not his mind, it relied on the habit of enjoyment, hard to take off, climb steps.
Preserving the world my duty that give free senses 5 dong ruổi according to Tran, the ability to keep the world very fragile, and the conscious mind does not stop at the scope of enjoyment of sex, tribe which also leads to a multitude of sins, the extremely graphic, hard to stop, for as violent horses with no rope is very dangerous. Households maintained the grounds in the Tibetan Nikàya say quite clearly: "when the eye sees colors without a general, not holding the general public, the causes for craving, favor bi Khoi up the tame and the exception cause. For these objects, walkthrough, Gerald, exposed as well as such ".
Articles for example illustrate keeping senses such as "Like a Buffalo blanket holding sticks which regarded keeping (Buffalo) Cavalier offense on rice's cheek. This example image, keeping the senses such as the Buffalo blanket, the alert makes sense to gradually quiet. This example can be inspired for the meditation Kar composed the famous buffalo blanket paintings 10 later on.
With how wary to preserve such senses, senses will mature no chance to run under the sordid sexual objects. If at times unruly, with the households maintained will make sense again serenity not astray so long as the articles say: "suppose to be Cavalier 5 senses, nor how long we're going to see them broken down all".
The second step is important, stop the habits of nature or the phenomenon. First of all in terms of medical facilities following almond dread moving into inner consciousness. People will have a stable, sturdy spirit, heart resources were strengthened. Therefore, the effect of gender are deeper. The Bhikkhu stilts walked to his ultimate goal there is no other way as households maintained the senses. The Buddha articulates in the Dhammapada:
360: "Heal rather protective eye
Heals instead of protective ears
Heals instead of protective nose
Heals instead of protective tongue "
361: "Heal rather protective body
Heals instead of protective lyrics
Heals instead of protective Italy
Heals rather protective of all
Bhikkhu stilts of all
Get rid of all miseries ".
V. Who Tame Italy
From "five things senses ... filling his mind clothes": this Ðoạn talk about taming the mind, second year due to active mind senses, senses itself is not at fault. This section is still the second step of the households maintained the grounds, the relation between the mind and the senses of Italy just a only. This is a special feature of Buddhism. In One Practice Buddha has refuted the views of la Pasarìya, he advocated that practice gíac is not to be seen with the eye, not to be heard with the ears. Ðúc Buddha that is so blind deaf person will reach results practice senses. The view of the Buddha is: "this Anan, Bhikkhu on stilts as the eye sees colors run up recently, start up is not satisfactory and does not fit onto boots, they run up that way because they are in possession of crude should be weighted. If they don't run up that way then that's what the NET security, the enemies magic that is mental Township. So when the mind run up recently, are not satisfactory or satisfactory and does not just include the removal only discharge is to survive ... " (TBK IV based practice 152).
The Buddha said that when the eye sees the object of beauty, the headset or ... then the mind will start up 3 cognitive attitude: A is satisfactory, the two are not satisfactory, ba is also satisfactory nor satisfactory (has both). When it began up so audience is good or noble, we must consistently projected that the start up 3 's attitude is not correct, is the hope, is the important divine Lady. Should a projector to show that if the mind does not start up 3 attitude as on the static Security Center, it's marvelous retribution is rough. Thanks to a projector so when the anniversary about 3 attitude kicked up then the removal immediately. Practice different senses as possible. When the new practice must prevent the senses take the habit of love often is driven to the subjects fun, stay away from objects that aren't fun. When practicing senses mature and crude is off, and then have to keep vigilant to tame Italian vi for objects lost thúù, must know that the mind is the master of everything. The subjectivity that tu is important new senses do not need to bother, and they even let senses see, hear, taste as breaks of the mind. However if only the worry that senses overpower forget that the mind is the new server then become superficial, limited to effects.
At Buddha's Nirvana soon Mr Anan asked some pertinent issues, including issues dealing with women is like. Anan said:
-In Germany The Religion we must treat women like?
In this manner they have looked Anan-
-World Religion if they do not look like?
This is OK, Anan-talk to them
-The Respect, if not talking to them do so?
This is an, Anan-stay mindfulness--(ÐBNB.)
The Buddha do not look, do not say to maintain for the sensory motor, psychological profile disciples yet sturdy, the practice is not yet mature, more susceptible to foreign attract. The Buddha said: to an stay mindfulness is to tame the mind, the mind makes are tame the look or tell women there's nothing to worry about.
Articles offer a variety of examples to emphasize to the scourge of inaction and a mentality of who dominates Italy such as: "the mind is also frightening than snakes, animals, natural calamities, fire, burning data is also not sufficient for example for the mind".
In brief emphasize who dominates Italy's because:
-Italian master of the senses, overpower the senses are coupled to overpower Italian be results.
-Center for Italy if not tame it evil artifact "does what no other elephants go crazy without the iron hook, Gibbons and monkeys which are forest tree".
-Italian was tame, have the power to achievement of Germany. Articles says "tame the Italian seat back failure?".
Tame the Italian mentality cultivation is a process of his own efforts of subduing the mind like Dhammapada Buddha:
"Secluded launch effort
Self smart thing to dwell
Tri level building of the island
Flood difficult moments "
(Do not launch Yi-25)
VI. Dietary Properties
From "The teacher Bhikkhu stilts Shou food drink ... so exhausted": Details of diet is the third step of the 6-step cultivation, so eating problems, although very normal but is considered hard work. Eating is a basic demand of sentient beings, not eating or not eating right will lead to sickness and hindrances. For food and beverage issues generally have two attitudes:
1) attach importance to eating is important, get food to fun and being bound by eating.
2) Regarded food is mediocre, quit eating or ascetic as pressed, do physical wear and tear of diseases also put to danger.
The Buddha in articles: "Longevity food drinks, like the pill, not delicious ham, not bad, just enough to maintain the body from hunger and thirst." Consider eating as pharmacology is true both literally, eat to nourish the body, cure hunger and thirst. Good ham, bad is not achieved the ability to maintain the household, the mind does not cool off as the dominated, agitated. My Moggalla Ganaka, Buddha said: "master Xue stilts Bhikkhu in dining, poolside dining survey primary leg failed to have fun, passionate, jewelry for the body but only to damage from body, to preserve it, eating to eradicate life feel old, new life for not starting up, whereby live no mistakes and live an all right."(Central). The attitude of the renunciation to eat well is to eat moderate harm to oneself and to practice it, not because of eating that took part in the si field run, obstacle course the practice.
To practice law, the diet of Japanese appliance offers five nuns Bhikkhu things contemplation before eating are as follows:
1) Consider telling his much less and the estimate for the reason of the food.
2) think their virtue or lack of enough life to the donation.
3) Threads in the room, avoiding the sin that took part in the si field is still primarily.
4) because real phâûm do well to pharmaceutical therapy for dry body weakness
5) Because the application food industry leaders that life.
Xue practice in eating not only prevented the negativity and obstruction for myself but also for the interests and beliefs of the masses for Church and Dharma. Articles the Buddha said: "Bee flowers, just get the flavor without the heavy loss of life ... colourful use of cult who just off starvation, not much break, friendly sphere ham of them". As a "colourful loss" or "break their anniversary charity" means:
1) by themselves to demand more democracy, to donation, damage their property, they were exhausted.
2) Because your needs, happy families are vulnerable due to dissent within the family.
3) by themselves become the burden eventually they lost confidence for Scouts of France over the status of the teacher Bhikkhu on stilts.
So articles giving one more example: "to know the amount of Buffalo strength endure much less do not use too much force to a Masterful". Election means don't leave sharp injuries of flowers, such as bee flowers, Dhammapada the Buddha said:
"Like bees to the flowers
Not ruined the colors and aromas
Cover the United took the stigma
Holy ranks going into villages--(49 shelf, like the Pearl room)
The problem of eating ever are always things that make up nuisance and bad karma. One can because eating without any tricks from another, possibly trampling over the happiness of others to satisfy his eating. Continue ngữù say: "eat the piece of shabby, losing a piece of roll up early liver" which is probably usually love of his life.
The renunciation with the aim of freeing cannot stress eating problems make tham wrecked or make their career path, eating is like breathing, it's his life pursuits, so treat the eating for moral case is resolved in part in the practice.
VII. Attention Vigilance
From "The teacher Bhikkhu stilts, effort ... does what no other beast": attention vigilance is the fourth step in the step 6 practice of exposing sequentially, after likely households maintained the grounds, dining in, the mind to achieve the high vigilance, the need to continue to maintain vigilance. Articles taught: "the day the French effort in good practice, not to lose time surfing the night last night, also don't put, middle of the night had to chant Mantras to himself except for evil, good growth." The vigilant attention is so pretty closely. The consciousness we have accumulated much is impurities, pollution from many lifetimes ago, wisdom is weak, can not be an overnight can be pure. What we learn through experience, through communication of the Professor, through real life, just make up a minuscule force, limit, how can sufficient prevented the flow of capital reserves have since time immemorial, how quickly the minus the potential gas which has no general, hard to see, hard to get. Therefore, to create for themselves a power equivalent to the force of negativity, we need to focus work attention focused on regular nights. Austerities is like rowing upstream countries, must not stand. Do not create opportunities for real improvement emerged as the only effort only. In a 24-hour day if I just practice a few hours as chanting 2 time, and meditate 30 minutes or 1 hour before going to bed and waking up in the morning is not sufficient the except negativity. Articles: teaching during the day then the effort (during the day), the night-night, middle of the night last night, also don't put, meaning the austerities don't worry to sleep, sleep, moderate and low. Jing Chi Buddha mentioned sleep little more class 5 where the 5th class is: "the Bhikkhu stilts sport formula to be system glasses (visamyogàdhippàyo) night sleep some more" (genus II.Tr. 164) to form Sports drink be system i.e. attention to the gíác scene except for or pirated.
Based on the Educational and other experienced certain Moves that the mastermind was later divided into six practice sessions during the period called "stay-green felt time" consists of the day: morning, noon, afternoon; the night included the night, middle of the night, last night. Mr. Tran Thai Tong also based on this forecast 6 which compose of ritual practice repentance records based in Lock Damaged Records are very valuable in terms of practice.
These practice steps Ganaka Moggallana teaches: "master Bhikkhu stilts trained attention vigilance during the day as well as night, in the action paint clean the minds of the obstacles." Dhammapada 297 racks also teach:
"E Ðệ Gotama
Always order the sensory
Invisible comment day or night
Often the Chief Memorial of France "
Often the Chief Memorial of France is making ties in France does not have the opportunity to grow, usually commemorating the sleeping less, spend more time to practice, instructional articles: "negativity in mind as Cobra sleeping in the House, have to worry about taking sharp hooks hold fast-track world of solid sleep, pull it out it should rest assured sleep. Negativity in mind as ones customized hypnosis are difficult passages except for it's underlying gas episode order of the longstanding practice, subtle hard to know. Thanks to the precept that is thanks to the watchful attention as well as the night that pulled the thing out of the conscious mind.
The Bhikkhu stilts always consider yourself you deserve a Bhikkhu stilts or not by a suicide profile affliction UE is also more or less. If it is so much more to know disgrace, self-belief and the effort could not be assured ham sleeping or lazy day. If said self-belief disgrace as new then ability to maintain and improve growth, disgraced psychology is a psychological type of good work stimulates effort should articles stated: "there is disgrace in good faith."
In brief attention vigilance is the constant vigilance against the activities of the user password, preventing the real friendly, tame the forward movement of pollution. This level sees the mind quite mature, they remained in the incidence and effects of gender, started going deeper into the psychology of pollution to make way for subtle to wisdom born run.
VIII. Practice Everyday Humiliation Rings
From "The teacher Bhikkhu stilts if anyone cutting the body ... is not appropriate": this Ðoạn my teaching practice and almond rings humiliation against adversity against Italy. practice rings humiliation is to subtract the segment develops, yard guard prevents Sin life gauge and agitated of mind do concur very elaborately. On the other hand training the mind for calmness village, and also to work from, bi, Hy, discharge, preparing the mind goes to plan, the practice ring humiliation at the request of my high, Buddha said: "If someone cut the discharge of fuel into the master, the master is to refrain himself not to show anger, had to hold the mouth the tongue do not emit, the words are not good. Mind the flames rise hurt đaọ karma "(Di). The humiliation of the ring is so manifest the power of inner confining people who practice according to the Dhamma of the Buddha. Similarly in example business saw the Nikaya I, also teaches: "As the leader of the pirates, using a circular saw blade which saws, hand saws, oil so if anyone here run my vaginal disorders, he is not the practice of the Dhamma. You must study the following: we will keep the mind we don't biêùn, we're not uttered the words evil, we will live with neighbours, with compassion, with no inner anger. "Normally we live according to the natural response (response of animals) who yelled at me I yelled at again, who we're hitting back, so my life is always lived in a State of three of the struggle, of misery. A man of wisdom would choose to live there more self restraint, and calmness. There are people who think that rings the humiliation is the cowardly attitude but according to the rules of psychology, by contrast, lack of new domains cowardly violence do not ring the humiliation. Rings of power embodies the humiliation, the solidity of the inner, which is also the virtue of the sa. Articles teach: "German practice new rings are known as the upper tier workers have the power". Investment Increased when it comes to the power of eight types:
1) the power of the children's cries
2) power of a woman's outrage
3) power of thieves is the weapon
4) the power of the Kings of control
5) power of the foolish is overwhelming
6) power of the gentler turn inspired
7) power of multicultural Australians is suicide
8) the power of the sa sports humiliation is
The anger get to environmentally disastrous for physical, psychological, emotional and social damage. A society where people are not in education and practice patience, self driven mostly very gradually to the guilty, people can kill each other, harm each other, betray each other for reasons that are very small, like a verbal insult. Practice everyday humiliation rings not only refrain from keeping mind not to run up anger when being criticized or blamed for murder but also practice the mind motionless when people do injury to his body. That is not something easy to do so that the said patient humiliation is power.
Anger is dangerous, it has the power to devastate all in good faith, it crossed all limits as the starting field after lap can kill you, can hurt you, so that the articles stated: "the aggressors stole the Germany does nothing more than anger." And Germany have also said: "a celebration starting pitch up as hundreds of thousands of door Karma are all open. So happy that your practice patient first treated as humiliation for the everyday, into the first temple to know practice mosaic ring for physical and emotional circumstances of deprivation, and the ring mosaic to deter criticism does seem a whitewash ... eventually the renunciation becomes steadily to proceed further, so about my teaching
"The patience of the most direct insults
Buddha said the ultimate solution is wuwei
The renunciation which the human brain
Cannot be termed sa "--(Bhikkhu stilts, Optical Entertainment room)
To keep in mind from sexual harassment and pollution as well as preserving the style of a renunciation, the thing pretty much is in place to deal with the anger of lack of self restraint. In Bhikkhu stilts, 13 about rising Museum has 2 World 8 's and 9 because of the wrath that slander and libel, as angry that distort defamation. 90 about Three Yi has 8 such as the second thing doesn't, yelled at the social component, about 13 hate yelled at Governor, about 17 because flames pulled out on stilts Bhikkhu, about 78, 79 because of anger that struck and slapped someone else, about 80 because angry that slander. The French also raised them to 100 batch prevent similar.
As vâïy practice rings humiliation remained in the world, in my opinion belongs to direct the fourth serial cultivation revealed the attention vigilance.
Practice everyday humiliation rings as articles taught is that perfect record in terms of call rings humiliation Three la suite. We not only don't you fucking people yelled at harm themselves but also to work to achieve perfect level rather than receiving criticism doesn't, yelled at someone else's drinking as a wedding Festival cam Lo: "he who cannot receive the toxic insults a wedding Festival as cam Lo then guys drinking water cannot be praised in may" (My Di Higher Education).
The practice or elaborately austerities more or less, high or low of the renunciation and those who practice according to the way of Buddhism is assessed through this ring mosaic level. Patient's virtue is the humiliation of the backs, if not that patient's virtue, renunciation is not called integrity, as Scripture over the humiliation of the ring are as follows:
"The world of enjoyment, sex is not the issue, there is no method to refrain, so angry they are excusable. The Executive Director a renunciation to eliminate desire that angry, then it's not worth having, among clouds in skies that Thunder is the inappropriate thing chanced upon ".
Li Zhi and passionate teachings immensely!
IX. Ðoạn Except Psychology arrogance and Flattering Dua
From "The teacher Bhikkhu stilts make removing the extract directly as the basis": Ðoạn Sutra about practicing the subtraction psychology arrogance and dua flattering. This is the kind of psychological pollute the mind and obstacle course for the practice:
1. the arrogant Mentality: the psychological afflictions depend of psychotherapy, is the psychology of human love often. For people, it is a major barrier. Articles taught: "the teacher Bhikkhu stilts, removing his head, gave up the jewellery and fine linen robe ruined the good, holding a map of adaptation, qifu gangui to living, found that such arrogance also emerged, to radiate the refractive index". People often have the arrogant mentality when they're rich materially, or they have high status in society, or who has beauty. Which spice up all the money, fame, beauty ... wait has nothing to arrogant. My teaching "self massage your head" is the sense that, as someone has to let go of discharge of what belongs to the secular, dressed in brilliantly destructive, food that lives, that tu has nothing arrogant?! However the fact many renunciation arrogant condition to also:
a) the renunciation by blessed treasures are the masses should fan donation full material, dress, vehicles, houses ... so y back material things born of arrogance.
b) The renunciation because glass was considered a Masters degree, is to increase security, they always respect listen, born of mind arrogance.
c) who had studied, there are intellectuals by senior writing or discourse well, great position in the Church, was known ... so who born of arrogance.
d) who had practiced, there are some prime property, there are little less elaborately b. compliment her cooking that arrogance.
If not wary attention prevents the mind real good run over, sometimes just a small reason was easier to run the arrogant mentality (such handsome a bit). The tu have been based on a certain powers; money, fame, talent, it would be entangled in arrogance. There's the arrogance expressed visibly, there's the more intimate activities of arrogance, all of which bring to mind pollution and obstacles along the path of liberation. Dhammapada the Buddha teaches:
"The value for work not done
Not worth doing
The arrogant reporter Yi
Pirated or better growth (PC shelf 292)
Cảmh Visual attention to overpower the mind new leaders declared the pompous, arrogant mentality in reverse is modest, which is the center of the austerities. The life they have enough condition to pompous, arrogant mentality, if they keep their careers could not be lasting, must know the humility to survive long. What case the renunciation with the aim of freeing the secular terms, was discharged abandoned without anything substantial, spiritually to transcend suffering, which carries heavy arrogant mentality, it's not worth.
2. Center for Psychotherapy: is the quit dua afflictions depend of tham and si, is the psychological types of pollution as a secular trend of soul. Mind the dua, a flattering manner, coupled with the pompous, arrogant man with a par or below, will quit the dua, who people than yourself. People who have called it flattering or dimensional dua in my others, flattered them too far to the pursuit of profit, with frankly, they are not flattering dua said that talks straight winding placate other guys ego. Articles Buddha said: "psychological dua winding French leaders opposed to quit, that's why the master must direct his mind substance. Must consciously dua winding flattering just to lie, that the import relief cannot be the same. " Dua other flattering with praise lauded on others, while praising lauded a true eminence of someone then dua is the flattering flattering ofit tóet shady purposes. That is not the virtue of the people. Investment Increased the Buddha said: "the purpose of our lives breaking happy not because of deluded masses, fondling the masses, not for the sake of gain, fame, respect ... for the purpose of confining, the take, drink took part, the kill ..." (chi I p. 377).
Keeping the mind itself is elegant, straight line with virtue out, and also to preserve the status of a Bhikkhu stilts they must experience teaches: "his mind straight, taking Germany live properties as the basis" and in Central Beijing, the definition of that "Ðệ of The Magic virtues enough Respect HanhUnfortunately, as justice and Chief Justice of the everyday "(e.g. fabrics).
Short of arrogance and dua is the flattering psychological pollution has effects that make the mind marred, disorder, stumbling path of liberation, not worthy for the status qualities of a Bhikkhu on stilts.
X. Practice Everyday low libido and Knows Just enough values
From "The teacher Bhikkhu on stilts, to know your desires more ... it's happy to know just enough": this Ðoạn talk about practice everyday low libido and knew just enough, both these virtues are related to each other, this one supports the other.
The renunciation must fragment except the cause of suffering, the fundamental cause is taking part in the si field. Such is the custom hypnosis are difficult to capture that piece. However the expression on the psychological side is quite articulate, can limit and subtract them, the desire, the desire to always stir the mind, pollute the mind and pick the practice. So practice everyday low libido and knows just enough is to decrease the effects of taking part as hypnosis, customised and si is subject.
1) Almond low libido
Articles taught: "the teacher Bhikkhu on stilts, to know your desires, the more the brain gauge should gain just as much". Desires more i.e. greed grow, desires more then well gauge lot, this very fact. For objects of desire is the 5: beauty, or, the aroma, taste and soothing emotions. This is the expectation of the secular, Lac desires thúù always accompanied by suffering.
Working out of the gauge Aggregates the Buddha said: for the exercise are 3 aspects of it: sweetness, the dangers and the glass. The sweetness is based on the pleasure of sex, 5, enjoy the run up, the danger is the opposite side of the pleasure, enjoy it including:
1. want to have 5 education must seek, strenuous labor struggle with fellow human beings and nature, sometimes suffer from sickness, injury and death.
2. such a strenuous but not always satisfied, maybe only the head suffering without any profit.
3. If a search is, have to worry about preserving, it became the focal point of disputes, contested between father and son, brothers, husband and wife, moral sentiments.
4. and then theft, robbery, deception, harm ...
The glass of Regency are craving for sex, is the liberation from bondage of the exercise.
Does anyone enjoy 5 exercise that only pure Rapture, no suffering?! There is inevitable is as much desire as much agony. So Buddha said:
"The Exercise of charity born with a sense of superiority
Exercise of charity born of fear
Anyone get rid of craving
Where lamentation not of fear "(PC 215 shelves)
The agony of desire is never satisfied as much as desire much, proverbs that says: "greed". The longing will not end, will lead us to go into the deep pit of misery. Desire to be dominated, the soul will be serene and free. When humans are slaves to a sensory pleasures, the charity cannot increase, the psychic progress will be stopped, Dim consciousness, so households maintained the grounds, vigilance, attention is legal practice to prevent and paragraph except the psychology of desire more, articles teaching: "The low libido also had to practicethe more he brings enough merit ".
People who practice everyday low libido is achieve peace serenity, easily achieved the Cup took part, the removal, Nirvana experience teaches: "practice of virtue low libido feel serene, not fear, seeing plight would also find relaxation, never have the feeling of deprivation, have low libido is that nirvana."
2) do enough:
The difference between a happy low libido and well known enough in that: "low libido is trying his or her not, know just enough to be trying for what has come to be her" (Mind, translate interpretations Di)
Articles Buddha said: "The teacher Bhikkhu stilts, wanted to liberate suffering brain stroke the master be considered the primary, just enough to know the know just enough to be rich, fun and peace". Shipping generally needs two human types: living needs and the needs of enjoyment. Survival needs are the essential needs such as food, wear, sleeping. The needs of enjoyment is looking for fun. For the needs of enjoyment is 5 Lac education as mentioned in the low libido. Ơû this refers to his survival needs need to know just enough.
Spice people in need of food, medicine, clothing and pharmaceuticals is ready to live that practice violates, not to satisfy desire. For this survival needs if the renunciation was not the mind alert then has the ability to transform into the needs of enjoyment as would like to eat more, eat delicious, like to wear, dressed ...Psychology knows enough to be satisfied with what are not expecting something more, something always gauge attached to feeling dissatisfied, not just Italy. If we satisfy ourselves accordingly, the misery. Articles such as Buddha said: "Knowing just enough, lying on the ground also saw delights, don't know just enough though in Heaven nor satisfactory." Who does not know how many are enough also to be lacking so doing called "while the rich poor." In contrast, the "poor poor rich", but because of feelings of deprivation, rich because the satisfaction, satisfactory. Nguyen Cong Tru, a Confucianist also says: "know enough is enough, waiting for enough is never enough".
Investment Increased the Buddha teaches: "this the Bhikkhu stilts, who knows enough to type (clothes, food, the ready set, pharmaceuticals) we declare that this is one of the pieces of the happy subjects" (TC I p. 397).
"This the Bhikkhu stilts have 4 traditional Bhikkhu stilts know enough with any kind of medicine, know enough to any real qifu gangui food, said enough with any kind of ready set, Bhikkhu stilts preferred practice, favored the take ... for the needs of food, clothing, ready set ... If there was then no anxiety dismayIf there is then not wrecked. See the dangers and with wisdom to see the Cup ... This is called Bhikkhu on stilts standing on his veteran tradition "was identified as a sister" (TC I p. 380).
Today's man needs the first 4 not only food, clothing, medicine and is ready as of old, there are many more modern needs like housing transportation machinery serving the needs of knowledge ... but on the basis of the essential needs and the need to practice everyday to know enough, have not wrecked, no not anxiety dismay. So people can keep the new center right, peace and Liberation, as Buddha taught in the Dhammapada:
"The ultimate benefit patients Not
Know enough money paramount
The glasses for her children together is paramount
The ultimate Club Nirvana "(PC. 204 shelves)
XI. Almond Cultivation In Remote Cups
From "The teacher Bhikkhu on stilts, like a quiet bridge ... it's far almond cups": this Ðoạn say about almond cultivation in remote, meaning that shunned the place noisy, disturbing to the new practice dedicated to achieve liberation. Articles the Buddha said: "like to pray alone in wuwei and peace, then the master must escape the noisy and confused, in solitary and in a relaxed manner".
Renunciation of life escapist secular desperately needs the quiet and less work, practice time and a projection of self consciousness, being the essence of life. So often in mountainous place, close to nature, isolated villages are tailored to the life.
The Spice that was foreign dominated the difficult practice attention, quiet environment of Mount forest, located away support for the single-minded overhaul notion, however if the map they also crowd the implications to the work, by the living and collisions. So quiet that not alone, so articles taught: "the master be escapist map them and map them, in a relaxed, solitary and desolate bars, use tu thinking that cut off the roots of misery". Using thinking towards the minus negativity to poisonous lives homeless, or deal for myself to thinking. Sweat them more then affected by the fun of the map they not easy without the mind, experience teaches, "If love map them then map them as harassing the life tree that stuff birds collected the drawings were still dry-break".
Almond cultivation in remote Cup glance, seems to escape negative life, take care of yourself, in fact, for someone who forces positions, spice still have practice to increase moral force, if not yet qualified but chaotic beings Salvation or the Buddhist activities, apparently seems positive but the content is even more turmoil. They are suffering not because of lack of the masters, but because too many masters have not enough capacity, the ability to practice while impaired, suffering so much that living small, crowded Island, the mess, is no longer the time for ballooning troubles should increase, their purpose is not achieved. Ostensibly a Bhikkhu stilts that inside, emptiness of wilderness, there is material of a Bhikkhu on stilts. To solve the tu alongside Buddhist activities, the teacher today held retreats have timelines or periodically to foster moral force is a reasonable resolution. Resolving to take root is still less, spend more time living in remote, qúan, meditation practice and Mindfulness in daily work. If the renunciation practice without tasting the sweetness of the French public is usually called France or France Hy, France lost then surely will regress qigong in Germany. Dhammapada the Buddha said:
"Poison spread tastes Thread
Investors can also enjoy its net tern
No fear no evil
The tasting was a wedding "(PC. 205 shelves)
There are people who liked the crowded masses, numerous disciples like success in career to his austerities. West Island masses and also disciple pluses and harmful, that the beneficial effects of his birth will bring benefits to more people, if yourself enough in Germany and talent, he has the ability to get inside the t at đơì, near the mud like mud smell fishy smell like shower, or as Buddha said:
"Fun place we live
Not busy between busy
Among thrill
We live not to thrill "(PC. 199 racks)
Did the disservice, as the articles stated: "As the life tree which has a flock of birds collected the drawings were still dry-break". There are nice assemblies helps me practice ahead, there are the less they make us regress Bodhi mind. The Buddha said: "this the Bhikkhu stilts, these assemblies frivolity, assemblies, assemblies not enemy WINS, the assemblies scum ... but also the profound assemblies, assemblies of harmony, the assemblies enemy WINS and the assemblies the essence" (TC I p. 84).
Independent living resident also has the downside of it, if you don't mind heat stilts Bhikkhu essential to practice the subtraction smuggled or, do not use "tu" that German cut man suffering the toxic living environment is good for the fallen because nobody in control, curb to check for this user.
In the modern world we can not hide the tu in the jungle or closed without contact to the outside world. The dress is essential for the far glass of Psychology keen, keen disciples, knowing the annoyances and obstacles of the map for the road work, live in the map that escapist map them, that can be accomplished what need. The Buddha said: "this the Bhikkhu stilts, Bhikkhu stilts would prefer assemblies, fancy map them then the Bhikkhu stilts are hoan Hy to living alone, living in remote cups. So its not holding the General's mind, not fullness Chief comments, not fulfilling the Chief Justice, would not abandon the unlawful use and will never meet Nirvana ". (TC II p. 408).
In brief lives far far almond cultivation drink cups and is limited to the impact of the circumstances do the disadvantages and hindrances to the practice segment except for negativity, contraband or. The aim is to support the practice and to soon complete Somasundaram.
Summarizing the learning here is complete. So about four steps: Shou maintained about his duty, households maintained the grounds, in eating and keep vigilance. The effect of such limits is the very basis for the practice of meditation and intellectual development. The world is obliged to maintain life superficially, the primary effect is to prevent crime and infected cells, consciousness and mind-body training to become mature, clean, nhu nhuyến is the core part of the world. So in the world had the potential and wisdom. The Buddha said: "this the Bhikkhu stilts, practicing the path with no faults and to have the basics right against to measure n kill the contraband or. That road is maintained, serviced apartments in eating, watchful attention "(TC I Tr. 125).
My Di Lesson has built the world in line with tradition and in line with the practice weeks of psychological and objectivity. We will research the next step to more clearly determine the boundary, relation, and the target release. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY,29/3/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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