Saturday 29 March 2014

Investment Strategy Education Entertainment Mobile
Chapter 1
General Awareness
I. Origin
My di lesson is a Nikaya recorded the teachings of the Buddha, what the most typical blend, for c a Dhamma. So this is supposed to be the basis and need for people.
My di lesson appears in China into Yao Ming Qin (384-417), a business he will maintain Ma La Gathering room. Based on that translation, many researchers and notes about this makes my Di Lesson richer and deeper, the treatise a Treatise as Emerging Church: Di, Di Pope Doing French Treatise Stay Up, Di Pope Doing Business By Buddhist Teachers coming into Office, Comment of essential Mobile, Buddha Emerging Church Movement Wins ...(Room originally left interpretations of Buddhist teachings, Recreation).
Context theory is in the forest Sa la Song tho, before the Buddha entered Nirvana. The researchers of Chinese Buddhist studies showing my Di Lesson in economic systems, including Nirvana's original Scriptures and admit, be said about the State the Buddha at enter Nirvana and the teachings of Jesus (LSPGTH, the check out)
Traditional Nikàya and Ahàm have 2: The Nikaya has significant Australian Bat Ahàm School, Nirvana has significant traveling. Both this same content (when quoted criticizing my Bat out of Nirvana is enough). My record the last voyage of the Buddha in (6 to 10), before he entered Nirvana. Take route starting from the United Kingdom for coming of Kusinara.
There are also many traditional Australian trade surplus, but the most typical Australian Bat Nirvana, 40 volumes do you Ðàm Loads Thunder room (with the same name in this Field). The content talks about "legal resident relative" philosophy.
To the research are easy, we do not discuss the views "legal resident relative" of Australian Bowls Nirvana us Out.
II. Economic contacts with Australian Catholic Mobile bowl of nirvana.
After reading two classics out of the bowl and Nirvana Traveled in the Nikaya and the school of Ahàm, against the Catholic texts, some Mobile Outlook can draw are as follows:
1. in terms of the form:
Working out of the bowl and the Nirvana Crew kind of narrative, memoir. Recounts the Buddha's final voyage to go from Property to Kusinara, crossing the United Kingdom from 14 to 17 different places. Through each of the Buddha and local we stopped to rest for some time, every place where the Buddha is the sermon the born, the French are being recorded.
My Di Lesson a Chinese room has the form of a work of literature, be systematic arrangements in the teachings of the Buddha into a sermon from the beginning to the end and put right at the time of the Buddha is about to enter Nirvana.
2. in terms of the layout of the content:
Business Travel and investment out of the bowl of Nirvana presented content stretching along the path that the Buddha and they go through, what happened, what was preaching all notes, until the Buddha entered Nirvana at the forest Sa La Song Tho.
The Catechism is the Buddha stresses and repeats the action determine The maintenance method-Tue. The Catechism is the Buddha identifies that there is content, evidence of teaching and spreading the 37 products Assistant Director. Some teachings bring computers, head 3 times over 3 different times in the last voyage.
My Di Lesson a Chinese presentation content layout is very coherent and systematic, that is what the Buddha in Nirvana Bowl and Travel into a distinctly Comin', texts, have more or less than two seizures on a number of issues. The content is presented sequentially to determine – and encouraging words-practice.
3. the same point:

a practice to determine Gender disciplines) intellectual property
Travel in and Out of Baghdad to determine Gender disciplines, Nirvana is Wisdom the Buddha repeated from the beginning of menstruation until the end of my eight times, that shows the World what is the Wisdom to determine the need, is the core of the practice: "this is About, this is Dinh, here is Wisdom. Determine together with the convent will be brought to fruition, great benefit. The mind along with the intelligence overhaul that will take to complete the smuggled or illicit sex, i.e. possession contraband and pirated ignorance "(ÐBNB).
My Di also presented to determine the World's wisdom traditions but referring more and more long lines.
b) the di Manager:
-Define France's master, in the ÐBNB, the Buddha said: "this has been law, French and Anan taught and presented, after the defeat of the French and it will be the direction of the Lord" (The Nikaya II, t., 663).
My Di Lesson Buddha: "the teacher Bhikkhu on stilts, Like a hybrid of removal is respectfully honor ... NET NET to know about is Germany your lofty master. If the Future in lifetime NET do what other world "(Light Entertainment).
-Final teachings: Bat Out of Nirvana, the Buddha said: "this the Bhikkhu stilts, now I teach thee: compounded vi is impermanent, make effort to OK launch Yi" (our fathers).
My Di Lesson Buddha said: "the most common stilts Bhikkhu who make efforts to bridge the intellectual property sense of liberation, the entire universe is France fluctuates or not fluctuate evenly is the State of insecurity and breakup (impermanent)" (Light Entertainment).
c encouraging words)
My Australian Bat Nirvana Buddha taught: "the Bhikkhu stilts, if there is any doubt or stilts Bhikkhu pause about Phâït, France, Falling, path or method then the master ask away. Past regrets that: Masters Degree are present before us that we did not take the question That religious affiliation "(our fathers). The mass then spoke no questions.
Jing Di Teacher Buddha taught: "The teacher Bhikkhu on stilts, with respect to the four truths of the master are also skeptical that would then probably questioned immediately should not keep the disbelief that does not demand answers" (our fathers). Then the masses also don't wonder.
Through the contact us on, we have to kuận that the relationship between the investment out of Dishes Nirvana (ÐBNB) and Traveling with my Di Lesson that close relationship. I could say that my ends were molded Di codified content of two over. Of course my Di Lesson before work.
III. General Contents Catholic Mobile Experience.
Business contents Catholic Mobile is built to determine the boundary, sequences, Wisdom. The most talked About, more than half are for. This is the Foundation of the business is also the basis of Dinh, and freed.
1) About school:
The importance of gender was identified right from the start doing that: "to know the German noble master is net of the master, if possible in life also overstating NET fiction". Settled so to uphold the role of precepts, but easily cause food poisoning, and on the absolute value of the boundary, so that the author just practice, accept its about things such as the shut down forever.
My ÐBNB a little more specific: "this has been law and Anan taught and presented ..." connotes both the Dhamma and precepts, is a refuge for them Bhikkhu stilts after the Buddha entered.
Someone thought about the subject of meditation and wisdom they treat these forms of precept may sound minor, in basic low level, they consider meditation and wisdom and pass over. Happy world actually is the Foundation for meditation and wisdom. The relationship of this section 3 could not be separated. About happy to not only practice the regulations within his duty but also elaborate decanting filter, control, prevent and eliminate the pollution of psychotherapy. From which facilitates meditation was developing artillery are easy.
The almond is a part of the plan and wisdom. So should understand about in the Catholic section of genus 3 over the Mobile bowl of legitimacy: Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice network. So happy about not only the effect within the individual but also create social impact.
Based on that part of the investment other than the teacher in highly mobile regulations than his duty, additional parts: overpower the senses, to tame the mind, more prepared meals, the German practice very good you, humble, patient, non-flattering dua, minimum exercise, residential single and tri. The virtues also in travel and out of bowl of nirvana.
2) determine the school:
As above said about the Foundation, there is no happy than any tense, psychological insecurity, the mind is not ready to practice meditation. We should not see meditation as a sectarian traditions, from Zen Buddhism easily cause such myths. Meditation is the road practice of Buddhism, without meditation all disciplines are deadlocked, meditation is the backbone of Buddhism.
Psychologically we are always affected by sensory objects and objects of mind. The greed, anger, delusion, fear, sorrow ... do we mind disruption, insecurity is to determine who makes the ... being disturbing, disarray. Quiet mind, lucidity, and so clearly about the nature of life, as the water is quiet reflective new things, doing Exercise, "Buddha Christian Movement Center, the Center will stay in meditation. The mind in meditation, can radically transform status detector of the universe "(HT Optical Entertainment room). Thanks to meditation on the emotional activity (broken-hearted, green), psychology of escapist is inhibition of feeling and thinking, good habit of falling migration, more incisive intellect, mind as pure. No meditation, no wisdom, and also difficult precept.
The intention in the three main Catholic Mobile: 1 demonstration of everyday effort, more 2 talk about merit and Mindfulness 3 talks about the merit of meditation. So fit 3 more pieces in the Bowl legitimacy: Chief Justice effort, mindfulness, Chief Justice. Effort in the meditation is the effort to maintain peace of mind in the French charity to stay safe stay mindfulness as the basis for the mind. The Buddha said: "we're not essential, effort to lazy. Ta an, without disorder and Mindfulness to stay, be contempt, not agitated, the mind is the most professional stills "(Central capital I, T. 53). Effort is the mind, preparing the mind in a State ready for mind on.
3) Wisdom School:
Wisdom is also the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, just as the medium is the fruit of the almond and meditation. There must be due to the wisdom of Solomon, but the level has not reached Consummation may take advantage of the passage of contraband or, also due to higher level of wisdom.
When the mind to any UE of the mind are appeased, the mind becomes homogeneous, nhuyến is easy to use, so the mind towards any object would both users receive the nature of that object. The Buddha said: "With the mind to the pure, pure land, structures, no infection, the need for nhuyến, easy to use, sturdy, even so, we lead the mind towards God, the network continued to label, smuggled take Ming" (Chinese Nikaya i. p 56).
Wisdom from the standpoint of Buddhism is different from the common conception, wisdom is the notice paragraph except for negativity, pollution, the effects of the intellect is the sword blade is, such undercutting wire binding. There are ngươì high school, great position, great intellectuals but not yet sure there is wisdom as it is often said there was not a high degree of culture. In the Buddha's teaching: Teacher Di "The teacher Bhikkhu on stilts, has the intelligence, the most passionate," the notice said that all are passionate about her intellectual called Buddhist or Willow tri-what to know it..
My Teacher had learned wisdom part 2 Migration. The article talks about the German intellectual achievement, 2 talk about merit not hý conclusion. No treatise hý news not passionate hý, value theory, doctrine, a favorite talk-show legend, outwardly there draw intellectually clever, but the inside is hollow; hý conclusion disordering consciousness. So does hý comment was added to the group wisdom is reasonable. Wisdom in the bowls of legitimacy is the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice. The Chief Justice detailed the equivalent of article 1, the Chief Justice is equivalent to thinking not hý comment in detail 2.
4) these words inspire and suggest:
The final section consists of 6, items exhortation teachings practiced by the masses. The truth was there, steps lead solicitor has remaining is the practice of the disciple has attempted practice or not.
The Buddha allowed the mass are presented here of his skepticism towards the Dhamma, to later left to regret the mass but there is no doubt about the Dhamma, expressed his firm belief.
The Buddha advised his disciples not to be depressed, what do You do, who you have an appreciable degree, the disciples need to continue orientation direction that has defined the body of French As the resident will eternity.
IV. Conclusion
The whole system of Buddhist teachings are both aiming for liberation purposes. The Buddha said: "the country of the four seas is only one flavor is salty, the Dhamma of we have a situation which is freed." Throughout the life of the Buddha, operating non-stop just to achieve liberation, suffering for humans.
The method implemented by this gauge, drainage targets the Buddha taught clearly and consistently: about, Determine, Wisdom. It does argue, it has been made specifically or in all of the original classic and out of sight. Problem in that presentation, emphasizing aspect only.
For my Di Lesson, Determine Gender Rights are taught in the context of the Buddha is about to enter Nirvana, created a deep impression to the reader. The final teachings of a Masters degree is essential, although a short simple words but me the passion of one's life. So there is a huge effect in terms of psychology.
My Di Lesson the very seriously, should be presented in detail. So someone said this is a new profile of the French school. That's a rush. Comment Avatar Business Education teacher in conclusion said that the investment is Media Director Di Bodhisattva:
"This Comment is also building, explained that Buddhist Scriptures to the Bodhisattva knows the media leaders. Does media leaders know the Dharma live Holy chums bug eradication, achievement of self interest tha "(Optical Decor room}.
The French and Chinese, a large excess of Australian Minister, regarded as An Lac products everyday as everyday of the Bodhisattva, An almond peanut content is no different from the world of Business Travel. So to know the effect of a huge experience is incredibly Moving.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.29/3/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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