Wednesday 26 March 2014


Prologue Bat-Nha Economics (Prajna) circulated in India very soon. Approximately 700 years after Buddha's (late second century early third century BC), when the Bodhisattva Nagarjuna (Nagarjuna) has launched two Bat-Nha business is completed Prajna skits, also known Bat-Nha 8,000 all proceedings (Astasahasrika - Prajnaparamita) swept 29 of 10 Products Products and the University of Bat Nha 25,000 post-procedural (Pancavimsati - Sahasrika - Prajnaparamita) consists of 27 or 30, 40 book 9 Products.
Bodhisattva Nagarjuna write economic reasoning to explain abductor University named Maha-Prajnaparamita home to sastra, including 100 titles 90 product.
402 Western calendar year, Tripitaka Master sheep-ma-la-Cross (Kumarajva) to translate Chinese University abductor Han-Song of the problem is Ma-ha Bat-elegant Balaam multi-business security (equivalent to the General Assembly Monday in Bat-elegant experience of Xuanzang translated) and Maha Prajnaparamita thesis translated Chinese text called the Great The University Tri opinion or position level texts, Tri reasoning, University of expression, including 100 titles 90 product, from product to product Title Last Wish cumulative.
Having two ontological argument and the Sun Like Comment. Get an idea what to do in Beijing stated principles and interpretation, the reasoning system called Sun Luan, Twelve subjects like reasoning, the conclusion, Yogacara Bhumisastra etc. ... And interpret the essay as a comment Dai Tri India Like Luan called.
Based on urban governance in General Comment 90 Products 66 Products of Beijing's first talk about the Bat-director, also after 24 Products of Scripture is talking about media director. If pursuant to University policy texts ellipsis That is his burial in 90 product of Economics, 6 Buddha said oil base for the upper class as relics-waving etc. ... Products Products 7th to 14th he sent Buddhist Monastery Bodhi-telling medium base line, from product to product 45 to 90 is Buddha said lower base line as gods, humans.
thesis University Tri India is a big argument, the basic conclusion of dharma lecture covers many issues related to doctrine, ideology, myth, history, geography, practical regulations, precepts Sangha, led multiple business sutras that includes A-levels, A-Comment Pi-negotiation of the right bank, the Lotus Sutra, Flower Adornment, Duy-ma-cut, A-di-momentum, always thought to win the argument ... So for it as a whole Buddhist Polytechnic Mail.
works of Nagarjuna Bodhisattva much as Mādhyamika, Mon Twelve conclusion, The University Tri conclusion, Cross Head Pi-she-sa conclusion, Quantum Bodhi argument, debating etc. ... but in that The most crucial matter to conclusion and reasoning Central University Tri High. In China, the argument emphasizes not preach justice feet, and in conclusion Dai Dai Tri The economic interpretation Bat-elegant product, the emphasis on preaching the true form of magic exists. No thorough understanding of existing properties, the feet do not own property that is hope, insight feet are not the property of existing property that is wonderful.
Thought "No" is the core of the Bat-elegant dismissed any notion of delusion fixed, always see the world in two aspects (dualistic) is birth and death, there is not usually stage, a different, finite, infinite, etc. ... So that the feet of the world nature is distorted, obscured . Only nature can tell the feet of the world is not, is formless, not being not kill, do not go back no, no no no ... etc. which can not add any more to be a character of
order to know the "No nature "that people usually follow two consistent way is not consistent and Physical Integration not consistent. Consistent analysis shows that the method must not own predestined new harmony, there artificially, empty, bogus nature, not the so-called Integrated Bar. If not through observation causal analysis, which can only receive direct "No calculation" to see things like that moon under water, etc. ... mirror ball, so called Can not consistent.
Condominium Bat-feet not, is not used to thinking things turned nothingness, nothingness chemical world, which is to see clearly the true nature of things, the world is not. Even when we are due to have delusions that the nature of things it still is not, an absolute no, no problems what a minister, it is like a strong wind blowing melt away how much cloud cover hovering Center position, making every action flounder, caught tripping, limited. And when the mind was out of the haze of delusion, all living in very afraid will not get into Russian general staff. Once you have looked at the Bat-elegant style, these disciplines into practice are examined Balaam privacy glass.
thing is not in accordance with the Bat-elegant no where without immediate, rather than have a no kill, the Not according to the Bat-elegant is not absolute, but not the no treatment, not to have.
emptiness legal entities that have accepted the fact that he is reasoning that idea. But if the minister accept that not all destroyed, it falls into the wrong view. So in this paper has the following alert:
"People say the law is not, the Prime Minister did not approve of the way. mouth The wrong though not all, but at the birth place of craving craving, anger where anger is born, the birth place of arrogance arrogance, ignorance, the birth place of ignorance, self-delusion so. know how was the truth, the unshakable center, the place where all fetters user no longer being born again. example, nowhere, do not remember the smoke, heavy rain not wet. Quan is not so, the center negativity no longer sticky. "
And another passage says: "The Choosing no, first of all to practice almsgiving, morality, meditation, the mind is soft, the fetters thin, so after Chon elect not. And people have the wrong view is not the same, they just want great memories Regardless, wrong player. example the unknown salt, seasoning salt to see others in the food, he asked why it was the other answer is salt will make delicious food. thought He thought so, as much salt as well, and he took leave on full mouth full of salt that food, salted do was mouth sores, back in charge asked the other, the other saying how stupid so he must know a lot less air reserve Delicious new case, but why eat the whole salt! Likewise, people heard the irrational "No subject liberation", and he refused to give up the practice of all the virtues, but the evidence is not wanted. That is wrong, get rid of virtue. "
wishes the translation I Dai Tri India has long coast but far enough to be implemented initially. Kinh Luan led a variety of arguments, including the argument A- Pi-talk, is led out to the wrong place or just to explain Bat-elegant spirit. If you want to understand all the arguments have time to read the A-Pi-new conversation.
treatise was he Étienne Lamotte French translation titled Le Traité de la Grande vertu de Sagesse University of Louvain and the first volume published in 1944, 1970 Episode 3, episode 5 1980. different sets unknown because current publishing year ahead I do not have to be. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST  ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.27/3/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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