Friday 28 March 2014

BUDDHIST SCHOOL INFORMATION: COURSE 1 - Lesson 7 - worship Buddha, Buddhist ceremony, also found (Ht Thich Thien Hoa)
BUDDHIST SCHOOL INFORMATION: COURSE 1 - Lesson 7 - worship Buddha, Buddhist ceremony, also found (Ht Thich Thien Hoa) BUDDHIST SCHOOL INFORMATION: COURSE 1 - Lesson 7 - worship Buddha, Buddhist ceremony, also found (Ht Thich Thien Hoa)
A. Open Thread
Back then, the level has a big thanks to the National revered society, geography grave. This cult of admiration for many reasons, but the main cause is the gratitude and the desire to follow the example. This saying: "Eat left who remember planting trees, digging water wells to remember people."
 Gratitude is a precious virtue, but who have little equity indispensable. A society composed of multiple elements hidden fees that eat stone soup bowl, can not survive long, as it discouraged those with heart, draining resources and sacrifice. Furthermore, if people see the good, the gentle but no fans, that evil, evil people that do not stay away, then that man is the lack of basic morality,
lack of good childhood, can hardly progress. For the reasons above, we see the world, regardless of where in, any race, any age, with everyone who had the village, then the village worship, who have contributed to the national population nation, it is national, ethnic worship, who had the merit to humanity, it is humanity venerate.
The worship of the religion is not out of the aforementioned reasons. But in the religious worship have a permanent character and more intense, because the Church is all beings have the great kindness to humanity and is the shining example that believers
should put furniture always in sight to enlighten my life. In the cardinal, the Buddha is because a lot of the most faithful devotees. The devotees here in the church expression, and worship Lord Buddha.
B. Parent Thread
I. - Buddhist Church
1 ) Buddha's exalted rank.  Buddha's ranks had been working on cultivating merit and wisdom, so he was completely lucid and full noble virtue. The virtues and he used that position to lead beings out of suffering reincarnation, caste and race wise happily. During the birth of her work, and he re-retrogression never discouraged despite difficult obstacles. They had the whole reason for being, until no longer being a new addition to the stop. it is true with the sentence: "Self-discipline, sense of forgiveness, fullness feeling well." A sufficient level three precious virtue is Bi, Tri, Dung, three basic virtues that a man wants to be perfect, perfection, the whole truth, indispensable. One of them sublime, there are precious teachings, noble gestures, actions lucid, exemplary life as a Buddhist, but we do not worship, they also worship anyone else?
2) But we have to worship Buddha how true new meaning . As mentioned above, we worship the Buddha is to show our appreciation for one because there were large with human kindness. We worship the Buddha is to be always in front of a mirror to perfect form wise dies thoughts, words and actions we are for truth, beauty such as Buddhism. It is often said: "Close the ink black, near the bright lights." We want to worship Buddha as its always been there inside of his intellectual light, the fragrance of His compassion, to spread the light, fragrant spread, rather we aim to bridge beside his blessing, except painting, for protecting him gives us a high traffic dishonest, or do we rely on His power, free to do nefarious things. If we worship Him for the purpose of misleading as said above, not only did we sell hazelnuts Buddha, but we also create ideas not good for us anymore.
3 ) Make public worship Buddha ? Which also means Buddha of Boundless Light, vast and immeasurable life around and practice the faith boundless blessing the place, so everyone is worshiping a Buddha Buddha worship all. But we should also depending on the time period of each chemical education Buddha dharma practice and worthy of worship, where the engine. For example, at present, we are in instructive period of Shakyamuni Buddha, it would of course, we must worship Him first. If any religious believer in "Pure Land", specializing in the practice of "Culture of Buddhist concept" to pray for rebirth, the devotees to worship the Buddha's A-Di-Da. Or, if you want Buddhists worship Buddha in all three life, they should worship the Buddha Shakyamuni, A-Di-Da Buddha, and Buddha Maitreya, called the Church of "The Three Buddhas".
4) How to worship Buddha.  Such a believer in, if you want to worship Buddha, then at most three Position. And remember, while The Three Buddhist church, coming to a common characteristic table. If the object glass cage should hang straight, not be so high, so low, is not the big ones, little ones, still as wooden statues, bronze statue clay statue, the contract to peer frustrating, not to spare on, subordinates. Buddhist altar to the middle of the house, grandparents altar at the bottom or right after the sentence: "Miss fines Spirit, or Holy Supreme Buddha down". If the floor is to worship Buddha on the top floor. In the Buddhist shrine complex should not be any other thing, besides the vase, incense pot, candlesticks and fruit plate. These objects everyday care always wipe clean sweep. First time visiting Buddha, Christians have celebrated the upper object, also known as the ceremony of Buddha. This ceremony is not required to organize extravagant, just do a simple, but no less solemnity and purity. Wants are two characteristics that, the landlord must prepare ourselves clean, fasting, and invite the world to keep improving intellectual property protection to a business concept. And the ceremony begins on Security Buddha onwards, everyone in the house, each day saw a myriad Buddha, should think to remember His great virtue that his mind and body overhaul. Everyday concerns the behavior improves with each other, for internal as well as external, have always instilled the spirit of compassion, charity and equality. So worthy to fight on behalf of a family with a Buddhist shrine. Perennial worship, compassionate Buddha torn damaged, painted or can not be repaired, it should change the new object. When a new object and the old statues in the temple waiting to be offered the opportunity to enter the tower, do not leave it where registration, but guilty.
II. - Lord Buddha
1) The meaning Lord Buddha. - In the old days, when the Buddha was alive, his disciples from the king, to the people, each having been lucky Buddha Shakyamuni, are bent down to hug his feet and put his forehead Klen his feet to pay tribute, worship a supreme level: Bi, supernatural place. The gesture was a very humble gesture, upon demand and rely entirely on the Buddha. After the Buddha's passing away, all believers still see him as still alive, and the last gesture to hug his feet still continues to exist to this day and thousands of years later. The only gesture he makes tinn use the map always envisioned as the Buddha sat in front of her to witness passionate heart into his glass.
2) how to take a new Buddhist correct meaning . - In order to correct the above sense, the Lord Buddha to kneel, hands out like your back is improving the last two back to his feet and put his forehead on the palms hand. Before Lord Buddha, to prepare ourselves for clean: wash, rinse, wipe hands and feet, instead wearing robes and costumes. Done, new desks and burn incense before the Buddha, standing upright, hands clasped to his chest, Buddha eyes, minds to the general good and the greatness of his virtue, and expresses his true aspirations , health and plugged into the burner incense, bells and bows fame three Lord Buddha. Buddha's lawful like new, in business called "body and mind providing the feast", meaning that the body and mind eagerly gathered Ching, demure, the mind is happy and cheerful all respects as having the Sakyamuni Buddha . In contrast, our hearts Buddha with ego network (network fall holidays), or with the name of the center (the name of the festival), they did not have any results, but also bring more crime.
Network falls festival, when Lord Buddha was haughtily that in mind, arrogant, in stature (head, two arms, two legs) is not close to the ground, got up late to a negligent manner, the speaker for the matter. The name of the holiday, when many people see it immediately in a loud mouth long winded Buddha proclaimed title, body bowing to relentless diligence, intends to give people compliments. Conversely when the body does not have the lazy person, lazy mind again, do not want to worship anything. Two way on this very loving ceremony false, so those who want to progress along the path, it should be avoided immediately.
3 ) Lord allow four (of the reason) . - In terms of the four holiday lets.
a) Play a pure celebration. -  In this authorization, the ceremony must penetrate the realm of the Buddhas that are presented depending on the current interest, one should worship the Buddha, which is worshiped all Buddhas, took a bow, ie Get all the world is France, because France's Buddhist message text itself.
b) Turn enter the legal world holidays. - In this method, the ceremony had to contemplating the body, mind and all legal, since until now have not left any legal world.
c) The director of customary ceremonies. -  In this approach, the Buddha prostrations right where his self-interest, not connected with any other Buddha, because all beings from past to present, are available Buddhahood fullness equality and legs feeling.
d) It is general equality holidays . - In this legal ceremony, the ceremony itself is not found, there is forgiveness, and its people is one, and finished as the most, and that no two use. He therefore Botat Manjushri said: "Quick ceremony, President staggered emptiness" that is the
Lord, and bow to his party, the nature are quiet. So thorough and reasonable new Prajna.
Four allow this ceremony, hard think highly of, if not irritated upper house, the upper position, it is not difficult to comprehend and follow well-being.
III. - Also found  : As said off, saying that enough is offering Jewels: Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. Nghjia offerings can be provided and nurtured.
1. - Meaning of Buddhist worship . - Someone will ask: Why Buddha is unborn, eternal, but extended to donations? In fact, the Buddha escaped the cycle of birth and death, then where in the longer term the diet. But this is only one form to imply
that, although the Buddha passed away a long time ago, but for us as well as he ever was alive. In the past, the disciples, the men na donate his benefactor how far we still continue the gesture. This offering to make us
closer to Buddhism, there is always the feeling that the next Buddha. Also multiplication worship, worship offerings that we are the good grace to Buddhism, pronounced imagine his life to decide to follow his footsteps.
2. - It also found with what?  (About a.) - Still know that we should make offerings to the Buddha as envisioned his lifetime, but if we do, every time worshiping Buddha, enough food to garnish drink, how lavish banquets, the basic truth is that the fees and charges of misleading but also the deeper meaning of Buddhist worship. So want to worship Buddha, the true sense should be used only scent, light, fresh flowers, good fruit, water and sometimes more white rice is enough.
3. - In dishes navigate to worship Buddha . The above paragraph is talking about, the external appearance to worship Buddha. And in terms of reason, it must be used in dishes to worship Buddha navigate as follows:
a)  About incense. - Dharmakaya Buddha is pure, if on the surface, we have used burning incense offering, the terms of reason, we must also uphold the solemn pure enough to be offered The reason both and.
b)  orientation. - body and mind we are fascinated and often chaotic infection in all circumstances. If just drifted in that state forever, then we do not practice anything. So every day, every hour, every minute, every second, every moment we have to try
to set the static soul, do not let these thoughts, bad deeds invade the soul and makes us have chaotic . Make the mind settles down, such as the line of Buddhist worship.
c)  Hue flavor . - Hue Buddhist incense is always mindful to clarify three dishes: Van hearing, thinking, and Practicing. Hearing is instructive listen precious Buddhas and Holy donation, Hue is brought precious words to say on that judgment, brooding, know what is right, what is wrong, what is true so, which one is vain to lie out on the wrong misled; Practicing is determined to practice what he believed to be right, but what he left for the left, perform d1ung bitter teachings
of the enlightened Buddha.
d)  Release the flavor . - Freeing the Buddha incense is determined to shatter the ego, the origin of how the suffering of samsara. We must always consistent selflessness, not getting the big four this is my body, and not look at his career as discrimination, to escape out the cycle of birth and rebirth.
e)  Release the flavor perception. - We already know customary selflessness, to shatter the ego is freed, but still "France accept" binding, should not to be in the realm of self, very afraid as Buddha . But France is also accepted that the legal definition as: earth, water,
wind, fire is real; still feel happy and sorrows are real. When can we get that in opera algebra course is true because we are in the people business, waiting for the other species, such as fish, where the water is water as we
conceived, but the castles, houses, for one, it's not like they're timber concept, which is the food and housing. So happy, sad, happy, pain are treated together that engenders. So France and Russia, are false, not real, but mere empty word only. Always shop like that, to be freed from the observance France, so called "Liberation knowledge incense" worshiping Buddha.
4. - Offering Dharma : Dharma is the Buddha has taught French, according to medical beings that practice. Want Dharma offerings, we first have to learn Economics, Law, thesis research and teachings is to identify how the French say,
the primary teachers. If we perform extensive study must be thinking of translating the scriptures into Vietnamese language Foreign Language to complete a Vietnam Tripitaka, we can help in the delivery of the benefits of missionary lectures or writing the
issues related to the Dhamma. If we have campaign finance money should come out Indian song or published popular French Classics for sure. These jobs are offered as on the road Dharma.
5. - Offering Increased security : If we sincerely worship Buddha, then of course we must respect the Sangha. Buddhist monks have replaced the transmission of his teachings for us, maybe we do not know to ignore? We should not distinguish any increase in the land, any temple or sect. Monk moral enough we are also willing to provide the service at all, so-called Increased security offerings.
C. - Conclusion
1. -  Benefits of worship and worship the Buddha . As mentioned above paragraphs, we adore and worship the Buddha is due to its profound gratitude to the level we were all happy to sacrifice eternal beings;'s second reason adoration and worship , that is, to us there is always immediate, over our heads, a complete model for truth, beauty to follow. The worship and worship the Buddha, if practiced sincerely, goodwill and true meaning, it will bring a lot of benefits in the present and future:
a)  In the present : each of us and our family, and never lived in the atmosphere brighter, in good affect, director of the Buddhas. We always live in serious, in rituals, on the lower air support, because every thought, every gesture, every word we speak of the discerning eyes of Buddha shine down. We dare promiscuity, as gasoline, when Buddha Banquet dominate in every family and in our hearts. Only the empty soul, do not trust, do not worship a certain spiritual grandeur, new easy to fall and debauched. So the family, if you want to be happy in the present, to live a meaningful life, you do not want the self-indulgent and debauched, then the landlord should set goals Buddha, day to day worship and worship He seemed set for their children and live a life of Virtue and the religion.
b)  When death : good karma that we have orders in daily practice will touch the infinite compassion of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Due to "Law unison respectively, and attracts like", Buddhas and optical zoom Botat s will lead to further our spiritual sense of the Pure Land of happiness, self at.
2. -  Recommend give rise to faith in the church, worship and worship the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha . Want to get such good results, we must give rise to faith. If worship, worship and offerings to make Ram a wrong way not only for our benefit but also bring more crime, and propelled sales of rebirth scene. We have a strong belief that:
a) The Buddha was fully enlightened, ultra birth, and death, qualified paths of escape beings from samsara, and worthy beings in the three worlds. So we worship Him.
b) dharma is the miracle drug, but all cause suffering of sentient beings, so therefore we worship the Buddha Dharma.
c) Monks, if there is enough pure morality, as I am, you are our good. So we worshiped, his neighbor to learn the practice guidelines.
d) All living beings have the Buddha nature wise, even if the practice of dharma center, it will definitely become a Buddha.
e) Management causation runs not wrong, if I navigate through the good, the better. In healthy people, healthy people do not have more wins is the "Church of the Buddha, Lord Buddha, and offerings to the Three Jewels", and for all the reasons. Still known church, worship, and also found to have two
aspects and the management is difficult, but around us in this world are available in infinite Botat diamond king and god Passport France, cogeneration help center , deceased for all of those who worship Buddha tinm district center, then worry about the

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