Saturday 29 March 2014

My Di Lessona brief history of the award.


-Part 3-
C. Determine The Learning
Academic section has 3: happy seclusion, practicing mindfulness and meditation practice. Its study is presented in Catholic school to fit Mobile in 8 genera of bat's legitimacy: Chief Justice effort, mindfulness, and the Chief Justice. To determine the section actually learns there are 2 step mainly mindfulness and the province put consciousness in meditation. Effort is the capacity must be transparent and sufficient psychological route only.
I. almond Tu Tin Tan
From "The teacher Bhikkhu stilts, effort effort ... it's everyday effort": this Ðoạn talk about happy seclusion, is the fervent efforts to accomplish his purpose. Articles: "teaching the teacher Bhikkhu stilts, effort effort then there is something wrong. So the coach must practice effort effort ". If there is no effort, no effort what achievements are, so the effort is the virtue always present on the practice from the first step to achieve the ultimate goal of liberation.
Overall effort are the contents of the four Chief needs in 37 relief aid products. The four Chief need is 4 effort essential need: essential efforts to prevent not to run the real evil charity France not yet born, the evil minus the real good of France was born. Essential efforts to start the charity France not yet born, as the growth of good France were born. Such is the basis of effort. On that basis, effort in part to study, there are separate effects for the mind. Investment Increased the Buddha teaches: "this the Bhikkhu stilts four essential needs: the essential need to tame, essential to the take, cuteness needs practice and essential need for maintenance". The Buddha preaching more essential to tame as tame cultivation effort 6 senses: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, don't let the 6 senses were the objects of real charity solicitations that kicked up craving, bi. Essential to the effort is thorough practice the thinking and the real charity include taking harm and anger, kicked up. The essential need is effort practice disciplines such as Visual 7 genera: anniversary, French teachers, Hy, disrespect security, intentions and sensory Township. Elf need households maintained the practice endeavours to preserve the gentle friendly General had in mind. So is the essential need to be present in all stages, all practice disciplines. Particularly for the practice of meditation, the effort is the essential need to practice to get into his plan, that is, the effort to maintain Center stay on the subject, leading to the wedding, and then centering concentric discharge safety balloon.
If the practice of not enough power, i.e. the effort there, the mind will not have such articles teach: "If people take that Director or indolence, put it as well as pulling fire not yet hot that stopped, oil tha may fire, fire is also hard to get".
So the almond cultivation effort in every stage, most are in the stage of meditation, the effort required to maintain essential practice, an improvement in the French boarder (currently) non-stop as chicken hatching eggs, will achieve quickly her goals. As the Dhammapada, Buddha said:
"The essential need to launch between Yi
Awakening among Mexican populations
People such as African horse
Following lame horse "(PC shelf 29).
II. The Static Visual Mindfulness Practice
From "The teacher Bhikkhu stilts, bridges of good knowledge ... it is well not to forget Mindfulness": this Ðoạn talk about mindfulness, merit is the ability to reach and wisdom. Mindfulness is the base for the Chief Justice, it also as the basis for the other parts of the bowl of legitimacy, for every donation. The effect of mindfulness is to stop any illegal donation, do an stay friendly France and underlie Dinh and Wisdom, a potentially very broad, as in 40 (Central) Buddha said: "who mindfully the exorcism, mindfulness is achieved and do an stay Chief thinking. Such is mindfulness of the thing ", the following sections as well.
Articles the Buddha said: "The teacher Bhikkhu stilts, friendly sphere knowledge in good households, improved bridge supports are not equal to not forget Mindfulness". Ðiềâu identifies that mindfulness is the key disciplines and works great. Ðoạn has 2 problems:
1. knowledge of good, friendly Sphere households maintained and good support. HT. Position Optics solve that "people help French (good knowledge), who help the justice (in good households maintained), who helped the French convent (for charity). I.e. people help themselves, private, convent. We can also understand the meaning of good knowledge. Good knowledge of life friendly: there are 3 types of knowledge, and knowledge of good luck and good household knowledge. Bridges of good knowledge is expecting about knowledge, others help us understanding of the Dhamma is equivalent to Roman Catholic charity life knowledge. Bridges in good households maintained is expecting others to help us practice the equivalent of happy friendly community knowledge, and tu provided experience and support. Charity bridge supports are expecting other people to support one practice that is to create favorable conditions in terms of material things, such as food, clothing, bedding, medicinal products ..., comfort of life, comparable to a foreign charity household knowledge. A person who wants to practice good must have the help of the knowledge of good class 3. This is the expectation of the audience.
2. by not forgetting mindfulness, expecting the conditions favorable for the practice is merely the outer coast aid, can help us achieve certain results, but not by the refuge to mindfulness, mindfulness skills will make to promote the sense of wisdom and powerhis capabilities are available in one's self. My School Ahàm the Buddha teaches: "Anan, let yourself go up that torch lit, lit up with the French public, not lit up with a different solution. Let yourself cry, cry with the French public, do not cry a other method ". The Buddha also: refuge with Chief Justice France means the Bhikkhu stilts lo a police body, where early life experience where life experience, the mind Italy where Italian, Italian Center of objects where object of mind. means practicing contemplation about 4 areas i.e. Satipatthana. Satipatthana is exactly the content of mindfulness in sight, this is the fifth step in direct sequential disclosure practice of Buddhism.
France Mon mindfulness plays an important role in the practice. In the bowl of legitimacy, mindfulness is the background of the intentions, sensory loss, mindfulness is placed and Satipatthana are objects of mindfulness. First of all I don't who launched the Chase scenes, his bare back yourself to regain the autonomy, bodily autonomy, self-employed the life experience, thinking and the object of thinking. Thanks to the Visual mindfulness we see clearly the operation of the body and of the mentality, we can transform from aberration into a stable, sturdy, from contaminating the purity, from misery to happiness, from being into Nirvana. Path of mindfulness the sight is the only way to achieve the ultimate goal, the Satipatthana (Central) Buddha said: "this is the only way to help them perform, beyond affliction WINS, crushing agony, reaching its legitimacy and enter the niêt, which is the path of 4 allowed in contemplation"
The effect of mindfulness are 3:
1. thanks to almond mindfulness that the psychology in education, anger, delusion, jealousy is stopped, the stimulation of the charity will not receive any psychological originated, suffering affliction pros have no chance to grow and penetrate as articles teach: "don't forget about mindfulness, the aggressors every affliction invades the minds" is likely to make the negativity does not penetrateDhammapada, Buddha said:
"As the House roofing manual
The rain did not penetrate the
Likewise the mind manual tu
Took part in the exercise are not compromised "(PC 14 shelves)
2. thanks to the mindfulness that preserve and stay the friendly France, holds the merit. Articles teach: "loss of mindfulness is loss of merit". Merit due to the exclusion of real, due to the development of good, because the mind, by force, it is the fullness of Germany thanks to mindfulness that is preserving and stay. The province of sense for who activities in Italy are no longer the merit he riveted furniture, ample and French charities will be present.
3. thanks to mindfulness that the soul is sturdy, steady safe can work, living as people without pollution, impurities effect dominates. Articles teach: "If mindfulness has strong strength, oil on the enemy team and they destroyed not sex, as forestry officer General battle armor bronze tiles that are no longer scared any longer". Foul smelling fishy no mud near the mud is characteristic of Lotus, near the five sex negativity without getting the five afflictions and impact damage is characteristic of mindfulness in sight.
III. Determine The Meditation Practice
From "the Bhikkhu stilts, focus the mind again ... that's our happy meditation": this Ðoạn Buddha taught about the practice of meditation has 2 parts:
Part 1. Articles taught: "The teacher Bhikkhu stilts, focusing the mind, the mind will stay in meditation". The saying simple but concise and essential methods and goals of meditation. Meditation is the heart of Buddhism. Practice about to clear the way for meditation, on the basis of the mind, intellectual development and take contraband or. Meditation has many methods of the sect, doctrine, religion, right and wrong, the Chief Justice and deviant Angel looks great wall. For Buddhism, the Buddha on his works as follows: "where the Bhikkhu stilts, what is the primary Holy intention with the accessibility and charm? The Chief Justice, the Chief Justice of thinking, speech, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice effort, mindfulness. The Bhikkhu who has the best chums, stilts would be funded with 7 genera this section then called his works "(Australian Business 40, Central capital III). So meditation Buddhist traditions including ethics and knowledge, on the basis of his new meditation in the right direction.
Meditation is very simple but also very complex. The cost is "focusing the mind, the mind will stay in meditation", how complex the mind to be focused! Sanskrit Samàdhi or meditation is called Dhyàna. Samàdhi that is suspended from the center of disarray, focus on an object. Dhyàna static means undecided, suspended Center disarray single-minded about a scene or an object. Usually it is divided in two categories: meditation and meditation, meditation on the homepage is just an audience reach for the heart, meditators consistently focusing on consistent headings to clearly see the nature of things. The ideal method is just a song tu, also referred to as meditation.
For objects of meditation are able to say the essential consisted of 4 areas: body, mind, life, France. Six options: worship, anniversary, anniversary, anniversary, anniversary, anniversary celebrations, and from laboratory experiments. 4 anniversary of breaking the stay: From, Bi, Hy, etc.
The goal of meditation is the minus 5 and be strong and achievements 5 more meditation. 5 slopes that are 5 types of bondage and obscured the mind, who do not NET security disturbances, including:
1): when the Center was taking part in exercise dominates news as being the objects like Italy make up should start craving can not concentrate the mind Italy.
2) anger: when the heart is anger dominated the news as being the objects don't like Italy makes tempers disorder can not concentrate the mind.
3) Kiss: when the mind was Kiss affective technical shrinkage opaque dark mind sleepy, not the sense to navigate to objects.
4) Trạo: when was the foreign trạo i.e. the mind agitated whirring dropouts do not focus on the subject.
5): when the dominant skeptical mind born hesitation can not resolve on the object.
5 accomplishments of meditation is constant except paragraph 5 5 elements and achievements of meditation the mind:
1) Games: is a State bound to the object, the first contact of consciousness with object, except paragraph effects are married.
2) quarter finals: Paste on objects, forced on the audience, except for paragraph effect mind skepticism.
3) Hy: status of joyful, cool, that effect for treatment on your anger.
4): happiness, satisfaction, for treatment of the mind trạo.
5) For mind: mind specializing on a single object for treatment centers took part in the exercise.
The purpose of meditation is to be fourth meditation. The Buddha said: "after the minus 5 's constant, the constant that pollute the mind, the intellect, the feeble made her cups, cups of real good, and stay the first meditation, a loving sexual fault status is born with that foursome ...The Bhikkhu stilts, when killing games kill four witnesses and stay second meditation, a State of loving due to birth, not the Cabinet quarter range for the mind ... The Bhikkhu stilts, when ly Hy stay discharged mindfulness in the empathy close life optimism, called discharge anniversary peanuts and stay stay third meditation ...The Bhikkhu stilts when discharge and discharge gauge, destroy life has priority before the wedding and stay fourth meditation, non-miserable, no discharge of pure concepts ... "(out of my Neighbourhood, TBK I).
Meditation can bring it to the State's more subtle as the Quartet does not intend to, but the purpose of Buddhism is not the intention that is wisdom and freed, should reach the four practitioners who use mind-oriented a projector developed intellectual property.
Part 2. Articles taught: "the mind in meditation, can radically transform status detector of the universe". This means that the effect of meditation is to fully evacuate the nature of the universe, i.e. the human intellectual development. The Buddha said: "with the mind to the net only in the light fabric no infection, no negativity, nhuyến, easy to use, sturdy. So the guy who leads, who directs the network's Student Union, the memory of the past life from a lifetime so many lives, so many lifetimes, ruined his own life, the birth, death, suffering, ... in a way the great sharpness and detail ... the guy who leads, who directed wisdom about mortal beings. The thing with plain label, superheroes, life, death, suffering, lost, of all beings ... the guy who leads, who smuggled direction to take. The thing to know here is suffering, this is the cause of suffering, this is the suffering, this is your path đếùn kills agony; This is contraband or, this is the cause of smuggled or pirated piece, here's the exclusion or, this is the path taken to the minus or pirated. The illicit does sexual escape, contraband, pirated ignorance "(out of my Neighbors horses).
In sum, such as articles, Buddha taught: "meditation the mind out of disarray. Unfortunately the water is handy for shore repair dykes, also keep in mind that the practice of meditation, to keep it from flowing away ". Practice of meditation is up the mind, keeping the water wisdom, who gathered on a chỗå will create the capacity to nurture and develop the intellectual and more incisive. Negativity, smuggled or increasingly narrow and are the exception.
Holy Vâïy the Chief Justice to be achievements thanks to the gender and achievement. The practice is the road up upper center. This is the highest step in the 6 step practice of sequentially exposing leaders practice of the Buddha, to this level and wisdom is a fullness, and wisdom the next mentioned only added.
D. Intellectual Property School
The intellectual property may 2: intellectual merit and accomplishments achievements merit not hý conclusion. Can view this part 2 is equivalent to intellectual property in the bowl of legitimacy is the Chief Justice and the Chief Justice. On the basis of the Chief Justice and the Chief Justice of thinking we can clearly see the wisdom in Buddhism and in Di.
I. Achievements Of The Intellect
From "The teacher Bhikkhu on stilts, has the intelligence, the most passionate intellectual modesty that is": articles teach: "have the intelligence, the most passionate, always self awakening and figure do not let mistakes might have been, as that is the Chief Justice of the Tathāgata is able to carry out". The wisdom of Buddhism differs from the conventional conception of intelligence. Wisdom is present then the paragraph has the effect of excluding tham wrecked delusion, intellectual opposite of delusion, delusion is for things not known as impermanence, egolessness, Frida was born. Wisdom is knowing the laws--so not to immerse the player, so that articles called "harboring the most passionate" all passion is freed. The Intelligence Chief also called voter opinion. My Chief Voter Opinion teaches: "When the intelligent disciple Saints tri was real friendly and basics of real charity, wisdom and charity base are tri ... wisdom tri was the food, the food, the originator of the removal of food, the road brought to my snippet feed removal ... wisdom tri was suffering, the originator of the gauge, the suffering and the path leading to the removal of suffering ... wisdom of the dead old tri-dead old, the old destroyer paragraph chếât and the path taken to the dead old removal segment (up to ignorance, 11 genera of coastal people) then the disciple has the Chief voter opinion ". (Central capital I). Chanh tri opinion also in the Australian capital 40 France: "know that the Chief Justice is the Chief comments, ties of deviant ideas..." (similar to the genus 8 bowls of legitimacy). So the Chief Justice found the intelligence of voters know deep to the evil French, Chief Justice. Due to the show know that no error occurred, such as articles teach: "keep awake and figure not to mistakes could have been".
People have the wisdom, first saw know clearly the evil principle, Chief of Ta, see knowing nature and impermanence, egolessness, charm of life and the universe. Thanks for the notice so that the guilty will not run, and destruction.
Articles also mention the profound effects of wisdom such as: "true wisdom is the strongest boat crossed the sea of birth, aging, sickness, death; Is the light on the dark with ignorance, God of medicine for all diseases, as the Iron Hammer logging negativity ". True wisdom is here just for the intellectual disabled smuggled out of France's 40 business, the Buddha said: "there are 2 primary types of opinion: Chief Justice Ant possession contraband is being pirated radio medicine and Chief of staff, that no living being y. Chief Justice Ant loads smuggled in on wisdom, the genus of a practice of Shu in the Holy". Phuoc Chanh Huu Ant had smuggled precious jewel is the see of the evil n exam, Chief of the space, on the characteristics of impermanence, egolessness, born of the universe in terms of knowledge, may be taken to not mistake should be blessed. Chief Justice Ant loads smuggled across all opinion, mature in the Holy instant relief in the mind and heart. This is intellectually honest.
Fundamental disciplines refers to three kinds of awareness (TBK I):
1. Idea tri: the notice of the common knowledge, the saw is limited, bringing full of ego, duality has the distinction of subject and object.
2. Win tri: the notice through meditation, psychology and physics is a charm chain born egolessness. With this awareness has no limits, segregation, not subject and object.
3. Willow tri: on the basis of WINS tri led to paragraph except the craving, anger, delusion is not stuck with all of France.
True wisdom is tri and willow used articles, tri, for example very properly and as: "boat crossed the sea of death, light shining out of ignorance, the potion for the disabled as the disease, Iron Hammer off troubles similar to the above, An Advertising Medium (TBK) also define wisdom: "Wisdom is meaningful WINS tri (Abhinnattha), meaning Willow tri (Parinnattha), meaning the ending (Pahanattha).
How to achieve wisdom? Articles taught: "the master use, tuêï, tu, testifying to self promoting benefit" means to listen, right thinking and practice gives rise to a privileged credentials or listened. Thanks to the writer as tu hue that wisdom is fullness. Australian economy Means They also launched methodology: "there are two Coast Guard makes the wisdom born run:" other people's language and as Manager of other people's work, the Italian "is written, as the Assistant work is private intellectual property. My teaching: "Chief of staff of the support voters 5 information section to attain liberation of mind and intellect freed it's about support, support, support discussions, there is only support (samatha), a support (samadhi)" (TBK). The support is the basis of morality as a pure mind. Van support is written, discussed the written medium support just as wisdom, and wisdom are only. Thanks to the use of private literature should advance Intelligence overhaul, have been freed. Such is the effect of intellect need achievements.
II The Achievement, not Hý conclusion.
From "The teacher Bhikkhu stilts if hý comment everything ... it's not almond hý comment": articles teach: "If hý conclusion everything is disordered mind". Hý comment literally says play but the meaning of the much broader comment hý, monk Tri Quang teaches: "treatise Hý happenings from the girl playing the vain discussion to the issue of placing the wrong issue, at last was the discussion and problem sets, essentially did not like it. The following shows all in the range of thinking, description, speaking in other words in the "seat of origin" and "language" are all hý comment "(Tri Quang-room interpretations Di). My Seven Primer the Buddha say about sa class 4, 3rd class is the class being entangled by thinking hý comment: "the world is usually longer, the world is not often useful, the world is still marginal, the world is boundless, his life and his body is a body and life, is, like Futuristic afterlife exists, As Lai after his death does not exist, As Lai after his death to exist, does not exist. Tathāgata after death does not exist does not exist ... this subject not escaped sa class did the force of evil "(TBK). To be bound by the views, theories, philosophical rhetoric called deviant ideas and deviant thinking dominates could not get seizures, the writer said: "while the export countries that are not yet free". Salvation is the liberation of all binding, first of the objects involved, the negativity and the bondage of the language, the perspective of thinking.
Chief thinking is thinking about the freed and the separatist Township, thinking about the transcend any bind, all categories fell, even the subject of thinking. Absolute truth escaped the Thursday. The Buddha said: "the Dhamma that As Future evidence, indeed perhaps even penetrating micro magic, hard to understand, hard to comprehend, calm, not within the scope of the delicate, logic, only degrees of good new insight" (the Bible, TBK I).
People are easy to overcome the constraints and accept the seat for the exterior, the temptation of the audience senses, but for thinking that's hard to transcend ideology, ideology is sticking by its ability, knowledge is collated, interpreted through the 4 category called the four owls: Yes-don't-have-not-there is not not not. All that are both hý conclusion. Monk Quang Tri called: "the wisdom of this treatise hý field called" place the four owls ", called differentiation, is deviant comments cannot be called wisdom" (our fathers). Not escape the framework of hý conclusion cannot be freed, should articles taught: "the master would like to make the President happy removal, only the way the painter eliminating intensive hý conclusion".
Chief Justice Ant loads smuggled is biased, is to pass all opinion, Chief Justice of endless thinking smuggled is thought, past all the thinking. Such is the meaning of the practice eradicate hý conclusion to ultimate goal achievement, Dhammapada teaches:
"Nowhere does the footprint
In addition to this non sa Division
They prefer hý conclusion

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