Friday 28 March 2014

Episode 2
Anniversary: as Buddha took place said practitioners should meditate on France-France's manual says, the results immediately in the present, not heat, no waiting time, can go to the charity mission, reach does not stop.
Cleverly said: because the two are not the same, it's the Roman Empire and the first sense, the position cannot be destructive, stupid not start arguing. France's far left side, is the sexual life or years or asceticism; the two sides depart is or or paragraphs, or fell or egolessness, or whether or not, is not entangled in two such parties, he called politically speaking. The pagan self appreciation of France, another French archrival, should not be politically speaking.
The results right in the present: depart the worldly suffering due to bruised as Coast Guard arises, and to depart the Conference conclusions auctions avoid due to human causes pagan charm arises, the mind is at peace, like the Buddha said:
"People hold about happily,
Mind is not brain heat,
Active saddles Yen equation,
Remote media notoriety ".
* Then again, in the Dharma human beings move development coast said. That is pure precept should mind the no regrets, no remorse so contentious, Hy Hy Festival Festival should mind hedonistic, sensual mind should be stock photography, stock photography of mind should know as they really are, know as they really should be boring, boring, apart from education should should be freedbitten, the rescue should be Nirvana, he called the results right in the present. According to the France of just such pagan ascetic, not anything, such as A-la-Chinese Match-fit when DAC Scouts wondered:
"We're old layman,
Over fifty-five years,
Just eat the dried cow dung,
The ceiling is on the field of thorns ".
I was bitter that ended up not being what it is today, it doesn't see the Buddha play France, renunciation three months that the need to do done, shown to be A-la-Han. So should know according to Dharma are there results right in the present.
Q: If according to Dharma is the result right in the present, why the disciples of Buddha there didn't you?
A: practitioners can grade stuff austerities as Word of Buddha, no one not bitten; as well as the patient according to the teachings of Liang y, according to France, the refurbished the conditioner is not what disease does not heal. If not according to Buddha, not gender, breaking the austerities class stuff, disorders should not be anything, but not France.
* Again, the person is not a prime, this life but not be Nirvana, eternal life is blessed, in turn will be Nirvana, all unspoilt lies, as the Buddha taught, because Nirvana bridge which renunciation shall either slowly or quickly, are shown to be Nirvana. As such, the results right in the present.
Do not heat the brain: brain Temperature two is the brain stem and heart brain. The brain stem is tied prison, tortured figure of contents ... The mind brain is due to the lewd, ruicheng County, San took part, challenged trivia that favor melancholy, fear ... In Buddhism, the pure body by keeping sex should not be the brain-shaped, prison bondage ... Do you actually mind, exercise, except in the slopes, be it should lead the mind from being strong to lewd, ruicheng County, San join, quiz, TA ... No brain, no heat.
* Then again, due to the endless meditation smuggled arises, loving all over the body part tho, so heat stroke was deducted, such as person too over-heated upset, gets into the pond, clear cold cool, no heat.
* Again, the negativity in the comments, or in Ireland, he called Matthew.bees Dharma without that stuff, so called thermal no brain.
Don't wait: Dharma does not wait for the new austerities, not wait for the new forecast was the result. The French also Pagan, as the Sun has not yet borne French life, when the Sun is not a French life or when life Sunrise, when the sun never rises not on no night life, or life expectancy, or night life doesn't tho. In Dharma life no waiting time, which depending on when to practice eight legitimacy, sailings are Nirvana; for as fire wood for the fire, the infinite mind Instant contraband arising instant can burn the negativity, no wait time.
Question: as in the law of Buddha: there are drugs, medicine must, eat right. If a good one is not yet mature, wait for new era, why say no?
A: While this is in secular France, wanted to give Dharma head long should the boundary is forecast. Also if for tu led to Nirvana and the France of meditation, wisdom shizzle vi, no wait time. The Pagans are waiting for the weather, and the Dharma only to wait the full coast guard personnel. If, however, maintained that meditation wisdom yet nor can the achievements; If maintained, meditation, wisdom are all Prime, instant accomplishments no longer wait time.
* Then again, long long time Prime new result's prime time, and instant results are not called time, for as the dye well, once put into instant dye into the heart purity as well as the world, listen to France soon infiltrates, France label, then called don't wait time.
Be made in good faith to: thirty-seven French directors loads smuggled, or bring people to Nirvana, such as the Ganges, then surely to the sea, the layman who isn't necessarily mind said, because French is deviant comments, put to evil, or been to heaven, still back the fallen subject to suffering; because are impermanent, so called made in good faith.
Q: no person transported, how are brought to Nirvana?
A: While no people taken away, only the French can put France ahead, when the five aggregates loads smuggled in good end here (Loads residual Nirvana), the beings are irresistible call from the five aggregates put away into Nirvana. As well as the wind blows the dust away, drifting water grass, but no people taken away, that can still have to go.
* Then again, people do not mix Jesica nor have people taken away, that thing coming up human fate was not in, he immediately called away.
By reaching non-stop mind: Are the Dharma seals should reach does not stop concerned, as of the time of King didn't fall victim to prevent holding.
Q: what is Dharma?
A: the Dharma seals there are three: 1. all compounded micro birth anniversary celebrations, which are impermanent. 2. French full-heartedly egolessness. 3. the President of killing Nirvana.
Practitioners know the three realms are all compounded micro-artifacts being destroyed, had not before, are now following birth anniversary celebrations, not kill, the same procedure I engenders, can be seen. As the water flow, light, wind, because like I also continue to an examiner, being French for impermanence, because insanity is commonly accepted, should give away is permanent; He called all compounded micro impermanent press.
All the French are anatta inside unattended, not people who do not know, who saw the birth, not the creator, the French are multiplying in Duyen's charm, should not in, not in, so it is not because of General I can't get. As in the products Break down state, then called egolessness.
Question: why only France artifact is impermanent and all of France is anatta?
A: France does not charm not human artifacts should not bring forth no kill, no living being does not kill should isn't called impermanence.
* Then again, for France not artifacts, not being crazy Island Center accept in advance, so please don't say it's impermanent, can only say it is anatta. Some say God is the constant variable, generally known general all over the radio, so say all French egolessness.
The President of killing that is Nirvana. Fire three, three acute (old, sick, dead-N. D.) was turned off so called President of Indian removal.
Q: the President of Indian removal in only one France rather than talk much France?
A: the early talk about the five aggregates impermanence, the two spoke French all escaped falling, in the Tuesday talks about the results of the two publications on, then known as Chair of Indian removal. Speak French all artifacts are impermanent, while breaking down fall the Department in education outside the egolessness, if it comes out crumpled inside France, fell and broke the men's fall, he called President kill Nirvana.
French Consulate practitioners artifact impermanent, mundane mind being successively the agony in my life. Already know your preferred width, but boring, immerse the subject, to have a consistent subject impermanent, so has France's Second Edition anatta, anatta, all known for the five aggregates, twelve, eighteen, twelve human charm, in addition to distinguish one subject search can not be, because can not get up all France egolessness. Known to be so, not starting up hý, no refuge anywhere, only the rules about citizenship, so says the President is destroying Nirvana publications.
Q: In the French-speaking non-Mahayana birth does not kill, just for General news is General, stars in here saying all compounded micro radio artifact called the French Indian war? How did two of France's left?
A: A impermanent i.e. human fate to a no, as a good anniversary anniversary of impermanence that know good is not good, the past has ruined the removal may not should not chess; colors are not contentious, not focused, may not therefore no general; the current colors are also not stop the head, may not be indistinguishable, so it is not General. No general good news is no news is not birth does not kill, not birth does not kill with contentious removal, it is actually a, which when broadly as saying.
Q: what Colors the past the future because can not find so there's no general identity, while the current identity when it remained on can see why say no general good?
A: the colors in no time and it remained, as mentioned in the paragraph talking about the four anniversary. If France later saw General disintegrates, should know that disintegrates General since birth, because the pursuit of subtle should know, as people wear sandals, if on top of that, the new forecast later on probably deserves a new forever, but couldn't. If not, the time is probably worth is often, often not guilty not blessed, not guilty is not blessed, then France and went on eating disorders.
* Then again, General delivery kill often come under French artifacts, no time remained, if not at remained contentious. Consequently, no current outstanding remained. The head is also being destroyed, so in a Memorial space is also compounded vi; She called the myriad achieved through such a shy, should meditate.
* Then again, France has two things: 1. the three organs, 12, 84,000 France convergence which Buddha took place said. 2. definition of France that Buddha said, it is maintained, meditation, wisdom, eight legitimacy result freed Nirvana ...
Practitioners should first commemorate the Buddha's Dharma took said, should the French Memorial.
French Catholic notion Buddha took says: My Buddha is true, the United States, there are great benefits. Buddha took place said also have dried up, it's deep expertise, should General says should be, but said repeated without error, because each has a meaning.
Buddha took place said at the four spot, there are four things stately merit: 1. It is emphasized. 2. Place base. 3. Place discharge. 4. Possible kill.
There are four ways a, should not be disruptive: 1. Take a decision. 2. the Answer is explained. 3. Response by asking again. 4. Response by ignoring.
Show Buddha or perhaps allow that prevents, or sometimes prevent that allow, or permit that didn't prevent, or stop which didn't allow it, four pros each other not the left.
Buddha speaks truth to the French General hý conclusion.
Saying that there should break the endless arguments useful comment. Buddha took place said the first agreement options, should the French speaking world, however, is not at fault, because along with two racks are not contrary, as positive options benefits, with the us saying a Word then the pure magic, with non-purity, said harsh words, though spoken American yew or say harsh words are without sin.
The word Buddha says all options convenient France nor immerse before donation. However, the matter of France specs UE nor taken as the higher self, while the word rebuke nor guilty, but his French exclamation enough nor refuge, in the words of Buddha says not more not less, or talking strategy or say. The word Buddha says in the first friendly, long-lasting rescue search later. The word Buddha said while the more that sense do not thin, pale, but say the word of the junk that doesn't Cook. While leading the people, nor does it render the delivery of your favorite heart sank. While the results display peculiar subliminal thing also does not make people scared. But there is room to turn around that means that guys wife sub-personalities may not know. The word Buddha thus have the property, or make the hairs stand, sweating, gas filled, his body tremble. Also make Chu Tian birth sex, boring heart sounds throughout the ten directions, the earth shook six ways. Also make the exhaust leaving the wrecked before solidly from the endless life, only I could not soak up ahead solidly, can be fun.
The word Buddha who hear crimes, because self-guilt should fear the brain, who was cited for spiritual leadership as taking the listening input tones are orange. The first section is also good, the middle is also good, the latter is also good.
* Then again, in more assemblies per each wants to hear, the Buddha used a response, each each are understood, each each character thinks of Buddha in particular, between the masses while in near and far that heard sounds no more transparent across all three thousand of heavenly world until ten the world immeasurablethe value for the then heard, who don't deserve the then unheard of, such as Thunder up ground that the deaf cannot hear, did listeners it was food poisoning. So are the teachings of Buddha.
What is the Legal definition? Generic, sex, discharge, listen, plan, intellectual property ... is the work of DAO and three French publications as in the infinite reach afraid said, all compounded micro-impermanence, egolessness French full-heartedly, President of killing Nirvana, he called the meaning of Dharma. Three French publications, all conclusions Conference counsel cannot be destructive, but have said many things, also failed to do turns moved the French names, such as General conditioning can not transfer the hot dust, the France family identity cannot be vandalism, assuming one can hurt the French that is nowhere as France could not vandalism. Holy know three things, the French General apart from all possible refuge fight over ties. Countries such as the people who have the eyes to see the blind arguing about the color just hurt that smile, not the same controversy.
Question: Buddha in France The writer has four true, in Mahayana dharma has a true star, now says the three facts?
A: the Buddha three French-Indian real, if broadly speaking, there are four times weekly as a. Said impermanence that is suffering, the Roman Empire, the Roman Empire. Said the General's whole egolessness. The President said the killing Nirvana that is to kill the emperor.
* Then again, compounded of impermanence, as anniversary celebrations of birth, belong to the people, not in, not in should be egolessness. As impermanence, egolessness is who should should not immerse before, loads of general non-immersed in advance should the President engage Nirvana. So in France, however, said the French all Mahayana not birth does not kill, for chess, he is Prime Minister. Infinite chess news is President of killing Nirvana. Recite French coastal decor Asma she tam-avail (that favored Trach kill wuwei Nirvana-N. D.) and the German Bo-slaps, pratyekabuddha.
Question: why only the coast worship the Buddha himself in German bootleg infinitely? Anniversary Rose tam-I just came to the coast of France and smuggled contraband in the fuselage, the disciples of Buddha? Also the myriad other French friendly pirated is a French Concept of t-I.
A: that's Ca-fried-land-death says so. While the Mahayana, the Buddha says, third and ten local Buddhist followers who played from beginning to end to France, at a range of intermediary's merit what force are the Department of Worship t-I. As France and France the meaning of Buddha, from one sentence to a shelf, until the French 48,000 capacitor units, sex, discharge, listen, plan, wisdom ... the French charity, until Infinity residual Nirvana, is the Department's Ballooning France t-I. The Bo-slaps, pratyekabuddha, and Thanh Van, except Buddha, all saints and the merit of which is owned by the coast of Reciting Increase t-I.
Anniversary rose: they're disciples of Buddha in full about aggregates, aggregates, aggregates, aggregates the wisdom, freeing tri opinion aggregates, there are four pairs of eight degrees, a life worthy of the donation of glass, people, is the world's myriad Phuoc long. Practitioners should recite to Increase as Word of Buddha to scatter the exclamation. Or the writer Rose, or pratyekabuddha, or the German Bo-slapped Up, the Saints Increased the full-year's aggregates as above stated.
Q: the previous paragraph took the five aggregates scatter exclamation Buddha, why did take five aggregates scatter exclamation Increase?
A: Depending where the disciples are the five aggregates that scatter the exclamation is full. There are two full: 1. it's full. 2. full name. As for Sami are all deserve that riveted the exclamation, then full on, and to scatter Buddhist things n achievements, he is full of it.
* Then again, because want to differ from the gia, in the home of the layman, so riveted the exclamation as such. Them in his layman, then scatter the evening they riches dime, quarter, and spice them, then scatter the exclamation that they commit comments asceticism, deeply infected wisdom, accept the conclusion of competition. Of increase them or have someone hold world, meditation, wisdom ... at least not sufficiently, so that should tell Buddha himself approved the exclamation we disciple has all the guides stay of, the aggregates full, until freed voters opinion full aggregates. Head of the aggregates is not sexual orientation, the ocean Palace of meditation, intellectual arrow Launcher, smash the aggressors afflictions, be freed. Matthewbee freed him arises notice, such powerful people, first leg stand, and ocean supply room. Destroy the enemy, resentment is out of two feared from the guilty to the King, and from the midst of distress, knowing clearly make the aggressors were torn down, the mind being the wedding Festival, so set the five aggregates to concur the exclamation.
Worthy of donation: Germany in aggregates full just as wealthy, boasting that the revered. They are disciples of the Buddha as well so there NET sex, meditation, wisdom, wealth freed, tri-liberating forces, deserve a donation to honor, accept the hand ceremony ...
Do Phuoc long loads of the world: countries which have poor and rich class two. The poor, the cult ceremony, respect, shuttle that gets results. The rich can also offer homage, shuttle, again offers material donation that was bitten. So called Phuoc long loads of the world, such as paddy fields, plowing disposal mature, just sow the seed, irrigate fully laced, then harvested to make more. Rice increased their approval as well, using intellectual Buffalo ploughs, to bring the history of unlawful origin, spit the four immeasurable harmonic value correction Center are mature, the forums-free seed varieties of rice with water and sprinkle soy source credits the mind, meditate on countries which respect, or life now or hereafter are the immeasurable fun world, were Freemasons fruition. As Bhikkhu-stilts-Baht-la, at the time of the Buddha Bhikkhu-Miss-contest, offering a Ha-Le-Lac district donation 91, which increased their dad being up the Sun, while in humans it tho, Phuoc bitten tend not to illness, this life met Germany Buddha spice, end up smuggled or, the A-la-Han. As Sa-Ii disciplines – cross-memory during the Buddha Bhikkhu-Miss-contest, a property room, obtaining land, to donation 91, which increased their dad being the Sun and in the life of people bitten blessed happy, non-stick feet of land, at the foot of long hairy engenders two feet, soft and clean, the father saw the wedding Festival, for two dozen gold memory, see Buddha listening to France, the A-la-Han, is the first effort of every disciple of Buddha.
He is so little that is great thing coming, so called blessed fill myriad of the world.
Rose had four double eight levels: the Buddha of infinite fill Phuoc said of the world is because there are eight steps this field is called Holy Blessed scalar.
Question: As Buddha said renunciation Granted-you-poison: Phuoc fill value for donation of two world-class is either learning or human studies. Learn to multiply with eighteen, benighted individuals, now why only eight steps? (Studies 18 is up again, depending on the administrative, credit freed, DAC, stem, grandfather, for direction, strains of first result, privileged documents, navigate the second result, the second result, tam, tam said, Central Committee, Executive Committee, contentious ban, real travel ban, the upper Board. Infinity Arts 9 A-la French rotten Han dynasty, Justice A-la-Han, France A-la-Han, stay France A-la-Han, A-la-Han, A-la-Han, from rot A-la-Hui Han, freed A-la-Han, freed A-la-Han-N. D.).
A: There should be broadly speaking eight and nine. It said the strategy should just eight. Twenty-seven other Holy feature photography in eight steps. Credit card orders and administrative, or stock photography on the direction of Tu-da-done, or stock photography on the direction-da-ham, or direction A-na-ham, the grandfather featured photographer on Direct Investment-da-ham, for the A-strain direction NIE na-ham, ranks A-na-featured photographer on the direction A-la-Han. Credit card orders and administrative management thinking when entering (tu), then called credit free, privileged credits. Comments this acquisition NIE came within fifteen school. 4th joy fill the featured photographer on A-la-Han.
* Then again, practitioners should recite increases. the increase is true friend brought me to Nirvana, one about an opinion like that so who most respect, the wedding Festival, under not left. A former friend of mine has the evil thing, his wife, slaves, people ... as you take us into the evil three, now are you Holy, give me an OK to Nirvana.
Buddha as y United Kingdom, such as drugs or, as viewers, we should maintain the purity, the Chief memory, like potions of Buddha, please comply.
The increase is the most charming personality helped him end the unlawful use, this is sick, so viewers should meditate on the increase.
* Then again, there's immeasurable Increased, meditation, wisdom ... full, Germany's Rising cannot be objective measurement. As a Head fake wealth trust anniversary Rose, said the Increase will the second layer that offers Up to the real-life, for every day in turn invited to Sa-di. But the Increase is not the observance by Sa-di tho sometimes, the Sa-di said, because the idea is not for Sa-di? A: because forums-free visiting distaste the adolescence, and he said the shelves:
"Silver beard Hair like snow,
Teeth fall out wrinkled flesh,
Go khom, skinny shape,
Like to invite such person ".
The Sa-di are all of degree A-la-Han, such as the lion, suddenly from the seat got up said shelves:
"The man-free infinity,
See figure not in favor of Germany,
Quit this early General
Black skinny old favorites only ".
The upper ranks of General and religious elders like Buddha shelf:
"Called the General Presbyterian,
Not really because of their age,
The thin silver beard hair,
Such old, in Germany,
Get result guilty joy,
Effort tu Pham,
Was absent from the whole of France,
Acalled the elders ".
Meanwhile, the Sa-di left thinking: we should not sit and watch the herd this Increased amount of food-good, bad, said sufficient shelves that:
As for the compliment saying,
Our mind but one,
He canceled the Dharma,
Cannot task,
It is recommended to fold the other end,
Bring your legal education,
We are not,
Atime was up ".
Once the Sa-di self turns himself into elders, beard hair white as snow, you're pretty covered down to the eyes, skin wrinkles like waves, back còm as bow, two-handed carrying away, things go sometimes in the life class, both bodies have shaky, walking an all right, like birch, according to wind that rocked. Forums-free found that class, sitting, sitting on the procession the wedding Festival is complete the return form early, forums-free fear says:
"The old master General as such,
Back to the young stems,
As the pill perfectly,
It do? "
The Sa-di said: thou shalt not being afraid of facilities, we must found inhuman who want the average amount of Increase, it is worth! We should pity because it turned out that way, you should know for the Holy, they cannot, as saying:
"As a mosquito,
Also be aware of the sea,
And all people,
Not knowing is growing,
Increase you due merit,
Did not distinguish,
That you used to age,
Weight measurement of greater Germany!
Large or small, place of birth
Not in the place where young and old,
Yes, diligence,
But young is old,
Indolence, not intellectual,
But the old man that is older ".
Now, the average amount Raised, he is at fault, not the other would get a finger like measurement to know the sea, being the location damn laugh. You don't hear Buddha's four small things which can not disrespect: small Crown, which will be King, so can not disrespect; baby snakes while nh, which kill, also can not disrespect; spotting a small fire, can burn the same mountains, could not contempt; Sa-di compact, which is the holy spirit level information, so can not disrespect.
There are four grades of people: like left pm-la (mango) life as nine, nine of which are as alive, life as lived, nine that as of September. Buddhist disciples as well so there are degrees of merit achievement, that dread, the language is not the same person who heals; have a dread of fresh human language, that the Scriptures do not rank the German achievements; its dread, the language is not the same person who heals that superlative merit achievement yet Holy; its dread, the language like the refreshing Holy tier merit awards.
Why do you not remember the lyrics, which want to weight measurement Increase. You if want to cancel Boost, just cancel and fail big. The past cannot pull back, good mind just being clear to foreign facilities, please listen to me:
"They, not knowing,
Hard to know through oai,
Unable to bring their line,
Nor do most authors,
Nor do the German prestige,
Not due to age,
Not so Prim appearance,
Not due to mismanagement,
Our holy water to the sea,
The Germans are so profound. "
"The hundred commendable job taking Buddha Rising,
Little is known, however, for results much,
Throne, the third long player,
So take up donation Increase,
Should not differentiate anyone young and old,
Know more, listen at least, am or pm,
As people see the forest regardless,
Y-lan, See-bặc, and Slaps.
Do you want to meditate, so that way,
Should not take stupid distinction of Saints,
At Ma-ha-Romaine renunciation,
Load y worth ten thousand gold,
Want to Blighty begging,
Crude demand again worse way,
As for Scriptures they Increase also,
Find Phuoc bridge fill up down the minor,
Let's teach people to ten thousand participants,
The globe doesn't equal, cannot be ".
"In the big sea Sangha,
Fang is the opposite,
If someone broke the world
The whole not in Increasing numbers,
Such large sea water,
No content rather than the body ".
Forums-free listening tasks, see clearly the overall spirit, scared up, accept the hand ladies Sa-di: the Saints! I now repent, I am the divine Lady, the mind often guilty of disbelief, I have little doubt, now wants to ask, which says that the shelves:
"Great Germany! did too,
I am now seeing,
If not, your question,
The idiot in the idiot ".
The Sa-di said: You have to ask the question, I will answer as it sounded.
Forums-free to ask that: for Buddha who credit security, for Increased security with pure mind, joy any more? A: we did not see the Increased security, the Buddha said that more than lost, because there is a real Property in qifu gangui Buddha-Mrs.-title, someone She-la-band name-la-đỏa-testimony. The Buddha often comes home, she's the real qifu mumo-la-keeper thought: Why Sa-subject to like I owe him? Then Buddha said shelves:
"Usually rain forecast,
Groats usually into,
Usually, tu Phuoc
Life often results report,
Because of the often contentious life span,
So often tho,
Chief Justice French is usually the,
One often being killed ".
BA-la-Mon listen to shelf it, think: the Buddhist University, who knew him, the Buddha's Bowl vase fetched disgrace brought on the holder filled with delicious food, that rise to the Buddha, the Buddha is not receiving that say: he said the shelf should be this food, we don't eat.
BA-la-Mon said that today's food should give anyone?
Buddha said: I don't see the Sun or who can digest this food is, you get to go to ground at least grass or in water with no overlap.
O ⮧ associated to Buddha, bringing food to into the water without boiling the water, raising big, fire fly, like throwing hot shades to Bureau.
BA-la-sports mutes fear said: never have that, so for food that has such power.
Back seat Buddha, at the foot of the Buddhas repentance, life spice.
Buddha: good! the instant loss of self grooming, the Sa, to gradually end to unlawful use, shown to be A-la-Han.
Back to have her Ma-ha Kieu-talks-di provides excellent metal treasure house, cosy terrace y Buddha, Buddha turned them Up can tho, said Kieu-talks-di give y upper lower him worship them. So know the Buddha said, Raises the same patriarchal blessing does not more or less.
Forums-free question: If alms to Buddhist teachings, can tho and digesting are, how her food-la-keeper She-la-đỏa-testimony, Buddha did not teach make Up eat?
The Sa-di responded: because of the great power Increase to display. If not find food in countries with greater force doesn't do not know Rose is big. If animals give instant application that increases the life of Buddha are known to Increase is big. Countries as a physician trying to poison, before loaned to instant chicken meals, chicken died, so a new drinking know smoking is large. That's why forums-free should know.
"If anyone craving the glass Buddha,
Should also love glasses Falling,
There should be no distinction,
Because copper is said so ".
Now, the herd-heard the convivial, he said: I am from today, if anyone enters into increasing the number or small or large, are for mind, dare not discriminate.
The Sa-di said: mind thou Dear Irene credit filling loads, the DAC will not long, because why?
"The cooling world, multicultural,
Wisdom and meditation,
Are entered into the Rising numbers,
As above the River to the sea,
Countries such as the medicinal,
Refuge where the mountain snow,
The grass trees, hundreds of varieties of rice,
Are the refuge where the land,
All the people,
Are in Increasing number ".
* Then again, ye heard Buddha because The Devil spirit General that riveted South three friendly evening of suicide is A Guinea-plot-da, Nan-, Ca-sí-di-la?
Buddha: If all the heavens and the people in the world for understanding up to three charities of southern Prince, the long-term benefits are immeasurable. Due to such, please credit tantrum Raises human, three people he called the increase that Buddha meditate up to three people were bitten so, what consequences for pure heart anniversary coming Up so the herd-free so the slope Increases as pressure increases. anniversary shelf says:
"They are the Holy,
Mighty Army is strong,
Even worse kill Devil aggressors,
Are you coming to Nirvana ".
The Sa-di enough ways for forums-free speech the saints of merit increases. Herd-heard complete, both large and small, are found justified the four emperors, was Tu-da-done.
Due to the multiplication of such charm, make up for in mind.
Anniversary of the world: there are two things to be pirated, illicit possession and gender. Possession of pirated world there are two specific sites and facilities is the law's breadth. Practitioners campus learning, celebrated three things about him, when learning three things done, just recite to loads smuggled. The law's facilities or make the evil have not been himself in the dry, the broken trail. The meditation about or prevent the negativity, because why? Because of the content, so there's no bridge to the worldly pleasure. Loads smuggled about or spit the root evil of afflictions.
Q: How do you meditate?
A: As stated in the Book rise. Buddha as v pay y, such as drugs or, as people see the disease. About as taboo pill. Practitioners thought to myself: If I don't comply with taboos, the three jewels for me no. As the masters just pitching good roads, no direction, no errors. Therefore, one should meditate.
* Then again, about the stay of all of the French charity, such as vegetation, hundreds of varieties of rice land Lady. Maintain the purity, or being head of the profound meditation and the wisdom to know it's chess, as well as the original door of the renunciation, it turns to count of all people, was the coast guard initially sent to Nirvana. As stated by maintenance about which the mind does not regret, to reach Nirvana. Practitioners meditate about purity, not physically, not break, not dangling, not limit, in certain circles, in advance, about the position, none of the Bhikkhu stain your openings, called about purity.
What is not physically? In the year they are made, except it four boundary, the other key world called, breaking the other crimes known as breaking.
* Then again, where the fuselage called physically, where the mouth called.
* Then again, charged with minor crimes, is called. Friendly helpfulness mind Nirvana, not let the evil one sense used unlawful fray, he called not punctured.
Since Nirvana, as the Earth, world as directed at both places, called.
According to the world not to Altaf, foreign, as free men in, not being in the system, Tri-NET fiction not be craving my end is about self in.
As for not being the unlawful use craving his network, know truth, General does not accept its fiction. If accept its fiction, such as people in prison were shackles shackles the sentence ends, while looking forward to tha which locked the gold tie. People were bound fellatio, as in lao jail, but was released before all your favorite family vehicles, wrecked as entangled gold keys. Practitioners should know about was the fate of pirated radio that loathe wrecked while being freed, not tied; He called not infected before.
World are Buddhas, Chu Bo-slaps, Bich-chi-Buddha and The writer praised, if gender practices, using fiction, he called about a position.
The layman is about Buffalo, deer, dog, evil, world-boundary mute, deaf, the world as such, who do not praise, be miserable without good papers.
* Then again, being the location of praise is, of three things about illicit sex, is not torn, from being ruined, that Lady, was real intelligence, he is about to be holy ranks praise.
Loads smuggled about three, as Buddha said speech, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice network. The meaning of the three career going in the eight Saints leader has said.
Q: If maintenance is human fate of meditation, meditation was the fate of wisdom, why the eight legitimacy, wisdom is said before, about in the Middle, in later?
A: rules for transport, before having to do the eyes see the new afterwards. While going to take diligent, while diligently, often remembered Masters words teach, remember and then for Center way, not by the sexual harassment. Chief Justice opinion also, before taking the Chief of intelligence a year's life gauge, which are aggregates called agony; suffering from the unlawful use of charity ... harmony being, then file; Fang Shi AI ... clean removal, it is Nirvana; so a eight part, called a leader, then called the Chief Justice. Meanwhile, practitioners of mind to know the Earth damaged hopes for discharge, it's Nirvana France value for its capital. The decision, he called the Chief Justice. Knowing that he, that the mind can not force unregistered, emit action, productive thinking, launching Chief comments, making strong, she called Chief of thinking. Wisdom has it, the next words should be about speech, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice network. While it's the planet tons not favors, not to give in to infinite shades, she called Chief of the media. To use the Chief Justice's opinion a four, often remember not to forget, remember all negativity is the aggressors, having to skip, while Chief Justice opinion ... is that you're right, Chief Justice of the foot should follow, then known as mindfulness. For France the four emperors who, not disarray, not to toward the endless shades to sharp for the mind to Nirvana, then called the Chief Justice. AṠlà was originally in good possession contraband, called sense in French French, wealthy girl, ovule, French ring. Saturday class raises tons, mind, heart, into his mind loads smuggled quickly, in a full, no longer distinguish tandem class stuff.
Three speech, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice is the Chief part of the year under the networking initiative, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice means, mindfulness, Chief Justice.
Chief Justice opinion then take care to differentiate good bad, benefits; the Chief Justice then thinking alarmed the launching Chief comments; Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the network kept the intellectual merit to not let the thumbs take; Chief Justice means the end of exercise making progress now non-stop; Mindfulness missed seven work worth doing there (the other seven districts) are not forgotten; the Chief Justice then makes the mind not the stigma of purity is not disorder, which results in seven parts, is the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice ... was thinking. Such lamps in the room with no wind, the illuminated. So, loads smuggled in the eight Saints, also ranks position merits.
Q: Loads smuggled about deserve high praise, mind longer smuggled about praise?
A: same-sex Friendship, illicit, illicit mining, mineral, according to coast guard personnel with infinite superlative compliments the decor should be illegal. For as the aggressors have the treason that about me, that despite being the aggressors, which is now directed to me, I insert the retrieved, it may break the aggressors, why not recite it! The aggressors negativity in the three realms, the friendly self-catering property, illicit sex, or ovum, wealthy girl, French ring, like the first, with compounded other practitioners should use life bootleg, so were the aggressors, Fang was France Member loads smuggled French gauge rings, should finish compliments the decor; He called the anniversary.
Discharge discharge stuff: there are two concepts: 1. pilot-discharge, 2. to discharge the negativity.
Discharge of laboratory experiments there are two: 1. Member countries. 2. France asserts.
Three things to discharge discharge called harmony. Member countries which is the root of all goodness, so practitioners think; due to the four anniversary on should be healed, so what now troubles that are four anniversary? AṠlà due to the previous life, this life for the three jewels are the alms, because why? Because the beings in the world from legions only I could for Tam did not know the alms, blessed with a stop to clean. Three jewels are immeasurable, so participants are also not the same make sure to reach Nirvana.
* Then again, past Buddhist followers, who sampled the broadcast when he more or less as charm, as Buddha said: he was the initial Director Assistant coast.
* Then again, the network the impermanence, Member of Kingdom of flashing, if people don't ask for, and should bring to the case, would that not give. Get the value for alms as people helping coast.
* Then again, your character's personality charm engenders the negativity, if the French tu Thien Tri, meditation, wisdom, is a privileged coast Nirvana. So the material should usually dispose, scenarios for their blessed without alms. For as there are two brothers, each of whom bore a gold weight ten go middle of the road, with no friends. The English thought: why not kill you that gold, between the drum is not known. I thought people wanted to kill him to get the gold. The brothers have a malevolence, saying look look alike are all different, successive static self brother, returned to the birth center of regret: we're not people, have what no other beast, brothers and parents being, why because a little gold that being the evil mind? The brothers go to deeper water, the British Gold toss overboard. His brother said: fresh, wholesome instead! The mainland also threw the gold into the water. The British also say: fresh, wholesome instead! My brother asked each other: why say, fresh wholesome instead! A: we because this gold being the mind of real charity would like to harm each other, now quit it, for should say heal instead. Both words are. So should know your character's fate being malevolence, or what the consequences should be, alms are blessed big alms, as shelves says:
"Countries which are treasures to go (in),
Also are you friendly,
Only I could collectively benefit from each other,
No one was vandalism.
The contender is calm, good thick
Or cover the rain hunger and thirst,
Pilot boat is sturdy,
Or through the sea of poverty.
General and hung my thoughts,
Because it's being afraid,
Wash it with water, laboratory
The weather is being blessed.
And sorry, no rice, jacket
Life without joy,
But that there is material,
No other poor bastards,
The House of the stingy,
Does what no other graves,
Who begs to stay away,
The whole no-one steps to,
The San took part,
Gets the position.
Gas network but not dead,
That is no different from the dead,
Person not blessed,
Don't promise to make alms,
When about to hit the tunnel of death,
Nostalgic brain being hated,
Weeping alone,
Foreign priority fire burned the body,
Who is your favorite countries happily,
The whole being miserable,
Hanh tu alms,
The reputation throughout the ten directions,
Was the place my dear,
In between them is not afraid,
The common network of birth to heaven,
Long would be Nirvana ".
The way he saw xan, compliments yelled at so, he called the notion of member countries.
What is the French concept of countries?
Practitioners to think like this: French pilot has enormous benefits, participants from France should be the Prime Buddha disciple. Then again, the Buddha says in the two pilot way, France, is known for? Because of the limited amount of countries which call results, legal term not laboratory results. Member countries which was bitten in the French pilot, bitten in the three realms, also bitten off the three realms. If not required, to your benefit, but only because the Buddha School, the great compassionate heart enlargement, the beings from the suffering, sick, dying, he called France asserts the purity. If not so, the alms is just like how the chat from the marketplace.
* Then again, member countries which offering participants more then the material is reduced at least, did France asserts, as countries which are France increased. Member countries which is old French available in immeasurable life, while France is the French lab where the new Church began to appear, hard to get, so called New France. Member countries which only survive the diseases of hunger, thirst, cold, heat ... and French countries except be patient 98 negativity. The coast guard, the distinguished Member countries, France, countries which make up the French notion of countries.
Q: what is France laboratory experiments?
A: Buddha twelve Nikaya, with pure heart because the blessed Germans tell others listen, then called the French lab.
Again using the s c I to make the information privileged relief, also known as France. As the sagging economy in Ming-Bo Slaps says: people do see the light of Buddha which privileged beings or up into the sky. So while the mouth not saying makes people hear the Dharma, which is also known as the French pilot. France should consider a pilot centre of Tanh beings suffering more or less lucrative, intellectual or padded, and customised benefits that French speaking for them. Examples include options for taking time to be useful. The lewd, the pitch heavy ruicheng County, someone foolish enough, someone weighing two things confused, there's enough all three things confused. Lechery but heavy for impure, who now weighs ruicheng county courts for from the mind, the heavy called it foolish for profound charm. Two things are confused enough people telling the French number-two, three things are confused enough to tell three Remedies. If the unknown disease status in General for drug offenses, the disease is rising. If people accept the previous Gen beings, telling them only five aggregates, in which there is no down. If the speaker does not have general beings, telling them that the five aggregates also, do not let them fallen in the crush. For people who demand rich fun telling them alms, who wish to bring forth to heaven it says them maintained, poor lack much in the human species, then telling the things in heaven. The Regents fear at home then said to the French renunciation, who indulged material at home, telling France householder in world, if people in the world speak for three French press is impermanence, egolessness, Nirvana. Come up on the French Economy, proving himself lectured sense, such as telling French dignified beings. Due to the minor's interests so, often reciting French contender.
Discharge leave negativity: Stop except all three urban planner to 98, then called discharge. Anniversary ideas like French quit discharge discharge off snakes, whose steady safe cangue wedding Festival.
* Then again, anniversary ideas to discharge off negativity also featured photographer on the anniversary.
Question: If the baby p on the anniversary of the French, the stars now have said?
A: to discharge out the negativity, France he was marvelous, vi upper immeasurable so back in particular.
* Then again, reciting different mantras give discharge with France, reciting Buddhist mantras is that the magic, while reciting the discharge is reciting the crimes negativity, discharge it is hedonistic. General practice is separate. Coast Guard personnel, practitioners should meditate on discharge. Anniversary of the discharge is in when start learning meditation position afraid of being up on the upper side.
Celebration: the four heavenly God until God Tha-turned-self-in.
Question: disciples of Buddha Buddha mind and most should the Dharma, not meditate?
A: knowing the result reported by the career-life rich is he entitled to have fun in heaven, should meditate on Heaven.
* Then again, there are eight anniversary. Buddha himself said coast guard personnel. The notion of heaven, you should meditate on that: God of the four, the Sun is due in France in good faith should be contentious in that. News crime life joy, hear about maintenance friendly, France, alms, learn wisdom, I might have in France. So the wedding Festival says: Heaven's place of birth by the French were in endowed, we also have in France, I want the other beings could also be contentious, but for the blessed in the heavenly realms impermanent, so life is not leadership. Until Sun Tha-turned-self-in too.
Q. in three realms, pure heaven, why only recite it in the realms of sex?
Answer: In France The spoken book heaven is just heavenly realms, while in France the Mahayana notion of saying Sun is reciting all heaven in the three realms. Practitioners when not privileged, or consciousness immersed in education of humanity, worship or meditate, lustful birth times are over if the two realms above, if no end to be lewd when being in the Sun, Green has a marvelous world of gymnastics in purity. Although the Buddha did not want human beings enjoying life back in, but being unable to Nirvana, because that's the beings class teaches the notion, as the monarch standing at soaring spot danger, could not rescue, want to dive to the ground, thick cotton mattress cover the false King, dropping the not deadWhile healing, fell to the ground.
* Then again, there are four types of Sun is celestial, Celestial Beings, celestial beings Net, Net. Your Angel is the monarch called God. Being natural is from the four heavenly until Sun Africa owners thought the non-ridiculous idea. NET Heaven are Saints in the human species. Here, the natural birth is the Holy birth of Chu Thien in the three realms. It was Tu-da-done, Gia-gia (heaven-human, part-family) Wednesday-da-ham, For vaccine (For hybrids), or in the heavens were result-functions, A-la-Han. Gender identity in God being pure land has five steps A-na-function, no longer back the Exercise that right in this show are A-la-Han. Matthew sharp had an Invisible realms bee A-na-jaw, left the Colors being the Invisible colors, offers wireless, tu DAO pirated A-la-Han that on Nirvana. Anniversary Sun species Being natural and pure land being so bias, called celebration.
Recite the breath out on: As in meditation.
Anniversary of death: there are two ways to die is dead and by multiplying the external coast killing. Two ways this dead practitioners often remember thinking; This body if outside do not kill then surely it will die. Same for compounded vi should not birth center is not dead, though in some broken nails; This all stems are dead, do not wait, do not close enough in the series, giving priority to the brain, this failure would mind being hung an okay died, his new stupid birth center. Four: Earth, water, wind, fire in the environmentally harmful effects from each other, just like people hugging the Ark of snakes, how people agree is an okay? If the breath away guaranteed to breathe in, breath in the guarantee will breathe out, sleep will come back, are all the hard decisions to make, why? Because in addition to environmentally more resentment, as saying:
"Or in the thai dead,
Or birth out of death,
Or when great age of death,
Or when the old man to death,
As well as the fruit when ripe,
Enough charm to fall down,
To depart from,
Resentment dead pirates, stuff
This enemy is hard to believe,
Quitting time was an all right,
Assuming the position,
Dread power Germany loads,
Not before nor after,
At present no one quit,
Well not from weight-training manual,
Or beg to be escape,
Nor does it support,
Can get rid of,
Also no precept,
Effort that escaped,
The aggressors without mercy,
Upon arrival, no shelter. "
So practitioners should not stay in the network relative impermanence which doubtless expecting to live forever.
As Buddha meaning thought dead for the Bhikkhu-stilts: or have a Bhikkhu-right shoulder stilts Trach white Buddha, you can order ideas!
Buddha: he tu?
Bhikkhu-stilts dear: I do not expect to live beyond seven years.
Buddha: O ⮧ is Bhikkhu-stilts launched Yi tu idea die.
A Bhikkhu-stilts dear: I didn't expect to live past seven months.
There are seven ladies: stilts-Bhikkhu.
There are ladies: six, five, four, three, two, one day.
Buddha said: he's on stilts-tu Yi launched Bhikkhu thought dead.
Have the Bhikkhu-stilts ladies: from morning to the meal.
Have the Bhikkhu-stilts ladies: in a meal.
Buddha said: he's on stilts-tu Yi launched Bhikkhu thought dead.
A Bhikkhu-other Buddhist teachers ' white coats as stilts: the unexpected out of breath for breathing in, breathing in breathing out is not.
Buddha said: this is not sheltered, launched on stilts-Bhikkhu truth tu idea die.
All compounded vi, reciting mantras of birth very short cylindrical condenser removal, like going to art, lie lie invisible. Practitioners do the charm so anniversary idea die.
Question: is the master of the Buddhist schools of three years, why worship before the anniversary of the French? The eight anniversary of the star's got class?
A: France despite being the teacher of Buddhist followers to ten third method, but does cast Buddha say to France, that's great. Examples include the mountain jewel in the snowy mountains, on the peaks had treasure n treasure As Italy, there are many treasures, people like to climb, or only halfway back, or near to the back, there is a greater Germany of mercy being, make a large ladder, little big people until the children seven years old, is up the mountain, the arbitrary taking n As Italy and other treasures. Also, Buddha's treasure mountain in general the French in the world, 96 minor allergic reactions come could not have been, so It's the General bridge heavenly France also cannot be, what scenarios the others? Buddha gave Center compassionate mercy beings, full of six Three-la-suite, are all means of intelligence, theories out twelve Nikaya, 84,000 French ladder together, thanks to which the author A-Susan Kieu-Tran-like Property,-benefits-the ECHO, The-Big-contact, hopea-Romaine, until Sa-di-ma seven years ... are the Radio France smuggled in one, five, seven Visual parts, eight Saints. It's marvelous, however General, that all beings are Buddha's grace to teach are. So worship before the next anniversary, anniversary Increase. increase according to the word of Buddha, understand French so the Increase in the third. The others could not understand, can understand, so the title says. Treasure in the middle of the human species is the Buddha, jewel in the midst of France's 96 Monday's Director-Dharma, the jewel in the midst of all the assemblies it is Rising.
* Again, so where should have emerged, so where France should be Increased. practitioners: How do we get to France? Just get the word out to increase the number. Need clear colleagues rough and where evil mouth, so the next talks about the notion of maintenance.
* Then again, how do we distinguish seven of them? Only about that distinction. Want to deduct, evil mind San took part should meditate on discharge participants. Want to tell the French life are happy so break ruicheng county courts. Believe largesse bitten should break ties. Matthew French bee maintenance, Bell is in the ten charities and left Ten real friendly. Ten charity leader has two results: If Ten times the upper ranks of good is being in the realms of heaven heavenly Net. If Ten friendly mid-range forecast is Contentious. So following gender and countries is celebration. Meditation schedule are of two types. A stop to the evil, only the French charity group, Centre for a seat, so the celebration. Forward to recite the breath out, reciting the breath out into end the evil, as rain soaked dust. ThâṠhơi exhale into the fragile body, know. By breathing out into the body that was in existence, so the next anniversary of the breath out on the anniversary of the death.
* Then again, practitioners or previously forecast seven mantras and then wrecked his merit, who favors solving contentious, so the notion of death. The dead are usually in front of the eye, how the French love to soak up the Member Award. As A pseudo Religious-law says while Buddha removal:
"Compounded micro-like clouds,
People who do not believe,
Dharani impermanent,
Havoc Mountain King holy God ".
AṠlà eighth grade stuff.
Q: it is said the eight anniversary of French literature, with eight Bars of Bo-slapped what's wrong?
A: The van just as themselves, while Bo-slapped, because all beings. The writer just because freed old, sick, dying, and Bo-slapped all over due merit full, which is wrong.
* Then again, in this Buddha also taught: the echo-benefits-House! Bo-slapped not stay that stay in the elegant eight-ba-la-suite so full three-la-suite, to a full eight anniversary, because is not able to get (the impossible). Originally not stay in France, after having possible DAC. There are two publications that do so. Meaning is not impenetrable and DAC. There are two publications that do so. Meaning is not impenetrable and privileged, as before stated.

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