Saturday 29 March 2014

Chapter 38
Explain: Eighteen Non-Generic
Eighteen French do not: 1. The Buddha himself is not an error. 2. Mouth no error. 3. Meditate without error. 4. no idea. 5. no real Center. 6. no unknowns left. 7. Education is not reduced. 8. the effort not fallen. 9. the Anniversary does not decrease. 10. intellectual property is not reduced. 11. Liberation is not reduced. 12. tri-liberating comments off. 13. all business intelligence under the fuselage. 14. total imports by industry wisdom. 15. all my career under the wisdom. 16. wisdom know of past life unconscious fears. 17. the wisdom to know the life bred loads concerned. 18. the wisdom to know the current lifetime disabled.
Q: thirty-six (Ten, four infinity lt facility, four loads concerned, eighteen non-French) are all the Dharma, so only eighteen French is not (only Buddhas have)?
A: in the first eighteen, Thanh Van, pratyekabuddha somewhat, in eighteen France later, found The van, pratyekabuddha invisible parts. As the echo-benefits-House or distinguish the French speak a sentence, smoothly not afraid of Buddha, compliments that subtly, Leanne, and the French media: A-Nepal-batch beans is the most Sun. The texts are the same. For four of the daredevil there most is that, as Buddha says in the Sami people can be lion-dragons, dragons are the neo-catalog-Mu-la-đỏa-becomes the superlative is. Dormitories-benefits-the ECHO also vowed: one in seven days seven nights can take place said a word that does not end. Four know wisdom, the A-la-Han, the ECHO, the benefits--Xa-qian'an County-related, Phu-long-na, nan, Ca-fried-land ... also know the meaning, name, vernacular, and fun to say. So the first eighteen such call is not common.
Q: Why Buddha does not have bugs, no mouth?
A: In A immeasurable-Boost-commit period Buddhist stronghold about purity should be relative, not guns. Also the A-la-Han as Dormitories-benefits-the echo maintained about not long ago, many Poles were kill 60 should have an error. Buddha of immeasurable A-rose-fucking period group of about purity are achievements, often very deep meditation practice, are all intellectually smart, tu vi TAM Dai bi, so no error.
Then again, the original human Buddha Jesica spit charged, so no error. The original coast guard personnel found guilty four: 1. coastal People took part in the exercise. 2. multiply the charming terrace of ruicheng County. 3. Multiply the dreaded charm. 4. Human foolish charm. Coast Guard personnel and the original sin gas were extracted. A-la-Han, pratyekabuddha but spit gas volume that coast's are longer, or there is an error. Buddha for all French intellectual achievements commonly know around the fullness. If you don't know whether to blame, as the echo benefits – with 500-Xa Bhikkhu-stilts travelled to a temple away overnight, then met on gender theory, not knowing the limits of foreign about how Bach new Buddha, Buddha in stay of just in one night, and then abandoned, no. A Property at another, the ECHO, the benefits –-– hopea-along with 500 Bhikkhu-stilts at back to back, to clamor, Buddhist pursuit goes out, then the mouth with errors. Property as the echo benefits-don't know-lets eat should equal Buddha his rebuke he eat impure (left). So is the trunk, the mouth has an error. The negativity the Buddha footprint clean off, so there is no such error.
Then again, the whole trunk, Buddha's guns are under close to intelligence is not an error, no mouth. Coast Guard personnel should not close such bugs, the mouth is not error.
Anniversary not tremendous Mind bugs: tu four anniversary of round-the-clock diplomatic tu meditation training center, not disarray, cleverly ends the exercise of charity, and France, for the French mind not infected before, first place right Center, if the mind restless hurry then has it forgotten. Buddhist don't get lost, so therefore no errors. Theravada Buddhism there are student network, three, ten, three stately second anniversary should be celebrated, not achievement, because most mantras used in the past.
Then again, anniversary of the radical notion of infinite boundless forces should recite not error.
Then again, off th y Italy career of Buddha under the wisdom should recite without error. Each each anniversary are all in Italy. The so called mantras are not errors, such as in the Sun asks says:
"People would not mistake?
People would not take up memory?
Who would most often?
Do rewarding,
The Chief Justice said all of France,
Get rid off all karma,
Achievements of Germany,
The Buddha alone. "
Not furnished: the Buddhas for beings without distinction, no idea near and far differences: people you can talk to the other person, something which cannot be said for. As the sun appeared shining all over the universe, the great Buddha's balls light equally merciful salvation all beings, respect people, who do not respect, resentment, stem, you, all are equal, as people he assigned the name Ni-da, Buddha also turned to great A-la-Han, such as renunciation The households making tunnel fire, put poison in the food want to hurt, then minus the instant three poison, kill the fire flaps. So no idea of differences.
Then again, for the echo-benefits-Xa, Maitreya Bo-slapped ... under the Dharma Buddhist austerities, nor natural craving for her multi-Threads-Phu, la-na layman, Lu Su Ta Ant. .. Buddha also don't hate, then the order of Buddhist monastery in A immeasurable-increase-States, should be the jewel in the midst of being, as chon TAM kim couldn't make the turn.
Then again, on a six-night label Buddha Buddha used the kiosks all beings who can, do not dispose of waste. Buddha Bar equal beings, so no idea of differences.
Then again, the Buddha used the charm, praise the French charity cooking real French charity, mind also does not increase/decrease for evil, just because the beings, hence the distinction, then there is no idea of differences.
Then again, as in any necessarily take one Buddha said all beings like myself, to do have done, does not start, no middle, no end, then known as no ideal differences.
Then again, all the beings consistently Buddha and the Dharma, from ancient to present no living being does not kill, often as pure Nirvana; He called had no idea differences.
Then again, in the French doors is the door of the second real real French General. Allergy relief-General news are two French, two France that is deviant. Buddha is not a lie, should not issue lies, often on French doors any second. French General singularity that is lying. The so called had no idea differences.
There is no mind to determine who is the most uncertain: no disorder, mental disorder may not be true, as water surf imperceptible presence, as lights between the wind cannot shed shed. So Buddha said no real Center.
Q: Determine the original from the colony to Destroy take. The specified user could not be started in the industry, and export industry. If the Buddhas are often designated, there is always mind not going to, how to travel the country, enough for four suspected mass because dread taking human enough charm, such that the sermon? So, the mind in Education and in the new world, not on chance job?
A: there is no centre of uncertainty has many meanings. Dinh is often featured photographer in the French charity, the Buddhist in the real French General, does not rot does not lose, he called not uncertain.
Then again, in the Education World, into the plan he could discourse. So in A-Bhikkhu-talks about Sex in the system, said that the German public enemy magic four strain and four sacred anniversary, four Chief needs, four as a student, five, five, Loads to avoid tam-I, Chapel, positions four loads. The Buddha in the Education world should call is not real. The writer, pratyekabuddha from plan to start up, or back into the unconscious mind or sign in good faith, or pull on the mind, and the Buddha from the feet start to Exercise, without at any focal disarray, so called not uncertain.
Then again, as in The French text, Human Chemistry theory then turned the Home Chemistry, not theory, Human Chemistry is not novel. Such non-Buddhist, turned Home Human Chemistry can all at the same time the sermon. The mind can also be defined. Thanh Van on schedule, no Buddha in the plan may also be preachers, could also travel, such as mind your in Your area of Buddhist followers often mind said in the plan, the mind can also discourse.
Then again, who made the French disarray is the unlawful use,,, Buddha does not have the same stuff. A-la-Han but no reason for the four emperors, but for all of France where it has Buddhist, for the whole of France, is usually not suspected, since there is no real intelligence.
Then again, The writer is also the episode affliction, there should be remedies for rotten disarray, Buddha for it necessarily position, position fullness so no disturbance; as the water in the jar is full, no, no.
Then again, the Buddha himself is not a lie, paramount among the three mighty men class, suffering constant mind fun, General, General, General, General, contentious paragraph, General travel, the French General, the French were frivolous, frivolous harmony France hopes to make out, in the Buddha's French Generalshould not mind. No indeterminacy should not change the other.
Then again, in the French do (being much less, power industry, long, meditation, Dharma resources-N. D.), the Buddha left very do. Eighteen French organ is penetrating even General of Buddha, one can think of the table. Therefore, there is no Buddha mind indeterminacy, the definitely have to so.
Buddha however is often added to raw sensory consciousness, there is no consistent, but there's wisdom can not think, so too can the sermon; such as music, according to Sun, the wanted, the candidate, who is also French, also unconscious, Phuoc Duyen by Germany of Thien Chu should have been so. As to music heaven no unconscious, which touch objects, or scenarios for Buddhist owner of mind without the sermon. So Buddha said no real Center.
No don't know have to discharge three beings: life is life, life expectancy, non-miserable unhappy. The life expectancy of birth birth size, fun, non-miserable life is no fun being foolish. The three life-life's miserable being agony, in agony, loss of life, fun fun fun fun, in a contentious, the loss of life and suffering suffering isn't fun, don't know, don't know, who padded base much of life the life gauge, known also for its suffering is no fun, no or don't know that only rough-inhistory of urban planner, he is being foolish. Buddha for non life gauge is not fun to know when it's being, knows when it's head, knows when it's removal. So Buddha said no heart do not know were to discharge.
Q: how is called discharge? Suffering is not fun exhaust? or discharge of sensory information in seven triangles? or discharge of the four immeasurable heart called a flush?
A: Not a gauge not fun exhaust IE. Discharge in two other seats also, why? Because the other person for non life gauge is not fun, each anniversary of birth, when a pole, when long, clear, and each anniversary of the Buddha are unknown; discharge of sensory information in seven districts Center if feeling non-college costs and fall not, at the time of discharge. If when the bass is the planet tons of ideas, if when the dynamic center of photography. The writer, pratyekabuddha or when NIE eccentricity, vibration Center not yet equal discharge sailings, and Buddha in the center of each anniversary of the deep rough, shallow leadership knows everything, know then discharge.
Question: If so, why did the Buddha because Nan-da says, the Bhikkhu-stilts that: Nan-da life for the birth, while feeling enlightened head, while removal of sensory knowledge. The idea of the buds as well?
A: the Feeling to know there are two: 1. who knew in life size Feeling of birth know the life gauge is being, the life gauge head knows the life gauge head, the life gauge down to know the life gauge removal; lost birth life expectancy birth, long-lost tribe of unknown universes know the life expectancy, peanut-based contact killer know life Club. Real-life communication nor any gauge. Just learned chess in General don't know chess. 2. in each book have life gauges, lost any real-life communication framework, life span evenly buds all know. Mindful of France in every anniversary, what are not unaware that missed. Thus spoke Buddha there didn't know was discharged.
Then again, that when Buddha put beings, to enter the meditation even penetrating a month for two months. Someone suspected: Buddha because the beings that created, how often to import? Buddha said: We have enough human fate got it should discharge, rather than not do not know were to discharge.
Q: what was the coast guard knew then discharge?
A: for the masses tired mhàm bored should rest.
Then again, the eternal Buddha usually Hanh far preferred, when the Bo-slapped in the pregnant mother, the mother also be far, away from the forty miles in the park Forest – even the birth of Romanian Bhikkhu, when the leader, in the forest-long-Tan-speaker (Uruvela) alone in under the tree as the Buddha, originally to Zhuan Falun is also staying in the Woods where Deer forerunner in, at the Nirvana, then under Our tree-la song tho, your favorite forever happy action far cups. So Buddha in meditation.
Then again, the Buddha is often achievement for equanimity in meditation.
Then again, the Buddha often depart noisy place-one self, language magazine of Germany's schools of Mahayana Buddhism, the pure fun first, so on meditation.
Then again, when the Buddha sermon complete, usually taught the Bhikkhu-stilts so meditative, to back out of remorse, his mouth said and also do the same, so on meditation.
Then again, the same aversion seems to be, knowing beings who deserve, on Human Chemistry to do meditation.
Then again, there is much wisdom to little beings, should the current Catholic meditation to a close.
Then again, there are people who often see Buddha birth Buddha mundane, should temporarily shunned to make them hungry to see.
Then again, Buddha wanted the sermon for lettered, so in that net tern.
Then again, the Buddha wanted to make rules for the hereafter, so meditative.
The Buddha himself Zhuan Falun is done, bring it back to the entrusted his disciple, in meditation.
Then again, the two Scouts to NIE turned beings: 1. meditation, 2. wisdom. Buddha sermon in between, is currently a wisdom; in that out-of-stock photography is a meditation.
Then again, being for six ceiling has three acts: see the beauty being excited, seeing good ugly being pros, see colors not pretty not bad being discharged, so Italy know France so well. Buddha for six very bare himself in, in that excited the pros who are suffering the discharge, as is being said in the Scriptures as Italy.
As such, the personnel should coast into meditation, maybe didn't know was discharged.
Education does not decrease: Buddha know the French charity's favour, so often like to group the French charity, he desires non-decreasing. Practice the French charity, the mind does not know silly enough, sex is not reduced. The contender as a Bhikkhu elders-stilts, blind eye patch Dress Up-an old, metal strings were not, tell people that one desires blessed German, please take metal strings. The time of Buddha in front, said: I am the person who desires a German approval of not knowing silly enough, insert the needle he here. Bhikkhu-stilts she tries to see the light of Buddha, Buddha's audio know, the white Buddha that Buddha's merit: the immeasurable, both ends of the editor, why can't be enough?
Buddha said Bhikkhu-stilts: the very deep German bitten, no one that I know the grace of Germany. We still have the end of international border of Germany, which had no desire for our Mind wanders enough should be known as the Buddha, so far still the ham. Although there is no general merit to DAC, that's my desire not to stop.
Chu, who was born to amaze, with Buddha, Germany also do not know what the other person or situation, enough boring.
Buddha said to the Bhikkhu-stilts, was now bright meat eyes, wisdom labels are achievements.
Q: as the Buddha, who ends the desire for all the French charity, how far says no desire rising?
A: the Stated end of desire for all friendly France is not yet want to be, want to increase interest, Buddhas have no such desire, all the Buddha was sufficient, there is no merit whatsoever, nor does it increase the useful. Now comes the desire to say, Buddhism but have enough merit that all desires well merit alone; such a horse race, but go to the place where the mind desires to go non-stop, to die for not giving up. Buddha said so.
Again huge fire at shit, burnt out three heavenly heavenly world, where the fire did not stop, the fire and wisdom of Buddha as well as such, burnt out negativity, the France's Samyutta desire to intellectually did not capitalize.
Then again, the Buddhist merit-all full of good French, which beings not yet full, so the mind wants the non-stop to think.
Q: If Buddha wants the beings have not stopped to think, why You to Nirvana?
A: Max beings there are two ways: either the current prime rate funds, or have the stars when the Buddhist Nirvana DAC. As in the United States say: chemist and physician gave the child, the child should, therefore, superseded in Nirvana.
Then again, there being no padded base thin German Ambassador was, can only sow Phuoc Duyen's German, so should be in Nirvana.
Q: after the Buddha's removal, also has the credentials to be A-la-Han, how say can only sow Phuoc Duyen's Germany?
A: While there is A-la-Han, but at least should not say. As Buddha left in my life, once the sermon, there are countless beings in the ten directions, DAC, such as the Buddha destroyed the forecast does so, for as large water conquest, but little is not called. So, while being not yet full, that Buddha into Nirvana.
Then again, in An overpaid Shurangama-strictly speaking: Buddha in the world, long lived 700 A-rose-States, the escape being. So say the Buddhas have the desire not to lose.
Effort does not decrease: As saying that sexual desire in the exercise does not reduce above, is essential.
Q: If so no non-eighteen. Again, exercise and effort are two different numbers mind, why say exercise is effort?
A: Exercise is new departure, exercise of growth called effort. As Buddha said: all France, exercise is essential. As the thirsty to drink, effort as coast guard personnel means, to be drunk. Is the mind wants to be, effort is to be it. Italian sex industry, effort in three career. Education is of, effort is there. Wrong like that.
Then again, effort is what Chu like Buddha, as the Germans Love-Romanian houses Buddha due to physical effort that exceed nine thumbs up Prime proof Loads upper level Chief Justice Chief Justice.
Then again, as stated once Buddha said A-nan: you make the sermon for the Bhikkhu-stilts, one of back pain a rest for a while. And then The Sun folded y Wrath-multi-la-falling four floorings under, taking old-Growth y Chile pillow set. Then A-nan on the meaning of sensory seven sections, to the sense of effort, the Buddha heard suddenly sit up speaking with A-nan: he spreads the exclamation effort? A-nan ladies: evening of the thumbs! So say three times.
Buddha's praise: heals instead! heal instead! tu cited effort, until the Chief Justice, Associate Chief Justice of the upper Mineral sensations while testifying are, what the solutions to other leaders. By that time, Buddha effort does not decrease. At the disease longer nonstop, conditions are not pathological.
Then again, the Buddhas because the beings ought to get pleasure in meditation, perhaps even using other types of body, the vernacular types, media types to the escape being, that when going through the accident, have bad food when they eat, that when subjected to cold, heat, there to see the detailed data-mouth, ' Ta yelled at nhiếc, still bearing not bored. Buddha, The Religion but did himself in with France, which runs the League he favors, such as a Buddha being done, in the middle of the Forest Fire under dollar tree song tho. Pham Tu-epilogue-Chi-da-la told A-nan: I heard the Messiah necessarily, going to Nirvana tonight, I would like to meet Buddha. A-nan stop saying Buddha sermon for everyone, are tired.
Remote heard the Buddha said: A-nan to him the Tu-bi-Tuo on, this is the last disciple.
Tu-bi-multi stays on, ask Buddha for Buddha, spot in my sermon, Tu-bi-da end, be directed, enter Loads residual Nirvana before the Buddha.
The Bhikkhu-Bach on stilts: the very Respect that Buddha is United, until finally also mercy Date-Solstice layman, which together said.
Buddha said: I have just this last time lifetime plat, which before have not privileged, at finally turned. A-immeasurable boost-past life cycle, large forested, there are many beasts, inner fire to burn, red fire on three sides, with only one side which is a water stream, beast with a term that the encyclopedia, do not place the network. We then close the deer to your network, getting front foot guards over a shore, back foot against a shore, causing the beasts on the back of a bicycle that goes through our flesh, half-off, because of your compassion should ring is to die for, then a rabbit going to atefeh was pneumatics, self, to attempt, made it through, through your back, I snapped, fell into the water but died. Such things have long since, but not only. The beast through the current disciples, while the rabbit through the last Tu-bi-Tuo.
Eternal Buddha happy effort remains relentlessly, so say effort is not reduced.
Mantras are not rising: all wisdom of the Buddha with Samyutta lettered three years, should recite fully reduced.
Q: before the said anniversary not bugs, now says no memory of falling. Anniversary no error, no idea is one or the other? If a bidder also said, if different then the other?
A: the Very notion is misleading, reduce ballooning is not up. Very notion is misleading in the dread, turn their bent Memorial facilities does not reduce the stay in meditation God, meditate on the past, present, and smoothly without hindrances.
Q: why does the Buddha alone reduced mantras have?
A: Rod, pratyekabuddha, cleverly renovated four anniversary of Memorial should be solidly, recite while solidly but also reduce spending, not smoothly, as in the Tri force student networking says: The writer, pratyekabuddha, ideas about student's network in eight van KIEP Street, for the sweeping reductions, as well as for the detailed Empire management, not every notion of distinction, and the Buddha within each anniversary are clearly distinguished three General. Buddhist there is a France would go through without a thought in mind, so there is no concept of Buddha alone.
Again, the position of student resources network according to the notion that knowing, Buddhas for the power he has, the writer, pratyekabuddha left with no notion of what the other person doesn't stop!
Then again, because of the myriad Buddhas mind necessarily afraid to release constables reciting mantras, so it does not fall. Due to the charm so, Buddha is celebrated not decreasing.
Wisdom does not decrease: Buddha was all intellectual rights should not fall. Infinite wisdom should concern third wisdom does not decrease.
Then again, ten, four of the four infinite minds not afraid, afraid of achievements, the anniversary is not reduced.
Then again, such as the oil is full of heart, good light, the strong light of Buddha, as well as such, oil Tam-I United Kingdom the tam-I meditated, heart of lights without falling, so the intellectual light no immeasurable.
Then again, from beginning play in countless, immeasurable life contains groups of all intellectual, deep down because the spinal cord to the brain, eyes, rid of possessions in what alms, jumping into the fire, sow down the mountain, skinless cut, so there is no gauge bearing, for the mind because of the intellectual property group should not decrease.
Then again, the wisdom of the Buddhas because of all the German stronghold, meditation helps, so wisdom is not reduced.
Then again, the eternal search for all books, France, France, rough, good real good study knows, should the intelligence does not decrease.
Then again, from ten schools of immeasurable means Buddha, listening to, reading, thinking, litigation practice, problems, intellectual property is not reduced.
Then again, for all beings, for rising interest all friendly France, breaking all ignorance, so wisdom is not reduced.
Then again, it's the wisdom to know the General non-contentious remedies do not kill, do not clean, no stigma, no work, no onions, no position, not knowing the most French of general equality, purity as frivolous, no infection, no front, no two in France, the French General should be any second. France urges real second enter boundless, immeasurable wisdom does not decrease. The coast guard, the intelligence is not reduced.
The rescue does not decrease: there are two: the owners of the rescue and wuwei. Huu vi liberation is Liberation Samyutta with pirated radio. Wuwei is freed is the whole set of impurity gases end up no longer. Theravada Buddhism for two freed does not decrease, because why? Because Thanh Van, pratyekabuddha, intellectual acumen, not negativity does not end to end, so the intelligence has decreased, while the Buddhist wisdom along with the sharp, clean end to defilements gas permanently no longer, so the rescue did not decrease.
Then again, as in pirated clips take force said, freed of the Buddha and The writer are no different. The Buddhas are pirated forces should take advantage of the free is not reduced, the second being no stop should the rescue has reduced.
Tri-liberating opinion does not decrease: Buddha for freeing intellectual purity, boundless, immeasurable called tri-liberating comments off.
Question: Buddha for the whole of France is not reduced, why only six non-reducing?
A: for all the self benefit, benefit, four things can make full: Sex at its roots the expectation all in good faith. Effort real possibilities. Meditate on the possibility its households, such as usher, who improved on, evil people. Tueä soi all disciplines, end all afflictions. Use four France, work achievements.
Result of four of France's two: 1. release. 2. tri-liberating idea. That freed as before said. Also that the tri-liberating user freed tri knows two General comments he is freed and wuwei.
Know the general release, it's the time of liberation, freeing era, wisdom liberation, moksha, liberation, Necro, indestructible freed, eight freed, possible investment offers free, infinitely afraid to release ... Distinguish the generals freed durable non-durable, he called tri-liberating comments off. As in the paragraph talking about worship Buddha, achievements in loads smuggled aggregates, freeing tri opinion aggregates, has said.
Question: free tri opinion, just say know, why did you say?
A: Talk, talk comments, the are sturdy; for like two seconds innings as a durable period.
Then again, if only to know, not all photographers and collectors, as organ Treatise says, Wisdom has three things: got to know isn't found, there is no need, there is also well know. Know I can't see is to take place of birth, position, position Samyutta in consciousness. No one must know of eight rings (the French Gauge rings, the French set rings, kill France French leaders ring, ring, ring type, ring type, volume gauge, ring type, ring type kill-N. D), the primary world opinion, five ties. Also know as well that is the intellectual property rights. If said when not included see, if it comes to see the photography collectors not knowing, so says tri full era.
Then again, as the Court read, distinguish, supposed by the caller is told that itself is said to be found, such as a headset, it is still suspect, he is told that the eye can see, clearly not suspected, he is seen. Know and see for free also so different.
Then again, some say: A-la-Han and Yi for his own liberation, could not itself be A-la-Han or not is A-la-Han. Buddha because he saw the top flaps should say Holy for liberation, also know as well. The A-la-Han dynasty but was freed tri which freed mind comments off as not necessarily, because no intellectual accomplishments align upper upper, as being distinct from general legal birth when in each book; also Buddhist intellectual achievement of the upper House, said the French Prime Minister during the birth and separate each anniversary, so freeing tri comments off.
Then again, the full achievement of France with purity as mentioned in the French sense label. Known beings left by the door does not release into Nirvana, beings Infinite doors due to general release on Nirvana, being left by the door working out on Nirvana; -One door left by beings known to the five aggregates, twelve, eighteen, because such disciplines are freed.
Buddha tri-liberating for ants know all know all over, so said. Buddha tri-liberating comments off.
Whole body, whole password, all your career, take wisdom: Buddha, all export, Italy career before know and follow it to know that. Body, Buddha mind, the client's business, every action both of benefits being, for so called prior to know and according to wisdom. As in say: vassal state of Buddha to breathe in breathe out while the benefit being, what case, export, Italy career trying to do without benefits? The evil beings resentment sounded nostalgic breath gas out of Buddha, who credits were popular, fun place for Buddhist: Chu Thien Huong heard Buddha's breath gas also dropped in, which played the mind Institute. So, say, Italian industrial and export, under the intellectual. Thanh Van, pratyekabuddha no alibi. The mind tries to do good and environmentally friendly, the new company, to which Italy is available when signed, not by wisdom that self being, what other scenarios, such as Bhikkhu-stilts Kieu-date-three-title while testifying are A-la-Han that the elegant self sustenance and then chew; his career is not over.
As Bhikkhu on stilts-A-la-Ma-Han early Tuesday-Wednesday-da jump on rafters, hanging up on the wall, tree.
As Bhikkhu on stilts-all Tomb-old-granny-I yelled at Ganges that "the girl". So is the fuselage gun industry ahead of a no-brainer not according to wisdom. Buddha has no alibi.
Q: If so what Buddha had when user passwords in a theatrical performance not by wisdom, why? Because when the Buddha inside them pagan theory that they are non-credit tho?
The Buddha once again in the middle of a mass, pitching his chest for Ni-e-qian'an County seen? Because a person suspected of not seeing the two generals that Buddha in the middle of the tongue and General presentation of the mass General Museum sound? The disciples scolded back, you are stupid fans! yelled at you-multiple-Threads you're the guys who died, his spit vomiting! Buddha the boundary does not allow holding eight custard thing, only for the latter to use stilts-Bhikkhu custard or those or by set, which again used the stone bowl of Buddha? Sometimes the Buddha, ' pagan silence does not reply?
The Buddha here tells owners fell over there, said anatta; It said the French have, there comes the French No. So user password of Buddha in a theatrical performance not according to wisdom. User password not to be absent from the industry, the industry must also have when not in wisdom, so why say Buddha is usually according to wisdom?
A: say so not true. For the tasks are ahead are intellectual, and the industry in which intelligence, because why? Because the Buddha in the middle of them, but this layman knows they don't believe tho, but because human large coast to sow. Back to pagan barbarism high Buddha himself said there, so Buddha himself goes on in them. The layman said Buddha himself said there is an international bi Center all over all, but only because the four of them, and we here also the renunciation request relief without theory! Back in Baghdad it said: Buddha arrived between pagan theory, they do not say no again tho. Buddha from afar to see pagan Congress, loudly comment, intended to place, come back to go into here. The comment suggested the remote teacher saw the Buddha went to his own talk with each other, saying, ye be silent! Theravada Buddhism is the preferred President, saw the silent people, You can go here.
Both of them instant silence. Buddha goes on between them was then novel three racks for Ba-la-Mon, Pagans were silent. People think Buddha was huge evil obscures this marvelous micro, France, that until there is a trial as his disciple. Think so, then from stand up, people who'd quit ma che, instant thought to myself: we are listening to legal acts, why not grab as self interest, associated with the Buddha, Buddha's disciple, DAC, absent from the gauge.
Then again, Gentile disciples fearing their teacher, should not dare to Theravada Buddhism, the Buddha himself goes on between them then, they heard the French fortified life, no longer fearing their master again, dollar disciple of Buddha, or a privileged space. The charm of such intelligence, should go into them pagan.
Then again, Slapped-reviews-ni-e-copper leaves hopea abdominal self-protection, vowed: no user would be me accident advice without sweating ruined. Large elephant until grass of glass stones, hear my advice ' are also sweating! Swear like that and then come to the Buddha; comment with Buddha. Buddha neither were questioned, decanting, sweat pouring down, both as muse. Buddha said-hopea, before he swore that no one would hear me interview victims without sweat, now was he sweating. He directed a try, see the sweat? Then take your medicine Buddha of wrath-multi-la-rose only to him and asked, sweating?
Then again, some say, or have the sweat itself doesn't sweat, but the Buddha head not to sweat which must be kin sweat, so Buddha ride y Wrath-Tara-increase display human body very Pagan, that believe Gen. Buddha, both into the Dharma, then multiply the intellectual affinities, stem careers.
The Buddhist presentation of General tongue, General audio is because someone does close two facilities where General Buddha, which he has a prime, Prime, so there's no facilities just so the Buddha set out two General shows. Lè tongue out covered entire face, tongue while big that back inside the mouth nor hindrances, he found it out. There are people that came out, or tongue seen being mindful of contempt, lè tongue baby, when you see the tongue back in her mouth that theory does not suffer setbacks, who kicked the instant respect, merit.
The General facilities of the Museum audio Buddha do not show. The day The Sun turned as elephants, horses race; There are general sound, just shows your audio generals and said Buddha is not there, just the same. Someone said, the Buddhist presentation of general sound, only for a person seen to end to their facilities. The Conference says: Buddha has great compassion mind if people do see the general tone of the Buddhist charity groups that may contain one, playing Center and Bodhi mind very happy tantrum, then credit the Buddhas are making are found, stop their heart facilities, there is no one to be seen.
Buddha because Center bi level beings should for three people temporarily laid off for they see as fast as lightning dictionary, the beings he saw Buddhist believe that Buddha, rather than the bi Center for French players no Buddha's remains. Due to the multiplication of such charm should now display the two generals, it ain't no joke, for example, didn't know Tiger.
Buddha said harsh words with the Bhikkhu-stilts: he was an idiot. Harsh words have two types: 1. the mind structures, umbrellas Golf angry yelling at nhiếc. 2. As mercy beings like to higher education.
People who don't even have education glass box structure what incident, angry pitch nhiếc yelled at Buddha Buddhist mercy Catholic culture because it! should speak harsh words. There are beings hear the soothing gentle teachings do not include decent scouts was, to say the word fierce new hind brought into relief. As the horse or see instant roi ball runs, the more stupid are blueberries new pain; as well as have scabies are calming drugs, spraying the DAB links, got scabies have to grab a knife slicing meat off dead, anointing themselves smoking new data.
Then again, harsh words there are five: 1. Say spin. 2. Mouth said and also spin. 3. the mouth speaks evil and also spin, disappointed. 5. don't Mind negativity that harsh words spoken to Roman Catholic turned Sami, distinguish both friendly real friendly, pull out the tribulation Earth beings. Four evil language stuff enough values very heavy charges. Aùc speaker Tuesday, two, a guilty softly. Every Buddhist disciples renunciation Prime witness directed the first, secondly dictate slaves with evil words, isn't real leaders.
Featured photographer: has two facilities Act or say spin, or speak evil and embellishing. A-na-, A-la-Han, there is no impurities from evil words, just due to meditate, to speak to Catholic culture should mean and say spin. A-na-, A-la-Han and no evil words start negativity what Buddha incident.
Then again, if Buddha had stiff words, should not, should not fall victim to the Buddha with evil mind played out stiff speech, because why? Because the evil Buddhist has ended long ago, just because the mind thinking beings like wholesome father taught me, but sharply there, also because the only accomplishment for me, isn't. At Buddha's also Portuguese slapped, three toxic and yet, as a forerunner named number one armed!-deals with the evil King cut the ears, nose, hands, feet without being evil minds, not saying a Word. The time is not privileged, and no malevolence, what case was Infinitely superior Chief Justice Chief Justice College, three poison out, full Center of compassion for beings, why is Buddha facilities have harsh word, evil.
Then again, if you're the fool says Buddha, then he was the calming words, words really are, why? Because three poisoned arises called sleeper, bring the Gospel do not benefit to the turtle but without success, don't know what Buddha, Buddha is not life, he is head of an idiot.
Then again, the Buddhas inside always intellectually egolessness, outside often the French did not, so then how is that bad password? That's only because the beings do not understand the mind of Buddha, should scrap the sayings of the Buddha, if beings understand Buddha took deep pity, suppose Buddha makes jump into instant fire, such as jumping into the wedding Festival over-heated jump into cool water ponds, what Buddha incident saying only that refuses head tho. Beings suffer evil obscures didn't know, so Buddha brought deep thinking, which does not lead the life of Buddha words. so, Buddha said you're the idiot.
Then again, there are people who listen to talk tough is pleased to say: because of injuries we should say so. So Buddha said you're the idiot.
Buddha says: the Subject-you-hit you're the guys who died, his cattle spit. People went because her heavy guilt-Threads will reach far into the hell A-Bhikkhu, so say the three words. The dead are data mining, as the person may not contain groups of articles. Also because the Threads-BA-reaching the head shaved, data mining, such as holy, but inside there is no wisdom there, should be called the dead. As the dead are enough jewelry that slowly infiltrate the target, may not make life be, Threads-she-hit as well. Buddha on Church goods enough ways that the more powerful malevolence, evil French real improve on increasing, until the cause of the three crimes is reported, so called dead. The animal spat is because Threads-she-boon joined the Agency achieved which turned to the child Court itself, in the hands of the King of hugging A-beams-so, Kings than his mouth, asshole should spit saliva and gargle. So called the cattle spit.
Q: Subject-you-hit was meditation, has left, why also gargle with water the pieces of others?
A: the malevolence also deep, there was also sharp, left for should be able to evolve, as the animals saliva associated loss, because sharp when looking back links are, so should be called the cattle spit. That frenetic as the previous paragraph has to say.
Then again, because Threads-she-hit the white Buddhist: Buddhism has weak often like Shiv, He can go to the forest itself, can increase them handed to me. Buddha says: the echo Residence-benefits-your-hopea-... have great wisdom, the gentleness, the need for peace, purity, We did not give Up what the NIE case, you're the guys who died, his cattle spit.
The coast guard, the Buddha for France while not infected before that because of the higher education bill should say harsh words.
The Buddhas not to use stilts-first eight Bhikkhu custard: The eight treasures of gold, silver, because treasures were people, hard-earned, being in wrecked, so don't store treasures that, so don't be taken hand-held, also not stored the mailing said, if any do translation countries, time is used, because you no longer value. The bowl of wood structures, being easily dirty, impure so it is not for the taking. Three other bowls (glass, stone,) there are no such things.
Q: the bowl of glass, also prone to other no dirty wooden Bowl structure, why allow user?
A: the Bowl, porcelain, or smoked are also not allowed, so should not be smoked dirty profile. Bowl of coarse rock,. Its structure is also not smooth Ðá dirt for self Respect should be used, but the Buddha is not for heavy-use stilts Bhikkhu, Buddhist, as it's more than ten thousand white elephants, so it is not believed to be severe. Because of the trade of the Bhikkhu-stilts should not allow user.
Question: fake A La-da, Du-Shan-Tu, ca-na-da-la, Na-elderly-ta-BA-la, A-nan ... often carry Buddha most custard, why Buddha unsympathetic?
A: The attendant still carry the bowl of the Buddha, but because of the German mind and because the Buddha dread respect respect for Buddha, should not know. Again, the resources A-nan was also tremendous.
Then again, because of the smooth stone bowl of its hard-earned, while the grey rough stick texture are dirty, should not allow the user to.
Stone bowl of Buddha nature being in the final four of the four kings of heavens, the others don't have the natural Bowl, if found to have to make very difficult, with the loss of many obstacles, so Buddha is not permitted.
To the bowl of the Buddha with disciples, so the Buddha use the bowl of ice.
As the monarch, was generally adhered to, then the map used to eat well. Someone saw the bowl of the Buddha with bowl of others, the more respectful donation, contentious trusts the mind pure.
Question: If the average Bowl had to why other y gay?
A: the Y of the Buddha as well. When the new Buddha, Buddha's medicine known Ca-Romaine, suitable to the Buddha. Medicine Buddha's Ca-Romaine worth ten thousand gold. Later Liang y-bridges (Jivaka) consecration of Buddha Ingress y-ma-battle-Fang-evangelist also worth ten thousand gold. Buddha A-nan took her medicine tailoring the elderly rise-y Chile. Finish sewing Buddha get carried, then the other.
Q: that's the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts, since now is the most global mind would stilts-Bhikkhu Nirvana, left off the Earth, if one wants to wear y worth ten thousand gold, also allows ate hundreds. Food, medicine and other wear which allows private copying, the average bat does not allow?
A: Before I talk about the coast's Rocky Bowl, now add: bowl of Buddha's life is not received from the person. When the new Buddha, like to eat four containers need sky King Buddha mind, brought four custard surges of three Buddha Buddha life uses the average of four Bowl King, at the time, yet they raise, how lets say, if allowed, no one thinks back to the bowl of ice. Again the Match-fitness-loathe the bowl of ice, so nobody thinks that.
Then again, the Buddha Bhikkhu-khep should usually concealed the Germans, if stone Bowl receives the lifetime will say dragon from heaven's bowl that would be, if the person making the wife too hard. Afraid people say this to the horizontal stilts-Bhikkhu with Buddha, so Buddha is not allowed. And y, or some say Buddha increased receives good health forums-free to dress separately for Bhikkhu-stilts dressed up, so the Buddha allowed the wear. But the Bhikkhu-self doesn't wear well on stilts because the pilot had difficulty should the wearer difficult. If a Bhikkhu-stilts not purity while people don't worship, if the Bhikkhu-stilts purity is less willing, knowing enough, should not wear. The Buddha end or of the people, should be allowed to wear y, for custard then no urge, should not allow the user to.
Question: As in the Buddhist Dharani said, don't count, need to keep the Bowl?
A: the Dharma has two: 1. Thanh Van. 2. the Buddhist leader.
According to The French text, Buddhist, depending on how the routine of man have the eat used, also in France, Australian media because, should the we have to eat, which States it is not eaten.
Q: what is means?
A: the Buddha wanted a person should present a follow how humans, if not more so, people will say: the Buddha isn't people, we practiced was of Buddha.
Then again, there are fishermen who i multiply alms that privileged, because the class should Buddha receives their food, they soon think that: our food helpful relatives, should mind their very heart, Hy Hy Festival Festival that life credits his Buddha, as the monarch is lower than invited to eat, though the King does not needbut because acquiring stock photography he eat more or less, to give them the wedding Festival. Due to the charm so, real life does a Buddha.
Q: If the Buddhas not to eat then head of Buddha's life to?
A: the Buddha the impenetrable private summer residences, not to be questioned.
Then again, there are Buddha's food which had seen written, audio-DAC performance, touching, listening to village Prime. People need food, that privileged the Buddhas, then get to. As in Your area of Dharani said: Buddha took the food to the mouth, give the Sun globe Buddha, offers ten laboratory methods.
Q: If so, in the paragraph talking about Anniversary Increase formerly mentioned, the food of the Buddha does not have any beings can eat, how's that?
A: the Buddha not for no one could eat, now Buddhas for should be eaten, why? When Buddha eating circuit code, bringing sustenance for A-nan, Sa-Ii disciplines – cross-memory surges for soup Buddha, Buddha took the excess for the King of Qin-BA-ta-la Radio, so knowing the life of Buddha was forecast to go eat, not for time cannot digest.
Then again, because of the Buddha that Buddha, food settings not yet eaten, people eaten do not Digest excess food, feeding the digestive period Buddha. So, so true, however, that because an air feed, Buddha, so real life appears, put custard.
Buddha is not a fourteen accidents: the Buddha co ù4 how to answer: 1. Answers by decision for sure. 2. Answers by distinguished sense of clarity. 3. Answers by asking the opposite. 4. Answers by ignoring. Fourteen n n does matter, properly permitted should answer by ignoring.
Again the response time benefit. Pagan asked not for Nirvana, just increase or, should the Buddhas way responded by ignoring. Sure the useful time difference; did not have useful then skip not meeting. By Jesica, said Buddha is the highest setting.
Then again, if the Buddha said three types of France is French property en France wuwei, impenetrable French novel, said all of France.
Then again, the pagan Lady, Lady, usually based upon the removal, so ask, ask the removal. It's usually no general, snippets, so the Buddha not meeting. As the layman find usually, no job, so why? Just because the layman should often entangled in Prime, the Buddha, but said generally speaking, impermanence, because for that user only.
Then again, if there is no speaker, there is no such person, is sin. Buddha not meeting time not errors, such as the sun shining publicity, could not make it as high to low, low to high, only make the presence only. Buddha also, don't do anything else for the French, the French have to say yes, say no, while not as contentious as saying: charm for old, dead, until ignorance as to the coast; There is no Buddha Buddha, he usually favored legal equivalent in the world. During the Buddha's birth, because only beings presented France's shows.
Then again, if a paragraph is often have errors, such as asking her daughter's children, son of the Imperial gate is high or low, black or white, what kind? The question he should answer. Fourteen accidents advice also, only taking the original piece, usually done to ask. Because it's not General is usually not the Buddha should not meeting.
Due to the charm, the Buddha did not take fourteen accidents, no errors.
Theravada Buddhism in many places say yes falling, many places say not: If the people understand that the Dharma, said pretending, as saying that, if the person does not understand that Dharma did not know pretending, as saying no altogether.
Then again, the Buddha as being about to fallen into the killing, while saying that fall under blessed guilt thing coming. If people are coming into an often biased, because they say there is no ego, no work, no person, absent from the five aggregates pretending, then there is no one doing themselves in.
Question: If so, then what is it?
A: the egolessness is real. As in the three French press said: all (legal) impermanence, egolessness French full-heartedly, President of killing is Nirvana an OK. The French press is the General truth. If a good one is not yet mature, intellectual not Spry, Buddha did not say France egolessness training for them. If they destroy the piece in an instant.
Q: If so, as in the lyrics-Romaine asked, Buddha says fall is a party, egolessness is a party, the left side is the leader, so far say egolessness is real, there is the media saying?
A: Say egolessness there are two: 1. accept the Prime anatta, anatta expensive Scotch. 2. break the fall does not accept its anatta, anatta, not stick well with nature left off. So before saying egolessness is a party, then says egolessness is central.
Then again, the Buddha spoke owned fell egolessness there are two Coast Guard personnel: 1. follow a secular, said owners fork. 2. follow the first true General then said egolessness. So, says owner fell, egolessness is not an error.
Theravada Buddhism in many parts of the French-speaking, French-speaking in many places don't: q: there should in particular the French, not because there is not, there is no fall, why say it again?
A: not so. Dharma has two things: 1. non-beings. 2. France does not. Said anatta is said beings. Say no to France fell is only France do not. Say there is only said there is General pretending, for people who do not accept the first fallen saying there, for people who accept the previous fall in the five aggregates, as had earlier accepted it should only say there are five aggregates impermanence, suffering, no, egolessness, President of killing he called Nirvana.
Then again, there are two sections: 1. because the TA class that doesn't have its results announcement next, gauge Phuoc crime, should have fallen from generations after its results reported Cyber Fuk. 2. Since the previous accepted comments all incoming class is empty, nothingness, which says that all of France. Such is compounded, wuwei.
Then again, for being radical does not Spry Lam said anatta, for beings based Spry, profound wisdom, said the France it. No, because why? For if the removal era egolessness France, such as the shelf says:
"If clearly know anatta,
Someone like him,
The French may not celebrate,
Listen to no France doesn't worry ".
Says fall is possible Lady all France, if said anatta is, no place all alone.
Then again, the Dharma has two saying: if clearly says all non-French speaking time, if the media says, time said egolessness. Two way discourse are put into the elegant eight-three-la-suite. So in Buddhist scriptures say: your pathway to Nirvana are the same user, no other nẽo.
Then again, there are legal, many say to someone in the home, parents, career criminal Irene newspaper, because people in the most non-player Nirvana, so soak up front where the result report. For the most part, spice said anatta loads, because the renunciation part more towards Nirvana. The demand-led service life not Nirvana all France, naturally the President's removal is Nirvana.
Then again, there is a mature credit before the globe was the thing that so the new General and later discharged. Because the person class Buddha made of the French charity, quit the job. Those that did achieve the credit basis ... for legal they do not demand to have general ethical requirements that depart sanh. Because the person class Buddha said the French are not endless, possessed. Two things that are real, as the anonymous finger length also shorter, compared with middle fingers are short; compared to the little finger is long, short-long are true, say yes say no as well. Say yes, that is secular, and maybe the first meaning; say no, that is secular, sometimes is the first sense. Buddha said that fall, not fall, are all true.
Q: If two things are true, why not the exclamation that riveted much of Buddha destroyed stock have?
A: no, the invisible owner, is France's ten schools of all the Buddhas, the Holy Sage. As in the products of the elegant eight-economic crime Will ba-la-suite say: three elegant eight-dollars-suite is France's third Buddha in China, ten. The elegant three-Bowl-la-suite that is not detached property. When Buddha said yes, to Catholic culture being, often included in the Infinite organ in French possession.
Question: If so, why in the elegant eight-ba-la-suite says: If a the five aggregates are not infinite, is directed?
A: in the elegant eight-three-la-suite he said: Yes and no are not. As in the school Trão Breaking-even have three ties in: 1. all there. 2. not all. 3. half-half.
Trão date-Chi Buddhist school of thought: all owners of being infected by sex, being foolish, ruicheng county courts bind. All worthless opinion, is not infected, don't pitch, not si, do not immerse, not force. There is no half-half, have also forced as above, does the Council not be forced as above. For three minor comments, his disciples think: If we accept the whole life time friendly ants, along with two other class files, which is a class not full-heartedly and accept the people accept the half containing half not. If we accept the whole life span infinity well along with two other class files, which is the class had all agreed and there is no half-half handicap person class. If we accept the half life half not, also along with two other class files, which are not all accepted the class and the class had all accepted. Because the struggle should defame one another, as defamation should cause afflictions. Because of the struggling afflictions he should give up ridiculous comments, and the comments are also not fair tho, don't accept the still life was on.
If it does not accept the first peoples of France, who forecast no rise ended only struggles, but he, Fang called truth. If accept Prime Minister not of France, the fears that up to avoid, not destroying the unlawful use, relying upon wisdom, is not true. As Buddha said, because the beings which should be said, all are true, just because the French have for beings accept in advance not to accept in advance should be true to false.
Due to the multiplication of such charm, body, voice, the career of the Buddhas have no sin. So Buddha said, export, Italy first, then followed by that wisdom.
Q: at first said Buddha himself is not an error, no mouth bugs, not errors, far environmentally speaking Italian guns again according to that wisdom, that nothing wrong?
A: Before stating three things don't bug, not to Altaf people, now say that human intellect because according to coast should not mistake; If not environmentally productive starting amount of Italian industry had forecast exports up errors. Buddha before taking the intellectual start-up, password, cannot fault.
Then again, three achievements for Buddhist pure land; three things the President represents his career, three things real households.
Someone suspected what the coast guard personnel said: the Buddha's achievement in career? So should We all say: Buddha, password, your career ahead by wisdom, so according to that wisdom.
Theravada Buddhism take the wisdom to know the past, the future, currently, smoothly without hindrances: three things did intelligence for three years through not hindrances, so three career according to wisdom.
Q: The past France has destroyed, no longer have nothing; the hybrid unit method does not come forth yet in harmony; the current French, until in a celebration also has no time remained, how can know the three path through life?
A: the Buddha spoke the past, future, present, smoothly without hindrances, speech that is not frivolous lies.
Then again, without the past, the future, only the memory of a moment in the present, the Buddha nor achievements are immeasurable. As ten as ten resources, nor can one mindful there are ten positions. If so, the Buddha was not a full ten. So, the coast guard said that the past.
Question: If the past, the future, at present are, then what is? Buddha said four, the Roman Empire a general impermanent ... impermanence is being destroyed, ruined, possible DAC. If it's now past the French had not called impermanence, ruined, possible DAC.
Then again, if the past, the future, currently has, then fallen into the common opinion, why? Because France was certainly available in the future, shifting from the future to the present, from the present into the past, as people from one room to go into a room, not known as a loss?
A: If not lost, at fault?
Q: If not impermanent, while not guilty not blessed, not being no death, no tie is not open. Guilt is ten career leader real friendly-suicide--if not impermanent, while not guilty of murder. As the distinguished ties comments say, the blade goes through the middle of the seven parts of the body (the pagan Faction Pakudha advocates seven elements: Earth, water, wind, non-miserable, cheer, spirit, into the fuselage. Seven factors independent of each other-ND), does not cause brain damage. Blessed are the ten career leader in good, real close ... impermanence is the distinction of being, if not infinitely often also have no birth nor death tied, not open, so incredibly wrong?
A: The French in three years has the French General, the past is the past, French General and its hybrids have the general situation existing in France, the current Prime Minister. If past France, becoming a hybrid that has the current Prime Minister, should have no problem '. Now to the past, the future, there are General.
Then again, if it's not the past, the hybrid also has no spice, for evidentiary facilities law? Because if the current head of malevolence, the past does not have longevity, then isn't that Bhikkhu-stilts.
The Holy Sage tier mentality in the secular, then travelers value for the divine Lady; Since there is no command in the past, the future, the present. So also not guilty of five crayons (kills the father, killed his mother, kill A-la-Han, hurt themselves, break the harmony Rose-ND), because why? Because of our poor play had passed, when the dead went to hell, five against him in the future with no career should not report, did not present himself as guilty. If there is no past time are innocent fun, if not a crime against fashion, not guilty. Blessed also, if not indicted, he is blessed deviant ideas, different beasts!
Then again, we're not talking the past, the future is as the current Prime Minister has said, the past still kills that can remember thought, mind mind arises of France, like fire shut down the past few days, today could remember retrospect, unable to speak because of the mind idea to be so instant fire there. Or see the essence of birth tribute Center also says it will fire. Tomorrow's fire as the fire was over, who could not be there because the thought of flames of fire raising. The hybrid status as well. The current mentality, although not remained on the same song, recite a contentious procedure, so it can know the France. Inside due to the noted as current, externally due to France's coast line from the work arises consciousness, using self awareness in the French know the past, the future, currently, only not know mind mind of France at present, there are known to be.
Q: In general such as the elegant eight-business-la-suite say: three years is just a general, which is ridiculous, why say Buddhist wisdom to know three lives smoothly without hindrances?
A: the Buddhist schools of two way discourse: first distinguish the French, later said it. don't. If French-speaking third, smoothly without hindrances, then differentiate says, if say a third General loads, then say it..
Then again, not necessarily rank position, for three years the wisdom mind, until the Holy Sage Avalokiteśvara, Van-enemies-master-Loi, Maitreya, Xa-benefits-disqualified for three intellectual life has its obstacles. So, the coast guard said the wisdom of the Buddha for the three years through path, not because of it.
Then again, there are people who for three years birth ties that France past and being there in the beginning, there is no original. If there is an original new beings living being. The French Republic does s/he sanh. If not original nor final. If not original, not at last the middle. There is there between, there after, not before; Finally, there is the Middle, no; There are between the following are there. If the beings and France do not have original nor between not following. If not three years, absolutely nothing.
Then again, if there is no original, how has order necessarily position? Because of the ties of such comments, saying the three most established chess, which is General; rather than break the wisdom of three life of Buddha.
Question: what is the General Multitude property editor?
A: If the radio General news, as France could not say how victims could not say was owned editors.
If in General which accept the Prime Minister, is ridiculous. Infinity's Prime Minister called the impossible does not, in General, is also a prime radio-the impossible is not impossible as well, so the call is not a prime.
Then again, there are two: 1. approval of Germany. Someone heard the Buddha has the power of ten, four detached property, four position loads concerned, eighteen non-French General, who being respect the good news. 2. wisdom. Someone heard the French by birth, mix Jesica should not have left the Mainland, Leanne French, for "no" mentality does not accept, as the Moon or the Sun, or animal repellent made nine, thanks to two Coast Guard personnel--everything was. Approval of Germany and wisdom as well. Blessed Germany or being the merit, Intelligence Director for the German Director Irene or absent from the deviant comments accept in advance. So, Buddha but said it. No, which also speaks through three life path, without error.
As such, a brief history of eighteen uses non-French speaking of Buddha.
Question: If so, why Ca-fried-land-said ten, four infinity lt facility, bi, three just doesn't collectively, called the French General not eighteen? If earlier said eight French General is not, what shift-chips-land-death also said French public not eighteen?
A: the so called Ca-fried-land-death, also if is Like Prince did not say so. Love said the French speaking public is not real. Dharma immeasurable, thirty-six of France's (Radio 4, 10 Lt, bi, ba, French General No 18-ND) just a drop of water in the sea, Dharma, France no less, how infections of eighteen?
Then again, the A-la-Han, pratyekabuddha, Bo-slaps also has ten force knows the right moral unchristian, distinguished career thing coming third, the meditation for the smuggled take place ... Why say (Ca-fried-land-said her French 18-ND) is France not common?
Q: The Van, pratyekabuddha, Bo-slaps cannot know all know throughout, and only, no force, private Buddha knows most knows all over, should say no, as in ten force say?
A: the Buddha said that ten, not saying know all know all over, just say now is knowing the right moral wrong. Say know all know all over the comment Conference says.
Q: the previous crisis he himself says in the Ðại admit says: Buddha so Bo-slaps that saying know all know all over?
A: in An overpaid said, to him, he did not believe An overpaid, should not lead the witness. He should speak out on France Culture Radio testified.
Then again, though the Buddha knows know all over, that The writer, pratyekabuddha there are less parts, and eighteen non-French General (only Buddhas have-ND) as The writer, pratyekabuddha before later escaped. So called non-generic.
Q: non-Binary, eighteen General overcapacity should also take part, the Buddha-body only password bug still not usually recited the second redundant user passwords are not errors. So should have the part?
A: no, because why? Because the new error is usually not called not common, not only because no error that is not common. Thanh Van, pratyekabuddha, for usually not bugs, invisible part.
Then again, there it says A-la-Han Chinese there, no place would say A-la-han have no French General, he did not believe An excess should not receives eighteen France not real common, says infection numbers ten power ... it can't be. 80 as his beauty, the tripiṭaka there, why not try again?
Q: we distinguish eighteen non-French General, do not coincide. What is eighteen? 1. Know what the generals, known as necessarily. 2. General the merit of Buddha confusing, should merit immeasurable. 3. deep down are often thought of being, should be called off. 4. investors can place no one should, by the intellectual self in. 5. Manual to understand the mind often, so committed. 6. investors can have the means of being, should turn himself in chemistry. 6. investors can have the means of being, should turn himself in chemistry. 7. Smart human knows the coast of France, should sign the immeasurable distinction. 8. the General truth, especially not fictional lies. 9. distinguish transition energies said, should say no. 10. achievements was ten, so wisdom is not reduced. 11. in all compounded the French Consulate, only micro capacitor egolessness, should usually Hanh tu release discharge. 12. Manual what to forecast is not forecast, an establishment where t admit because one usually beings. 13. Most Often, so it is not lost. 14. Good heart far deeper in A immeasurable-rising-gas volume should be no next life any negativity. 15. investors can place the foot, so no one can exactly as France's only error was. 16. In life respect should be dignified ranks of General, wealthy girl can not see. 17. Tu Center compassionate, so an wall to foot of the foot such as nhuyến, beings meet sailings are fun. 18. Sir I cleared the three-dollar suite should turn of mind beings make Prime an wedding Festival; as if going into the turn, the current powers?
A: eighteen France, not so common in the tripiṭaka said, which are also not talking. Because someone looking for France, should the Conference counsel The writer feeds it, and there compose again, riveted the exclamation of the Buddha as saying: say no bugs, no wisdom, no notion, which is from the French General Australian eighteen non-redundant leads out to comment. However, there are General, wealthy girl can not see the foot needs nhuyến, so very much, don't get in the eighteen non-French. General non-sampled wisdom made sense. The Buddha's body like ten thousand white incense bearers and powers that neither pine said, so should know in General, only eighteen non-French speaking to German public intellectual, not talking to the thing coming naturally.
Then again, the French General not eighteen, in A-distinguished photography collection-Bhikkhu dam on the five aggregates. Dear, dear, not mouth the mouth in wisdom, the NIE on good aggregates. Not a horror fantasy, the NIE on ideas, not uncertainty, the NIE to NIE rest, form on operator aggregates, which are in the four meditation. Buddha in meditation in four DAC, DAC Nirvana.
Someone said: the four best in the General non-France (Hull no bugs, no mouth errors, user, password under administrative wisdom-ND), the NIE on Gender Identity, gender, sexual, the other common non-photographic equipment in nine locations; are all good; the French were deeply contraband. Four French colors by Coast Guard and increased the upper coast delivery France left by four charming being; the four non-French charm, fourteen French charm. Four of France under the seat, not with the Samyutta, thirteen France Samyutta with mind as well as the capital, a French non-Samyutta with mind nor in the mind. Such uses are distinguished in A-Bhikkhu-radio.
Initially such discrimination, in the elegant eight-three-la-suite, it's the whole French generals were a general, which is ridiculous, the Center Buddha all generals are destroyed.

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