Wednesday 5 March 2014

Happy Spring Mix Maitreya.
A greeting often heard from the yard Vietnam, "New Year wish you a full brother to her children enjoy Spring Maitreya," primordial from and what it means?
According explained Master De Niem, in Full book for Spring, "Spring Spring Maitreya is happy, full of joy boundless, no problems, no bother, no anxiety, is not happy spring time weather season to go, which is Annual spring eternal, eternal spring 'feet often, spring development capabilities holiness. "
Maitreya is a historical figure in Buddhism, but cungmang filled with many legendary folk tales, especially the Middle States. For spring, Maitreya Bodhisattva images also have a special meaning: the first day of Chinese New Year is the day Vía Maitreya.
During the song "Bodhisattva Maitreya or guild Longhua," The Master Mind Zhou explained, "Append after Shakyamuni Buddha, Maitreya Bodhisattva Him as a Buddha processor, will show itself to the world Sa She teaches beings. Maitreya is Sanskrit, translated from the Chinese market or From the Sun: Great From philanthropist, he is of his performance. Sanskrit called ADAT-Da, China's Infinite Energy Services Wins: no one than anyone, that's his name. "
We also see his image Maitreya (Maitreya is written in English) in other faiths, such as the prophecy of the Theosophical Society say about Maitreya incarnation as future teachers, the beginning of this century they believe that the guru Krishnamurti, or prophecy of Longhua Society of Cao Dai.
During folklore, Maitreya Buddha is portrayed as a pot-bellied, wide-mouth smile with their children climb the inverse break, pulling ears, belly touched, poked his nose, but he still laughed comfort, not discomfort. Some researchers explain Buddhism this image as a symbol of learning: The young children represents 6 disruptive ceiling, through the atrial rate based label damage the body (6 apartments, the eyes ears nose tongue body ), but people still remain enlightened Buddha sitting in nature.
Regarding the incarnation of Buddha Maitreya, the book Song Lam Deputy Chief Executive Officer Luc The language states:
"In the Chinese Quarter team, put yourself in three, Phung Hoa, Ninh Chau, a fat monk figure dwarfs, black belly, gracious countenance, often using a spinning rod a canvas bag, in containers bowls, walking around the countryside into urban, please be anything good progress, he will push her ​​into the bag, so that the galaxy is often called the Great Master. Apart from two sides of the text (cloth bags), no one knows the name of their hometown He is spending .
"He did many extraordinary things: Who was his alms he does trade lucky, ordering more beneficial. His family are alms to the family business was thriving, under the agreement on air. As his or her land is not as small, or when he sat outside in the rain or on wet dew snow without clothes. When the sun or slippers clogs He left it to rain ... The other monks, who have met him and asked about the grace, He just told to show enlightened are both. By dating Trinh Minh in Tuesday, March, mosquito nets three, he sat on a large rock after Forest Temple Music theory a verse that: feet Maitreya Maitreya incarnation natural breasts pressing time period remember the time turns out thousands ten thousand relatives usually stand before men that the world without anyone knowing. "Saying verse, he immediately died. Henceforth, people are scrambling to make statues for the Great Master that called Maitreya . " (Translation of the European Centre Abbot) Abbot European Centre also explained that, in the Tripitaka, up to 6 sutras Maitreya, the Buddha Shakyamuni record a lecture about things related to Maitreya. When Shakyamuni Buddha was born, the Bodhisattva Maitreya in the Christmas birth a Brahmin, named Ba-Ba-Loi, Nam Thien Truc in on January 1 (New Year's Day). His surname is a land already (not one more). His name is Maitreya (From Market). Last name embodies compassion petal His boundless. From how many lives until the Buddha, he always took the title of Maitreya. Due Buddha teaches practitioners Quan Duy Thuc, who are observing the due legal consciousness turns out, there is not anything else in feet In fact, the grasp of "Three idealistic world, the only way things are." Because he found the scene fame riches wealth forfeit ... are like a mirror ball, as the moon in the water, because consciousness turns out, so he up except the false delusion delusion of scenes, nature's potential move Executive Health Department on Tha Run back to nature Member List It. So Buddha for his prophesies about life after going to the Maitreya Buddha performance and processor in this world She Sa. Though cultivated over hundreds of millions of lives, Maitreya image in the eyes of some of the High Rise disciples of Buddha still nothing is going to become a Buddha. Or if this is just about the Bodhisattva a show together for fun? We can not know all the realms of this word. In Buddhist scriptures, Maitreya Bodhisattva Quan Notes Born Where Productivity Thien Thuong, Ly Ba Pros He asked Buddha, "size venerable sir, ancient economic Exalted said in a land already laws that will become a Buddha in the next life this. saw that he was a child, even land already full plate mortal body and not an end all be all cankers. When Maitreya lost, will be born somewhere? Maitreya himself, people present, but is ordained , do not meditate, do not stop negativity. Exalted for his secretary Maitreya, I dare not think., but I want to know, when he's gone, born in what country? " Buddhism teaches that Maitreya will be born Where in heavens Power (Sanskrit is Tusita), and will teach Consciousness legal here until the time comes, will re-born into a Brahmin family in Benares water, merciful beings suffering should ask parents for a monk, the Buddha meditated under a tree and the Longhua. At that time (a very distant future somehow), Maitreya Buddha preached sentient beings under Longhua plant in three associations: Association first ninety-six degrees is the memory of Arhat, a second chance is ninety degrees four memory into the Arhat, the third meeting of the ninety-two inhibitors of the Arhat. That period is called Longhua sauna. During the folk belief, Maitreya image also symbolizes luck. In front of the Chinese banks often Maitreya Buddha statue, when the father image monks University navel showing smiling sitting with the kids around, sometimes swaying his arms to the sky and grinning mouth . In particular, most casinos in the United States, where many residents of Asian descent, usually for front seated Maitreya Buddha: It is believed that the navel rub his hands before going to the casino luck . Buddhist scriptures do not teach like that, but this folk belief has spread to both legendary and many whites. According to a report in the OC Register reported two years ago, an American white woman hit the jackpot explained, when buying tickets in the familiar grocery store in Huntington Beach, Orange County, rubbing her belly always taken the Maitreya Buddha statue on the shop counter. No problem, Maitreya is not religious discrimination. wish readers also enjoy a Spring Maitreya, full of peace, luck, with enough sense of the word From Market - love infinite beings.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.5/3/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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