Monday 31 March 2014

Economics: Again, dyke! Ma ha Bodhisattva Mahayana Bodhisattva called Surangama eighty, eighty Security, eighty du Lion Up, Three Ten moon, moon wall eighty, eighty Subjective measures eighty Empowerments, Tam All legal black identity, Eighty white socks minister, Kim increasingly eighty, eighty Enter the publications law, an established United eighty eighty, eighty Optical Zoom, the force of eighty, eighty high export and import measures eighty Tat resources, eighty Like nouns, the shop eighty, eighty Da ni la publication, your unemployment eighty, eighty monks Photography maritime law, Bien Phu nowhere eighty, eighty Vajra rotation, Privacy eighty stages, Quick reference eighty, eighty Real demand, cylindrical shell eighty, eighty heartless, the province is eighty, eighty boundless intelligence, intelligence cooperation Quick eighty, eighty projection Prussian Union, eighty eighty Kien subjective , proving his wife eighty, eighty joy, Photovoltaic eighty, eighty Endlessly, Oai virtue eighty, eighty separated, Real eighty, eighty Real rotten, published eighty, eighty Moon net, his province eighty, eighty intelligent energy cooperation, Effects operating eighty, eighty Know minister, Kim Cang As eighty, eighty-eight residents, gave himself eighty, eighty An established, Tammuoi spores, eighty Dieu Phap An, Tam muoiPhap class, Then joy eighty, eighty French leaders bowed,
Dissipation eighty, eighty Dhammapada literacy, equality minister eighty, eighty Separated Self, Then grace eighty, eighty indestructible, generals and their wives eighty, eighty Unknown origin issue, eighty Ly butt soot, Infinite past eighty, eighty Any variation, conditioned eighty, eighty-focused merit, heartless Resident eighty, eighty regulatory status, the Enlightenment eighty, eighty measures Boundless, eighty Countless college level, chaired by the legal eighty, eighty legal literacy, comfort Subscriptions eighty, eighty Infinite abode, solemn eighty, eighty Born operating, operating eighty, eighty Real least action, operating eighty, eighty most expensive property set to spread, Import eighty languages, sound eighty words, eighty-fuel range, interoperability eighty, eighty Breaking minister, eighty-sufficient findings of fact set , located eighty suffering Real joy, endless eighty minister, ni la da da eighty, eighty my master chief minister Photography, increased affinity exterminate eighty, eighty positive paradox, clear light eighty, eighty-consolidated, Three clear light salty bay, stately Royal eighty, eighty necessarily how the afternoon sun, Associate eighty eighty, eighty Photography necessarily very useful to avoid avoid, eighty necessarily unpleasant abode, As eighty residents regulations, kidney necrosis eighty, eighty languages ​​as necrosis nowhere, nowhere eighty Ly before any infection.
Eighty stars known as The Mausoleum? Know where enforcement of eighty, eighty-called serious Mausoleum.
Why is it called the Security eighty? Eighty residence in central India was able to enter the other eighty, eighty-called Security.
Why is it called tourist eighty Lion Coliseum? Resident at eighty he could walk in as the Lions eighty, eighty-called Lion's Coliseum.
Ten Three-star called moon? Eighty residing in that may shines like the moon in eighty, eighty known as Dieu period.
Eighty-moon called a wall? Resident in her eighty generals may keep eighty, eighty-moon called the wall.
Export Sao eighty monks called Legal? Resident in her eighty can export the eighty students. Export eighty monks called Legal.
Eighty star called Empowerments? Resident in customary eighty he could see the directory home eighty, eighty-called Empowerments.
Why Every eighty-called legal nature? Resident in her eighty-known legal decisions identity, Eighty called All legal nature.
Eighty stars called white socks Minister? Resident at eighty he could preserve the colonic eighty, eighty-called white socks minister. 
Eighty stars called the Diamond Sutra? Resident at eighty he could break the eighty, eighty-called Vajra.
Enter Eighty called a press legal? Eighty residence was entered in the publications law, called the law Eighty press Enter.
Why call an established United eighty eighty? Eighty residing in the security establishment was in the eighty residents as king, known as an established United eighty eighty.
Eighty star called Optical Zoom? Resident at eighty he could release the light of eighty, eighty-called optical Zoom.
Eighty stars known as the Force? Eighty stay in power he can do for eighty, eighty force called progress.
Called a high of eighty? Eighty residing in that can grow to eighty, eighty-called high output.
Why Every call is entered eighty eloquence? Eighty residing in theory he could measure the eighty, eighty Each entry is called eloquence.
Eighty-Like Stars called by themselves? Eighty residing in that by themselves could explain the eighty, eighty-called self-Like title. 
Eighty-star restaurant called the? Resident at eighty he could observe the methods eighty, eighty-called local shop.
Eighty star called Da ni la publication? Resident in her eighty eighty preserve it, called Da la ni eighty publications.
Eighty Cheers star called stalks? Does not reside in the eighty to eighty eternal, called Infinite eighty stalks.
Why Photography eighty monks called customs law? Eighty stay in it, the photographer can collect sea salt baths as big, Photography eighty monks called the customs law.
Sao Bien Phu called eighty nowhere? Resident in her eighty, eighty over as boss of nowhere, called Bien Phu eighty nowhere.
Eighty star called Vajra rotation? Eighty residing in it, can preserve part of eighty, eighty-called Vajra rotation.
Why Privacy eighty piece called? Eighty residing in it, remember the end where the negativity eighty, eighty-called storage segment.
Eighty stars known as the afternoon sun? Eighty stay in it, the light can get clear of eighty, eighty-called Power Projection.
Eighty called a bridge? Eighty residing in it, not what the legal requirements, known as Real eighty bridges.
Eighty called a cylindrical shell? Eighty residing in legal residence was not found in all eighty, eighty-called cylindrical shell.
Eighty star called heartless? Eighty resident in mind that some measures do not mind the prevailing called heartless eighty.
Eighty stars known as partisanship? Eighty residence in that place the lights brighten as eighty, eighty-called partisanship.
Eighty called a boundless invention? Eighty does reside in the infinite light of eighty, eighty-called Boundless league.
Eighty star called Intelligent Energy work? Residing in that instant as eighty to eighty light, called Quick eighty intelligent work.
Eighty star called Intelligent Universal projector? Resident at eighty he could clear reference stores eighty, eighty-called smart spectrum projection.
Why is it called Kien eighty eighty subjectivity? Eighty residing in it, can the Minister purified eighty, eighty-called black Kien intentionality.
Why call your wife is smart eighty? Eighty residing in that, except for contaminated can of eighty; may also reference all eighty, eighty-called intelligent wives.
Why call the joy eighty? Eighty residing in the territory so he could celebrate the eighty, eighty-called joy.
Why is it called Photovoltaic eighty? Resident in her eighty eighty-like projection of the electric light, known as Photovoltaic eighty.
Eighty star called Endlessly? Resident in her eighty to eighty not see the advantage, called Endlessly eighty.
Eighty-Oai Star called faith? Resident in her eighty to eighty virtue of clear projection, called Dread eighty virtue.
Why is it called eighty separated? Eighty residence was not found in the same take eighty, eighty-called dispersion.
Eighty star called Real? Resident in her eighty, eighty makes no real, no joke, called Real eighty.
Eighty star called Real rot? Eighty residing in it, can not see the rot eighty, eighty-called Real rot.
Why is it called eighty registered? Eighty reporter's residence in the light of eighty subjects; known as eighty published.
Eighty-moon called a net? Resident at minus eighty He can shadow where eighty, eighty-moon called pure.
Eighty stars called their province? Eighty residing in it, be very afraid place four to eighty, eighty called their province.
Eighty star called Intelligent Energy work? Resident in her eighty or eighty lighten the subject, called Quick eighty intelligent work.
Eighty star called acting? Resident in her eighty or eighty per each led the work, called the act eighty.
Eighty star called imagination? Resident in General said he sees eighty of eighty. Eighty called imagination.
Eighty-like star called Vajra? Resident in her eighty or through legal, nor seen throughout, known as Vajra eighty.
Why is it called permanent eighty-eight? Eighty her residence in the mind, not the brain do not move, do not think there's interest, called the eighty-eight patients.
Eighty stars known as Prussian Union? 's Residence at around eighty see the light of eighty, eighty-called Prussian Union.
An eighty Stars called up? Resident in her eighty to eighty establish such an action, called An eighty-up.
Eighty called a spore? 's Residence at around eighty eighty shown that the accumulation of treasures, eighty-called spores.
Ten Three-star called legal publications? Resident in her eighty or eighty press enter, press enter for numerous publications such, known as Dieu legal eighty publications.
Why is it called France eighty college? Resident in her eighty-consistent view of the legal equality, not what equality law, known as eighty French class.
Eighty stars known as Section joy? Resident at the end to celebrate her eighty in all law, known as Section eighty joy.
Eighty stars known as Dharma empowerment? Eighty her residence at the end of the legal shady, well above the eighty, eighty religion called empowerment.
Eighty star called dissipation? Eighty residing in it, or to break the law, known as soluble salts bath.
Eighty stars called the Dhammapada literacy? Eighty her residence in the Dhammapada distinction of eighty, eighty-called literate Dhammapada.
Called a general class eighty? Eighty reside in it, is the name of eighty, eighty-called general class.
Ten Reasons Why the Three-called self? Eighty stay in until she could not see a word in the eighty, eighty Ly called self.
Then known as the Eighty stars grace? Eighty her residence in the coastal end of eighty, eighty-called Section coast.
Eighty star called indestructible? Resident in the eighty's not warped; eighty-called indestructible.
Eighty stars called our wives Minister? Eighty residence was not found in generic method, called Infinite eighty species minister.
Why call out eighty Unknown Origin? Resident not seen in her eighty-place of eighty, eighty Unknown origin called out.
Ten Reasons Why the Three-called savage? Eighty leave her residence in the subtle darkness of eighty, eighty Ly called savage.
Eighty star called Infinite Past? Resident was not found in the eighty's minister go all eighty, eighty-called Myriad past.
Why is it called Real eighty variation? Eighty resident in general did not show variation of eighty, eighty-called Real mutants.
Eighty called a conditioned? Resident in her eighty degrees from all realms of grace eighty, eighty-called conditioned.
Why focus Eighty-called merit? Eighty groups that reside in the merit eighty, eighty-called merit focus.
Why is it called Resident eighty heartless? Eighty residing in it, does not enter into the mind of eighty, eighty Resident called heartless.
Eighty star called regulatory status? Residing in that makes eighty eighty are clean bright as flowers, called Eighty regulatory status.
Eighty stars known as the Enlightenment? Resident in her eighty-seven of the eighty Spoiler, known as the Enlightenment eighty.
Eighty star called Boundless measures? Resident in Eighty eloquence that is immeasurable for Justice, called Boundless eighty measures.
Eighty stars known as Wudang class? Resident in the minister's samadhi in the class wife eighty, eighty-called Wudang class.
Eighty called a legal charades? Eighty her residence in all realms beyond eighty, eighty-called legal charades.
Eighty called a legal literacy? Resident in her eighty eighty discrimination and that the law, known as the Eighty legal literacy.
 Sexy star called eighty guests? Eighty residing in the facilities that are scattered damage to the law, known as Subscriptions eighty guests.
Eighty star called Infinite abode? Eighty reside in the abode did not see the method, called Infinite eighty abode.
Why is it called eighty dignified? Eighty residing in that whole not see the two generals approach, referred to as dignified eighty.
Eighty star called Born out? Resident was not seen in eighty acts arise out called Born eighty.
Why call out eighty? Eighty resident in the coast did not see the other side of eighty, eighty called out.
Why is it called Real least eighty out? Does not reside in eighty eighty see a minister, called the Real least eighty out.
Eighty called a parade? Resident was not found in the eighty and eighty two generals, called the operating eighty.
Three stars called the salt of the earth necessarily useful to spread? Eighty residence was entered in all beings, and all intellectual eighty, not communicating well communicated place, called the salt of the earth Tam necessarily useful to spread.
Enter Eighty called a noun phrase? Eighty residing in that list all the words in the language of eighty, eighty Enter name called language. 
Eighty called a sound word? Eighty residence was not found in the English language title will sound eighty, eighty-called sound words.
Eighty called a fuel range? Eighty her residence in dread as the torch lighting virtue; known as eighty DOT. 
Eighty stars known as interoperability? Eighty her residence at the General Clean eighty, eighty-called interoperability.
Why Breaking Eighty minister called? Eighty residence was not found in the general eighty, eighty-called relative phase.
Why call Necessarily GENERAL eighty-sufficient? Eighty residing in that all species are fully eighty, eighty-called magic set-sufficient strain.
Eighty star called Real joy touch suffering? Does not reside in Eighty tah61y fun size of eighty, eighty-called optimistic suffering Real joy.
Eighty star called Endlessly Minister? Eighty resident in general did not see the end of eighty, eighty-called Endlessly minister.
Eighty star called da da la ni? Resident in her eighty or eighty preserve, known as la da da ni eighty.
Eighty Photography Stars called my master chief minister? Resident in eighty generals did not see where the eighty chief, called the eighty chief minister Photography wrong word.
Why is it called Kill Eighty increased affinity? Does not reside in Eighty Eighty hate the commercial, called Kill Eighty increased affinity.
Eighty stars called upon paradox? Eighty residing in it, not that the way the pros against eighty, eighty paradox called upon.
Eighty star called clear light? Resident was not found in the eighty eighty small, bright clear light called Tam-utans.
Eighty star called consolidation? Eighty residing in it, not worth the eighty not permanent, eighty-called consolidation.
Eighty-Man star called clear light periods? Resident in her eighty, eighty wholeness as the full moon, known as chronic optic eighty.
Eighty called a solemn University? Eighty university's residence at the stately achievements of eighty, eighty-called solemn University.
Eighty-called Energy Star Projector necessarily so? Eighty residing in it, or the legal reference and eighty, eighty-called Power Projection necessarily so.
Why insects are called Tam Tam soot? Eighty residence was not found in the general chaos to eighty, eighty-called soot was bathing.
Why is it called eighty Photography necessarily very useful to avoid avoid? Resident in her eighty or eighty not make the distinction very useful to avoid avoid, called Eighty Photography necessarily very useful to avoid avoid.
Why is it called eighty necessarily unpleasant abode? Eighty residing in shelters did not see of eighty, eighty-called Real optimistic necessarily abode.
Why is it called eighty As the resident? Does not reside in Eighty pass as minister of the eighty, eighty As residents called for.
Eighty stars known as kidney necrosis? Eighty residence in the form does not acquire, known as renal necrosis eighty.
Why is it called necrosis eighty languages ​​like nothing? Resident was not seen in eighty of the eighty-term career as frivolous, called necrosis eighty languages ​​like nowhere.
Ten Reasons Why Tam called before any infection nowhere? Eighty residence in the law as he sees nowhere very afraid, nor pollution, called Ly eighty nowhere before any infection.
Bodhi Monastery! He called the Bodhisattva Ma ma ha ha Diem slap.
CONCLUSION: On the eighteenth taken not explain Prajna Paramita, has taken 108 Eighty explain Prajna Paramita. Eighty of 108, which means the Buddha himself said, when he heard people because benefits are based signal. This time is not so, authors should explain the reasoning means that, making it easier to understand.
Eighty Surangama translated Chinese grandmasters, distinction. Knowing the general practice Eighty much less shallow, as the general said the troops much less.
Again Bodhisattva eighty's, the ghost and the ghost afflictions are not doing damage, such as Home Affairs Minister's perfect cakkavatti, the seats are going to surrender.
Security is eighty or eighty publications of. In these precious, precious approach is very valuable, this life or the next life benefits for Nirvana. As in Beijing said Bhikkhu Buddha! Because you're going to preach, France is said to be legal publications and legal publications ie Security, Security door that is liberating. 
Again, some say three French publications eighty Security; selfless all legal, all legal work (out) impermanence, nirvana passed away. Three's legal publications, all right sun as legal persons can not be destroyed. In the eighty's, maybe three bars the legal way, she called Security.
Again, the Prajna Paramita is precious, eighty-called Prajna respective publications, she called Security.
Eighty du lion Bodhisattva Coliseum is eighty's, the place in all eighty indigo are liberated; experimental animals such as playful, if the Lions are all scared, even when Lion playful self in no time at all afraid.
Again, the Lions for the playful animal, the stronger the murder, the fear is nestled excuse. Bodhisattvas also, that eighty to pagan, everyone who is frantically break, give the guys credit for time.
Again, playful lion is like the firstborn said to the Bodhisattva's eighty can do six earth tremors way, making all of the world's ten hot and cold hells, the blind see, the deaf be heard etc. ..
Three Ten is like a full moon lunar eclipse in clean air programs are covered, maybe except for the night. Samadhi is the same. Bodhisattva in her eighty or wrong except the obscure and ignorant of the law.
Eighty Resonance wall is like the general of the army to take the statues colon treasure moon, everyone see's white walls, people have to follow. Bodhisattva in the eighty's, the reach of the law unobstructed, are all to follow.
Export as legal eighty eighty Bodhisattva's time to make the eighty growth; candidates as timely rain, lush forest.
Eighty to eighty Empowerments is seen that around eighty times, like at the top of the mountain, to see all things.
Of eighty-law is a legal nature emptiness incomparable quality, hard to hold, in the eighty's, be sure to minister; candidates like nowhere, uninhabitable, were sufficient mental capacity, at the same time can be .
There are eighty to eighty wall was very religious time for eighty heads, as military pilots have the minister, the general representative.
Eighty contestants like Kim Kim Cang is increasingly undermining all things, this eighty thus communicated to the law, that the eighty per each special use as nacre, agate, lapis, only Kim Jigsaw is increasingly.
Eighty import is legal publications as the water goes into peace, there shall be at the seal, no seal is not on, that eighty Bodhisattva can in fact Minister of Justice, which is the ultimate law No.
Eighty Eighty Wang is an established university such as royal residence hall security, millions of servants, are all par yes, eighty Bodhisattva in cubes, great light, invoking the ten directions, are all gathered, the Buddha turned around the wrong way to ten. An experimental set up is as peaceful monarch in the main hall, the body and mind fearlessly unflinching
Eighty Optical Zoom is usually magnetized necessarily enter (one of the ten turn rhetoric into consistent across all animals, called rhetoric ten or eleven variables necessarily enter the land - ND) magic powers should arise, depending the release of light colors, according to their preferred place of birth, or hot or cold, not hot or cold.
Eighty afternoon sun was lighting two things: 1. The light color. 2. Intellectual light. Resident in her eighty, eighty projection of ignorance no wrong etc. ..
Samadhi is the force of the law before the year is the signal power, etc. .. so for eighty after the liberation forces. Back in eighty but that often psychic evolution, of living beings.
High production is eighty to eighty Bodhisattva's, there is merit are all intellectual growth, the nature of the mind that out of eighty.
Each entry eighty eloquence is very afraid of the four measures, corresponding to eighty eloquence. He was eighty Bodhisattva, knowing all things English language classes of beings and books, etc. .. all by themselves distinguish very afraid.
Eighty Like the name itself is not law yet, but use the name itself means the legal discernment, making people understand.
Samadhi is the shop for ten sentient, compassionate mind taking equal consideration.
Again, the moral is to follow the method call. Because force was eighty, eighty for the principle, in order to at very afraid.
Already a ni eighty eighty she is hidden, the distinction may be of eighty, she was both nuns.
Eighty Eighty Infinite is stalk arises craving, anger, ignorance, wrong etc. .. This eighty to eighty complete without the confusion.
Photography eighty monks know all the legal customs are all flowing waters of the sea, three methods are in excess of eighty so well. The other eighty to eighty this, like four meditation, the four formless photography collection of the liberation, the first nine were in that class.
Eighty Bien Phu nowhere is nowhere infinite, or boss forces eighty nowhere around, or sitting cross-legged wife, reporter or light, or get filled with that sound.
Vajra Samadhi wheel rotation is as Vajra feet, accommodation very afraid, this eighty, for the method to be very afraid.
Again, can distinguish the boundary section of eighty, the so-called rotation (wheel), is part of the moral boundaries.
Privacy eighty second paragraph is as precious treasures can clean; This eighty so, or unless the structure of memory afflictions eighty. Germany to minus five small bridges, small bridges except eighty difficult.
Power projection is eighty eighty this time things could take ten wisdom (see location in product Eleven Episode 2 - ND) clarify the legal screening, screening candidates as sunrise Jambudvipa clear, everything is clear .
Real demand is consistent eighty things as illusory, loving heart stopped three realms should not hope for anything.
Countless residents eighty eighty eighty he called ineffective, resident was eighty shops in the concept of impermanence chanting, no time to stop head.
Eighty ie herons heartless or mindless to take on, why? Buddhists speak of conditions: In the eighty's, the center not mind some current methods.
Eighty partisanship is, posting the intellectual lights, the affliction known as memory, thanks to the wisdom departed purity.
Eighty Boundless is intelligent, called infinite number of immeasurable; morning there are two: 1. As sentient beings should themselves halo. 2. Distinguish general minister minister should own the intellectual legal clarity. This eighty or world premiere infinite and boundless in the ten measures.
Intelligent Energy is working eighty or brighten the place of the law, such as burning torches in the dark.
Eighty reference spectrum is intelligent, gem of cakkavatti, a projection by the army four weeks apart. Bodhisattvas are open around eighty per each subject was legal.
Consistently eighty eighty subjectivity is the bodhisattva's power Eighty Eighty should make the rigid purity.
His wife is proving eighty, eighty-three corresponds to the liberation, he left eighty eighty he remembered all, leave all the ignorance, greed or projectors etc. .. and all the eighty.
The joy eighty eighty's time for law students happy happy. What is joy? Someone said: It is Jhana. As the Buddha has four amendments: 1. He was eighty happy happy now. 2. Tu said to be found, that mortal beings. 3. Tu wisdom to distinguish. 4. Amendment to be cleaned out, or gonorrhea.
Again, that is eighty times arise boundless joy of its peace.
Eighty optical power is temporarily appear as flashing, people go that route; eighty's, lost spouses was directed away from far back to be.
Eighty eighty Endlessly is that the end of the impermanence of all things, ie on unborn immortal.
Eighty Oai Bodhisattva virtue is the dread eighty restraint. eighty Ly is bodhisattva take eighty sure that the good faith obligation was immeasurable countless lives, not take retribution.
Real samadhi is, someone said: Meditation fourth estate. In the realm of Education should work for sensual pleasures, Favoritism Among the senses should, in so Nhi meditation as much good work, the focus should meditate more fun activities, separated in Charity exhalation, no homology Should estate.
Someone said: Four of the estate immaterial, because the sharp left, there is the cessation of the said estate, because some legal center left center, some say eighty corresponds to the true wisdom to know the law minister ultimately not drain, so estate; her eighty to eighty-all, all completely legal reasoning Coliseum.
Real eighty eighty rot is residing in Tam did not see the orang retrogression. Comment author says Bodhisattva residing in her eighty usually no retrogression, ie eighty intellectual property corresponds to rot. No rot is not fall into the title, as mentioned in that fall empowerment.
Registration is eighty eighty times that each subject can reference each of all legal and eighty; such as sunrise or projector all Jambudvipa.
Samadhi is the pure moon as the moon from day 16 to day 30 is tapered off. Ordinary person and as such, the healing virtues to fall gradually decreased in all three realms, as from the first day of the first moon slowly grew, until 15 am during the purification. Bodhisattva same. He was eighty when the mind has eternal virtue gradual growth until the legal Infertility ring, is prediction, the pure intellectual interests beings. Back in ignorance or out of eighty.
Samadhi is his province, known as intellectual light, making structural problems. Eighty not legal tender with the stumbling block, so this should place the Buddha: Resident in eighty-four position was very afraid.
Q: Why Buddhism alone in saying this for eighty four position very afraid?
A: In the center Eighty no sense, can please tell (very afraid heresies), contrary to the work that is difficult, because the force was eighty-four position should be very afraid, very afraid that the four position as before speaking.
Eighty Intelligent Energy is working, ie intellectual light, in the intellect, wisdom Wisdom is filed at least. Eighty corresponds's Uncivil or brighten.
Eighty act is being or force that arises Eighty is the first eighty.
Eighty Eighty imagination is the time that there was general intellectual truth in all eighty.
As Vajra Samadhi is that the time taken eighty intellectual communicate all legal, nor see the land so acquired for numerous uses.
Q: Three eightieth, stars are said to be increasingly the name Kim?
A: connector Vajra, Vajra between said wheels, said after Kim port. As Vajra Samadhi Buddha throughout shaman, Kim is not seen eighty increasingly smooth the eighty's.
Vajra eighty eighty's rotation is keeping the wheels or eighty, there are means of Buddha. Comment author says: Eighty Kim is increasingly able to destroy all the negativity fetters, without remainder, for as handles to accommodate sun Kim asura army ferry port, which is the heart of the school's last. From that first class mind three things Bodhi, Bodhi's bar text, Pratyekabuddhas Bodhi, Buddhist Supreme Bodhi. Vajra Samadhi is possible to break all parinibbana law, not even after life itself, such as Vajra feet down the mountain can make no cure. Wheel Vajra eighty or break all legal, unobstructed, such as wheel Kim moved more and what is not broke, unimpeded.
Again, the first Vajra, Vajra two wheels, as Kim's three ports. Different words, the Buddha taught that it is different. Assumed causal reasoning to explain it other victims should not be hard.
Eighty-eight generals residence is slightly faster center, away, invisible, difficult to manufacture hard to keep, such as monkeys often shaken, the typical lightning as well as snake tongue. This eighty photographers can make permanent recording back Until the pleasures of heaven, nor the transfer center, let alone the sensual realm.
Eighty eighty Prussian invention is was time to see where all general legal clarity, the dark has no idea, as seen during the day, so that night; seen before that follows, see above, as well as see it. In the very heart problems, so he should be eighty natural label, saw the light around, obviously very afraid. Ingenious religious miracles of wisdom that should be labeled, open around the law, clearly not afraid.
An eighty eighty lapla that the security establishment durable good in all legal merit. As Mount Meru in the middle of the great sea, an estate setting.
Eighty eighty spores is that, while there are national level are the seven treasures.
Q: That meat eyes see, or that meditation?
A: The sun, the meat can be found, why? Because six ceiling outside uncertainty, practitioners usually meditate should be able to convert the four generals it.
Three Ten is legal publications, Dhamma is the profound faith and wisdom of the Buddhas Bodhisattvas. He is eighty is the intellectual merit and profound.
France is the class college eighty two: 1. They are born equal, 2. Legal equality. Eighty corresponds to the class method called class methods.
Then the joy eighty eighty was the consistency of the impermanent, suffering and not, selflessness, etc. .. mental impurities separated boring. In ten ideas (see chapter 34 set II). Samadhi This idea corresponds to all the world could not pleasure.
Eighty religion is empowerment, legal is legal bodhisattva, meaning six Paramitayana. By the Prajna Paramita, the means of force, to approach the summit. Eighty he can stay at the summit was legal, the afflictions of ignorance can not be shaken.
Eighty eighty dissipation is that the canopy can break the law, this is eighty corresponds to no avail (see chapter 18 no).
Eighty literacy eighty Dhammapada is that the language can distinguish all the old words of the law, because they are not born theoretical language delay problems. This is the eighty heresies position corresponds very afraid.
Eighty eighty peer minister is that the consistency of the text, the terms are equal, blame or praise, no hate merchants.
Glass itself is eighty eighty not find the word in the sense, that does not mean that in the letter.
Then eighty eighty grace is that, while either inside or outside, for fun not born happy, born to suffer no anger, no pain no fun for students not mind not knowing that the discharge. For three he is separated from non-life problems, the rules on cessation center, coast care if they kill and destroy.
Indestructible eighty eighty corresponds to the ultimate fate no legal identity, no conclusion break Coliseum, impermanence is not moved, because before it was damaged.
Countless species eighty eighty minister's time is not that the law has every every minister, only to see a minister, it is formless (no general).
Unknown origin eighty eighty issue is that the three known toxic fire burned three realms should not rely mind, Nirvana was not ultimately should not rely.
Separated eighty eighty savage is that, in the eighty-second compartment cover ignorance are subtle than before.
Infinite is past eighty eighty not see that the general movement of all measures.
Real eighty eighty variation is that the bars are all measures, the results do not turn, do not turn into optimism as correct, because the methods are in their thoughts, estate.
Samadhi is conditioned by the time he was eighty-six defilements place finish out ceiling, large sea pass six ceiling, also can overcome all eighty grace, wisdom arises.
Focus eighty eighty merit is that the group of merit, from faith to wisdom, the first night practice last night did not stop, as the sun moon transportation, never stop.
Eighty Resident is insensitive to the eighty's, while not under center, just follow wisdom, to Minister Resident in the legal truth.
Eighty regulatory status is blossoming flowers on the tree, making the tree very seriously, he was eighty, eighty-opens in merit to the solemn.
Enlightenment is the eighty eighty eighty was the cause of the illegal turn invisible, corresponding to the seven factors of enlightenment, such as a pound of plastic can turn stone into gold discourage speculation.
Boundless eighty heresies measures ie measures very afraid, be eighty force him to please just say a sentence without experiencing countless lifetimes and take.
Wudang is equal eighty eighty see that all sentient beings as Buddhas, all measures are considered co-dharma, numerous college class, that corresponds to the Prajna Paramita.
Bath salts are legal charades in three door liberation from the three worlds, three as sentient beings.
Eighty legal literacy ie eighty corresponds to differentiate Property. 's Eighty times the legal distinction Minister evil good, very useful smuggled contraband, compounded unconditioned.
Eighty suspected Approves say: That is formless in eighty recommendations directed, because eighty knowledge corresponds to an end fetters comfort. Someone said: This is eighty corresponds Infertility legal entity. Then glide comfort for all measures were cured, see the Buddhas of the ten directions, the method is very general. Someone said: This is eighty corresponds very afraid of liberation, the Buddha was eighty for the measures are concerned, not far not near as watch hands.
Countless eighty eighty abode ie corresponds to no intellectual territory, eighty did not see all the way there certain abode.
Eighty eighty solemn is the view that all measures are one, or all methods have a minister, all legal or not there should be a minister, or an all measures should not, so immeasurable one. Because most intellectual eighty minister's solemn, dignified to say the least.
Samadhi is Born out, called out, receiving eighty's, the shop acts minister, minister to, resident minister, the minister. He will not back out, can not see it. eighty eighty issue is that the most common practice, in samadhi corresponds to the ultimate no, not another layer of stuff out. As very often in practice, according to the hay out, in order to be ascetic selfless act. Back to the Bodhisattva Samadhi did not see the shore, do not see the other shore. General on the shores of this samadhi, Minister for the other shore, the shore is the new Minister, Minister kill the other side.
Eighty No action is contrary to best practice above, there is another correlation actions.
Eighty Eighty operating ie corresponds ultimately not (one in 18 did not), so do not see no two generals, all reasoning mind can not break.
Attain Samadhi is necessarily useful to spread, the three realms of existence, non-existence is ideal for non-mindless, because it's hard to be called for; achieve wisdom is illegally taken away from non-organic to non mindless idea that parinibbana into three realms, the aggregates are exterminated.
 Again, Bodhisattvas are intellectual property sainh's immortal realms all the time communicated and eradicated, are nothing.
Enter eighty eighty noun phrase is that the title will know all of all beings, all things, all legal, and the name itself says that teaches people self-identity are all fully understand all be first class.
Eighty words sound as eighty times that all the shops have no sound legal language, typically Minister passed away.
Physical distance is eighty torchbearers go night, not fall vital, Bodhisattva's eighty, not intellectual mistake torch not stick to the law. eighty eighty interoperability is possible that the purity full, solemn 32 PM, the bar may be true as the law minister general private law minister, the law may also be pure formless, that is not, formless, uncreated, as broadly Product General. Tam saline eighty minister is not seen that the minister what all legal situations minister of eighty, this means eighty formless.
Necessarily own magic eighty eighty-sufficiency is that the time taken to complete the restraint, good family, good family, good body, good dear, meditation, wisdom are full and pure.
Real joy eighty eighty suffering is optimistic that the world see what fun buggy much worry, crazy delusion, can not prefer fun, see the world suffering as sick as the arrow on the body, mind joy , because all the frivolous law, not for the fun it, why? As time another change is hard, let alone good fun was not for pain. Endlessly Minister's eighty eighty see all that the law does not take no damage.
Q: If so, why does not fall into the generally accepted?
A: Just as the Bodhisattva of impermanence but also consistency not fall into the acceptance stage, or take the bar did not fall within generally accepted. Two officers it, they can not get where legal. There should karmic practice, that's because I did not take so blessed to say usually, because apart attachment should say very often.
Eighty da da la ni is the eighty's forces, while the Da Da la la ni ni as Van maintenance etc. .. all natural.
Eighty Photography is my master chief minister eighty three groups did not see the beings is the primary group, the deviant group and group uncertainty, not least of all interested photographers taking away groups. Come see where the law is not certain chief minister, Gen. certain evil, because the law does not have a certain minister.
Removal is eighty eighty increased affinity for the legal possibility that the joy not born love, the abominable measures not born angry.
Ironically eighty eighty agreement is that the agreement for the liberation against France. Can break against evil beings, beings may follow upon the cultural worth. Attachment should again leave out all the way, because healthy root growth so as all legal, nor that the law against pros, that he did not see, because there is not so.
President eighty eighty-ray is that the memory structures for the legal afflictions can not be, because there can not be so, so the salt baths are pure.
Eighty consolidation are, it is said that is increasingly eighty Kim, because no permanent damage. Someone said: Kim certainly not, because Kim is also increasingly easy to break. This is the eighty-known fact corresponds to the position of Minister of Justice, not destructive like nowhere, because so-called permanent.
Three clear light bay salt is that the words Eighty pure, infallible, as nowhere in bright autumn clean, bright full moon should prefer cool, not spending obnoxious. Bodhisattvas also, religious merit as the full moon night of ignorance out pure lucidity full; favorite stop fire, angry etc. .. so cool sufficient merit, to benefit sentient beings deserve Popular .
Eighty General solemn ten world is seen as the multitude number, took seven golden flower incense solemn, solemn Buddha in it so pure, so he was eighty at once solemn merits. Come see the solemn emptiness that nothing, not clinging mind.
Quick reference necessarily eighty eighty so he should be able to shine the three things the earth is sentient world, worldly abode (earth atmosphere) and the five aggregates world.
Equal is eighty eighty eighty's, the most consistent of all eighty-class, that is Minister photography center. Eighty that are predestined from birth, compounded artifacts, no shallow depth, the eighty's are all equal, then this is the class, and the other way is not equal to another. So to say in the sense that all legal, the Minister, Minister disorder can not be.
Eighty Photography necessarily very useful to avoid avoid the eighty see that the law does not have such a minister, law minister does not have the same, regardless of the myriad dharmas avoid avoid, for all the myriad methods of communicating afraid, for all beings are not good or bad debate, just under the center of the drain living beings. So that eighty to eighty depending upon no reversible.
Real eighty necessarily abode is located eighty loathe her time on earth, not in the non-preferred world, because the world is impermanent dislike, non-worldly in no time all the way, the place is worth should not be afraid plea fun.
As residents of the eighty eighty minister said that the truth of all legal like, do not see what the more general measures such as he. Such as mean, as said before.
Eighty necrosis flesh and blood body bone tendon failure etc. .. called relative harmony, the body's many afflictions, often struggling with hunger, cold, hot, she called a relative failure. Eighty he should brainpower partially destroyed Statue of failure, so that no minister could not have been.
Eighty necrosis as language is nowhere, speech called wind emanating inside, touching the seven seats should have known, should have known Lady language. Causal consistency of terminology such language should or break night, not hate breech and trade minister. Someone said: Second Jhana no sense, which is eighty-term damage, gentle holy silence. Someone said: It is the formless eighty, no relatives here, leave all sharp. Someone said: It is only eighty of the Bodhisattva, or break themselves by fetters impure karmic past life now creating legal body worship, depending beings deserve the degree to which existing forms.
Eighty Ly is infected before any of nowhere, Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, the law ultimately not consistent, not born not kill; like nowhere is not something example. The application must Bodhisattva's nowhere wrecked before, this eighty-infected should leave before the law nowhere, nor was eighty infection before, as people have been laid in the mud is pulled out, her legs locked the servants; Bath salts have been off from the previous infection before infection nowhere but likewise eighty times. Bath salts can now leave before infection nowhere, nowhere left himself well before infection.
Q: Buddha says much about eighty, did he just say the law?
A: The Buddha said about retribution, the author of the thesis and karmic retribution for speaking, for people contemplating the body as impure, impure eighty; itself is causal, the results of eighty. Again like the Five Aggregates consistent impermanence, suffering, etc. .. which is not eighty-seven visual attention, can produce eight Qingdao, four Sa professional results.
Again adaptive beings Buddha said only a legal, argument assume, by extension, to distinguish; candidates as are all beings of suffering gonorrhea, but only say the Buddha's compassion is suffering, all negativity Kill kill called Empire, but Buddhism teaches compassion take. Bodhisattva for the executive's definitely not comfortable, but for the eighty unclear, so He just said eighty. Author said the legal reasoning, which are all in it eighty. End of eighty should say "used numerous possessed" such as co-Sutra.
Such boundless harmony back eighty hectares known as Ma. 

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