Wednesday 26 March 2014

The University Tri Comment
(Mahaprajnaparamitasatra) - Author: Nagarjuna (Nagarjuna) translation of the Chinese: Kumarajiva - Translation Chinese to Vietnam: Thich Thien Sieu.                                

Episode 5
Book 87
Business: Tu Bo said: Blessed, if Bodhisattvas know the legal ownership can not, the four meditation, psychic powers in the supreme Buddha Supreme. O Buddha, Bodhisattvas new customers learn how to not have legal ownership of the second class action, first class, second class religion, by first class act, first class, second class was certified director is Unknown Upper supreme Buddha?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: if at first Bodhisattva Buddhist hear, or Bodhisattva, the Buddha had donated more be heard, or Arhat, anagami, jaw freezer freezer completely heard, reasonable compensation for the property should not be a Buddha? So there is no reason enlightened ownership should be Arhat, freezer function, anagami freezer finished, and all the holy sages were enlightened because there is no ownership of the name should be. All the artifacts compounded no ownership to not have the slightest iota of ownership as hair. Bodhisattva sounded so then thought that if all the legal ownership can not, because you realize there is no ownership of the Buddha should be, so there is no reason for enlightened ownership should be completed Tu momentum. If the will is supreme Buddha Supreme, if not all measures have often not calculated and found no reason why the Supreme mind is supreme Buddha? Supreme Being and supreme Buddha, all beings act according to the minister, I will dwell in them without owning property? This Bodhi, Bodhisattva such thoughts and Development Center Supreme supreme Buddha, because of all beings should Bodhisattva class act by act, first class, second class director, as the Bodhisattva past Supreme practice is supreme Buddha. Every beginner should learn Bodhisattva Paramitayana six, that is until Paramitayana For Prajna Paramita. If the bodhisattva's practice, she is confidential, self giving, who also teaches alms, alms merit praise, praise the joy out of giving; predestined him for alms should be asset rich yes, he is separated from the bodhisattva bright, alms for administering them eat, dress, floral, he lost, radiation, caused by the fungus, torch lights, everything needed to feed. Bodhisattva practice charity world was born in the heavenly realms are large precious; due alms that morality should be meditated aggregates, by almsgiving, morality, meditation wisdom that should be aggregates, aggregates freed , liberating knowledge aggregates. He Bodhisattva's generosity, morality, meditation aggregates, aggregates intellectual, liberated aggregates, aggregates should extricate knowledge exceed the status bar text, which Pratyekabuddhas into the Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas on the right is strictly pure Buddha realm, achievements wisdom to living beings, is located Necessarily strain, the strain position Necessarily then Zhuan Falun, Zhuan Falun and took three redundant methods of escape beings. Thus, due to the Bodhisattva's generosity first class act, first class, second class are directed may not have been, why? Because no self-ownership.
* Again, Tu Bodhi, Bodhisattva from the new self-propelled center discipline, teach morality, morality, merit praise, praise the joy morality. Because morality, human beings born into heaven, the great noble; see the poor and give to the material resources; see people not taught that morality morality; see the chaos that teaches meditation mind; see people making foolish teaching intellectual liberation that people are not taught that deliverance, that people do not have knowledge of liberation liberating knowledge. Because morality, meditation, wisdom, liberation, liberation of knowledge that should exceed the status bar text, Pratyekabuddhas, to address Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva in place and are strictly pure Buddha realm; TESTS 's Buddha-wisdom and achievement for our students and is located Necessarily strain, and strain are located Necessarily Zhuan Falun, Zhuan Falun and took three redundant methods of escape beings. Thus, the Bodhisattva Precepts by first class maintenance issue, first class, second class religion; these things are impossible to get, why? For all self-owned property no.
* Again, Tu Bodhi, Bodhisattva from the recent development of self-propelled center Paramitayana forbearance, teaches the practice ring, ring merit praise, joyful praise the action rings, while almonds almsgiving Paramitayana for fully sentient things; that teaches discipline, teaches that meditation to liberate knowledge. Predestined generosity morality, meditation, wisdom that should go beyond the arahant, Pratyekabuddhas that on the Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva on the right is strictly pure Buddha realm; strictly pure Buddha realm and achievements insight for living beings to achieve enlightenment are sentient beings and race position Necessarily, the race location Necessarily then Zhuan Falun, Zhuan Falun and took three redundant methods of escape beings. Thus, the Bodhisattva by first class Paramitayana ring out, first class, second class religion; these things are impossible to get, why? For all self-owned property no.
* Again, Tu Bodhi, Bodhisattva from the new self-propelled center last effort, teaching alien attack, praised the virtues of diligence, joyful praise aliens attack, until the work was can not be, because no self-ownership.
* Again, Tu Bodhi, Bodhisattva mind since the last new self into meditation, into four infinite center, in the formless, also teach people to meditate on the infinite mind, into the formless; canopy merit admiration into meditation, into infinite mind, in the formless, the joyful praise of meditation, the mind is infinite, the formless. Bodhisattva's residence in the meditation, the mind immeasurable; give to each and every sentient being Dy enough, that taught meditation, wisdom. By the coast charity, meditation, wisdom, liberation, liberation of knowledge that should exceed navigation bar text, which Pratyekabuddhas into the Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas on the strict and pure Buddha realm, strictly pure realm Buddhist wisdom and achievements for living beings to achieve enlightenment are sentient beings and race position Necessarily, the race location Necessarily then Zhuan Falun, Zhuan Falun and take legal succession of beings escape, until the things can not be, because no self-ownership.
* Again, Bodhisattvas from this new center back Prajna Paramita practice, and give to each and every sentient being fully taught that morality, meditation, liberation, liberation knowledge. If the bodhisattva's practice Prajna Paramita, self Paramitayana six, six also teach that act Paramitayana, six merit praise Paramitayana, joyful praise the Paramitayana out six. Bodhisattva was predestined to Paramitayana For Prajna Paramita means that in power should exceed navigation bar text, which Pratyekabuddhas on the Bodhisattva; until these things are impossible to get, because no self-ownership. He called the new Bodhisattva first class center out, first class, second class director.
* Again, Tu Bodhi, Bodhisattva things out first grade class, second class director. Bodhisattva from the new center back, center corresponds to the position by Necessarily race, believe the ownership has no legal, religious concepts are six Buddha, dhamma, Increase concept, conception sex, conception and conception discharge disasters.
What is reciting the Buddha's Bodhisattva? Bodhisattva Buddhist concept through color no idea, no concept through sensation, perception, consciousness, why? Because no self-identity, self-feeling, perception, no way, if the law does not have self-ownership is not there, why? Because there is no doubt remember, was a Buddhist concept.
Again, no idea Bodhisattva Buddhist concept through thirty two generals, through the concept itself is not sharp needles, no halo concept through a field, not eighty beauty concept through custom image, why? Because there are not Buddha himself, if no method of calculation of self-ownership is not there, why? Because not remember thinking: it is Buddhist concept.
Again, do not do that aggregates World Buddhist concept, not due to aggregates, aggregates intellectual, liberated aggregates, aggregates knowledge of liberation that Buddha, why? Because no self-aggregates, if not free way of counting time is not legal, no idea what he is reciting Buddha.
Again, not so intellectually by ten Buddha, should not do four things not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen measures not common, Buddhist concept, not so compassionate Buddha, why? Because the law was not magnetic, if not free way of counting time is not legal, no idea what he is reciting Buddha.
Again, should not predestined by twelve Buddha, why? Because no self-causal, if not free way of counting time is not legal, no idea what, he is reciting Buddha.
Thus, from Bodhi, Bodhisattva when action should Prajna Paramita Buddhist concept, that is Bodhisattva from the first new class action center, first class, second class director. Bodhisattva's second stay in the class action, first class, second class can be fully directed four foundations of mindfulness, the four primary needs, such as the sufficiency of four, five senses, five forces, seven Spoiler, noble eightfold, practice No Samadhi, mindless, harmless, until eighty Necessarily race position, because there is no legal proof of ownership. Calculate the Bodhisattva knows no legal ownership of the properties that can not be, no no.
Bodhi this, how should a bodhisattva reciting legal? When operating Bodhisattva of Wisdom legal concept of privacy is not healthy, not healthy no legal concept, not a technical conception, no conception neutral approach, no worldly idea, no concept of world law, not pure legal concept, not impure legal concept, not recite the holy law, not ordinary legal concepts, not concepts tangible worldliness, not outflow idea, no concept of binding legal realms Germany, France plane bound Lust, legal constraints in formless realm, not compounded concept, unconditioned legal, why? Because the law itself does not have a computer, if no measures are not themselves method of calculating time, no idea what is that legal concepts; school property in France with no concept of ownership to be located Necessarily strain. Bodhisattva's when the Supreme supreme Buddha, is not taking legal ownership of property ownership that did not have to be minister, no minister should not have. Thus, reciting the Bodhisattva should France, for her to not have the legal slightest idea, let alone French concept!
Bodhi this, how should a bodhisattva reciting Increase? Increase Bodhisattva concept is so ridiculous law they should be distinguished disciple of the Buddha, the law does not give to have the slightest idea, let alone recite Increase! Thus, the concept of Bodhisattva should increase.
Bodhi this, how should a bodhisattva reciting the world? This Bodhi, Bodhisattva from the new center back should recite the Holy presented here, not with sex, sex not burst, and flawless world, not sliding unclean world, not wrecked before sex, sex in itself, is the world Merit location, full world, the world to follow, so that there is no concept of world ownership to not have the slightest idea, let alone recite About!
Bodhi this, how should a bodhisattva reciting discharge? Bodhisattva from this new center back should discharge concept, concept or discharge themselves, or others anniversary discharge, or discharge financial, legal or discharge, or discharge afflictions; consistency of discharge can not get that, let alone What exhaust anniversary! Thus, the Bodhisattva should discharge concept.
Bodhi this, how should a bodhisattva natural conception? Bodhisattva think in the realm of gods Kings have credit, have sex, for, text, wisdom should die in this world, the other was born in the heavens. We also have the credit, world, experimental, cultural, precarious, for the sun had credit in alienation, gender, cultural, intellectual, should die in this world to heaven born there, and I also have credit, sex, culture, precarious. Thus, the concept of celestial bodhisattva should. The sun does not have ownership no longer the slightest idea, let alone natural conception!
This Bodhi, Bodhisattva's six anniversary, he called the first class action, first class, second class director.
Now from that white Buddha Bodhi: Blessed, if not all have legal ownership, that is excellent for the official anniversary, the label for the attention, excellent to have no legal ownership; perspective until the world have no sense of ownership; For Paramitayana to Prajna Paramita, not for the numerous internal measures not compounded, the four foundations of mindfulness, for the noble eightfold, ten power of the Buddha It is necessary to place strains were not taking ownership. Blessed, if not all have legal ownership is not the religion, no location, no results?
Bodhi Monastery Buddha: He was so sharp that there is reasonable calculation, the real race to place Necessarily have reasonable?
Tu Bo said: Blessed, I do not see.
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: If you have not seen the real law, asked him why?
Tu Bo said: Blessed, I did not dare to approach any doubt, just as monks for Sravakas, Pratyeka Buddhist, Bodhisattva later life, and you would say something like this: If all threw no legal ownership, so one memory, one clean, one tie, one open ...? Not knowing does not understand that broke world, broke right view, breaking majesty, purity of life broke. He should break these things will fall into the three evil paths. Blessed, I'm afraid there life after such work, to ask the Buddha. Blessed, also the method for this very private, no comfort, no exchange.
Comments: Bodhi Monastery Buddha believe life: All the way though that may not arise four meditation, psychic year is the Bodhisattvas and Buddhas near can be, this new unknown because the mind has to do stars out to ask the Buddha Bodhisattvas learn how to not have legal ownership class that first practice, first class, second class director, taking things out that class was supreme Buddha Supreme? Since the first class action, first class, second class should know Bodhisattvas directed learning while experiencing the mind has done countless lifetimes, because you realize it's not the law minister, should have called the new school.
Q: If the school is so new, the practice should teach them generosity, morality ... what excuse they make for Buddha ultimately not legal, no property practice?
A: Now clear: Since the new law ultimately, no owner should make no law practice under ownership, which ultimately Bodhisattva does not do, not owning that religious harmony giving, prime world; experimental g bending drugs as children, need new biliary drink, so the new center but is also consistent definition of "emptiness" deep, no errors. Meet with Bodhi Buddhist Monastery: if at first Bodhisattva Buddhist listen, or follow the Bodhisattva Buddha donate more to hear.
The Buddha is the past or present or future, while offering many Bodhisattvas Buddha is: sandy Bodhisattva, Avalokitesvara, Dac Mahasthamaprapta, Manjushri, Maitreya ... Four class Sravakas saint means as said before. The Buddha's holy places are no property should be distinguished. Although the Saints have the merit of meditation ... all because of Nirvana, Nirvana ie minister passed away, no property, so say the sages are Nirvana's where that difference. All the artifacts compounded by an affinity for living in harmony, not certain real property, until there is not the slightest ownership as hair.
Compounded of two: One is excellent, two is immaterial. Distinguished destructive method, distributed through bogus mote certain properties. Immaterial no real way to calculate in a certain moment. Breaking formless identity as previous minister has said. Buddhist Bodhisattva hear him approach, others take much attachment sermon, the saintly mind to not accept before the sermon, so just follow the saint heard saying. Then things classrooms Bodhisattva's way, taking the position compare, reserve, said the legal decision ultimately not sure, have entered the true form of Buddha possessed. That is in general not give arguments passed away. Buddha if I do or not to do, other equally wrong, why? Because it's the law minister no more no less, the new law could not have been; law is not lost. If sentient beings, not beings ultimately, can not get the original flame; merit I listen, I do until the Buddha have magic powers are as romantic as illusory, not real certain objects, not ultimately. Although copper is and is not, therefore why I do not play mind Buddha?
Q: If you know the ultimate law, no owner, therefore why to say: Why do I not give rise to Buddhism?
A: Ultimately, no property, no obstructions what, where unobstructed Development Center? Again, if the mind has stopped saying hi conclusion, how the obstacles Development Center? If there are obstacles that is calculated and said there was no reason why ownership?
Q: If the mind has no obstacles, no hurdles should not give rise to? Why not dwell Bodhisattva which give rise to bear the painstaking hard work?
A: Some people say that the Bodhisattva of conditions should give rise to, or because of the knowledge that many bodies, not listening, not knowing, not being the true form of law, that should be the life after this life of suffering. I am blessed with power, can also cause him to be non-suffering; candidates as drugs or who have been, relative to disease knowledge suffering, how can not give? So Bodhisattva know calculus but not owning, but because people should give rise to, for the benefit of sentient beings. Bodhisattva think that although we hear the true form of law that has not penetrated the heart, no meditation, no intellectual maturity, subject to suffering, so play center for Supreme supreme Buddha, the group virtue, because there is no legal proof of ownership procedures, because his self, as well as others. Bodhisattva Mahayana she heard a deep meaning, beings that reside in equality, legal equality, there is no other eccentricity can be a Buddha. But for normal people, and people have no interest resentment difference, why? Bodhisattva mind ultimately not used to make thin weak negativity, resentment of people who themselves equal, think that there is not a certain resentment dear, so dear, or because of conditions of resentment, resentment or a relative. He predestined big ring full perfections, should be a Buddha. Because what is? Due to hate patience, that Bodhisattva who plaintive look like relatives. Candidates seem to want to go through insurance should have glass in the guide, such as physicians or the poor but that should be respected as rare. So, think, reserves, distinguishing normal people, who though resentment towards me useless, but because of conditions Buddhist, so Pat attention Supreme supreme Buddha. He is a first class act, first class, second class religion, so should get out of the Bodhisattva head past witnesses.
Q: First class act, first class, second class nothing wrong other direction?
A: Someone asked: No difference, or practice, or education, or religion which means a different word. Someone said: At first, the action, the middle school is finally directed. Acts of generosity, morality is learned, is the intellectual direction. Again, practice is morality, learning meditation, religion is intellectual.
Again, action is Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort is learning, mindfulness, right concentration; religion is the right view, right thought. Eight things but called the director, but distinguish three parts: the Right to religion, that religion arises is right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right view helps to be called out; chief effort, mindfulness, right concentration can achieve right understanding, make permanent, he called the school. Then there are people who say: For Paramitayana, Tan Paramitayana called out, as the new director; About Paramitayana, Paramitayana called Zen school, the center is often difficult to interdict sex in years, not for a second ceases gradually About Paramitayana use, Meditation Paramitayana livery was so called learning center; Rings Paramitayana, called Prajna Paramita is the director, why? Because the ring is healthy, is Prajna wisdom, healing and full intellectual called religion; candidates as the eye can optionally go back legs. Thus there are three different job.
Q: Why is the class called?
A: Because the Bodhi Monastery: If all measures have not owned the Bodhisattva new center for law that is not how things can linger class? So said second layer. The method, though not difficult to understand, but because things are very out class should be able to be fulfilled; candidates as escalation, from time to spot a high level but that can also be difficult to get. First class is four out of six Paramitayana way out, as in this business says it ourselves giving, teach the practice of generosity, praising the virtues of generosity act, praising the joy out of giving. Ingenious uprooting avarice, For Paramitayana favorite, compassion for sentient beings, so smoothly Minister of Justice, because of conditions that should be able to practice almsgiving four ways. Or who themselves act of generosity, can not teach others generosity, others angry or scared, or afraid for their generosity taught to be kind, because of conditions such person should not be able to teach generosity. Or teach generosity that people themselves can not give alms, or praising the virtues of generosity, but generosity advise others on their own can not give alms, or almsgiving people themselves, who also teaches published candidates, praising the virtues of generosity, but generosity that other people can not be happy, why? As the world or see the break, the evil act of generosity that dislike that, there are people who prefer to see candidates that not all praise. Because he wrong should not know the results of generosity. Thus, each unable to complete each. Bodhisattva for compassion, healing is preferred approach should be able to act as the four said. If the bodhisattva himself only alms, alms not teach the people can only be little benefit in this life. Beings that option causal now fall into the same poor place, so we teach students that Bodhisattva: I do not regret possessions, but we give to you more, you will not be brought to life later, you present yourself really ask yourself the following new operating benefits. Bring the real merit of giving each student a practice taught them generosity, that the act of giving spoilers but they are presented, the evil, but just think of good merit by giving alms their mind without thinking about the their evil, so joyful praise.
* Again, see Three Jewels have endless blessings field, which should give alms on merit not the end, until the Buddhist Circuit, saw merit in the endless life of the future should be happy for the other. Practice generosity that time four ways are everlasting wealth asset, but not because of the Bodhisattva's rich material resources alms, incomplete Supreme supreme Buddha and six Paramitayana, but in the intermediate range 's rich assets to themselves, as the candidates for sowing rice to rice straw to themselves. Bodhisattva when there is retribution possessions, left center avarice, according alms beings need food to eat ...
Q: Bodhisattva as alms, give to someone first?
A: Bodhisattva but because they arise compassion, generosity Bodhisattva but first offerings of Bodhisattvas, Arhats and the saints; without the second layer holy alms for morality, diligent meditation, mental, sexual isolation, if this person does not have the time candidates for monastic disciples of the Buddha, this time without the generosity for the five precepts, religion and religious life over ten charity tam provisions presented a days if no rating this time give to the district not normal, not evil, if no person is offering to those evil misdeeds against staff and animals; impossible not to. Bodhisattva players took the alms photography all beings. Someone said: So first create handouts for an end to sin against charity contingent basis, the poor, elderly patients, miserly, beggar, until the animal; candidates as gentle mothers have more children, first thought sick children, sick, for the need, the Bodhisattva as hungry as a tiger wants to eat me that I should give alms body.
Q: Why should firstly give to such grades?
A: Because all beings are blessed fields of Bodhisattvas. Since birth compassion, bodhisattvas often want to bring supreme Buddha Supreme give to living beings, let alone dinner jacket, but also has the distinction! Again, infertility legal Bodhisattvas are equally different rings, the rings are not infertile or more compassionate, or more discrimination, two mental states can not co-operating. People have more compassion first alms for the poor, cruel, think: Sowing on the field but blessed be great retribution, but because of the mercy we should first student to benefit the poor. Thus, although not a good plot, but by compassion should be greater retribution. The more differentiated thinking Buddhas of merit should be the first Buddhist offerings, because the legal distinction, attached small Buddha to mind. Center field is small but big blessing so great merit. If you understand the true form of law, on the Prajna Paramita and health facilities are not in order, to make the two work together, merciful beings and see them born as the Buddha. Thus, depending on the causal Bodhisattva that act of generosity.
Q: What experience do not speak for the shirt that says rice to eat for food?
A: Some people need to eat again for drinking, need to take back the shirt, because the territory is not so pleasant little merit. So says need food to eat.
Q: Are there people or ashamed or afraid, but there need not be said, how do you know what they need?
A: Bodhisattva see their physiognomy, according to according to place and time to use the facilities, or other interested person should know what the mind, the will they give. 's Generosity was presented aggregates achievement. Think again, we pity beings, bring clothes and food handouts little benefit, with no morality, no brain damage often bring, not afraid to experiment beings. Bodhisattva Precepts stay in the lead, because they are good players should be born of aggregates, because pure heart should not stampede born aggregates knowledge, no theater reasoning, general knowledge remove attachments that, due to her mental break bondages defilements, liberated aggregates; see clear, has seen the so-called liberation liberation aggregates knowledge. He predestined first act of generosity and achievements should exceed in aggregate the status bar text, which in the local Pratyekabuddhas Bodhisattva.
Q: Bodhisattva should practice six Paramitayana on the Bodhisattva, she stars in here said the five aggregates?
Answer: The French word but a different, but because the aggregates should say, no errors. Him from a arise Paramitayana want the other Paramitayana, take alms as mastery has said. About the Candidates Paramitayana aggregates, the aggregates, aggregates are freed Prajna Paramita. When operating the Paramitayana can ring the other, called Rings Paramitayana; may trigger the Paramitayana incessantly, he called Paramitayana Tan.
Q: If so, therefore why not just say the name Paramitayana said that the five aggregates?
A: He wants to not only by the bodhisattva precepts, meditation is our world harmony, pure sex, endless sex. In short, all the world is a collection of photography called world aggregates; negativity can break, excess redundant II, on the Bodhisattva. For such a person, who is not called two armies; many new harmony into the army, the enemy can break resentment; such aggregates as well. Bodhisattvas are the aggregates themselves ... and that we are born; was called Bodhisattva teaches beings. Education for all sentient beings, then, bring their merit and dedication of all sentient beings, as strictly pure Buddha realm; enough that immediate measures be located two Necessarily strain, Zhuan Falun, bring legal succession sentient beings, he called first class Bodhisattva practice, first class, second class director. First international crude after, before after difficult easy, gradually learning set called first class. In other Paramitayana should also distinguish sense. The calculation but no property that depends on the implementation of the secular empire, because this crazy break.
* Again, the concept is six Buddhist concept ... something that is original class act, so easy to get out easily.
Q: In the six concepts also said not so excellent Buddha, saying how easy excuse?
A: There are legal and should be called out easily; such as bitter medicine, thanks to the secret easy drinking. This means six first novel concepts as mentioned in width. Paramitayana Six, six concept ... need to practice puree, not born wrong; Bodhisattva first class. And three liberation ... to think, reserves, thinking, or birth reserves should not say wrong.
In this Bodhi Monastery victims ask: Blessed, if no real property, how to layer things out, first class, second class religion? Buddhist Bodhi Monastery ask the opposite: He used intellectual Sravakas see the true colors whether certain legal? A: I do not see color ... just from karmic color harmony fake name, not real certain minister, how to say yes? Bodhi Monastery Buddha said: If you can not find it certain, therefore why take the class first victims not ask about, but not class legal stuff left to say? Now a new Bodhi Monastery clearly understood, should say: I do not doubt, because the three excess demand in future Buddha said do not listen, do not have ownership; due to serious crime, should accept the prime minister's obtuse. Neither party guests who remember, who clean. Why do the wicked mortal called memory? The enlightened renunciation called clean? He does not understand the deep meaning of the Buddha said, because what that says? The attachment should say what he should not do, do unto the precepts? Living by the coast of mainland's wrong, out of right, for as little broke right understanding of conditions that should break the precepts, breaking dread, fear not little patience. The monastic life thanks to medical goods went platinum term outlook for rice avaricious shirt, breaking livelihood. Sowing of such crimes should fall into the three evil paths heavier white guys care. That there is a bug that should be asked Buddha: I was enlightened, for the territory of what is not legal, is usually not legally hear the Buddha said, how the theater suspicions comment? I usually avoid re-cultivation that samadhi, because mercy to ask the Buddha was born.
Explanation: A Mindfulness Enough Stock neighborhood Friday 76
(Business Ma ha Prajna record: First Anniversary Products; 
General Assembly Economic Wisdom 2 record: 74 Products formless stuff) 
Business: Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One. of all legal if no owner, so that Bodhisattva benefit sentient beings for that because the Supreme supreme Buddha?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: For all calculation should not be owned because they are born that Bodhisattva Supreme demand supreme Buddha, why? Since there can acquire hard to accept before liberation. Those who acquire minister is not religion, no fruit, no Supreme supreme Buddha.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, the prime minister has no direct procedure, which results with supreme Buddha Supreme reasonable?
He tells us: No news is possessed direct, ie fruit, ie Supreme supreme Buddha, because no decay calculation. If there is no law that wants to possess attained enlightenment want, want to elect Supreme supreme Buddha is wanted out destructive properties.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, if there is no law that is possessed, immediately the results, ie the Supreme supreme Buddha, Bodhisattvas reason why there from the primary site to the tenth place? Why there is no legal person; reason why there is divine retribution? Why should there be retribution generosity, morality, patience, effort, meditation, wisdom, and in the retribution that can achieve enlightenment for sentient beings, strictly pure Buddha realm and offerings to the Buddhas clothes , eat drink, floral, he lost, radiation, caused by the fungus, torch light, these need to feed Supreme supreme Buddha, that merit was not an end; until after relics in Nirvana and his disciples are offering? So take all went away?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Because there is no general law should possess Bodhisattva from place to place preliminary tenth, there are five divine retribution, generosity, morality, patience, effort, meditation, intellectual achievements wisdom to living beings, strictly pure Buddha realm, as well as karmic virtue should be able to benefit beings until after relics in Nirvana Buddha and his disciples as offerings.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, if there is no general legal possessed, so the work generosity, morality, patience, effort, meditation, wisdom and divine something else wrong?
This Bodhi, Bodhisattva Sutra as executive minister not acquiring alms, charity and the church is people are not able to get that out of generosity, can not have been presented that morality can not get that ring Almonds, could not have been that diligent effort, could not have been meditating meditation, can not get that out of intellectual wisdom, can not get that out divine miracles, could not have been four mindfulness, the four foundations of mindfulness practice, so can not get that out noble eightfold eightfold noble path, can not get no, mindless, harmless, eighty, could not have been accomplished intellectual beings that sense of living beings, can not be strictly pure state that Buddha country of the Buddha, can not get to the Supreme Dhamma that the supreme Buddha. This Bodhi, Bodhisattva should practice Prajna not have possessed such. When operating Bodhisattva Sutra possessed no such drug or drugs can not undermine the sky.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, how Bodhisattva Sutra when operating in a full concept Paramitayana out six, four meditation, four immeasurable mind, the four formless, the four foundations of mindfulness, the four primary needed, as the four-sufficiency, in house, in force, seven Spoiler, noble eightfold, three liberation, the ten of Buddha, four things not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen no general legal pronoun compassion, thirty two generals, eighty beauty custom shape?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: What Bodhisattva alms are not separated from Bat Nha has the religious world, patience, diligence, meditation Sutra are not far apart; meditation practice four, four immeasurable mind, four of formless, the four foundations of mindfulness for eighty-shaped beauty are not far apart depending Sutra.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, how far apart Bodhisattva Sutra should not in a full concept Paramitayana out six to eighty beauty custom shape?
Buddha, the Bodhisattva Sutra practice almsgiving What has not separated from Prajna, no two generals, when morality is no two generals; cultivate patience, diligence, meditation was not until two generals custom shaped eighty beauty nor two generals.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, how does the bodhisattva not have two general alms to religious custom eighty beauty shape no two generals? 
Buddha: Wisdom Bodhisattva when operating, want full Paramitayana For, in collecting photography Paramitayana For the other Paramitayana and four foundations of mindfulness, the eighty-shaped beauty options.
O Buddha, Bodhisattvas how the alms collected the outflow photography?
Buddha: If the bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita threefold residing in alms, in the general interest outflows do not see anyone candidates, candidates who receive, for anything? Since the center formless, infinite love smuggled end, an end that is giving avarice. When he did not show to not give to see the Supreme supreme Buddha. Bodhisattva's so formless mind, that threefold morality, sex was not found until that not all Dharma by formless mind, that threefold effort, no effort was not seen until the end threw dharma. Due to the formless mind, that threefold meditation, meditation was not found until that not all of the Dharma. Due to the formless mind, that threefold practice wisdom, wisdom does not see to can not see all the Dharma. Due to the formless center, four threefold that mindfulness practice, mindfulness does not see four to eighty-shaped beauty options.
Blessed, if the law formless, uncreated, how Paramitayana For full until Prajna Paramita? How complete four mindfulness eightfold noble path to? How Not complete, mindless, harmless, eighty, ten power of Buddha, four things not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen measures not common, compassionate? How full thirty two generals, eighty beauty custom shape?
Bodhi Monastery Buddha: Wisdom Bodhisattva perfections due formless mind, threefold alms; need to eat to eat for necessities or in or out, or cutting themselves, or country of possible from the generosity beings. If you have to tell people that Bodhisattva: Need something to give alms? It is not helpful. Bodhisattva practice Prajna thought he was going to scold me alms, do not regret fulfilled, we will diligently practice generosity, not to not to. alms and living beings share the same dedication to supreme Buddha Supreme, is not that minister, that minister who does not give, who received, for anything, in one direction, how is dedication, helpfulness to place. Meaning Supreme supreme Buddha, he will not be seen Minister, why? For all measures should not fail due to internal, not external so no, not exterior so no, no no, not compounded, unconditioned no, no do not, no canopy, no evidence, not all law, not ideology should not. Such consistency and thought: Who dedication, helpfulness of nowhere, what method to use for VR? He called the dedication. Then Bodhisattva can achieve enlightenment for sentient beings, strictly pure Buddha realm, Paramitayana For full until Prajna Paramita, for thirty-seven aids to religion, No, mindless, harmless, tam blacks not legal for eighteen common. For full Bodhisattva Paramitayana territory so that no worldly retribution; candidates as alienation in the sky, depending on the need that everything is instant. Bodhisattvas also, according to the arbitrary wishes to be associated. Bodhisattva was reported last night that alms and offerings to the Buddhas make full sun to living beings, human and asura. Bodhisattva's urban photography Paramitayana prime beings, forcibly taking legal succession means of escape beings. Thus, for legal Bodhisattva formless, infinite prime, uncreated For full Paramitayana.
This Bodhi, Bodhisattva how to approach formless, infinite prime, full ineffective About Paramitayana? This Bodhi, Bodhisattva About Paramitayana when operating, over the world, which is holy outflows presented in eight sections noble, natural world, to be presented by retribution, presented by territory, by the mental world The world ... so no defects, no break, not accountable to, not before, presented themselves in, the world is commendable position. Using nothing was presented to players, or form, feeling, perception, consciousness, or thirty-two generals, or custom shape eighty beauty, big or Chad profit line, or line of Brahmin large, modern housing officer, Sun Kings, Thirty-three heavens, hath ghost, heaven momentum rate, it turns optimistic, self-alienation in the sky, sun on our horizon, Optical Audio, denatured sun, sky fruit, formless sun , it bothers Infinite, Infinite Heat sun, sky conditions, sky is Hy, ca ni A sharp sun, not the land of sun, sky realization, it is naught origin, organic sun Phi Phi idea mindless origin, or resulting from momentum completed, or momentum function results, or results anagami, or arahatship or direct Pratyekabuddhas, or cakkavatti, or Uranus which remains as sentient beings in general towards Supreme supreme Buddha . Due to the formless, infinite in two favorable no direction, just as under the secular law that says, but not in its highest sense. About Bodhisattva's full Paramitayana arises due to four media meditation, meditation should not be infatuated four years of miracles. 's Four third eye meditation, Bodhisattva of two things is vainly third eye and favorable press. Being idle bias current that Buddhas in the east until the Supreme supreme Buddha that was found true as to not lose. Seeing Buddhas present in the south, west, north, four corners on the bottom until the Supreme supreme Buddha is not lost as it was found. Bodhisattva's atrium using pure natural than the human ear, listening to the sermon Buddhas of the ten directions as it was heard no loss, can benefit themselves, others also benefit. Bodhisattva mind was so interested to know other people that know the Buddhas of the ten directions and center the mind knows all beings, can also benefit all beings. Bodhisattva he used to know the location continuous network karmic past life, the karmic beings did not take up her place of birth, place knows. Bodhisattva was taking place illegally making them take over from the momentum was completely born until arahatship, director Pratyekabuddhas, where anyone can make them born into bad ones. Thus, for legal Bodhisattva formless, infinite prime, full ineffective About Paramitayana.
Blessed One, how the law formless, uncreated, infinite Bodhisattvas can attain that full Paramitayana Rings?
This Bodhi, Bodhisattva from the new center back to sit here until ashrams, in about middleman that if we go to use birth stone tile, knife sticks harm from Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva does not start when not born angry attention to a concept. Then two things ring Bodhisattva: One is if we born evil or knife gate reviled harm from tile sticks, not anger starting center, two is not all law students, legal Bodhisattva's rings, if the Export to evil reviled, or use tile, harm from knife sticks, Bodhisattva thought this: network I am? Who is to blame? The beatings I am? Who is? Then Bodhisattva should think the essence of the law is ultimately no, no way, no sentient beings. France was not able to get, let alone what they are born! Considering the general law as such, not to see who scolded, do not see people cutting. When the law minister Guan consecutive infertility such legal entity.
What legal entity known as infertility? Know the law minister is usually not born, the ancient afflictions often not born here. Bodhisattva residence where two rings that meditation can complete four, four immeasurable mind, the four formless, four foundations of mindfulness, for the noble eightfold, three liberation, the ten of Buddha, four things not afraid, four position not afraid, no general legal eighteen, compassionate. Legal residence in the holy Bodhisattva of world outflows with bar text was not, Pratyekabuddhas full of saintly miracles. There's saintly miracles, then use the third eye to see the Buddhas in the east, he was eighty Buddhist concept until the Supreme supreme Buddha full of endless loss; see Buddhas in the south, west, north, the four corners on the bottom likewise. Using celestial bodhisattva Buddhas of the ten directions atrial hear exactly what the sermon was heard, because they say that the birth. He is also known Bodhisattvas of the ten directions Buddhas mind knowing mind of all beings, and then follow their hearts know that sermon. Bodhisattva network that uses location-sufficiency know virtue of their life before birth, because they are born that sermon, that they are happy. Bodhisattva does gonorrhea make informed teachers of the three beings made redundant. Bodhisattva's practice Prajna Paramita, accomplished by means of force insight for living beings, full race position Necessarily, the Supreme supreme Buddha, Zhuan Falun. Thus, for legal Bodhisattva formless, infinite prime, full ineffective Paramitayana Rings.
Tu Bo said: Blessed, Bodhisattva how to approach formless, uncreated, infinite prime that can fully Paramitayana Tan?
Bodhi Monastery Buddha: Wisdom Bodhisattva when operating achievements body diligent, diligent heart, in meditation until the fourth meditation is the divine power, one can distinguish themselves as more friendly, to be able to take touching the moon, the sun. Achievement body's effort to fly to the east hundred thousand thousand memories immeasurable world Buddha, Buddhas offering drinks food, clothes, medicine, toys situated, fragrance, touch the things he needed to While the Supreme supreme Buddha which merit full retribution not spent. Bodhisattva's when the Supreme supreme Buddha, and all the hard earth sun set in present offerings of clothes, eat drink until saved relics, after entering nirvana and is offered disciples. Also due to her psychic powers should come to hear the Buddha, Dhamma territory till the Supreme supreme Buddha left no complete loss. Bodhisattva's when Necessarily autonomous experience pure Buddha realm, achievements wisdom to living beings. Thus, the Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita achievements themselves diligently, can make full Paramitayana Tan.
Bodhi from, how diligent achievement center that can fully Paramitayana Rings? This Bodhi, Bodhisattva diligent attention, she diligent attention by outflow from disposals, in eight parts Effort in Qingdao, Not for yourself, is unwholesome verbal interjected, not grasping the legal Minister or often or very often, or pain or pleasure, or self or non-self, or compounded, or inaction, or the Desire Realm, or realms Sac, or formless realm, or organic contraband, or outflows, or meditation for go to charity or compassion petal, or infinite nothingness origin, thought to Phi Phi mindless organic origin, or four foundations of mindfulness, the four primary needs, such as the sufficiency of four, five senses, five forces, seven senses section, section eight noble path, or not, formless, ineffective, or ten to the power of Buddha eighteen measures not common, are not accepted prime minister, or often, or very often, or pain or pleasure, either down or selflessness, or have completed results, results from the skin function, anagami results, arahatship, director Pratyekabuddhas, director Bodhisattva, the Supreme result supreme Buddha; complete or freezer, freezer function, anagami, Arhat, or Pratyeka Bodhisattvas, the Buddha had accepted the prime minister. We did stop three fetters of birth below should be completed Tu momentum; them was born three exclusive content from the skin should be thin; beings full year's end to the lower part of fetters should be anagami; beings full year's end fetters should be part of Arhat, he directed beings should Pratyekabuddhas Pratyekabuddhas; sentient species that practice should place called Bodhisattvas, nor clinging to the Minister that, why? Since we could not accept due to the prime minister, because he does not have. Due diligence Bodhisattva's mind should do great benefit to living beings, and beings not acquire minister. Thus the full Bodhisattva Paramitayana Tan. Full range of Dhamma, strictly pure Buddha realm, achievements wisdom to living beings, because they could not get.
Bodhisattva's body diligent, diligent attention to photography prime achievements all goodness; legal attachments that are not from a plane to go to a realm of Buddha Buddha, sentient beings sake, do not arbitrary divine afraid, or flower rain, rain fragrance name, or make music, or great earth tremors, or halo, or presentation of seven national treasure solemn, or the body, or the light of great reporters know that noble, that shuns wrong to kill, or take the benefit of giving them birth, or because the precepts, or body cutting, or bring their wives and children, or give yourself a visa, depending on media get to benefit sentient beings. Thus, the Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, for legal formless, uncreated, infinite prime, using body and mind can be fully diligent Paramitayana Tan.
Buddha: Bodhisattva except meditation of the Buddhas, all other Samadhi meditation can complete. He left the Bodhisattva training, the evil evil way; departed born blissful sex, there is sense to shop till meditation on To Charity, took compassion petal spread across a method to ten, all world. Bodhisattva's crossed all gender identity, useful for killing generals, generals do not think so at immense difference not to come into the land of the Phi Phi idea mindless organic origin. Zen Bodhisattva's residence in Paramitayana inverse multiples and upon discharge into eight, nine for second grade, No, mindless, harmless, eighty or eighty times to blink like crazy, or when in the eighty chief, or As sometimes in diamond samadhi. Bodhisattva's residence in meditation for thirty seven legal assistant, taking place in the general direction of meditation to overcome all the local knowledge Qian, nature sites, inhuman place, geomorphology, dishes, or holy place, local seafarers , which Pratyekabuddhas address on the Bodhisattva. In the Bodhisattvas and Buddhas full address. In her address in the convent until the Supreme supreme Buddha, not in the middle of the road defense witness results, Bodhisattva's residence in Paramitayana Meditation, from one realm to another realm of Buddha Buddhist offerings to the Buddhas, in Buddhas of healthy planting base, strictly pure Buddha realm, from one realm to another realm of Buddha Buddha to benefit sentient beings: Get the players alms photography beings; taken or taken in morality, samadhi, or obtain intellectual, Or get freed, or get photography craft knowledge liberated beings, beings that are taught arahatship, director Pratyekabuddhas, the bad ones can make enlightened beings are causing chemical education attained. Bodhisattva's residence in Paramitayana Meditation can arise left all ni la, is not afraid to position four, by divine retribution is. Bodhisattva in the womb was not full, not be in education, not born, not born, but born without polluting the birth, why? As the Bodhisattva sees all measures are as illusory artifact that benefits beings, nor acquire minister and all legal beings, which teaches us that the place of birth can not be grasped. It is secular in the sense that saying but not in the sense of first lady. Bodhisattva in Meditation Paramitayana residence, all meditation, concentration and detachment, until the Supreme eighty supreme Buddha Meditation full Paramitayana not leave. Bodhisattva's position as Executive Director species such location Necessarily strain, stop all the negativity and habitual behavior, and an end to their self-interests, also benefits others, their interests and the interests, because all the world who, heaven, blessed asura farming. Thus, the Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita Zen Paramitayana full formless.
O Buddha, Bodhisattvas how to cultivate Prajna Paramita residing in formless, outlawry, which can attain very full practice Prajna Paramita?
Buddha: Wisdom Bodhisattva when religious perfections, for the law does not really have that certain generals. Bodhisattva did not see certain colors, it's not the minister, so that no certain knowledge, not true form; do not see such excellent student until that student knowledge, if not outstanding student found to not see the official birth all legal or illegal or outflows useful place to find no, no place to go, no place storage volume. When no such consistent excellence for acquiring properties to awake, and not illegally acquired property ownership, legal outflows. When operating Bodhisattva Sutra, believe there is no way to understand all property. Such signals for internal and not legal to own outlawry not, for what measures not wrecked before, or form, feeling, perception, consciousness until the Supreme supreme Buddha. Wisdom Bodhisattva's practice not own, can fully Bodhisattva, ie six Paramitayana until seven thirty legal assistant, ten power of Buddha, four things not afraid, not afraid to position four, ten no general legal eight, thirty-two generals, eighty-shaped beauty options. Bodhisattva Buddha was residing in the deep direction ie Paramitayana six, thirty-seven legal assistant, divine retribution is due, give him the benefit of legal beings, need to get that thing moving charity photographer charity, Photographers need to get players to teach morality that morality; should take meditation, wisdom, liberation, liberation photography knowledge anything from meditation, wisdom, deliverance, deliverance knowledge; need to get all the other religions teach that teaches the complete results for the momentum arahatship, director Pratyekabuddhas; should take the time to teach Buddhist Catholic culture that is fully Bodhisattva Buddhist. Thus, depending on the direction and level appropriate measures that are reconciled that place is. Bodhisattva when he manifests miracles, crossed the country countless multitude of beings of escape, as far as their needs are instructive, provided that full, from one country to another realms realms realms that Pure magic water, which itself Buddha-his solemn; candidates as alienation in the heavens, animal feed are needed to arbitrarily; well as the pure Buddha realm apart lust, because he For results to be reported until Paramitayana Prajna Paramita, by divine retribution is in place strains practice of Bodhisattvas, all achievements merit, will be supreme Buddha Supreme. Bodhisattva territory was not time to wake phenomena, not all legal territory or good or evil, or the world or of the world, illicit or outflows or property, or property or unconditioned behavior, all Such measures are not territorial. Bodhisattva's when the Supreme supreme Buddha, pets have been living in the country were not deliberate, why? Bodhisattva of happiness not all legal territory, because they could not get. Thus, in the innumerable bodhisattvas can minister full Prajna Paramita.
Comments: Question: The questions answered are the owner said no, so how that distinction is asked, it was answered?
Answer: The French say that although a different mind. The question that asked to bring attachment, the attachment does not meet that took center response. The Bodhi Monastery to say: In no ownership interest can not be found. Bodhi Monastery because the listener has a new attachment should ask. In these valves do not see the bodhisattva not play center, could not see the benefit sentient beings, no Supreme supreme Buddha. So, there is no legal basis for ownership generate problems: If all measures have no ownership interest what so that should give rise to? Bodhi Monastery for Bodhisattvas, beings, supreme Buddha Supreme no doubt, but asked no legal ownership. Buddha said: There is no legal reason to new ownership in. If not, no ownership, the bodhisattva, beings, Supreme supreme Buddha are also not without ownership, how longer time start-up problems? If they are born, Bodhisattva and Supreme supreme Buddha departed, no new owner can such accidents. As before said no to the ultimate legal obstacles do not have, where there are obstacles to the development center? Buddha not to do, not owning breaking question of Bodhi Monastery, also predestined to speak: The attachments have been freed difficult time. He contestants from very recent death due to infectious affliction legal wrecked, wrecked infection also hear, hear no infection also wrecked; are also infected wrecked or lost; beings so hard to get out. So supreme Bodhisattva Development Center director, minister himself took solemn body, pure mind, the great moral dread, knowing the root of the center three sentient life, use psychic energy and karmic, for example because they say not have legal ownership, says not freed goal to lead their minds. We see the rare birth so there needs immediate attention puree, believe Buddha initiation. So business says: The previous infections have hard time to be liberated, who have not acquired the religion, no fruit, no Supreme supreme Buddha.
Bodhi Monastery question: If people have not acquired the religion, no fruit, no Supreme supreme Buddha, that person may not possess religion, have reasonable results? 
Buddha replied: There is no property that is direct, ie the results, ie the supreme Buddha Supreme. If the distinction is not possessed, there is no real basis in the prime minister that ultimately is not nor possessed, ie, immediately the results, ie the Supreme supreme Buddha, because not break real havoc Minister of Justice. France property that is the true form of law.
Bodhi Monastery ask: France calculation, Chief Justice, misconduct often can not destroy, what Buddha says sabotage not calculated as directed, the result?
Buddha replied: France calculation but not destroyed, but because they are born misconduct so-called vandalism, as nowhere was haze, dust and dirt but can not remember also called impure nowhere, as people really want filthy nowhere, so he wanted to Calculate soiling, can not have that. Buddha says for example: As destructive calculated n wants, he wants to have legal ownership is not direct, the results, the supreme Buddha Supreme.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that: If there is no direct ownership ie, how can the Bodhisattva's way of saying ten business address as wide?
Q: What did the Buddha replied, before then, meaning that if the law does not benefit the Bodhisattva should give rise to? But now says: If the measures do not address the primary star from tenth place? Buddha are taken not to meet, to have abandon what was asked?
Answer: because they are born Bodhi Monastery attachments should also ask. In them he has every new Bodhisattva really interested to hear the Minister no way associated attachments are not born. Buddha's breaking attachments, they are immersed into law before the break, as he ought class Bodhi asked. Buddha said: Do not be acquired should be the primary site for the remains after a public offering in Nirvana. In law there can not be accepted prior to the time and place where the number of merit, it is by no should possess and give to the word Kabbalah is no difference, no difference should be no problem.
Tu Bo asked: How do without possess alms to the wrong god no other information?
Buddha answered Bodhisattva from this new center back similar as impermanence supreme Buddha passed away, generals ultimately not alms, that is not the acquisition of general candidates, candidates who receive and material resources which act alms. Giving no such distinction, not acquired until the Supreme Bodhi the supreme Buddha likewise, he called the Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita not have possessed. Action Prajna Paramita not have possessed drugs or drugs that can not sabotage sun.
In six out Paramitayana concept is:
Q: What have asked Bodhi Monastery merit in a six Paramitayana pride?
A: Tu Buddhist Bodhi heard Prajna Paramita no property, where there is no general legal obstacles, if so what time can not not be, do not have anything, how Portugal Slapped in a collection of photography can recite Paramitayana six to eighty beauty custom shape? When the new center, center for infections before, with and without the heavy layer should gradually things out, and this attachment can not be let go are not, so do not do nothing, so ask.
Buddha said to the bodhisattva not leave Paramita Sutra, the merit of giving out no obstacles should be able to practice in a full concept, if separated from Prajna Paramita class time to practice things slowly.
Bodhi Monastery question: What is called away from?
Buddha said to Bodhisattva by two generals not to practice generosity.
Another question: How not by two generals?
Buddha answered the Bodhisattva of Wisdom when bile out, want full Paramitayana For, in a collection of photography concept of giving all the bad ones, as has been said before.
What is a concept? It is legal Bodhisattvas are infertile rings, stop all the negativity, all memory except discriminatory thoughts dwell threefold alms all. Minister threefold is formless, bodhisattvas abiding interest he should not see contestants who, and who receive something. Mind all the generals leave alms, do not see a way to Supreme supreme Buddha was not seen, let alone other;'s called not two generals. Up to eighty beauty custom shape so well.
Bodhi Monastery asked to take another job this means that: O Buddha, the law formless, uncreated, infinite boot, how can the full secret until she was eighty-shaped beauty options?
Buddha said to Bodhisattva for legal formless, harmless, because no prime minister, no center barrier alms; need to eat food as stated in business.
Outflows, formless, six Paramitayana have two: One is the establishment of legal Bodhisattvas are infertile rings, two as head of the Bodhisattva infertility is not a legal entity. Department of Bodhisattvas are infertile as a legal person in here said, why? So stay in center formless, infinite act of giving contraband that.
Question: Born Bodhisattva because unfortunately not involved except, it was very painful cutting, work was hard; Bodhisattva also be infertile breeding as do the transformation, despite cutting is not suffering, so Where there is grace, nothing!
A: Infertility is legal Bodhisattva six rings out Paramitayana is difficult, because why? Because infertility is the center ring measures Chairman Chairman, worth perhaps a happy life Nirvana, but Nirvana away the fun he passed away back into the living beings under the body, or cowardly person, or animal, the He is hardly new. Born Bodhisattva excluding craving, should immerse themselves before Buddha generosity, hope he is, not pure charity, so not fair.
* Again, practice six outflows Paramitayana formless, full time can also smuggled property, general property, not full time, so, people can have a full big kindness.

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