Wednesday 26 March 2014


"The Tri Main street, left to Buddha, why so? As before there is a new restaurant born evil wrong, but that is foolish takien.


Q: In Buddhism there is a causal say twelve deep, as saying "" The Buddha told Ananda, karmic law was so deep, find it hard to know, hard to show encounter, difficult to observe. The subtle mind, skillful insight, new understanding, and the stupidity of short-sighted approach difficult to understand, let alone are very deep karmic law. "So why is this so foolish to say the bar- 's legal fate? believe it to be, which is the last place to be. The meaning of the word "So" is the message.



If people have faith in a pure heart, then he can go to the Dhamma. Without it he can not believe in the Buddha Dharma. Can not believe they did not speak the "same", he was minister of any message. People have said they believe that the "same". For skin as soft buffalo is impossible not folding, so people do not have information, such as skin damem Buffalo, where users can customize the make, people have believed so.
Again in Beijing said the news arm. Just as the arm goes into the mountains treasure, grab treasure in itself, if the person does not have the arm does not get anything. People also believe that, in the mountain treasure everything dharma based Myriad illegal, pirated Infinite power, it senses only, the Noble Eightfold Path, the Four meditation, self-adhesive, in order to retrieve. People can not believe nor arms. A person without arms in mountain treasure can not retrieve anything. People can not believe so, at the Treasure Mountain dharma not obtain anything. Buddhist thought: "If you believe, he can go in my large measure, been able to show four results recluse, not vain shaved head wearing a Ca-sa. If you do not believe, then the He can not enter in my measures, as well as dried tree fruits can not be born. was no evidence recluse results, but have shaved head wearing a Ca-sa, doing legal things, the world needs victims, cleverly answer then go again in the Dharma there is just nothing in vain. " So that "So" is initially go into dharma, as the minister of that good news.
Again, the profound Dhamma, the Buddha only knows it. The news, though not a Buddha but by force can believe in the fundamentals of Buddhism, such as on-heavenly king started visiting Buddhist dharma wheel, visiting Buddhist verse reads: 
"Yan-line-bore threads.
Many things impure methods.
Xin opening nectar.
Which just pure sugar! "
Buddha replied:
"It is very difficult to understand France
being the fetters Termination.
center three worlds favorite chips.
But he did not appear to be "
on-heavenly king white Buddha: "O Venerable Exalted! During world, mind upper, middle and lower. directly Center needs Handy puree, easy to get the exit, if no rating he heard the Dharma, they will drop back in victims of evil. example lotus in the water, there is something new being, there is something old, something not out of the water, if not met the sunlight is not blooming. Buddha as well as sunlight, because From the mind of great compassion mercy-beings, because they should make that Buddha preached ". Buddhist thought: "Magic of the Buddhas in the three periods: Past, present and future are all sentient beings because that sermon. Should I also like that". Thinking like that before, Buddha accepted the celestial gods-kingdom discounts that sermon, used shelving response:
"We are now open nectar.
If people believe Rejoice
In humans say Dieu in France
Is not Brain Who disorder that theory. "
In this verse, the Buddha did not say who was delighted alms, do not tell the multicultural, morality, patience, effort, meditation, wisdom is delighted, saying only that the information (be excited). The Buddha: Thus my approach most profound magic, is that nothing is possessed, can not be measured, can not count, inconceivable, no action, no title, no problems, no location is the most essential they can not understand. So, in the Dharma took power as initially believed. Due to the incredible power, not because of generosity, morality, etc. ... that can start on the fundamentals of Buddhism, such as shelves said:
"The world, the heart,
pierced Preferred blessings,
Which loathe receive blessings,
The bridge, not for killing,
First heard wrong legal
Heart Sympathy penetrate
deeply my French,
I can not believe how out! "
As disciples of Mrs De-Club-ca-reaching name-ly, because not believe law should fall in evil ways. He does not believe, in order to bring the Dharma to seek wisdom, can not be, because why? Because the Dharma is so deep. As on-line fishing heavenly king-ca-ly with verse:
"For the innumerable instruments,
measuring ruler star open?
For measuring the innumerable,
But he himself obscures. "
Again, the definition of "So" is If people have direct information center left, he could hear the law, without generals do not understand, as saying:
"Taking legal listened as soft drinks.
least eight go into the language, ie.
Jumping Legal hear compassion, sympathetic joy,
he should because they say so. "
Again, in the sense of "So" was initially going to dharma in this lifetime benefits, benefits in later life, taking on Nirvana , believes the benefits are taken as the basis and strength.
Again, the foreign goods monastic mind thought was honored for his legal magic, the most pure. Such people, praising his practice of law, but others decry. So this world fighting each other, then life is hell, life immeasurable suffering everything, like shelves said:
"For anyone infected his approach,
others decry law
is morality, however,
no suffering from hell . "
In Buddhist teaching, throw away all the love, all is accepted, all arrogance, ego, get rid of all of them, no problems. As in business Phiet Du said: "You should understand as I approach the raft, it was time to give dhamma is of bad situations? With Bat-elegant Balaam was no secret that the concept of the Buddha, not lean on, how much is the other things you have to recite, entitled to the stars? Therefore, the first step of the Dharma called "So." Italian Buddha says: My Disciple no one before in France, not infection prior to the law, you are not the law, but only for non-suffering, be liberated, not comment on the legal Coliseum minister ", as in A-she-doing-term momentum (Arthavargiya sutra), Ma-Peak-topic (Makandika) said they asked:
"With the fixed law.
bears very promising idea.
Renounce all in outside,
then how enlightened? "
Buddha replied:
"There is, cultural, sensory, intellectual,
Nor by maintenance world,
There is not a writer,
not by precepts example.
argument so throw away.
well fall away, head down.
no legal defense minister
Thus new enlightenment. "
Ma-Peak-topic asked:
"If not so is literature,
not that morality.
instance documents is not,
Is not no morality.
As I contemplate the mind.
Keeping silent enlightenment? "
Buddha replied:
"You follow paths wrong,
I know he was ignorant director,
he does not see that idea,
he then self-dumb. "
Again, we approach the true self, while others lie law, our most measures, while the others are not really legal, it is 's original struggle. This means "So" is not to teach others online. Listen to what others say, do not say sorry. So the scriptures are opened with the words "So."
Combs said the word "So" finished. 
would say to that word "I". 
Question: If the Buddha said all legal measures are not, all that there is no self, so why scriptures began with words: "So I hear"?
Answer: Disciple of Buddha although understood to be selfless, but according to secular law that says fall, it's not falling . For example, take the money and buy the same amount of gold, so no one laughs, because why? Because buyers are allowed to sell it. It says "" I "and the like, in which said legal selfless self, is purely secular accident that should not matter, as in telescopic shelves:
"There enlightened monks.
had smuggled the clean end.
With her ​​body finally,
Saying "I'm here" is reasonable? " 
Buddha replied:
"There enlightened monks,
the long clean finish,
With her ​​body finally,
can say "I'm here" " .
During World France (World All-Forum) which says that self, is not the easiest means (meaning First All-Forum.) So, for the non-legal, non-self that comes down, not fault.
Again, the language of the world language has three basic things: One is wrong, two is arrogance, three are by themselves. During that two impurities and fertilization. has all flesh three original second language: Lata prejudice, arrogance and self-identity. director who practice there are two things that the original language: Being arrogance, self-identity, while the level was the only end to end illegal or something original fable, the name itself. During their mind but it's not contrary to law, depending upon who shrugged g in the world that conveys the original language was common, but wrong to give birth, so that no secular agreement under debate. So, so unless two original impure language and follow a secular only general language. According to the Buddha's disciples fell to the secular say that there are no errors.
Again, if sinking into the impersonality of people that say this is true, beyond all expectations out terms, then the victim that he should: "He said all selfless approach is very general, why do you say, "So I hear"? And this Buddhist disciples against all non-legal, possessed no, they do not immerse in mind before, well not really sunk before the law minister , let alone in the center of selflessness that was wrecked before star? victims So why should not we Buddhists say "I", as in the Middle arguments verse says:
"If there is a no no.
Tat not have the .
Regardless no no,
Ha scenario is not?
Ordinary people do not see any.
Which is not found.
Did not see: Seeing, not seen,
Yet it is Nirvana.
duality of peace.
Bankruptcy except for misconduct comments.
Property Buddhas go through,
He is selfless way. "
Combs says that the word "I" is finished.
would say that the word "Listen".
Question: "Listen" how? Use atrial apartment? using consciousness? or use conscious listening? If atrial needed to hear, it can not be enlightened atrium house can not hear? If listening consciousness, then consciousness briefly, indistinguishable and can not hear? If the sense of hearing, they can not hear sense, because why? Since the previous year due to official recognition in the ceiling, then a new sense of awareness, consciousness can not know the ceiling in the current year but only bare recognition in the past year and the future. If you recognize the sense of hearing in the current year, the color blind can see and the deaf can hear, why? Because consciousness is not damaged?
Answer: Did not hear the atrium house, nor consciousness, nor consciousness. The following is heard by many new karmic harmony hear, can not make a law could hear, why? Because no perceptual basis atrium, can not hear, is formless consciousness, unmatched, no origin can not hear so well, there is no official language and no perceptual basis can not know the language well. Then atrium house undamaged, in that voice can be heard and will hear. Based ceilings and attention to harmony consciousness arises, depending conscious living consciousness immediately, can distinguish these causes and conditions that are heard. So should not the problem: "Listen" to hear how and who? But hear, but not in a legal dharma and effect, is power, intellectual power, as shelves said:
"There is now also effective.
guys do not karma.
means that most deep,
France by the Buddha said.
Yet no, not paragraphs.
Continuity, nor often.
crime not merit capital loss,
such France, said the Buddha. "
Combs says that the word "Play" is finished.
would say the letter "A".
Question: In Dhamma not really have the legal quantity, time to warm because it does not belong, import, international stars, saying that "A" time?
Answer: Depending on the secular but said there "A" time, no errors. As drawn on the ground, making the object tree heaven, because heaven worshiping thoughts should not error. Say "A" the same. But it's no "A" time, but depending on to say that there are "A" time should not error.
Question: Do not say no "A" time, as the Buddha himself said: "A man appeared on earth, much people are benefiting. Persons who it is? Main Exalted Buddha such, "said shelf:
"I do not see protected religious practice.
Chi practice their religion alone is not your friend.
Integration contains a well that the Buddha
Nature direct penetrating anchor "
In many places the Buddha said one like that, so all have the "A".
Again, because there is a harmonious way, so that he is called the One. If you really do not have a legal Why then only one character in a birth center, not two, not three? In two animals are sentient mind two, not one, not three? In three animals are sentient mind three, not two, not one? If it's not there in the numbers they should have two objects A birth center, only two objects in a birth center. Number three, four, five, six ... well like that. Therefore, make sure that the animals have a legal one, because that law should be in harmony One character only a birth center?
Answer: If the object A is A, or A with lakhac material, both flawed.
Question: If the "A" is there something wrong?
Answer: If a jar with a "A", as Human-threads-pear (Like-threads-air-goodness - Indra) with Shakyamuni (Saka) is One. If so, there is an instant where there are average, and there's where the pear-threads-there-ca. Now things like clothes etc ... must be average, because the average A is "A". Thus, where there is a will there is a comment. Like the bottle, clothes etc. ... all is a simple character, without distinction.
Again, one of the "numbers", the average supply of "number". Average of five measures. Binh is sharp objects have to be afraid of, so have a supply of excellent quality, have to be afraid. If there where a call without comment, then this should not mean the One is "A". Or say a collection of photography not comment, or said mean not supply a photography collection, as per the other one not. One wants to say to say mean, mean to say one would say, like the clutter.
Question: "A" is so wrong, but in other respects to blame?
Answer: If A is different from the average An average is not, if another vessel with a A average not. If the average of the A, which is known as a bottle, this one with the bottle, why not call A is average? So can not comment, and a different call.
Question: But with the average "A" should mean that A (A average), but the average number of A is not, then why?
Answer: The number starts with number one , with a mean of others should not make a comment. Another not so much also not, why? A new variety before then. Thus, the average in other respects, the method "A" also can not be private. Why? So in terms of finding legal cahai "A" can not be. So, how can not say there is method "A" of photography in warm, eighteen, six in?
But according to a Buddhist secular language which is called "A", which actually did not mind attachment, whereas only know the numbers on the list itself. So in comes the word dharma "One time, a person, a teacher" without falling into the wrong error.
Combs talks about "A" finish.
would talk about "Time".
Question: There are two things Xu Tian Zhu known only for "Time" is the Ca-la (Ka-is) and Tam-ma-Sale (Samya). Why not say Buddha said that Tam Ca-la-ma-Date?
Answer: If Ca-la said the suspect had what? 
Question: Talk, talk gently Ca Ca-la-la because there are two letters, Tam -ghost-heavy part in three words harder to read words?
Answer: Because to minus wrong to say Tam-ma-Ca-la part not say. Someone said: "All the good or bad of heaven and earth are taking" time "(Ca-la) makes people", as in verse The business has said:
"The time came, mature beings.
, the time to be alone end.
time, enlightened people can,
therefore the "time" to do's.
world as wheels,
spinning such as Time,
People and the wheel,
go up or go down. "
Q. Then there are people talking "In heaven and earth or the good and bad things are not all due to" time "made, but" time "is not the cause of change, is very useful. France" Time "is very subtle, can not see, can not know, as a result of fruit etc ... with the knowledge of "Time." In the past, this year, long distance, near, slowly, but quickly found that the minister, but not that "Time" with the knowledge of "Time", why? Because see results that know people. " Therefore should know the legal "time". France "time" variable is not damaged, so often?
Answer: As the island's land "Time" current, dirt is "time" the past, the pot is "Time" future. Minister of "Time" is often so "time" the past does not make "Time" future. His economic policies for the "Time" is a character, so "time" the past does not "time" the future, nor do "time" now, as this is a mess. In "Time" has no past "time" the future, so there is no "time" of the future. "Time"
as well as the current generation. Question: He's got dirt "time" the past, if "Time" is definitely past "time" of the future, so it now has the "time"?
Answer: You do not I said listen, vase in "Time" futuristic, dirt in "Time" past. "The" no future as "Time" past in general "time" is the future "Time" future, why is it called "time" the past. So "time" is not the past.
Q: Why not have "time" must have "Time", current minister present, past Minister of past, future, future generals have?
Answer: If all three "time" are have its own minister (ideology), so it is all "Time" currently, there is no "time" the past and "Time" future. If there is no future, it is known that the so-called hybrid current (travel: have to), so did not ask the right word.
Calendar: "The" past "time" is not the future minister current, current. "Time" past past the current minister. "Time" has Futurism Futurists current, so every law minister has "time"?
Answer: If the past is over, time Gen. past breaking loss, if not gone past that. Time has no past minister; "Time" as well as the future generation. Therefore, the law has not, how truth can be born of heaven and earth, the good the bad and the fruit character, v. v ...; due to wrong except such things should not say the voice of the "Ca-la" while the voice that says "Tam-ma-Land."
Seeing the birth and death of a warm year, eighteen, six entry but pretending to be "time" and not have "time" separately (apart from being destroyed). As the name itself says: The, the, glass, integrated, best, casual, school, sketch v. v ... are beyond ordinary man it's attached to is legal there, so it should be abolished in order Francophone language title of the world (the world).
Question: If there is no "time", why world have learned to eat on time, eat non-time ban?
A. Previously I have said, according to the world title will be "Time", but it's not legal, so you do not problem. As well as allowing fetters world in Pi-ni is only true under the earth that are not true measures First Minister. Because no general legal self be true, but also because it's rebukes, as well as upholding dharma wants to survive long term, but for legal statutory holidays disciples, so that Sun Buddhas fetters world, in which should not look for what really? What noun? Which corresponds to? Which corresponds not? The general public is there such measures? The general public is no such law? So, the problem was not so. 
Question: If wasting food, medicines to time, he had time, "time" here why not say that Tam-ma-speaking part in the Ca-la?
A. Things taught in Pi-ni, white shirt laity not be heard, then how is every infidel to hear that being wrong (should not say in which Tam-ma-speaking Ca-la)? But other activities are allowed to hear, so in this user-ma-home reputation. Tam-ma-home, is false, making the listener not being wrong. Back in the Dharma much say in which Tam-ma-Ca-la at speak, because fewer victims should not be hard.
Combs said own meaning in the word "Like Thi, Russia, Literature, First, Time" complete.
(End according to the Chinese book 1)
would say overall about "So I hear," 
Q: If Necessary Buddhas who is located, naturally, not me, not the teachings of others, life is not directed by others, do not use another person's religion, not according to other people listening to the sermon, why say "So I hear"?
Answer: As he says: "Buddha is the one who omniscience, naturally, not me, not according to other people listening to that legal theory. " Not only from the mouth of the Dharma Buddhist theory, that all the good word, truth, magic of the earth from the Dharma. As in Pi-ni, the Buddha said: "What is the Dharma?" Dharma class year who said: One is self-mouth Buddha, two disciples, the Buddha said, the first three people say, four gods said, in the chemical workers said.
Again as in Business-Like-threads-completion multiplication enlightenment, the Buddha told Qiao-contest-singing: "Good honest language, perfectly wonderful language of the earth from my law", as in chanting verse that:
"Benevolence of world languages.
Counts from dharma.
Shan language not wrong,
not what language than Buddha.
Elsewhere though there.
Shan language not wrong.
It is all of them,
part of the Dharma.
Among the heathen,
Whatever words or ,
As worms eat the tree,
the word Random.
France beginning, middle, end,
Self one another,
as iron being gold,
Who to believe?
Following the Y-spreading tree,
incense Sanh Fried Ox-head herd.
As the bitter seeds,
juicy fruit Sanh.
If believe that,
he's going to believe that:
In pagan books,
Self-made words or beautiful.
or true words,
all come from the Buddha,
as Beneficiaries Fried-man,
Ma-pear grows in the mountains.
Besides Ma-pear-out mountain,
where there is no Fried-man,
That, except Buddhism, 
where words have no truth. " 
Again, the question, "So I hear," the words of the Buddha's disciples, Ananda etc ... as said, because in general the so-called dharma dharma. As the Buddha entered Nirvana, he dwelt in the land of the sentence-thi-na-masterpiece, Sa-la among trees Nagarjuna, located to the north which turned about to enter Nirvana. Then Ananda homosexuality excluding relatives, because glass is not sexual, loving heart sinking in the sea, can not get out. A Presbyterian Guinea-Lot Parking (Anuruda) told Ananda: "I am the holder of dharma organ, not like flesh itself sinking in the sea love! And all compounded things are impermanent Minister, Teacher Do not be sad. Again, manually Buddha gave way to me, so I will make this sorrow had received job loss. teacher so he asked the Buddha: Buddha's Nirvana After, we practice like? Who He will be? They Xa-gate how the anonymous evil in general? should leave the word of the Buddha do? future things like that, so I asked the Buddha. "
Ananda heard of him, slightly melancholy provincial center, is supporting memorandum directing effort, the end of the bed to the side of the Reclining Buddha, brought the Buddha asked. Ananda Buddha: "Either now, or later when I am passing, and he should care only French only, not medical only other place! Monks What is self-health care and only French only, not medical only other place? Being, monks in the body shop, often single-mindedly intellectual concept, cultivate diligently diligently, except for greed advantage: The outside body shop, body shop as well as in the outside world; shop, life, attention, mindfulness approach like this also. Monks It's called self-care and care only French only, not medical only other place. From now, liberate the world of masters of the Master. economic Like About Deliverance says: "My career, verbal, so that should work. Far-anonymous monks, after I Nibbana as the legal man-man (wearing tan) that value. If people are interested need to teach them positive momentum Beijing San-Ca-fried-forums, which can be enlightened. I spent three A-to-period increase, containing groups of French organ protection; organs so he started to write: "So, I hear, a time, the Buddha was staying at local and national level that, in the land of trees was, "why? Because of past Buddhist life begins confess words, the Buddhist life begins Futurism also confess words, the Buddha of the present, when Bat-final nirvana confess also teaches words. I now, after Nirvana, began trading should also confess: "So I hear, one time."
So Buddha said laloi, not Buddha himself said, "So I hear", for Buddha Necessarily level position, naturally, not me, so do not say "I heard". If Buddha himself said, "So I hear," people do not know, they can ask that, and this is a male-white Buddha, Buddha's words, he was a disciple said, "So I hear," proclaimed "I" not guilty.
Again, as long cylindrical want to dharma in the world, so the A-la-drought, as elders ... etc. Great Ca-Lettuce asked Ananda, "Buddha preached that Which first? teach him what law? "
Ananda replied: "So I hear, a Buddha in the water at Balaam's first complaint in Nai forest workers, monks him for years say about suffering saints Empire. hear from anyone who did not I say it, but in the main I remember in France, the label, mind, intelligence, sense ". The prayers should be said that wide.
Trading Volume As in France (Dharama-samyrahasutra) said: "When the Buddha into Nirvana, six-way vibration of the earth, the rivers flow, strong winds outbreak, the famous four black clouds, lightning, severe hail poured down around the meteor; Lion, roaring beast scream; Gods, who are taking away screaming. Gods, The life that emit words: "Buddha in Nirvana star that quickly too. The eyes of the world have lost! "
At that time all plants, medicinal plants, flowers simultaneous dissolution; mountain god Tu-di are shaken, teach sea waves, strong ground vibration, ice mountains fall apart, broken trees, the smoke four jams very scary; pools, ponds, rivers, canals are filthy harassment, daytime comet grows. Humans are crying, sorrow gods, goddesses choked cry coal, tears in his eyes. goods Friends School quietly unhappy, uneducated rows compounded think all impermanent. thus God, who, Yakshis, La-watching, Chien-that-she, Foot-momentum-la, la-Ma-most-Nagas are very old and sad, while the A-la-drought attained, aging, sickness and death from the sea, remember that:
"Having crossed the river of human kindness workers,
the paper tore the old contract die,
seeing four large snakes in the ark itself,
Go on Forever Nirvana anti-balance. "
These A-la-great drought, arbitrary everyone in the mountains, streams, xathan cave where Nirvana. again have the A-la-han go middle of nowhere, such as the Lord does the force of things, people start making pure faith, so after the new Nirvana. The sun was denatured sex until sun etc. ... see the A-la-drought were in passing, everyone thought: "Buddha sun had set, the disciples fully Meditation, wisdom, liberation has previously passing. beings this disease enough sex, anger and delusion that the teacher than passing French, who will treat? disciples as lotus blossom in the infinite ocean of wisdom, has withered , France has fallen tree, clouds melt away France, Undergraduate took place as to the Lord above, and follow the elephants, the sowing has gone Dharma, Dharma will find anywhere to stay? ", as the shelf said:
"Buddha in Nirvana permanent citizenship, 
We also passed away fetters,
empty world, not wise,
ignorant add up, position lights off. "
Then the gods feast beneath the Great Ca-lettuce shelf and said:
"Tier elders, three poisonous except,
as his body metal pillars death,
serious Brigade unequaled magic,
pure light eyes like lotus. "
Praise so then, sir Ca-lettuce: "The faith Ca-lettuce!'s author know? dharma boat was going to burst, as if to pour into dharma, dharma sea as if to dry, as if casually reclining Buddha Dharma, Buddha Dharma as want to turn off lights, speakers as if all legal, executive director at the time, adding to the evildoers. May he bring that founded the mind of the Dharma. "
Great Ca-lettuce Now, mind like the ocean, stood unshakable, seconds long meeting: "The smart he said, just as real, not the world long will the irrational, dark blind. "And then silence Dai Ca-lettuce accepted. gods Then feast beneath the Great Ca-lettuce then suddenly does not every man on the old site.
As Canada's University Lettuce thinking, "I now how to give the Dharma in three met countless lives that are hard to find long head?" Thinking like that is done, the next thought: "I know he can make law office is long, must be compiled Economics (Tu-puzzle-route), Law (Pi-ni), Reviews (A-Pi-talk) into three tiers France, so head dharma can be long, he au territory can be practiced, why? Since being merciful Buddha, many suffer in life, learned new law that took him tell. They should also obey the dharma that route civilizing. "
Then, say University of Ca-lettuce was finished, he went to the mountain top rated Peak Tu-di-mace, and theory:
"The disciple of the Buddha.
If you think of the Buddha,
Buddha To report grace,
entered Nirvana. "
mace-Peak Sounds and voices of the University Ca-lettuce wine to age throughout the three thousand worlds, where also listen, at the time of grade student was the force, are to place the General Meeting Ca-lettuce.
Dai Ca-lettuce Then they report to Congress: "going to want to kill the Dharma! Buddha for mercy suffering beings should be required in all sorts of new three learned countless lives that way! Now Buddha in Nirvana, the disciples knew French life over France, French director Buddhist chant that passing, the French wanted to kill this upcoming, futuristic beings life rather miserable, lost eye position Property, dense clouding. Buddha's compassionate mercy beings, let us obey the Buddha, the compiler must wait scriptures finished, then optional passing. "These are they to attend obedience stay.
Dai Ca-Now pick lettuce thousands, except Ananda, also saw all the A-la-drought, the six things divine, be liberated, liberated very afraid, are three intelligent, self in meditation, can and retrograde act upon the samadhi, are all very afraid, reciting three-story, exterior books know, also read the first eighteen years experience of pagan era. Everybody recommend good argument, for the simple line learning .
Question: Now there are countless A-la-drought like that, why would only pick one of thousands of people, but no more pick? 
A. Qin-she-ta-la enlightened, eighty-four thousand francs belonging are also enlightened. excellence in supply at that time king often served meals donated to a thousand people. King A-bar-the law still did not give up. Dai Ca-lettuce Now thinking: "If we usually go begging implementation will be forced to heathen victims of neglecting legal matter that the. Now in the United-health-food often give a thousand people, we can stay in it, the Canon aggregation ", which was why choose just one of thousands of people, no more choose.
At that time the Great Ca- lettuce with a thousand people go to the mountain-soap-excavation States, the United-amnesty, told A-bar-the king: "Every day bring food to provide for us, we are here today fetters collective scriptures, is not going anywhere. "
There An apartment in the lower three months. During the first fifteen days theoretical world, gathered Increase harmony. Dai Ca-lettuce into meditation, and God used this vision of us here who is not a clean end to sorrow, to be invited to. Seeing alone Ananda is not an end all suffering, also nine hundred and ninety-nine other people were cleaning out the contraband, not pure filthy. Dai Ca-lettuce up from meditation, Ananda took his hand out of them says: "Now in our scriptures pure compiler, I have not cleaned fetters, should not be here."
Then Ananda shame sad cry, thought to himself, "I am twenty-five year follow Exalted servant, his close care, suffering has never been like this, it is Venerable Buddhist compassion, or benefactor." Thinking is done, Ananda said Dai Ca-lettuce: "I have enough to enlightened long, but under the law of the Buddha, the A-la-drought can not be wrong that serve the two parties, so that I keep a small portion fetters it all alone without end. " Ca-lettuce University said: "He was also found guilty, the Buddha did not want women ordained, because He graciously recommend visiting, for their new Buddhist monastics, for that reason that the Buddha Dhamma is only five hundred years decline. Suddenly It's guilt-la-fetters (Dunkrta) of the Master. Ananda replied: "I pity her talk-Cu-di. Again, according to the Buddhas of the three periods are four sets of them, why own Buddha Shakyamuni's Office can not we? "Ca-lettuce University said:" When the Buddha is about to enter Nirvana nearly a verse-thi- na-masterpiece, his back pain, he underwent four European-class multi-la-rose to lie and say to me: "I need water", which he did not provide. It is sin-la Punch-fetters of you. "Ananda replied:" When the five hundred carts that line tape to wade through muddy water to do, so I do not get! "Ca-lettuce University said:" Although turbid water, the force of the Buddha can make muddy water turned into clean, so I do not get? It's fetters-la-to-batch of the Master. He let go of repentance. "Ca-lettuce University said:" The Buddha taught: If a smart practice Four-sufficient spirit, they can live a life or a premature birth. Four Buddhist practice sufficient spirit left, want to live a small life or a life will be, but why I do not answer him silent. Buddha asked three times, I remain silent. If I said to the Buddha: Buddha's Four-sufficient spirit left practice, he should live a life or a premature birth! Because He, the Exalted Buddha into Nirvana soon. It's fetters-la-to-batch of the Master! "Ananda replied:" Ma obscures my mind, should not speak, not that I have not answered Buddha malice. "Ca-lettuce University said:" I Health-ranked Sangha of Buddha pears that stepped on his foot. It's fetters-la-to-batch of the Master! "Ananda replied:" when high winds that have surfaced that no one took care, as he blew my leg fell, not that I do not respect trampled to the Buddha! "Ca-lettuce University said:" After the Buddha's Nirvana, Mr. Minister haunted museum presentation of the female Buddha sem, not knowing how bad? It's fetters-la-to-batch of the Master! "Ananda replied:" Then I thought: If the woman that haunted museum of Buddhist minister, make themselves female body shame, hope MUO is ⮠ dear son, general practice Buddhism, the original seeding merit ", so that the woman I see, not bad not know that tried to take down the world". Ca-lettuce University said: "I have six counts Break-la-such fetters should have repented between Rising". Ananda said: "Well,
Then, the A-la-He says: "Who can establish Pi-ni fetters France organ?" A Presbyterian Guinea-parking-lot (A-recruiter-long-momentum) said: "Xa-profit-waving as the second Buddha, have good disciple, Kieu-domain-name is the three-point is the need gentle puree, usually in that wilderness, tranquil residential center, can distinctly know Pi-ni organ, this garden is in Thi-profit-sa heaven, so wrong on the rise. " University of Ca-lettuce is said to reduce monks: "Hear me wrong Increase." 
Monks House is said, "there is something wrong that increase?" Ca-lettuce University said: "Increasing sent me to the test-profit-sa garden in heaven, where A-la-Han Qiao-range three-easy-in". Monks he obeyed eagerly excited Increase-wrong, and platinum University Ca-lettuce: "I came to A-la-Han Qiao-commit-three-threads, the theory of what?" Ca-lettuce University said: "By then, said to-three-Kieu-range problem: The illegal take the long-term A-la-Ca-lettuce etc ... are meeting at the point-line-topic, Boost has the largest French , asked him to come quickly. "
Monks House is her funeral and then go around the third round, as the bird immediately flew up Kim-si nowhere to place Kieu-commit-three-threads, bowed Holidays, said Qiao -commit-three-titled "Dear Great-faith, such as krill, gentle friendly, Minimize, contentment, often in meditation, Dai-ca-lettuce have greetings and says to him, have gained great France is, ask him which colors to gather photos of Sangha ". Then Kieu-range three-subject-centered suspicion, he told monks: "Increase the struggle that no reasonable call me? There are no spoilers Increase it? Buddha 'already?" Monks she said: "Yes, as he says, Buddha University-professor is dead." Kieu-commit-three-title says: "Buddha's fast too! Eyes lost world! The general have the ability to follow Buddha Jump vehicle is legal venerable relics-waving Where my present?" A: "Already before the Buddha in Nirvana". Kieu-commit-three-title says: "Christ University-Professor, French-minister level were way apart, will calculate what? University Section-Peak-hour inter-where?" Monks she replied: "It is dead." Kieu-range three-subject-said: "coming Dhamma want to wreak, University-level workers has gone, pitiful beings." Another question: "Elder Ananda do this?" Monks she replied: "Elder Ananda after the Buddha's passing, wailing plaintively, coma unspeakable". Kieu-commit-three-title says: "Ananda shirt was craving brain is so miserably, that suffering of separation. Longer-so-la what?" Monks she replied: "La-la-most have seen A-la-drought should not sorrow, but only the impermanent shop". Kieu-commit-three-title says "love hard finish that should not be an end to sorrow." Lai said: "I've lost fitness ambassadors cup, we were in the garden this Psalm profit-sa do? Ambassadors are our Venerable is dead, now we can not go down Yan-line -threads again, but here in Nirvana. "
Saying words venerable enter meditation, nowhere to fly, emit light itself, the fire emits water, holding the sun, the moon, the coal processing, self-ignition ephemera center, in four body emits water flows down to where Dai Ca-lettuce, water flows have a voice in verse:
"Kieu-range-bowed three-threads,
Venerable increase , the most common thing.
Buddha's Listen, I disappear at,
as with the princess go, with you on it. "
Now hugged monks robe and bowl is lowered back to where they increase. Meanwhile, Ananda legal thinking, not an end to all illegal or residue remains, which is Zen meditation night, caring for directing, he is so much wisdom Ananda that the few should not force enlightenment, equal to the new location and quickly attained. Last night running out, tired quamuon stay, not just lie down head to knee, Ananda show enlightened suddenly, like electric light flashed from the dark to see the road. A-an increasingly enter the Kim-thus breaking all the negativity mountains, Three-evidence proving miracles. Communist liberation, the A-la-drought levels Mainland. Even that night, Ananda went to knock on the door called the Rising. University of Ca-lettuce asked: "Who is that knocking?" A: "I was Ananda." University of Ca-lettuce question: "why I come here?". Ananda said: "I now have an end to the illegal". Ca-lettuce University said: "Do not open the door, I just follow that to the keyhole." Ananda replied: "Yes, we can", and he used his powers under the keyhole on, bowing beneath them that repent Increase, University Ca-lettuce was not rebuked, first hand rubbed Ananda said: "I tried for me, to give me enlightened, he should not dislike hatred, and so, I reinforced to me self realization. example, hand painted middle of nowhere, do not cling, A-la-drought heart so well , in all the way, no longer attached. teacher go back to their seats. "
Then Increase the table and said, "Kieu-range three-subject-has in passing, one can also compiler of the scriptures ? " A Presbyterian Guinea-parking-lot said: "He Elder Ananda, the Buddha's disciples in line, most often near the Buddha, remember listening experience, often praised Buddha, Ananda was able compiler Business organ. "
Then Presbyterian University Ca-lettuce head rubbed Ananda, saying: "It has good implications for organ master French life over, I should inform punishment. Buddha preached the first place? The Buddhist disciples French households can manually increase market is dead, just left alone I say this according to the mind of the Buddha, merciful beings, organ compiler dharma. "
Then, Ananda funeral finished, sit on the court Lion. Then said Dai Ca-lettuce shelf:
"The Lion King Buddhas.
Ananda was the Buddha,
sitting on a lion throne.
Restaurant in them, absent Buddha.
Venerable Thus we,
not Buddha, god discredited.
As While moonless,
but there star strictly not.

teacher, great minds to say.
teacher, the Buddha say.
Housings, Buddhism prevailed,
I should state now. " 
Then Elder Ananda most attention, accept hand toward where Buddha Nirvana, said:
"At last the Buddha preached.
At that time I did not see,
retransmitted Listen thus:
Buddhism in Balaam complaints.
Buddhist monks for years.
First French Open ,
four legal theory Truth,
Suffering, and The Kills, Act.
Kieu A-elegant-ceiling-like,
first seen directing.
Eight thousand of them natural.
were also directed to sign. " 
Thousand A-la-drought hear He said then, nowhere to fly high with seven plant Multi-la, and said: "Big replaced, power impermanent!, as we see Buddha preached his eyes, said today," I hear ", and said shelf:
"We see the Buddha's form.
well as Purple Mountain.
they kill faith magic minister,
was left alone name.
means So please,
I hope out of the three realms.
Diligent team of virtue.
Nirvana fun than all " .
Guinea Then A-Lot-shelf beans said:
"Oh, the world is impermanent!
moon as water, a banana tree.
Merit than three realms,
wind damage all impermanent. "
Then said Dai Ca-lettuce shelf:
"Too big, very ephemeral,
Sources, place, poor, rich, to.
enlightenment, not enlightenment.
All the inevitable.
Phi, or use, a treasure.
Phi war is deception,
things like fire,
impermanence is so. "
Ca-lettuce University told Ananda: "From business to business Zhuan Falun Nirvana Great Eight, episode four A-levels: Increase least A-levels, A-levels Central, School A-levels, corresponding to A-levels. It's called France increased from-puzzle-Highway (Sutrapitaka.)
The A-la-han asked: "Who can understand that increasing collection of French-ni?" Say: "Elder Pros-three-cups, is the prime law than in A-la-hundred year drought, we also appeal". Instant appeal: "Please get up to go to the Lions sitting judge recounted:" Buddhism started in place fetters ni Pi-world theory? "
Pros-three-ly obeyed Increase up, sat on the throne said: " So I hear, a Buddhist monk in a glass-health-, now the author of Head-Tu-Ca-phosphate-na-nan momentum, start making lewd conversation. He predestined, to the great Buddha first offense. Two hundred and fifty of the world in three, the seven, eight French monks-ni, Pi-ni, Boost-best, three-glass-priority issues, Journal of Compassion Ministry. Thus the eighteen-ni increase as the "
The A-la-drought re thinking: "Who can understand that the collective organ A-Pi-talk?" Think "Elder Ananda, in A-la-hundred year drought, as most people understand the meaning of Tu-puzzle-route, we also invited. "Instant appeal that:" Please get up to go to the court sitting lion, Buddhist art in the first place Theory of A-Pi-talk? "
Increase Ananda obeyed up, sat on the throne said, "So I hear, a Buddha in the Xa-her-problem, then told the monks Buddhist who have years of fear, of guilt, resentment year, not unless not kill, he predestined, body and mind in this life be immeasurable suffering, life after the fall into evil ways. Those who do not have years of fear, of guilt, resentment year, he predestined, body and mind happy life in this world, life after the birth in heaven for fun. What year is it fear so far apart? One is the killing, two thieves, three sexual misconduct, lie four, five is drinking. "Things like organ called the A-Pi-talkie.
organ compiler France finished third, gods, spirits , the dragon, the rain goddess sun flower flavor, chalky, sun shirt enough these offerings, offerings to France, and the theory of verse:
"For mercy on the world.
Aggregation three legal organ.
whom enough willpower Ten.
Tri lamp ignorance ". 
Question: Bat-Peak-A-Pi-level talks (Astagran - abhidharma), Luc part (Asatpa - abhidharma) from?
Answer: When the Buddha was in the world, there is no wrong way . After Buddha's, the first legal practice, as well as a Buddhist. Tombä´ hundred years after the Buddha's passing, King A-du-ka (Asoka) open Board meeting Vu-color-bar (Pancavarsa - parisad), the great shaman recommend different conclusion should be different from the name. Thereafter, turn to religion when she's his Brahmin identity is Ca-fried-Performing, wisdom, benefit grounds , read all three books in the external organs, to explain the Dharma should Phat-place essay (Jnanaprasthamastagrantha) Kien-eight degrees, the first product is the best time to approach. Later the disciples, because people can not understand after eight Kien-level, the argument should write Pi-she-sa. Someone said: "In the six-part A-Pi-talk, the third part is that Origin Discrimination, Section-by-joint editor Peak. During the six sections, the first section consists of eight items, four items by the Persian-eye removal editor-slapping, four produced by A-la-Han Ke-new country (Kashmir) editor, while five other products prepared by the engineers recommend a comment. "
Then there are people who say: "When Buddha died, Xa-profit-waving has Buddha's award should compose A-Pi-talkie. later read from reciting director who, until now known as interest-waving Xa-A-Pi-talkie. Ca-fried and long-tathe electricity Buddha, because solutions Buddha's words that compose Pi-Lac (Petaka - Organ Association) so far in South Thien Truc circulation.
Agenda The arguments are broadband Buddha, as said in the world. During her world, there are few world of color, some # 7855 of myriad world c? few visible world, some unseen world? few world is there to be afraid, for these men are not afraid? Those are useful illicit sex, sex is very much illegal? few men are compounded, these men are ridiculous? few world is retribution, retribution little world is not? few men are good, some are evil world? few organic world is signed, some are neutral world?
Then there are seven history . is infected sexual history, court history Nhue, Friends charity use, using arrogance, ignorance used, is using, comfortable use. In her seven use, some use sphere system, using several systems of Lust, some systems use arūpa? The machine is so easy to guess, those used by the thinking stage. Some find it hard to use by segment, see little use due apron stage, used by some to predict that Kill, those used by the island to see the stage? Several variations throughout history, not much use around the turn?
Then there is the French tenth place position, rate, recreation, physical location, Tha mind, stubborn, set location, location Kill, Directed location, location Enjoy, Cheers. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.27/3/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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