Wednesday 26 March 2014

The University Tri Comment
(Mahaprajnaparamitasatra) - Author: Nagarjuna (Nagarjuna) translation of the Chinese: Kumarajiva - Translation Chinese to Vietnam: Thich Thien Sieu                                 

Episode 5
Book 91  
Explanation: Additional tuber Friday 81
  (Doing Great Wisdom chance 2 record: Products Not Physically 79th)
Business: white Buddha Bodhi Monastery: O Buddha, if Bodhisattvas cultivate six Paramitayana, not eighteen, thirty-seven legal assistant, ten power of Buddha, four things not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen not common law, not full time Bodhisattva can not be Supreme supreme Buddha, Bodhisattvas so how full the Bodhisattva, the Supreme can be supreme Buddha?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: If the bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, due to media should act Paramitayana For there is not an alms, do not see the pilot, there were no candidates who receive, not far He left the legal practice of giving the Bodhisattva lighting. Thus, due to the Bodhisattva means should complete the Bodhisattva, and can be fully Supreme supreme Buddha. Morality, patience, diligence, meditation and wisdom, not the common law to eighteen, and so on.
Sariputta white Buddha: O Buddha, Bodhisattvas how collective action Prajna Paramita?
Buddha relics: As Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, using of color means no damage, not in color, why? Because there are not that sharp should not follow, no damage, until official likewise. This Shariputra, the bodhisattva practice Prajna, due to vehicle damage should not give alms, do not follow, why? Because there are not alms, not until eighteen common law, and so on.
Sariputta white Buddha: O Buddha, if the law can not be self-damage, may follow, the Bodhisattva how collective action can Prajna school and place of the Bodhisattva head, why? Since no school Bodhisattva Sutra period may not be supreme Buddha Supreme?
Buddha asked Sariputta: As you say, no school Bodhisattva Sutra period may not be Supreme supreme Buddha, because he could not leave power facilities that can be. If Bodhisattva Sutra or find a way to get the players should take, if the player can not be taking something? That is, for this is the Prajna Paramita, for this is Zen Paramitayana, so here is For Paramitayana, here is form, feeling, perception, consciousness, so here is the supreme Buddha Supreme . This Sariputta, Prajna prime minister can not, until all the Dharma can not be prime minister, he called Prajna not the prime minister, for the Dharma can not be prime minister, the Bodhisattva should take place. Bodhisattva in her learning, general education can not be, let alone Sutra, Buddha dharma, Bodhisattva legal, legal Pratyekabuddhas, Thanh legal documents, legal ordinary person, why? Because the law does not have a magnetic. France not magnetic so what is the ordinary person has completed Tu, Tu momentum function, anagami, Arhat, Pratyeka Bodhisattvas and Buddhas? Without the consecration how the law? Knowing that law should say here that distinguish ordinary person, this is completely Tu momentum until the Bodhisattva, the Buddha.
Sariputta white Buddha: O Buddha, if no measures calculated and not real, do not have the basic know how it is for the ordinary person to know which is the Buddha?
Buddha asked Sariputta: Property ordinary person's identity before sinking were so magnetic?
No, the venerable sir, just so crazy that saw interest, feeling, perception, volitional formations, not legal for eighteen common, and so on.
This Sariputta, when operating Bodhisattva Sutra, due to legal means so that the nonmagnetic, no basis can give rise to supreme Buddha Supreme.
Sariputta white Buddha: how the Bodhisattva Sutra practice due to legal means so that the computer does not have no basis which may result in heart Supreme supreme Buddha?
Sariputta Buddha: Wisdom Bodhisattva not see the issue of the legal basis but in her mind lazy student degradation losses. This Sariputta, the legal basis so there is no self, no ownership, are typically not only because so crazy foolish beings in warm attachment, enter twelve, eighteen. Bodhisattva found no legal ownership, are usually not counted, when issued but are not themselves the Sutra itself up as an associate illusory, because they are born that sermon: Teaching handouts for participants, teaching morality to break world, patience to teach hatred, teach diligently for lazy people, teaching meditation for thought disorder, teach the foolish wisdom, that we give to students residing in the intelligence, said that after the new St. legislature can escape suffering; using methods that should be done to track results arahatship, director Pratyekabuddhas, fruit Supreme supreme Buddha.
Sariputta white Buddha: O Buddha, Bodhisattva was born that we should not have ownership taught that generosity, morality, wisdom until, after saying that the holy law can liberate suffering, so that should be legal Full results for the Supreme momentum supreme Buddha?
Buddha asked Sariputta? When operating Bodhisattva Sutra, no sin can be, why? Because when operating Bodhisattva Sutra, there were no sentient beings, just as "not legal" so-called continuum beings. Bodhisattva two substrates used for lectures beings, is the First Empire and imperialism. In her two kingdoms, but we can not be born, but because of the Bodhisattva Sutra, health facilities should be used for lectures beings. We hear law student knows me, my life could not get this, what case law is used and who is supreme Buddha Supreme! Thus, when operating Bodhisattva Sutra, by means of force should be born because they preach.
Sariputta white Buddha: O Buddha, Bodhisattvas large center, no law can be either a minister, or another minister, or minister defects that can such great solemnity. So he should not solemn Desire Realm born, not born realms  Sac, not born formless realm; compounded not see, do not see that nothing of that in the three realms of sentient beings escape, also found no general beings, why? Because they are not tied not open, because they are not bound student should not open not remember not clean, not clean up because no memory can not distinguish six lines, because there is no distinction should not have six lines now, no negativity , because there is no industry, no negativity should not be retribution, and because of that retribution was born in the three worlds.
Buddha asked Sariputta; Thus, the same. As you say, if we have that then not born before the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas sin. The six-way street, as well as life and death, if not before there that after the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas sin. This Sariputta, there is no Buddha, the Buddha or the law minister has no other permanent residence, in the Minister's approach was no self, no living beings, no life there, for no one knows who to see, let alone What form, feeling, perception, knowledge! Without that law, how six roads that pull back and forth beings out? This Sariputta, the calculation was usually not, so from where Buddhas Bodhisattvas hear method minister's past that give rise to supreme Buddha Supreme, which we would not have been legal, there is no students that they can not be certain shipwreck before pulling out, just as they should immerse crazy before birth. So the mind has great Bodhisattva solemn, often not regressive for Supreme supreme Buddha. Bodhisattvas do not think that I will not be Supreme supreme Buddha, or we will surely Supreme supreme Buddha? Supreme Being supreme Buddha and then, using bogus benefit sentient beings, made out crazy. For as magical teacher turned out hundreds of thousands of people thousands of memories, night bar makes alms are fed, sang happy that we are great blessings, we are big blessings! Italy do you think, in fact it has fed people reasonable?
Ladies do not, venerable sir.
The Buddha: Thus, Sariputta, Bodhisattva since the last new center, Paramitayana out six, four meditation for eighteen common law not fully Bodhisattva, achievements wisdom to living beings, strictly pure Buddha realm where sentient beings can not have degrees.
White Buddha Bodhi Monastery: O Buddha, the Bodhisattva is how? Bodhisattva's practice can achieve enlightenment for sentient beings, strictly pure Buddha realm?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Bodhisattva new interest since the last commit generosity, morality, patience, diligence, meditation and wisdom, not to eighteen common law, which give us insight into student achievement strictly pure Buddha realm.
Tu Bo said, how Bodhisattva practice charity can achieve enlightenment for sentient beings?
Buddha: the Bodhisattva practice charity, generosity myself, born and taught them generosity, saying: The good men from, the beams before his generosity. The wreck before him for alms to the body to life, because life itself must be subject to much suffering. This element of good men, in general do not have the legal alms, no trial, no experimenting, three measures that are not calculated self. France was not able to calculate not prime, and prime minister can not be calculated not. Thus, the Bodhisattva practice charity, generosity living beings, in that there was no alms, alms people, who receive gifts, why? So can not get alms;'s called Giving Paramitayana. Bodhisattva not see three methods that can be instructive beings that are complete results for the momentum arahatship, director Pratyekabuddhas to Supreme supreme Buddha. If the bodhisattva practice of giving them insight into student achievement, make his own charity, and teach the practice of generosity, charity law praise, praise the joy out of giving. Bodhisattvas such generosity is great insight into the benefits of birth, major line Brahmin, giants lay, or emirate, or cakkavatti, when he brought four players to photography beings. Four of them are giving, loving, and at the operating profit. Get things which they arise and craft photography, gradually beings residing in the world, in four eight-part meditation to Qingdao, no, mindless, harmless, samadhi, in which the results are the complete momentum for arahatship or to direct Pratyekabuddhas, or teach that the Supreme supreme Buddha, saying: Hey, good son, and he let the mind has supreme Buddha Supreme, Supreme supreme Buddha easily is, why? Since there is no specific law. Things beings before sinking because so crazy to immerse students in advance. So the separation from his mortal self, teach others also separated from birth to death of him to release his self-interest to benefit, as well as the benefits that popular delusion that anger to-hell, hungry ghost demons, animals, and the evil way, subject to immeasurable suffering. He said because of the falsehoods that's not true cause for pity because he was not poor as a human being, let alone meet the Buddha was born. Hey good son, the birth of Buddha is hard to see, hard to the body, the face of his precious time, if you miss out on precious time and they can not be saved. Such Bodhisattva teaches beings, to make his own patience, practice and patience to teach others, praised France patience, joyful praise the practice patience. Bodhisattva beings that reside in the patient gradually be stopped by legal succession from misery. Thus, the Bodhisattva residing in Paramitayana For beings that dwell in patience.
* Again, Tu Bodhi, Bodhisattva how Paramitayana Candidates residing in spermatogenesis causing them to attack? Bodhisattva lazy beings, saying: The lazy him why? These students meet: Because of the lack of conditions. If the bodhisattva practice almsgiving, told the beings that I will make him fully causal, or generosity, or patience or discipline. Beings that are predestined to benefit themselves diligently, diligently mouth, keeping their mind. Body diligent, diligent attention should complete all the bad ones, holy convent outflow; religious holy outflow momentum should be done until results arahatship, Pratyeka Supreme Buddhist or supreme Buddha . Thus, the act of giving Bodhisattva residing in photography Diligent players Paramitayana beings.
* Again, Tu Bodhi, Bodhisattva how the act of giving, teaching that all sentient beings meditate?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Bodhisattva saw beings psychosis, said he could meditate. These students meet: We lack an affinity. Bodhisattva said: I will make him enough of an affinity. Thanks causal mind that makes him not to follow the senses, the mind is not distracted. They are born predestined to end her senses in meditation, subtle meditation, meditation tam, meditation, kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, discharge. They are born predestined meditation and her boundless heart should be able to practice the four foundations of mindfulness for the noble eightfold. When the seven thirty three assistant gradually admit that nirvana, take full no direction. Thus, the Bodhisattva practice charity, they get players born photographer meditation meditation Paramitayana made.
* Again, Tu Bodhi, Bodhisattva how Prajna act of generosity by our photographer born players? This Bodhi, Bodhisattva foolish beings see no wisdom, saying: The excuse he does not cultivate wisdom? These students meet: Because of the lack of conditions. Bodhisattva said he should be the full intellectual, follow me and get it; meaning of generosity, morality, patience, diligence, meditation. He's charming and full, and he thought thus: Uncivil there can be such measures? or me, or beings, or life-until who knows who that might be reasonable? or form, feeling, perception, consciousness, or the Desire Realm, Sac realm, formless realm; Paramitayana or six, or seven thirty legal assistant, or have completed results, levels freezer, anagami, Arhat, Pratyekabuddhas, or Supreme supreme Buddha can be reasonable? As thinking beings for such period no legal Sutra may be, can be wrecked before, if not before the wreck, when he can not find legal birth there is death, there is thanks to clean, no distinction was Hell, the animals, the hungry ghosts, they asura, the sun, the people, the morality, the breaking world, the Monastery has completed, the word has a function, is anagami, the Arhat , is Pratyekabuddhas, is Buddhist. Thus, the act of giving Bodhisattva Sutra photography by manually beings.
* Again, Tu Bodhi, Bodhisattva how do reside in alms About Paramitayana, Rings Paramitayana to Prajna Paramita, for thirty-seven due to legal defense beings photography assistant? This Bodhi, Bodhisattva residing in taking alms offerings to benefit sentient beings. By the coast of the benefits that they can be born from the four foundations of mindfulness, the four primary needs for the noble eightfold; beings thirty seven legal assistant was liberated life and death. Thus, by the holy Bodhisattva capital outflow photography beings.
* Again, Tu Bodhi, Bodhisattva teaches them when born, say something like this: Hey, good son, and his follow us get needed supplies: food or drink, or clothing, furniture situated, fragrance for the seven treasures, the necessities to feed. The photography that he should take the prime beings. The whole night long he happily benefit, do not think that he is not owned by me, all night long as they're born that contain groups of animals. The things you take him as his character is no different. Church sentient beings that act of generosity, morality, patience, effort, meditation, wisdom, until seven thirty that are legal assistant, the ten to eighteen Buddhist approach not common, and that is holy outflow, which is completely Tu momentum until arahatship, director Pratyekabuddhas, Supreme supreme Buddha. Thus, the Bodhisattva practice charity culture such beings, that are separated from the three evil paths, to rid ourselves of all the suffering in samsara through.
* Again, Tu Bodhi, Bodhisattva residing in chemical education About Paramitayana beings, saying: Hey beings, and what he lacks causal breaking world? I will give you full karmic: Or give alms to the intellectual and the material needed to feed. Bodhisattva precepts reside in Paramitayana benefit sentient beings that ten good practice guidance, direction away from the ten unwholesome. Beings that morality, not break the precepts, not with the world, not impure world, not complicated world, not precept, gradually admit that by the end of all three measures of suffering. Get to work early like morality, generosity, said four other Paramitayana so.
Comments: Question: Before talking Bodhisattva six Paramitayana and no legal assistant full time is not the Bodhisattva Supreme supreme Buddha, Bodh this practice should know full six Paramitayana Bodhisattva Supreme directed that the supreme Buddha, what was the question?
A: Bodhi Monastery no doubt why the Supreme supreme Buddha, this question just how full the Bodhisattva, the Supreme supreme Buddha?
Buddha replied: If the bodhisattva of six Paramitayana ... so attuned to health facilities should be able to practice, then complete the Bodhisattva. Health facilities are not sure there are three things about giving, and not away from three things that act of generosity, when he clearly reference the Bodhisattva. Screening with a clear and complete definition. If the Bodhisattva can definitely see the generosity of the three fall into insanity generally accepted, faulty attachment of the legal prime minister, if there are three things that do not fall into the acceptance stage crazy, no attachments, starting back up the wrong affliction, and he shuns the Bodhisattva. If the two parties that left Bodhisattva, that's where not abandon legal alms falsehoods disguised him, that's where the true form away from mortgage No, no trial, no receiver, as supreme Impermanence sense, charity shops, as well as other not so. Bodhisattvas practice the so-called full, not until eighteen common law so as well.
Sariputta Buddha in the middle of the congregation listened with retribution Tu said Bodhi Prajna very deep interest, but without the benefit certainty how can the collective action?
Buddha said to Bodhisattva Wisdom does not damage the color issue, not according to color, so called collective action Sutra. When new Bodhisattva mind, knowing it's usually legal to practice Prajna, first class seats appropriate action depending on alms so often said ... the practice of Bodhisattva Sutra is executive alms ...
No damage was outstanding excellence is not saying very often, not to say that no identity, no property, no damage was called identity.
Not according to eye color that is not as sharp prime minister born attachments. Again, not saying that either generally or identity impermanence, suffering or pleasure ... or was referred to as non-identity, because that often, very often are not the true form of identity.
* Again, not saying that these fundamental colors in the recalculation of, or in re-mote, or from the heavens at the University itself, or from the time, or from the natural born, or 's not saying no does not grace, reluctantly born. So-called non-identity, identity not damaged. In this causal Buddhists say: Sac does not have the properties, it does not follow, no damage.
Can not be calculated from four great colors that blend, called false identity, which does not have a certain method called identity, as in the previous articles in hues said. Lust was born from the harmony of conditions should not magnetic; without the computer itself is not instantaneous. If you understand that appearances are not set out Uncivil ie, not until eighteen common law, and so on.
Another question: Blessed, if the law can not be self-damage, may from time Bodhisattva how collective action Prajna Paramita? No school time is not Uncivil Supreme supreme Buddha?
Approval of the Buddha and Sariputta speak of conditions: If the bodhisattva practice means taking power Paramitayana six times but did not know the calculation method that can arise Prajna Paramita. If you find all legal Bodhisattva taking certain iota can be, time can craft, could attachments. But now it's looking all Bodhisattvas no way certain are called Prajna Paramita, Meditation Paramitayana not legal for eighteen common. The measures that were not possible, because the defense could not get the part? He called the Bodhisattva of Prajna Paramita not prime. Wisdom Bodhisattva should study without grasping it. No longer clinging can not be, let alone grasping Wisdom and Justice, because not all methods are magnetic?
Sariputta asked: If all the measures have not calculated and know how ordinary it is, it is the Buddha?
Buddha: All the measures have not yet certain general basic, but so crazy because ordinary attachment. Wisdom Bodhisattva practice though, due to all the media so that there is no legal basis that the mind has supreme Buddha Supreme. Bodhisattvas are not so deep that no act that has all the basic approach, because not that should not lazy, quit losing; clear all selfless way, no ownership, often not counted, because they born so crazy foolish attachment that is warm year, twelve imported eighteen. Then Bodhisattva thought, considerable reserves profound cessation of the law which they immerse students before a crazy delusion. Bodhisattva himself as the master for his magical, spiritual powers of the sermon transformed. Employment as illusory, not preach equality injured, not hate, avarice who teaches for six ... Paramitayana alms; approach to teaching that wins out over life and death, the results have completed the the Supreme supreme Buddha.
Q: In addition to the six Paramitayana there anything more reasonable approach, so why is it legal to say more?
A: In this Paramitayana not say which charity to teach, to teach wisdom to the foolish. France of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have started there after. France head generosity, morality, precepts, almsgiving retribution, heaven blessed optimistic teach students know the sweetness of low interest in sex that much damage, to life itself on earth, only suffering failure; stop praising legal separation from worldly desire, suffering only failure; loving praise end away from the legal world, so after four recent momentum to get the complete results. In this Bodhisattva just want to teach students that they should first be taught Buddhist practitioners make the first six measures. In this healing wisdom of three photographers not liberation. Healing wisdom that may arise goodness of generosity, may terminate avarice, hatred, the evil way, can make heavenly beings are born, why has the legal know more? So rather than legal measures four Noble Truths: French production, the legal basis of holy beings called the sacred law; law makes out of the three realms of life and death is called an export. Get four base should preach radical option of beings that are complete results for the momentum to be located Necessarily strain. In the wire but did not say the first six measures; say ... should know alms collected in her photography.
* Again, because the Buddhist bodhisattva to six Ahab's theory, only because our hearts lowly born, self-defense taken Theravada, so do not say that the first six measures of generosity, morality, retribution heaven born .. .
Sariputta white Buddha: Before talking Bodhisattva is ultimately impossible to get, because they are born without this property that sermon, which was the legal owner is no complete results for the momentum Necessarily strain position. Venerable sir, Bodhisattva is legal because no owner should be able to make legal beings are not possess, does not have to be possessed possessed it?
Buddha: Wisdom Bodhisattva when operating perfections possessed no error, why? As the Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita not see them born and methods, causal harmony that only authors called beings. Bodhisattva residing in two theoretical base for Ahab beings, not just theory no, not just theory useful, because they love before birth should not wrecked before, because we born prime minister attachment theory should not exist, between two seats with and without , no previous infection. Due to health facilities because they are born so that Ahab theory. Body of beings to which we now can not even get, let alone what will be the supreme Buddha Supreme?
Sariputta white Buddha joy: a bodhisattva magnitude. Center is not large there could be legal, or most general, or allergic Minister. As mid-market sellers need to exchange news, people have no such great care time, no where to turn which can give rise to large stately, solemn great because it is not born in the three worlds, and beings dual out of the three worlds, but we can not be born, because they are not bound students do not open, so not all the way. From last far longer than frivolous afflictions crazy not true, not tied so called, because not tied up nor open. Tying ie memory, ie clean open, because no memory can not clean should not distinguish six lines, six lines regardless because there is no sin now blessed blessing because now there is no sin, there is no negativity arises now sins blessing, not guilty blessed startup time can not retribution. Thus, in the approach ultimately not that great solemnity, the truth is that rare; candidates as the middle of nowhere crops, fruit trees for the benefit of many.
Buddha promises the possibility that Sariputta, Sariputta because the problem was not so He also said, also promising possibilities, so Sariputta said no, so He promised ability, because Sariputta no problem, so He answered . This means that if living beings and this is not legal front, the sages buddhas have sin. Sin is making them born in parinibbana, permanently destroy all legal, no irregularities in the ownership; do annihilated all such measures should be guilty. This Sariputta, and all sentient beings before the law is not there, or Buddha, or Buddha, the law does not remain permanent no other, which is the true form of law, that should not have six lines of life and death nor beings to be able to pull out. This Sariputta, not all previous methods, so that the Buddhist bodhisattva that he heard of the law minister should give rise to supreme Buddha Supreme, thinking, Bodhi In no way can be well no way true that certain beings that can not wrecked the front, just as they si madness born before the island should make frivolous claims; Bodhisattva Development Center so great solemnity, not regressive chief for Supreme College enlightenment. Thought that I was definitely Supreme supreme Buddha, there is not, is it really legal to use for the benefit of living beings for the benefit sentient beings should be out crazy. Want to clarify this in this business say for example teachers magical. He just magical instant Bodhisattva. He created magical forest garden, community, ie six measures Paramitayana sentient beings, created with the horses, boys and girls, that is, the bodhisattva beings. As magical a dear teacher, because of the illusory, magical beings make, forest garden, community, to make people happy, if the master of the illusory magical for making him the truth, to find favor with the illusory that is, the wild wisdom; such Bodhisattvas. According to Buddhist teaching all calculated hear not, as illusory that uses the benefits of giving them birth; want for merit grace period that is crazy.
Question: France illusory, so have a technical note, while the illusory character can make frivolous claims, as sentient beings, Bodhisattvas should not; chemical Bodhisattva not make them born, where was mentioned as an example?
A: In general it's the law, there is no law, let alone what they are born! Other names of beings known as magical teacher. The teacher is no magical truth, what excuse have magical teacher said that the district does not have to? Like he really had magical teachers, and the work made no illusion, holy longer see the master and the magical illusion made no difference. So to clarify things so say for example, that at the same portion only as an example, yet a full excuse for problems? As an example of the lion king, because the fearless lion among the beasts. King also, in itself, not obstacles between subjects should be taken as an example, where can blame that lions have four legs, others with fur is it? Buddha said properties are not legal entities but there are no living beings so magical teacher mentioned as an example. I say this for example to break beings, excuse did he give them birth problems?
Now from white Buddha Bodhi: Blessed, is how to achieve enlightenment beings, strictly pure Buddha realm?
Bodhi Monastery but said the Bodhisattva, but because of the deep are not here to say who should listen suspicions; should therefore ask Bodhi Monastery.
Buddha: Bodhisattva from the center out six new Paramitayana not until eighteen common law is that the Bodhisattva; executive director's give them insight into student achievement, strictly pure Buddha realm.
Tu Bo asked: How is that accomplished executive insight for living beings?
The Bodhi Monastery would like to say: If self-emptiness, emptiness beings themselves well, how that can be accomplished?
Buddha: Bodhisattva due to legal means to obtain alms instructive beings, sentient beings do not teach attachment to the true generosity.
Health facilities are born Bodhisattva told them that: Hey, good son, please come and give alms, do not accept alms before that, broadly speaking here as in business. Beings are born by the generosity wealthy place, because the birth center birth place so rich conceit, arrogance, conceit, arrogance because growth should break bad ones, because breaking bad ones should fall into the three evil paths. So first Bodhisattva says: Do not immerse the previous handout,'s just where the world's religious generosity and dedication are Nirvana, why? Because it's not calculated the minister, the prime minister can not. Thus, due to media Bodhisattva teaches that we are born until the results have completed Buddhist. Bodhisattva's practice of giving themselves, they also teach students alms. If not himself alms, or who said: If legal or almsgiving is therefore why he is not self-propelled? So first Bodhisattva himself giving.
* Again, Bodhisattvas are preferred goodness, that charity is the original door, so out of generosity. Again, a Bodhisattva of compassion, mercy beings, for greater compassion but not yet able to fully sentient beings, so the first charity to their hearts the need for krill, may be due to causes and conditions published four contestants are born into the clan and dive Holy King, and then use four measures photography photography prime beings, gradually bring legal succession makes teaching nirvana. Teach others alms, charity law praise, praise the joy of giving, charity that is very popular. So find out that other people happy praise.
* Again, the bodhisattva of mercy mind if they are religious beings blessed the happy, healthy father saw the good work the joy. The four ways that are born out of giving you insight into the interests, the Brahmin ...; take alms photography craft and beings that gradually teaches them discipline, meditation is directed to Pratyekabuddhas. Or find beings who have great interest and have a little compassion, mortal fear him long distance it takes to quit lazy, the Bodhisattva means using force to tell them that he was born: Strangely enough, the other sentient beings! Supreme supreme Buddha is easy, why are you to be hard? Property beings accept wrecked, in truth there is no certain way may interfere with, difficult to understand, he should give rise to the supreme Buddha Supreme. Have yourself a degree, but the escape beings.
The beings get themselves riding Bodhisattva Mahayana level, using three surplus vehicles depending on their appropriate place at which the student can. Has your self-interests, and the interests of others.
The benefit others is himself became a Buddha, also brought legal succession sentient beings. If the bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita so the new center from the whole not fall into the following three evil paths.
Often cakkavatti is largely born Bodhisattva Desire Realm, why? Because of the formless realm formless should not be teaching flower parts in many popular realms Sac meditation wrecked the fun, not boring mind it's tough chemistry teacher, the student is not heavenly sphere, why? Since the sinking of sexual pleasure should hardly instructive. And in the eternal humanitarian work took four photographers, photography prime beings, so do cakkavatti. In this causal Buddhists say: Depending on the sow that place greater retribution, as in Beijing said Minister giving. And a Bodhisattva when enforced Paramitayana, that broke world beings thought, because he's the charm should not fully break the precepts, we will give character needed to avoid shortages.
The international break has two classes: A karmic morality is not sufficient to break, as the poor and hunger should urgently theft. Second karmic morality, but because although full training center routine follow evil, evil that prefer working out world. The poor and broke the world Bodhisattva said to them: He let morality, we will provide full. The morality then he gradually through legal succession that was the escape, he called the candidate's father morality.
They are born because of the attention so as not to anger is like looking for material like that should not be angry, unpleasant encounter people should not be angry. Bodhisattva practice almsgiving discretion that give them full.
Q: As the needy for grant applicants to not be angry, even people who do not deserve the promotion was angry that the left brain do?
A: Take the pearl as the pilot for the people are pleasant, because virtue of the pearl should not be angry; such practitioners to eighty from the center should not be angry. So what to say because of the lack of conditions should be angry, we will make you full.
* Again, not all calculated, not own, the reason he was angry and frivolous claims are not certain why he was so frivolous that the angry lashing out, damage to rob home network? Since creating serious crime that should fall into the three evil paths subject to immeasurable suffering. He said because of the fact that frivolous claims are not subject to major crimes. As in the mountains there is a map image of Buddha paintings, including a private room in a terrorist demon go, contact the director's brain to the director's room all that goes away. There is an increase visitors go to, the arbitration Duy na divided in her room, talking with visitors increasing that: In the room there was a demon who prefer emotional brain, he can be in it at. The visitors increased from knife morality, which tells multicultural elementary devil: What You're also likely to surrender, immediately into the room. Had a night to go to find other living increase accommodation, the na Duy also points to in her room and said: In the room with the devil or contact primary human brain. Increase other guests also said Minions capable of anything, I will surrender. Increase in visitors before closing the door, sit upright for the quarter; visitors to increase later in the night shove the door open. Increase visitors before the devil that is, not subject to open; guests Increase after beating the door with all my strength. Increase in visitors sure to grab a knife; Increase visitors outside more, go to the bucket. Increase in visitor evaluation; Increase in external guests also vehemently fight like hell. When morning came, who saw everything clearly knows the old school fellows, so that together shame sorry. People flock to ridiculous, to be disembodied. Beings as such, the five aggregates harmony no self, no person that accept mere prime minister to fight each other. If cutting the pieces thrown to the ground only that no flesh, no one. So tell us born Bodhisattva says: 'He does not basics in place, that fight, cause crime, because crime fighting body was not able to get, let alone meet the Buddha! Knowing yourself is the hard, hard to see the Buddha was born, precious time easy to pass, a phen fall into the tribulation period can not permanent correction. If you fall into hell, burning, cutting time teaches how to be? If you fall into the animal, mutually destructive, and can not instructive! If you fall into the hungry ghosts, starving brain radiation also can not instructive! If living a long life in heaven, though ten thousand thousand Buddha passed that because wrecked before meditation should not know! If the place of birth in the sea, but who are themselves ignorant, can not instructive! Despite being born into the world center which country or incomplete limbs, or blind, deaf, dumb, lisp, or do not know the meaning of, or six bases but incomplete without informing interests, or deeply immersed wrong to say that not guilty blessing, can not also instructive! So as they say valuable time, do not let the bed through which oppressed and suffering on the site, can not be measured.
The other Paramitayana in this business, by extension, should not explained here.
Q: In the act For which year Paramitayana Paramitayana done, why do you say the six Paramitayana?
A: On the first man said from a full year of classes, but here are generally the same from one year time.
Again, the previous six Paramitayana just say, this is always the thirty-seven said legal assistant director and results.
Q: Thirty-seven of the legal assistant from the center, how predestined help?
Answers: the Bodhisattva meditation provides the clothing, food drinks, medicine, legal staff, ready meditation, meditation town, making sure meet good teacher teaches, the good disciple church; give skeleton make consistent, to make the teaching meditation walking meditation method. Thus, the karmic law of thirty-seven assistant. Forcing the law faculty for Mahayana saith he needs clothing, food or beverages are to take this as his character, do not doubt. These things already, he was to make his own six Paramitayana, teach others also operating six Paramitayana. The calculation does not give alms, do not immerse the front of his charity and alms retribution. We are not born enlightened him, gradually Supreme supreme Buddha, on parinibbana.
As early as taking legal alms born in Paramitayana other means of Paramitayana other so well.

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