Saturday 29 March 2014

Investment strategy Education Prize. Portability


-Part 4-
Ð. The Encouragement and instruction in the end
This section is divided into three: article 1 General encouragement words, more evidence the basic tenets 2, 3 deals these teachings.
I. General Encouragement.
From "the teacher Bhikkhu stilts, for everything the Germans ... not my fault people lead the way": articles taught: "The teacher Bhikkhu stilts for everything the Germans, the teacher who most frequently take practice, avoid an Yi as avoiding hostile aggressors." Everything merit is all such be addressed from đầøu investment until the end of menstruation, all such everyday that are collected into three loads smuggled school: determine the boundary, and Wisdom. What the Buddha taught, he is encouraged to make efforts to maintain operations do not leave empty time and don't mind the cavalier has a chance to start over, took refuge in France as Chief Justice, psychology instructed by French Chief Justice will be an good and pure. The last reminder of the Buddha is not intended to honor the role direction, nor does it stem from religious development engine or his doctrine, that just because your great bi-loving beings, loving disciples wanted to show they were soon freed accomplishments. On the other hand is not a reminder of monitory a fastidious masters, wants to create a psychological pressure to impress for the future, the Buddha as his injured son, first step the separation I hope you understand and take the right path that his father has to go, since the main benefit children. Articles teach: "crush the ball, Like a hybrid said French public benefit in a way rescuing wings, the only practical attempt".
Practice? And where to start? The Buddha said: "Or in the mountain forest, or next to the dam away, or under General Siva, the master be in a relaxed manner in small interior NET remember and enjoy the experience Chief of France took over, don't forget". This Buddha's teachings with teachings in Tibetan Pàli and Ahàm: "select a place to stick away President miluo city as trees, forests, mountains, ravines, caves, tha ma, Pine Grove, outdoor, piles of straw. The old urban planner to sit her back straight, stay ahead of mantras "(Statue Of the U.s. Example, TBK). The problem of cultivation of place, a few issues to be laid out:
1. If a person new to the Scouts, not yet mature in the Dhamma, tart, and life has run Citadel precepts fully mature, so virtue is not achievement, which hastily looking for secluded place to tu anniversary is a dangerous mistake, because probably consistent meditation practice is based on the school's achievements.
2. Select where to stick away, avoiding the customary foreign meditation to coast is reasonable. Spice people lived in the city, or near where loud boisterous, living with work, struggle, it is hard work. However, if you know the sort of work, finding a quiet place such as a small room upstairs, for example, can still work well without the need to search for old men deserted.
Method of practice is to "remember and enjoy the experience of French Chief Justice took over." Means mindfulness, usually a projection the object body, feelings, mind and the Dhamma; or a survey practice management aid products 37 ... the important thing is not to forget ", i.e. the area of cockroach, usually no memory of tu Chanh. Has the Chief Executive and the Chief Justice, the French Citadel Chief of France, his life will not pass a useless way of regret later.
The Buddha as the Liang y, the Dhamma as medicament, drug, whose salary had medical patients not to drink, then the disease is still not healed, errors are not caused by the physician by the patient, so the Buddha said: "As a hybrid as the only disease known to medical salaries, longer drink or not is not the fault of Liang y." In the Sutra the Buddha known as y. For example, the Buddha as the Liang y very close to human life which many illnesses. For example, the Buddha as Navigator also highly accurate articles, Buddha said: "as the đưòng good, good directions, but heard that don't go is not the fault of people lead the way". Teachings are so fervently and humanity, man is his own employer, can create for themselves the life of happiness or misery. The Buddha is not a God or God has blessed or Christmas, or his enlightenment. Similarly the Buddha taught in Central Beijing when Brahmin Ganaka Moggallana asked: "so what coast while the available Nirvana, there are degrees of direction led the authorities there who aren't certified results?". The Buddha for example the United Kingdom, there is the road going to the city, there are people who know their directions turn. So that is the error, that person goes to the destination. Nirvana, too, Like a hybrid is just the only way to Nirvana (k. Ganaka Moggallana, TBK I)
The word of the Buddha for disciples so fervently clear and reasonable. Dhamma has been taught to run a short life, don't let go by a way unhelpful. To attempt to advance to the series, not to anyone, even the Buddha himself, as the Buddha is the only way.
II. Determine The Basic Tenets Ming
From "The teacher Bhikkhu stilts for 4 the truth ... no longer skeptical anything else": articles Buddha: "The teacher Bhikkhu stilts for the 4 truths, the master still skeptical it would have to be questioned immediately, do not hold the disbelief that do not demand answers". Issues raised are the four noble truths, in Travel (Ahàm) has the same paragraph: "this the Bhikkhu stilts, he objected to the Buddhas, Dharma, they increase the legitimacy and there is nothing in doubt again? No question can go for timely, so out of repentance, I still have that resolved to ".
The Catechism four noble truths are the Buddha considered to be the most basic, most core doctrines taught, so he focuses on a special way. This tetrarchy doctrine embraces Buddhist doctrine system, true to his remarks and symbolism Develop: "Chu Sage pundits, for as all matches of all animals is featured photographer in the elephant's footprint, because this footprint is the largest of all the footprints. Also lettered his fake, all the French charity centered in God's Holy Tứù "(Statue Of An Example). Because the four noble truths is the basis should an understanding of the four noble truths are important, related disciplines work and progress of the rescue. So the Buddha repeated, stressed to determine the importance of the doctrine of the four emperors, on the other hand solved mhững still skeptical, unknown, created a solid news niểm for 4 this truth. Venerable talking ingenue in "Buddhist studies treatise" also stressed: "The Buddha School are deeply conscious that God is the only Holy Gang catechism platform that is the Foundation for fundamental tenets of the Charter" (PHKL t. 206)
The Buddha asked 3 times, no one was more skeptical, Mr. A Nậu Da Long identified 4 truth is truth is truth, the other can not be, with the vivid example: "the moon can make heat up, the Sun can do for cooling, but 4 the truth that in Germany The Religion taught cannot make another go." The dress that the perfection of the theory as well as in terms of the practicality of the 4 truth.
The effect and efficiency of 4 the truth has brought confidence to the disciples, so nothing to be skeptical about 4 truth. During the 45 years of France's doctrine was born in Hoang was rubbing, challenges in many different angles. The truth is the truth.
III. The Final Teachings.
From "monks at the time ... the ultimate teachings As": The teachings of this section is divided into three parts:
1) for those disciples property, as seen in Germany That Ton is about to kill the then touched, lament the bi experience, Germany World Religion comforting thought:
a-the presence of the Buddha in the realms of this stretching even further if life had to come out: "If the Hybrids are also in the life of a long life, the combination would then also have to disintegrate".
b-what to do, then in Germany As Hybrids are done, its mission is completed, students lived more in life nor what interests: "Chief of the free French loi, Loi tha there were full. As Lai lived for so long still more benefits ".
c-the disciples make efforts to practice, maintained though the Buddha of the body no longer but the Buddha Dharma itself shall remain permanent eternal: "From now on after the disciples As Hybrids go forward move. So is the French As often stay immortal ".
2) the Buddha teachings about the impermanence of the world and its people: "The teacher Bhikkhu stilts are conscious life is impermanence upheaval, combined with the break-up". Teachings about the impermanence of life to escape exhortation, don't cling to life. See the impermanence of life, there are two attitudes occur, one is because my life is infinitely often take the opportunity to practice not to let the passage of time is empty. Two is because life is impermanent should rush of enjoyment, live relax no responsibility whatsoever, this second attitude is of the divine Lady class does not know the Scripture, not Holy trend. The Buddha teaches first-person class: "the life (impermanence), so the teacher must attempt effort to automatically bridge soon bringing intelligence to eradicate the dark ignorance".
About the impermanence of the body, the Buddha teaches: "As well as the level of Inbreeding destroyed except was the terrible disease. This is a crime and should quit, as the body which is steeped in the old, sick, living dead "bodies are impermanent, if not the practice itself born as much sin, for the quadratic has privileged, the body remains a burden, because physical Physiology still has its rules.
3) the Buddha emphasizes again and here is the final teachings about the nature of the universe: "the most common human mind, an effort for the rescue. Whole French oil fluctuates or not fluctuate evenly is the State of insecurity and the break-up ". He claims this is the ultimate teachings such as Lai. Volatility and non-volatility is all static and dynamic state of the world, also means all compounded vi. The last teachings is also in line with the last teachings in school Ahàm: "all things are impermanent, that is the final teachings of The Tathāgata" (traveling).
The last word escaped up a lightning mind, essential nature of true life, as well as lightning flash of the blade off intelligence all accept the player, all cling, any illusions about life./.

(The Translation)

Doing A Brief Instruction Of The Buddha At About Nirvana
(also known as Sutra Teachings To The Buddha)

Ðmemories of Buddha Sakyamuni, switch push the wheel works in France for the first time turned a fake religious discourse As Chen Qiao last time turns the Sun Jia Tu Da Canvas La. who can turn degrees, he has turned the all. Today, the Forest Fire, between the tree song tho, He is about to Nirvana. Then at midnight, completely silent, not a sound, he has because the disciples said summarizes the essence of the Chief Justice.
The master Female stilts, after removal, the Tathāgata is sincerely revered here, about the dark blindness, which is a poor, bright eyes that are golden. NET to know about is the master of the German nobility. If the Hybrid in life also overstating NET world.
NET keeps the master shall not be wholesale, sell, barter, shop fix the soil, feed the people, and animals, cultivation of business, your warranty. All this, let's avoid such as avoiding fire pit. Even the grass and tree chopping hoe the land. The work clear, General astronomy, crested Kingfisher, guess the weather, calendars, are not relevant to the master. The master be more prepared the body, eat right, now, to live by living clean, did not qualify for the world, head of the mission. Uncle art, Elixir, Arjun greeted you, and dear to them, and then the sneaky, arrogant, all are not made. Have yourself presentable, mindfulness of bridge. Not be concealed sins, proved the peculiar to fascinate the public. For four of the consecrated religious they must know yourself and know just enough. Whosoever shall be a religious donation should not hoarding.
That's Like Lai said a summary of the precept. About the Chief Justice agreed with basics of salvation, so As a hybrid called the Three la massage rustic theme. Thanks to gender which arise meditation, and wisdom has the power to destroy suffering.
So, the master Female stilts, hold the NET world, don't give offense, flawed. Who holds the world NET, that person in good faith. NET does not merit the world cannot arise. So the net is the world that knows best, as a shelter for all of Germany.
The master Female on stilts, was in the NET world it must tame the fifth sense, not for Cavalier in education.As the blanket of Buffalo, holding the sticks that are supposed to keep, not for the cavalier, on rice's cheek. Cavalier fifth sense, is not the only first year of gymnastics, which will no longer limit anymore, can not ban. As aggressive horses which are not tame in seconds, then it will bring people into the pits. The aggressors took hurt, suffering only a lifetime, while the aggressors graphic sense to many disastrous life so badly, the master could not help but be careful. So who has Tri then overpower that don't follow, like keeping the aggressors, not for the cavalier. Suppose the cavalier fifth sense, how long do we will see them wreak havoc ...
The master Female stilts, the first year of active minds by senses, so that the master had to tame his heart watchful. The mind is also more fearsome snakes, animals, natural calamities, fire burning data spread well enough to give examples. As a hand-carry the Bowl suite that moves running jump, only to see the bat Suite rather than see the craters, it does what no other elephants go crazy without the iron hook, Gibbons and monkeys which are forest tree, then will aggression leap, that's hard to stop; the master to shine the filling, not to show. Bohemian mind, breaking the good of the people. Tame the seat again? no. So, the master Female stilts, offering essential efforts that advance extracts of mind.
The master Female stilts, food drinks, like the pill, not delicious ham-plus does not quit, just enough to maintain the body to start starving. Bee flowers, just get the flavor without injury to the colourful, the renunciation, too. Use of a religious life who just from starvation then not ham pray for many, their notion of good breaks. Feel free to imitate the wise, know the amount of strength in his Buffalo suffered much less, do not use too much force to a Masterful.
The master Female stilts, practical efforts in good faith, not to lose time surfing the night last night, also don't put, middle of the night had to chant Mantras to himself except for evil, good growth. Don't look for reasons to sleep off that to his life went on, don't be a little beneficial. Remember the flame burning impermanence, to automatically bridge soon, don't be sleeping ham. The aggressors negativity often stalking kill me, rather than the enemy, why are we sleeping without the vigilance herself? Negativity in mind, as well as the black Cobra sleeping in the House, the master must use hooks that hold s t-pull it out. Solid sleep out and should be assured to sleep. Not that sleep is what man does not know the disgrace. The disgrace is enough in it enough. As the iron hook, the disgrace has the power to tame the illegal things. That's why the master Female stilts, let's always know disgrace, shame, never, only temporary oil only, are allowed to forget Germany essential. D. disgrace is lost. There is disgrace is in good faith, conscience, not dumb.
The master Female stilts, cutting the body burning off the master, the master must also refrain from her heart, don't let anger. Have to hold the mouth the tongue, don't let play out, the words are not good. Angry heart hurt business leaders rise, lost merit. The computer rings, ascetic and precept could not. Practice in Germany a new Ring is called the upper tier workers has the power. He who cannot receive the toxic insults a wedding Festival as cam Lo's drink, he cannot be praised in May. Why, because anger is destroyed charity full-heartedly and treasured reputation, not someone who wants to look. The anger over the flame, so that the master must ensure a permanent way, not to invade the minds. The aggressors stole merit no more than angry. The world of enjoyment, sex is not the issue, there is no method to control, and anger are still able to forgive. Also the renunciation is Director operations eliminate desire, anger, the truth is that real worth; no different between cloudy skies in which Thunder Flash fire is not appropriate.
The master Female stilts, removing his head, gave up the jewellery and fine linen, face Austria ruined the good, holding a map of adaptation, qifu gangui to live; found that calling for arrogance also emerged, then to block the discount. Adds call for arrogance is something that the people still there should be more people entered the space because the rescue, her Christmas letter real qifu mumo which go down?
The master Female stilts, psychological dua winding French leaders opposed to quit, that's why the master must direct his mind substance. Must consciously dua winding flattering just to lie, that the import relief cannot be the same. Because I swear the master need to be upright mind, taking Germany live properties as the basis.
The master Female on stilts, to know your desires more, because much of the gain should suffer as much brain. And low libido, no bridges, no desire, should not have shown it. Just like that, the low libido have also practices the more he brings enough merit. The low libido is not flattering to be devious dua thought, nor suffer the senses to entice. Practice of virtue low libido feel serene, no fear, having any recent plight, never have the feeling of deprivation. Have low libido is Nirvana. Such is the everyday low libido.
The master Female stilts, wanted to liberate suffering brain stroke the master please consider the know just enough. The principal knew just enough, as riches, pleasant and peaceful. Know just enough, lying on the ground also saw delights, don't know just enough then in heaven also remain dissatisfied. Don't know just enough, the rich poor, know just enough, the poor rich. Don't know just enough, always being the first year of gymnastics lost drawing, making people know just enough to be mercy. Such is the happy to know just enough.
The master Female stilts, want a quiet bridge, wuwei and peace, then the master be lost all the noisy and confused, in solitary and in a relaxed way. The quiet man at the Lord God's love and Jesus Angel are revered. That's why the master be Escapist, and they map map of them, in a relaxed, solitary and desolate bars, use the "tu" which cut off the roots of misery. If we indulge will be map them disruptive, as life tree which both birds flock gathered, were shown drying snapped. The world that steeped, suffering no different that old elephant that sa down muddy, looking forward to get rid of. Such is happy to pass on.
The master Female stilts, essential efforts proceed, no matter the difficulties. So cấc I have to practice the essential effort progresses. Small water that flows off the penetrate both rock. If the Executive Director that the indolence or put, as well as pulling fire not heat that has stopped, fire, fire fervently oil also hard to get. Such is the everyday essential.
The master Female stilts, bridges of good knowledge, improved bridge and bridge maintenance friendly household support, are not equal to not forget mindfulness. Don't forget the negativity aggressors mindfulness off entering the mind. That's why the master always focus mindfully back where the mind. D. mindfulness lost merit. If there is a strong effort mindfulness, the oil must be on in our aggressors, nor were they destroyed, as forestry officer General battle which the armor bronze tiles, then no longer fear the sea. Such is the happy not forget mindfulness.
The master Female stilts, focusing the mind, the mind will stay in meditation. The mind in meditation, can radically transform status detector of the universe. That's why the master is always essential, efforts to practice meditation. Meditation is the foremost center of disarray. Pity the country they must fix the dykes for the manual, too, because of the wisdom that practice meditation in order to keep it from flowing away. Such is the happy meditation.
The master Female on stilts, has the intelligence, the most passionate, always self awakening and figure, not for mistakes can get, so is the Chief Justice of The hybrid, he has the ability to perform the rescue. Not that it was not his, not secular, no longer know what is. True wisdom is to make boat crossed the sea born premature aging disease, is the brightest light to the shadows of ignorance, is the God of medicine for all diseases, is brilliantly hammers logging negativity. That's why the master use rights documents as evidence in order tu promoting the benefits. Are intellectual screening, though--the eye of meat, also remains the best audibly. Such is the everyday wisdom.
The master Female stilts, if then everything opinion hý mind disorders. So, while the export countries not yet pass on. So, the master Female stilts, leave immediately the hý comment upsets mind. The master wanted to make the President happy, then there is only one way of eliminating intensive painting hý conclusion. Such is the everyday not hý conclusion.
The master Female stilts, for everything the Germans, the teacher who most frequently take practice, avoid an Yi as avoiding hostile aggressors. Paying great bi, As Lai said Chief Justice France benefits another way to save. The master only efforts that practice. Or in the outback, or next to the dam away, or under General Siva, the master be in a relaxed way, in small Interior and see memory NET experience Chief of France took over, don't forget. Ask yourself try a permanent way, the essential progresses which practice, do not let your life will die in a futile manner, and the latter would have to fear regrets. As Futuristic as the Liang y, know that only smoking, while drinking or not, is not the fault of Liang y. again as very good Navigator, directions are good for people, but heard that doesn't go, then is not the fault of people who lead the way.
The master Female on stilts, with respect to the four truths, the master still skeptical it would have to be questioned immediately, do not hold the disbelief that do not demand answers. The sun comes up three times, but no one questioned. For travellers who have no monks remain skeptical. Now Germany to honor the Brown-one A fake watch Da Long mind monks, then dear to him, the German white World, the moon can make it heat up, the Sun can do for cooling, but the four truths that in Germany The Religion taught cannot give another go. He taught the gauge it's agony, unable to make cheer up; file is the cause of suffering, you no longer have any other cause; removal is part of killing because the cause was destroyed, but the cause of killing the results killed; Scouts should gauge removal methods l truth is, there is no other than the leaders. White Germany World religion, for the four truths, the Female on stilts here decided, no longer skeptical.
Monks at the time, the incomplete study of tu, then saw the Buddhas destroyed the keep left. Those new to the French public, listen to Buddha raising be turned, as in darkness that that your Flash of light is seen right the way. While the practice has finished, crossed the sea of suffering, then just think, That Religion kills the stars that so quickly.
So false religion A Long White though Brown Da Buddha, that monks who are also permanent spectacle four truths, but in Germany The Sun wanted to make all are steadfast, should still take care Dai bi that coaching example further. The master Female stilts, not to be depressed. If the Hybrids in the long life to a great fuck, then the combination would then also have to disintegrate. Combinations that don't break are impossible to obtain. Advantages to the free French Chief Justice spared had full.As Lai lived for so long still survive. Who is capable of receiving an invoice, then above lettered or in humanity, As Hybrids have turned the all. Who have not been able to receive an invoice, As Lai has also created customized elements for them. From now on, the disciple of the Tathāgata please forward moved to practice. So is the French As often stay immortal.
So, the master Female on stilts, is the sense of life's impermanence upheaval, combined with the break-up, don't worry, sadness. In contrast, the life that the master must attempt the essential to automatically bridge soon, bringing wisdom, eradicate the dark ignorance. The universe indeed fragile, not something more durable. As well as the level of destruction was minus his terrible disease. This is animal cruelty and should quit, as the body which is steeped in the old sea living dead disease, like who are intellectual who does not clear itself when the wedding parties, this is as clear an enemy?
The master Female stilts, most often the mind, attempts to bridge the intellectual property sense of liberation. The entire universe, French oil fluctuates or France, both estate is the State of insecurity and disintegrate. Come on, keep quiet, not to say any more. Time running out, As Hybrids like to exterminate. Above are the teachings of Such Hybrids.

Like Male-Moon translated from classical Chinese
Dmemories of Buddha Sakyamuni was first lectures for groups of five fellow monk tu with Qiao Chen As, last time He lectures for Tu Bi Da La. in summary, the people deserve the degree he has it all. A packed, in the forest of La caTa, at the middle of the night without a sound, before the moment of entering Nirvana, the Buddha it. because mass Bhikkhu stilts summarizes the legal and important law which He had preached during his 45 years.
The Bhikkhu stilts! After you kill the Hybrid As the teacher should respect precepts as night riders appreciate the torch lit and as the poor have been a great asset. You should know that the precepts which are masters of discerning gentlemen, whether As possible alive anymore nor does what no other precepts. Value precepts are:
  • Not so commercial business, buy their take-home, hiring a servant, animal husbandry, commodity exchanges, accumulation of treasures.
  • Not so tight tree felling, spade land preparations, regarded General guess dreams, worship studies, awards, stars, finding stuff hung on, thinking only that Hexagram.
  • Do not join the spy life, information, training products, friendly charm wealthy, nearly indiscriminate destruction.
  • Not be concealed faults, trick deception, United items containing prohibited.
  • Must depart the United way avoids big fire pit.
  • To know the mind-body shapers, eating right, living life clean, life tri ...
  • To curb the desire to look forward for the rescue.
The Bhikkhu stilts! Here are summaries of those precepts are necessary, because it is the main gateway to the rescue, which should preserve this world can bring forth the meditation and the wisdom of killing. The master should be resolved well this precepts, don't be so weak that violates. Any spirit that kept the precepts in whole then does taste fresh French immeasurable peace. Which is too weak to violate the precepts that are carving up the fresh French and lifetime are not at peace. So As this Act is called the Hybrid method for the rescue and contain all merit an OK.
Then again, the Bhikkhu stilts! If you were able to keep the precepts and then the should control their five senses, never let go of the lung in infection remains exercise. Who would know of his five senses control just as the shepherds of his buffaloes control, not to the thing on the other guys demeaning rice. If one is not enough strength to control their five senses, not the increasingly immersed deep in years, but also because it creates a lot of guilt. Guys that like horses, no rope to tame it, the more it will ride the deep down the hole man threw landed in. The should know aggressors looting his retirement only causes harm to a goddamn tossed five senses in sex, tribe, causing disaster for thousands of years. So you should be careful with your five senses. Who has the wisdom to control their five senses, not passion, sex, tribe, not to let go of the lung, thus gradually tame the mind.
The mind is the master of the five senses. If not tame the mind, the mind's less scary snake, Tiger. Want to tame the mind to control the five senses, and in return, wants to control the five senses they must follow. Such people carry water bowl full of Streetwear, must have just looked at the bowl of water just to see the road ahead may secure and not losing a drop of water. If his mind to let go of the lung, like the crazy elephants have no hooks, the orangutan monkey meet Woods, wearing jewelry, vandalize, dancing. Relax the mind, all the German Protestants. Tame the mind then the Germany Evangelical would also reach fruition, would also be a prime witness. Therefore the teacher should try to tame the mind.
The Bhikkhu stilts! When Shou feed, you should put yourself in situations that are carrying the disease and food is a panacea cure starvation thin, so you should not start the idea merits cooking peanut, because the dose that is curing hunger and thirst. Bee Nectar, just suck the nectar without detriment to townships and of flowers. Likewise, when the master used the life map donation should not demand too much, as that causes lesions of pleasing the faithful. As people have positions to know the vehicle's payload capacity knowing that nature map to damaged cars away from the middle of the road.
The Bhikkhu stilts! Date night to try single-minded practice, don't get a raised bed time in vain. Early morning and night to chanting meditation, middle of the night should also maintain mindfulness to the except sin, not so amorous sleeping because that to a lifetime passed was not a little bit helps. You should always consider that all living and people are suffering from the decadent old phenomenon, the diminished threat of wilt and abrasive me constantly, so you have to quickly find yourself a practice method to liberate, not to be forgotten the immediate disaster which sank deep in sleep. How you can sleep when you are around him all the resentment, the aggressors to retire, matter, data fire of negativity karma? Mind you not overpower that other is not sleeping fad would hug the charges go on fire. Negativity in the mind like the Snake is in the House, must use the precepts to the minus afflictions such as using sticks and chasing snakes out, at the time an actual new good sleeping, if no end to negativity that soak up sleeping it is people who don't know disgrace. Disgrace can prevent the evil French, so you should always know the disgrace, not a temporary removal. Bhikkhu stilts know disgrace like women with makeup and wearing jewellery. If anyone depart disgrace they lose all merit. Who knows disgrace is the French Protestants. Who doesn't know about the disgrace of wild beasts.
The Bhikkhu stilts! Merit of rings, Maintained an ascetic and nothing can match. Suppose there are gangster beating, stabbing, slashing the should calm the need for inclusion, not the should not run up the anger, but also have to tame the words, not uttering the words evil evil to them. If not tame the mind and speech, the Fill pane yourself before discerning and therefore burn all Germany. The ring then the humiliation of almond cultivation would it worth termed friendly female suicide has hung and bi in the Dhamma of the Tathāgata. If anyone can not endure the bitter memories and falsely yelled at the evil fun way of swear words is not called Bhikkhu stilts, stilts Bhikkhu ni are intellectual. Because when starting up the anger, the wholesome and virtuous good were the fire burnt out anger, not only this life but also many years later. The must should beware, don't let anger weave on Center. All the valuable German meditators lose out hijacked by people's names also caused anger. The renunciation in the home do not know prevent anger can forgive; who studied religious but also embracing melancholy heart with hate is unacceptable in law and French As Hybrids.
The Bhikkhu stilts! The King are his head and then you will know. You have to drop the Nice jewelry, wearing three torn, old medical panels bring real life self qifu gangui custard that also run the mind his side of the disdainful then can not be accepted, if any please except extermination. American also should not have been starboard side, what consequences people entered. Because of the expectation, the freed himself he goes to live, so that real qifu mumo left his side, higher self?
The Bhikkhu stilts! You should keep in mind the directness, because ethical quit along with dua mind freed left each other. Phishing is just flattering focal dua, who enter, not so flattering dua. You should use, users do.
The Bhikkhu stilts! Most people exercise for many brain gauge should gain more, the minimum education requirement is not, do not desire should not be suffering the brain. Almond minimum exercise have to practice what the minimum conditions of sex to bring forth the fresh French? The minimum education is not satisfactory to people, flattering dua also was the lead. People who exercise least happy seclusion was nonchalantly, not fear. The minimum exercise then there is peace and there is immeasurable.
The Bhikkhu stilts! If you want the brain to gauge student knowledge-unless, as wealthy student's tri, an OK and fun. Who has tri sufficiency while lying on the floor, the ground also feel comfortable; non-student voters at five-star hotels are also not satisfactory. The tri University while poor peace and Rapture; non-voters are student but rich without safe enjoyment. Non-voters are student often suffer lifelong louts desires, often work far dream abelmoschus moschatus, a value for mercy.
The Bhikkhu stilts! The wish to bridge the fruition NET President peace they must depart a noisy place, secluded in private. People in the secluded place racks, Chu Heaven in high regard. So have to choose where their rang an stay alone to kill. If like many people will suffer the annoying disturbances. Like big trees must suffer many nesting birds, there may be something harmful dry tree branches snapped. Likewise, also in connection with the world all being completely immersed in the agony, as well as the elephants heavily bogged down, unable to escape myself.
The Bhikkhu stilts! These should diligently, as diligent effort, there is no impurities would not the subtraction is, no results are not prime evidence, like the water always flows that can penetrate rock. Conversely, if your mind is often neglected, indolence and other such cultivation would someone pulled the fire, medium hot again discontinued, although wanted fire also hardly satisfied.
The Bhikkhu stilts! Find you, find the same order from outside to assist the meditators do not by themselves don't forget mindfulness. If you do not forget about mindfulness, the negativity would not being run. So you should maintain mindfulness in mind, if the loss of mindfulness is to lose all of Germany. Once you maintain mindfulness is unwavering, despite exposure to the third year of gymnastics lost nor were wrecked, like soldiers falling battle with armor solidly then do not get your name bullet nose damage.
The Bhikkhu stilts! Once maintaining mindfulness, the mind in meditation, so you can see the contentious removal of all things in the world. So these should diligently practice meditation in order to strengthen his heart. As dykes hold water, too, the renovation should be topics of meditation to keep water wisdom.
The Bhikkhu stilts! Who has the wisdom is not available in advance, often self-consistent suicide not to sin, it engenders in the Dhamma of Such Hybrids can achieve liberation. If not, could not, termed the Bach is not y, renunciation should be called? People who have true intelligence is a good boat can cross the sea of birth, aging, illness, death, as well as the bright lights shining out dark scene, hidden agenda; dose or treat all diseases; Mohawk's sharp off the tree cause afflictions. So you should use the hue Writer, and that made more of the benefits. If people are intellectual projection soi, either with the naked eye, couples also see.
The Bhikkhu stilts! For the German public tends to be diligent practice, quit the let wiggle like avoiding enemy raiders. The benefits so far As Lai has said before, the only diligent practice. Or in the high mountains, the dam away, or at the base of the tree or in the pure land, you should remember about French's life never to forget. These should generally try to austerities, don't let the flower beds, then there is repentance. As Hybrids like your doctor for medication. To drink or not drink, not the doctor's fault; just like a good guide just the way good, listen without going there is an error in the directions.
The Bhikkhu stilts! With regard to the Catechism four noble truths any doubt should now ask, should not embrace doubt without resolution. In Germany The Religion says three times, still not the ladies ' also, because in general there is something suspect. At the time Mr Brown A Long consistent Momentum seen by the masses in mind and Buddha says: "The German solar, White can become cold, the moon can become hot, the Buddha says about the four noble truths cannot be. The Buddha speaks of Suffering, the Emperor is definitely Suffering, cannot be happy. The Roman Empire is a fictional, then there cannot be another human being. People kill the agony. Directed kill sorrows is chon TAM DAO, none of the other leaders. Dear World, the Bhikkhu stilts in here for Four decide not what doubts. "
In the meantime, the austerities has not fulfilled, said coming into the ultimate nirvana of Buddha, being the mercy, someone new to the leadership heard Buddha telling instantaneous release, what dark homes of thousands of years of experience of light, undivided austerities, be freed, but thought: "Germany World why Respect the ultimate Nirvana quickly."
But he is A long-Nậu Da said in the mass as a whole are informed throughout the implications the four noble truths, but in Germany The Sun want to mass all are solid faith, should He run the ball because mass taught that: "the Bhikkhu stilts! We recommend to hug your forlorn, whether Such Hybrids have lived long lives, ended up well to separation. Meetings that do not tan is impossible. The Dhamma itself, taking advantage of the full faculty were spared at all, so I have the towers in the world any more nor what interests. The coast guard personnel fully deserve the though in realms of people or the Sun has also been a whole, while those who have not sufficient workers favored the then we will create human fate to be degrees, henceforward my disciples continue her career. What is the French As often longer, never lost.
So must know: life is impermanent, that meeting must have melted, shalt not being happy melancholy, chess world. The better off you should practice diligent to soon request release, use the light of wisdom exterminate the suspects possessed. Scenes of fake rotten life, not what strength, we now enter the kill as except for the disease. This is the body itself to give up, as was the fate of convergence, supposedly called himself. These factors make beings in the sea of birth, aging, illness, death. Who would eradicate it as a rival gang kills robber, not excited?
The Bhikkhu stilts! The teacher who most often have to rescue relief demand diligence. All things in the world, though real, or is This not an ruined General the master, come on! Should not say anymore. The hour has come, we are about to enter Nirvana. These are the teachings of my final advice. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.29/3/2014.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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