Friday 28 March 2014

A - Open Thread:
In the previous article we saw Shakyamuni Buddha as a volunteer university employees, as a boundless compassion that in quest of Truth. Great prayer and compassion that is great "bridge to buddhahood rewarded on four deep grace, rescued three lines under suffering."
So after his enlightenment, he not passed away in a hurry, but think of his mission is: Replace predecessor buddhas, enlightened continue moving love for everyone.
He knew the mission was not easy, because of the high penetration His Path magical beings are not radical, and from want in life has deluded fellow human error, can hardly be apprehended even profound meaning of his doctrine. Beings from long long used to living life in the shadows of ignorance, out today'm not dazzled, frightened when exposed to bright light flashes of wisdom. But he said that despite consider living in darkness, but each germ beings have Buddha nature, such as lotus flowers, although living in mud fishy breath, but still radiating fragrant yellow stamen. His real-as-decided his mission.
B - lemon
I - The red flowers large and extensively Buddha's 
mission as the level of the Buddha, as we all know, is so hard and difficult. But thanks so wise, deeply compassionate wide, thanks to radical spirit of equality and mighty thanks will not retrogression, the Buddha had finished his mission a fullness. While the chemistry he has based on the following three principles:
1.  draw level by the fascia .
When missionaries began, his first thought is to find guys Deer Park with his fellow former to the sermon. Several of his friends was: KieuTranNhu, AucBe, ThapLuc, MaHaNam and BacDe. The first sermon was the Four-magic-soles. In this you are enlightened, and became the first five disciples of the Buddha. Then the three-month Buddhist theory always for the Ba-la-55 subjects, headed by Mr. Da-Xa, ask 55 people are taking refuge in the Buddha, and with 5 people in his group of 60 followers KieuTranNhu, after 60 disciples keep the precepts, the Buddha's Life-Up for missionaries everywhere.
Buddha left the garden Loc-flexible travel south to the land of the surrender Uulautanloa a very reputable patriarchs of Zoroastrianism is Ca-Ma-ha Lettuce and two brothers of the tube. Mr. Ca-message with all his disciples 1,250, Please follow Buddhist rules-y.
Remembering the King of Qin promised years old-her-away-la, He came into Vuongxa Makietda origin to the king. King Tanbaxala see him, overjoyed, transmission construction Truc Lam monastery, to visiting Buddhist monks stayed and preached the birth.
While Truc Lam Buddhist Vihara in, the Pure-Sanskrit king heard the news he had become a Buddha, porcelain-author communication to take him to the Catylave. But 9 times 9 messengers have disappeared without a trace, not back. Turns out these people when the Truc Lam Buddhist Vihara hear the sermon, has its charm and please forget sumang ordained. 10th-realm Shuddhodana wrong is a trusted courtier Pros-Da-Di, the new appeal Buddha. On the way back from the Catylave Rajgir, Buddha preached not know how many of the people. About the Catylave, he stayed 7 days. Although only in that short time, the Buddha has touched Like all families and all the people in this family are pleased refuge and a large number of Buddhist monastic ask, as he: Nan-Da , A-Nan-Da, A-Nau-Lau-Da, La-Most-La ...
After returning to visit family and homeland, the Buddha and his disciples continues as missionaries. He went to the Xa-Ve is the capital of Kosala, under the dominion of the king of Persia-Nac. In this city there is a great god named Tu-Dat-da, rich and give to those who feel impoverished orphans, should be referred to the title of Chief level authors alone. Mr. admired Buddha should have poured out all of the money to buy gold and silver in stock large gardens of Prince KyDa to the Buddhist Vihara and His disciples, preaching the birth.
Shortly king heard the Pure-striving, going ice Buddha rush back to visit his father for the last time. Seeing his father in bed sick sad Buddhist doctrine of "no-commonly supposed, suffering, no, no-self" for the king to hear. Hearing this, the king decided to end sorrow, playful face, voice, Buddha, then gently ice.
After losing the Pure-Sanskrit-King, the Buddha's foster mother and her MaHaBaXaBaDe DaDuDaLa along side many women are allowed to ask their favorite part. Since then, in Buddhism there are TyKheoNi first.
Buddha and his disciples continues as missionaries, where he also went to the devotees, followers and people to follow his example TinhXa CapCoDoc up, took his lecture to lecture the birth.
Thus we see the Buddha serialized and the admission of practitioners, from the term sufficient to grasp his teachings and then expanded to the
other; Lap TyKeo ago TyKheoNi later.
2 -  Chemistry of custom vehicles.
During the sermon to birth, the Buddha also met very many tough scenes opposed by jealousy of heathen, pagan, or feel jealous of internal relatives of cause. But depending He always means to sensitize them and put them on the right path should have. For example, when the girl he was baby belly fillers pagan authors have yet to come between trangde Path slander Him when He was chasing cortex guy decided to kill him to get his fingers enough to contribute more to the thousand fingers that it was murder to get, because according to the pagan theory, it is believed that doing so can experience the results, when the Buddha was Devadatta, cousin nefarious conspiracy to harm the Buddha by dropping drunk elephants trampled to run to the Buddha, or rolling boulder down the mountain to detect.
But all of that plot are ineffective, because imposing moral prestige and wisdom of Buddha Buddha surrounded, not an evil action can be won Buddha. He has all the ingenious means wise, AC changes direction easily convert all adversity into advantage. And finally, who despise His love Him back; against his people back to him; infidels become Buddhists. Evidence is: DeBaDatDa also Buddha prophesies, he is also VoNao refuge; drunk elephants are penitent; King AXaThe also repent and return to the right path.
In summary, the Buddha has enough means thousands of people to adapt to, all things, all circumstances to neutralize all of whom he met on his missionaries. Not just in real life, but in His Church, He also depending on the base, a disciple of psychology that apply appropriate methods. For example, Mr. Nanda, although relatives have left home, but still want attention wandering, friends attachment, he used his psychic powers to race to heaven seeing all these good life, unusual pleasure, and take him to hell item click painful punishment, to his horror macabre compare two contrasting walks of life took a path that elective.
As for his A-Nan, who hear more knowledgeable, but also because of heavy karmic, should suffer the problem of "MaDangGia" to bring the Buddhist teachings are profound Shurangama strictly out his teaching to A-Nan clearly see the precious feet that worry cultivation center, but not the same anymore traveling under false scene.
See how the Buddha taught the means to the level of grace, as he Herbalist good option for drug disease, not necessarily in a fixed way at all. For the guys themselves, the enemy, to the smart guys or calf, for the rich, the poor, he will have enough for them to enlightenment teachings and followed him refuge.
3 -  Chemistry in the spirit of equality.
radical spirit of equality is one of the most precious gem of Buddha's teachings, as well as in his soul. Even as childhood, her spirit was expressed in gestures aid as the poor man, animals in distress, as we have seen in the previous post.
When the Truth, the spirit of equality was more apparent. He had the famous sentences, making today, people still brought into golden rule, as when He ask of a country belonging to the lower class Indian-degree most convenient, people were afraid of infecting the cell- UE to Him, He asks: "does not have the same caste in blood red, in the same salty tears. Every person born has Buddha nature and can become Buddhas. "
In His Church, He saw people from the lower class facilities. As he UuBaLy, his disciples have a reputation for discipline, it is a means of lowering Chiendala world, bear occupation dung. The recording was made to enter the disgruntled kings. Main BaTuNac king was white Buddha: "Exalted admitted coward on such goods increase due, not afraid that gravel mixed with pearls, lose their value Increase stars?" Buddhism teaches that: "The despicable knows Bode Development Center, monastic practice, the results proof the sacrament, extremely precious, nothing more lotus grows in mud but still pure filthy sweet ". "A person is not born into instant Brahmins (uppermost caste) or Chiendala (lowest caste) m which the facility because of him, forming Chiendala or Brahmins".
His string of needle fears for the Blind, received more than happy kid BBE clay that was bent to give His life as leader last meal poor coal workers offerings. Because of the equality of such goods, which experience has Taun Nirvana University of carbon:
- "Tathagata not just preach to the noble rank as king BacDeCa, but also preach to the same class as his friend UuBaLy, not private offering consular life of the rich as he TuDatDa, but also life Consular offerings of poor grades as he ThuanDa; private not allow the term has no ordained as his greed CaDiep, but also allows those who have ordained as Mr. Nanda much greed, not the sermon not attend class the peace of life, but also for the king TanBaSaLa sermon was busy at work in the country, not the class lectures for young men, but also for his sermon 80 years old, not the sermon MatLi queen, but also for female sex lienhoa sermon. "
II-Year Period Speaking Business
In summary, in a life of Buddha, depending on the level of people that preach instructive, until his death, plus 49 years. The Sutra of him to say, after the disciples about the episode divided into five time:
1. the first time the Flower-strictly speaking
When new Buddhist Path at Bode veteran, said the Flower Adornment Sutra 21 days. Pointing out the true nature, presents only high spot deep mysteries of Buddhism, intentionally two things:
a) Lead levels up Botat status and Noble Enlightenment sense.
b) If the ultimate presentation of NhuLai teachings, only New Buddha to Buddha understood only; redundant binary addition customer demand listening blind, deaf, let alone pagan, pagan understand how! Buddha's teachings presented her super great Vietnam, is wanted for them to be practicing Mahayana Buddhism ultimately completely new.
2. Buddha said Monday Time Economics A-Ham
Knowing that: "To go away to places close by, want to climb from a low place," according to the medical Sakyamuni Buddha said that the temporary successor. So the second he said Agamas full 12 years, using actual examples, just the truth for every recognizable Theravada, which concerns surface of suicides.
3. Buddha said Tuesday Beijing Time wards.
Buddhism teaches not only his part legal enlightenment which he was only too eager visual presentation methods, ie from the enlightenment encourage small negative of Theravada (Arhat), to advance to the immense positive enlightenment Phatgiao of Mahayana. AAY is the time to say Beijing is hiding 8 years, leading through the Mahayana Theravada characteristics.
4. Duration said Wednesday Buddha Sutra.
By the time of the Buddha considered radical beings can move up a step higher again is completely absorbed Mahayana teachings, so he just presented the Path of the vacuum of the universe, the true minister notes, the formless the law. AAY is time to say Sutra full 22 years.
5. Duration said Thursday Buddhist Lotus Sutra and Nirvana .
The chemistry of the life of Buddha near perfection, more radical of beings that have maturity, may bear resourcefulness of NhuLai Mahayana Dharma, He then said clearly skeptical of his birth is manifested as a major causes: "Opening the enlightened beings enter Buddhist knowledge". His rich blessing, life up for the disciples, the future will become a Buddha. AAY is time to say the Lotus Sutra and the Nirvana Sutra full 8 years. At this sermon the mission of his life was being fulfilled.
In short lectures 5 times and eloquence have made the following verse:
Hoa Nghiem at the eight most genuinely
A-II Function Method is On cross
II Cross II Youth Bat Nha talks
Nirvana Lotus bowl dating community.
Hoa Nghiem said First day function of one
A-Ham twelve, eight wards
Twenty Prajna two years said
France Nirvana States plus eight years.
III-The Perfection Pure Chemical
Since the Act under the tree until the day Bode nirvana, experiencing a 49-year period, the Buddha went throughout all the land of immense Publications, all one country to another. Every place has stomped his foot to the Golden Path Images flashes radiating splendor.
Every day he used a time expression, a single program, never distracted, lazy, from the young to the old, from the rainy season to the dry season. Every day when the sun is not bright, he departed from bed bathing, changing clothes and body shops in the room until the sun appears. He then preach to them at lunch Increase to break to new passive man. In the afternoon, he preached to believers to hear the l6an access; then explain the increase doubts about the problems that he had preached the morning.
Each year, he traveled to preach the sunny living in 9 months, while three summer months of heavy rain (according to the weather AAN), he always left at the monastery to retreat.
Rolled out in like 49 years, Tubi seeds are sown throughout his diligent in the origin Aendo. From North to South, from East to West, from the jungles to the plains, nowhere is he not arrived, or transmit to His disciples to instead of beings. And where he and his disciples also, the people, from the king to the people, from rich to poor, from young to old, from male to female, rushed out to welcome him, showering pleasure dressed in light sunny wisdom and compassion by his country watered down. Where is the golden cherry, the pagan Cult and back away slowly, as the clouds vanished, as the darkness vanishes before dawn rising. His voice had the sermon dread force known as a roaring lion, animals must be terrible to make clothing, as up to two million hours, encroaching evil all known how many billions of cells of insects, birds.
Bode Path from root rooted here on the peninsula An immense, and became the official religion of the country, large and small at that time Aando. Buddha after voluntarily, was feeling tha came here feeling happy and His fullness.
IV-Before You Enter Nirvana
1 -  Buddha informed his deathbed.
When feeling well has fulfilled the Buddha was 80 years old. At this point, the four elements of his physical body is impermanent statutory change, weak elderly. He lowered his years in the forest of origin CauLy Sala, about 120 miles from the Balanai. One day he called Mr. Anan, the disciple always next to him and asks:
- "A Nan! My teaching has fullness. As ancient prayer, we've had enough now four classes of disciples: TyKheo, TyKheoNi, UuBaTac, UuBaDi. Many of our followers can replace legal transfers, and Act have also propagated. Now we can leave that up to you. Our bodies, according to the law against the wall, now worn as a neck-life vehicles. I had borrowed it legal to carry, this car has just worn that way also happens everywhere, so unfortunately we still love to do this again so emaciated body? A-Nan! In three months we will enter Nirvana. "
Information Buddha entering Nirvana, spread out like a thunderbolt. His disciples missionary in the remote place, keep returning to the same continent Enlightened One last parting.
During his last three months, the Buddha was not a break, but continues as missionaries. One day he went preaching through a forest, having worked as a coal-fired, Mr. Thuan, take him home for a meal. He quietly accepted the disciples follow him. Thuan has welcomed to his house offering him a bowl of mushroom soup Lamb herd, often called the mushroom boar, because this is the same fungus favorite boar.
Accepting boys finished, Buddha and his disciples farewell Vegan gone. Being a distance, he delivered for his bowl and transfer Ananda hang up a hammock in the trees Ta-la (Chinese translation but life is trees, trees with large branches split into two as both the victim), to his resting . He lay down on the hammock head back north, leaning toward his right arm, hand built toward sundown, legs crossed together.
Hearing that he was about to Nirvana, the population is around to venerate the east, in soay have an old man over 80 years old, ordained name TuBacDaLa to ask Sadi ordained with him, he accepted the invitation joy. That was the last disciple in his life.
2 -  Buddha says horror and the words she wished rich
At the time of his disciple are present all winter, except for Ca-Lettuce sermon go away, not to keep up. He asked all his disciples and followers around him and advised him to one last time. His rich blessing as follows:
a) Y, he will transfer to the bowl of Ma-Ha Ca-Lettuce.
b) The student must take the rule as Master.
c) At the start of the Beijing should have mentioned four words: "As the Russians."
d) his remains will be divided into three parts:
- A provision for God,
- A provision for Long,
- Part 8 divided by the Sultan in Aando
Here are those words which he had left in the final hour.
- "Hey! The people themselves have lit the torch that goes! The French people take of us do! Follow my French but freed! Do not look for salvation in a man is thirsty, do not look for salvation in a place other than the people! .. ".
- "Hey! These people do not forget the word for desire that I command. Everything in life has nothing valuable. Only one of the island truth is unalterable, unchangeable. Let's move on to the rescue crystal, very dear loved one. "
After you've finished thoroughly instructed, he entered it in the Nibbana. At that time to February fifteenth lunar day (in Chinese professor).
Ta-la woods down flush of flowers covered his body, heaven and earth, dark, withered trees, birds stopped singing. Everything went into a quiet moment of separation heavy.
The disciples integrity attack on his body in the needle and 7 days later, with his needle racing to the market demand for at Thien Quang and cremation (cremation).
Eight great monarch in Aando war hero pulled right idea to attempt XaLoi contend. But he Huong Tich y's testamentary Buddha, standing out negotiations, and thus the division XaLoi are okay.
C - Conclusion
Buddha has entered Nirvana, but the example of his life is still shining brightly in our eyes. During a claim, in 80 years, not once does he neglect is the ultimate goal of beings are suffering misfortune in BBE. When he was home, he was in a most fortunate position, most of the high life.
Yet he still does not think of the film, when in Truth, He is in the towering status of the island, and yet he still refuses to stay in her position, the thigh hard all the way street dust Press, to put thorny path to being happy and joyful deliverance entirely. Compassion Buddha's infinite truth.
1 -  The introduction should follow the example of the Buddha ' t.
supreme sacrifice, compassion large, so wise, his mighty willpower
is not how much the mirror every morning for private imprisonment, but also for all
people. If we optic He is a great concept of humanity throughout history.
If we conceived him as a superhuman level, then there is a higher level superhuman beings other superheroes. If we conceive Him as a market life of Buddha, it is manifested most beautiful and meaningful than the best in the market currently.
So not only for Buddhists, but for all humanity, Buddha is revered and admire.
2 -  Devotees should keep in mind the words of the Buddha wills  - We, the Buddhists, the Buddha who knows life is beautiful, lofty; lesson of his life is precious, profound. But if we do not try to learn, the lessons interesting though how much precious futile. Buddha before passing away, has told us the last sentence:
- "Everything in life has nothing valuable. The body will eventually disintegrate. Only my word is precious. There is only one truth Truth is immutable.
COME UP diligently to the rescue! "

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